The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, November 27, 1912, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Old Fashioned Gross Stitch Used
For Making Charming Gifts,
The recent revival of cross stitch
tor needlework goes merrily on. and
Dot the least attractive and useful
niea of employing this old fashioned
etltcb is in the manufacture of guest
v. N ifir i itriKi iiiiiH nrnennic ! no
lustration shows n tnrv rinlntv
iimi mil in ii I iinifiq rnn nmi nmir
fancy work had In creamy linen
ku iuiiv; ui'ituin ui Lilian M u u
cross the lower end of It for a border
nu tne owners Initials In cross stitch
bore would ho an appreciative clft
r i at iiiiimim' in
Not a White Elephant Gift.
One of the most useful presents for
busy woman Is a simple mending
eryday necessity of this kind will I
w c i us wunu rupuaicuiy. a useiui
ft fnr n hilar mlcfTVica rf a hnneA
icr uie manner or a camn stool.
uiif ill n ii ii i ii I v nnrrorn r rrrvi tha
CICU3 or an eminently RirvlrAnlilA
1 .7 .1 .1 I a
Ull I A- 1, J I il i . .
. ...... j "t, iuk uuhl tu uiUk 1 UGU
w -, ' ..l.f.MUVU LUC TT UU4U VI
e contents are visible at once.
e cretonne Khoulri ho rrjinrA1 nn tn
f frnirlfl vct h a hofwllnir nf n K-tif nn
u ui.- uuut-u iu buib iiiuiviuuai tasie
i - i ii 1 1 1 ii i in mi 1 1 n ri mrxnnmrt rrta in
auty, with the help of a yard or so
cretonne. Very Due cretonne should
Itprul n ml .1.1.. .. I. .. . . I .1 . . .
An Extremely Useful Offerinn.
ne nouscwirc who ir rnrnrm nr hnr
""-,w"'1- wouufiauj UIUIIJ LilUJL Will
charmed to receive on Christmas
niimiiap l o svii iimin
lor 's generosity, but as a rule the
consists of a large mat for the meat
and -four of the protectors for
under regetable dishes.
I make these mats two pieces ol
y white linen are required for
pad, which is buttonholed togcth-
Ixcept at one end, whore an open-
Is left In which to slip asbestos
cut a trifle smaller than the out
nen coterlne. The difference In
I of the linen and the asbestos mats
In ployed to form a border, which In
Is outlined with a row of machine
test mats may be of colored linen.
Iwhlte la a aafer choice unless one
fs the color scbemo most affected
ae person to whom the present is
HID Interest in Thanksgiving day
nnd its observance is Just an In
tenso these days among tho rcscr-
ration Indians as In collcgo towns
where great football games aro sched
uled to occur. Especially is this tme
in the southwest, where tho Indians
haro had an opportunity to become
thoroughly civilized of lato years. The
white people find no moro enjoyment
in this day of universal cheer than do
these same dusky redskins.
It Is n day of feasting, playing and
gaming, with a big dnnco at night.
Such sport comes only once a yenr to
them nowadays, when they have had
to forsake tho scalping knife for the
plow. Their wild naturo revolted at
the Idea of work, nnd it has been wltli
much dldlculty that tho government
agents havo made farmers out of the
young braves. A. day of rest and
amusement Is considered good for their
better nature, nnd tho government au
thorities are willing thai Thanksgiving
day shall become a festal time for the
reservation wards of the nation.
The Klowas and Comanche, who not
long ago were placed on allotments,
will havo forsaken many of their wild
plans of amusement this Thanksgiving,
owing to the fact that they havo been
cut off the free Ht of beef issues.
They havo arranged to draw grass
money on Thanksgiving, and u goodly
portion of this will be spent In pur
chasing food for a grand feast. At
night they will take part In a green
t corn dance, at which thanks will be of
fered to the Great Spirit for the good
crops which they have had the last sea
son. The spirit of thankfulness per
vades the Indian celebrations.
Tho Osages hold a big feast at Paw-
huska, their capital city. All mem-
hers of tho tribe are Invited to take i
part In the festivities. At the begin- j
nlng and end of each month and there '
are many the aged missionary who
lives among them is invited to deliv
er a short prayer, thanking the Great '
j Spirit for tho good things which the
I agent has sent them. The food Is cook- I
cd by the squaws, and, while it could
be prepared in n much cleaner and
more tasteful manner, tho cooking is
an improvement over that of a few
years ago. With this cheer they give
thanks that "by tho goodness of God
they were far from want" New York
Reflections of a Thankful Pessimist.
