The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, November 27, 1912, Image 1

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    Subscribe For Tlig Clt The
Peoplo's Family Pane 1.00
Per Year. As
Vino Job Work Promptly Ex
ecuted nt Tlio Cltlicn Office.
. 8
70th YEAR. --NO. 94
3 -
Edtil-alional Association Meetings at
llai tNIhuk Will Have Noted
The State Educational Association
which meets at Harrlsburg during
holiday week, will have the strong
est array of national educators that
has over appeared before it. Among
thoso who will take part are:
Edward Howard Griggs, au'thor
nnd lecturer, of New ork city, who
will speak upon " Tho Inlluenco of
the Parent and the Tcarher in Moral
Education." Mr. Griggs' book on
' Moral Education" is conceded to
bo the best summary in this import
ant fiend of education. He is an at
trai five and magnetic speaker, as
well as a graceful and forceful
Dr Reuben Post. Halleck, prob
ably tho mostly widely known high
school principal In tho country. For
many years ho has been connected
with the Boys' High school at
Louisville, Ky., and has dealt with
problems incident with high school
education In a most practical and
successful manner. Dr. Halleck Is
also known as an author.
Dr William A. McKeever, known
throughout the length and breadth
of the land by reason of tho bulletins
which ho has published relating to
the teaching of boys and girls. The
Boston Herald says that his Home
Training Bulletins, which deal with
the practical side of life, have
aroused a deeper interest in child
training and homo building than
any other Inlluence radiating from
an Industrial Institution. Dr. Mc
Keever has done -a great work In his
own State, and he will have a mes
sage of interest to every Pennsylva
nian. Mrs Frank Do Garmo, head of the
Country Life Department of the Na
tional Congress of Mothers, has dem
onstrated in a very brilliant way the
connection between good roads and
good schools. In her campaigns for
good roads in Northern Louisiana
and Southern Missouri, she has
aroused the interest of the public
to an appreciation of how good
xoads can be made of great educa
tional value.
Superintendent J. H. Van Sickle,
of Springfield, Mass,, stands out
prominently as ono of the great na
tional superintendents. He is a man
of large vision, sane and sensible
in his presentation of practical ed
ucation. Henry S. Curtis, who will speak
at ono session',, -was formerly' se.ere'
tary of tho National Playground As
sociation. He has probably had a
wider experience In social center
work than any other man in the
country. His purpose will be to
show how the home and the school
.can be made to help each other.
The indications are that there will
bo an unusually large enrollment.
It Is hoped that every county in the
State will bo well represented.
Pennsylvania has entered upon a
new era In her educational history.
The Educational Council, tho legis
lative committee and the resolu
tions committee will have interest
ing and vigorous educational re
ports to offer. Teachers are urged
to plan their holiday vacation so as
to attend the meeting.
Every teacher who enrolls will re
ceive a volume of Proceedings, which
will bo a compendium of tho best
up-to-date educatonal thought. This
year's volume will contain addition
al presentations which will be of in
terest to every one concerned In ed
ucational affairs.
We are In receipt of a program of
an entertainment recently given in
Brooklyn by A. J. Kchbeln, magi
cian, a member of the Society of
American Magicians and Helen Mur
phy reader. In the first part of the
program Miss Maude E. Rehbein,
one of Honesdalo's talented musi
cians, played two piano solos, en
titled "Tarentello" and "Mountain
Stream" both by Sidney Smith. Mr.
Hehbein then interestingly enter
tained his audience 20 minutes with
paper. In part two of the pro
gram, Miss rtehbein played two
other selections from MacDowell.
The first was entitled "To a Water
Lilly" followed by "Tho Family
Plate." Prof. Rehbein continued to
mystify the audience with his magic
tricks for some timo afterwards.
Washington. Orders for tho
transfer of nearly 1,200 officers of
the army have been prepared at the
War Department. This inaugurates
tho greatest shakeup ever known In
the hlBtory of tho United States mil
itary service, especially as all
changes of posts of the officers con
cerned must have been accomplished
by December IB.
