The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, November 15, 1912, Image 1

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Pino Job Work Promptly Ex
ecuted nl Tho Citizen Office.
Subscribe Fd io Citizen The
People's Kami Paper; $1.B0
Per Year.
70th YEAR. --NO. 91
PRIC a 2 OENrl S
Congressman From Fourteenth Dis
trict (Jives Interesting Account of ,
Ills Trip to Switzerland Pre-
bents Diplomas.
The principal speaker of the
Wayne InstlUito Wednesday morn
Jug was Congressman W. D. B.
Alney, of Montrose, who spoko on
the Interesting subject of " Univer
sal Peace " Mr. Alney was greeted
with enthusiasm. A largo number
of our prominent townspeople
thronged the auditorium at this tlmo
50 cacr were all to hear and greet
liim ins speech was most intercst
Jng and was given in a charming
way Follow lug are some of the
many good thoughts he gave to his I
attentive audience:
The subject 01 world peace is ex
citing the attention of all the nations1
at this time. It is easier to wave the
battle flag than the white Hag of
peace The proper conception of a
man is to realize all that ho may be-'
come and is his duty to live with that
goal in view. Men often think they
can attain only by breaking down.
We conquer in the race not by trip
ping up a man but by outrunning
him The real competition Is not
with others but with ourselves, j
Man's greatest expression of life is i
the liiug out of those principles
which make him what God Intended
him to be. There is need for such
a man An unselfish life is needed.
War Is against all that. The real
problem Is tho problem of mutual
helpfuluness .the desire to raise
humanity to the highest point. We
travel along and find a discord
seiilshness- In national life and in
ternational life and so the honor of
war comes. War is a dlspoller of
homes, a destroyer of nations. The
misunderstanding among the nations
can be done away with. Wo have
the Hague court. It is only a court
of arbitration. Back of tho Hague
court an understanding among the
nations is necessary. Many things
are being done In the Interest of un
iversal peace. Tho Interparliamen
tary Union is a great factor in this
movement. The countries have se
lected their lawmakers to gather
together, at stated times in the in
terest of world peace. The Red
Cross society was made possible, un
der this influence. Four men were
chosen to represent the United States
In that great meeting at Geneva,
Switzerland. Mr. Alney considered
It a rare privilege to be associated
with those great men In beautiful
Geneva. Twenty other nations were
represented In that assembly and
there were nearly loO men In all.
Over the tomb of a man our
country loves to., honor are the
words, "Let us have peace." He was
our soldier President, U. S. Grant,
and that motto was the whole ex
pression of his life. Yet we rarely
think of these words and too often
think of him as a man of war. We
as a rule, think more of the glory
of war than we do of peace. It is an
economic problem to do away with
war The present debt of the world
powers is 35 billions of dollars and
nearly all of this Is for war or prep
aration for war. Seventy per cent,
of the expenses of our own govern
ment are incurred in paying tho
tribute of past wars or in preparation
for future ones. Two billion dollars
are spent by tho nations for arma
ments, and 1C, GOO, 000 able-bodied
men are taken from the realms of ac
tivity to make up tho standing arm
ies of the world. Much more Is
spent for warlike preparations than
for education. In England four dol
lars are spent for war preparations
to one dollar for education; In Italy
nine dollars to one, and in Russia
twelve dollars to one. Tho Interest
on this money would 'furnish a col
lege education for 125,000 students.
And all this expense Is merely In
preparation for war. It doesn't take
into consideration the great loss of
life and expenso caused by war It
self. This Is not an argument
against proper defense, but against
war How are you going to stop
war? What causes war? It Is
caused by selfishness and misunder
standing among tho nations. We
can get rid of the misunderstanding
these International meetings will
do away with those but seiilshness
will still exist. I am sorry tho
United States Senate refused to ac
cept the arbltraton measures which
should nave been accepted at their
last session. Ono of the men at tho
great gathering In Geneva was a
Turk Mr Alney became Intimately
acquainted with him and, marveling.
at tho excellent English ho spoke,
told this Turk that he must have
spent a great deal of tlmo In either
England or America to have acquired
the ability to speak tho English lan
guage so fluently. But his reply to
Mr AInoy was that ho had acquired
ui wat.- ui r-iiiKiisii hui in rjngianu
or America, but at the American Col
lego at Beirut. Syria, and said that
lie knew both Drs. Henry and Samuel
Jessup very intimately. And he said
that not until tho unfolding of the
Great Day would the wonderful In
fluence of that college and tho Drs.
