The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, November 20, 1912, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Stnle Superintendent Sclincffer
Raise n Warning Volco in Ho
iwrt. Tho schools of Pennsylvania havo
passed successfully through tho tran
sitory period caused by tho enact
ment or the school code, and steps
arc being taken with vigor In every
part of tho Stato to provldo vocation
al schools, says Dr. Nathan C.
Schaeffor, Stato Superintendent of
Public Instruction, In his annual re
port to tho Governor on tho schools
of the State, and proof sheets of
which appeared last week. Tho su
perintendent, however, takes occa
sion In his remarks to lift a warning
voice against undertaking fads in
education on the adoption of radical
changes without careful study of
In summing up tho year tho super
intendent says with gentle Irony:
Writers who havo never taught
a school successfully, -who havo nov
cr had a child of their own to edu
cate, and who could not make a dress
or cook a palatable meal with tho
best effort, are always loudest In tho
cry for reform. Fortunately, in
Pennsylvania tho superintendents
and directors have never allowed the
schools to bo swerved from their ori
ginal purpose. Without doubt teach
ers are in danger of being too con
servative. Life is over changing and
progress is tho watchword every
where. The schools need readjust
ment as civilization advances and
tho conditions of life change. Tho
theorist and tho reformer are needed
among a free people. Hut they
should not be permitted to lay vio
lent hands upon those features of the
school which have stood the test of
ages and which contribute to the
joy of life during the hours not de
voted to bread winning. Ability to
appreciate the best in .music, art and
literature, to think the best thoughts
of tho best men as these are en
Bhrined In books; to enjoy the
things of the mind and the higher
life, constitutes a function of the
school which should not bo overlook
ed in a mercantile age when money
and money-getting are the guage by
which all human activities are ap
proved or condemned.
The Future Safe.
Dr. Schaeffer is optimistic about
the 'future of the schools, remarking:
There is much ground for hope
for the continued improvement of
our public schools. The stands
which superintendents havo taken
in favor of putting the professional
training of teachers at the end of the
high school course, the growing num
ber of college graduates with peda
gogical training who go into teach
ing, tho improvement in the sanitary
arrangements and material equip
ment of our school buildings, the
palatial edifices which public opinion
demands for high school purposes,
the willingness of tho people to pay
for experiments in vocational educa
tion, tho very tendency to criticise
the schools these and other signs
of progress in tho schools of every
county should encourage the friends
of popular education and spur them
to still larger effort and Increasing
The school system is proving more
efficient under tho new code, asserts
tho suuperintendent, who dovotes
considerable space to the changes In
departments and to tho growth of
medical inspection, saying:
The movement for medical educa
tion was hampered in many districts
through the efforts of the League for
Medical Freedom. In some districts
the school boards voted against med
ical inspection because they -were
not fully acquainted with the new
legislation. Wo cannot refrain from
lauding the wisdom of the policy the
State Health Department has pur
sued In this important work.
The figures show that CDC, 000 pu
pils were Inspected and C22 were
what tho superintendent calls "de
frauded out of the help which the
school code designed to give to the
wards of the Commonwealth."
Better Conditions.
Considerable space is devoted to
the movement for better eanitary
building and playground conditions,
which the Stato Board of Education
is fostering; tho importance of tho
work of tho expert assistants in tho
Department of Public Instruction in
agriculture, drawing and industrial
education, the development of ag
ricultural education being much dis
cussed and a plea made for exten
sion of agricultural education accord
ing to the character of tho com
munity. On this subject Dr. Schaef
fer says:
Tho conditions differ so much in
the various parts of tho Stato that
a course In agriculture is more or
less flexible. In sections whero to
bacco is grown emphasis should
be placed on this crop. Tho same
applies to dairying and fruit grow
ing. 7n tho mining and other in
dustrial sections much imoro atten
tion should bo paid to vegetable
gardening and to sanitation and tho
improvement of the homo and school
grounds. Care must bo taken to
avoid mere hook work, such as Is apt
to satisfy teacher and pupil whoro
texts on agriculture are used for
supplementary reading. Agrlculturo,
without actual experiments on tho
school grounds and at tho homo, 1b
like a science taught without a lab
oratory equipment.
