THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER a7, igxa. PAGE THREE MEYER'S NAVAL RESERVE BILL Put Into Form, It Adds 2.1,000 Men to the Navy. SOON READY FOR CONGRESS Circulars Sent Out to Former Member of Service Asking Them to Join New Organization Bring Flood of Replies. Scheme Generally Indorsed. Secretary of tho Navy Meyer has about completed the collection of n vast amount of datn and Information re garding the possibilities of a great United States reserve naval force, such as that provided for In a bill which he submitted to congress lust winter. Through Assistant Secretary of the Navy WInthrop u circular appeal has beou Issued to all former otlicers and enlisted men of the navy and marine corps nsking for particulars as to age and occupation. Hundreds of replies hTe already lwen received which. In a tabulated form, will be presented to congress with another bill during the coming session. The bill which Mr. Meyer will send to congress this year provides for the enrollment for live years of former naval men, subject to call to service In the regular navy in time of war. Membere of the naval reserve may en ter active service for periods not ex ceeding one vir at one time. Line of ficers shall if enrolled In the ranks from ensign to lieutenant to the ex tent of CO per cent of the regular otli cers. Oillceis above these ranks in good standing, who resigned within ten years, are to have the rank tho held when they quit the service. Twenty-one Thousand Men on the List. There are now about 1M.000 former navy men. a large percentage of whom would respond to a call in case of war. The circular iss-ied by Assistant Sec retary WInthrop says: "To the otlicers and men who have honorably left the navy, the reserve of which they are to constitute a special part, called the ex service branch, offers all that Is to be found in the great societies that have followed each war. Where men have served through similar experience of hardships and pleasure of excitements and contests and have then been sep arated the desire grows strong within them to renew old associations and keep alive together their experiences. "This spirit has given creation to the Society of the Cincinnati, tho Aztec so ciety, the Loyal Legion, the Grand Army of the Republic and many oth ers. Men who serve In the navy have experiences unlike those of any other class of citizens because they aro so vastly more varied. They extend over nil the world. They include every fea ture of the restless sea, and to nearly every man of the navy there is the memory of some active military cam paign, larger or smaller. "It Is to keep alive those associa tions and thus keep active the Interest In the navy that the department's plan provides for local organizations and tho return at Intervals of the members of the reserve to the active fleet " EDDY ESTATE SETTLED. Christian Science Church Will Receive About $2,000,000. Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy, founder of the Christian Science church, had In Massachusetts at the time of her death ?82,843.7!3 In personal property and real estate valued at $155,000, accord ing to tho report of Thomas W. Street er, Frederick E. JenulugH and John W. Worthlngton, who were appointed to appraise the estate by the Suffolk county probate court. All the personal property goes to the Christian Science church, under tho decision of the supremo court of New Hampshire, which sustained the will of Mrs. Eddy. The entire amount which tho New Hampshire adminis trator will turn over to tho church is about $2,000,000. The Massachusetts supreme court, which has jurisdiction over tho $155, 000 of real estate within the common wealth, has decided that the statute bars tho Christian Science church from receiving this property as left by Mrs. Eddy's will, but that the property may bo administered ns n charltablo trust by the trustees appointed by the court. OFF THE GRASS, FRESHIES! That's the Latest "Don't" at Precise Cornell. Another rule has been added to the long list of don'ts which upper class custom prescribes for tho freshmen at Cornell. The latest is "Don't walk on tho grass," and the upper classmen have appointed committees to station at various parts of tho campus to see that the rule is obeyed. The new rule was adopted In tho In terest of the "campus beautiful," par llcularly the picturesque qurdrangle 'ivhlch at present is Intersected by at least a dozen different well trodden paths. Hereafter only the sidewalks end cinder paths laid out by tho au thorities arc to bo traversed, and fresh men violating this rulo will receive the lamo summary punishment handed out to those of their number who forget to ivcar tho little gray cap or appearing In the spring without their coats. RETIREMENTS FROM THE NAVY IN 1913. 