The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, November 20, 1912, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Magnificent Growth ilndo Daring
rust Few Years Itcv. II. O.
llnrnetl An Ardent "Worker.
Tho Citizen acknowledges with
thanks a roport of tho Atlantic
Ascncy of tho American Dlblo So
Iety. AVo aro Indebted to Rev. II.
O. Harned, of Scranton, suporlnton
dent of this district. Hon. Alfred
Hand, of Scranton, 1b one of the
vice-presidents of this society.
The following Is a record for Ave
and one-half years:
Volumes distributed, 31.9GS. In
31 languages. (Italian, 2,617.)
Value, ?13,07G.30.
Donated, G,198 volumes, valued nt
J3.1S0 42, Including discount on
Bibles sold.
Sent forward In payment for
Bibles and for tho Great Mission
work of the Dlblo Society, ?1S,4G4.
46. Tho Blblo Society's record for a
dozen years Is 56,007 volumes.
Tho Atlantic Agency was estab
lished in 1910, and Includes the
states of Pennsylvania, New Jersey,
and Delaware. Tho circulation for
tho year ending December 31, 1911,
was 146,900 volumes. This brings
tho total circulation since tho estab
lishment of the Agency up to 281,
265 volumes, after allowing for a
clerical error made in last year's re
port. With this allowance, tho cir
culation this year Is nearly 12,535
opleB more than tho circulation for
1910. Thlrty-threo persons were
employed In tho distribution during
tho year The Agency Secretary Is
tho Rev. Lelpbton W. Eckard, D. D.,
and tho Business Manager, R. H.
Thomas, Jr., Blblo House, 701 Wal
nut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Tho Inestimable advantage of
lainU'ning a society whose sole ob
ject is tho wider circulation of tho
Holy Scriptures Is not as fully real
ized, even by Christian people, as It
should be. Tho fundamental charac
ter of the work, the need that exists,
tho effective i-ontrlbutlon to home
and foreign missionary enterprise,
which only thus is possible, tho fi
nancial responsibility Involved by
tho organization which translates,
imports, and prints tho Bible, be
sdes sending its agents to all parts
of the world, is dimly apprehended.
6yrapathy and co-operation are with
held, not through opposition, but
rather because of ignorance of what
is required. Only the slow process
of personal contact with individual
ministers and church members
seems adequate, in many cases, to
overcome Inertia and awaken inter
est. Especial attention has been
paid to this form of endeavor with
encouraging results. The popular
ity of tho "budget" sytsem under
which congregational apportionments
are made for benevolent 'purposes,
affords tho opportunity for asking
that our cause he included In the
list. If the request Is granted, as it
Increasingly is, the result will be
an assured percentage each year,
which will bo far better than the
offering as made in former years,
tho amount of which could not be
estimated in advance.
General Statement.
The output of tho Atlantic Agency
for tho year Is 146,900 volumes, an
increaso of about seventeen per
cent. Tho colporteurs employed
lumbered 20, an increase of 7.
Miles traveled, as far as reported,
30,000. As our men have a com
paratively restricted territory to
traverse, and as they have done
much work in our cities and larger
towns, where they have tarried for
weeks at a t,.jo, their Journeyings
from point to point do not represent
great distances. The distribution of
the Bible has been in 47 languages
a gain of 1.
Our chief source of satisfaction
arises from the more efllcient work
that is being done by our men in tho
field. Some disappointments have
been experienced. But generally
speaking, a good spirit, Intelligent
service, and an earnestness most
commendable have been shown. Tho
available supply of eillcleut colpor
teurs is better now than previously.
The Depositories at Philadelphia,
Scranton and Pittsburgh havo been
eWciently managed, and have proved
centers of influence. Exceptionally
eheering reports have como each
month from tho Rev. J. Walker Mil
ler, who Is superintendent of tho
Southwest Department of tho Agen
cy. Kiev en counties aro In his juris
diction, and the results in tho wholo
of this territory are increasingly sat
isfactory. Difficulties havo been
overcome, wise methods of work de
veloped, and revenues enlarged. Un
der his supervision 17,866 volumes
havo been distributed. Thirty lan
guages wero represented. When tho
Bishop of London had his attention
railed to tho rapidly increasing clr
eulation of tho Scriptures through
out the world, ho Is reported to havo
said "When people say to mo, 'la
tho Christian Church still speaking
with tongues? I answer, 'Yes, in tho
Bible Society.' "
Tho advancing years do not dim
the eye or dampen tho ardor of
Brother Harend, who is in charge of
tho Northeast Department. Together
with his elllclent and consecrated
wife, ho displays tho courage, and en
durance of a good soldier of Jesus
Christ Ho has no word correspond
ing to ' fatlguo" in his vocabulary.