Agricultural Work.
Dr. Schaeffor says agricultural
teaching, as well as Industrial train
ing, requires specially qualified teach
ers, and ho raps tho manual training
courses in some places as not fitting
hoys for trades. Tho trade schools,
such as exist at Lancaster, aro point
ed to as valuable but expenslvo,
while commendation is bestowed up
on the co-operatlvo vocational courso
at York, whero hoys work a week in
aho-ps, whero they are apprenticed,
and another weok in school, thus re
ceiving an education and helping to
maintain themselves.
It seems to mo unwise to pass
laws to provent children from work
ing in factories and mills under 14
years of ago and then tax tho com
munities to provide similar -work in
tho schools on tho plea that tho chil
dren Bhould ho taught In tho schools
to uso ouch machinery In order to
earn wages aftor thor loavo school.
when they could learn its uso in a
factory or mill and recolvo wages
wjuio learning.
Dr. Schaeffor says that under tho
codo provision all districts faro Just
ly In distribution of tho school ap
propriation nnu romarKs:
Tho school codo has been admin
istered with a view to causing tho
least posslblo friction. Tho wondor
Is that there was not moro friction.
Transitions break up traditions and
this causes disturbed emotions on
tho part of thoso who lovo tho past.
It would bo a miracle If new legis
lation wcro ever porfect.
Henry Ogg of Forcstburgh waa
fined K0 on Wednesday for killing
a buck near Sundown Tuesday night.
Tho deer, a lino spike-horned buck,
was found in his possession at nine
o'clock. Ho was hauled up boforo
Justlco Joseph Thompson by Game
Protector Cross ahd paid his lino.
John Avery and Herbert Avery
shot tho largest deer this year and It
was admired by many as It hung
In front of Hotel Palm. Tho buck
weighed 234 pounds dressed, and
had flvo prongs. It was shot Satur
day morning on the Gregory farm.
August Hotens killed a three
pronged buck, weighing 125 pounds
on tho Gregory farm Friday morn
Mrs. Northway-Moycr shot a 13S
pound buck on tho Takamlne pre
serve on Saturday. It had throe
prongs. Mrs. Meyer has tho distinc
tion of being tho only woman who
tool; out a hunting license In Sulll
can county this season.
John Costa shot a four-pronged
buck weighing 135 pounds on tho
Henry Morning farm on Friday.
Dick Harms knocked over a 150
pound buck on tho Charles Ehrets
larm on Friday.
John Kovenbach, Proprietor of the
Montlcollo House cafe, shot a four
pronged buck on Friday that tipped
the beam at 1G2 po inds.
Ell Ilundle put tho finishing
touches on a three-pronged buck that
weighed colse to 200 pounds. He
shot it on Monday. Hancock Her
ald. TIIE $.-0,000,000 JIOXI) ISSUE.
Harrlsburg, Nov. 19. A canvass
of the results of tho rocent election
of .members of the State Legislature
justifies the announcement by the
Pennsylvania Motor Federation that
the newly elected Senators and Rep
resentatives aro almost without ex
ception favorable to tho proposed
amendment to the constitution to
permit the State to issue bonds up
to ?50,000,000 for building good
roads. The Legislature of 1911
passed this amendment without a
dissenting vote, and if it goes
through tho 1913 Legislature it will
be submitted to the people for their
final approval next year.
The Federation finds that the
comparatively few arguments at
tempted here and there against tho
bond proposition have been based on
a misapprehension, and have been
virtually without effect. Tho at
tempt to .make it appear that the
uona Issue will increase tho tax bur
dens on farms and other real estate
has fallen Hat because tho public
knows real estate pays no State tax
in Pennsylvania. Tho bulk of tho
State revenue is derived from cor
porations, tho remainder coming
from bonds, mortgages, licenses, au
tomobiles, etc.
