The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, November 01, 1912, Image 1

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Pino Job Work Promptly Ex
ccuted nt Tlio Citizen Office.
Subscribo For Tho c . Tlio
Pooplo's Fniillly Pnp g 91. 50
I'cr Year.
, o
Oth YEAR -NO. 87
bp m mn
re ' ninn w iin vnri nr in
. .1 - i i
mi r i ii i i v.
U J L L 11 IT 111 ill II 1I1II1111 Lilt! illl
Maine to California with their
,ir i nr o nnntrn - nM ,ii
rainbow promises 01 what they
uo 11 mcj are eiecicu.
illl Ml III 111 V 1 1 II I II I H Villi III Tllll
(i 01 uiu jiasi uireo years anu
That is what I have done
I keep on doing It? How will
ance' holn YOP?"
t lis Rpn 1llst wlmt Mr Tnft Vina
And what It would mean to
1 1 T J 1 . .. .1 .. I .. . 1 ,1. 1
Mill lllll aiailUJIUUH UUU LililL
11 ItllllllJ, 111U lliUBL lillIUl LililL
asscd during Mr. Taft's admln-
iuii is uiu uiriu law,
e Tariff Hoard, and the maxl-
and tuinlmuni provision, alono
this the most useful and not-
tarlff law in our history.
the work of a Tariff Board the
is taken out of politics, and
what is should bo a strictly
tiiii., in uaiJui ilj - uut uiujjiuk
ure instead or business and
being hatted to and fro, now
ow clown a mere nlnvthlnc In
cs the Tariff Board provides
teady, even progress, with tar-
ul, exact investigation takes the
of guess work and "hlt-and-experiment.
i.. io m .. rt..r... .,i,. nnun
la is .ill. j fill ipiiiii. 1 iin 1111111
-. ...... 1 ' i-w
-. in un 1 i re 1.111 ..... . 1 .
in nifiVi fnl'ni.'ihln tixida o
lJ ......IV. ...TU.UUl 1.1 (tUt 1. 1
that will give us special privi-
on our manufactures. By its
. rnnrr -nAn v.nn 1 1
ui luiuisii iiauu ii aa 1 catuuu
the tariff law was passed the
n. irf)lll, V II nillinil ill L11U UiO
w, what does this mean to
means mat it insures gooa
in nr .mm inn c nr n n m on ir
s that YOU have a steady job,
1 t II. 1 .. ii r 1
. ,) . .1 In nn n . 1
higher than they were. a few
ago l'OU are living better, and
more comforts and . pleasures
you ever bad. ' '
'In If LT fl AW TTtVl f h r rt rt n Viml
he signed that tariff bill. He I
that the Tariff Board, which
d Dronnsed. wniilrt tnko thn tnr-
ir 111 nnniinn i n ( 1 it nn i
common-sense, business basis
11 Mmn. ITf knnw that flin
11U1U (1III1 II1111 1 III II III IT 11 1NH
1 vprv Knnn TrAmpnrmnni v in.
e our joreign iraue. just as n
nun 1
was brave enough to do what
-117III. HIIII I1I-..I- IIIIII irilKI Tfl Till
common sense of the American
e to find out by actual results
oenents it brought.
is not perfect but under Mr.
defective sections will be cor-
nrnmntlv nnrl AffiWIvpl v.
is Just what the Tariff Board is
tn mnbo H Yiaitar Wnr rnnhlv
.V . V..V.I .UUM.
recklessly, but carefully and
lallv. without. illatiirhlntr thn
Taft has done more to con-
the "trusts" than any other
dent. There have been forty
adictments of Illegal trusts In a
over three years. In the sov-
id one-half years of the lat ad-
tnrtnr. 1. ...nMA . . . . 1 .
pat the trusts on the back and
hlm tn "hn pnnti" tn nnlto ni
Mr. Taft's method is dlffer-
rom euner 01 tnese it is solv
it ucivu .ur. lan 10 maun ior
ubiui ouviuks ants, ana ior me
to get these great benefits.
Mr Taft has been President
have both been secured.
government inspection of cor-
ions and bv the cornoratlon
year Is raise And by Intro-
. iim.ii 11
i iz i in i IIInla r i nennn tti v
eillciency Into tho running of
eovornment thlrtv-flvp mllllnna
tine wun n having 01 bixiy-mo
'it iiuiiiirs u vear:'
lot of money used to bo needed
year to pay the shortage In
postofflce department. But
Mr Taft has been President
self-sustaining for the first
In tho history of tho country,
was Mr. Taft who planned In-
hastened the day when war will
i. uuu ariuieu aiiu iuiviujj ue no
i .. .i i . . i .hi..
i i i . . . . . i t 1. 1 .. i
I IlllllfirilV HIIIHII 111 11IH VkllV llllfl
e war of its success.
u Ting Fang that great Chl-
statesman says that President
did moro than any other one
to help create the Republic of
Taft by his wise and quiet
n Trnnnin inrn n unw rrniirv nf
with Russia into which wo were
forced by a few political
mere: uuu uuw uu ruuuuiu
n 1 J I Jl.. A
i minn i mi wuiiuul u hi hi. ui
have been aided and extended;
nw fr Tnft hflfl IPstrnVA1
sands of "bucket chops" and
iiuuuiuo, Dwxuuiuo, auu uun
the terrible "white slave" traffic has
been given a death blow, and a
Bureau of Mines established to pre
vent mine accidents and safeguard
and assist miners.