Jessup bo really known. Since re
turning from Switzerland Mr. Alney
sought out tho relatives of the
doctors that be might tell them of
tho words spoken by the Turk, and
tho daughter of one of these doctors
gave Mr. Alney considerable Infor
mation concerning this Turk In
whom he was bo deeply Interested.
Ho learned that ho Is a very bright
and very good man. Ho has made
a number of translations, Is a mem
ber of tho Turkish Parliament, and
Js not a Mohammedan but a Christ
Ian. It speaks well for peace when
such men represent a nation.
World peaco can como only
ithrough mutual confidences between
the people of the nations.
' There must be between them a feel-
(renter Rainfall In Basin of Local
River Tlmii In That of Mighty
Tho following will be of great In
terest to the people living along tho
famed Susquehanna river.
Tho Colorado river, which drains
an area of somo 300,000 square
miles is often called the Nile oT
America, and liko the Nile Is subject
to an annual summer rise which
.in., vn .h, i, Cncnnniinnnn
ri, vn tu cimiir in vnp in Mm
the Susquehanna shows
the difference in How between arid
and humid regions. In tho comparl-j
son a normal year, based on a 10
year record for Colorado and Sus
quehanna rivers and such data as
could be found in regard to tho Nile,
have been used. The Colorado has
been taken as the standard of com
parison. The Nile has 5." times the drain
age area, and the Susquehanna one
eighth the area of the Colorado. Tho
rainfall in the Nile basin is 3.8 times
greater; that in tho Susquehanna
basin is 4.5 times greater. The run
off per square mile from the Nile
basin Is 1.9 times greater; that from
the Susquehanna basin Is 3.7 times
greater. The discharge of the Nile
is 10. S times greater than that of
the Colorado; that of the Susque
hanna Is 4.5 times greater.
Tho annual maximum flow of tho
Colorado varies from 50,000 to 150.
000 second feet and occurs ln May
June, or July; for the Nile it is
about 353,000 second feet and oc
curs about the first of September;
for the Susquehanna it is from 150,
000 to 550,000 second feet, and oc
curs during March, April or May.
The annual minimum flow of tho
Colorado varies from 2,500 to 5,000
second feet and occurs during Janu
ary or February; that of the Nile Is
about 14,500 second feet and occurs
about the end of May; for the Sus
quehanna it Is from 2,200 to 11,000
second feet and occurs ln September
or October.
The mean flow of the Colorado
for the period 1894 to 1903 was 10,-
700 second feet. The mean flow for
the period 1304 to 1910, however,
was 25,400 second feet.
Washington, Nov. 14. The De
partment of Justice probably will
lilo a suit ln tho near future against
the United Fruit Company. The ac
tion will bo based on alleged viola
tlons of the Sherman anti-trust law
and will ask for tho dissolution of
that big Industrial corporation.
The company has been under in
vestigation by the Department of
Justice for some time and it was
learned to-day that a bill of com
plaint In the case already has been
The United Fruit Company has an
authorized capital of $35,000,000,
outstanding $29, 700,000. The com
pany owns tho entire capital stock of
tho Tropical Fruit Steamship Com
pany, which has ln operation a fleet
of eighteen steamships, maintaining
a regular service for passengers and
merchandise between tho West In
dies, Central America and the
United States. Tho company also
owns the controlling stock ln the Nip
Company with an authorized capital
of S7, 000,000. Through this com
pany it has undertaken tho develop
ment of a cane sugar plantation ln
Cuba along the most advanced lines.
me unnoa Fruit Company is a
New Jersey corporation organized In
1899. It not only produces and
transports Dut distributes its own
fruit in this country. It Is this dls
trlbutlng plan of tho business that
has been the subject of complaint to
tho Department of Justice. It has
been charged that tho United com
pany has built up a countrywide dls-
trinuiing Dusiness and has resorted
to unfair practices.
