The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, November 27, 1912, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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twelvo hundred pounds or will
exchange for colt. Inquire of Geo.
Hcssler, Whlto Mills, Pa. 94t2
Ing Dinner. 'Phono lo or leavo
your order at Lelne's drug store.
farm mile from Erlo Railroad
nnd Milk station at Mllanvlllo. Ap
ply to "Buyuahom" Realty Co.,
Honosdole. Pa.. Box 524. 73tf
tled beer at Lorls' Silver Cafe.
giving Dinner. Leavo orders with
Paul Frederic. It
will offer at private salo at Hotel
Wayne- from now until December 15
the following described household
furniture Dining tables, carpets,
chairs, Iron bedsteads, mattresses,
pillows, comfortables, bureaus,
washstands, stoves, and everything
connected with a hotel. CHARLES
ELMENDORF, Proprietor Hotel
Wayne. 4t4
gle Comb Black Minorca Cockerel,
Korthup strain, the stock that lays
klg white eggs. They are beauties.
75 cents each at the yard, near Ty
ler Hill. J T. Bradley, Damascus,
Pa. 93el7.
sloners will meet In regular ses
sion on Wednesday, December 4, In
stead of Tuesday, December 3.
ographer and book-keeper in of
fice. Address 1207 East street,
prices paid for furs of all kinds:
also ginseng F. D. Stark, Hones
dale, Pa. OOeitf
pound for trimmed green hides.
Dunn's Meat Market, Main street.
glass cutting. Wages $6 per
week to start. Krantz-Smlth & Co.
your laundry. Thomas F. Bracy,
riuiiusuuie. uuuul. LiDL'k mr our
irnwin with Inn Qrn "T nM.-n wn nnn
Honesdale Free Library:
i uesuay s - io u, i to v r. m.
H'r if. iv In I. 7 tr I I M
Hours for Receiving Freight on
U. K- H IJnllv. 1n 10 A. M aftfir-
noon, 3 00.
Erie 10.30 A. m.
Mail Closing Hours:
A.M. P.M. Sun. P.M.
tt n sn air.
Erie S 00 2.25-5.30
It. D. Route 9.45
i ti i r. n rn. m .. 1 TTlll
Condensed Timetable.
12.25 4.4 0
2.53 COO
3.15 7.3C
& H. C 55
Erie 8.22
Arrive A.M.
. & II 10 00
lonesdale A M. P.M.
& H 10 lr 7.15
Arrive Sunday.
&. II 9.55 0.50
Union Thanksgiving services at
resbyterlan church, 10:30 a. m.
Basket ball at rink afternoon and
ivening Honesdale versus Taylor.
Dance at the Lyric Thanksgiving
"The Fortune Hunter" Tuesday
Yo olde-fashioned Thanksgiving
Fred Gilbert returned last week
rom the wilds of Pike county,
vhore he shot a deer.
Dressed turkeys in Honesdale
uarket sell at 30 cents per pound,
hlckcns 25 cents and ducks 20
The next issue will reach our
eaders a day later than usual ow
ns to Thanksgiving falling on press
ay Tho Citizen will be mailed from
ts olllco on Friday.
-Miss Minnie Schuller entertaln-
d the Five Hundred Club at her
omo last Thursday evening. Prizes
i r ri. iir ..
Tlio receivers of freight greatly
ppreciato a yard engine on the
lelawaro and Hudson road. A car
nn now be placed upon arrival,
.hereas formerly patrons wero com-
i.llnfl 4 n. inn it onm e 4 m k t i ml rr n i
ar could bo placed.
The following unclaimed letters
emain at tho Honosdalo postofflco:
ra T R IlnrMnsnn. Wilson llow-
r.i. Harry Booth, J. S. Da Vail,
iraco Dunn, Margaret Henderson,
ilenn A Leonard, Josophluo Lacey,
'rank Runyer.
-Tho Honesdale banks will bo
losed Thursday, Thanksgiving Day.
W. B. Lesher visited at his old
omo In Sterling over Sunday and
londay morning, with a party of
- . i . . ml...
.oods for a few days' hunting trip,
'hey will return tho latter part of
ho week.
