The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, November 06, 1912, Image 1

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Subscribe For Tlio l The
People' Family I'npf' $I.BO
Per Year. K '
Kino Job Work Promptly Ex
ecuted at Tlio Citizen Office "
70th YEAR --NO. 88
M ft A
Ison CSaims
State EBectoriaS Votes Except
Those From New Hampshire.,
Utah and Iowa, Which are
Claimed by Tali Men--Roose
velt Probably Carried Th
The election passed off rather
quietly In Honesdale last night and
soon after the returns began to come
In to the Citizen office showing that
states, It was generally conceded
that the Governor of New Jersey
would be elected by an overwhelm
ing majority over Taft or Roosevelt.
There was a largo crowd in front of
The Citizen olllce early In tho even
ing, watching the results of the elec
tion being flashed on the screen
which was hung on the National
Bank building across the street. As
ithe dispatches were received over the
Western Union wire which was in
is estimated to bo over 4,000 over
Joel G. Hill.
. New York. Senator Jos. N. Dixon,
Progressive National Chairman, said
i .1 i f After scanning returns from New
us luauniB m luuat i York, Massachusetts and several otlv
er Eastern states, we have got to go
to tho West for the Roosevelt votes.
New York Sun says: Syracuse, N.
Y., went Democratic first time in its
N. Y. Tribune indications aro that
Taft carries Vermont. Roosevelt
will not carry single county. Wll
son's majority wlL be G 0,0 00 to 7'5,-
The editor of Atlanta, Ga Journal
says Wilson will carry Georgia by
largest majority ever given a presl-
uenuai candidate. Ho will carry
stalled in the office there was much every congressional district in th'e
ontWInan, shown hv thn rrnu-,1 State- and COUnty except SOVen
i or eight which will probably go to
TlnlHmnrn fPhrt Wnwfl rPrncrrocalvn
-wire direct from New York and re- concedes Maryland to Wilson by a
was equipped with a Western Union i
colved dispatches until 1 o'clock
Wednesday morning. Through tho
courtesy of Rev. G. S. Wendell this
paper was enabled to flash the re
turns on the screen as soon as receiv
ed. The office was also equipped
with two Bell 'phones and a Citizen
'phono and the returns from the 42
districts of the county were all re
ceived here.
Contrary to the general opinion
expressed before tho election the bor
ough of Honesdale went for Wilson,
with a lead of 12 votes over Roose
oelt. Tart received 98 In the bor
ougli. Up to the timo of going to press
The Citizen had received returns
from 35 of the 42 election districts
In the county. Tho returns are not
all complete, however, and In some
cases It was Impossible to get the en
tire vote. It Is estimated that thero
-were over 5,000 votes cast in Wayne
county. Honesdale polled 534 votes
Tho contest for Congressman In
this county was warm and tho re
sult Is Incomplete but the total vote
for W. D. B. Alney and Joel G. Hill,
up to the time of going to press was
very close. It Is estimated that
Ainey carried every county In this
congressional district by a majority
of 4,000 over Hill.
Tho fight for Representative was
also close and although tho returns
are not complete of the districts
'heard from up to the time of going
to press this morning, Jackson had
1901 and Spencer received 1C97. Re
turns were not received last night
from Buckingham Nos. 1, 2 and 3,
Canaan, Preston No. 1 and Scott No.
1 and 2.
Wilson claims nearly all the
states. Taft Is conceded New Hamp
shire, Utah and Iowa. Roosevelt
claims Pennsylvania, Illinois and
The state of Pennsylvania went
for Roosevelt with a majority of 75,-
000 to 100,000 over the other two
In Lackawanna county Roosevelt
carried everything. John R. Farr
defeated M. A. McGlnley In Scranton
by 10,000 majority.
Thirty-five districts out of 42 gave
Taft 583, Wilson 1705, Roosevelt 2,
416. Fifteen districts out of 42 gave
Young for State Treasurer C25 and
Borry 551.
Fifteen districts out oX 42 gave
Powell for Auditor General 8C4 and
Cresswell 447.
Twenty-three districts out of 42
save Hill for Congress 1914 and
Alney ''1869,
Twenty-three districts out of 42
gave Jackson for Representative
1919 and Spencer 1714
Alnoy carried every county In this
Congressional district. His majority
majority about 14,000 which It says
the meagre returns from the state
indicate will be largely Increased by
the vote in the counties. Roosevelt
is running a good second.
New- York American says: Wilson
leads in North Dakota and has big
teaa in Maine.