A circular urging people to vote
against the bond issue in tho recent
election was issued not long ago by
someone who did not even know that
the people could not vote on it un
til it had passed another Legisla
ture. With equal lack of knowledge
tho circular alleged that there was
no such thing as a road that would
withstand tho wear of automobilo
traffic, whereas the fact Is that tho
experimental work of tho Stato
Highway Department has establish
ed several methods by which the
wear and tear of automobile traffic is
reduced to a minimum. One of theso
test roads, extending five miles
north from Harrlsburg, is pronounc
ed virtually Indestructible.
It Is well know that the deteriora
tion of Stato roads constructed in
the past has been due to the fact that
they were given over to tho town
ships to keop in repair and no re
pairs were made. The fato of theao
fine roads is considered tho best
argument against tho suggestion
that tho Stato should glvo all iU
road money to the township super
visors. Under the new 'highway law
the Stato owns the main roads and
will keep them in repair. As only
the surface Is affected by wear tho
problem of maintenance is simple
and comparatively lnexpensivo on a
road that has a propor foundation.
The first cost of such roads as tho
Stato is now building Is heavy, be
cause it Includes a foundation that
will last for centuries if tho top
dressing is taken caro of.
It is incorrect to say tho J50.000,
000 loan proposition will cost 2,
500,000 a year interest, because tho
bonds will bo Issued only as tho
money Is needed, and tho earlier is
sues will bo retired before tho last
of tho $50,000,000 will bo needed, bo
that never moro than a fraction of
tho total lssuo will bo bearing inter
est at one time. Dut even J2.500,
000 a year, if expended direct for
roads, would provido less than $50
a milo for tho highways of tho State,
and good roads cost from $10,000 to
$20,000 a mllo to build.
Instead of tho routes for tho main
highways having been selected by
a favored fow, they were laid out In
every district by tho legislators
from that district, who best know tho
needs of tholr homo communities,
and theso routes wore then enacted
into law by tho unanimous vote of
the members of the Legislature of
1911. Thoro aro 8,000 miles of
these main highways. Thoy radiate
from every county seat. Tho Stato
Is to build and maintain theso roads
perpetually and without a dollar of
tax on farms or othor real estato
Corporations and owners of bonds,
mortgages and automobiles aro to
pay the bill. Automoblllsts already
aro contributing $C00,000 a year to
the State fuuds for road purposes.
Tho farmers and local communities
are now relieved of the burden of
keeping up these main highways and
there is that much moro money for
the township roads.
Stlmson Shows That Panama
Defenses Are a Necessity,
American and British Statesmen Who
Negotiated It Recognized Our Inten
tions, Says Secretary of War In a
Magazine Article.
In nn article in the Scientific Amer
ican Secretary of War Stlmson takes
strong ground not only on the absolute
right of the United Stntes to fortify
the Panama canal, but on the need for
such defenses as a matter of great na
tional expediency.
Secretary Stlmson denies that tho
fortlflcntlon of the canal would bo a
violation of this country's obligation to
Great Britain under the Ilay-Paunce-
fotc treaty. He thus summarizes the
legal situation:
I "In the? ClnvlflTl.T?1llrnr trnntr .f
1&0 the United States and Great IJrlt
tain expressly agreed not to fortify or
assume any dominion over any part of
Central America where the canal
might be made. Tho first draft of the
Ilny-Pnuncefote treaty of Feb. 0. 1000,
contained a similar prohibition to the
effect that 'no fortification shall be
erected commanding the canal or the
waters adjacent.' This proposed treaty
in this form was rejected bv tlm rpimia
for the very reason that it did not give
the United States sufficient liberty of
action in regard to the canal. Tho
present Ilay-Pnunccfoto treaty was
then negotiated, which In Its first ar
ticle entirely abrogated the old Clayton
IJulwer treaty and also omitted the
restrictions against fortification which
had been contained in the first pro
posed Hay-Pauncefotc treaty.
"The memorandum which Mr. Hay
sent to the senate with the second
Hay-Pauncefote treaty, containing tho
correspondence between himself and
Lords Pauncofote and Lausdowne,
shows that these changes were made
for the express purpose of permitting
the United States to fortify and de
fend the canal and that Lord Lans
downc fully understood and recogniz
ed this right on our part.
Lansdowne's Statement.
