The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, November 22, 1912, Image 1

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    Flno Job Work Promptly Ex
ecuted nt Tho Citizen Omcc.
Subscribe For J, ,
Pooplo's Family
Per Ycnr. "
Citizen Tlie
pert $1.50
70th YEAR.--NO. 93
Hours Are From ti to 5 unci 7 to l
I. M. Open AIm on Frldny.
lul)lir Urged to Support It
By Presence.
Tlio Honesdale Free Library!
What Is It' Why Is It?
The townsman, If he ever thinks
ot it at all remembers vaguely that
thero Is such a thing but that it
holds Itself aloof, wrapped In awful
mystery It Is not a concrete reality,
hence these words of explanation.
There Is a free library In Hones
dale found on the first floor of the
High school building. Its main ob
ject is to inspire every one with an
Incentivo for real reading. Uy that
is meant not the kind that we do un
der pressure, our thoughts resisting
to concentrate nor yet the superfi
cial variety known, best to us per
haps through certain magazines
which hold our attention for the mo
ment and leave us with a rueful con
sciousness of absolutely wasted time
but the sort of reading we truly
like, a keen enjoyment while it
Hasts and a pleasant memory after
wards, There is to be found in your li
brary books on all subjects so you
tire suro of satisfaction. There are
some 00 volumes of bound maga
zines, 70 covering subjects of philo
sophy, ethics, religion, etc., 70 on
tho live subject of economics and
sociology, about 50 scientific works
covering all tho sciences, 220 on the
Arts Including Music, Poetry, Liter
ature. Drama, Art, etc. In biogra
phies about 17S volumes may be
found, in histories some 225, books
of travel about 95 and in fiction
nbout 750 volumes, and 500 Govern
ment Heports, making a total of
about 2,250 books.
Everyone is asked and urged to
show their loyalty to their own town
by helping support this growing In
stitution support it by your pres
ence and active interest. The Li
brary is open every Tuesday and
Friday from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m.
At high noon Wednesday occurred
the marriage of Miss Anna Grace
Hettew of Carbondale, to Charles
Frederick Bushwaller, of Honesdale.
The ceremony was performed at the
home of the. bride's father, Hon. C.
E. Rettew, of John street, In the
presence of a large gathering of
'friends. The wedding ceremoily was
read by Itov. George C. Graham, rec
tor of Trinity church.. The couple
was unattended. -The-brldo was-at-tractlvely
attired in a white wedding
gown. The wedding marches were
played by Miss Mabel Lowry.
hollowing the ceremony thero was
nn elaborate wedding reception fol
lowed by a -wedding dinner. Mrs.
Bronson catered. Mr. and Mrs. Bush
waller left on an afternoon train for
a wedding trip, upon tho completion
of which they will reside in Hones
ale. Among the out-of-town guests at
tho wedding were: Miss Minnie Bush
waller, Misses Emma and Hannah
Bushwaller, Miss Florence Bunnell,
Mrs. C Hartung, Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
Rettew and Master Charles Rettew,
of Honesdale; Mrs. R. N. Rettew of
Philadelphia, and Mrs. William Long
shore, of Rutledge, Pa.
Harrisburg, Nov. 21. A list of
pure bred live stock in Pennsylvania
bas been Issued by tho Department
of Agriculture with an admonition
to the people to pay heed to tho
breeding of good stock.
Tho list contains 22.182 names, of
which 1285 are horses, 14,939 cattle,
4287 sheep and goats, and 1671
ewlne. In the horse list 480 Per
cheron horses are listed, with 158
Shetland ponies. The Holstein
Frelslan cattle lead that list with
C2C9. other breeds being Jerseys,
285C, Guernseys, 2585, and short
horn, 14C3. Shropshires and mer
inos lead tho sheep, and C91 Bcrk
ehlres lead tho hogs.
Tho registration of stallions
shows nearly one thousand animals.
Death of L. W. Mon,s.
Leonidas W. Morss died at his
homo in Scranton Wednesday after
noon after a brief illness at the ago
of 75 years. Ho is survived by his
wife and tho following children:
Minnie, at home; Dr. Georgo L.
of Brooklyn; Louis R., of Now York;
Julian S. of Pen Argyle; Dr. Clar
ence R , of Colerine, Minn.; Attorney
II rtfWl fl 1 r Mnm Vn.l.
w " ... u V. . .11,11 A V (V.
