The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, November 27, 1912, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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President of Federation of Labor
Is Threatened With Pneumonia.
Eight Hundred Yardmen Quit
at Carnegie Plant.
Three Dig Factories of Company, With
Daily Capacity of 25,000 Tons, Idle
and 12,000 Men Are Thrown
Out of Work.
President Sniiiurl Gompors of the Amer
ican Federation of Labor Is scrloUBly 111
Pittsburgh, Nov 20.-Cnruegio Steel
company (flllclais were In session con
sidering the possible necessity for the
tidoption of "war measures" to avert n
general strike at the prosit plants of
the C-UI11U'1I1V ut Hninestp:id. 1 Iihiiuwmp
i and Bruddoi-;. just outside the city
! limits. Eight hundred striking yard
men on the interwoiks railroads that
hoiieyi'onib the plant threaten to make
an appeal to the partially organized
steel workers at the plants to Join
III . i ...
nt h s hotel In ItnrhpKter nn.l Is thrt.ntf.n-, 11111,1 "'"ess tueir uemauus lor a wage
cd tii .m un.-ima Hi- an to hne wei-1 increase and the reinstatement of two
con i deitciiiM n lie .oiu . in .cm of the, discharged eiuplovees tire granted.
l i i niiK trndes department uf tin- Atm-r-, m,,,, i.,., . . ,
1. .n Frueratim, of Labor Vk-e Prudent 1110 ,hltL ',ln",s of tUu Carnegie coin
JUDnnnld announced his lll.ioy fn the! P!1I'i'- With a dally capacity of 'J,,000
platform. tolls of steel, are practically Idle, It
: I being Impossible to run the depart
' ' tnunts without switching facilities. The
SEES "MOVIES "ADMITS MURDER l"iny has banked Its eleven blast
furnaces in the valley. Twelve thou-
Woman Says Pictures Compelled Her
to Tell About Killing Husband.
Macon, Ga., Nov. 'JO. Goaded by her
conscience after seeing a moving pic
ture in which the killing of a husband
by his wife was depicted, -Mrs. Mc
Afee, a well to do widow of this city,
Las confessed that she killed her hus
band In Ireland ten years ago. She
now pleads to be taken back to the
scene of the crime so that she may be
Two weeks ago Mrs. McAfee snw
the moving picture, the plot of which,
she thought, corresponded In a meas
ure with the hidden story of her life.
From that day. her relatives say, she
began to worry and weep. She sum
moned her relatives and confessed
that she had been responsible for the
violent death of her husband In Ire
lnnd In 1002 and that It was preying
on her mind. She said she would nev
er know another moment's peace un
less she returned to Ireland and suf
fered for her act.
She snys that she was Jealous of hor
husband and brought about his death
In such a way that it seemed acci
dental. Then she disposed of his prop
erty and came to the United States.
She lived In the north until two years
ago. when she came to Macon, where
she has a sister and other relatives
who are prominent Physicians, while
not discrediting Mrs. McAfee's con
fession, say remorse has affected her
sand steel workers are idle at the
three plants.
While a committee representing the
SOU strikers sat In the anteroom of the
Homestead Steel works awaiting an
answer from the Carnegie company of
ficials In Pittsburgh to their demands
unknown persons planted two sticks of
dynamite under a train load of struc
tural steel in the yards at Homestead
which was awaiting shipment to Pan
ama and came within an ace of blow
ing the eastern corner of the plant into
kingdom come. Employees of the ship
ping department spied two men run
ning from beneath the train In the
semidarkness. stopped a switching en
gine and plucked the dynamite nltnost
from under the wheels. The fugitives
Homestead Is asking whether the
present skirmish is the prelude to n
repetition of the tragedy of the Home
stead strike of 1802, when PInkertons
and state troops shot down fifty strik
ing steel workers. The labor unions
have been barred froui the Carnegie
mills ever since the strike of 1S02. In
the past three months the American
Federation of Labor has entered on an
nctlve campaign to unionize the Carne
gie mills at Homestead Braddock and
Market Reports.