The general shifting Is due to leg
islation enacted at tho last session of
Congress, A drastic provision was
Inserted In tho army appropriation
bill, requiring all officers who had
not spent at least two years out of
the" last six on duty ivlth troops tp
bo with tbolr regiments not later
than December 15.
Eight Persons Shot for Deer.
Eight persons were killed and
twenty-four wounded In tho Adlron
dacks during the deer hunting sea
eon which closed last week. This is
the largest number ot persons killed
during the hunting season slnco
Frank Roberts and Miss Matilda
Shupper, both of this place, were
united In marriage on Sunday, Nov.
24, 1912, at 7 p. m, at the .Lutheran
parsonage by Rev. C, C. Millar.
, Entertained Friday Evening by Mr.
I and .Mrs. W. W. Oliver Toast-
master Was II. 1). Wood.
The sixth. annual banquet of the
Beachlnke Odd Fellows was held at
tho beautiful homo of Mr. and Mrs.
! W. W. Oliver, who reside near
Adams, on Friday evening last. Tho
I evening was an ideal one and all
I who were able to responded to the
: invitation sent out by Mr. and Mrs.
1 Oliver. While the guests wcro
I busily engaged at talking on the
! various topics of the day, tho
! younger members of the 'family were
I preparing a dinner and arranging
i other amusements with which to en
i tortaln those who had assembled,
j At 9:30 Miss Mabel and Master Carl
Oliver, daughter and son of the host
i and hostess, entered tho parlor each
I with a bag of neckties, ono of which
was passed to tho gonts, tho other
1 being passed to the ladles. After
each lady found tho gent who had
1 drawn the tie made of the same ma
i terial that she possessed, Master
Carl invited the guests to tho dining
room where they sat down to a
palatable dinner which was served In
courses. The waitresses, Misses
Blanch Oliver and Jennie Van Wert
did their part well and saw that all
were well provided for. The display
of National colors was grand. The
emblem of tho order, which hung
over the center ot the table, was
very attractive, so was also the large
card upon which was printed in
large letters the words, Friendship,
Love and Truth. Dinner over, Mr.
Oliver arose and In his usual, pleas
ing and entertaining manner, gave
a short address of welcome, at the
close of which ho announced that
Brother II. D. Wood would act as
toastmaster. Mr. Wood, who is al
ways ready to do his part, took the
floor and after making several ap
propuato remarks, called on the
other members and their wives.
Nearly all responded with speeches
and after dinner stories, after which
all repaired to the parlor where Mr.
and Mrs. Seymour favored them
with vocal and instrumental music.
At a late hour all departed for their
several homes, declaring that Mr.
and Mrs. Oliver were royal enter
tainers. Among those present were
Rev. Seymour and wife, W. C. Spry,
H. F. Budd, T. H. Olver, A. Stearns,
H. D. Wood, W. H. Marshall, and
their wives, airs. W. H. Dunn and
Charles Gibson.
Now that the hunting season Is
well on, reports from gunshot
wound's are coming from all parts
of Pennsylvania. There have been
so many of such unfortunate mis
haps to date that Prof. H. A. Sur
face, State Economic Zoologist, has
drafted a set of rules to be follow
ed while seeking game. The Intim
ation is conveyed that If they are
observed, there will be a great de
crease In hunting accidents, some of
which are traceable as much to
ignorance of the best methods to
be followed as to carelessness.
Prof. Surface's first rule is that a
gun should always- be kept pointed
away from yourself and others, his
second that you should never sweep
the horizon with It and always keep
it pointed upward when carrying it.
In getting over logs or fences, al
ways see that the gun Is put over
first and in a solid position. Then
go to another place to climb over.
Never under any circumstances pull
or draw a gun toward you by the
muzzle. Rules five and six read:
5. Do not load the gun until af
ter leaving tho house, and draw the
loads (or remove the caps, if a rauz
zlo loader, and -watch that no per
cussion is left on tho tube) as soon
as leaving the hunting grounds.
G. Never keep a loaded gun
around the house or tent, and do not
leave a loaded weapon where it may
be knocked down by dogs or chil
dren. Guns should not be carried cock
ed except when on the alert for
game. Never shoot Into moving
bushes without being sure tho de
sired game and that only Is there.