8Ix Rear Admirals Among Those to Quit Active Service, ltctiretnents among the ofllcers of tho navy during l'JUl from tho actlvo list because of age are ns follows: Medical Director J. O. Uyrnes, in command of naval hospltnl, Now York, Jan. 12. Medical Director D. N. llertolette, president of the board of medical ex aminers In Washington, Jan. 22. Hear Admiral J. H. Murdock, mem ber of tho gwiernl board, Teh. 13. Hear Admiral A. 11. Wllllts, director of navy yards (additional number), March 7. Hear Admiral Albert Mertz, gover nor of Naval home, Philadelphia, March 20. Hear Admiral nugo Osterhaus, com mander in chief of the Atlantic fleet. June 15. Professor of Mnthematlcs II. M. l'aul, Juno 25. Hear Admiral George 11. Hansome. general Inspector of machinery for tho navy, etc.. on Atlantic coast (additional number). June 2S. Captain Frank II. Rallcy, Inspector of engineering material and ordnance (additional number). Juno 21). Cl II Engineer Frank O. Maxson, on duty at Key West. Aug. 8. Medical Director I'. A. Lovering. in command of the naval luxpltal, Mare Island. Sept. 21). Hear Admiral Aaron Ward, super visor of harbor of Now York (addi tional number), Oct. 10. Medical Director L. G. llenoberger, member of the naval retiring board, Oct 20. Medical Director Charles T. Hlbbett. In command of the naval hospital at Norfolk. Nov. 20. There are no retirements among ofll cers of the pay corps, among the chap lains, the naval constructors or the olll cers of the marine corps during the coming year. The retirement of olti cers who are carried as additional numbers in their respective grades will not create vacancies. There remains to be retired bociuse nf aire this year but one olllcer, Mcdi ra! Director It. C. Persons. COW SUICIDE ILLEGAL Aviator Cody Loses Suit Brought by Animal's Owner. Can a cow commit suicide? A farm er In Farnham, in Surrey, England, brought suit against Cody, the aviator, who renounced his American citizen ship in order to accept a position in tho Itritlsh military aviation corps, to tind out about this. lie asserted that Captain Cody In one of his nviation flights came down on top of his good cow. The cow was killed, and the farmer demanded $100. Captain Cody asserted that the cow committed suicide. She rushed at his monoplane as he descended and there by lost her life. The judge did not quite see Captain Cody's argument. He held that an aeroplane was a dangerous machine, and while tho captain himself was not guilty of negligence In the case of the unfortunate cow he must pay $1)0 dam ages for her lamented end. TAFT OUT OF SCH00LB00KS. Texas Replaces President's Picture With Wilson's. The state textbook board of Texas has ordered the publishers of the geog raphy Just adopted for use In the pub lic schools of Texas to remove from that book the picture of President Tuft and-iubstltuto therefor the picture of Woodrow Wilson. Members of the board also urged the removal of the picture of Abraham Lincoln from tho school history, but tho proposition was so vigorously op posed by Governor Colquitt that It was abandoned. Tho governor Informed tho textbook board, of which he is chairman, rather than have Lincoln's picture eliminated from the history he would resign from the governorship. FIRST PATENT TO INDIAN. Carlisle Graduate Is Successful as Forester. A Carlisle Indian school graduate has stepped to the front nnd has been granted the first patent ever awarded to an Indian by tho United States gov ernment. According to Information received at the Carlisle school by Superintendent 51. Frledmun, a patent has lx'on grant ed to Nicholas Longfeathcr, an Apache Indian, who was there and later attend ed the department of forestry connect ed with Syracuse university. The patent covers n preparation for doctoring trees. Longfentlier Is now profitably enraged In his profession of forestry, with headquarters In the south. WILL SEEK NEW ARCTIC LAND. Stefansson to Lead Expedition In Search of a Continent. Plans are