Tho reported preparation to begin
suit against the United Fruit Com
pany Indicates clearly that there is to
be no letup by tho Attorney-General
ln prosecutions under the Sherman
law during the closing days of tho
Tho Department of Justice Is mak
ing plans also to push the pending
suits along as far as possible before
President Taft steps out. It is hon
cd by the Attorney-General to havo
many of the suits now pending out
of tho way, at least so far as the low
er court Is concerned boforo March
4. This will not bo possible though
ln tho case of tho United States Steel
or tho Harvester trust suits.
Gov. Wilson's Attorney-General
will Inherit both of these big suits
and any additional ones that tho
Taft Administration may begin be
tween now and March 4.
ing of kindred sympathy. Wars will
not ceaso until tho tlmo comes when
love and Justice take tholr sway.
Mr. Alney believes that world peace
will not really como until the people
of all the nations are living out In
their lives tho principles and truths
or tno christian religion. Then eel
flshness will disappear and peaco
shall prevail.
At the close of tho morning's ses
sion Hon. Mr. Alney presented tho
diplomas to the winners of the oral
and written spelling contests. There
wero thirty of oach. Only ono 'boy
was among tho winners of tho oral
contest and this boy should receive
special commendation. He won both
contests. He Is a Polander. Let
American children "sit up and take
- . .1.. .1 . 1. ...... l i nin t . 111
nn 1,7,1 7 rr hVntint In Wlntnr Sun-1 ''""'"c up her child and send It out lortauio to unow wny tilings are so
pi laper -bj 01 tuo unucu aiaics wa, , , ,,,,, , , t0 than temperature and moisture
geological survey, an Interesting i un, ""'- out, 10 luiho miu . .. nnr(llprn nrt nf pinri,in
rnmnnrisnn Ir mndn of this croatl tuc "se she tapped on tho window , Acrs? lnV "orl"c,n ynTt i '"ua
comparison is made 01 inis Breai . nbovpd Hut mm dav nl the Gulf of Mexico, nnd reach-
southwestern river with the Egyp- '?"'' ln?. cm'a 11,11 ne u.ay h,,,- in. t, Atin.i -,..
Tuesday Afternoon, Wednesday
Morning and Afternoon, Professor
Warren and )r. C. T. MrFurlnnu
Gave Instructions to Wayno
Teachers Announcements
Tuesday Morning Continued. 1
Dr. Warren chose for his subject '
"A Tap at tho Window." As an In-' nauitnnts as to industry, rood, clotn
troduction ho used tho following Ing. etc- It Is difficult to know too
other was accustomed to'
me momer iorgoi to tap
dw nd sometime later Bho dlsrov
ered that her little girl was gone. A
diligent search revealed the where
abouts of the lost one who said to
her mother, "If you had tapped at
the window I wouldn't have been
I have heard taps at tho window
which havo kept me from wandering
too far. An Institute, If It stands
for anything, Is a tap at tho window
for anyone who may bo wandering
in tho pedagogical field. A certain
farmer raised only 30 bushels of
corn to the acre while his son ap
plied the scientific principles ho had
learned at school and produced 93
bushels to the acre. The speaker
then applied this Illustration to
school work and gave several ex
amples of how the most benefit can
be obtained by using certain meth
ods In teaching. In speaking of
arithmetic he said: When a child
needs his 'brain for adding, sub
tracting, multiplying and dividing he
cannot use his brain for thinking.
Teach these fundamentals in tho
lower grades so that they will be
performed by the habit portion of
the brain.
Intermission, singing, roll call.
