The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, November 27, 1912, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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BcmMVeokly Founded 1008; Weekly Founded 1844.
Published Wednesdays and Fridays by
Kntorod as second-class mStlor, at
ii. wilson.
Our friends who favor us with coUributions, and desire to have the same re
timed, should in every case enclose stamps for that jmrjiose.
Remit by Express Money Order, Draft. PostofTtco Order or Registered
otter. Address all communications to Tho Citizen, No. 803 Main street,
Honcsdale, Pa.
All notices of shows, or other entertainments held for tho purposo of
making money or any Items that contain advertising matter, will only bo
admitted to this paper on payment of regular advertising rates. Notices
of entertainments for the benefit of churches or for charitable purposes
where a fee is charged, will be published at half rates. Cards of thanks,
BO cents, memorial poetry and resolutions of respect will bo charged for
at the rate of a cent a word. Advertising rates on application.
Tomorrow tho Nation celebrates
another Thanksgiving Day and else
where in to-day's Citizen we pub
lish sufficient reasons why Hones
dale and Wayne county people
should bo grateful for material
blessings. Our mills are busier than
In many months nnd tho railroads
are Increasing their working force.
Heads of all kinds of industries look
brightly upon the future. They are
not optlmisitc by nature rather the
opposite in many cases.
So you, who have been struggling
along, perhaps under a heavy load;
you who have not had work aplenty,
should look ahead to happier days
and give thanks. At all events, the
year just closing has been better
from a business point of view, than
the year before and that, too, is
something for which to be thankful.
Let us put from us the gloomy fore
bodings with which we all too often
obscure an otherwlso unclouded
sky. let us look cheerfully and con
fidently toward tho future and try
to forget the past, for, as Thomas
Hardy once wrote:
We ought to feel deep thankful
ness that a happy Providence kept It
from being any worse."
Honesdale and Wayne county folks
havo much for which to be thank
ful. Thankful for good health, al
though the Death Angel has visited
some homes. Thankful for an
enormous crop of farm produce and
a market for them. Thankful that are at peace with other nations
and countries and can worship in
our hurches without .being dis
turbed by the uncivilized. Thank
ful that the town and county are In
a prosperous and healthy financial
condition. Thankful that its indus
tries aro all humming and have been
the entire year. Thankful that no
epidemic broke out here and that
conditions in general are better
than in somo places. Thankful for
our homes, loved ones and to our
God, the great benefactor of man
A story is told of a young lawyer
who went to an old practitioner for
advice. The older man had a long
record of successes as a trial lawyer
and the younger one asked for the
Becret of his success.
" Bring out clearly to the jury
every point in your client's favor,,"
was the advice of the old lawyer.
" But," said the younger one,
" suppose there aro no points in his
" Then paw tho ground and bel
low!" was the succinct reply.
Tho Independent, being unablo to
answer The Citizen's criticism of its
abuse of Wayne County Republi
cans, does the only other thing left
to It, It " paws the ground and bel
lows." Caught and cornered, and
without excuse for its conduct, It
contents Itself, as usual, by attack
ing Individually the gentlemen who
comprise the Citizen's board of di
rectors, and holding them up in the
guiso of undesirable citizens. These
gentlemen, whose names appear at
the head of this column and who
are well and most favorably known
throughout tho county and the State,
can well afford to Ignore tho Inde
pendent's malicious and futllo In
sinuations. Nor does that paper's abuse of
Tho Citizen and its editorial Btaff
arouse anything but contempt on
our part. Hut to circulate slander
ous statements about the six hund
red and fifty-nine citizens of Wayne
county who chose to exerclso a sound
Judgment by casting their ballots
for tho re-election of President
Taft Is a different proposition. If
tho Independent can give any reason
why It classes those gentlemen as
bosses, liars, thieves, grafters, and
holds them up to public scorn as tho
corrupt and debased amo'ng men,
then It should give those reasons
without delay. If It cannot givo
thoso reasons then it should pub
licly apologize to these six hundred
and fifty-nino Republican voters at
once. But wo do not look to boo it
do ono thing or tho other. It can
not do tbo first, and R la not fair
enough to do tho second.
tbo Cltlzan Publishing Company.
tho postoffke, Honesdalo, Pa.
NOVKMHEIt J7, lfMii.