New York. Nov. 26.
BUTTER Higher and firm; receipts,
8.817 packages: creamery, extras, lb.. 36c:
flrats, S3a25c. : seconds, 29a32c.: thirds, 77a
28c.; held, extras. 32a33c.; firsts. 31ft
32a: Beconds. 28Ha30c.; state dairy, tubs,
finest. S3a33Hc: good to prime, 29a32c;
common to fair, 24a28c; process, extras,
27Wa2Sc.: firsts. 2Ca27c; seconds, 21ac:
imitation creamery, Hrsts, 25a25Hc: fac
tory, June make, firsts. 24Hc; current
make, firsts, 24V4c; seconds, 23a24c; thirds,
21a22c. : packing Btock, current make. No.
?. 22Hc; No. 3, 20a21ttc
CHEESE Steady; receipts. 2,680, boxes;
state, whole milk, specials, white.' fresh,
held, lb., 17c.; colored, fresh, held, Kfca
18c; average fancy, white, fresh, held. 17U
al"c. ; colored, fresh, held, 17Ual7Wc ! un
dergrade. 14al6Hc; daisies, fresh, lw.;
state skims, held, specials. KUaUc;
fresh, specials, 14c: fair to choice. 8al3Hc:
undergrades, 4a6',ic
EdGS-Irrcgular; receipts. 4,8GB cases;
fresh gathered, extras, doz., 38a41c; extra
firsts, 34a37c.; firsts, 29a33c: seconds and
lower grades. 22a28c; held fresh. 20a2Sc;
dirties, lGa22c.; checks, 15a20c; refrigerat
or, Bpeclal markB, fancy, 23a23V4c; nrsts,
21a22Hc; lower grades, 18a21c; state,
Pennsylvania and nearby, hennery whites,
fancy, large, Ma&Sc. : common to good, 35a
4Sc; hennery browns. 41a42c.; gathered
brown and mixed colors, 30a40c.
POTATOES Weak: liermuda, late crop,
hht.. tTnS: Virginia and Maryland, late
rron. 11 75a2.2G: bac. Jl.85a2.10; Maine, ISO
lbs., I2.12a2.25. bag. S2a2.10; Pennsylvania,
inn lbs. S2.12a2.37: LonK Island, bbl. or
bag J2.2Sa2.75; state. 160 lbs.. Il.75ai.12;
bag, J1.75a2; western, bag, 11.75; sweets,
Jersey, bbl.. $2.25a3; basket. 75c.ajl.25;
kouthern. bbl., J2a2.D0.
er; fowls and chickens firmer; western,
milk fl broilers. 12 to box. 24 lbs. to dot
and under, lb.. 27c; 28 to 30 lbs.. 24c; fry-
m si to 45 lbs. and over to dot, Halfcc;
roasters, 4S lbs. ana over 10 aoz., aix.i
corn fed broilers, 21 lbs. to do, and un
der, 23c; 28 to 30 lbs. to doz., 20a21c; fry
ers' 31 to 45 lbs to doz., 15c; roasters, 4S
lbs' and over to doz., 17al8c; chickens,
Iced, tibia . Philadelphia and other near
by squab broilers, pair, Ca'Oc., broilers,
lb.. iSaiCc.; roasting, 22a24c; average, 20c;
Pennsylvania broilers, 22a23c; roasters,
ISaISc; average chickens, 14al6c; Virginia
milk fed broilers, 21c; average chickens,
17c; western, milk fed, 4 lbs. and over,
18c; mixed v. eights, 10c; corn fed broil
ers. 18al9c; 4 lbs. and over, 10V4al7c. ; me
dium, llalSc; fowls, dry packed, western,
boxes, 13V4al6Hc; bbls., Iced. tlalCc: old
roosters, HHc; spring ducks, nearby, lu
20c; western, lfial8c; Bprlng iif-se, Mary
land, I7alhc; western, 15al7c; squabs,
white, doz., J2.25alt0; dark, JU75;; spring
turkeyB. nearby, fancy, lb., 2Ca2Sc; west
ern, fancy. 23a24c ; frozen turkeys. No. L
Live Stock Markets.