All of our readers 'have occa
slon to be thankful for something
tnis year.
Charles Erhardt, of Torrey, has
purchased a now flvo-passcnger car
or tho Cortrlght agency.
Rowland, tho Jeweler, and J. II
Stegnor & Sons havo appropriate
Thanksgiving window displays.
Henry Robinson purchased the
Hawkey estato at Seelyvllle, Satur
day, at a master's sale, paying $2,
5SC for same.
In St. John's Lutheran church,
Thursday, Thanksgiving day, ser
vices will bo held at 10:30 a. m., and
will bo in German.
Hunters shot a horse belonging
to Edward Rich, East Athens, mis
taking it tor a bear, a deer or some
other wild animal.
Dr. C. F. Barager, of Hazleton,
will occupy rooms In tho Foster
building after tho first of December.
Ho will lit up dental parlors.
Ono team and sleigh wero seen
upon Main street Monday. Tho
farmer said he came through snow
drifts before ho reached Honesdale.
Mrs. Eliza Teeter, of Church
street, died at hor home in Hawley
on Thursday, November 21. The
funeral services were held on Satur
day. The Havens people, who are
building the Gumey Electric Eleva
tor plant, paid out nearly $1,500 In
wages to Honesdale laborers last
The Philadelphia Bible Class of
tho Tyler Hill Sunday school, was
entertained at the home of Miss
Florence Brush on Saturday after
noon last.
A sacred concert will be given
at St. John's church, Tuesday, De
cember 10th, at 8 o'clock by Prof.
Daniels and male members of the
choir of St. Peter's Cathedral, of
P. H. Iloff has men engaged in
repaperlng and painting his ofllces
in the old Savings Bank building.
When completed Mr. Iloff will have
one of the most up-to-date olilces in
Mrs. N. W. Bass, a National
worker for Homo Missions, will
speak In the Methodist churches at
Honesdale, December 3, Carley
Brook, December 4, and Hawley,
December 5th.
The funeral of L. W. Morss of
Scranton, formerly of Ledgedale,
this county, was held Saturday
morning at 10:30 o'clock from his
late residence. Interment was made
in Dunmore cemetery.
Mr. Merchant: Trade from the
rural districts is worth going after,
isn't it? Then go after it in The
Citizen. This paper not only covers
Honesdale and immediate territory,
but all districts in Wayne county.
Reports to the State Depart
ment of Fisheries from Erie are to
tho effect that closo to 20,000,000
white llsh eggs have been taken by
the State hatchery men on Lake
Erie. They were largely 'taken 'from
the Canadian side of tho lake' under
agreement with the Dominion au
thorities. Howard Pethick, of Tyler Hill,
who had been suffering from a
cancer In the mouth, caused by" co
caine, was taken to a hospital in
iew ork city last week for treat
ment. Harry H. Pethick, of Cor
nell University, a son, and Hon. C.
M. Pethick, of Tyler Hill, a brother,
were summoned.
Mr. Mills, aged about 65 years,
met with a very serious accident on
Thursday evening last when ho fell
down ' the stone steps leading from
his homo on Erie street and cut a
large gash in his forehead. The
wound was serious and Dr. McCon
vIU was called. He was required to
tako eleven stitches to close the
Tho arrest of eight men In Lewis
town on Thursday on tho charge of
selling near-beer as a nonalcoholic
beverage, when it contained nearly
three per cent, of alcohol, will
probably lead to some other arrests
throughout tho State. Mr. Foust
has instructed agents to purchase
samples of alleged nonalcoholic
beverages which are sold as such
and to bring suits if the chemical
analysis show the presence of alco
hol. Farmers' Institutes, Father
Penn's educational work for tillers
of the soil, will begin next month In
some of tho counties of the state and
continue until March of next year,
arrangements having been made for
over 400 days of Institutes. Under
the present plan of Institutes the
stato is divided Into 11 vo sections
so that live institutes are in session
at tho same time. Tho first insti
tutes in Wayne county will bo held
next month.