Less than five weoks until Chrlst
mas. It may seem almost Impossi
ble. Tho weather has been so mild
and pleasant that tho suggestion of
cold wintry weather, which is sy
nonymous with Christmas, has
hardly occurred. Christmas and
winter have seemed very far off, up
to this time.
But the calendar tells the story
There aro only four weeks left and
whatever preparations are to bo
made for the event, must bo made
In that time or there will be the
inevitable disappointment on tho big
holiday resulting from failure to do
that which one intended to do.
Henco comes the injunction to
"shop early." This slogan Is so use
ful to all parties concerned that it
is a wonder that it was not long
ago taken up and acted upon. Plans
made now and carried out, whether
it bo for gifts of homo manufac
ture or for the gift of tho shops,
will be all the better plans. Avoid
the last hour rush that kills and de
stroys the spirit of Christmas for
yourself. Christmas should be met
with calmness and the anticipation
of the pleasure that is coining to
others, not with tho feverish hurry
and worry to ho properly dressed
with something new and tasty to
fill the Christmas board with the
biggest feast of tho year, and to
get tho forgotten gift. Plan now,
shop early and he prepared for
Christmas with, a spirit that Is un
ruffled and able to appreciate the
soul of the great feast day.
This Is only the view from the
front side of the counter. "Shop
early" is a blessing to the shop-girl
and the storekeeper. Tho day used
to bo when the shops were open
nightly for months before the
Christmas season. Business drag
ged on in the days of the village
store idea. Now it has come to he
realized that shopping can be done
early just as well as late, necessitat
ing keeping the shops open but a
few evenings at most previous to
Christmas. This has saved the girls
in the stores, who previously were
subjected to the greatest nervous
strain by the Christmas shopping
season with its long hours and other
inconsiderate treatment of the shop
girls, removed now In the light of
better merchandising principles.
So in the Interest of the folks be
fore and behind tho counter, shop
early in this year. In fact, shop
earlier than ever, if you can at all
find it possible.
A twenty-three-acro farm at
Seolyvillo was sold on Saturday last
at a Master's sale and brought near
ly twenty-six hundred dollars. Some
claim that tho owner paid all it was
worth, while others state that Wayne
county farms aro sold too cheaply.
One reason being tho natural adap
tability of the land for successful
fruit culture. Its apples aro con
sidered to ho tho best ilavored and
most luscious fruit grown anywhere
In tho United States. This is not a
statement of our own, but ono
made by tho Agricultural depart
ment of tho United States. Why
then should farms be sold so cheap?
Because tho soli has not been given
a chance to demonstarto on a large
scale what can bo produced, should
it bo condemned? What is needed
is encouragement and further de
velopment of this Important and
growing Industry. Tho fact that W.
W. Baker raised 900 bushels of ap
ples from his model orchard at
Gravity Is ovldenco enough that
trees bear larger fruit and liner
quality by being sprayed and pruned
than trees planted and forgotten
tho rest of their bearing lives.
Tho soil of Wayno county Is es
pecially adapted to raising apples,
and apples wo must cultivate. Ex
tensivo articles reproduced In out-of-town
and county papers laud tho
apples grown In Wayno county as
bolng tho best to havo come Into
city markets.
Tho Greater Honesdalo Board of
Trade has a committco out In tho
Interest of crop development and Im
provement in Wayno county. Tho
commltteo haft Interviewed grang
ers, farmers. Mock breeders, mer
chants, bankers, millers, manufac
turers, grain buyers, county officers
and othors for a purposo of ascer
taining their vlows in tho matter.
Tho commltteo will report at a com
ing Board of Trado meeting what
lias been accomplished,
Tho farmers ought to cncmirago a
movement of this kind. It will not
only enhance tho value of their
farms nnd add dollars to others in
their pockets but It will have a
tendency to bring them to Hones
dalo. As a result bottor roads will
follow. Farmers, you havo acres of
diamonds upon your farms. Aro you
going to develop them or llvo as
most hnvo done In years gono by?
This is a progressive age. Surely
there aro somo progressive farmers
in Wayno county. Talk the matter
of crop Improvement over among
your neighbors and when the Board
of Trado reports, bo ready to offer
your assistance and give Wayne
county a name that will be known
all over tho United States.
In everything givo
thanks. I
Thess. V, 18.
Let mo give thanks, not
word, but with deeds. Kormer.
They say lato thanks are tho best.
Lord Bacon.
Thanks are worthily duo for
things unbought. Ovid.