Chicago 201 precincts out of
2788 In Illinois, out of Cook Co..:
Roosevelt 13735; Wilson 9423; Taft
Newark, N. J. At the Democratic
headquarters here it is claimed Wll
son has carried the state. Tho ten
of twelve congressmen aro Demo
crats and there wjll be a Democratic
maj. on joint ballot In the legisla
ture, making it certain that the Dem
ocratic senate will be chosen. The
Democrats also claim that they will
control tho State Senate. The Re
publican claim they will control the
Legislature but are making no claim
on the state as to President nor are
they admitting defeat.
Hartford, Conn. Returns from
smaller towns In Connecticut com
ing very slow. Will be late 'before
definite result will bo known.
Atlanta, Ga. Tho Constitution
says Wilson's majority in Georgia
win be 135,000 at least
Boston Chairman Riley of tho
Democratic State Committee early to
night claimed Massachusetts for Wil
son by COO, 000 votes.
New York Herald concedes every
state for Wilson except two which
aro In doubt.
Wilson carries Mississippi by an
overwhelming majority.
Wilson carries Arkansas by an
overwhelming majority.
Wilson carries Georgia by an over
wneiming majority.
New York Sun syas that Uncle
Joe Cannon probably defeated for
Tho Now York Sun says that Wll
son carries Virginia "by 40,000 m&
Jorlty. McCoombs, of tho Democratic Na
tlonal committee, shortly after 8
III it ? a vMuffTClB I I I
Thirty-five Districts out of Forty-two in County
Heard From. Seven Still to Come in. Roose
velt Leads Over Taft and Wilson in County.
Hill and Ainey Run Close in Wayne.
9 1912, by American Press Association.
Roosevelt vlc-
o'clock, conceded a
tory In Illinois.
Pierce, Dak. Estimated from 12
out of G5 counties In South Dakota
give Roosevelt majority of 1258.
Chicago 449 precincts out of 1,-
498, in Cook coutny, glvo Deneen
28,909, Duneo 53554, Funk 2G945.
Brooklyn Eagle says In tho 3rd
Cong. DIst. Frank E. Wilson, Demo
crat, will win about 7,000 majority
over Schultz and Hunter
North Dakota scattering roturns
from 30 precincts give Taft 822, Wll
son 112G, Roosevelt 882.
N. Y. Tribune says: Wilson car
ries Connecticut: Baldwin for Gov,
The Asso. Press says 1983 election
districts out of 3093 in N. Y. stato
outside of N. Y. City glvo Taft 215,'
345, Wilson 229,705, Roosevelt
139, 89G.
Returns from 41 scattered pro
clncU of 1720 In North Dakota: Taft
1141. Wilson 1599. Roosevelt 1333
1220 election districts outkkkkkk
Tho Brooklyn Eagle saya J
Fitzgerald, Democrat, will carry 7th
Cong. DIst. by about 12 majority.
Wilson has carried Delaware.
Democratic Congress elected. N. Y.
12tb, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th
19th, and 21st districts.
Lackawanna County 28th district;
Taft 1276, Wilson 1752, 'Roosevelt
Wllkos-Barre, 5th district Taft
28, Wilson 79, Roosevelt 146.
IPlttsburg. 59th district Taft,
2,310, Wilson 2,591, Roosevelt 4,392.
Lackawanna county, 23rd district,
Taft 347, Roosevelt 1448, Wilson
70 precincts In Ohio give Taft 4,
960 Wilson 4720, Roosevelt 1821.
Demoines, Iowa. 25 widely scat
tered precincts over state: Taft 1,
268, Willson 1'591, Roosevelt 2161.
'35 counties In Kentucky complete
give Wilson 60,838, Taft 28,290,
Associated Press says returns from
2162 election districts out of 3,093
In New York state outside of N. Y.
give Taft 234,152, Wilson 249,658,
Roosevelt 149,581.
PhiladelDhia 404 election dis
tricts out of 6593 In Pennsylvania
give Taft 26,156, Wilson 20,316,
Roosevelt 18,513.
At 10 o clock reported following
electoral votes: Wilson 267, Roose
velt 29, Taft 8.
Detroit. Mich. 45 out of 2084
nreclnts: Taft 6040. Wilson 8104,
Roosevelt, 8042. Tho Associated
Press says returns for Governor from
1158 election districts out ol in
New York state, outside New York
city give Hedges 131,969, Strauss
86.05G, Sulzer i4G,a4Z.
Returns from over South Dakota
Indicate Roosevelt has carried tno
state by not less than 5,000.
Wilson and the entiro ticket nas
been elected In Ohio.