Mr. Morss was born In Red Falls.
Greene county, New York, Jan. 17,
1838 After leaving college he took
charge of his father's tannery at
Ledgedale, this county, near Lake
Ariel Tho plant was burned down
In 1898 and Mr. Morss went to
Scranton, whero he has since resid
Tho last exercises In connection
with tho celebration of tho 125th
anniversary of the introduction of
Methodism In Monroo county, held at
tho Stroudsburg M. E. church on
Sunday. Rev. Georgo P. Eckman,
of New York City, tho editor of tho
New York Christian Advocate deliv
ered addresses at both meetings.
Tho Bushklll Poultry Farm, locat
ed In Monroe county, this year, with
1400 henB, shipped 172,000 egge.
Tho capacity for 1913 will bo
doubled to 1,800,000. They are at
present having the Hull brooding
sytsem installed. Orders amounting
to 12,000 baby chicks have already
been received for next year.
Tho four-year-old suit of J. Wes
ley Hull and Dnniel Hull, of Mt.
Pleasant, Wayno county, executors
and trustees of tho estate of Har
riet Amanda Spencer, against Jennie
Bowie, of North Scranton. was sot-
! tied Tuesday in court when it came
to trial bofore Judge A. T. Searle of
Honesdale, who is sitting in common
picas court in Scranton this week.
When the trial got fairly started
Judge Searle brought all parties to
gether and suggested a settlement
that was satisfactory to both sides.
Mrs. Amanda Spencer, wife of
George Spencer, owned a property
with 150 feet frontage on North
Main avenue, the property running
back 150 feet to Putnam street. She
died in 1907 and left the place in
trust to her husband and to her
I brother, J. Wesley Hull, and his son,
. Daniel Hull. They wcro named as
executors as well as 'trustees.
I Under the will the executors were
directed to place her husband In pos
session with his having right to dis
pose of it in whole or in part. ' He
lived to April, 190S, when ho died at
tho age of eighty-six years. Ho left
a will bequeathing to Miss Bowie,
sixty feet frontage of the property
and the house, which had stood for
fifty years on the plot. Miss Bowie
was a foster child of tho Spencers,
but was never adopted by sanction
of the court.
When the estate got into Orphans'
court, Miss Bowie put In a claim for
$2,6SG as her earnings as a steno
grapher, which she maintained went
to support Spencer in his old age.
Judge Sando allowed the conveyance
of the land as consistent with the
terms of Mrs. Spencer's will, hut the
executors appealed and the Supreme
court sustained the appeal. The
dispute then went into the common
pleas fjr trial by jury. Scranton
TIONS. To Be Held in Severnl Counties of
tho SUito Under Direction of State
Zoologist II. A. Surface.
The schedule for tho Pennsylvania
Orchard Demonstration work, under
the direction of State Zoologist H.
A. Surface, of Harrisburg, for the
third week of demonstration ser
vice, has been prepared and the
dates on which the demonstrations
will bo held In Wayne county are
given below. They Include public
exhibitions of correct methods of
pruning and spraying. The demon
strator will be here rain or shine,
an(l will make and apply tho proper
material to use to rid "the orchard
of pests. All Interested persons are
Invited to be present at these dem
onstrations, which will begin at one
o'clock on the date aamed. The
meetings will be held In Honesdale
on Wednesday, Nov. 27, at W. W.
Baker's. In Waymart on Friday,
November 29, at Hull Bros, store.
The first snowfall always surprises
us, just as the annual recurrence of
a birthday does, with its pitiless re
minder of approaching winter; but
the snowfall of last Saturday did
not arrive before its time. During
the past eleven years snow has fallen
as early as October 11, never in
that time has snowfall been de
ferred as lato as November 1st in
this part of the world.
We have been through a queer
summer. Last winter was a queer
winter. The summer before was
outlandish. Very likely tho next
four months will bo out of the ordi
nary. The weather is always queer.