Did you ever think, when it's rain- j
incr and snowing at the same time and
the streets form a dainty swamp of
slush and tho chills are running up
and down nnd back, how very much
vcm mTe (o be thankful for? On such
occasions look in your empty coal bin
nnd fold your arms in content
True, the coal bin is dark nnd dank.
But think how much blacker it would
be If tbi conl were there!
It's the little things that make or mar
one's happiness; therefore the less cool
one has the happier he should be.
For such is logic.
A noted philosopher has said, "The
coal bin is a has-been."
Shivers are the very soul of comfort.
Filling a Want.
Blghead My folks say that if I come
home for Thanksgiving they'll kill the
fatted calf.
Miss Sharpe Yes; I suppose if you
don't go home they won't hare any
fatted calf there.
? it. A A . ti if. i'i A A A . A A.T. t. A-- - -
'' Inasmuch as you have filled
The needs of him that willed,
In that measure be you thrilled
In your thanks.
Inasmuch as you have given
In the aid of what has striven
Upward, so be you, too, driven
By your thanks.
As you lifted you may rise,
You may soar beyond the skies,
Even with the thought that flies,
With your thanks.
E. Barfod in Philadelphia North
i The Piltrrims'I
I Thanksgiving Day
O the grand old pilgrim father
William Bradford, governor of
the original New England colo
nies, bekings the honor of lclng
the first to proclnlin In America a gen
eral thanksgiving day which should be
n festival as well as a day of thanks
giving. The month of November, 1G23.
had been n weary one to the bitterly
tried pilgrims. Their months of toll
and patient wnltlng for tho ingathering
of the harvest seemed about to end in
the deepest disappointment. The earth
was parched, the whole land cried out '
for rain, and the crops were being
ruined for lack of moisture. It waa
under these depressing conditions that
Pilgrim Father Bradford called together
the little band of settlers nnd set apart
n day to be devoted to fasting nnd
prayer that tho glassy skies might be
come cloud covered nnd the windows
of heaven bo opened to give life to the
thirst dying Acids.
It did not look promising for a day
of thanksgiving, and yet circumstances
changed the day npiwlntcd for fasting
and prayer to one of rejoicing, feasting
nnd thankfulness. The pilgrims were
in the very act of praying for rain
THE PILaitlMS TiUKKsaivma.
when rain came. It cmue In such
floods and It came so opportunely that
tho pilgrim fathers were convinced
that Trovldence had smiled on the little
band of forlorn men, women and chil
dren who, driven from their own homes,
had been forced to pitch their tents on
the wild and Inhospitable shores of n
foreign land.
William Bradford In his proclama
tion had called tho day a feast of
thanksgiving, nnd the best hunters in
the colony had been scouring the ad
jacent woods for wild turkeys and
other game to supply tho wants of tho
colonists and their guests. The
kitchens of the pilgrims were crude
and rough, but the good dames did
their best, and the result was a repast
satisfying and sumptuous enough for
the most exacting. Tho menu con
sisted of roast turkey dressed with
beechnuts, venison pasties such as
the pilgrim mothers knew so well how
to make, savory meat stow.3 with
dumplings of barley flour, clam chow
dor served in enormous bowls with
sea biscuits floating on the surface,
roasts of nil kinds, broiled flsh, salads,
cakes and plum porridge. Lastly,
there was a bountiful supply of
oysters, the contribution of Massasoit
and his ninety warriors to the llrst
Thanksgiving bill of fare. Tho great
est dinner of tho festival was given on
Saturday, the last day of tho celebra
tion. History chronicles that it was
ono of tho loveliest days of tho In
dian summer, and so mild was tho
weather that tho good pilgrim dames
wero uble to set their tables In the
open air, and In tho primitive forests
in tho wildest country, In a new and
unexplored world, was celebrated the
brightest and most Joyous TnankBgir
inc on record.
It will not be
Cash Bakery For fialo Cheap.
Placo enjoys an excellent trade.
Well established lunch rooms In con
nection with business. Books open
to prospqctlve purchaser. Ono of
best paying stands In Honesdale. If
sold now, a big bargain awaits hust
ling young man.
Beautiful Irving Cliff and farm
consisting of 23 acres of good, till
able soil, has been placed in our
agency. Irving Cliff stands 300 feet
above Honesdale, just east of the
town proper. Two rivers, the Lack
awaxen and Dyberry, flow at its
base. The view from the summit of
the cliff Is beyond description. In
the distance the Mooslc mountains
paint the picture on tho western sky,
while to tho north is Lake Bun
nell and historic Bethany. Tho south
portrays nature's hills dotted with
pretty homes and in tho immediate
foreground Honesdale, with its arch
ed maple streets, beautiful parks, ar
tistic homes and wide thoroughfares.
