The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, November 20, 1912, Image 1

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Subscribo Tor ' ' Citizen The
Tcoplo's Family, nper; $1.50
Per Year.
Pino Job Work TroiupUy Ex
ecuted nt Tlio Citizen Olllcc.
70th TEAR. --NO. 92
Wero Residents of Salem Where Sir.
Wilcox Drove Stage Between
(lint Place and Honesdale.
Surrounded by tho members of bis
family, their children, grandchildren
and even great-grandchildren, Hufus
H. Frlsble, recently celebrated the
nlnety-flrst nnnlversnry of his birth
at his home In Varden, Wayno coun
ty. This was the twentieth annual
irntlinrlnir nt tlin fninllv on tlin (ic-
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Wilcox, of caslon of tho birthday of Mr. Frls
West Parker street, Scranton, celc- 00i ad wn8 attended by about fifty
brated their fiftieth wedding annlver- 00ie. The occasion was made a
eary Saturday afternoon and evening
Many friends were received by tho
notablo one for tho aged man. Mr
Frlsble Is the oldest man in South
Wilcoxes between the hours of 2 and t Canaan section and despite his ad-
(j o ciock. a iamny uiuiiur was , vnnend .ice he nin nta ns romarkablo
served at C o'clock at which over
fifty members attended. The house
was beautifully decorated with ferns,
palms and cut flowers. Fifty years
ngo, Nov. 1C, 1SG2, Mr. and Mrs.
Wilcox were married at Madlson-
ville by Rev. George B. Clarke, Mrs.
Wilcox was Miss
Tunkhanuork and
.1 resident of Madlsonvllle. In 1S71
they settled in Salem. Pa., where Mr.
Wilcox drove the stage eight years,
undergoing many hardships. Mr.
Wilcox stated that on one of his
trips an attempt was made to rob
tho stage and several shots went
through tho back of It. He also
stated many other hardships. Mr.
Wilcox was known by every person
between Salem and Honesdale. They
came to Scranton In 18SS and pur
chased their present home on West
Parker street. Eight children have
been born to them, five sons and
three daughters: Charles A., El wood
F Arthur C, Harry II., of Scran
ton; Horace C, of Hazelton; Mrs.
Edward White, Mrs. Frank Van
Horn and Mrs. Charles Bacon. The
afternoon was spent with music and
vocal selections. The evening was
spent in reviewing old days. At the
supper table Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox
were presented with a purse of gold.
Mr Wilcox was also presented with
a handsome Bold watch and chain.
Among the evening guests were:
vitality and full control of his men
tal faculties.
Among those present at tho party
were: sons and daughters Mrs. Abe
Shaffer, of Plymouth; Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert H. Frlsble, of Lake Ariel;
Mr n ml Mrs. Chnrlns RIttenbonder.
Mary Carey of,nf piVmoiith: Mr. and Mrs. Wlnflold
Mr. Wilcox was 0 Frsbie, of Carbondalo; Mr. and
J1"lu"ti ; . ,,.7, . I UUUUIlL-tJJ lull r ui ,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Wilcox, Mr. Mrg Henry Rivenburg, of
and Mrs. Ellwood F. Wilcox, Mr. anddal Mr and Mrs Preu j
Mrs. Arthur O. Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs.
Horace C. Wilcox, of Hazelton; air.
and Mrs. Harry L. Nash, Mr. and
Mrs. Edward White, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Bacon, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Van Horn, children of Mr. and Mrs.
Wilcox; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Van Gor
der, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wilcox,
Mr. .and Mrs. Ransom Mead, Mr. and
lira. John Wilcox, of Madlsonvllle;
Mr. and Mrs. John Carey, Mr. and
Mrs. Benjamin Carey, of Tunkhan
nock; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Horn
of Dalton; Mr. and Mrs. Berton Pot
ter, Mrs. S. Raymond, Mrs. Mar
tha Buck, Misses Hazel Mead.Rena
White. Myrtle Van Horn, Verna
vAVJlcox. Arllne Wilcox. Helen Ray
mond. Monica Anley. Helen Potter,
Jna Oakley, Olive Oakley, Flossie
wiirnr. Grace Van Horn, and Oram
Vend. Walter Wilcox. Frank Van
Horn Oliver Van Horn. Ralph Van
Horn, Elwood Wilcox, Harold Wil
cox, Howard White. Kenneth Potter,
James Mccarty or uunmore.