It would bo queer If It wero not
queer. We have warrant for hop
ing, or, If we prefer, we may hope
without warrant, that the winter of
1912-1913 will bo peculiar in Its
mercifulness to tho coal bin. Post
Buck Killiam, one ot Hawley's
crack shots, went gunning a few
days ago. After being In the woods
a short time he heard his trusty dog
barking lustily. Going in tho direc
tion from whence came the repeated
barks Mr. Killam was encountered
by a largo catamount. The ferocious
wild cat Jumped for the dog, but tho
latter being a good dodger managed
to keep his distance. Seeing tho
green eyes of tho catamount, as .they
wero cast upon him, Mr. Killiam shot
wild, but hit tho cat. Tho cat re
treated and took to .the woods, dis
appearing in a ledge. This is an
Instance when Buck Killiam didn't
kill 'em.
MANAC, Tho Rev. Irl R. Hicks Almanac
for 1913 Is now ready. It Is the most
splendid number of this popular
Year Book ever printed. Its value
has been more than ever proven by
remarkable fulfillments of its storm,
weather and earthquake forecasts
this year. Professor Hicks justly
merits the confidence and support of
all the people. Don't fall to send
35c for his 1913 Almanac, or only
ono dollar for his splendid Magazlno
and Almanac ono year. The best ono
dollar Investment possible in any
homo or business. Send to Word
and WorkB Publishing Company,
3401 Franklin Avo., St. Louis, Mo.
A company of six artists, Walter
Eccles and Tho College Singing
Girls, appear at the- Lyric Friday
night, and, judging from tho ad
vance' sale of seats, a largo audlenco
will greet this clever company upon
their return engagement hero. If
you .havo not already secured seats
for this attraction, telephone your
order at once for same. You will
not regret it.
Miss Wario Ward was a visitor In
Hawley Wednesday.
Vcrnlelgh Kccslcr of Tyler Hill,
visited relatives In town on Wednes
day. Mrs. R. H. Tralles, of Carbondale,
was calling on friends bore Tues
day. Sheriff F. C. Kimblo was attend
ing to business at Lookout on Wed
nesday. Mrs. James Lindsay returned on
Monday from a weeks' visit in Car
bondale. H. J. Atkinson, of Hawley, spent
part of Wednesday in Honesdale on
business. '
Jacob Doctsch and son, of Haw
ley, were callers in Honesdale on
C. P. Searlo and Harold Rowland
havo returned from a hunting trip in
PIko county.
Mark Bregsteln returned Tuesday
night from a brief business trip to
New York city.
M. G. Noble, of Calkins, was at
tending to business at tho county
seat on Tuesday.
Miss Eva Wilson is a guest at tho
homo of her uncle, Rev. Wilson
Trelble, at Dallas.
Mortimer Brandamoro returned
Tuesday from a week's visit with his
brother, Marlow, in Scranton.
Howard Keesler, of Rutledgedalo,
returned to his home Tuesday after
spending somo time in Scranton.
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Swingle leave
on Wednesday next for Creola, Ala.,
whero Mr. Swingle has purchased a
track of land.
N. P.. Dennis, poormaster of Da
mascus township, who lives at
Boyds Mills, was a business caller
In Honesdale Tuesday.
Miss Helen Fowler, of Oklahoma,
recently arrived home to spend sev
eral months with her mother, Mrs.
Thomas Fowler, on North Main
Misses Annie and Jennie Edwards
of Greenwood and Miss Nettio Bern
ard of South Scranton, who havo
been visiting at Waymart, havo re
turned to their homes.
Mrs. Richard Dusinberre, of Ber
wick, returned to her home on
Wednesday after spending several
days at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
William Kreitner on West street.
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll J. Kelley, of
West street, left Thursday for a visit
with relatives in Tunkhannock. Mr.
Kelley will do somo hunting In tho
vicinity of East Lemon while In
Wyoming county.
The fire department of White
Mills are conducting a three-day fair
and bazaar in Florence theatre.
Florence Theatre, White Mills,
has a new curtain In that play house.
It was received on Thursday of this
.week. A number of local concerns
have advertisements thereon,
A Bellevuo car In' Scranton got
beyond control of the crew early
Wednesday morning at the brow of
thO Elm Strfifit hill Hurt wont Hnnn
the hill at a terrific speed and ran
in mus t ino lengin oi nam street
bridge after it had left the tracks.