Pittsburgh, Nov. 2a
CATTLE Supply, 110 carloads; market
steady; choice, J9.25a9.D0; prime, JS.C0a9.10;
good, J7.75o8.40; tidy. J6.75a7.W; fair, J5.50a
t.W; common, Jt.50a5.50; heifers, Jl.10a7.50;
fresh cows and springers, liavo.
SHEEP AND LAMDS-Supply, 32 dou-
ble decks: market slow; prime wethers,
Jl.10al.25; good mixed, t3.75ul; fair, 13a
ICS; lambs, Jl.50a6.75; veal calves, JlOa
10.50; heavy and thin calves, J6.10a7.50.
HOOS Itecelpts, 75 double decks; mar
ket hUher: prime heavy, I7.85a7.90; heavy
mixed, mediums and heavy Yorkers, 17.85;
light Ydkkers, J7.COa7.75; pigs, J7.25a7.50;
TBUKha. JcjLa7.2S,
Seven of Them Seriously and Four
Perhaps Fatally,
Wllkcsbnrre, Pa., Nov. 20. At the
Bnrnum No. 2 colliery of. the Pennsyl
vania Coal company fourteen men
were injured by a mine-cave-in In the
main gangwn.,, jcven of them serious
ly and four perhaps fatully.
The cave-In had been expected, and
the men were set to work with the
hope of holding It back. They were
timbering the gangway when the sup
ports of the roof gave- way and tons
of coal were let loose, parts of the
fall catching the moa and bearing-
some of them down. Rescuers were
quickly on the sceno nnd they manag
ed to work their way to the fall and
treat the Injured. The- men were sub
sequently hurried as fist as possible
to the hospitals.
Large Contributions Made For Pro
posed New Buildings.
Philadelphia, Nov. Wl. Managers of
the Children's hospital announced that
they have received contributions of
more than $100,000 for the proposed
new buildings of that institution.
Mrs. lUchard lale and her son, Ed
ward C. Dale, have given ?30,000 to en
dow a ward In memory of the husband
and father, Richard Dale. Another con
tributor lias given S30.000 for a ward
and nearly a hundred others have con
tributed $13,000 In sums ranging from
$5 to J5.000.
The new buildings will have a total
capacity of 100 beds in the free wards
nnd fifteen beds in private wards. They
Will cost about $500,000.
He Will Head Navy In Big
Football Game Saturday.
Photo by AtrMrlcmi Press Association.
Ore of tlm Krcntes'. If not the greatest,
football games of the Kensoti will be play
ed In Philadelphia Saturday when the
Army nnd Navy teams clash. Hodcs, cap
tain of the middles. Is one of the best
quarterbacks In the gxmer.
Another Dying Victims- Well Known
Railroad Officials Women Escape.
St. Paul, Nov. 20. Caught under n
heavy automobile when It overturned
In front of North Oaks, the country
home of James .1. I J 111, two well known
railroad oillcials Howard James, di
rector of purchases of the Great North
ern and a vice president, nnd Samuel
B. Plechner, purchasing agent of the
rallrond were crushed to death. Mrs.
PluchiMr, Mlna Helen James and Miss
Margaret Mann, who were slightly In
jured, are being cared for at the hoin
of Mr. mil, Mr. nnd Mrs. Hill went to
the assistance of the Ave.
Mr. J runes, who was a nephew of the
late Marshall Field of Chicago, was
driving tire- motor car. As he was
ucaring th Hill estate be signaled to
n machine ahead that he wanted to
pass. The automobile steered out of
the way. Mb. James then turned out
to the left and put n more power.
The machine bounded ahead, but struck
a part of the- road that had Just been
tilled in with wind.