being perfected by tho American Museum of Natural History, tho National Geographic society and other scientific organizations to Join In nn expedition to be led by Vllhjnlninr Stefansson In search of an unknown tonttnent in tho Arctic ocean. During tils last exploration Mr. Stefunsson bo camo convinced of tho possibility of such a discovery. The expedition to tho arctic will be fitted out nt either Seattle or San Fran cisco, nnd the Joumoy will bo com menced next May. From a base In Vic toria Land a furthor study will bo made of the blond Eskimos. TIMELY HINTS FOR FARMERS Tribute Paid King Friction. A correspondent writing the Farm Implement News says that tho farmer lays each year a direct tax of close to 0 cents on the dollar on every ma chine In use upon the farm. He says Ibis Is the tribute t lie American farmer Is paying to King Friction. He goes on to say that this tribute Is paid on ac count of the lack of proper oiling or the use of the wrong kind of oil. He says It Is the part of the dealer the man who sells the machine to caution the buyer with reference to the neces sity of oiling and to prescribe specific ally the kind of oil to be used. Human skill has not been nble to overcome friction. In every bearing there Is fric tion. Tho use to which tho machine is put is u governing factor in the kind of oil to be used, and ho says these aro points that should be explained and made thoroughly clear to tho purchar when tho machine leaves the dealer's hand. The Valuable Silo, When more silos are built and less of the corn plant is wasted tho cost of feeding will bo reduced. Dry corn stalks in the field indicate waste, which sooner or later leads to pover ty. We are told that there Is -10 per cent of the feeding value of tho corn plant In the stalk, or, stated In anoth er way, when one puts corn In tho silo he saves 40 per cent of the feeding value of tho corn plant. Add 40 per cent of the value of the corn crop of tho southwest to its present vnlue and see what an enormous loss we have been sustaining nnnually. Let us build more silos. Farm and Ranch. Poultry Notes. More half grown turkeys die from lice than from any other one cause. Fowl diseases nrc caused by foul coops and drinking vessels. Foul yards arc great sources of disease among poultry. If the poultry refuses to go Into tho roosting house at night, look for tho little insects that make their lives mis erable. To get n good price for eggs they must be clean as well as fresh, but no one wants eggs that have been washed They don't look right. Question For Dairymen. What scrub or mongrel cow has ever made a high record as a producer even under the most skillful feeding? What herd of mongrel cows is mak ing money out of high priced feed? What dairyman is buying more land or putting up better buildings or mak ing himself a richer man and a better farmer with scrub cattle? What has made productive cows, prosperous dairymen and progressive communities? Dairy blood. National Stockman. PROLONGING LIFE OF FENGEPOSTS Creosote Treatment Effective In Preventing Decay, The most effective method of pre serving fenceposts Is to thoroughly Impregnate the outer layers of wood with some preservative which will poi son the wood and deprive tho fungous plant which cnuses wood to rot of Its food. The cheapest and most effective Is creosote. It Is not only poisonous to tho fungous plant; but, being an oil, Its tendency Is to exclude moisture from the wood. Most patented wood pre servatives liavo creosote ns their basis. The treatment Is best given by the open tank method. Thoroughly sea soned posts with bark removed are heated for several hours in hot creo sote, then allowed to cool down In cold creosote. In the hot treatment tho high temperature causes tho air nnd water In the wood to expand so that a largo portion of this Is forced out of the wood nnd the creosote takes Its place. When the posts aro placed in the cold creosote the air and water left In tho wood contract, forming a partial vac uum, and tho creosote again forces Its way Into tho wood. This treatment forms n shell of creosoted wood from one-eighth to two Inches In thickness nround the post, depending upon tho kind of wood treated. Kansas Farmer. Poultry on tho Farm. Farmers ought all to keep puro bred poultry nnd become real poultry fan ciers, with benefit to themselves. It Is too late In tho day to put forth