The Iron supports of tho bridge
checked the speed of the car and
stopped it from a plunge down Into
tho Lackawanna river below.
Tho court of errors and appeals
of New Jersey on Monday alllrmed
tho decision of the supreme court
holding that women were not entitled
under the constitution of New Jersey
to vote for civil officers, presidential
electors or upon questions submitted
to tho people. Women are, however,
permitted to vote at school elections.
Monday's decision was in tho case of
Harriet F. Carpenter against the
board of elections of Passaic town
ship, Morris county. Miss Carpen
ter claimed that women wero entitled
to vote under tho state constitution
of 177C and that this right had been
improperly taken away by tho con
stitution of 1884. In Monday's opin
ion Justice Swayze held that tho
right but Js the creation of constitu
tions and statutes.
The spelling contest committee
met at tho High school building on
Wednesday night and re-elected tho
former officers. They aro: Miss
Theresa B. Soete, chairman; Miss
Alma Schueller, secretary; Miss
Julia Schimmel, treasurer. It was
decided to revise tho 1500 words
used in tho last contest and add 300
more to tho list for tho contest to
bo hold next year. Tho words will
bo published in booklet form tho
same as this year. The receipts from
tho recent spelling contest wore
142.45 and after all bills aro paid
thoro will bo somo money In tho
treasury to start tho contest next
year. Supt. J. J. Koehler was very
much pleased as to the manner In
which tho recent contest turned out
and tho committee in chargo aro en
thusiastic In their plans for tho
spelling contest to take placo next
Tho Scranton Times beat tho
Truth of that city at their own
game. The Truth management an
nounced on Saturday last how E. O.
Weoka would distribute ovor the
city and mid-valley by aeroplane its
Monday edition. The day proved to
bo unsatisfactory to make a flight
and It was thoroforo indefinitely
postponed. Tho Scranton Times,
alort to tho situation, made arrange
ments with Aviator Weeks to dis
tribute copies of that paper over tho
city and adjoining places, thereby
claiming the honor of delivering tho
first papors by aeroplane in tho hip
lory of tho city. Around each copy
of The Times was a printed wrapper
explaining to tho recipient that $1
awaited him upon presentation of
tho paper at the Times office. This
is -what wo term enterprise in Jour
nalism. Who can tell how soon be
fore Honesdale may receive papers
dropped from tho okyT
Governor John K. Tnnnr'n nfflnlnl
Thanksgiving day proclamation was
i Issued Wednesday. In keeping with
the president's proclamation on tho
, subject ho fixes Thursday, November
i 28, ns pie day. He says: "The pco
' pie of our state and nation havo
: many things for which to bo thank
ful. Living in an ago of invention,
I surrounded with unusual resources,
i with no problem of the unemployed
to solve, tho people havo enjoyed
I greater safety and comfort, and
I higher social and Intellectual privi
leges, than havo fallen to a lot of
men In any previous ago of tho
I world.
"Thero are a number of things In
which Pennsylvania In particular
has been fortunate. Sheltered by a
hundred hills and watered by numer
ous lakes and rivers, our state Is lin
ed with the picturesque and beauti
ful; yot this diversity has resulted In
other advantages. Frost, fire and
Hood seldom affect us adversely.
Even financial depressions lose their
force with us because of the variety
of our interests and when the na
tion has passed through such afflic
tions, wo havo been quick to recov
er. "During the year Just passed,
Pennsylvania has had no great ca
lamities and no Industrial disturb
ances; her philanthropic and finan
cial institutions have flourished; her
rural and urban communities have
been unusually free from the scourge
of disease, and her overflowing har
vests presage a period of unrivaled
"It Is natural and proper for all
right minded people to be filled with
n spirit of thankfulness. It has been
customary to set aside one day of the
year for the purpose of giving ex
pression to this feeling."
Joint Session of Borough Council
and Board of Health.