The machine swung when it struck
the sand instoud of plunging through
It. It turned oer quickly, burying the
passengers uudsp it. Employees In tiie
III1I home and another automobile par
ty were nttracted by the screams of
the women. Mi. Hill and his wife di
rected ten meni ln lifting the machine.
The women wcc- bruised and cut, but
able to rise, but tho inta were motion
less. A physician said they had been
killed instantly. The wt-ight of the car
rested on their bodies.
Promises to Be an. Hand- When Jack
Johnson's Case. Is. Galled.
Chicago, Nov. 20. Lutllle- Cnmeron,
whose association, with Jack Johnson
led to the negro pugilist' arrest for al
leged violation of the Mann "white
slave" act, was released from custody
In bonds of $1,0C0.
The young woman, has been held as
a witness for sevarul weeks. The bond
was signed by the young woman and
her mother and was accepted by Unit
ed States District Judge Carpenter,
who Instructed the young woman to be
present when tfto Johnson case comes
to trial.
In the early stages of the case Lucille
Cameron was looked on as a highly im
portant witness- against Johnson, but
with the presentation of other evidence
tho government decided that It would
not bo necessity to keep her In custody
(fpcclal to Tho Citizen 1
Gouldsboro, Nov. 2G.
Mrs. M. A. Adams, of Glon Kails, i
N. Y., who has been spending a few
weeks with Mrs. S. A. Adams, nt!
Hlllcrest, Is now visiting relatives
at West PIttston. Mrs. G. A. Kcrl
lng, accompanied hor to PIttston for
a couple of days' visit. Mrs. Adams
uiiiui iuiut:u 'iui iiui ill uimiur on sun
day a number of relatives and Tues
day evening entertained Mr. nnd
Mrs. E. V. Sebrlng, Mr. and Mrs.
George Trlchler and son Theodore,
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Hush nnd son
Harold, Mr. .iful Mrs. Clarence
Mrs. John Hawk underwent a
critical operation nt her home on
Mnin streot last Friday morning.
Dr. Kcrllng was assisted by Dr.
Samuel Lyneli in performing the
operation. Miss Phillips, a trained
nurso from Philadelphia, Is In at
tendance. Mrs. Hawk's friends will
bo glad that she rallied In fine
'William Henry spent tho week
end In Scranton, called there by the
critical condition of his brother-in-law,
John Finch, who Is In tho State
Hospital and to see his wife who has
beeii there for several weeks, under
going treatment for Iritis. She has
suffered most acute pain In her eye
since first stricken but is some bet
ter now.
Mrs. Frank Furman and niece, of
Philadelphia, who has been spending
a few days with her niece, Mrs.
David Ellenberger, is now visiting
relatives at Nicholson.
Improvements and repairs are be
ing made on the M. E. parsonage.
The work Is being rushed in order
that It may he completed before the
pastor. Rev. G-. W. Robinson, of
Wllkes-Uarre, moves here. A new
roof has been put on; tho shingles
were donated by Charles Edwards.
Tho Ladles' Aid furnished a very
fine new range. The trustees 'are
putting in a bath tub.
The supervisors have made a great
improvement In the lower end of
Third street, filling In the ravine at
the foot ot Maplo hill with stone.
The road is widened considerable.
The first snow of tiie season fell
on Sunday, Nov. 24.
Mrs. Georgo Johnson, Sr., or
Sunnysldo Lake Farm, had a paraly
tic stroke Sunday afternoon which
left her entire left side helpless.
R. B. Decker spent Sunday at
Newark. Mrs. Decker Is spending
several weeks there.
Mrs. Allen Reaser, of Moscow, Is
spending a week with Iter parents,
Mr. and .Mrs. James Crooks.
than at tho department of fisheries.
This Is probably bocauso farmers
who wish to ndd a sldollno of frogs
to their farm naturally write the
department with which they aro
most familiar. Tho only nnswer
which can bo given tho Inquiries Is
tho uniform ono that no successful
way has yet been discovered of
raising frogs In captivity to an ex
tent which will .mako tho venture
commercially profitable.