Supt. Koehler then Introduced an
Instructor who was here three or
four years ago Dr. C. T. McFar
lane, of Teachers' College, Columbia
University, New York City. Dr. Mc
Farlano was warmly greeted. "Geo
graphy" was his theme. He spoke -of
his subject as being very common
place and ordinary with nothing
humorous about it but, neverthe
less, deadly serious. In his discus
sion the speaker used the continent
as a land unit. If a sheet of paper
tho thickness of ordinary foolscap
were placed upon an 18-lnch globo
representing the earth tho elevation
in relation to the globe would be
greater than that of the highest
mountain systems of tho earth. Th'
great round earth may be' spoken of
as being blocked off ln a series of
upraised tilted blocks with an enorm
ous depression at elthor pole known
as an ocean. Tho great body of wa
ter surrounding the south polo has
three arms, the Atlantic, Pacific and
Indian oceans. In the eastern United
States there Is a mountain system,
east of which Is a coastal plain ex
tending to the ocean and for some
distance underneath. Tho waters of
the ocean lap up over the edge of
this sandy plain. This fact Is of
great significance for that intermit
tent lapping has made it possible for
Greater New York to exist. Our
large eastern river cut down deep
valleys so that their mouths are al
most at sea level. The Hudson river
once entered the ocean over a water
fall more magnificent than any we
havo today. These coastal plains
vary in width. They roach their
greatest width off the coast of New
foundland. That gives a great ex
tent of shallow water at that point.
Because of the southern drift of tho
Polar current, enormous Icebergs are
carried south and melt in this water
and the result Is that this clear, cold
water, somewhat freshened by the
melting Icebergs, Is the homo of
large quantities of flsh which are a
great source of revenue. There Is
much good about the banks of New
foundland and also much that Is
bad, for a warm current of air com
ing Into contact with tho cold at
mosphere at tho spot causes dense
fogs. So, on account of tho danger
ous floating Icebergs hidden by tho
fogs wo know that only great pro
caution will avert serious disasters.
Tho Rocky mountains, rising as
they do from a vast rolling plain ap
parently out of nothingness, are a
sight of grandeur, with their rocky,
Jagged, barren peaks far above tho
snow lino. In crossing them on a
journey over tho continent you climb
and climb and tho air clears and
sun drops behind. And yet they are
as nothing when compared with tho
earth itself.
Announcements; adjournment.
Tuesday Afternoon.
Prof. Warren spoko on tho sub
ject "First Stops ln Reading." Ho
first concluded his subject of tho
morning. The purpose of a drill is
tho establishing of a habit. Why do
wo want to establish a habit? So
that cortaln things can bo done with
out thinking. Thoro aro somo things
In school which must be drilled up
on and drilled with a will. Among
all the subjectB ln the world, read
ing Is tho most important.
The assignment phase Is tho im
portant phaso or tho subject. How
shall I assign a lesson? I don't
know, it depends upon tho circum
stances. If you assign a lesson for
the next day what kind of work shall
It bo? Wo must first take care of
tho vocabulary. In teaching tho
children now words, do not let them
waste tlmo in guessing at them. If
one should learn flvo new words a
day ho would havo a greater vocabu
lary than Shakespeare had. If you
strike a difficulty a good motto is.
"Divide and Conquer." Make lessons
definite. We too often ask a ques
tion and then give away tho answer.
That is bad teaching. After a les-
Eon is assigned and the vocabulary
taken care of, tho teacher should see
to It that the pupils get tho thought.
It Is dangerous for a child to rend
and not get tho thought, becauso a
bad habit Is thus formed,
i Intermission.
I Roll call.