Honesdale at this time has a mild
case of smallpox. This patient Is
being cared for by a trained nurse
and two of our best physicians. The
building and Inmates aro under
strict quarantine, guards being sta
tioned to enforco same in eight
hour shifts, day and night, and
every precaution has been taken to
prevent any further contagion.
Tho Board of Health met with the
Town Council last evening. Owing
to this one case and cases reported
in surrounding counties, they deem
ed it advisable to pass the following
At a meeting of the Town Coun
cil of tho . Borough of Honesdale
,VJd, at the City Hall on November
SOi-4912, the" following resolution
was adopted by the Honesdale Board
of Health, and was unanimously
adopted by the Town Council as
a resolution this day, viz,
At a meeting of the Board of
Health held at the City Hall on
November 20, 1912, the following
resolution was unanimously adopted:
"Resolved that we strongly rec
ommend that all residents of Hones
dale and vicinity who have not been
vaccinated within five years be im
mediately vaccinated, each selecting
his or her own physician, who would
decide tho necessity of such vaccina
tion." M. Caufield, President,
John Erk, Secretary,
C. A. McCarty, Burgess.
Animals often are responsible for
tho spread of disease. The rat fre
quently brings with it cholera; the
cow through its milk, tuberculosis;
tho fly, typhoid fever. Many con
tagious diseases are brought into
tho home by tho dog and the cat.
It Is all right to havo such house
hold pets as tho cat and dog If com
mon senso is used in selecting and
taking care of them. Do not make
a pet of tho tramp cat. People of
ten allow their children to kiss tho
dog or the cat and sometimes do It
themselves. This not only is fool
ish, but also lays one open to the
attack of such disease germs as
these animals may be carrying.
If contagious disease attacks your
home, quarantine tho dog and the
cat as you would any member of
your family. Seo also that these ani
mals do not wander into places
whoro disease exists. Remember
that animals are just as likely to be
carriers of diseaso as human be
ings, and that they should bo taken
caro of accordingly. Karl do Sch
wolnitz, Executlvo Secretary, Penn
sylvania Society for tho Prevention
of Tuberculosis.
Miss Olga Pohlo was happily sur
prised at her homo on Russell
street laBt Tuesday evening, tho oc
casion being her birthday. Instru
mental music rendered by Miss
Emma Cook, pianist, and Joseph
Carr, violinist. Games 'wero played
and at 12 o'clock, tho guests, num
bering about 30, partook of a sump
tuous repast. Those present wero:
Miss Cora Budd, Lena Palmer,
Pearl Bennett, Margaret Ricdel, Car
rie Daniels, Anna and HItdegnrd
Pohlo, Janetto Decker, Madallno
and Isabel Illllcr, Emma Cook, Mln
nlo Mnrtln, llattlo Owens, Horace
Rogers, Charles Bayly, Ray Harab
ly. Fred, John and Kurt Pohle, Fred
Glehrer, Carl Cook, William Soete,
Joseph Carr, Mr, and Mrs. S. Donoy,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Daln, all of
Honesdale; J. II. Honnemauth, Ar
thur Miller both of Archbald; Wll
bert Probst, Philadelphia; John
Kiofer, Now York City; Frank Spor
er, Honry Hagerty, White Mills.
Charles F. Utt ,.Lakovllle
Mary E. Kimble Scranton
Otto O. Olver Beach Lake
M. Louise Snavely . . ... . FaUsdalc
Pattern Building First to Receive
Roof Itilckliijcrs arc Hustling
Building AH Above Ground.
The now Gurney Electric Elevator
works at this place Is beginning to
tako on the aspect of a largo manu
facturing plant. Bricklayers are
working on walls which arc all abovo
ground. With tho increased force
it is expected to have the walls ready
for tho structural steel work in a
short time. Seventeen carloads of
brick Is expected from Mechanlco
burg this week.
Tho failure to receive tho steel
columns has set that part of the
work back. Tho steel sash, how
ever, has been set In the main shop
building. Tho pattern vault will be
tho first part of the series of build
ings on tho site that will receive Its
roof. Preparations aro being made
to place a concrete roof thereon
within a few days. The false struc
ture Is now being framed.
The Warren Ehret company, of
Philadelphia, has the contract to
roof tho buildings, which will con
sist of tar paper, covered with slag.