Tho difficulty is that frogs will
cat only Uvo food, principally In
sects, nnd these can not be supplied
In sufficient quantities. This drives
the frogs to cannibalism when they
become Inordinary hungry; and It Is
possible for n frog to swallow a
fellow almost as big as himself. In
stances are known where colonies of
several hundred frogs havo been re
duced to a few dozen by the jump
ers eating each other.
South Canaan, Nov. 20.
Samuel Robinson and Ernest
Spangenberg are tho champion deer
hunters of tho Beason. They started
for Pike county on the eight o'clock
train last Thursday morning and
camo hack on Friday evening on
tho eight o'clock Erie train, each
bringing a line buck one a three
pronged buck weighing about 140
pounds nnd the other a spike buck
weighing about 125 pounds. They
were accompanied by many friends
from tho train to South Canaan.
Mr. Clemo, a Waymart butcher,
dressed them. Both Spangenberg
and Robinson,, being good inarks
tnen, any deer crossing their path,
were on dangorous ground. They
,iro now quietly enjoying their veni
son. Long life to Samuel and
by local aumicauuua. as ther can
not reach tho diseased nortlon nf thai
ear. There Is only ono way to curol
deafness, and that la by constitu
tional remedies. Deafness Is cauB-l
ed by an Inflamed condition of thol
mucous lining of tho Eustachian!
Tube. When this tube Is inflamed!
you havo a rumbling sound or low
perfect hearing, and when it Is enJ
tlroly closed, Deafness is the resultJ
and unless the Inflammation can br
taken out and this tube restored tr
Its normal condition, hearing will
be destroyed forever: nine cases mil
of ten are caused by Catarrh, whlcll
is nothing but an Inflamed condition
or the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dor
lars for any caso of Deafness feat
ed by catarrh) that cannot bo cured
by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send fol
circulars, rrce.
Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists. 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for coi
Nov. 2G. The fire laddies will
conduct a dance in their hall on
Saturday evening of this week.
Birdsall Bros, are installing a
sprinkling system in thefr factory
at this place. A tower GO feet high
Is capped with a 35,000 gallon ca
pacity 'tank, 20 feet high. The sys
tem Is in buildings entirely upon the
north, side of the Lackawaien river.
Miss Edna Moulter entertained
Miss- Helen GIbbs, of Carbondale, on
Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Hazel Hawkey and young;
Jady friend, both of WUftES-Barre,
were guests at tho home of Mrs.
John Hawkey on Sunday.
Walter Thomas has secured irooms
In the Gill house and will move his
household effects from Westerly, R.
I., thereto this week.
TTi L. S. club met this week with
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moultar.
Nescopeck People Afraid to Go Out
After Dark Feeds on Oogs.
Nescopeck, Pa., Nov. 20. Some enor
mous animal takes possession of this
village ut night, and tho entire popula
tlou of 700 Is afraid to go out after
To Just what species It belongs no
person seems to know. No one has
had the temerity to make a closo In
spection. The best description obtain
able Is that it is black, shaped like a
dog, but the size of n horse, and has
nn enormous bill. For several weeks
It bus been terrorizing Nescopeck. It
Mt'ins to feed upon dogs. On one ulght
no less than eleven dogs disappeared,
nnd not even their bones have been
Although Wound Penetrated Organ,
Patient Lived Six Hours.
St. Louis, Nov. 20. James Morrlssoy,
a watchmn-n at the Hotel Jefferson,
who was stabbed by a negro, lived for
six hours after the wound, which pene
trated his. heart, had been sowed with)
leu stitches at the City hospital.
In nn effort to save Morrlssey's llf.
Dr. Willis Young of tho visiting stuff
of the City hospital performed the rare
cnrdlae operation while the heart, held
by forceps, palpitated outside the cbest
Tho operation Insted for half an hour,
tho organ lielng exposed, bentLng, to
the gaze of the attendants.
Seneca Indian Chief Burled.