Tho annual Thanksgiving sup
per was held In tho parlors of the
Graco Episcopal church on Thurs
day evening last. A largo number
wero present and about $250 was
cleared. The supper was in charge
of the ladies of the Parish Aid so
ciety and tho serving and salo of
fancy work was presided over by
tho King's Daughters of Bethany.
The decorations wore arranged by
Mrs. Ida Richenbacker. Tho music
was under tho supervision of Miss
Jane D. Hagaman. Tho reception
committee consisted of Mrs. Homer
Greene, Miss Louise Hardenbergh,
Joseph N. Welsh and Rev. A. L.
In probably the fastest finish
ever seen In tho Rink, tho Maplo
City Five defeated tho strong Cath
olic Club team of Scranton on Sat
urday evening by a score of 17 to
11. Tho locals again demonstrated
their "never say die spirit" and with
a score or 10 to 3 against them in
tho ilrst half, scored 14 points to
their opponents 1 in tho last session
and won out by a safe margin. It
was a pocullar incident that each
team was held 'to no Hold goals In
ono half, tho locals failing to score
In tho ilrst and tho Scranton team
couldn't find tho ball or tho basket
In tho second. Capt. Brador's foul
shooting was a feature. Tho Scran
ton boys wero very much disappoint
ed over losing the game, after hav
ing what appeared llko a safo load In
tho ilrst half, but took it good nat
uredly and asked for another chanco
to como hero to prove their asserted
-Mrs. H. C. Jackson entertained
tho Mothers' club at her homo at
Tyler Hill on Thursday afternoon
Thero will bo special mass at
9 o'clock Thursday morning in St.
Mary Magdalen's church. Rov. Dr.
Balta, pastor.
Tho fastest shorthand writing
over done, It is said, was accom
plished by Nathan Bohrln, a Now
York court reporter, at a recont
contest held by tho national short
hand reporters' association. Ho
wroto 27S words a minuto for flvo
Tho Mergenthaler Linotype Co.,
of Now York City, has arranged to
distribute among tho printers of this
country 50,000 tickets of ndmlsslon
to tho National Printing and Adver
tising Exposition to bo held nt tho
Grand Central Palace, New York,
next April.
A partition is being built in tho
center of tho Ready Pay Storo sep
arating tho meat department from
the general store. B. L. Holbcrt will
conduct the meat market, while his
brother, tho proprietor of the store,
will look after the grocory depart
ment. Mrs. Molotte Mercer, bewildered
by fright, jumped from a buggy di
rectly in front of a passenger train
at DuBols and was instantly killed.
The driver had forced tho horse
across ahead of the train and the
other occupants of tho vehicle es
caped. They 'had tried in vain to
prevent Mrs. Mercer from jumping.
A Chinese cook nnd a Japanese
waiter served Father Vaughn at an
Alaska dinner with caribou steak,
moose tenderloin, leg of mountain
sheep, grouse, wild duck, salmon,
crabs and brook trout. After that
and a few other things, ho decided
tho United States drove a good bar
gain when it purchased Alaska for
?7, 000,000.
An oil portrait of Bishop W. P.
Eveland was presented to Williams
port Dickinson Seminary by Dr. S.
S. Koser and wife, of Wllllamsport.
The portrait was painted from life
during the summer, before Bishop
Eveland relinquished his duties as
president of the institution, by Miss
Lucy Chapln, directress of tho art
Hon. F. P. Kimble underwent
an operation last Friday at his
home. Dr. A. W. Smith, assisted by
Dr. Fox, of Scranton, performed the
operation which was successful. Dr.
F. W. Powell was the local doctor
in attendance. Mr. Kimble's many
friends will be pleased to learn that
ho is getting along as well as could
bo expected.
Tho tenth anniversary of the
Home Missionary Society of the
Methodist church will be held in the
church parlors on Tuesday evening,
December 3. A special program
will be rendered beginning at 7:45
o'clock. Tho speaker of the even
ing will bo Mrs. W. W. Bass. The
Central Glee club will also be an
attraction. Refreshments free.
Everybody welcome.
The Methodist folks at Promp
ton realized a neat sum from their
entertainment and supper on Thurs
day evening of last week. The
Central Glee Club rendered a num
ber of selections which were heartily
applauded. W. B. Lesher was en
cored for every recitation and Miss
Dymond of Waymart, greatly pleas
ed her audience. A number of
Honesdale people wero present.