And though I'll ebb in worth, 1 11
How in Thanks. John Taylor.
Old thanks, old thoughts, old as
pirations, outlive men's lives aind
lives of nations. Swinburne.
He is ungrateful who expresses
his thanks when all witnesses have
departed. Seneca.
To givo thanks is good. Swin
Somo hae meat, and canna cat,
And some wad eat that want It;
But we hae meat, and we can eat,
And sae the Lord be thankit.
Robert Burns.
Samuel Lonsteln of Lake Ariel re
cently purchased a chicken from
Calvin Samson of tho same town.
Scarcely had the fowl been paid for
when it mysteriously disappeared
from Mr. Lonstein's store. Soon
after the chanticleer was seen in
the kitchen Mr. Ellis Keyes, cag
ed in a Hat box, apparently awaiting
the time for his execution. But be
fore this tragedy could be brought
about, tho chicken again disappear
ed; and later the same evening was
seen In tho hall-way of tho Maple
Avenue Hotel. .It has since disap
peared entirely; and Mr. Lonsteln
has entered suit for the recovery of
his Thanksgiving dinner, against
Calvin Samson, from whom ho had
bought the expected dinner.
A hearing before the Justice of the
Peace Mr. Alva Keyes resulted in
the commitment of the defendant to
bail to appear before tho court
which convenes Friday evening, Nov.
29. in tho Methodist church. There
will he a BIG TIME. Court will be
conducted In regular form. Mr. M.
J. Emery and Mr. John Bigart are
tho two well-known attorneys. Ad
mission 25 cents; children under 12
years, 15 cents. Adv.
The Red Cross Seal campaign has
begun. Tho Pennsylvania Society
for the Prevention of Tuberculosis
has completed its preliminary ar
rangements for tho state wide sale
of the Christmas stamps. The Seals
will he sold in practically every coun
ty in Pennsylvania and in every town
of importance in the State. Alto
gether between 3,000,000 and 3,500,
000 Seals will be distributed. The
design this year is considered to be
more artistic than that of last year.
A small red cross stands out each
corner of the stamp. Across tho top
appears tho words "Merry Christ
mas," and at the bottom "Happy
New Year." In the center of tho
stamp is a picture of Santa Claus
with "American Red Cross" above
and "1912" below. Sprigs of holly
complete tho decorative work on the
The stamps as usual will sell for
One Cent each. The proceeds will go
for the prevention of tuberculosis.
In such cities where the salo of
stamps Is large, local committees
havo been formed. These committees
will supervise both tho soiling of
tho seals and the spending of tho
funds raised In their localities. Else
where the Pennsylvania Society will
take charge of this work. Persons
desiring to form local committees
should write to the Pennsylvania So
ciety at its headquarters, 1701
Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
Samuel M. Spry, who last year
covered a largo portion of the State
in the Interest of tho Red Cross Seal
sale, will represent tho Society this
year in this branch of its work. Ho
has left Philadelphia for Sunbury
where ho will begin his work. He
will interview all of tho loading
merchants In tho various towns
through which he passes, and will
urge upon them tho need of their
support in the campaign against
tuberculosis and tho good which
they can accomplish through placing
tho Red Cross Seal on salo. Mr.
Spry will also carry with him litera
ture giving tho principles underlying
tho prevention of tuborculosls. It is
expected that this year's salo will ho
more successful than any which have
been held before.
The salo will closo as usual on
Christinas Day, or whore there is" a
special enthusiasm on tho part of tho
local workers, It will ho continued
until January 1st. Tho tlmo set
nsldo by tho National Association 1
for tho Study and Proventlon of
Tuberculosis for tho opening of tho
salo Is Novomber 29. This will bo
observed by most of the branch so
cieties of tho Pennsylvania Society.
Such places where Mr. Spry shall
visit, howover, will bo permitted to
begin tho work as soon as they ro
celve tho Red Cross Seals.
Tho lato stylo Ladles' suits at
Menner & Co. aro all wotl texUiroa
and nowest cuts. 8Cel8
Tho Independent accused Tho Citizen In Its last issue, Novcmbor 22,
of copying news Items from that Journal's columns. This Is something wo
omphatlcaily deny. Wo Invito tho Independent's attention for a moment.