It will bo the theatrical event of
the season at the Lyric next Tues
nv -nv. 2fi. when Wlnchell Smiths
"Tho Fortune Hunter" will
be Interpreted by a strong cast. In
-writing "Tho Fortune Hunter, Wln
chell Smith has furnished the Amer
ican stage with a rural comedy, min
us the hackened types usually found
In plays of Its order. It is a fresh,
clean, amusing and vigorous exposi
tion of a series of incidents In the
life of a young ne'er-do-well, who,
to retrieve his almost hopeless for
tunes, seeks tho Becluslon of a coun
try village In order to build up bis
fallen fortune by a matrimonial alli
ance with the village heiress.
The preliminary sale of seats for
"The Fortune Hunter" Is announc
ed to begin at the Lyric on Monday
morning, Nov. 25, and our readers
are advlsod that If they contemplate
seeing this fine play It will bo well
to secure- their reservations well In
Frank Crasler, a farmer residing
tmi and a half miles from Oreon,
committed suicide Thursday last
by shooting himself In tho heart with
n RhfltcllTl.
Crasier, upon arising early In tho
morning, went to tho barn to do
His wife later found
his dead body lying on the floor of
tho barn. She gave tho alarm by
telephone and brought aid irom
neighbors, but life had been extinct
for some time. Crasier lived near
Wright's lake, on the place owned
by a Mr. Halford. Deceased, be
sides a wife and several children,
had a number of relatives In and
about Thompson.
Mrs. E. Y. Frlsbie, of Plymouth; Mr.
and Mrs. John Meyer, of Varden; Mr.
and Mrs. Harry B. Frlsble, of Var
den. Grandchildren Lester Frlsbie
and Miss Pearl Frlsble, of Lake
Ariel; Mr. and Mrs. George Mat
thews, of Carbondale: Mr. and Mrs.
Merritt It. Frlsble, of Carbondale;
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Olmstead, of
Whites; Harold Usueal Frlsble, of
Carbondale; Miss Mabel A. Frlsbie,
of Carbondale; Miss Mao Bittenben
der, of Plymouth; William Frlsbie,
Miss Mary Frlsble and James Frls
bie, of Plymouth; Miss Margaret
Meyer, of Varden. Great grandchil
dren Mary, Ralph, Dorcas and
Raymond Matthews, of Carbondale;
Helen and Howard Olmstead, of
Whites; Dorothy Frisbie, of Carbon
dale; Mr. Frlsbie and sister, Mrs.
Jane Taylor, of Gloucester, Conn.,
Mrs. Sally Reynolds of Jermyn; Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Kane, of Glouces
ter, Conn., Mrs. Sally Reynolds, of
Jermyn; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kane,
of Middletown, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs.
Chauncey Van Fleet, of Waymart;
Meyer, of
John Dermodv. of Cocliecton, Dies
as Ho Enters Homo of Michael
McCuo Who Pnssed Away
John Dermody. of Cochecton, N.
Y., upon entering the home on Mon
day of Michael McCue, a friend, In
Damascus, who had died on Sunday,
dropped dead. The walk to the Mc
Cuq bome was quite steep and It Is
sunnosed to have fatigued Mr. Der
mody, as death resulted as be ap
proached his friend's --home. He
was accompanied to the McCuo home
by his daughter. Michael McCue,
Mr. Dermody's friend, died at his
home in Damascus, Sunday, after
two month's illness. He was 80
years old and Is survived by three
daughters and one son.
Shippers desiring to send freight
over the morning train via Dela
ware and Hudson road, must have
same in the depot no later than 11
o'clock. Freight for tho evening
train will be received until 3 o'clock.
The new schedule will bo given a
thorough try-out. The service Is
much better than Honesdale ship
pers has received in a long tlmo and
undoubtedly will bo largely patron
ized. The morning freight .Is scheduled
to arrive at 11 o'clock. The return
trip Is made to Carbondalo about
12:30. Tho afternoon train arrives
about 3:30 and leaves again at 4 p.
m. Conductor Nicholson Is In
Death of J. II. McCarthy.
James II. McCarthy, a former resi
dent, of North Scranton, was recent
ly killed In an accident at Bessemer,
Ala. He was a son of tho late John
and Sarah McCarthy, and was born
4n Untipsdalo forty-eight years ago.