For Thanksgiving matinee and
evening the local basket ball team
havo secured an attraction In the
Taylor team, which everyone should
see at least in one of tho games.
The Taylor team is ono of the best
amateur teams in the state very
few being better and the very fact
that tho locals havo proven them
selves their equals, or nearly so, by
playing them a tie game the first of
the season, is evidence that the
games will bo well worth seeing and
shows that the locals are deserving!
of good support. Tho Maple City
Five claim that they aro going to
win at least one of theso games, per
haps both. At any rate they will be
two fast and exciting games.
Tho summer was suddenly
brought to a closo during tho early
hours of Sunday morning, when the
thermometer dropped several degrees
and snow fell during tho morning,
tho tomperaturo hovering between 35
and 30 degrees. In the afternoon
It was colder and tho snowfall soon
averaged six inches on tho level In
Honesdale. In many other places In
tho county tho average fall of snow
was about 8 Inches. It continued to
fall all Sunday afternoon and Mon
day morning and about noon It
stopped. Telephone wires In many
parts of the county wero down and
communication to several sections
was entirely cut off until Tuesday
night. The storm is supposed to
have como from tho Great Lakes and
it came without any forecast 'from
tho weather bureau. Ono of the
unusual features of tho storm was
tho thunder storm which accom
panied It and to this .fact Is credited
tho cause of tho many telephone
dllllcultles through tho valley.
Tho killing of does is entirely
too general In the woods of tho
State this fall, say men connected
with tho Stato Gamo Commission
which is keeping an eyo on tho
hunting throughout Pennsylvania,
and It Is probable that hundords of
dollars of lines will havo to bo paid
and a sentiment for a closed season
on deor, which has been growing
in order that tho game may multi
ply, will bo stronger than over. Re
ports received at tho Capitol are to
tho effect that scores of does and
oven fawns havo been shot down by
hunters and allowed to lie In tho
woods. Tho law puts a penalty of
?100 on each doe or fawn killed and
hunters rarely mako any offort to
tako tho carcasses away. Tho game
wardens with tho assistance of Stato
police aro taking steps to traco hunt
ers who havo shot femulo deer and it
Is thought that some of them may be
brought to justice It is said, from
experience of wardens, that hunters
who havo shot tholr single buck,
which Is all tho law allows, aro to
blamo for the shooting of many docs
as tlioy cannot resist tho tomptatlon
to shoot again, although It Is rec
ognized that some of the killing Is
done through honest mistakes or by
inexperienced sportsmen, 1
Tho telephone and tolcgraphle
servico was badly crlpplod through
out tho country owing to tho sovero
Bnow storm, Communication be
tween Honosdalo and Scranton
could not bo reached as lato as Tues
day. A few of Graco Miller's friends
surprised her on Monday ovonlng, It
being her birthday. A most do
llghtful ovonlng was spent. Flvo
Hundred was plnyed and Miss Lactca
Hawkins won a prtzo. Dainty re
freshments wero served by Mrs. R.
J. Miller.
Tho aged widow of John Dor
mody, of Cochecton, N. Y who
dropped dead ono day last weok on
his way to the homo of his deceased
friend, Michael Medio, In Damas
cus township, has not fully recover
ed from the shock of her husband's
death. Her condition Is very criti
cal. AV. J. Varcoo, son of W. H.
Varcoe, and a member of tho Doyle
Stock Co., appeared in Dowaglac,
Michigan, on Monday evening, Nov.
18th, In the role of tho undertaker,
in "Everybody's Doing It," a con
glomeration of nonsense. Mr. Var
coo won tho greater portion of the
applause and mado a big hit.
Tho firo department of White
Mills held an old-fashioned fair In
Florence theatre Thursday of last
weok and the attendance well repaid
them for their efforts and a neat sum
was realized from tho sales. About
$400 was taken in and tho money
thus cleared will be for the purchase
of necessities by tho lire company.
Sheriff F. C. Klmblo accom
panied by Benjamin White left
Tuesday morning for Philadelphia.
