The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, November 06, 1912, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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New lustily lion Has Been Opened Alsbcrg to be successor to Ilnrvoy W.
1 Wiley as chief chemist of the depart
In NpUJ Ynrlf ! lnrIlt of agriculture.
Has Room For a Hundred Workers,
Who Make Brooms and Mops and
Cano Chairs Cost $100,000 and la
Equipped With All Appliances,
With the opening of the now Bourne
workshop for the blind New York
now has n building constructed nnd
equipped exclusively for tho making of
brooms and mops and the caning of
chairs by the blind. Fifty blind work
els are already at work, and there Is
room for 100 more.
The workshop was built at a cost of
$100,000 and is the gift of Miss Emily
II. Bourne to the Now York Associa
tion For the Illlnd. All four tloors are
dovoted to the work of the blind, and
there is even a roof garden, where the
men may enjoy a cool smoke at lunch
hour In the summer. The top lloor Is
n restaurant, where the chair caners
mid broonniinkers are served with
lunch without charge each day, and
tiiere are separate lockers and shower
baths in the cellar.
A blind man Is not only assured em
ployment In the shop, but he is taught
how to use the machines and to manu
facture brooms and receives n small
wage while he Is learning. The ex
perienced workers are paid by piece
work and are able to mako from 7 to
$11! a week. Yet tho Income from tho
sale of brooms and caning of chairs is I
not sufficient to meet all running ex
penses. Mako a Superior Article,
The brooms that tho blind workers
make are considered better than the
machine made article. They arc used
in the Hrst class hotels, big sup
plies are furnished to the Edison com
pany. Western Electric company, Jer
sey Central railroad and the Long Is-
land railroad. With the present work-1 " isconsln living a norma, healthy
lng force of fifty men It Is estimated ' 1,fe m!,y tale out a Policy after passing
that the new workshop will bo able to n medical examination under the su
turn out from twentv-five to fortr doz. i Pervi.siou of the state board of health.
on brooms a day.
The building Itself is constructed
along the most modern lines. It has
iron htalrcase, fireproof doors, con
crete lloors and an elevator both for
passenger and freight service. Every 1
workroom is equipped with an auto-
inatlc sprinkler In case of fire.
pprlnklliig system Is fed from a 3,000 I
gallon tank on the roof, and this In
turn Is connected with a pump In tho
cellar capable of refilling the tank in
two minutes.
There are nlso fire alarm boxes on
every floor connecting directly with
the nearest fire house. It is believed
that every possible precaution has
thus been taken against lire.
Another featuro of the shop is a
chute for waste material from the
workrooms. All tho waste Instead of
lielng allowed to collect or to He around
the shop in baakoU Is swept Into tho
chute, emptied into the cellar and con
sumed in an incinerator.
Question Whether Turkey Has
Grounds For a Protest.
Whether Turkey can or "will protest
ngalnst the exodus of Greeks and their
hundreds of thousands of dollars from
this couutry to prosecuto the war in
tho Balkans against Turkish rule is a
quostion that Is occupying officials at
Washington. Thus far Turkey has of
fered no protest, but the attitude to bo
assumed by tho United States in the
event of such a contingency has raised
a delicate question. State department
officials already have given to it much
The right of freo speech is guaran
teed to ths Greeks in the United States
bo long as they keep within bounds,
and they may send their earnings home,
if they choose, without having to ex
plain to what purpose the money shall
be put when It arrives there. Thcro
have been no armed military, expedi
tions leaving United States shores, and
under Internationa law no breach of In.
tcrnatlonal peace has boon committed.
It Is admitted, however, that the ex
odus of numerous bands of Greek is
for the avowed purposo of engaging in
the war, and tho funds collected nnd
sent abroad are to finance tho struggle.
The question of whether tho tacit per
mission of the United States to the con
tinuation of such a condition is within
the spirit of international law has
raised a nice problem.
Also Prevalent In Asiatic Turkey.
Troops May Infect Europe,
Cholera again hi sweeping India, ac
cording to a report to the public health
service in Washington. In August in
the province of Madras alone there
were 21,000 case, with 10,020 deaths.
In other parts of the empire an equally
ominous mortality prevailed. While
the scourge Is not so severe as in pre
vious years, it Ik exacting a heavy toll.