Ho camo to Providence with his
parents, thlrty-ilvo years ago. Ho Is
survived by tho following brothers
and sisters, John, unaries anu Mar
tin McCarthy, of North Scranton:
Mrs, James M. Murray, of South
Rrrnnton: Mrs. Lucy McAndrows and
Mra. Alice Tigbo. of Dunmore. The
funeral was held at Bessemer.-Times.
Tho business of tho J. D. Williams
Bros. Co., bankrupt, of Scranton,
waB purchased at a trustee's ealo
Thursday last by R. J. Williams,
president of the firm. His bid of
$24,705 for tho various properties
of the company, in bulk, was In ex
cess of the bids received for the sev
eral lots of goods that wero sold
In the six years Mr. Eccles has
had this company, It has appeared in
every state In tho Union with the ex
ception of Arizona and California.
This was tho first company to glvo
a real costumed concert with action
fitting each number. So smoothly
and quickly does everything move,
that seventeen numbers, with en
cores, are given in tho time usually
occupied by ten. Many of tho num
bors were written especially for the
company and for every number a
change, of costumo Is made. The
young ladles are all college girls
and have beautiful solo voices, won
derfully blended, and they are under
tho direction of a competent conduc
tor. At the Lyric Friday evening,
Nov. 22, under tho auspices of the
Honesdale High school. Holders of
course tickets should present tbem
at tho box omco and receive reserved
seat tickets. Salo opens 9 a. m.,
Thursday, Nov. 21st.
At Hotel Iletimann Interesting Talk
by Dr. LaRue, .Member or tho
Faculty of That Institution.
Tho Wayne County graduates and
pupils of tho East Stroudsburg Nor
mal school held an impromptu ban
ouot at Hotel "Heumann on Friday
evening after the close of tbo Insti
About twenty-eight East Strouds
burg students decided to meet in
the hotel and hold a banquet. The
plans were successfully carried out
and tho East Strouasuurgers may ao
cldo to hold tho banquet each year
from now on. Among tho guests
wero Dr. Driver, who dollvered an
address at tho institute on "Ameri
ca in tho Far East." Supt. J. J.
Koehler acted as toastmaster.
Among tho speakers were J. D.
Storms, A. H. Howell and Mlsa Vera
Tho principal speaker of tho even
ing was Dr. D. W. LaRue, a member
of tbo East Stroudsburg Normal
Week Sessions Closed on Friday
Noon .Mrs. Dlv on Woman Suf
frage Jenkins' Hoy Hand Fur
nished Music Thursday.
Thursday Morning.
Devotional exercises, led by Rov.
Dr. J. W. Ralta, of St. Mary Mag
dalen's German Catholic church.
Dr. Balta gave tbo teachers a helpful
and Inspiring talk.
Singing; roll call.
Supt. Tietrlck occupied the first
period and his subject was 'Effec
tive Teaching." If a man can write
a better book, preach a better ser
mon or make a better mouse trap
than his neighbor, though he make
his bome in tho woods, tho worm
will make a beaten path to his door
Tho secret of success Is constancy of
purpose. I know the teachers here
have a purpose. There is a sharp
distinction between a purpose and
a spasm. Many teachers have only
a spasm of what they shall accom
plish. The Individual who has a
purpose and will not give that pur
pose up Is successful. How well
you can do and keep on doing Is a
test of your work. Be judicious In
your expressions and then do just
what you say. Whatever you say
you will do, do It every day and do
It to the letter, steauy, even con
centration tells. The teacher is ef
fective who is exacting in what she
demands from her pupils. We our
selves often do not do much beyond
what Is required of us. Tho mind
must be riveted in study and a few
minutes of this kind of study Is
worth more than hours of mind wan
dering. It is struggle that gives
strength. One failing of children Is
just the doing of what can oe uone
easily. There is one degree a teach
er must have, It isn't a college de
gree. It is G. S. good sense. What
is good sense? It Is the knack of see
ing things as they are and doing
things as they ought to be done.
There Is difficulty in seeing things
as they are, but that Is the thing
that tells. W.hat you do ror uoa
and your fellow man will never die.
Mrs. Alma J.. G. Dlx, president of
the Wayne county branch of the
State Teachers' Association League
of Pennsylvania, called to order Us
members for the purpose of electing
a vlce-nresident in place of Pror.