White will begin serving a sentence
of not less than two years In the
Eastern Penitentiary. Ho was sen
tenced to not less than two years or
more than ten years by Judge Searle
after he had been found guilty of
burning a barn by a Jury in the
October term of court.
There wero six cases of small
pox reported in the family of Warn
er Wormsley in Buckingham town
ship tho first of the week. They are
directly across the Delaware river
from Hancock. N. Y., and evidently
tho disease was brought from that
city. One case was also reported In
tho family of Cora Adams at Star
light in Buckingham township. One
case was also reported In the family
of William Eberline at Wlnterdale,
Scott township.
To allay the fears of many peo
ple and to deny the many erroneous
rumors as to the smallpox situation
in Honesdale we will say that Hones
dale has only one case and that one
is very mild. No new developments
havo been reported and Dr. H. B.
Ely stated today that by the end or
this week all persons exposed to the
disease would be out of danger if
nothing happens before that time.
It is very unlikely that any further
developments will take place here as
every precaution was taken against
Its spread.
PertronoJ JKfl
Miss Gladys Matthews is visiting
her aunt at Aldenvllle.
Walter Robinson spent Sunday
with friends In Carbondale.
Miss Martha Collum spent Tues
day with her sister in Hawley.
Miss Agnes Skelley left Friday for a
visit with relatives In Plttston.
Alice Day, of Dyberry, called on
friends at this place last week.
Hon. C. A. McCarty attended to
business in Scranton on Monday.
G. F. Reilly, of Cochecton, N. Y..
motored to Honesdale on Saturday.
George V. Howell, of White Mills
was a Honesdalo visitor on Friday.
Miss Nettie Rogers, of Wllkes
Barre, is tho guest of friends in this
A. L. Bryant, o! Glrdland, was a
business caller In Honesdale on Sat
urday. John D. Irwin, of Carley Brook,
was a business caller In town on
Rev. J. H. Boyco of Carley Brook,
was calling on Honesdale friends on
Friday last.
Rev. A. L. Whittaker, of Grace
Episcopal church, was a Hawley
visitor on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Vaudervort,
of Jersey City, are spending a few
days in this vicinity.
William Goodall, or Fallsdale, was
attending to business in Honesdalo
on Saturday or last week.
Miss Marcia Barnes expects to
spend Thanksgiving with friends In
Scranton and Wllkes-Barre.
Mrs. David Menner and daughter,
Miss Sara, havo been spending a fow
days with friends in New Haven.
Miss Margaret Carncs, of Ridge
street, fell on Sunday and fractured
her thumb. Dr. F. W. Powell was
Mr. and Mrs. L. It. Swingle expect
to leavo on Wednesday for Creola,
Alabama, whoro they have purchas
ed laud.
MIshcs Florence Brown and Ethel
Schlessler attended tho Lehlgh-La-r.iyotto
football gamo at Eastou on
G. II. Hennlmuth, or Archbald,
has returned homo arter spending
a few days with Chas. Bayly at
Daniol Schoonover, of Bradford
county, has been spending several
days with his sister, Mrs. E. S. Ug
low, on Main street.
County Treasurer W. W. Wood
spent Sunday with his wlfo who Is
In a sanitarium at Kingston, N. Y.
Ho iroturned Tuesday.
Mrs. Edward Katz and daughter,
Catherine, left last weok for Cleve
land, Ohio, to spend soveral weeks
at tho homo of her parents.
Mrs. John Burns left Tuesday
morning for Now York City, whoro
sho will bo tho guest of her daugh
ter, Mrs. William It. MacKenzIo.
Mrs. Thomas L. f'ortnam, of
Bethany, spoilt last week with hor
friend, Mrs. Asa Klmblo, of Dy
horry, returning to hor homo Saturday.
Miss Dorothy Dcln was a Scranton
visitor on Saturday.
II. F. Weaver was a Hawloy busi
ness calior on Tuesday.
Mrs. E. P. Varcoe Is 111 nt her
homo with pneumonia and has been
confined to hor bod for two. wcokst
Her condition now Is much Im
proved. MIsa Frances, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Prosch, leaves on Friday
for Christ Hospital, Jersey City,
where sho will ontor to become a
professional nurse. MIbs Charlotte
O'Connoll loft Tuesday morning for
the samo institution.