Ho makes an Ideal Blblo seller, and
understands how to attract pur
chasers. Ho follows tho apostolic
example, moreover, in exhorting all
to liberally, and is never happier
than when quoting Paul to tho peo
ple, "See that yo abound in this
grace also." So he gives with ono
hand, while gathering with tho oth
er, God has blessed him and,
through him, many others.
Hlhlo Society's Anniversary.
At a recent meeting of tho board
of managers of tho Lackawanna Bi
ble society, liold at tho homo of Wm.
II. Richmond, of Richmond Hill,
Scranton, It was decided to hold tho
public anniversary as near a day of
tho month as that on which tho so
ciety was organized, Nov. 2C, 1856.
Rev. 11. G. Harned and W. A. May
were appointed as a commltteo to
arrango for tho event.
F. K. Tracy was elected assistant
treasurer to succeed Mr. Richmond,
who will bo absent during tho Win
ter, as he Intends to take a trip to
Cuba. Tho .following resolutions
woro adopted:
"Resolved, That It Is tho opinion
of this board that nothing should bo
dono In respect to our affiliation
with other Blblo societies that would
inllltato against or In nny -way de
stroy tho Identity or cmclcncy of tho
Lackawanna Blblo society, which
'has had a continuous prosporlty dur
ing tho past ilfty years.
"Resolved, That wo npprovc of tho
work of Supt. H. G. Harned and
Mrs. Harned in .managing tho af
fairs of tho society, and horoby rqc
o m in end their reappointment.
"Resolved, That wo wish Mr. Rich
mond, who has been our treasurer
for tho past thirty years, and family
a safe voyago and a ploasant sojourn
during the Winter In Cuba, and that
they may return to us in good
health and good cheer In tho Spring
time." Tho officers woro appointed to act
as an executive commltteo to arrange
with the superintendent all questions
arising in tho Interim between tho
meetings of tho board. W. W. La
thropo was appointed to audit all
books. Scranton Trlbuno-Republl-can.
While tho State Game Commission
lias not been successful In getting
a decision upon tho "buck with
horns" provision of tho deer pro
tection laws during tho past twelve
months, the officials of the commis
sion do not believe, that any trouble
will bo experienced this year with
hunters shooting any deer other than
those allowed by law. The open sea
son for deer started Friday to con
tinue until December 1. Ono hunt
er mny not kill raoro than ono deer
each season and each deer killed
must bo a "bdek with horns visible
above tho hair." Killing of does and
bucks less than a year old Is abso
lutely forbidden. For tho past year
a case of alleged violation has been
pending in tho Allegheny county
courts. A Dr. Dickinson, of that
city, shot a deer in the northern part
of the State which, it is alleged, was
a male fawn which had no horns, al
though the pedicle of the horn was
there. Tho case will hinge on
whether tho pedlclo is tho horn or
not. Efforts to havo a trial tho past
year have failed, but the case is ex
pected to bo heard early next month.
It Is largely an amicable proceeding.
Reports to Chief Game Protector
Joseph Kalbfus from all parts of the
State are that game of all kinds Is In
greater abundance this year than at
any timo In a generation.
Inherits $0.,O0O,O()O on Birtlnlny
Was 21 Last Friday.
New York. William Vincent As
tor, who attained his majority Nov.
15, and incidentally camo Into pos
session of ?G5,000,000, spent most
of his birthday at the office of the
Astor estate, 21 West Twenty-sixth
Astor has taken his place with
James Roosevelt, Douglas Robinson
and Nicholas Diddle as a trustee of
tho $13,000,000 fund left by tho late
Colonel John Jacob Astor for Mrs.
Madeline Forco Astor, fher infant,
and Muriel Astor. Ho also became
a member of tho third panel of the
sheriff's jury In place of his father,
thereby escaping liability of service
on trial juries.
Among the things Inherited by As
tor on Friday are: Tho Knickerbock
er hotel; tho St. Regis hotel, tho As
toria part of tho Waldorf-Astoria;
tho old Astor house, large country
estate, Ferncllffe, Rhlnebeck, New
York; tho villa Deechwood at New
port, R. I.; four yachts, tho Norma,
Xylophone, Progreso and Skirmish
er; many Jewels, paintings and sculp
tures; real estate In Manhattan and
tho Bronx.