Mark Creasy, formerly of Hawley,
who Is now teaching outside this
county. Prof. Blakslee, of Hawley,
was elected. The floor was then
clven to Vice Prlncloal .R. ,T. Davies.
who told about the .League convert-
tlon 1n Harrlsburg In June, to wyilch
he was sent as a delegate. Hq. 'stat
ed that this League was organized
to make teachers more efficient. It
alms to coruo closer to the teachers
and have every teacher enrolled as a
member. It is the purpose of the
League to prevent a school board
from getting rid of an efficient
teacher; to look after disabled teach
ers who have been efficient In their
work; to develop a eddo of profes
sional ethics; to secure proper com
pensation for tho teacher. The
Leaue Is trying to get two Important
bills through, the Legislature the
Tenure of office bill, which will pre
vent tho removal of an efficient
teacher by a fickle school board or
the sentiment of a community, and
a Teachers' Annuity bill, to provide
from the funds of the state Tor
teachers who have been efficient and
who have become p",,ysically unfit
for work. Tho convention at Har
risburg was given over to the dte
cussion of these two bills. We
must create a public sentiment so
that these two bills may bo brought
before the Legislature and passed.
The formal meeting of tho League
was then closed and Mrs. Dlx was
given charge. She spoke most elo
quently for women and tho Import
ant part they are playing In our na
tional life. America was discover
ed In 1492; men wero discovered In
177C, hut women were not discover
ed until 1870, when tho typewriter
and telephone camo Into use. We
hear much about tho Pilgrim Fath
ers but wo would like to hoar more
about tho Pilgrim Mothers. Mrs.
Dlx touched upon woman's suffrage
and all her remarks were to the
point and very effective. Sho was
applauded enthusiastically.
Miss Edith Simons delighted tho
audienco with a recitation, "Her
First Ride In An Automobile." Miss
Simons responded to an encore.
Singing; Intermission.
Dr. Warren next discussed "A
Typo Lesson In Reading." He said,
"Mrs. Dlx set mo to thinking. If
thoro wero moro women who could
talk as well as sho does there would
bo no need for nny men on this plat
form. Hurrah for women and their
votes. In teaching reading first take
caro of tho vocabulary. Dictionary
work must bo assigned with care lest
tho child become discouraged. Don't
over assign a lesson In reading with'
out flrBt saying to yourself, "Some
thing is going to come of that." Seo
that tho vocabulary has boon wisely
taken caro of and a lesson has been
assigned In a wise manner. Thoro
aro two kinds of reading -tbo kind
that gives facts and the kind that
appeals to tbo emotions. Thoy aro
vastly different from each other. Tho
reading lesson that appeals to the
omotlons must have tho way prepar
ed for it the day before so that the
child can study It intelligently. Glvo
an Inkling of what lies therein and
moro will bo gotten out of tho les
eon. For tho sako of vocabulary
growth one reader is not sufficient
It is a wise investment to havo bov
oral, at least two. Every time a new
word is planted correctly in a child's
mind his horizon is enlarged. It is
harmful to give children a paragraph
to Interpret It they haven't the ex
(Continued on Page Eight.)
:!,.-,()() Plants In Bloom Mndo Beauti
ful Picture .Many Tropical Trees
AITortl Excellent Educational
The Maple City green houses at
this place, owned by Marvin, the
florist, of Wilkes-Barre, and which
aro under tho efficient superlntend
ency of Franklin Walters, are "a
thing of beauty and Joy forever."
All lovers of nature's varlagated
flowers ought to visit tho green
Within a week 3,500 beautiful
chrysanthemums havo been In bloom.
Owing to the great demand for these
beautiful flowers tho number has
been reduced to 1,000 plants, but
they are a picture one should not
miss. Tho different colors, consist
ing of cream, purple, yellow and
whlto mingling with tho green
leaves and stems portrays a picture
that cannot bo duplicated by man.
Tho green house is truly nature's
One chrysanthemum was 7 In
ches across.
Since Superintendent Walters
camo to Honesdale, three years ago, I
tho chrysanthemum benches have
been Increased from ono to four.
Each bench Is 7ii feet In length and
during tho season has been filled
with chrysanthemums. Besides dis
posing of 2,500 of these beautiful
flowers this season, nearly 10,000
carnations have also been sold to
tho Honesdale trade; also 10,000
tomato plants.