Wilson carries Texas by 180,000.
N. Y. Sun says that Wilson has
carried Tennessee and Kansas.
Wilson carries Hudson county, by
25.000 to 30,000.
St. Louis. 185 tirecincts out ol
826 lnMIssourI outside of tho city of
St. Louis give Wilson 19,756, Taft
9.224. Roosevelt 7.784.
New Mexico. voto or New Mexico
about 80,000. No llgures available
on stato results. Republicans claim
majority of one to two thousand and
Democrats claim about 3,000.
Congress, N. Y. 22nd district, H.
A. Bruckner, Democrat, elected.
Now York Sun says Wilson carries
Brooklyn Eagle says A. Dole has
been elected In tho 4 th Cong. DIst. by
about 4000 majority.
Now York Sun: Indications are
that every Democratic Congressman
In Now York county Is elected.
New York Sun says: For tho first
timo on record the Democrats come
down to tho Harlem River with a
Concord President Taft's lead
was greatly reduced by later returns
and at 11 v. m. Wilson was only za
votes behind at that hour. The state
waa In doubt.
Los Anneles. Cal. Progressive
leaders claim majority for RooBevelt
of 25.000 In Los Angeles county.
Salt Lake. 56 out of 577: Taft
269. Roosevelt 2160, Wilson 2073.
New York Herald says: Taft lost
the state of Ohio which he carried in
1908 by 56,000 majority.
New Orleans Returns received up
to 10 o'clock Indicate that Willson
will ahvo a majority of 4,000 with
Roosevelt running far ahead of Taft.
Tho Brooklyn Eaglo says that
O'Brien, Democrat, has carried the
9th district for Congress by about
St. Louis Globe-Democrat says:
Wilson elected by a landslide.
son will carry Arizona.
Sacramento, Cal. Scattered Te
turns from six precincts, Incomplete,
glvo Wilson 92, Roosevelt 60.
Philadelphia 1109 election dis
tricts out of 6593 In Pennsylvania
gave Taft 52,723, Wilson 60,658,
Roosevelt 82,816.
Indications aro that tho Republi
can State and Congressional tickets
aro leading in Fargo, that It would
not be known who would receive the
electorlal votes until all tho cities
and towns were heard from.
Oklahoma Is carried by Wilson.
New York Sun: Progressives con
cede California to Wilson.
Roosevelt appears to have carried
Pennyslvanla by 150,000, Wilson
running second.
Returns for Governor from 1532
election districts out of 3093 In New
York stato outsido of New York city
glvo Hedges 171,421, Sulzer 184,130,
Straus 105,055.
New Hampshire, 40 districts out
of 290 Taft 3,445, Wilson 3,111
Roosevelt 1127.
Connecticut, 67 towns Wilson
49,847, Taft 42,964, Roosevelt 2405
New York. 1158th District Gov.
ernor Hedges 131,964, Sulzer 146,-
042, Strauss, 86,056.
Philadelphia, 76th district Taft
4353, Wilson, 2,511, Hoosovoit,
Tho vote of the districts of Wayno
county received before going to press
Is as follows:
Berlin 1 Taft 1, Wilson 30, Roose
velt 59, Ainey 54, Hill 30, Jackson
55; Spencer 29.
Berlin 2 Taft 8, Wilson 35,
Roosevelt 35, Ainey 29, Hill 44;
Jackson 33, Spencer 46.
Bethany Borough Taft 6, Wilson
10, Roosevelt 23. For Stato Treas
urer, Young 29, Berry 9. For Audi
tor General, Powell 29, Cresswell S.
For Congressman, Ainey 30, Hill 8.
Representative, Spencer U, Jackson
Cherry Ridge Taft 9, Wlson 43,
Roosevelt 40. Congressman, Alney
44, Hill 64, Representative, Spencer
65, Jackson id.
Clinton 1. Taft 19, Wilson 39,
Roosevelt 103; Ainey 94, Hill 47;
Jackson 95, Spencer 46.
Clinton No. 2 Taft 2, Wilson 11,
Roosevelt 13. Congressman, Alney
11, Hill 23. Representative, Jack
son 11, Spencer 11,
Damascus No. 1. Taft 11, Wilson
60. Roosevelt 62. State Treasurer,
Young 59, Berry 60. Auditor Gener
al, Powell 60, Cresswell 58. Con
gressman, Alney 44, Hill 76.
Damascus 2 Taft 12, Wilson 16,
Roosevelt 41. Congressman, Ainey,
44, Hill 76. Representative, Spen
cer 9, Jackson 54.