Tho readors of Tho Citizen, and thoro aro thousands, woro enlightened up
on llvo or moro Interesting news Items in tho first 1ssuo of last week's
Citizen that did not appear until tho second issuo of tho Independent of tho
Rumo week, two days afterwards. Wo aro not bragging nor do wo point
to the matter with any great pride, hut Inasmuch as tho Independent, edi
torially, took us to task last Friday, wo now reproduco tho Horns which
appeared Hint In tho Citizen and woro deliberately copied by tho Independ
ent on Friday last as Is shown In tho context.
Tho first column represents the Items as they originally appeared in
Tho Citizen of November 20, whllo tho second column Is taken from tho
Wayno Independent of its Issuo of tho 22nd. Somo of tho locals, with tho
exception of reconstruction, appear almost identically as they did in Tho
Citizen. We do not approvo of newspaper wrangling and know that our
roadors do not care to read about differences of opinion, but wo feel Justi
fied In presenting tho following In that tho public may form tholr own
conclusions as to whom tho copy cats may be.
As to the Independent being Informed by a caller at its office that
Tho Citizen embellished its news columns with Items taken from that
Journal wo call tho Independent's attention to tho fact that thrco copies of
Tho Citizen aro loft semi-weekly at that Journal's office and it is unneces
sary for tho Independent to depend upon outsiders to enlighten that pa
per about news items which It wrongfully accuses this journal of doing.
Thoso items appeared exclusively The following camo out In tho ls
ln Tho Citizen on Wednesday, No- suo of Tho Independent as "up-to-vcinber
20th. the-minuto" news in that Journal's
columns two days later, under the
CHRYSANTHEMUM SHOW IN date of November 22nd:
:,."()() Plants in Bloom Mado
Beautiful Picture Many
Tropical Trees Afford
Excellent Educa
tlonnl Ad
vantages. Tho Maple City green houses
at this place, owned by Mar
vin, the florist, of Wllkes-Bar-re,
and which are under tho ef
ficient superlntondency of
Franklin Walters, aro " a thing
of beauty and Joy forever."
All lovers of nature's varlagat
ed flowers ought to visit tho
green house.
Within a week 3,500 beauti
ful chrysanthemums havo been
In bloom. Owing to tho great
demand for these beautiful
flowers tho number has been
reduced to 1,000 plants, but
they are a picture ono should
not miss. The different col
ors, consisting of cream, pur
ple, yellow and white mingling
with the green leaves and
stems portray a picture that
cannot be duplicated by man.
The green house Is truly na
ture's garden.
One chrysanthemum was 7
Inches across.
John Dcriiiody, of Gocliectoii,
Dies as He Enters Homo of
.Michael Medio Who
PusmmI Away Sun
day. John Dermody, of Cochecton,
N. Y., upon entering the home
on Monday of Michael McCue, a
friend, In Damascus, who had
died on Sunday, dropped dead.
The walk to tho McCue homo
was quite steep and it is sup
posed to have fatigued Mr. Der
mody, as death resulted as he
approached his friend's home.
He was accompanied to tho Mc
Cuo home by his daughter.
Michael McCue, Mr. Dermody's
friend, died at his homo in Da
mascus, Sunday, after two
month's Illness. He was 80
years old and is survived by
three daughters and one son.
A bill in equity, Involving
thousands of dollars, has been
filed with Clerk of Courts
W. J. Barnes. The bill is be
tween C. M. Betz and others
and Tho American Fraternal
Association and its officers. Tho
bill sets forth tho plaintiffs
claim In 17 differeift articles,
which is followed by a long
prayer. It is signed by tho
plaintiff's lawyer, P. H. Iloff,
and tho following plaintiffs
mentioned in the bill: C. M.
Botz, M. Bregsteln, J. Congdon,
D. D. Weston, A. W. Abrams,
J. B. Stegner and E. E. Wil
liams. Tuesday afternoon Warren,
Knapp & O'Malley appeared for
the defendant mentioned In tho
bill of equity and an an'swer
will be filed within tho time
specified in tho bill for an an
Attorney Robert E. Scragg,
of Scranton, representing the
Columbian Protective Associa
tion, of Binghamton, was in
Honesdalo Tuesday and filed an
appeal from tho arbitrators'
award in tho cases of Teresa
Gercty and Mrs. John Congdon
against said Insurance company
with Prothonotary W. J.
The cases will go to .trial in
the Wayno county court at the
coming January term.