Dr. McFarlane occupied tho next
' period and continued his work of the
i morning on "Geography." His talk
' was Chiefly on climatic conditions
nntl tolr effect on tho earth's in-
mu aDouwauy suojeci. u is corn-
when ln a normal position is a belt
of calm, or high pressure, whore the
winds 'blow up and down instead of
across. This fact mado it possible
for Columbus to discover America
and to return homo safely. Ho loft
homo at just the season when this
b"lt was farthest north and so ho
tailed Into tho region of tho north
east trade winds, which carried him
to our shores. He stayed here until
this bolt was farthest south and con
sequently tho westerly winds carried
him safely home. Industries can
exist and prosper in a large area only
when the area is physically adapted
to them. The reason why the South
African cavalry so far excelled In
speed the English cavalry at the
time of the war in South Africa was
that the former were riding, ln that
hilly country, horses born and bred
among the bills, while tho English
were riding horses which had been
reared on the plains of central
United States, they having purchased
them from our country. Tho kind of
industry pursued and tho way peo
ple do it, the food they eat and thei
way it is prepared, the clothes they
wear and the way they wear them
all this depends upon the environ
ment in which they live. To those
who have to teach elementary geo
graphy to children, you cannot know
too much of tile subject. Get away
from the Idea that all there Is of
geography Is contained ln the text
book. Get hold of George Elliott's
"Adam Bedo" and read It for her
fine geographical description. Read
"Between the Gates," by Benjamin
F. Taylor, and "The Curse of Miner
va," by Lord Byron.
Wednesday Morning.
Song service.
Devotional exercises, led by Rev.
C. C. Miller, of St. John's Lutheran
Announcements, singing. .
sUpt Teltrlck discussed "A Law
of Teaching." When the day Is dark
and cloudy the teacher must lift the
cloud for the day. She must furnish
the sunshine for the Inside. If you
live, as you ought to live until 10
o'clock, the rest of the day will take
care of itself. The secret Is to start
the day right. And the way to start
right Is to seek first tho Source of
all power and como forth with the
benediction of the Eternal Father.
Law Is a method of operation.
The teacher makes the school. What
constituents make up the act of
teaching? There are two actors, the
teacher and tho learner. There are
three active processes, tho teacher
teaching, the learner learning, tho
gathering up of end3 or the test.
Tho teacher must know what he
would teach. There aro degrees of
knowledge. Illustration Is tho oasis
In tho desert of teaching. Tho cen
tral art of teaching is tho power to
illustrate. I am emphasizing special
dally preparation for tho work to be
done. The teacher sometimes needs
to emphasize despatch. I find that
pupils aro getting slower and slower
In their work. There Is need to
quicken them to moro activity ln
tholr school work. Thoro aro al
ways children who need special
treatment, special thought. I plead
for tho teadher's preparation for
tho teacher who will study tho Indi
vidual pupil. It Is now fair to mag
nify tho weaknesses of the children
and hold them up before them. En
courage and not discourage One of
the great requisites In teaching is
enthusiasm. You can bo enthusias
tic only as you understand your
work. There Is a requisite of gov
erning power. That comes from
knowing what you aro going to do
and how you aro going to do it.
Confidence Is tho cornerstone of
cheerful, willing obedlonco. Ignor
ance and inefficiency destroy confl
ildence. Master tho art of question
ing. Tho teacher who Is a good
questioner Is strong. A good ques
tion Is grammatlc, logical, concise,
clear, snappy. Propare each day a
list of questions measuring up to
this standard for each subject of
your school work and you will bo
como a giant beforo your school. A
teacher's knowledgo must bo thor
ough and familiar. Tho speaker
concluded his talk with tho follow
ing quotation from Thoreau: " It
may be a small matter but bear in
mind that when anything is well
done it is done forover."
Singing; Intermission.
Wednesday Afternoon,
Prof, Warren began tho after
noon's work with a talk on "Lost We
Fall." Tho talk was lnsplrod by
a llttlo book, "Tho Ideal Teacher,"
In which tho author says, "Every
teacher Is either a fool or a mission
ary.' However unpromising, no other
work Is bo satisfying as teaching.
It Is tho art side of teaching that
gives tho pleasure and the teacher
should approach his work as tho ar
tist does his canvas. Look upon the
pupil not as bo is now, but as bo may
bo ln tho future. The artist teacher
thinks of his work and not of his
salary. What qualities must wo
possess In order to be artistic teach
era? The tlrst quality is an apti
tude for vlcarlousness tho ability
j SUPT. .1. .1. KOEIILER.
o quickly and sympathetically put
ourselves In another's place.
The speaker was not able to fin
ish his talk on account of the time
being up. An intermission of fifteen
minutes was given and many of the
laachers went to the court liouso to
witness the spelling contest.