The movement or noise may be caus
ed by some person or domesticated
stock. No mud, snow or other 'ma
terial, should bo permitted to get
into tho muzzle of tho gun. Fires
In woods should bo watched care
fully and extinguished before leav
ing. No wounded game should bo
loft to suffer and die from Injuries.
Rules fourteen, fifteen, sixteen and
seventeen read:
14. If going for game, go alone
or with experienced hunters only,
carry only what Is essential. Hunt
with the back to tho sun, slowly and
quietly, and In such places and at
such tlmo of day as exporienco has
taught that the particular kind of
game Is to be found.
15. Do not hunt for "anything."
This generally results in nothing.
Different kinds of game aro to bo
found In different places and at
varying times of day, according to
tho species sought. Decldo before
starting out as to tho kind of game
to be hunted and tho region to bo
Tho boarding house of Nicholas
HeBS In Shohola township was re
cently entirely destroyed by lire,
due probably to a defective chimney,
entailing a loss of about $5,000,
upon which there was an lnsuranco
of but J1.700. The fire occurrod in
tho dny tlmo and of tho contents
nothing to speak of was saved. Tho
hbuso was of good size, capable of
accommodating about 35 guests.
To add to Mr. Hess" misfortune,
last week one of his children was
taken seriously ill -with diphtheria.
Tho sympathy of tho community
goes out to them in their misfortune
and sore affliction.
The First Thanksgiving
IT Is a mistake to suppose that the
annual Thanksgiving proclama
tion of tho president of the Unit
ed States Is always written or
dictated by the president. As u mat
ter of fact nbout nil the president Iuih
fo do with it is to sign his name to It.
The nctunl composition of the Thanks
giving proclamation la the work of a
speclnllst In the state department at
, i '
Jl odtximoJ?uQYt
tilt ?llX. Wfc&U.tAi. UUtlA?xUCLrvti wuJt. rvf&v oJ tfWAtfWUvt.
Washington. He endeavors, year after
year, to express practically the same
sentiments in an entirely new way or
at least without repeating verbatim
anything that had been said In previ
ous Thanksgiving proclamations. And,
us may be readily understood, this tusk
Is becoming more difficult with each
successive annual call for a day of re
joicing nnd thanksgiving.
Tho first Thanksgiving proclamation
truxUxi evcC (wwncClum4 av.toalL
ever issued by n president of tho Unit
ed States was signed more than 110
years ago by George Washington, Rud
tho original document I3 preserved la
the Horary Cthe suite department."
Tho first draft of the proclamation
started off: "Jn tho calamities which
afflict bo many of the nations." But
Attorney General Edward Randolph
did not approve of such a gloomy be-
As an opener for the deer season
Btorles that of Frank Van Gorden,
of the Beaver Run Club, in Porter
township, Pike county, Is certainly
a strenuous ono, and It is vouched
for by a number of friends of the
man as being tho truth, the wholo
truth and nothing but the truth.
It appears that ho was passing
through tho woods with his gun on
his shoulder, a day or two beforo
the deer season opened, not looking
for any particular kind of game,
when ho heard a crashing of the un
derbrush that to his trained ear dis
closed tho approach of a deer.
Van Gorden swung around and
ho saw that It was not only a deer,
but an Infuriated ono at that. With
ears thrown back and hair bristling
it was plain that something had
happened to greatly disconcert tho
pretty animal. Van Gordon was at
loss what to do and stood still in
his tracks as the deer camo on
with tho evident Intention of attack
ing him.
About this timo Frank camo to
tho conclusion It was about tlmo
that ho did something nnd ho
swung his gun to his shoulder
awaiting developments. Ho foared
to shoot recalling tho flOO flno for
hunting deer out of season and at
the saiuo time he did not enro to
tako chances on being hooked by
tho apparently unnddened animal.
To tho surprise of Van Gorden, the
animal turned asldo suddenly and
was lost In tho bushes. Van Gorden
declared after his experlenco that
ho had mot many deer In his time,
but he had never been cornered as
on this occasion and then could not
defend himself. Ho says be could
have dropped the deer In Its tracks
without trouble.