Batavla, N, Y., Nov. 2a Moses
Ground, seveuty-two, chief of the Sen
eca Indians, died suddenly on tho
Tonawandi reservation. Paean rites
Will be observed at tho funeral; when
tepresentatlves of tribes throughout
tho stato will attend.
Observations of the United
States weather bureau taken nt
8 p. m. yesterday follow:
Temp. Weather.
Albany 30 Cloudy
Atlantic City .. 40 Cloudy
Boston 30 Clear
Buffalo 34 Clear
Chicago 34 Cloudy
New Orleans .. CO Clear
New York 40 Cloudy
St Louis 40 Clear
Washington .... 40 Clear
(Special to The Cltizejt.)
Bethany, Nov. 23.
Mrs. T. L. Fortnam awl Mrs. E.
W. Gammcll spent one day last week
with Mrs. E. W. Ross.
There was tho usual attendance at
tho; luncheon In the Presbyterian
dining room Thursday. The church
meeting and election of three new
trustees to mako up tho board took
place In the afternoon. Thoso elect
ed were: Edgar W. Ross. William J
Ogtlen and Henry Jennings.
Mrs. Ezra Clemo Is visiting rela
tives In Scranton.
Mrs. T. L. Fortnam left for her
homo in Tyler Hill Friday.
Union Thanksgiving servico in
tho Presbyterian chunh Thursday
Snow covered tho ground and
Uecs Sunday morning and while tho
bjiow was falling thoro was thunder
ind lightning.
Rev. J. E. Prltchanl preached tho
funeral sermons at Promnton and
Nantlcoko over tho remains of tho
late Henry Mohr of Prompton on
Friday and Saturday.
There was a husning bee at Henry
A. Bennett's Thursday evening.
Mrs. J. B. Cody, spent a few days
with hor daughter. Mrs. Fred Haus-
er, last week.
(Hawley Times.)
Mrs. Eliza Teeter, widow of Rich
ard Teeter, died at her home otf
Church street Thursday at It
o'clock, followed a stroke of apo
plexy which occurred on Tuesday.
Sho was aged 82 years. The funeral
was held at her late home on Sat
urday afternoon. Interment in the
Eddy cemetery.
Charles Young, of Blooming
Grove, has sold his property at that
place, consisting of a largo tracS of
tlmberlaild and two farms on which
are located two houses, barns and
other outbuildings, to Miles C. Row
land, of Kfmbles. Mr. Young and
family live on one of the farms and
his son, John, and family, live cm
the other. We understand that Mr.
Young expects soon to remove t'a
New Jersey.
T. E. J. Schalbly, wno recently
removed trx- Lakevllle from Brook
lyn, N. Y., has purchased the old
Roach farm, located about a mile
below town; from Mrs. Wegge. Con
sideration, T2,500. George McLaln'
and family are now living on the
John P. Flynn, or Marble Hill,
who for many years has been one of
Palmyra township's most faithful
nnd efficient school directors, re
moved his family to Dickson City,
Pa., on Wednesday, where they ex
pect to mako their home In the fu
ture. Three of his children have
been employed at that placo for
some time past.
The number of hunters in the
woods is about the same as last
year. There are about 100 in and
near Lord's Valley.
Googe and Peter Zlegler, of
Greentown; Adolph and Charles
Rake, of Stroudsburg, who are stop
ping at Win. Hatton's, Lords Valley,
brought down nice buck on Tuesday.
$6,000 Farm for $4,501
If sold within next threj
One of tho best farms in WayJ
county, assessed at ?G,000, will 11
sold for $4,000. Farm contains 111
acres of land. 50 of which are clean!
and balanco In pasture land, excori
lng 20 acres of good young grow
of hickory. Ideal place for dall
farm. Milk station two miles fro
place. Good farm house, two barr
On R. D. Route. Telephone col
nections. Located In Berlin towl
ship on main road 3 U miles fro
Remember this farm Is assessed
JG.000. If sold Immediately wo wl
close tno deal at 54,500
Buy-U-A-Honio Realty Co.