Prof. Warren then gave an in
formal talk on "Primary Reading,"
a few points of which are as follows:
It is a tragedy to find an old man
or old woman who doesn't care for
or appreciate good reading. Do not
teach reading by the "A B C" meth
od. Everyone learns to read by the
phonic method. A child should know
about 100 words before going into
the primer. If he uses a bit of
energy to recall a word then his
brain Is not free to read well. Do
not teach diacritical marks in pri
mary classes. They hinder, not help,
and therefore should not be taught
until about tho fourth grade Is
Being minus his two hands did not
prevent Charles Harding from sit
ting as a member of the election
board ln the First ward of Blakoly
borough, election day. Incidentally
he Is generally credited with being
the best penman on the board, the
other election officers of the district
cheerfully agreeing to this. Hard
ing writes with tho pen gripped be
tween his teetn.
Mr. Harding is a man well up ln
tho thirties. When he was a mere
boy, he wandered on the track of the
old gravity, near his home, was run
down by a trip of cars and both of
his hands wero so badly mangled
that they had to be amputated above
tho wrist. This terrible affliction
never phased the Harding lad. He
went to school with tho other boys
and started right In to learn to write
with his mouth.
Tho handless election officer mado
an unusual record, Tuesday. He was
recording clerk on tho board and
maybe ho did not havo to work some
to get down in their order tho
names of the moro than two hun
dred and eighty voters who cast their
ballots that day. No fewer than one
hundred and fifty wero voted during
the last hour and a half that the
polls were opened or at the rate ot
nearly two a minute. Never once
did Harding call for a halt or ask
for assistance.
Earlier in tno day when the voUng
was not so heavy, Harding anxious
to keep working not only wrote
down tho names, but with his right
arm, minus the hand, passed tho
ballot to each voter as he entered
the booth. He managed to do this
by placing the ballots ln a pile under
his left elbow and then knocking
eacn uaiiot oir with the right arm.
When Mr. Harding is not ofllclat
Ing on election boards he puts in his
tlmo as a solicitor up ln tho Mld-
Valiey. Ono of his hobbles is naint
Ing. Ho Is real happy when ho gets
tho brush between his molars and
occasionally dips It Into the paint
can alongside or mm. Ho has quite
a reputation as a sign painter.
The General Committee of For
eign Missions of the Methodist Epis
copal church in annual session ln tho
Simpson church In Brooklyn decided
on Tuesday to start a new paper for
tho advancement of tho various bene
volences of the church, Including for
eign missions, and $15,000 was ap
propriated as a subsidy for tho now
George E. Eckman, editor of tho
New York Christian Advocato, said
that tho present church papers aro
unable to do justlco to tills phase o
the church's activities becauso of
spaco limitations.
Tho coramltteo also voted ? 1.103,-
J4C as tho annual appropriation for
loroign missions.
Death of Mrs. Harriet Smith.
Early Thursday morning, Nov. 14
1912, occurred tho death of Mrs
Harlot Smith at her homo in Slko
Pa. She was born In Slko 82 years
ago. and for about thirty years held
tho position of postmaster at that
place, holding samo up to tho time
of her death. Causo of her death
was dropsy, from which sho was a
sufferer for somo time.
Deceased was well and favorably
known ln Slko and vicinity and had
.many friends who will mourn her
She Is survived by tho following
seven children: Herbert of Thomp
son, pa.: Edward and Eiwln. o
Slko; Frank, of Dyborry; Mrs. Mat
tie Bunting and Mrs. Ella Mitchell
of Slko, and Mrs. Eva Bates, of Dy
Funeral services will be held Sun
day afternoon at the Mt. Zlon
Playmate Discharges Klllo nnd 1KS
Callbro Bullet Enters Leo Bauer's
Neck Is in Fair Condition for
Another shooting accident where
It was not known the gun was load
ed occurred late Tuesday afternoon
In Hawley which may prove fatal
for Leo, 9-year-old son of Peter
Haucr, who was shot by Thomas
kcleher, a playmate, aged 11 years.