Word has been received of tho
promotion of Miss Kate Crandall to
bo the assistant forelady In tho
knitting mill at Waymart. Hor
many friends aro pleased to learn of
her success.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence D. Fort
nam, of Tyler Hill, motored to
Honeadale on Friday Jast.
1 j- vvw: 9 ti:v:i:i
ginning for a Thanksgiving message,
so he changed It to "When we review
the calamities which nflllct so many
other nntions, tho present condition of
, the United States offers much matter
' of consolation and satisfaction."
Even this sentence was changed, re
j written, corrected, revised, modified
i and altered several times by various
i members of the cabinet, to whom it
. vs
was submitted, but it was finally al
lowed to stand, as shown In the ac
companying reproduction of portions
of tho original proclamation.
The proclamation was issued on Jan.
1, 1705, nnd set apart the following
Feb. 10 ns a day for thanksgiving nnd
Any one who desires to see nil the
Thanksgiving proclamations Issued by
presidents of the United States will
pihms iZemietwr wtlUi
flnd them preserved In red leather vol
umes in tho stato department. While
George Washington originated the cus
tom, many of his immediate succes
sors did not follow his example, and it
T?as not 'until Abraham Lincoln, bo-,
came president that the annual
Thanksgiving as a November holiday
became a regular Institution In the
United States.
Gumwea tat aija Is ttuu fjtuudi
'Supposed to 00 Near Maple Grove,
Scott Township.
George Brown, a smallpox pati
ent of Hancock, N. Y.. broke quar
antine at that place about November
19, and escaped across tho Delaware
river into Scott township, Wayne
county. Tho health authorities of
Hancock used ovory means to locate
the iman but failed. On Monday
evening Dr. 11. B. Ely, county health
officer, received a letter from Lewis
G. Carpenter, an attorney of Han
cock, saying that Brown had been
reported to bo at tho home of a
man named Smith, who resides near
Maple Grove, Scott township. N. B.
Spencer loft on tho noon train to
day for Stnrrucca where, with S. P.
Woodmanseo, a search for the man
will bo made. If located tho Smith
houso will bo placed under quaran
tine and guard and Brown will prob
ably bo held there until word is
received from Stato Commissioner
of Health Dixon or Governor Tener
as to romoving tho man back to Now
York stato. Breaking quarantine Is
a serious offenso and Is punishable
by a lino of J2.000 and imprison
ment. Brown will probably bo re
quired to etand trial In Now York
stato for tho offenso.
Mary Weggo, of Hawloy, to Theo
bald E. J. Schoebly et ux. of same,
land In Palmyra township; consid
eration $2,500.
Spencer M. Pullls et ux. of Leban
on, to Rleflor & Sons, of Dyborry,
land in Dyborry township; consid
eration 475.
Nelllo E. Dlngraan Ammorman and
Ray Ammorman, off Wllkes-Barre,
to Charles W. Rose of Hawloy, land
in Hawloy borough; consideration,
There will be a big euchre and
social tlmo In tho I. O. O. F. hall
at Hawley on Wednesday night for
the benefit ot 6t. Phllomona's
church. A large number of prizes
will be awarded.
New York Capitalists and Homo
People Hack of tlio Proposition
Develop Wayiio County.
Wo have been authentically In
formed that tho belated street rail
way in Honesdale, which was begun
In 1905, will be built next spring.
This is encouraging news and its
confirmation will bo received with
much Joy.
The 'route to bo followed Is about
the samo as that surveyed for the
original Honesdale and Hawley trol
ley road, which was later known as
the Wayno Traction company. The
franchise calls for an extension north
of tho State bridge up Main street to
tho Hartung bridge; also a spur
down Eleventh street to Industrial
Point. Two switches are called for,
one In front of the Union depot and
another in Tront of Lyric theatre.
Outside of homo support, New
York capitalists are interested. The
proposition Is claimed to be one of
the best over to be developed and
out-of-town parties have expressed
themselves as being highly elated
over the possibilities that lie betweon
Honesdale, and Hawley.