Damascus No. 3 Taft 8, Wilson
77, Roosevelt 64. State Treasurer,
Young 41, Berry 80, Auditor Gener
al. Powell 53, 3resswell 76. Con
gressman, Alnby 29, Hill 111 Repre
sentative, Spencer 95, JacKson jy,
Damascus 4. Taft 6, Wilson 28,
Roosevelt 17. Congressman, Ainey
12, Hill 31. Representative, Spencer
31, Jackson 14.
Damascus No. 5 Taft 8, Wilson
11, Roosevelt 40. State Treasurer,
Young 39. Berry 15, Huntington 1.
Auditor General, Powell 42, Cress
well 10. Congressman, Alney 32,
Hill 20. 'Representative, Spencer 17,
Jackson 33.
Dreher Taft 9, Wilson 54, Roose-
Wil-volt 100. Stato Treasurer, Young
108, Borry 56. Auditor General,
Powell 107, Cresswell 53. Congress
man, Alney 105, Hill 54. Represen
tative, Spencer 56, Jackson 100.
Dyberry Taft 19, Wilson 37,
Roosevelt 46. Congressman, Alney
55, Hill 47. Representative, Spen
cer 39, Jackson 63.
The voto in Hawley: Taft 66, Wil
son 173, Roosevelt 136, Alney 169,
Hill 163, Jackson 166, Spencer loo.
Honesdale Borough Taft 98, Wil
son 212, Roosevelt m. congress
man. Ainey 129. Hill 283. Repre
sentative, Spencer 326, Jackson 91.
Lake Taft 24, Wilson 42, Roose
velt 181. State Treasurer, Young
179, Berry 44. Auditor General,
Powell 160, Cresswell 43.
Lebanon Taft 26, Wilson 25,
Roosevelt 47. Stato Treasurer,
Young 60, Berry 29. Auditor Gener
al. Powell 61, Cresswell 26. Con
gressman, Alney 27, Hill 43. For
Representative, Spencer 36, Jackson
Lehigh Taft 17, Wilson 3
Roosevelt 55. State Treasurer,
Young 06, Berry 32. Auditor Gen-
oral, Powell G7, Cresswell 31. Con
gressman, Ainey 47, Hill 31. Repre
sentative, Jackson 60, Spencer 32.
Manchester No. 1 Taft 19, Wil
son 32. Roosevelt 57. Stato Treas
urer, Young 6, Berry 38. Auditor
General, Powell 49, Cresswell 27.
Mt. Pleasant Taft 29, Wilson 13.
Roosevelt 121. Congressman, Aln
ey lis, mil 127. uepresentative,
Spencer 146, Jackson loo.
Oregon Taft 7, Wilson 29, Roose
velt, 34. Stato Treasurer, Young
38, Berry 34. Auditor General, Pow
ell 41, Cresswell 29. Congressman,
Ainey 34. Hill 33. Representative,
Spencer 32, Jackson 35.
Palmyra Taft 8, Wilson 46,
Roosevelt 43. State Treasurer,
Young 45, Berry 49. Auditor Gener
al, Powell 36, Cresswell 53.
Paupack Taft 13, Wilson 30,
Roosevelt 31; Ainey 11, Hill 33;
Jackson 11, Spencer 33.
Preston No. 2 Taft 2, Wilson 21.
Roosevelt 86.
iPrompton Borough Taft 7. Wil
son 15, Roosevelt 19. State Treas
urer, Young 23, Berry 15. Congress
man, Alney 22, Hill, 15. For Repre
sentative, Spencer 14, Jackson 22.
Salem Taft 13, Wilson 35, Roose
velt 150. State Treasurer, Young
142, Berry 59. Auditor General,
Powell 148, Cresswell 42. Congress
man, Alney 144, Hill 45.
South Canaan Taft 9, Wilson 41,
Roosevelt 62. . State; Treasurer,
Young 58 Berry 43. Auditor, Gen
eral, Powell 56, Cresswell 40. For
Congressman Alney 56, Hill 39;
Jackson 55, Spencer 45.
Starrucca Borough Taft 15, Wil
son 31, Roosevelt 25. Congressman,
Alney 27, Hill 31. Representative,
Spencer 37, Jackson 23.
Sterling Taft 6, Wilson 26,
Roosevelt 96. For State Treasurer,
Young 93, Berry 24. For Auditor
General, Powell 96, Cresswell 22.
Texas No. 1 Taft 11, Wilson 52,
Roosevelt 77; Ainey 58, Hill 59;
Jackson 54, Spencer 69.