Within a year tho Dela
ware and Hudson tonnage, in
and out of Honesdalo has in
creased 100 per cent. The busi
ness of tho town, independent
coal mines product and other
freight coming through Hones
dalo 'forced tho D. & II. to re
sumo two freight trains per
day. There is business enough
here to warrant two trains per
Tho man who works on Sunday
will nevor again 'havo tho samo re
spect for tho day. Tho beginning of
a godless, churchlcss lifo for many
a man who was raised In a Chris
tian homo was tho first tlmo he
worked on Sunday. Tho American
Industrial Sunday Js ovon worso
than tho Continental Sunday, which
It Inevitably creates, for oven
churchlcss Franco has legislated a
compulsory day of rest.
All tho blamo for tho alarming
increaso of seven-day work does not
rest on tho ownors and managers of
great Industries, who through care
lessness and greed work tholr em
ployes continuously. In ono of our
larger cities tho Barber's Union Tvas
Our local florist, Franklin
Walters, is making a great suc
cess hero In handling tho flow
er trade. He has in his hot
houses between three and four
thousand as flno chrysanthe
mums as we havo seen grown.
He says that Wayne county soil
seems to be specially adapted
to the cultivation of this beau
tiful perennial plant that pro
duces such largo heads of
showy flowers. Few can pass
his store window without stop
ping to admire the floral dis
play always kept on exhibition.
Michael McCue died at his
homo In Damascus, Sunday,
Nov. 17, 1912, aged 80 years.
He had been ill about two
months and Is survived by three
daughters and one son. John
Dermody of Cochecton, N. Y.,
upon learning of his intimato
friend's death, started for tho
McCuo home. The way led
him up a steep hill, the climb
of which greatly fatigued htm
and when ho reached tho place
ho expired.
A bill In equity between
Charles M. Betz and others and
the American Fraternal Asso
ciation has been filed with W.
J. Barnes, clerk of the courts.
The lengthy document was
signed by tho plaintiff's law
yer, also by C. M. Betz, M.
Bregstein, John Congdon, D.
D. Weston, A. W. Abrams, J.
B. Stegnor and E. E. Williams.
Tho attorneys for tho defence
will lllo an answer within a
few days. The American's busi
ness was sold and turned over
to tho Columbian Protective
Association two years ago and
tho plaintiffs allege that they
and others lost several thous
ands of dollars.
On Tuesday Attorney R.
E. Scragg of Scranton, repre
senting tho Columbian Protec
tive Association of Binghamton,
filed an appeal from tho arbi
trators' award In the recently
heard cases of Miss Terosa
Gerety and Mrs. John Congdon
In which they were allowed tho
full amounts asked for. Tho
cases will probably be tried at
the coming Wayno county term
of court.
'Within a year tho Dela
ware and Hudson tonnage In
and out of Honesdalo Is said
to havo increased '100 per
forced to relinquish its charter be
cause church-going peoplo Insisted
on bolng shaved on Sunday morning
nnd took all their trado to tho non
union men who wero willing to
keep opon on that day. It Is for
tho comfort of church peoplo that
an army of workers In tho hotel,
transportation, milk, drug, Ice and
nowspaper business aro denied a
day of rest. It Is high tlmo for
church folks to practice tho brother
hood wo preach, and to secure for
our follow workers tho prlvilogo wo
valuo so highly for ourselves ono
day's rest In seven and that on
Sunday vhorovor possible. North
ern Christian Advocato.
-Seo tho Citizen's advertisements;
Everything worth whllo works to
ward a definite end. Tho general
aim of a liberal or vocational educa
tion Is efficiency, to put skill in tho
hands of every student. Skill, to bd
used, as a fine-edged tool. Skill, sl
that every member of society, re
gardless of class, may contribute"
something to society. Tho ' back
ground and foundation of efficiency
is knowledge. To gain this wo must
have books and it is for tho ulti
mate end of efficiency 'for every ono
of our boys and girls that your ac
tlvo Interest Is solicited.
You havo tho nucleus of a public
library around which at your pleas
ure, a splendid system may bo built.
Indicate your loyal and enthusiastic
attitude by your generous contri
bution to tho library fund and by
your presenco in the library.
Statistics show that fifty per cent
of the children attending public
schools leave between tho ages of
twelve and fourteen. If, whllo tho
children aro under tho influence of
tho teacher, the habit of good read
ing can ho formed, tho library will
stand for a liberal educator long af
ter they have left school and will
render them more efficient in tho
servlco of society.