The accidental shooting occurred
near the Hawley Steam Laundry
about 5:30 Tuesday afternoon.
oung Kcleher was standing on ono of the street and Bauer on tho
opposite side. He had a 22-calibro
riflo with him and in a playful gleo
It Is alleged called across the street
to young Bauer, " I'm going to shoot
you." He pulled the trigger, but
alas! it was too late. The flro arm
was loaded. There was a bullet In
the cartridge and it took effect, en
tering young Bauer's neck. Kele
lier dropped his rifle and ran to
Bauer s side. Aid was summoned
and Dr. G. T. Rodman was called.
Tho bullet entered the neck of tho
boy and went through a portion of
tne young lad's body. Grave hopes
for his recovery were entertained all
day Wednesday, but the latest re
ports are that it is expected he will
This is only another Incident of
not knowing the gun was loaded.
Boys, especially of juvenile vears.
ought not to be allowed to carry
rifles, revolvers or other firearms.
Many lives pay the toll In tho course
of a year because it was not known
tao gun was loaded.
Dinner for the Crowd Was to Bo
I'lirnished in Event of Democrat
ic President Belnj; Elected.
Mr. Marks Bregsteln, of tho
Clothing firm of Bregsteln Broth
ers of this place will be the host at
a dinner at the Hotel Heumann to
night (Thursday). The dinner will
be the payment of a bet made by
Mr. Bregsteln with W. A. Sluman
that there would not be a Demo
cratic president elected. Of course
he lost the bet and was obliged to
furnish a spread for about twelve
of his friends. The imenu will be as
Cocktail a la Bull Moose
Montreal Soup a la Mike
Oyster Cocktail
Olives Celery Almonds
Baked Fish
Mashed Potatoes French Peas
Philadelphia Capon a la Sluman
Neapolitan Ice Cream
Strawberry Short Cako
Coffee Cigars Police
(Special to The Citizen.)
Governor of Turkey Asks for Pence
Czar of Bulgaria Has Agreed on
Terms Report Confirmed by
OfllcinI Dispatch nt Berlin.
Vienna, Austria, Nov. 14. The
war between the Turks and tho
Balkln Allies practically ended to
day when the Turkish governor sued
for peace. The Czar of Bulgaria
agreed on the terms today. Fight
ing has ceased. It Is thought that
It may bo completely settled ln a
few days. Turkey admits defeat.
The war was one of the shortest and
fiercest ever fought. It lasted only
six weeks.
Berlin, Nov. 14. News of tho
war between the Turks and tho Bal
kan Allies, having been ended, was
confirmed hero today by official re
ports having been received.
Price May Go Higher Butter Also
Jumped, Selling To-dny for 4
Cents Wholesale.
(Special to The Citizen.)
New York, Nov. 14. All records
for egg prices were smashed here
to-day when retailers all over tho
city asked 72c per dozen for strict
ly fresh eggs. Eggs supposed to bo
fresh could bo had for 60c per doz
en. Theso are tho highest prices
ever asked for eggs. The rise In
price began yesterday and In all
probability will go higher. Butter
also has made a decided advance In
price, selling at 34 cents a pound
Paddlo Boat "Mayflower" Goes Down
With 12 Men on Board Tlireo
Picked Up.
(Special to Tho Citizen.)
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, Nov. 14.
Nine persons wero drowned last
night In Garry Bay, 10 miles below
here, when tho small paddle boat,
"Tho Mayflower," wont down.
Twelve men wero ln tho boat, and
only three wore picked up on a small
Island ln the bay. A fourth man
was picked up but died soon after
from exposure
Washington, D. C, Nov. 14.
United States Treasurer, Leo Mc
Lung, tendored his resignation to
day and It was accepted by President
Taft. Mr. McLung will go Into pri
vate business Immediately,
Miss Clara Doylo of South Preston
and Mr. Orva Dlx, of Starlight, wero
married at high noon in tho Metho
dist parsonage by Rev. Will II. Kill
er. Tho parents of tho brldo and
.many friends of tho couple irero