Cholera Is also said to be prevalent
In Asiatic Turkey. With Turkish troops
being hurried Into southern Europe be
cause of the Balkan war, tho officials
fear the jilague may spread through
Columbia Man Now In Plant Industry
Bureau Toft's Cliolco,
Mr. Tnft has regarded the tilling of
ills post as most Important, nnd it was
tmly after careful consideration of n
wide Old of candidates that ho settled
on Dr. Alsbcrg.
Ilr. Alsbenc Is now tho chemical biol
ogist In chargo of the poisonous plant
laboratory of tho bureau of plant Indus
try in the department of agriculture.
lie l thirty-Are years old and a grad
uate of Columbia university and the
College of Physicians and Burgeons.
Iln also had a special courso of train
ing in chemistry and physiological
chemistry In German universities and
was head of the department of biolog
ical chemistry at tho Harvard Medical
school from 1000 to 1008.
Dr. Alsborg was highly recommended
to Mr. Tnft by scientists throughout
the country. Among others who in
dorsed him were Dr. Dayld Starr Jor
dan of I.ejand .Stanford university,
George L. Struter, professor of anat
omy in the University of Michigan; Dr.
Felix Adler of New York, Edwin G.
Conklin, professor of biology in Prince
ton university, and George A. Hubert,
professor of physical chemistry in the
same university.
Wisconsin Offers Policies to Thoso Be
tween Twenty and Fifty.
The state of Wisconsin Is now pre
pared to take applications for Insur
ance In the life fund. In other words,
state insurance is now a fact. The
first policies will be Issued as soon as
a sufficient number of applications are
The insurance
department, which
will administer tho business, is ready
to send out application forms on re
quest. Policy forms and rates have
bcn worked out nnder the direction
of Insurance Commissioner H. L.
Ekorn during the past year, and the
tables furnished to applicants contain
tho result of the long statistical Inves
tigations of the department staff.
Tho plan provides that nny citizen of
Applicants must be between twenty
and fifty years old and may choose any
of the following plans of insurance:
Ordinary life, twenty payment life,
ten year endowment and endowment
at tne aSe of sixty-fiTC,
Machine Constructed by Federal En
gineers to Be Given Early Trial.
Naval constructors hare Just com
pleted a now hydroaeroplane, which
will be tested on the Potomac rlrcr.
The craft was built at tho Washington
nary yard and is said to bo re-enforcod
leather. Should it prove available it
will be shipped to the naval station
corps at Annapolis.
The signal corps of the army nlso Is
Interested In the hydroaeroplanes. Lieu
tenants Joseph D. Park, Lewis E. Go
dler, Jr., and L. W. Brereton of the sig
nal corps hare been ordered to Ham
mond sport, N. Y., to receive Instruc
tions in flying.
Pottawattomie Brave Lived In Michi
gan Hut Attended by Son.
Joe Manltou, Indian chief, who was
born on the banks of the Chicago river
120 years ago, died recently in Traverse
City, Mich, no removed to northern
Michigan after the red men had been
vanquished In their battle against the
whites to gain the mastery of Illinois.
For fifteen years ho had lived in a hut
at Cedar, his only surviving son at
tending him.
He belonged to the Pottawattomie
i tribe. His memory was clear until re
cently, and he could recall many details
of early Indian wars in which he par-
Elected Stafford Little Lecturer on
Publio Affairs.
Senator EUhu Boot was elected Star- (
loru Millie lecturer on puunc anaira at
tho annual fall meeting of tho Prince
ton university trustoes. This lecture
ship Is founded on a gift of $10,000
which was presented to the university
by the Inte Stafford Little, graduate of
Princeton university with the class of
Grover Cleveland held the chair un
til his death in 100S, after which it
was awarded to ex-Mayor McClcllan of
New York. Mayor McClollan was suc
ceeded last winter by Joseph H. Choate.
Artist Who Turned Counterfeiter Gets
a Year In Prison.
Louis Gagmore of Chicago, who turn
ed his talent as an artist into the paint
ing of ten dollar counterfeit govern
ment notes, was sentenced to serve one
year in tho United States prison at Fort
Leavenworth, Kan., after be bad ad
mitted hla guilt
Gagmore told the court he had paint
ed the notes so that bo could support
bis wife and child when be found he
could not sell bis pictures. The federal
atthorlties declared the notee wero so
.well executed that It bad been difficult
to discover them.