Ohio State Journal: President
Taft's Thanksgiving proclamation
sounds just as If ho had been elected.
It is tho right spirit from the first
word to the last. Tho prosperity of
the country its health, Its plenty,
its Industry, Its trade Is not streak
ed by a single regret. It makes ono
feel like giving thanks. It makes
anticipations of full boards and hap
py faces all around them. Ono can
almost smell tho steaming turkey
and feel tho golden gow of the
pumpkin pio when reading the warm
words of the proclamation.
St. Louis Times: Nobody knows
what the prico of turkeys will bo
this Thanksgiving, except that it will
bo as usual, "all that tho traffic will
Denver Times:
It's tough to seo tho other man
Win out by acclamation,
Then bo compelled next day to pen
Thanksgiving's proclamation.
Commercial Appeal: Tho horn of
plenty, held by Ceres, Is showering
Mfts on our prosperous country. An
oT -r reason for thanks.
New York Times:
Remember those by grief oppressed,
Thanksgiving Day.
Forget no human heart distressed,
No brow on which tho thorn has
While on lifo's way.
Remember thoso who aro In need,
Thanksgiving Day.
Theirs is a sorry Joy, Indeed!
Recall their woes, and with all speed
Drive want away. Ill
Remember thoso who know no
Whoso loved ones stray;
GIvo food! Give raiment! Go and
Ono cheering hour, so they may end,
With thanks, their day.
Gather smooth, rlpo tomatoos In
tho fall. Select thoso without brok
en skins, wlpo them off clean and
put them In stone Jars; melt lard, let
It cool and pour It over them, cover
ing them well; set jar In cellar.
When taking them out for use, save
the lard, melt and pour back over
tho remaining ones. In this way you
havo fresh tomatoes all wlntor.
Prime minister of Spain Met
an Untimely End.
A Man of Indomitable Will and Tire
loss Energy Tho Idol of tho Monar
chical Domocratic Party His Term
as Promicr.
Don Jose Caiialejaa y Mcndes, prime
mlulster of Spain, who was recently
assassinated, had held that position
since February, 1910. Ills rigorous de
mocracy, Indomitable will and tireless
energy made him tho Idol of tho mo
narchical Democratic party.
For thlrty-Uvo years CnnaleJaK had
been in public life, beginning at the
ago of eighteen, when ho made his first
bow ns a public speaker at the Acad
emy of Jurisprudence In Madrid. Tho
next year saw him delivering politlcnl
addresses In all the lnrge cities of
southern Spain. Ills political doctrines
wero strongly tinged' with n republic
anism that made him nn object of sus
picion when he gained greater promi
nence In later years.
At twenty-live the district of Sorin
sent him to tho cortes, where ho took
a seat among the advanced Liberals.
Tho young Republican had acquired al
most a socialistic taint by this time.
He fearlessly Haunted his political con
victions in the faces of older Conserv
atives. All of his efforts in the cortes
during Ills younger years wero direct
ed in the interests of tho agrarian
classes and against tho aristocratic
landed grandees of tho old order.
Edited a Newspaper.
Cannlcjas continued to serve Inter
mittently In tho parliamentary body,
being elected to the presidency of tho
cortes during tho Liberal regime in
100G. His political aspirations led him
to become the owner and editor of El
Hcraldo, now recognized ns tho official
mouthpiece of the Liberal party In the
Once the young editor made a visit
to this country, and it was nt a time
when more than cursory interest was
attached to his coming. It was In ISO",
when Sagasta, tho Liberal leader, was
premier. Sngasta had Just recalled
"Weyler the Butcher" from Cuba and
Installed Marshal Dlanco In his place.
Feeling In this country was running
high against Spain. Though CanaleJas
disclaimed any mission here except
that of a private citizen, it was un
doubted that he carried back to his
friend Sagasta n full report on public
sentiment against Cuban atrocities
After having served ns minister of
agriculture, of justice, of finance and
public instruction CanaleJas had so
trained bis original radicalism to com
port with opportunity that he was
then no longer considered dangerous
by the more sober elements in Spanish
public life. In February, 1010, King
Alfonso surprised all by Inviting a
Liberal to become his chief counselor.
His Term of Office Stormy.
CanaleJas' term as premier was not
a pacific one. What with Spain's lit
tle war with tho Riffs in Africa a
struggle which Is never ended the
threatened rise of revolution at home
and labor disorders King Alfonso's
strong man bad much to contend with.