Mrs. Coo Durland, Mrs. F. B.
Whitney and J. D. Weston motored
to Port Jorvls in tho latter's car on
Saturday. Mr. Weston and chaur
foiir returned homo Sunday evening
whllo tho other members of the
party returned by train.
Death of Clmiles White.
On Thursday, Charles F. White
died at tho home of his daughter
at Cllgord, with whom he mado his
homo. He is survived by two sons
and four daughters, Mirs. Charles
Brlggs of Starlight Is a daughter
of tho deceased.
Death of Mrs. Mnrj?aret Shannon.
Mrs. Margaret Shannon, aged 73
years, and widow of Patrick Shan
non, died at her homo in Carbon
dale, Saturday afternoon. Nov. 23.
For several years the family had I
made their homo in Waymart. She
is survived by two daughters and
three sons. Tho funeral took place
Wednesday morning.
Walter Carr Dead.
Walter F. Carr, aged twenty
eight years, passed away early
last Friday morning after a brief
illness. He was a glass cutter by
trade and lived with his aunt, Mrs.
J. J. Klllgallon at East Honesdale.
He Is survived by one brother,
Lewis Carr, of Binghamton, N. Y.,
and one sister, Agnes Carr, o! this
place. He was a member or the
Alert Fire company, tho Eagles, and
St. John's R. C. church. He was
born In Binghamton, N. Y., on Oct.
22, 1884. Funeral services were
held In that church Monday morn
ing at 10 o'clock. Rev. Father John
O'Toole. officiating. Interment was
made In St. John's cemetery.
Death of White .Mills Man.
Joseph Bielman, a well known
resident of White Mills, died at his i
late home thero on Saturday morn
ing last at the age of lifty-nine!
years. Death was caused by heart
failure. He was employed at the
Dorllinger glass works in White,
Mills and his death came as a severe
etVi nnlr r t I t.i n -. it flrflo lln lo
miut.n IU Ilia lll.lllj LlluilUOi 1U lO
survived ny ins wiuow ana live sons:
Joseph, Frederick, Lawrence and
Eugene, all of White Mills, and Otto
Blolman, of Rochester, N. Y. The
brothers residing in that place com
pose the well known Blelman's
orchestra. Tho funeral services wore
held on Tuesday morning in the
Whlto Mills Catholic church. In
terment was mado in Hawley ceme
The Citizen is in receipt of The
Dixon (111.) Daily News containing
the death of Mrs. Harriet M. Smith,
which occurred In that city about
three weeks ago. The deceased was
an aunt of Mrs. M. J. MacCown, of
Church street, to whom wo are In
debted for the clipping. Mrs.
Smith has a number of Wayne
county friends who will remember
her and who will regret to learn of
her death. For many years Mrs.
Smith taught school at Holllster
villo, Wayno county.
"Death summoned ono of Dixon's
most talented women when Mrs. Har
riet M. Smith, wife of the lato Robt.
V. Smith, passed away Monday, Oct.
28, at her home, 1024 West Third
street. Two years ago last August
Mrs. Smith wps first taken ill, and
slnco that time has gradually been
growing weaker, but was able to
bo around and atteifd to her house
work until threo weeks ago when sho
was taken with her last Illness.
Tho deceased was a very intellect-
We are thankful Tor tho patronage wo have received from the
people of Honesdalo and vicinity; thankful to thoso who havo
been thoroughly satisfied with tho treatment they havo received
at this storo, and, being accorded that satisfaction, have told
their friends about us. Wo aro also thankful for tho manufac
ture of printer's ink by which mixture we can proclaim our
wares and thank you for your valued patronage.
Come to the Big Store for Sleighs
Havo Just unloaded two carloads of cutters and sleighs, and we
now show a very comploto assortment.
See tho 1913 model foro door cutter. This sleigh Is very warm
and comfortable. Doors keep tho cold out and robo In. Brand
now stylo this season.