The Maple City green houses sup
ply Wilkes-Barre and other places
with flowers. Tho house carries tho
better grade of flowers and now has
in stock a larger variety than at any
tlmo since the green house was es
tablished. Tho Maplo City establishment Is a
horticultural garden. Hero are
found tropical trees of all kinds
growing. There are fine specimen
of banana, fig, grape fruit, orange,
lemon, Indian rubber and bay trees,
palms, etc.
Pupils In school who aro studying
about these trees, where they are
grown, and under what condition
should enrich their knowledge by
paying a visit to tho green house and
see the plant in its natural growth.
Superintendent Walters says visitors
aro welcome at all times.
Owing to the rapid and Increased
trade, Mr. Marvin will make an ex
tension of 30x40 feet to the largest
hot houso In the spring. The Maple
City Green House Is one of Hones
dale's growing industries, and under
tho management of Mr. Walters it
undoubtedly will become one- of the
largest plants of its kind In this sec
tion of Pennsylvania.
Announcements havo been received
by friends and relatives In Hones
dalo of tho marriage of Miss
Edith Lylo Sherwood Holbcrt, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Hol
bert, or Blnghamton, N. Y., to Mr.
Edgar Nlal Luckey of Now York.
Arrangements were under way for a
largo wedding In November at West
colang Park, tho beautiful country
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Holbcrt, but
owing to Mrs. Holbert's poor hcaPh,
her daughter, wishing to rol'uve her
of tbo strain and worry of a large
wedding, Anally won her parents
consent to a quiet wedding, 'vhich
event took place on Wednesday, Oct.
30, 1912, In New York City. The
Officers Elected Reuben Lancaster
Guvo Report of Harrlsburg Con
vention Prof. Teltrlck Spoko
on Duties of Directors.
Tho school directors of tho Wayno
county schools met at the court
houso on Friday morning at 9
o'clock for their annual session. Tho
meeting was called to order by Dr.
E. C. Ellenbergor, of Gouldsboro,
as president. Dr. Ellenbergor mado
a few Introductory remarks to tho
assembled directors. A. M. Lclne.
brldo Is the granddaughter of the , secretary, reau me minutes or tho
late Wlllam Holbert and of tho late a"- were upproveu
Munson Sherwood, whom residents of
Honesdale and vicinity will remem
ber as being prominently engaged In
tho tanning and lumbering business,
and as being two of tho most highly
respected men in tho county. Tho
groom is an energetic and rising
young business man In Now York
City, where ho and bis bride will
make their homo.
Bill In Equity Filed Against Ameri
cun Fraternal Officers.
A bill in equity, envolvlng thous
ands of dollars, has been filed with
Clerk of Courts W. J. Barnes. The
bill Is between C. M. Betz and others
and The American Fraternal Asso
ciation and Its officers. Tho bill
sets forth the plaintiffs claim in 17
different articles, which Is followed
by a long prayer. It Is signed by
tho plaintiff's lawyer, P. H. Iloff
atid the following plaintiffs men
tioned In the bill: C. M. Betz, M.
Bregsteln, J. Congdon, D. D. Wes
ton, A. W. Abrams, J. B. Stegner
and E. E. Williams.
Tuesday afternoon Warren, Knapp
& O'Malley appeared for tho defend
ant mentioned In tho bill of equity
and an answer will be filed within
the tlmo specified in the bill for an
.Well-Known Scranton Physician
Pulsed Away Humlny Was
Born in Honesdale !17 Years
Following a brief illness of pneu
monia, Dr. Horace Joseph Gibbons,
son of Dr. Richard II. Gibbons, of
New York, and himself a well
known physician, died at 5:30 Sun
day evening in his apartment In the
Hotel Casey In Scranton. Dr. Gib
bons was taken 111 on Wednesday
and pneumonia quickly developed.
As his health had not been the best
for a couple of years, he was easy
prey for tho disease and In spite of
tho best skill of his father he sanK
steadily. Dr. Richard H. Gibbons
ranks with tho foremost specialists
in the United States.
Dr. H. J. Gibbons was in his
thirty-seventh year, having been
born in this place on August 31,
1875. He received his education In
tho Honesdale schools and later en
tered the University of Ottawa
Canada. After completing a course
In the Canadian school he enrolled
as a medical student at the Univer
sity of Pennsylvania. He completed
his medical course In the University
of Vermont and Immediately be
came associated with his father In
tho practice of medicine in Scran
ton. His rather, Dr. uicnara ti
Gibbons removed to Now York City
eight years ago and his sop went
with him but returned to scranton
a counle of years after on account o
his health. With his wife and
small son, Richard H Jr., he had
been living at the Hotel Casey and
devoted his time to tho practice o
medicine. Ho Is survived by his
wife and son. Richard, Jr., of Scran
ton: Dr. Richard H. Gibbons, his
father, and Dr. J. Miles Gibbons, his
brother, of New York.