Tho library Is open every Tuesday
and Friday from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9
p. m. If you aro Interested In the
latest fiction, the following new pub
lications will bo found: Tho Money
Moon, Tho Man In the Open, Mary
Pechell, The Squirrel Cage, To tho
Highest Bidder, Red Lane, Tho
Melting of Molly, Just and Unjust,
Peter Ruff and tho Double Four,
The Mountain Girl, The Sign at Six,
The Guests of Hercules, Tho Fight
ing Doctor, Just Folks, Tante, Tho
Glory of Clementia, Tho Cobweb
Cloak, Stover at Yale, Polly of tho
Hospital, Tho Prodigal Judge. Tho
Street Called Straight, The Winning
of Barbara Worth, The Romance of
Billy Goat Hill.
Zemo for Dandruff"
You Will bo Surprised to Seo Hovr
Quickly it Disappears,
No more dirty coats from dandruff
heads. Zemo stops dandruff Apply
it any tlmo with tips of fingers. No
smell, no smear. Zemo sinks into
tho pores, makes the scalp healthy,
makes the hair line and glossy
Zemo is prepared by E. W Rose
Medicine Co., St. Louis. Mo , and is
regularly sold by all druggists at $1
per bottle. But to enable you to
make a test and prove what It will
do for you, get a 23ccent trial bottle
fully guaranteed or your money back
at A. M. Lelne's drug store.
An increase of almost 30.000 in
the number of pupils attending
Pennsylvania public s hools as com
pared with the previous year Is re
ported by Dr. Nathan C S -jeffer.
state superintendent of public In
struction in his review of the school
system of the state for the year
ending Juno 30, 1912.
Tho total number of pupils is giv
en as 1,322,254, a gain oer 1911
of 35.9S 1. This army of scholars is
cared for in 15,207 si hool houses
containing 35,019 schools, the In
crease of schools in a year being
To care for the education of tho-
pupils, the 2,535 districts emnloy-
30,945 teachers, of whom 2 791 aro
women. During the year G55 wom
en teachers were added to the list
and 110 male teachers The aver-
ago monthly salary of the malo
teachers $48.41, tho increaso In
wages of teachers during me year
nc pnntnnrod with 1 (11 O hoinit t'flf.
9C9.6S. The aggregate of tho
teachers wages Is J21.137.687 37
The statistical portion of Dr.
Schaeffer's report shows the enor
mous extent of tho school system
and the large sums required to main
tain It. The total expenditures of
tho year reached $42,557,9SG, ot
which $7, 309, 527. 53 went for
snhnnl hmisns. hniMtnp- royiHnp"
etc., $SS9,992.47 for text books;
$1,413,559.89 for school supplies;
$270,200.18 for salaries or fees of
treasurers, $1 1,294,444.10 being re
quired for other expenses.
Tho state appropriations weo
$G,99S,53G.70 for common schools;
$312,500 for freo tuition in normal
schools; $137,500 for borough high
schools and the same sum for town
ship high schools, with $115,000 for
the payment of tho salaries of
county superintendents
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
That remarkablo Year IJook on
Storms, Weather, Karthnuakes and
Almnnnn rnr i')T:I. thn llnost finil
only 35c to Word and Works Pub-
AVpnno. isr. i.ouis. Alfv. nnd vn w
(II 1 1111 IltlV. Ill II. IliritM .11 11 11 1 7.1 II IT
nvnmei n?inisne
vii'i'iii iii'sirni in r i iiiuiriiMi .ill in.
CUvu-s Stulled-Cp Head la u
Few .Minutes 1 treat lie It.
"f --r . - .... -
Isn't it worth a llttlo effort to for
over rid yourself of Catarrh whei
Pell, tho druggist, is authorized t(
guaranteo Booth's HYOMEI to em
mu iiuaciy ui 1.11,11111. ui luuiiu
To banish Catarrh you must de
kl UI 1.ULU1111 UITi IllH. I 1 I ll.ll I'll. Ill
wonderful remedy mado from Aub
tralian Eucalyptus and other ant!
ui u iiuurrii: win ovoruouio iauirrii
1 l k. Ill rm i 1.
al Deafness.
Coninleto outfit with Inhaler. J I
t-Aiiu uuiwua uuu. ilk vruwi iim-nun
is a llttlo book that tells how till
slmplo romedy benefits sufferer
irom uatarrn. caucus, ioius. urou
and Catarrhal Deafness.