Wo havo six dirforent styles or spring cutters nnd twelvo
styles without springs, varying In prico rrom SUO.OO to ."(10.00
Also two and three seated bobs, eurroy bobs and heavy sleds Tor
teaming nnd lumbering.
Como early boforo our assortment Is broken. Special Induce
ments to early buyers.
Murray Company.
Everythlnn for tho farm. Honesdalo, Pa.
ual woman. Sho was an actlvo work
or In tho W. R. C. and Woman's
Club, besides being, a member of
many other societies. Sho has pre
pared and dollvored most Interest
ing papors boforo Dixon societies,
even during the past two years when
eho has been ill. Mrs. Smith was
a woman much loved by all who
knew h6r.
Harriet M. Balslcy was born In
Ilolllstervlllo, Wayno county, Pa.,
December 26, 1837, and when IS
years of ago sho camo with friends to
Steward, 111., with tho Intention of
teaching, but at tho ago of nineteen
sho was united In marriage to
Robert Smith or Pawpaw. They re
sided at Pawpaw until twenty-two
years ngo when they moved to tbo
lato homo on West Third street. To
their union wero born three chil
dren, two daughters and ono son:
Mrs. Ella G. Swartout, or Pawpaw;
Mrs. Bertha B wiTo of William
Crumpton, of Superior, Wis.; and
Attorney Clydo Smith, who resided
at homo with his mbtlier. Mr.
Smith passed &way several years
Georgo lllllard Dead.
George Blllard died at his homo
In Cherry Ridge on Thursday night,
rrom a paralytic stroke at the ago
or 55 years. Ho was a glass cuttor
by trado but had been engaged In
farm work for the past fow months
on his farm In Cherry Ridge. He Is
survived by his wife and eight chil
dren Kate, married, of Scranton;
Philip and Fred, at home; John, in
the West; George, Margaret, Annlo
and Mary, at home. He Is also sur
vived by two brothers, John, of
Honesdale, and Joseph, of Smith
Hill, and a sister, Mrs. George Sch
mock. of Honesdale. The funeral
services wero held at St. Mary
Magdalen's church Monday morning
when requiem mass was celebrated,
by Rev. Dr. J. W. Balta. Inter
ment was mado In tho Gorman Cath
olic cemetery.
Mrs. Chris Evans, of Plainsvllle,
aged twenty-six years, died at tho
City Hospital, Wllkes-Barre, on
Wednesday last. She was born in
South Canaan and was a daughter oT
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J. Robinson. A
year ago last October she mourned
the loss of her mother; her father
still survives. She Is also survived
by her husband and the following
children: Ethel, Hazol, Ruth and
Benjamin; also four brothers and
three sisters: William and Cleveland
Robinson, of South Canaan; Porter
Robinson, of Lake Ariel; Ward
Robinson, of Dunmore; Mrs. Ina
Swingle, of Carbondale; Mrs. Walter
Kizor and Mrs. Ernest Swingle, of
Jersey City. Tho 'funeral was held
at the late home at 1:30 o'clock
Friday afternoon. The large attend
ance at the services and the largo
number of floral designs told of tho
love and esteem In which she was
held. Tho interment was made in
the Lutheran Lawn cemetery. Tho
two lodges of which she was a mem
ber conducted the services at tho
grave the Daughters of Liberty and
Deatli of Michael O'Xclll.
Michael O'Neill of Pittston, died
Sunday evening, following a long
illness. Ho is survived by a wife,
one son, and four daughters, among
them being Mrs. M. Bauman of
Honesdale. Funeral was held on
The marriage of Otto O. Olver,
of Beach Lake, to Miss Louiso
Snavely, of Fallsdale, was solemniz
ed at Carley Brook on Wednesday
or last week by Rev. A. C. Olver o"
that place.
Chas. F. Utt. ol Paupack, and
Miss Mary C. Kimble, of Scranton,
wero married on Wednesday of last
week in Lakevillo by Rev. Stephen
Menner & Co. aro showing tho
new swagger Johnnie 4S In. long
coats, latest models. SCeiS.
The new model corsets, kid gloves
In long and regular lengths, under
wear and real furs in coats, muffs
and collars at Menner & Co. SSt3