Can the prospective buyer picture a
prettier or moro restful place to
erect a largo summer and winter
boarding house? If you anticipate
going into the summer boarding
business, wh not enter upon a
largo scale? Now is the time to de
cide and .also buy. Consult us and
get additional informationconcerning
this valuable and 'beautiful piece of
property. We will make it worth
your while
Two Good Lots Located on Fair
avenue, 15 minutes' walk from
Honesdale. Will bo sold together or
separately. On It. D. route. Fer
tile ground. Lots have a frontage
of about COO feet and run from Dy
berry river. Ideal placo for party
who desires small farm near town.
Powell Throe-Story Brick hulld
lng, located G33 Main street, is one
of tho recent properties listed with
us. Building In first-class condition.
Bare bargain for bo valuable a
property. Situated in business cen
ter of Honesdale. Building now oc
cupied. Si.vty-Acro Farm Located with
in two miles of Honesdale. Will sell
whole or a few acres of same to
party wanting small farm. Very
productive. House and barn and
well watered. Another good bar
gain. Modern Houso in Honesdale
Brick, contains steam heating plant,
gas and other modern appointments.
Lot 50x125 feet. Good garden,
barn, and chicken houso on prem
ises. Property In first-class condi
tion. Was recently Improved. One
of Honcsdalo's best properties.
Modern dwelling in Honesdale
contains nino rooms and Is equipped
with all appointments of an up-to-date
house. Located on Main street
in ono of tho nicest sections of the
residential sections. Houso has
gas. New furnaco recently installed.
Lot 50x125 feet. Property In good
condition. A bargain for a home
Excellent farm, consisting of 181
acres, 44 of which Is water, 50 acres
under cultivation and tho balance
pasture land. On farm is a good
dwelling, barn, wagon, spring, chick
on and Ico houses. Good lte for
summer boarding houso. Bargain
awaits purchaser.
Desirable Farm Located at
Mllanvllle 110 acres, 75 cleared,
balance well covered with timber.
Two-story dwelling, barn, and other
buildings. Living spring on farm,
brook flows through premises. Ele
vation 1,200 feet. Ono of healthiest
places In Wayno county. Ideal placo
for summer boarding house.' Excel
lent view over picturesque Delaware
river. Threo quarters of a mile
from Erie station and milk depot.
Eloven roads conter at placo. Easy
terms to purchaser.
The RisuJLA.Ufi
b iiu uuj u in imm
Owing to a numbor of parties who
deslro to obtain rooms for rent or
who aro desirous of lotting houses,
Tho Buy-U-A-Homo Realty Company
has opened a now department to Its
Buy - U -
necessaiy to look
Your Attention Right Here
Xine-Koom House Situated corn
er of Fourteenth and East streets,
Honesdale. All modern Improve
ments, gas nnd electricity. Lot
nOxlGO feet. Pleasant location and
property In first-class condition.
Has been recently improved. Good
bargain for home-seeker.
Training Track for High Bred located on farm about one
mile from Honesdale. Place would
niako an ideal stock farm. Contains
9G acres. The land Is also very pro-
, uubuiu auu uua an uiegillll, SUUlIiem
exposure which would grow luclous
strawberries. Well watered; barns
in good condition. Six-room house.
Will sell stock, machinery and farm
implements. Buyer gets a big bar
gain. Property in A-l condition.
Valuable Blue Stono Quurries, lo
cated on main line of Erie railroad,
for sale. Best building stono on
market. Can bo easily quarried. On
same place is a dandy growth of
timber. There is enough on proper
ty, that in a few years would pay for
the farm, which Is an estate of 520
acres. Eighty a"res cleared. Water
power also on promises. An elgh-teen-room
summer boarding house
on place. Property borders the beau
tiful Delaware river for a mile. A
good Investment for a hustler.
Very Tretty Cottage Eight acres
of land, large lawns and plenty of
fruit. Would make an Ideal summer
home. Will sell furnished or un
furnished. Newly papered and paint
ed. Outside In excellent repair.
Located at Calllcoon, N. Y.
Building Lot In Honesdale Locat
ed on Court street in ono of prettiest
residential sections of Honesdale.
Size 03x125 feet. Story and a half
house on property. Property In
good condition.
Ilonesdnle Ten-room houso on
Main street. Lot 50x200 feet. Ono
of nicest locations for residence.
Will bo sold cheap.
Farm at Ariel In first-class con
dltlon containing 50 acres, 30 of
which aro under cultivation and
tho balanco in pasture and wood
land. Fruits of all kinds, orchard
and cultivated berries. Seven-room
dwelling, basement barn, good poul
try nouse and outbuildings. Never
failing spring near house and several
springs In pasture Located IV
miles from Ariel station on Erlo
railroad. Graded school and
churches In vicinity. Rural Dollv
ory, telephone connection and first
class road. Tho farm is located In
a valloy and Is warm In winter.