The United States and Ecuador
Will Go-operate,
Threat to Bar Ships From the Harbor
and City of Guayaquil Resulted In Ao
tion Panama Health Funds Thought
to Be Available. j
The United States nnd Ecuador liave
agreed to co-operate In bringing about
the Immediate sanitation of the har
bor nnd city of Guayaquil, which for
generations has been known as the
"pest hole of the Pacific." :
This agreement was disclosed in a
request received by the comptroller of
the treasury from the wnr department
for an opinion as to the live of funds
In the undertaking. It Is believed the i
comptroller's decision will lie favora-,
ble. j
Guayaquil has been for years notorl-,
ous the world over as a breeding place ,
of yellow fever, cholera, smallpox and
other deadly diseases. For years the
state department has been endeavor
ing to bring nbout a sanitation of the
port, but now lu cleaning up is of vi
tal Importance to the United States. .
Army medical officers In the canal zone
have declared that If Guayaquil re
mains In Its present condition after the
Pnuama canal Is opened ships from
that port must be either barred from
passage through the canal or uubjected
to quarantine regulations so rigorous
as to delay their pustsage for days or
even weeks. 1
The shipping, of the entire world
would be mennced,. the medical au
thorities said, by allbwlng ships from
Guayaquil to pass through the canal.
An Important-Question. ,
To Ecuador also- the question Is of
great Importance, involving the very
prosperity of the country. Guayaquil
is practically the only seaport of con
sequence on her coast
At first it was proposed that a corps '
of medical olliccrs be sent from the
canal zone to Guayaquil, their salaries
and expenses to be paid by -Ecuador for 1
whatever period they enraged in the
work. The Judge advocate general of'
the army, Judge Enoh. Crowiler,. de-,
elded that such procedure would be uu-
lawful. j
It Is now planned to 'defray the ex
penses of the preliminary survey out of ,
the funds appropriated, for saaitary
work lu connection with, the- construc
tion of the Panama canal. Precedent
for this procedure Is found in the fact
thnt the cities of Panama and Colon,,
on the Isthmus, were sanitated under
this appropriation. If the comptroller
of the treasury decide- against the-expenditure
the work w IF. await action
by congress.
Guayaquil has exncrsd' a terrible
death toll, not so muc'i from her own
people as from foreigners. It is remain- 1
bered as the city where Thomas Nast
met his death by yellow fever. Officers
of the United States public health and
marine service have died there, and
only last winter Commander Bertolette
of the United States ablp Yorktown
and a number of his men lost their
lives in the peet holer from the same
disease. j
Classifications For Annolntment
Among 36,236 Offices Affected.
Tho executive order signed by Presl.
dent Taft on tho recommendation of
Postmaster Genernl Hitchcock placing
all fourth class postmasters under civil
service Is now in force, and the civil
service commission Is ready to hold
examinations to certify cllglbfrs for
appointment to fill vacancies.
The 80,2:10 postofllces affected by
this order will be divided Into. Class A
nnd Class B. Glass A will embrace nil
postofllces at which the compensation
of postmasters Is $500 or more, and
Class B will Include all office at which
the compensation is less than f '00.
Appointments at all offices of Class
A 'will be made from three- names cer
titled by the- civil aervlco commission
after competitive examination, which name in the directory, also tho short
is the method followed In all othur est. Aab has no sumejne. lie is a
branches, of tho classified service. Va- Siamese prince.
cnnclcs lii all offices of Class B will be
filled on. the recommoudatlon of post
office inspectors after personal Investi
gation, which method has been follow
ed In several states during tho last
few years with success.
Was Purchased Twenty-three Years
Ago In San Francisco For $60.
One of Rosa Bonhcur's earliest paint
ings tins been found In San Francisco
after having been listed as missing for
many years. It depicts a peasant driv
tog sheep and cattle down a sunken
road and bears the initials "R. B., '30"
In a corner. It was idontifled positively
uy miss Anna Kiumpuc, long a per
sonal friend of the painter.
The picture is tho property of J. L.
Cahlll, a painter and decorator, who
bought It twenty-three years ago for
fOO. It was brought hero from Europe
in tho eighties by n wealthy eccentric
named Banders, who accumulated a
fortune and went abroad to spend it on
old masters.