The eastern part of the main shop
will havo three bays of saw-teeth
glass roof, each bay measuring 20
feet wide and extending tho entire
length of tho shop.
A switch is being built from the
main track of the Delaware and
Hudson yard into the factory prop
er. Tho work of cutting down the
old tow path and getting down to a
grade Is now being done. Tho dirt
is drawn to tho extreme southern
end of the site where It is used for
filling in.
Mrs. Maria Way, wmow of A. C.
Teed, died at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. John Tompkins, of
Equinunk, Pa., at 4:30 a. m. on the
15th day of November, 1912, after
a short illness, aged 81 years, at
her last birthday Jan. 31, 1912. She
was born in Cortland county, N. Y.
She was married to A. C. Teed in
the city of Elmira, N. Y., August 9,
1846, and moved with her husband
to Equinunk, they being among the
early settlers. There was born to
them four children, and three of
them now survive her Chas. W of
Walton, N. Y.; Mrs. John Tompkins
of Equinunk, and Marvin E. of El
mira, N. Y. The other son, Coby F.,
died some years ago. She was the
last and oldest of seven children.
Funeral services were held at the
homo of her daughter at 2 p. "in.
on Monday, Nov. 18. She was buried
besldo her husband in th'e Equinunk
cemetery. Several persons attended
from out of town: Mrs. Teed was
from her early days to the time of
her death a member of Christ Epis
copal church of Deposit, N. Y. Her
certificates of baptism and con
firmation and first holy communion
In that church were highly praised
and carefully kept to the day ot her
death. The funeral was largely at
tended. The services wero conduct
ed by the Rev. Samuel Tolley, pastor
of the Equinunk M. E. church.
Dentil of Prompton Mnn.
Edwin Mohr died at his home In
Prompton Wednesday morning about
four o'clock, after a brief illness,
at tho ago of 38 years. He had
been a resident of that village since
April last, coming there from Nantl
coke, where he was engaged in min
ing. He is survived by his wife and
several brothers and sisters. Tho
funeral will bo held in Prompton on
Friday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock.
Tho remains will bo taken to Nantl
coko Saturday where services will
also be held at the home of his sis
ter, Mrs. Charles Teppins. Interment
will bo made in Nanticoke.
To help along their work of sort
ing out tho "boosters" from the
city's population and bringing them
all together to do the work for New
York similar to that done by boost
or clubs In the far western and
Pacific Coast cities, the Merchants'
Association of New York has pre
pared a "think card." In reading
this the merchants of Honesdale will
please substitute their own town in
place of New York. Here are tho
No town ever went ahead without
mon to push it ahead.
Think this over.
Your prosperity depends upon the
prosperity of New York.
Bear that in mind.
If you work for New York you
work for yourself.
Give to that careful consideration.
If you neglect New York you neg
lect your best Interests.
Now, where does your duty lie?
If any ono is uncertain as to
what tho answer Is to the Hnal ques
tion, ho Is supposed to risk the
chance of answering It right by be
coming a booster.
Mount Pleasant, Nov. 20. Proud
of his handsomo Wilson, pin which
his father had given hlra and which
ho was woarlng on his coat, William
Kellar, thirteen years old; a son of
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kellar, refus
ed to part with It when several
hoodlums demanded it.
Young Kellar put up a good fight
until his antagonists overpowered
him. Seeing that he must eventual
ly lose tho pin Kellar swallowed Jt.
Going homo he told his mother
what ho had done. She summoned
a physician but he could find no
traco of tho pin nor any injury that
it had done to the boy.'
Three carloads, of cattle wero
shipped from Honesdale over tho D.
& H. thl week..
To tho Editor of Tho Citizen:
Dear Sir:
A letter of which the following Is
a copy Is being circulated in Wayno
M. J. Hanlan, Supreme Auditor of
tho American Fraternal Association,
at the time of the auditing of tho
accounts of that association, saw
fit to write of Mr. Wasman's ac
counts and work, as follows:
"Havo made a thorough and
careful examination of tho books,
frocords, vouchers and receipts of
the monies received by the associa
tion, and tho monies nald out. .mil
I have carefully compared all the en-
vj il ,i; 1C1UIU3 Ul L11U clUSULlil-
tion, and have verified same by tho
receipts and vouchers held by tho
Supremo Secretary, and find that the
funds of tho association aro collect
ed and distributed In accordance
with tho laws governing the samo,
as expressed In tho Constitution and
By-Laws and feel that it is duo to
the Supremo Secretary to say, that
the records of the Association are
kept in a thorough manner. That
the system In use by him in keep
ing the records, accounts, receipts
and vouchers of the association
meets with our approval."