During the recent spread of railroad
strikes, behind which were the revolu
tionary laborites, CanaleJas was tho
most execrated man In Spain.
Radicals and revolutionaries, recall
ing his early radical politics, con
demned him for a turncoat and n
despot who had sold his Ideals for
place and power. Secret enemies in
the government tried to turn the heart
of the young king against him. He
stood practically alone, fighting reliel
llon and secret conspiracy.
Recently ho wag leader of the monar
chical Democratic party, which came
into power on the resignation of the
Liberal cabinet headed by Senor Moret
y Prendergast.
Judges In Taft's Tribunal Won't Lose
Jobs, However.
The United States commerco court,
a creation of tho Taft administration,
will probably dio with tho administra
tion that brought It into being.
Tho last session of congress appro
priated only a inilflclent amount of
money to pay the expenses of tho court
until March 4. This was dono after
a confert'neo with tho president at
which an agreement was reached Unit
if President Tnft wero re-elected tho
Democrats would accept it as a vindi
cation of his nctlon in rccomineudlug
tho creation of tho court and fighting
to preserve it and would continue to
appropriate money for Its expenses.
Tho commerco court Judges will not
go out of ofllco as Judges of tho Unit
ed State circuit court Tho filial form
of tho legislation as it passed retained
them in office largely becauso some of
tho ablest eonsUtutlonal lawyers in
congress doubted the power of the sen
ate and houso to leglulato federal
Judges out of otliee.
Ostrich Farming In Rhodesia.
Ostrich farming Is being attempted
In Rhodesia and Is likely to succeed,
as wild ostriches are found In most
parts of the country.
"Go Into Every Homo nnd Aro Head
Hy All."
In speaking boforo tho members of
tho Mississippi Bankers' association
R. L. Gurnoy, In chargo of tho sav
ings department of tho Common
wealth Trust company of St. Louis,
characterized tho different dovlces
and advertising plana sold to bank
ers of tho United States as "lomons."
Somo of theso lomons aro pro
grams, dignified announcements of
simply tho bank's nnmo, capital and
location; special wrltcups and spas
modic Instead of constant uso of
nowspapor space, ho said.
Ho outlined plans for writing
bank advertisements and urged tho
bankers present to do this work
themselves. Ho used a stercoptlcon
to reproduco tho newspaper adver
tisements used by tho Commonwealth
TrtiBt company and showed many
which had brought In depositors to
open savings accounts. In speaking
of tho valuo of using newspaper
space only ho said:
" Tho first step In taking up tho
advertising for your bank, and it is
a step of paramount Importance, Is
to decldo to spend your appropria
tion in buying nowspapor space only.
You will find it difficult to adhere
rigidly to this decision, but It will
pay well to do so.
" Your bank Is for all classes of
people, and there Is no way to so ef
fectively present appeal for now
business to all classes as In tho col
umns of tho local nowspapor. It not
only reaches all classes, but goes Into
every home, where It Is read by al
most every member of tho family.
Tho daily newspaper Is a controlling,
likewise a compelling, factor In tho
dally life of every man and woman,
and we ought really to say every boy
and girl, for children aro omnivor
ous readers nowadays.
" The shortest and most direct
route to tho attention of all tho peo
ple Is through the columns of tho
newspaper, for It Is dally read by
business men, professional men, mer
chants, artisans all alike. Men and
women, too, want their favorite
newspaper tho very minute it comes
off tho press, for they crave the news
served up red hot. They also buy it
to read the advertising columns."
The first issue of Pennsylvania's
automobllo licenso tags for 1913
will be mado by the automobile di
vision of the state highway depart
ment in December, almost two weeks
ahead of tho timo of issuo in the
past, and it Is expected to break all
records for tho first issue. The li
censes will 'bo sent out as rapidly as
possible owing to the fact that on
January 1, 1913, days of graco will
bo abolished.
Tho latter order means that per
sons falling to display 1913 tag on
and after January 1, will be liable
to arrest. Heretofore thirty days
have been allowed to owners in
which to procuro license but next
year no car can bo run on New
Year's day without one of the olive
green tags.
The aivision Is now receiving ap
plications for registration of cars,
blanks havo been Issued to practical
ly every person whose namo appears
on tho books. Those who havo not
received them will get tho papers
shortly. No tags will bo reserved
except a few for state. Applications
will bo filled in order in which they
are received. Tho licenso tags will
bo packed up and marked with name
of consignees as soon as possible af
ter applications aro received and will
bo held in the capital until December
1. Tho first order for tags will be
sixty thousand.