Laymn Didn't Understand Bulletins
on Roo6vlt'e Condition.
Dr. W. A. Hvnns, one time Chicago
i cf nmlssloiu'r of health, explains that
part of the llouspvelt bulletins relating
j to leucocytes and polytiucloura. Here
j is what he i;ayu;
I "What are leucocytes? What arc
polynuelenrs? What is the algnlflcancu
' of 0,'JOO of the one and 78 per rent of
i the other?
I "The blood consists of a fluid In
i which float cells. The cells are two
main kinds red blood corpuscles and
white blood corpuscles, or leucocyte.
I The red blood corpuscles carry food
and particularly the gaseous foods,
such as oxygen. They enrry food to
the tissues, while they carry wanle
away from tho tissues. Again, It Is the
gaseous waste lu the lutiu that the red
cells transport
"The white blood corpuscles arc the
flghdng men of the blood. They waste
no tfn.8 carrying food to the Ussuea
nor waste from them. No bread wag
on nor garbage wagon for them. They
are the wildlers of the commonwealth.
"Each cubic millimeter roughly
about fifteen drops contains about
5,000,000,000 red blood cells nnd about
0.000 to 7,000 white cells, but tlie num-
bor of white cells varies within broad
limits because they wander lu and out
of tho blood cells according as their
work demand. If the blood be ex
amined today the number might not
exceed 5,000 of them in the same quan
tity of blood.
"Not only will all the reserves be
called awny from their resting plnces
by the bugle call, bnt new cells will be
made-with great rapidity. When germs
of certain kinds get' into wounds the
leucocytes gather around them, en
gulf, eat nnd digest them or else die
In tho attempt.
"Not all leucocytes are equally tK
tlvo fighters. There 1b a kind that
twists, turns and moves' around so ac
tively that its nucleus weems to split
up Into two- or more nuclears. These
nre called the- polynuclears, Ordinarily
they make up about CO or 70 per cent
of the leucocytes. They are the light
cavalry of the- human army of defense.
"It Is their duty to skirmish, find tho
enemy, bring hfm to bay and hold him
until the heavier arms come up. After
the artillery and! Infantry have arrived
the cavalry continues in the flghfc
"A white blood count of 9,200, with;
polynuclears 72 per cent, means that
no infection has manifested itself."
Newman Erb Proposes State Coj-opera-.
tion With Railroads.
A proposal for a great tunnel to'
pierce the backbone of the continent
will be taken up at the next session of
the Colorado legislature. It has- been
placed before the people of the' state
by Newman Erb, who has recently
been placed In control of tho Denver,
Northwestern and Pacific railroad,
more familiarly known as the Moffat
line. Mr. Erb is making arrangements
1 for the extension of this road to Salt
Late City, from -which point it will
eventually go to th Pacific coast to
become part of a great transcontinen
tal system.
Mr. Erb's chief plc to the murines
men of Denver is that tho idea of Dn
vld Moffat, who died before he-could
carry ont bis plan to put a traffic tun
nel through the Rocky mountain, on an
air line between Denver and Salt Lake
City, should be carried out. He-would
not want it for his own line alone, but
would have it driven for the benefit of
a" Ilwy that mfcht want to. use It.
With such a tunneJ the long detours
now taKen by the Union Padnc and
Denver and Itio Grande lines would be
made unnecessary.
But Only One Aab. and One A B. See.
j Called "the Human Alphabet"
, Out of approximately G,500i students
i listed In the Harvard catalogue fifty
' bear the name of Smith. The Browns
are a poor socend with twenty-four
representatives, but aro tied with the
members of tlva Davis family. Tho
Joneses arw way down in the official
standing, being seventh.
! Eleven mon answer to the call of
Wilson as against three Roosevclts and
two Tafts.
Aab has tho honor of being the first
A. B. See Is another chap whose
name is unlquo. His fellows call him
"the human alphabet" Then thcro
ire two Woods and four Weeks, to say
nothing of one Darling, Bachelor,
Learned. Ringer, Spooner, Starr, Bean,
namm, Look, Moon, Now, Nice, Nix,
Papas, Pickle, Pounder, Sot; Story
nnd Sun.
Employees' Postal Deposits Larger
Than Money Order Holdings.