Supreme Secretary.
I do not wish to have it under
stood that I am the author of tho
above letter or have been instru
mental in circulating it. When the
American Fraternal Association was
organized E. A. De Lanoy, Esq , of
Carbondale, and myself were told
that we had been appointed Supreme
Auditors of that organization. Wo
audited the books of the association
in January, 1908, and again In Jan
uary, 1909, and found the accounts
correct. We signed a form which
had been prepared and of which I
presume the above is a copy. We
wero not called upon to audit the
books since that time. Tho
transfer is said to havo been made
in the fall of 1909 and I had no
knowledge of it until It had been
Yours truly,
Edward Brehn, Sr., one of Haw
ley's electricians, Is the proud pos
sessor of a fine five-pronged buck.
The deer weighs 200 pounds and is
ono of the finest killed this season.
Mr. Brehn was on the Curtis
place and before he had been there
any length of time a fine, majestic
fleet-footed deer put In appearance:
Mr. Brehn always wa&.a good marks
man and- If cver-,he needed his nerve
It was now. My, what a fine fellow
he was! Crack went the rifle. The
buck fell In his tracks. It required
but ono shot. Mr. Brehn, his
friends, and the editor did you say?
are whetting their appetites for fine
steaks of venison.
The mall box at tho corner ot
Main and Tenth streets has beon
moved north one block.
The Gurney Electric Elevator
company shipped three carloads of
elevators via D. & H. on Thursday.
Earl Rockwell, John Male and
Neville Holgate, commissioners of
Wayne county attended to business
in Scranton on Wednesday.
H. Clark Jackson, successful
candidate for Representative in gen
eral assembly from this district, fil
ed his expense account on Thurs
day. His total expenditures wore,
$100.92. Tho Items wero as fol
lows: Herald Press Association, ad
ertislng, $7.50; Hawley Times, $11.
29; Independent, $33.55; Citizen
Publishing Company, $19.4C; post
age, S4c; cigars, $9.25; Washington
Party committee, $25.00.
Exceptions were filed on Wed
nesday on the bill of costs for the
arbitrators In the suit of Teresa Ger
rity against tho Columbian Protec
tive Association, by John F. Scragg
and Robert E. Scragg, attorneys for
tho defonse. Tho bill of costs gavo
tho arbitrators $12 and they con
tended In their exception that only
$1 should bo allowed each arbitrator
in tho case, making a total ot $3.
Their exceptions were for 9.00
J. M. Warner, who several years
ago was tho very elllcleni trainmast
er of tho Delaware Division of tho
Erie railroad, which he left for a
position on tho Belt railway of Chi
cago, through his great ability and
competency in railroading and busi
ness generally was steadily ad
vanced to the position of General
Manager. His many friends here will
bo pleased to learn of his recent
promotion to that of vice-president
of the Belt lino which position ho
holds In connection with that of Gen
eral Manager of tho road.
A 999-year lease was recorded In
register and recorder W. B. Lesher's
ofllco on Thursday for a pieco of
property In tho villago of Lako Ariel.
The owner, Flora M. Schadt, execu
trix of tho last will of Charles II.
Schadt, lato of Scranton, leased tho
property, which contains 7.500
squaro feet of land, to Charles Shaf
fer, of Lako township. The consid
eration of the leaso was $500 and $1
to be paid at its termination. One
of tho conditions of the leaso was
that no hotel or public boarding
house bo built on tho property and
that no vinous or spirituous liquors
wero to be sold on it.
At a meeting of the Deposit vill
age board on Monday evening of last
week it was voted to call a special
election on Nov. 26 for the purpose
ot voting upon tho question of bond
ing the village for $50,000 to build a
municipal water system.'