Box o'J
.Indwiu Building Honesdnle, II
vrriTTnn'o vn-rrni-
.1 .1.UVU1U1V
'i Rst.ltn nf
Late of South Canaan, Pa
AH persons Indebted to said
tato arc notified to make lmmedln
payment to tho undersigned:
those having claims against the si
estate are notified to present thJ
duly attested, for settlement.
J. G. BRONSON, Executd
So. Canaan, Nov. 20, 1912
(.special to The Cltften.)
Tyler Hill, Nov. 26.
Charles Mitchell of West Da
mascus, motored to Honesdalo last
Friday accompanied by William and
Leo Smith.
Freeman E". Brown, who has been'
sick for the past few days, Is now.
able to be around again.
Prof. H. Pethlck, of Ithaca, N. Y
formerly principal or the Damascus
High schoolv was a business callor
at this place on Wednesday.
Miss Florence Brush entertalBoil
tho Ladles'' Adult Biblo class at her
homo Saturday afternoon. A vory
enjoyablo time was spent by all.
The school has been clci,ed at
this place owing to the smallpox
scaro in tho neighborhood.
C. D. Fortnam and wire motored
to Honesdalo last Friday and wwre
accompanied homo by tho former's
mother, Mrs. Helen Fortnam, who
for the past six weeks has b
visiting friends at Scranton, Hoc
dale and Bethany.
Howard B. Pethlck left for N
York City on Wednesday to reccl
treatment for a growth under
tbngue. His many friends hope
a speedy ercovery.
Mrs. I. M. Tyler, who has bl
spending the past six weeks with
sister at White Lake, returned hcl
Allan Smlthers made a buslil
trip to White Lake. N. Y last w
Mrs. H. C. Jackson cntertail
the Mothers' club at her home
Wednesday afternoon A largo nl
ber were In attendance and a
pleasant afternoon was spent by
Holbert Lllholt, of MontlcelloJ
Y., spent Friday afternoon and ei
mf? at toe nome or nis cousins,
and Mrs. Jarae3 Smith. Mr. Lllll
who was a former resident of
place. Is now engaged in the
Business at Montlcello. N Y.
Walter Gettle, of Lako Hunt!
ton, was a business caller at Tl
Welah s last Saturday.
Clarence M. Pethlck is spenl
a; Tew days In New lork City.
(Special to The Citizen.)
Lookout, Nov 21
Miss Alice Turnberger and
Eva Silsby returned from tho
tute on Monday last.
Mrs. John H. Flynn Is at CoJ
ton to attend tho funeral of
father, Mr. Dermody, who died
suddenly on Monday, a week ad
Henry Bruehman. of MllseH
plastering the Odd Fellows' hall
Mr. and Mrs. Harris G HI11I
son recently vilsted Mr and
Warner Letser at Seelyville.
Mrs. Daney and Mrs. Frank I
tor and son Neal, visited Mrs.
Brlnning at union Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gillow
among the visitors at HonesdaM
Fishery Experts Sny That Pollywogs.
Turn Cannibals la Captivity.
Harrlsburg, Nov. 25. Frog cul
ture in Pennsylvania and elsewhero
Is pronounced a failure by officials
at the capital, but some further
experiments; may be 'made. It has
been tried many times under vary
ing conditions and always with tho
same result tho frogs olther die of
starvation or becomo cannibals and
continue to cat each othor until very
few aro left.
Several years ago tho state de
partment of fisheries endeavorod to
propagate frogs Tor Tree distribu
tion, Just as tho state department
propagates and distributes fish fry
and flngorllngs. This effort by
the Btato attracted wide-spread at
tention and echoes are still heard of
It from people who wish young
frogs given them or who wish to
know how the scheme Is 'working
Sjomewhat curiously, more of
thfeo inquiries appear to be received
No Mum
Ho Lima Phosphmtmm
at It ho department of agriculture