That the postal savings depository is
an incentive to thrift is emphasized
In a report from the Panama canal
tone. Whereas, on June 80, 1011, canal
nd railway employees had placed
J3S0.0OO In money orders, payable to
themselves at the office of issue, on
June 80, 1013, five months after the
postal savings system had been estab
lished on the cone, the employees had
a total of 1390,000 on deposit Of this
mount $307,000 was In thu postal sav
ings banks.
Thirty nations were represented by
the 3, 402 depositors.
M. M. SIMON'S, President. O. A. EMERY, Cashier.
Main & 10th
Reasons Why
It represents more stockholders than any other bank
in Wayne county.
mark and is steadily growing with the people's confidence
and the bank's progressive yet conservative methods.
Its expense of management is limited to amount of
business; together with it's trust funds invested in bonds
and first mortgages on improved real estate assures its de
positors absolute security.
It treats its hundreds of small depositors with the
same courtesy as though their funds wero deposited by one
or more persons.
This bank comes under the strict requirements of the'
State banking laws as all savings banks and is frequently
visited by the Pennsylvania State bank examiner, besides
having a board of directors consisting of sixteen of Wayne
county's reliable business men and farmers.
M. B. Allen,. W. H. Fowler,
George C. Abraham, W. B. Gulnnlp,
J. Sam Brown M. J. Hanlan,
Oscar E. Bunnell. John E. Krantz,
Wm. H. Dunn, Fred W. Kreltner,
J. E. Tiffany.
Farview Criminal
WAGES, $1.75 a Day. I
Apply at Institution, Farview
In Effect Sopt.
A.M. l'.M A.M. A.M. P.M. stations P.M.IP.M. A.M P.M. A.M
8 30 18 00 4 30 Albany 2 00 11 00 11 00
10 00 10 00 e IS .... Blnehamton .... 12 40 8 45 00
io 30 "TTs ;;;;;; lilo "....Philadelphia.... 409 745 s 12 "in; 7 45"Ti2
. A.M P.M P.M.
3 15 7 10 4 45 12 30 7 00 ... . WIlRes-Harre. ... 9 35 2 65 7 25 12 55 10 05
4 05 8 00 5 35 1 19 7 60 Bcrailton 8 45 S 13 6 30 12 05 12
p.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. Ev Tt a.m. p.m. p.m! ":::: p.m. p.m.
8 40 8 45 ".'."; 6 25 2 05 8 60 Carbondttle 8 05 1 35 6 60 11 25 8 27
6 60 8 65 6 35 2 15 9 00 ...Lincoln Avenue... 7 51 1 25 5 40 11 14 8 17
5 54 8 69 6 39 2 19 9 04 Whites 7 60 1 21 5 34 11 10 8 13
6 05 9 12 6 51 2 31 9 17 Otllu'ley 7 39 1 09 5 21 10 60 8 00
6 11 9 18 6 57 2 37 9 23 Purview 7 33 1 03 5 IS 10 5.1 7 64
6 17 9 24 7 0.1 2 43 9 29 Canaan 7 25 12 56 5 11 ..'.. 10 45 7 47
6 23 9 29 7 09 2 49 9 34 .... Lake Louore .... 7 19 12 61 5 06 10 39 7 41
6 26 9 32 7 12 2 62 9 37 ... . Wayraart 7 17 12 49 5 04 10 37 7 3
6 32 9 37 7 18 2 57 9 42 Keene 7 12 12 43 4 58 """ 10 32 7 32
6 35 9 39 7 21 2 69 9 44 Steene 7 09 12 40 4 65 . ." 10 29 7 30
8 39 9 43 7 25 3 03 9 48 Pronipton 7 05 12 36 4 61 . ..... 10 25 7 26
6 43 9 47 7 29 3 07 9 62 Kortenla 7 01 12 32 4 47 ":" 10 21 7 22
K4fl 9 60 7 32 3 10 9 65 Seelyvllle 6 68 12 29 4 44 ""! 10 18 7 19
8 60 9 65 7 36 3 16 10 00 Honeadale 6 65 12 25 4 40 10 15 7 15
P.M.Ia.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. Ar Lv A.M. pTmT P.M. A.M. pTm".
Watch US
John Weaver,
u. Wm. Sell,
M. E. Simons,
Fred Stephens,
George W. Tlsdoll,
nsane Hospita
29, 191!