"As to this Lord Lansdowne express
ly said:
"It fs most Important that no doubt
ShOUld CXlSt IIS fn tllf. Inlnllnn nt !.
contracting parties. As to this, I under-J
fitilTlil tVint hi' . - , I I ..
....... j j uuiioaiuu ui .in reier-
enco to tho matter of defense the United
States government desires to reservo tho
power of taking measures to protect the
canal at any tlmo when the United States
may bo at war from destruction or dam
age at tho hands of an enemy or ene
mies. "The congress of the United States
then proceeded the following year in
the Spooner act (section 5) to authorize
the president to enter Into the con
tracts for the construction of the ca
nal and its 'defenses.' And in tho fol
lowing year, 1003, Mr. Hay, the same
statesman who had negotiated tho
Hay-Pauncefote treaty, negotiated a
treaty with the republic of Panama by
which Panama granted to tho United
States for tho purpose of the canal the
use, occupation and control of the pres
ent Panama canal zone and also grant
ed to the "Unitod States for the protec
tion of such canal the right to uso Its
laud and naval forces and to establish
fortifications. (Hunau Varilla treaty,
article 23.)
"The Hay-Paunccfoto treaty and the
Dunan Varilla treaties are the only ex
isting treaties entered Into by the Unit
ed States which affect its rights over
the Panama canal. It la perfectly
clear, therefore, from the foregoing
facts that none of the statesmen, ei
ther of Great Britain or Panama or
tho United States, who were concern
ed at the time in the negotiation of
these treaties or the enactment of leg
islation to make tliem effective had
any doubt ns to the right or purpose of
the United States to defend and forti
fy the canal."
Necessity For Fortification.
As to the necessity for the fortifica
tion of the canal for tho nrotnotlnn nf
the United States in time of war Sec
retary Stlmson Is fully convinced. lie
'It has been earnestly nrmied that
tho safety of tho canal can bo better
and more cfieaply assured by an agree
ment between the lcadinir natlnns.
making it a ueutral waterway and for-
umuiug it from ever being blockaded
or seized in time of war. It Is argued
that such a courso will relievo us from
tho expense and burden of defending
tho canal and that it will at the same
time accomplish every result which v
could accomplish by defending it our
"This is an entlro misconenntlnn It
loses sight of tho vital dlfferenco be
tween nn American canal and an inter
national canal. It loses eight of the
fact that It Is of vital Importance to
this country not only that tho canal
shall bo open to our fleet In caso of
war, but that it shall bo closed to tho
fleet of our enemy. An International
canal, kept open and defended by
agreement between tho nnwnra. from
Its very nature would havo to be open
to our opponent as well as to our
selves." Secretary Stlmson finally elves nn
outllno of tte character of fortifica
tions ho deems nocessarr for thn nrnn.
r defense of the canal.
Tho growth of tho travol to tho
various landings on Lako Gcorgo and
tho enormous dovolopmont of tho
thorough tourist travol has led In re
cent years to a notablo incroaso in
tho capacity of tho steamer on
that lako. In 1910 now steamer
Mohican with considerable addi
tional capacity replaced tho former
boat of that name; during tho yoar
of 1911 a now steamer Horlcan, ono
of tho finest lako craft In commis
sion on any inland water was put in
eorvlco and during tho season Just
closed replaced tho steamer Saga-
moro on tho through lino, with
steamer Sagamoro taking tho place
of tho old Horlcon.
In addition to theso larger ves
sels, two fast motor boats, tho "Pam
pero" and tho "Mountaineer" havo
been recently added to tho fleet and
perform a local servlco between
various landings adjacent to Lako
Gcorgo village and tho Fort William
Henry Hotel.
In order to keop abreast of the
demands and with a deslro to con
tinue Improving tho service, the
transportation officials aro planning
some changes for 1913. Tho most
important of which provides for an
additional trip of tho steamer Mo
hican In the .morning on arrival of
tho trains from Albany and Troy to
servo points In Kattskill Bay. Tho
Mohican will loavo Lako George sta
tion on arrival of the trains from the
south, proceed at onco making land
ings at Assembly Point, Cloverdalo,
Itockhurst, Grove House and Trout
Pavilion. Tho through lino steamer
Horlcon will follow and run direct
to Marlon, making all landings north
thereof including Glonburnle and
Glen Eqrle similar service being
operated on the return trip.