The Incorporators petition the
Governor of this Stato for an Intend
ed charter to be known as the
Wayne County Street Railway, to be
operated between the points speci
fied In the survey. The company
will bo entirely new and In no way
whatsoever will it bo connected with
tho now underground street railway.
A different stylo track will be used
from the "T" rail now on Main
Tho proposed road will also do a
freight business In connection with
the passenger trafilc.
The trolley line will develop the
agricultural interests of Wayne
county and bring Honesdale and Its
business interest In closer touch
with the people living in tho rural
districts of Wayne county.
Tho road, in all probability will
branch out to summer resorts with
in a short distance from Honesdale
and Hawley. Beach Lake, Lake Lo
doro and the proposed lake from
'Wilsonville to Ledgedale are among
the possibilities.
Despite the raps and knocks
forthcoming from other sources The
Citizen has always supported and
advocated a trolley road for Wayne
county. It will be a business getter
for Honesdale and should be boosted
by the merchants, who will be the
direct benefactors. A trolley road
through Wayne county, touching the
principal towns and resorts also
passing through' the farming dis
tricts wIlL be the remaking of dear
old Wayne.
The car barns will be located on
Willow avenue. Just south of the
Herman bridge. Work Is expected
to commence January 1st next.
The cars of the Wayne County
Street Railway cannot run quick
enough. Let us hope that we may
all bo riding in trolley cars before
many months. It has been stated)
that the history of a trolley road Is
summed up as follows: First year
people rldo for the novelty and
pleasure; second year a decided
falling off of patronage; third year
tho public will ride because of the
There are no advantages to be de
rived from picking fruit green. The
ideal stage is when tho fruit is full
grown, but somo days before It
would begin to show signs of mel
lowness. Otehr points to bo observ
ed are the selection of late-matur
ing, good-keeping varieties, and
gathering the fruit in cool weather,
or late in the day when, it can stand
open all night to become chilled be
foro going into tho cellar.
A common practlco formerly was
to pile the fruit in the shade In the
open air or In a freely ventilated
building before placing It in stor
age, writes Ernest Walker in Farm
and Home. This was for the purpose
01 allowing it to go through a so
called "sweat." This process was
tnougnt to improve color and ravor
a slight shrinkage, also a toughening
01 mo sKin. it also allowed sped
mens that were not In sound condi
Hon or too ripe to develop signs of
Tho pile was then sorted over one
or more times, leaving only the
sound fruit for storing. The latter
result was no doubt of more real
value than tho so-called "sweat," as
wo know that diseased or scabby,
or fruit showing mechanical Injuries
will not keep well undor any condi
tions. Cold arrests the activities of
most of these organisms present, but
ono of these fungi at least works
oven at temperatures near the freez
ing point.
Tho location of tho collar on a
Blopo or hillside to tho north, with
openings up and down the hill, fa
vors free and through ventilation
during cool nights. By opening tho
collar early in tho night in cold
weather and closing tho doors be
fore sunrise, tho cellar Is cooled and
tho cold air is kept caged in. Under
ordinary seasonal conditions tho cel
lar so 'managed keeps fruit fairly
well. Tho essential Idea Is In keep
ing tho cool nlr In rather than keep
ing out warm air or protection
agaiimt freezing, and maintaining as
equable a temperature as possible by
careful attention to ventilation.
Tho Blnghamton Press has been
sold by Willis Sharpo Kilmer-to Je
rome B. Hadsell, who has been tho
business manager for somo time
Lewis Rlckert Indian Orchard
Margaret Dean Whlto Mills
Frank Roberts Honesdale
Matilda Shupper Honesdale
Rowland F. Snyder Kimbles
Mary 1. Krauss Hawley
Accident Occurred Saturday After
noon While Fishing With Two
Ono man was drowned as tho re
sult of his overturning a boat on
Hankin's Pond Into Saturday after
noon In which were two companions.
The two men swam ashore when tho
boat was upset and saved their
lives but Edward Martin was drown
ed. The body was recovered Sun
day afternoon at 5 o'clock.