Tho remains arrived In Honesdale
Tuesday morning at ten o clock ac
companled by the relatives of the
deceased. They were taKen to ti
John's Boman Catholic church
whero mass was celebrated by Rev
Father John O'Toole. Interment
was made In the family plot In St
John's cemetery. The flower of
ferlngs were many and beautiful
After the reading of the minutes tho
annual election of officers was held.
Officers were elected as follows:
President. Dr. E. C. Eilenbereer.
Gouldsboro; vice-president, Harry R.
Sampson, of Ariel; second vice
president, John Perham, of Pleasant
Mount; secretary. A. M. Leine, of
Honesdale; treasurer, W. J. Ward,
r Honesdale; auditor, E. R. Bodle.
Five delegates were elected to at
tend the annual convention of school
directors In Harrlsburg next spring.
They were: S. N. Cross of Sterling;
u. make, of Bethany; F. C.
Schoell, of Honesdale; G. H. Knapp,
r Aidenviiie; J. J. Perham, of
Mount Pleasant. Tho delegates to
elect their own alternates.
Reuben Lancaster, of South Sterl
ing, gave a brief report of the last
tate convention of school directors
at Harrlsburg and reported tho rec
ommendations made by the conven
tion. Professor Reed B. Teltrlck,
deputy superintendent of public In
struction, gave a very instructive
talk to the directors on their duty
to the schools of the county. Tho
meeting adjourned at noon. Prof.
Teltrlck was one of the principal
speakers at the Institute last week.
Death of William IT. Sherwood.
William H. Sherwood, a pioneer of
Wayno county, lumberman, died at
his homo in Blnghamton last Friday.
Ho was born in Fairfield county,
Conn., In 1829, and whllo young re
moved with his parents to Wayno
county. He worked on his father s
farm until his maturity and then
engaged In the lumber business,
which ho followed successfully until
the early eighties. In 18SC ho pur
chased a tannery In tho village of
Maine and later removed to Blng
hamton. When ho was eighteen
years old he drove teams from Scran
ton to Port Jervls, a distance of 70
miles, hauling tbo rails to complete-
The roll of pupils In the West
Chester Normal school this year ex-
ceeds that of any preceding year In
tho history of the school, 93G stu
dents answering to their names
Seven states, five other countries and
49 countries of Pennsylvania are
represented there. The following
aro tho names of the representatives
from Wayno county:
Ammorman, Homer B Gravity
Canflold, Louise R Galilee
Edwards, Beulah M. , .South Canaan
Gager, Forrest L Cold Spring
Leo, L. Mlnnlo Waymart
Rutledgo, Ralph L Galilee
Schultz, Ernest Hawley
Sklllborn, Anita B Damascus
Marriage Licenses.
Mlko Kowalcuk Whlto Mills
Mary Phillips Whlto Mills
Floyd Frisblo Gravity
Carrlo Dolnh Gravity
tho Erie Railroad In that division for ' Frank Smith . .Orson
his father, who had the contract for
delivering them,
The opening of tho State Hospital
for Criminal' Insane at Farvlow,
which was planned for Thursday
last, has been postponed because all
of tho furniture has not arrived. Dr.
T. C. Fltzslmmons, superintendent,
stated that tho furnlturo Is arriving
dally, and according to present plans
the Institution will be opened about
tho middlo of December. At that
time, ho states, tho hospital will be
In a condition to recelvo about eov-
enty-flvo natlents.
Dr. Fltzslmmons stated that the
reservoir had been completed and Is
now being filled with water. Tho
boating apparatus and tho power
house aro also In order.
Mamlo Fltzpatrick Rock Lake
Miss Josephine Martin, of Hamp
ton street, and Ernest D. Wolfe, of
Newfoundland, this county, were
married last Tuesday afternoon at
tho residence of Rov. Jacob Schottlo,
pastor of tho Hydo Park Gorman
Presbyterian church, on Farvlow
avonue. Tho couple was unattended
and loft after tho ceremony for Phil
adelphia to spend their honeymoon.