This will give some additional
running time, thus providing neces
sary elasticity In the schedule to per
mit of longer stops made necessary
by the growth of tho travel and the
handling of tho additional baggage
and express. Persons stopping at
points in Kattskill Bay should ap
preciate this additional special ser
vice. People destined to Marlon
House and points north will also
share In the improved service by an
earlier arrival at destination.
Invents Device for Silencing Motor
Boat Engines.
Hartford, Conn. Hiram Percy
Maxim, Jr., of this city, son of Sir
Hiram, has added to his silencers for
guns, motorcycles, stationary en
gines, rock drills and locomotive
safety valves, a motor boat silencer.
It Is largely an adaptation of tho gun
silencer. As In the latter a set of
disks is arranged to start tho es
caping exhaust gas, whirling around
as water whirls in running from a
sink bowl. At a distance of thirty
feet not the slightest exhaust popping
can be heard in tho biggest motor
boat engines. Tho device measures
from twelvo to twenty-nine Inches,
according to tho amount of work it
is expected to do, and weighs from
twenty to thirty-four pounds.
Mr. Maxim is working on a silencer
for noisy street cars.
His Proclamation Hominds Jcrscy
itcs of Their Many Blessings.
Princeton, N. J. Gov. Wilson has
issued his Thanksgiving proclama
tion, an excerpt from which follows:
"Another year of peace and pros
perity has passed by. Tho lifo of the
Stato and of the nation has been un
disturbed by war or pestilenco or
disaster of any kind. Wo have been
free to choose our own ways and
havo gone through tho varied action
of a great political campaign with
out violence or passion. Tho hopo
of our people has arisen with an in
crease of their life and God has been
very gracious to us in all His deal
A Journalist from Ohio wrote to
Dr. H. A. Surface, State Zoologist,
Harrlsburg, and asked "Does cyanide
of potassium fumigation lor tho de
struction of bedbugs have any value
in the matter of destruction of germs
in genoral7"
Tho Teply of Stato Zoologist Sur
face contains Information which has
not generally been mado public, but
which is of practical valuo In these
days of fumigation for various pur
poses. This is as follows:
" Hydrocyanic acid gas is not rec
ommended as a germicide, and is
probably not as valuable for this
purpose aa tho gas from formalde
hyde, which latter on tho other
hand, Is not an insecticide. Many
porsons havo often wondered If
either sulfur fumes or farmalin gas,
as used In disinfecting rooms after
sickness, would also clean up the
insect pests therein. As a rule they
will not do so, but It proper fumiga
tion with hydrocyanic gas is given,
as directed in ono of the Bulletins
previously issued by tho Division of
Zoology, of tho Department of Agri
culture, and which is eont free upon
request, there is no danger whatever
of tho worst of household pests es
caping tho offocts of tho gas that
comes In contact with it."
Monster TarjKin Lands in His Iloat
and Almost Upsets It.
Port Aransas. Tex. Glfford Pin-
chot, who is horo with his brother,
Amos I'incnot, or Now York, and his
slstor, Lady A. Jolmstono of London,
had an exciting encounter with a
tarpon of extraordinary size In tho
deop sea channol near hero Friday
Tho big fish, after being hooked,
flung itself high into tho air and
landed In tho small boat, almost
capsizing it.
57,72 1, HEDGES, 52,004.
Albany. It cost Job E. Hedges
J2.994 to run for Governor on the
Republican State ticket, according to
his expense account filed with tho
Secretary of Stato. William SuUer,
his successful Democratic opponent,
spent 17,724.
By vlrtuo of an order of Orphans'
Court of Wayno County, made thin
24th day of October, 1912, I will sell
at puuuc auction to tho highest bid
der, at tho Court Houso, Honesdale,
Pa., Friday, November 22, 1912, at 2
o'clock P. M. tho following described
real ostate, being tho property of An
gollno II. Masters, lato of Sterling
township, deceased.