Texas No. 2 Taft 12, Wilson 101,
Roosevelt 88. State Treasurer,
Young 63, Berry. Auditor General,
Powell 63, Cresswell 38. Congress
man, Alney 5S, Hill 59. Represen
tative, Spencer 69, Jackson 54.
Texas No. 3 Taft 43, Wilson 4 2,
Roosevelt 57. State Treasurer,
Young 81, Berry 50. Auditor Gen
eral, Powell 82, Cresswell 41. Con
gressmen, Alney 72, Hill 57. Repre
esntative, Spencer G3, Jackson 64.
Texas No. 4 Taft 9, Wilson 118,
Roosevelt 27. Congressman, Alney
45, Hill 122. Representative, Spen
cer 119, Jackson 36.
Waymart Borough Taft 11, Wil
son 13, Roosevelt 77; Alney 74, Hill
15; Jackson 76, Spencer 17.
Thirty-six districts out of 42 gives
Taft 583, Wilson 1705, Roosevelt
Seventeen districts out of 42 in
tho county gives Young for State
Treasurer 1079, Berry 634; for Audi
tor General, Powell 1044, Cresswell
Fifteen Out of Forty-Two Districts
in Wnyno County Voto In School
There a mighty good Idea which,
born out on tho Pacific slope. Is flnd-
I.' nnnvn1ntA WtlcnTl
29,946, Taft 11,827, Itoosevelt 9,-1 lng favor In many of tho country s
Michigan (Incomplete) Taft 10,
622, Wilson 17,342, RooBevelt 2,114.
Pennsylvania (lncompiotoj iau
234,152, Roosevelt 149,581, Wilson
Iowa (Incomplete) Taft 28,290,
Roosevelt 22,731, Wilson 60,838.
Philadelphia 954 election dis
tricts out of 6593 In Pennsylvania
glvo Taft 55,693, Wilson 51,029,
Roosevelt 51,374.
Carbondalo, 1st district, 1st ward:
Taft 59, AVIlson 40, nooBevelt 173.
Carbondalo. 2nd ward, 2nd dis
trict: Taft 16, Wilson 60, Roosevelt
Carbonda'le, 1st district, 3rd ward:
Taft 26, Wilson 72, Roosevelt 53.
Carbondalo, 3rd ward, 3rd district,
Taft 1, Wilson 107, Roosevelt 7.
Carbondalo. Dth ward, 2nd dls
trlct: Taft 4, Wilson 131, Roosovelt
Wilson has carried Massachusetts,
Maine. Connecticut. New York, Mary
land and New Jersey and all of tho
leading cities. It Is that Instead ot
forcing citizens Into tho back rooms
of barber shops, saloons, undesirable
houses In out-of-the-way neighbor
hoods and other places to do their
voting tho polling booths to bo set
up wherovor possible In tho school
houses and other public bulldlngB.
Over one-third of tho voting places
In Wayno county aro In school
houses, or fifteen out of forty-two
districts. For soveral years tho
school houso has been tho Ideal
place for tho booths and year by year
tho number Increases. In many
places halls aro used, which aro also
good places.
John B. Stogner Honesdalo
Stella A. Wick Carbondalo
nhnrlRB Landers Honesdale
Nora Duffy Oarbondale
Mennor & Co. will have on sale
during Institute a lino of one-pleco
dresses In silk and sorgo at specially
low nrlcea. oots
Mnn. Working in Honesdalo Taken
Sick Coso Very Light Small
Danger From Epidemic.
A caso of smallpox was discovered
In Honesdale on Thursday of last
week when James Rider, a painter,
consulted Dr. Nielsen, as to what was
tho matter with him. Dr. Nellsen
gavo ono look at the man and Im
mediately notified tho Health Offi
cers, Dr. Ely and the Borough
Health Ofilcer, Dr. McConvlll. When
tho health officers arrived they pro
nounced tho caso to bo smallpox but
In a very light form. Rider was told
to go back to the hotel where he was
stopping and romaln. Ho did not
stay thero, however, but gathored up
his clothes and left town, going to
the homo of Harry Wood In Berlin
township. Tho health officers went
after tho man and caught him at tho
Wood homo. An examination was
mado and tho houso was placed un
der quarantine.
The hotol In Honesdale whero tho
man was stopping, has been fumi
gated thoroughly and Is porfectlr
safe for anyone to go to now. It
Is not thought that there Is much
danger from a spread ot the dlseaso
In Honesdalo aB every precaution
possible has been taken by tho
health officers, both ot tho county
and the borougn.