On January 1, 1913, joint owner
ship of cars will be dono away with
as far as registering is concerned
and tho name of 'but one person can
be given as owner. All others who
desire to operate tho car must take
out chauffeur licenses. It has been
found that tho privileges carried by
joint ownership wero much abused.
On somo applications for registra
tion a dozen names wero given as
owners and all claimed tho right to
operate the car.
Alex N. Etasko ot ux. and Stanley
Wltensky et nx. of Canaan to J. W.
Bronson, same, land in So. Canaan;
consideration $85.
Mnry- V. Bergman, Texas to II.
Roy Bayiey, same place, land in Tex
s township; consideration Jl
Heirs of Samuel II. Brown, late
of Texas to Raymond J. Brown,
property In East Honesdalo, consid
eration $600.
Henry A. Belknap et ux. of Han
cock, N. Y., to Chancey N. Fuller ot
ux. of Scott, land In Scott township;
consideration, $50.
James Haag et ux. of Buckingham
to J. Carlton Haag and Helen J.
Haag, of same, land in Buckingham;
consideration ?400.
Executor of Georgo Abraham to
Ophelia Rutledgo, Damascus, land
in Damascus township; consideration
Jeremiah Canfleld et ux. and J. J.
Canficld et ux. of Damascus, to John
U. Keesler of same, land In Damas
cus township; consideration ? 10.
Barbara L. Weaver, Port Chester.
N. Y to Frank W. Schuelholz, of
Honesdale, land in Honesdalo; con
sideration $1.
Georgo E. Wilcox, Manchester, to
Henry M. Eden and Geo. A. Eden of
Now York, land in Damascus; con
sideration $1200.
Charles II. Cook ot ux. of Now
York, to Orrln J. Rudd of Brooklyn,
land in Damascus township; consid
eration $1.
Raphael L. Cerero, of Brooklyn,
to Orrln R. Judd of same, land In
Damascus; consideration $1.
Matilda H. Connor, of Damascus,
to Adolia S. Nichols ot same, land
In Damascus township; considera
tion, $1.
William S. Cowles et ux. and A.
A. Cowles ot ux, of Texas, to Henry
W, Owen, Texas, land in Texas town
ship; consideration, $100.
Triplets born to a mother In Donl
eon, Texas, tho day beforo election
wero named Theodore Roonovolt,
Woodrow Wilson nnd Wm. II. Taft.
Tho parents mado sura ot hitting up
on a successful candidate.
fast chicago trains
Will be hun slower.
Tho Pennsylvania and tho Now
York Central railroads announced
recently that their elghteen-hour
train Borvlco between Now York and
Chlcngo would bo discontinued tem
porarily on Nov. 24 and whllo tho
trains would not bo withdrawn, tho
time of tho Journey would bo length
ened. Tho reason assigned for this
chango was tho obstructions and de
lays to operation In tho Winter
months. Tho elghteen-hour Now
York-Chicago service, It was said,
would bo resumed in tho spring.
Another reason for tho chango,
howovcr, was tho attitude, of tho
State Railroad commission ot In
diana. A dispatch from Indianapolis
said that safer and slowor trains
were to bo operated through Indiana
ns a result of tho commission's ac
tivity, tho chango to becomo effec
tive throughout tho stato on Nov.
24, when a half hour would bo added
to tho schedulo of Pennsylvania and
Big Four trains between Indianapo
lis and Chicago and tho elghteen
hour trains between Chicago and
New York, which operate across
Northern Indiana, would run on
twenty-hour schedules. Tho order
was not compulsory, tho dispatch
said, but tho commission brought
about tho change by agreement on
the part of tho roads involved.
Tho Citizen wants a good, live
ly correspondent In every village In
Wayne county. Will you bo one?
Wrlto this office for particulars.
f Sold by doslora ovoryvthora
Tha Atlantic Refining Company
Bresrstein Bros
Trading in tho wrong direction means spending money, no
matter how little, nnd not getting in return anything that lias
lasting merit.
Wo offer you at the lowest prices tho best Metropolitan Ready-to-Wear
Attire, becauso wo have eliminated tho high cost of do
ing business, through our system of retailing our product direct
ly to you from our Work-It ooms through our own Retail stores.
Does nn actual saving of $5.00 to $10.00 on n Suit or Overcoat
interest you?