All thoso two certain parcels or
pieces of land situated in the town
ship of Sterling, County of Wayne
and Stato of Pennsylvania, bounded
and described as follows:
Tho First Beginning at a etones
corner In lino of land of Abram Haz
elton; tbenco north forty-seven and
three-fourths degrees west eighty
perches to a ston'es corner; thence to
land of C. & G. Cliff north forty-two
and one-fourth degrees east two
hundred and four perches to a stones
corner; thenco by land of Nathaniel
Martin south forty-soven and three
fourths degrees east eighty perches
to a stones corner; thenco by land of
Daniel Martin south forty-two and
one-fourth degree west two hundred
and four perches to tho place of be
ginning. Containing ono hundred and
two acres, bo the same moro or less.
And being the same land which John
Ilazelton by deed dated March 1G,
1894, and recorded In Wayno County
Deed Book No. 75, pago 293, grant
ed and conveyed to Angellno Hazel
ton. The Second Beginning at a
corner of public road between Sterl
ing and Dreher townships and run
ning from Edward Hazelton's place
to North and South Turnpike; thence
along land of Angellne Hazelton Mas
ters north forty-four and one-half
degrees west fourteen hundred feet
to a stones corner; thence south forty-five
and one-half degrees west six
teen hundred and eighty feet to a
stones corner; thenco south forty
four and one-half degrees east three
hundred feet to a stake In the center
of the above named public road;
thence along tho said road north
eighty-nine degrees east six hundred
and twenty-six feet; thence along
road north seventy-two degrees east
ono thousand and twenty-six feet
along road north seventy-nine de
grees east three hundred and forty
seven feet to the place of beginning.
Containing thirty-two acres and sixty-two
perches. Being part of tract
No. 125 in warrantee name of Felix
Linn. And being tho same land
which F. Gilpin et ux. by deed dated
April 24, 1902, and recorded in Deed
Book No. 90, pago 249, granted and
conveyed to Angellne H. Masters.
Upon the premises are a frame
dwelling house, barn and other out
buildings. Terms of Sale, cash. Purchaser to
pay three dollars for deed, as in
Sheriff's sale.
M. E. Simons, Attorney.
Our GOLD TABLETS if used promptly
will make short work of a cold.
Honesdale, ... Pa.
Ji. E. SDIONS, President. O. A. EJtERY, Cashier.
CAPITAL STOCK - - $75,000.00
Corner of
Main & 10th
Reasons Why !
It represents moro stockholders than any othor bank
in Wayno county.
mark and is steadily growing tho people's confidence
and tho bank's progressive yet jonservative methods.
Its expouso of management is limited to amount of
business; together with it's trust funds invested in bonds
and first mortgages on improved real estato assures its de
positors absolute security.
It treats its hundreds of small depositors with tho
same courtesy as though their funds were deposited by ono
or moro persons.
This bank comes under tho strict requirements of the
State banking laws as all savings banks and is frequently
visited by tho Pennsylvania Stato bank examiner, besides
having a board of directors consisting of sixteen of Wayno
county's reliable business men and farmers.
M. B. Allen, W. H. Fowler.
Goorge O. Abraham, W. B. Gulnnlp,
J. Sam Brown, JI. J. Hanlan,
Oscar E. Bunnell. John B. KranU,
Wm. H. Dunn, Fred W. Kroltner,
J. B. Tiffany.
The Jeweler -
would like to sec you If
you are in the market;:
for ::
"Guaranteed articles only sold." T
6 1
g Designer and Man- I
i: ufacturer of
a Office and Works,1
1036 MAIN ST.
uiAjiii.ii, unAflu 1'IL.L.N, lor I&
rtut known u Best. Safest. Alwin Reltihla
Advertising Is the Way to Succes
Watch US
John Weaver,
G. Wm. Soil,
M. B. Simons,.
Fred Stophons,
George W, Tisdell,
ke.leV Diamond UrandAX
la Ild lad linld m..lliAVVJ
sealed with Blua Ribbon.
no other, liar sfvaitp V