Road does not drift. A bargain for
fall purchaser. Must bo sold before
A No. 1 Farm Contains 104
acres, 70 cleared. No stones and
ground very productive Ideal
placo for truck farm. Located at
Indian Orchard on Main road be
tween Honesdale and Ilawloy. Well
built farm houso and barns. Young
and old applo orchards; also quan
tlty of butternut trees on premises.
Well watored, brook runs through
farm. Most of land on flats. Will
sell stock If purchaser desires. One
half cash, balanco on easy terms.
rapidly growing business. Wo call
It "The Homeseoklng" Bureau, It
Is self-explanatory. If you want
rooms or desire to rent or soil what
property you already have, drop a
A - HOME Realty Co.
very far as
Good Building Lot Located in
Texas No. 4, Green street, within 15
minutes' walk from Honesdale post
offlce. Ground practically level.
Sizo of lot 00x75 feet. Property
commands beautiful view of land
scape. Will be sold cheap. Rare
Sixty Acres of Beautiful Bench
Lnko is for sale. That portion tho
owner wishes to dispose of extends
north and south from what is known
as tho "Point," near tho center of
the lake; thence In an easterly direc
tion to the shore line. If purchaser
desires, owner will sell 20 acres
boarderlng along said lake shore,
which can he cut into five desirable
lots for summer cottages. Owner
desires to sell his farm, which con
sists of 100 acres, 50 being Improv
ed, balance second growth timber, in
connection with tho lake. Purchaser
will enjoy all lake privileges, includ
ing ice, boating, bathing and fishing
If lake and farm aro purchased to
gether. The lake is stocked with
rock, white and black bass, lake
trout, wall-eyed pike, pickerel, perch
and other flsh. Elevation, 1,350
feet. Upon said property Is a good
eight-room house with excellent
basement. All walls aro cement.
Frontage of house 86 feet. On main
road. Porperty In Beach Lake vill
age. Two churche3, school, postof
flce, stores and best paying summer
boarding resort in Wayne county.
Six miles to Narrowsburg on main
lino Erlo railroad. Only one-fourth
down, balance will be made easy.
Honesdale Two building lots and
houso on Sixteenth street. Size of
property 100 x 100 feet. Situated
in finest residential section of town.
Forty-Acre Farm Will sell or ex
change for property in Honesdale.
Large ten-room house In good re
pair. Barn and outbuildings; good
orchard. Located threo miles from
Calllcoon and as many miles from
Cochecton, N. Y one-half mile from
Delaware rWer. Raro bargain for
fall seeker. Apply Buy-U-A-Home
Realty company ofllce, Jadwin build
ing, Honesdale.
Hotel at Milford Licensed. En
Joys good summer and transient
trade. Ideal place. Produce for
table raised on property. Good wa
ter and excellent roads. Popular
house. Easy terms. Rare bargain.
Small Farm In Prompton Good
property. Houso contains 12 rooms.
Barn Is 20x30 feet. Aero and one
half of ground. Ideal place for
small chicken farm. Close to D. & H.
station. Bargain for fall buyer.
Five Lots Bordering Beach Lake
with boating, bathing and Ico privi
leges. Elegant chanco for summer
cottage sites.
Elght-Acro Farm In Berlin town
ship for sale cheap. Three acre3
cleared, balanco In woodland. Houso
and barn on premises. Good spring
and. fruit on farm. On main road
between Bunnelltown and Beach
Lake. Farm about threo miles from
Honesdale. Owner, poor woman
that needs the money. Bargain for
fall purchaser.
Ideal Dairy Farm Located In
Cherry Ridge township about ono
rallo from the Hoadleys station on
tho Erie road on the Wyoming di
vision. Two separato parcels of
land with only public highway as
a division. First known as Isaac R.
Schonck farm, contains 123 acres,
50 of which are Improved and tho
balance second growth of timber.
Brook runs through property, which
Is also well watored. Good farm
houso and barns. The second tract
or what Is known as the Apollas D.
Schenck farm contains 101 acres,
51 Improved and balanco In flno
young growth of hickory. This Is a
valuable asset to tho farm. This
farm corners In tho Bonear farm
lake. It Is well watored. Good
fruit orchards on both farms. Terma
easy. Bargain for fall buyer.
postal to tho Buy-U-A-IIomo Realty
company, Jadwin building, Hones
dalo, Pa., and we will glvo tho mat
ter our prompt attention.