They will reside on Capouso avenue,
Green Ridge. Tho brldo Is well
known In West Scranton, and was a
teacher In the Sunday school of the
Chestnut avonue church.
In Presbyterian Chnpel Thursday
Evening Talks by Members of
Faculty Officers Elected.
The annual banquet of the Wayne
county graduates of the Bloomsburg
State Normal school was held at
half past five o'clock Thursday after
noon In the parlors of tho Presby
terian Chapel. The banquet was
prepared and served by the Young
Ladies' Auxiliary of that church,
under the supervision of their chair
man, Mrs. F. W. Powell.
After an hour of social chat and
renewing of old acquaintances in a
co3y corner of the chapel, the asso
ciation elected tho following offi
cers: E. G. Jenkins, president: L.
D. Savlge, vice-president; Margaret
Corcoran, secretary and treasurer.
Over thirty graduates and mem
bers of the State Normal school sat
down in the delightful parlors and
enjoyed one of tho best catered ban
quets ever served in that placo. Tho
menu was as follows:
Celery Bouillon
Oyster Patties Wafers
Creamed Chicken Mashed Potatoes
Peas Olives Pickles Jelly
Rolls Brown Bread
Fruit Salad
Neapolitan Ice Cream Cake
Salted Nuts Coffee Cofectlons
Between the courses old songs
wero sung with enthusiasm. 'Mrs.
E. G. Jenkins played the selections.
The school was represented by Mr.
Sutllff and Mr. Toat of tho faculty
of Bloomsburg Normal and Mr. and
Mrs. Englehart of the executive
staff of tho same institution. Ex
cellent talks wero given by these
professors and also by District At
torney M. E. Simons, Dr. A. J. Si
mons, of Newfoundland, and L. D.
Savlge of Sterling. County Supt. J.
J. Koehler was on the program but
-was obliged to leave early. Toast
master E. G. Jenkins assured tho
association that Mr. Koehler would
glvo tho first toast at next year's
banquet. Much credit Is given Miss
Jennlo Leo, who arranged this, tho
best banquet the Bloomsburgers ever
The Bloomsburg Normal has ad
ded ono of the llnest science build
ings In the state to tho already large
Institution. They recently acquired
a largo tract of land adjoining. If
tho school does not now lead the
thirteen State Normals, it is rapidly
approaching such a position.
This banquet given by the Blooms
burg Normal Association Is an an
nual affair and the interest taken In
It every year by tho faculty of tho
school and tho graduates and pupils
Is mutual.
New York, Nov. 19. Three bod
ies two men's and a woman's In
the morguo, two men struggling for
life In tho hospital with apparently
no chance to recover; two otner
men slightly wounded and a mass
of baggage at tho headquarters of
tho Bronx Detective Bureau, were
tho vlsiblo evidences today ot one
of the most desperate battles be
tween officers and fugitives. that over
occurred in this vicinity.
Attorney Robert E. Scragg. ot
Scranton, representing tho Colum
bian Protective Association, of
Blnghamton. was in Honesdale Tues
day and filed an appeal from tho ar
bitrators' award In tho cases of
Teresa Gerety and Mrs. John Cong
don against said Insuranco com
pany with Prothonotary W. J.
Tho cases will go to trial In the
Wayno county court at tho coming
January term.
Milwaukee, Nov. 19. Schrank,
who mado an attempt to kill Col.
yheodore Roosevelt, has been de
clared insane.
(Special to Tho Citizen.)
Scranton, Nov. 19. James H.
Torrey, of Scranton, Is named as
president of the Wilkes-Barre Con
necting company, a concern granted
a charter at Harrlsburg, yesterday.
Tho corporation Is capitalized at
$100,000. It is to construct a sev-on-mlle
piece of road between Hud
son and Dorrancoton.
The Delaware and Hudson Rail
road company Is believed to bo bo-
hind tho enterprise. Mr. Torrey
with C. H. Welles, Sr., is chief coun
sel for tho D. & H. Intorests in this
section ot tho state ,
Mr. Torrey spent his early life la
(Special to Tho Citizen.)
Los Angeles, Nov. 19. Five per
sons aro dead and several fatally in
jured as the result of a fire that
practically destroyed tho St. George
hotel on East Third street, near
Main, early today. Only tho hero
ism ot the employes ot tho hotel
and of tho firemen prevented many
others from perishing.