On Saturday afternoon Edward
Martin and two other men took a
small row boat and went out on
Hankin's Pond to fish. Martin, ac
cording to the story told by the two
other men, had been drinking
heavily nnd had a bottle of whiskey
In the boat with him. About 5
o'clock that afternoon he became
unmanageable and threatened ito
upset the boat. The men did not
think he was in earnest as to tho
threat and let him alone. Martin
gave a lurch to one side of the boat
and it turned completely over,
throwing tho three men and a dog
into the pond. Martin sank at once
and did not rise again. His com
panions were able to swim and made
for tho shore, which they were able
to reach none the worse for their
On Sunday morning J. E. Tiffany,
justice of tho peace of Mt. Pleasant
township, telegraphed to Coroner P.
B. Petersen, at Honesdale, of the ac
cident and Dr. Petersen at onco
made the trip in his auto. When
he arrived there he questioned the
men and arrived at the conclusion
that an inquest was unnecessary.
He came back to Honesdale before
tho body was recovered.
Hankin's Pond, which Is located
about half way between Mount
Pleasant and Whites Valley, is own
ed by the Delaware & Hudson Co.
and Is used for a reservoir. The
pond is equipped with gates and the
water was let out. The body was
recovered in this manner about 5
o'clock Sunday afternoon, after it
had been in the water twenty--four
hours. On account of the telephone
lines being down In the vicinity of
Mount Pleasant more particulars
could not be had of the accident.
For every 100 cents which the
consumer pays for food, only 35 to
50 reach the producer. About 15
cents for transportation charges and
the Test are absorbed by profits and
expenses of the various middlemen.
A recent comprehensive Investiga
tion in New Yoi;k showed that while
no 'middleman makes an excessive
profit, there are too many of them
between the producer and consu,m
er, says an expert In Farm and
Various plans have been tried to
bring these two parties nearer to
gether so that tho consumer can
buy for less and tho producer eet
more than at present. Public
markets aro being conducted suc
cessfully in many cities to the ad
vantage of all parties concerned.
They work better in cities of 15,
000 to 50,000 where distances are
not too great for buyers to carry
home their filled market Ibaskets.
But in somo large cities, notably
Washington, D. C, and Albany, N.
Y., they have been successfully
conducted for many years.
The high cost of living has been
the means of establishing many
other markets in recent months.
The need and success of these is ex
plained by the experience of a
worklngman's wife, who told mo
how much moro sho could get for
her money at the market than sho
ever could at tho stores, and how
the family could enjoy many little
things that they could not afford
at the old-time store price.
Previous to tho development of
tho fruit and truck interests and
the establishment of a public mar
ket In Oklahoma City that placo
was dependent on outside states for
her fruit and vegetable supply Now
farmers bring in their wagons
loaded with fruits, vegetables and
other products, and sell out quickly
to either retailors or consumers
who como with baskets and bags and
tako homo enough for several days'
Tho experience at Waterloo, Ia
a city of 30,000 people, Is typical
of many others. A farmers' market
is maintained where farmers 'may
offer their produce for salo at any
price they can get. From 500 to
3000 people gather dally to buy
theso products. They como with
baskets aud buy from a few quarts
to a half bushel at a time. Somo
farmers drive 1C to 20 miles, but
most of them not over seven or
olght. Thero are 30 or 40 store
keepers who aro kicking, but 30,
000 peoplo are happy, so the suc
cess of tho plan can bo voted aa
nearly unanimous.
Tho Lestershlre Record says con
cerning Rev. B. P. Rlploy, former
ly of Hawley:
Tho Methodists of Lestershlro
woro exceedingly fortunate In sec
curing as their pastor, a man of the
splendid ability of Mr. Rlploy. Ho
Is a most excollent preacher, and to
uso a somowhat worldly expression,
ho is a good "nilxor." He knowa
tho people, and has a good word for
everyone that ho meets. He made
good In Lestershlro from the very
start, and peoplo In all walks of lire
are coming to lovo and respect him.
It may be somewhat of an etfort
for Lestershlre to keep him, as it Is
rumored that ho Is in great demand,
and may bo called elsewhere. Les
tershlre has every reason to feel
proud of Mr. Ripley and the good
work that ho has accomplished.