With prldo and enthusiasm do wo extend to you a cordial invi
tation to visit our Suit Section to-day and view this collection of
clever originations in Men's and Boys' Suits. The latest materials,
the latest colorings, In most approprlato and attractive styles. Tho
moderateness of our prices Is another Interesting feature of this
Priced from $8 to $25
New 1912 Overcoats Ready For
Your Approval
Tho critical and well informed dresser will at onco recognize
tho Stylo Supremacy of our stock of Men's and Boys' Winter Coats.
Just try on a Coat from this store, then look In the mirror it
will rellect back to you a gar ment to bo proud of. Coats of all
popular materials in all colors, invitingly
Priced from $10 to $20
Display of Fall Fashions
We Extend an Invitation to Our Customers and
Friends to View this Elegant Stock of
Hen's Fall Suits and Overcoats
Our line of Children's Suits and Overcoats is
the Largest and Best on the market. We have
a Complete Array of the Most Stylish Gent's
Remember the Place
Bresrstein Bros.
Leading; Clothiers
D. & H. CO. Tint FABLE
In Effect
H 30
10 00
10 00
10 00
4 30
6 15
.... Albany ....
Itlnshuniton .
10 30
2 15
12 30
. Philadelphia.
3 15
7 10
8 00
4 4 V
5 35
12 30
1 11)
7 00
7 50
4 05
S 40
a so
H 45
H 65
8 M
2 05
2 15
2 19
2 31
2 37
2 43
2 4!)
2 62
2 57
2 59
3 0.1
3 07
8 601
. ...Carbomlale....
..Lincoln Avenue..
... Lake 1-odoro ...
... . Wuyuinrt
.... Honesdale ....
II 00
U 01
9 17
9 'it
0 61
a 05
0 1
6 11
9 lb
6 17
6 23
6 2ft
6 32
6 30
6 43
H 4(1
6 60
9 21
9 m
U 3-.'
9 37
9 3!)
9 43
9 47
9 SO
9 65
9 31
9 37
9 42
9 41
9 48
u s.
3 10
3 U
9 55
10 00
at the close of business. Nov. 2, 1912.
Jtcservo fund ,
I'nsli. specie nnd notes, $31 ,3 15 85
Duo from approved re
serve nirents 14.1.293 01
Lognl securities nt pnr... 40,OOO.OO-23l.m9 78
Nlrkelsnnd cents 311 78
Checks nnd cash Items 3, IIS OS
Due from lliinksaud Trust Co's.not
reserve 1I.5M 47
Securities pledged for Special
deposits 5,000 00
Hills discounted :
Upon one name t 00
Upon two or more nnmcs ffi0,542 11-312,062 11
Tlmclonns with collateral 79,039 24
1 ,0.111 mm call with collateral 150JKW 85
Sanson call upon one name 2,30 00
Loans on call upon two or more
names 63.400 00
Loans secured by bonds and
morteaucs 47.187 8)
Honds. Stocks, etc., Schedule D 1,733.458 41
Mortgages and Judgments ot rec
ord, Schedule D-2 ' . . . . 337,650 8fl
Olllce ilulldlni: nnd Lot 27.000 00
Other Real Kstnto 6.000 00
Kurnlturennd Fixtures 2,000 00
Overdrafts 100 7G
Miscellaneous Assets 400 00
I3.0I0.WJ 22
Cnpltnl Stock, paid in 200,000 00
Surplus Fund 325,000 00
Undivided I'rotlts, less expenses
nnd tuxes paid 47,862 53
Individual deposits sub
ject tocheok 183.M1 fil
Individual Deposlt,Tlmc2,250,2iO 61
Time certificates of de
posit 238 78
Deposits, Common
wealth of I'ennsjiva'n 25.000 00
Deposits U. S. I'ostal....
Savings 168 62
Certllled Cheeks 35 CO
Cashier's check nntst'c 3.1)50 95-2,403,228 CO
Due to banks and Trust Cos. not re
serve 3,888 10
Dividends unpaid 120 00
t3.OIO.009 22
State of Pennsylvania, County of Wayne, ss:
1, 11. Scott Salmon. Cashier of the nbovo
named Company, do solemnly swear that tho
nbovp statement Is true, to the best of my
knowledge nnd belief.
(Signed) II. S.SALMON. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
7th day of Nov. 1912.
(Signed) KOBKP.T A. SMITH, N. P.
I Notarial Seal
Correct Attest:
W. . Holmes, 1
A. T. Skmile. Directors.
T. H. Clark I
If you want flne job printing
just give Tho Citizen a trial order.
Honesdale, Pa.
Sopt. 29, 1012.
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