any argu ments about tho advantages of well bred poultry. Every progressive farm er knowB that puro bred poultry must bo better than tho common kind. The reason all farmers do not keep really well bred poultry Is that so many of them aro engrossed In other branches of their business nnd glvo tho poultry rather less time than they should. Farm Wisdom. A llttlo bad cream will spoil a whole churn ful of butter. Economical gains aro worth more than larger gains that are made with out regard to cost. Tho machinery tltqt Is loft unprotect ed at any tlmo of the year is tho uin :hinery that gives out Just when It Is lecdcd mat. Tying Up the Dog. 1 p Haying bought n dog that bo ad. mired, a man of obstinate Tflll under took to buy a dog collar. The dog had a neck nearly a big ns his hend, and tho dealer advised the man to buy two collarfl. "What for?" said tho mnn. "He's cot only one neck, so I guess ho can get along with only one collnr, can't he?" "Mnybe no," said the dealer. So the man went nwny leading the dog by bis new collar nnd chain. In less tnan n week he brought tho dog lack. "I'm nfrald I can't keep him," he wild. "He's too obstropulous. I can't keep him tied up. His neck Is tho biggest part of him, nnd be Is as strong as an ox. Therefore It Is a cinch for him to slip bis collar off." "That was why 1 wanted you to tnke two collars," said tho dealer. "Put both on nnd fasten tho chnln to the back collar, nnd ho can tug nil night without getting loose. Ho may com mit suicide, but he won't get loose." Now York Times. Where the Fish Bite. A traveling salesman while In Chi cago was Invited to a party given by a friend. During supper stories were called for, and he told the following: Two Irishmen were fishing one day in n lake. After nearly all day one of them threw his line far out and. pull ing In, ho got a strike. After fishing awhile he finally landed a flno fish. "Oh." said he, "Mike, this Is tho only place In tho lake to fish; we will Just mark It." And he cut n notch In the sldo of the boat. They all laughed, and the story tell ing was resumed. There was one Englishman who kept laughing all tho time during tho rest of tho evening until time to go homo, when he camo up to the traveling sales man nnd said: "I was just thinking of the story you told. It was such a funny story. I don't believe I ever heard such n funny story before. Just think, if they had got tho wrong boat they would have never known whers to Qsh." Machinists' Monthly. THE FORTUNE HUNTER. Tho final scene : "The Fortune Hunter" which will ue presented at tho Lyric to-night (Tuesday: Nat Duncan and pretty Betty Graham stand together on tho lawn whisper ing words of lovo as a quiet summer evening rain 'falls upon them. Old Sam Graham, Betty's father, tiptoe ing out with an uinbrell., holds it over the cooing pair. This forms the final scene in the fourth act of "Tho Fortuno Hunter." It is a sort of sweet benediction to the clean quietly moving wholesomo stago story Wlncholl Smith tells in his charming comedy. It's tho sort of play that sends an audience homo with tlo feeling that they would like to help their neighbors, and there Is a lot of room on tho mod ern stago for more plays like this. To-night at tho Lyric. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE Farmers and Me chanics Bank, OK HONESDALK. WAYNK COUNTY. PA at the close ot business, not. 2. 1912. RESOPUCKS. lieservo fund $ C'usli, specie and notes, JIL'.hCl 00 Due from approved re servo ncciiU SI2.5M) Jl 15,1)1 31 Nickels, cents and fractional currency 200 51 Checks and other cash Items 211 17 Due from bunks and trust com panies not reserve bills discounted : L'pon one name 425 00 " Upon two or.. . more mimes liXi.Tm 52 Time loans with collateral '3?.T!H IX) I-onns on call with collateral 2U.SI2 Si Iauiis on call upon two or more names 00 Loans seemed by bonds and mort- caces 1I.5H 1G bonds. Blocks, etc.. Schedule D To. W0 21 MortL'UL'CK and Jiiduiucntsof record 5X Otllce llulldln-; and Lot 1H.HW 00 Kuriilturi; mid tlxturcs 2,000 00 Overdrafts 22 7K Miscellaneous assets 7,325 05 $ 439.210 17 MAMI4TIBS. V-'apItnl Stock paid ii 75.000 00 -iirpius runu oo Undivided l'rollts, less expenses und.tuxus paid., 1.288 13 Deposits, subject to check ftfiAV kd Cashier's checks outstand'c 70.58 Individual deposits, Time 257.UJ 07-339.054 01 $139,210 17 State ol Pennsylvania, County ot Wayne ss. I, C. A Kmery, Cashier of the abovo named computo do bolcmnly swear tliut tho above stuteiiH'ii' is true to the bestol my knowledge and bullet, C, A. K.MKKY. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before mu this Mu day of No.. 1912, My commission expires Jan. 19. 1915 Hena S. KWJtTT, N, P. Correct attest : M. K. Simons, 1 V. M. KiWLEB, J-Dlrcctors. (J. Wm. Seia, J Ww4 COLLI ICUS HEMi MONTHLY. McCluro Huys tho Itou.sokecitcr to Comblno Willi ladles' World. Tho McCluro Publications, tho cor poration which publishes McCluro's Magazlno and tho Ladles' World, has bought from P. F. Collier & Son that company's monthly magazlno for wo men cnllcd tho Housekeeper. It boasts a circulation of 400,000 cop ies. Beginning with March 1, It will bo amalgamated with tho Ladies' World and appear under tho Joint title of tho Ladles' World and House keeper. Tllft TTnlmnlr nnnl- wna natnliltafm.l i In Mlnnniinnlln In 1R77. nml tn lila j day its chief circulation strength is It, h ,I.I.1I .... mi ... t,iu uuuuiu nuau iiuuu eurb ago Mr. Collier bought it and brought it to New York. Tho La dles' World camo Into tho possession of McCluro's just a year ago. ONE-CENT POSTAGE IS DEMOCRATIC WAR CRY. One-cent postage, an extension of tho pnrcels post and rural free dollv ery service, establishment of federal aid for post roads and a readjust ment of railway mall pay aro some of tho postofllco reforms to be institut ed by tho new Democratic adminis tration according to Information se cured at Washington, D. C. Democratic sentiment In tho house nnd senate Is against any further extension of tho civil sorvlco in the postofflco department at prosont. ABSOLUTE 1871 FORTY-ONE YEARS OF SUCCESS ' 1912 MoaiesdaSe3 Pa. The Leading Financial Institution of Wayne County THE PROOF Wo lead In CAPITAL STOCK $ 200,000.00 We lead In SURPLUS and UNDIVIDED PROFITS 372.SG2.00 We lead in TOTAL CAPITALIZATION 572.8G2.00 (Our CAPITALIZATION is the DEPOSITORS SECURITY) We lead in Deposits 2,4C3,34S.60 We lead in TOTAL RESOURCES 3,040.099.22 This year completes the FORTY FIRST since the founding of tho WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS DANK. MANY BANKS have como and gone during that period. PATRONIZE one that has withstood the TEST of TIME. OFFICERS: W. B. HOLMES, President II. S. SALMON, Cashier A. T. SEARLE, Vice-President W. J. WARD, Asst. Cashier. DIRECTORS: F. P. KIMBLE W. F. SUYDAM H. i.. SALMON E. W. GAMMELL W. B. HOLMES A. T. SEARLB H. J. CONGER Nov. 12, 1912. Bregstein Bros. Trading In tho wrong direction matter how little, nnd not getting lasting merit. Wo offer you at tho lowest prices tho best Metropolitan Ready-to-Wear Attire, because wo have eliminated tho high cost of do ing business, through our system of retailing our product direct ly to yoM from our Work-Rooms through our own Retail stores. Does nn actual saving of $0.00 to 910.00 on a Suit or Overcoat Interest you? With prldo and enthusiasm do wo extend to you a cordial Invi tation to visit our Suit Section to-day and view this collection of clover originations in Men's and Boys' Suits. The latest materials, tho latest colorings, in most appropriate and attractive styles. Tho moderateness of our prices Is another Interesting feature of this display. Priced from $8 to $25 New 1912 Overcoats Ready For Your Approval The critical and well Informed dresser will at onco recognize, tho Stylo Supremacy of our stock of Men's and Boys' Winter Coats. Just try on a Coat from this store, then look In the mirror It will reflect back to you a garment to bo proud of. Coats of all popular materials in all colors, invitingly Priced from $10 to $20 Display of Fall Fashions We Extend an Invitation to Our Customers and Friends to View this Elegant Stock of flen's Fall Suits and Overcoats Our line of Children's Suits and Overcoats is the Largest and Best on the market. We have a Complete Array of the Most Stylish Gent's Furnishings. t Remember the Place Bregstein Bros. Leading Clothiers tttttfftftTTTTTTTTttM SPENCER The Jeweler - - would like to sec you If I you arc In the market! - - for - ii JEWELRY, SILVER- t WARE, WATCHESj . fc. .A. CLOCKS, DIAMONDS, !! AND NOVELTIES t "Guaranteed articles only sold." I d Have The Citizen sent to your address. Only $1.50 per yea SECURITY T. B. CLARK C. J. SMITH J. W. FARLEY means spending money, in return anything that no 1ms Honesdale, Pa.