All these and many mora splen
did things have been done by Wil
liam Howard Taft in his quiet, care-
ful, modest way, without blow or
' i ...i.i ... .... . . .. .. . . ..
uiuatui, uuu nullum illl) uiiuiuijl iu
turn them all into glory for himself.
A progressive " doer " is much
more useful to a nation than a pro
gressive " talker."
What would a change mean to
Jt would change certain prosper
ity, busy mills and factories, and
plenty of work, for probably the
same conditions that existed the
year before Mr. Taft became Presi
dent. And It might bring back the
misery of 1893, when we discovered
that It makes no difference how
cheap a thing is If we have no money
with which to buy it!
Do you want to risk that AGAIN?
Do you want to keep on getting
that sixty-five millions a year that
Mr. Taft lias saved for you and oth
er taxpayers? Or do you want to go
back to the days of-extravagance and
Do. you want Mr. Taft and his
common-sense, 'business-like Tariff
Board, that will forever stop all this
tariff .disturbance? Or do you want
"a change" to a President who either
cares nothing at all about tho tariff,
like the third term candidate who for
seven and a half years absolutely
Ignored tho needs and wishes of the
people, or to one that will kick tho
whole tiling to piece's, blindly and
recklessly, like the Democratic can
didate and his party promise to do?
Have a care, friend! Have a care!
It Is easier to blast than to build,
easier to kill than to cure!
It's better to be SAFE than to bo
To vote tho Republican ticket,
Xovember 5, 1012, place an X in the
Ixix at the head of the first column,
as indicated, on the margin of the
ballot. This includes tho Taft elec
tors and all tho Republican candi
dates named at the primary election
and State convention. 1'or the in
formation of tho voter tho Republi
can ticket is hereby printed iu full.
Former Councilman uml Manufac
turer Passed Away Tuesday of
Angina Pectoris.
Former Councilman George JL.
Genung died Tuesday after four
months' illness of an affection of the
heart, at 'his home on Court street.
Mr. Genung was born In Honesdale
G9 years ago and was a son of the
lato Ezra M. and Nancy Pellet Kim
ble Genung. The deceased was a
resident of this place, devoting his
early life to school and assisting his
father in tho latter's flour and feed
store. Qualifying himself for a
business career ho then was employ
ed by Stanton & Kimble In their
lumber yard at this place. After be
ing in this Arm's employ several
years, Mr. Genung secured a situa
tion as local agent with the Dela
ware and Hudson railroad, which
position he held until April 13,
1899, when ho was succeeded by C.
J. Dibble, the present agent. Mr.
Genung was with this company many
years and was a very efficient and
valued agent. At the time of his
resignation with the Delaware and
Hudson company Mr. Genung pur
chased of Gilbert White the latter's
axe manufacturing plant at East
Honesdale. Ho took George L.
Myers into partnership with htm and
for a few years conducted the busi
ness under the name of Genung &
Myers. Later Mr. Genung pur
chased Mr. Myers' Interest In tho
business and conducted same until
his death.
Mr. Genung served several terms
as town councilman and was always
very active and much Interested In
borough work. Whatever ho did ho
placed bis whole heart and soul into,
being a very zealous and ardent
workor. Ho .possessed a largo heart
and there was not anything asked of
him but what ho would do cheer
fully. Mr. GenunE was well versed
In tho town's affairs and always
stood Tor what was right and just,
He made an excollent councilman.
Forty-live years ago Mr. Genung
married Miss Ellen Fox. who sur
vives him. He leaves no children.
Two sisters, Mrs. H. G. Rowland and
Miss Eunice Genung, of Honesdale,
and two brothers, Frank and Wil
liam, of New York City, also survive.
The relatives have tho sympathy of
the community In their bereavement.
Mr. Genung was1 a member of
Honesdale Lodge No. 218, Free and
Accepted Masons. He was also an
attendant of Grace Episcopal church.
The funeral, which will be private,
will be held Saturday afternoon.
For President and Vice President.
Presidential Electors.
I. Layton Register, William A.
Helzman, Samuel J. Wainwright.
John P. Harris, 5loberfc-E.-'AIteniiIo,'
John Diok, George Jay Elliott, John
R. K. Scott, W. J. McCloskey, Robt.
M. Griffith, Frank H. Caven, Frank
W. Munn, Robert P. Calrnes, Abram
T. Eastwlck, Horace L. Haldeman,
Edwin M. Rine, Henry W. Palmer,
Henry Ii. Brownmiller, Fred. B. Ger
nerd, William C. Sechrlst, Malcolm
McDougall, Wm. H. Helm, John
Henry Deardorff, James Lord, !
Josiah D. Hicks, Calvin Gilbert,;
David Howells, Sylvester F. Bowser,!
William E. Crow, Norman E. Clark, j
Frederick Felix Crutze, Herman Si
mon, Robert Locke, William Schnur,
George II. Douglass, Howard B.
Oursler, C. Elmer Bown, Patrick H.
Robert K. Young.
Archibald W. Powell.
John M.- Mbrln. ..
Sr,FerderIck' E.P!Lewis: "". '
Anderson H Walters.
Arthur Tt. Rupley.
William D. B. Alney.
H. Clark Jackson.
Either Mr. Taft or Mr. Wilson
will be elected.
The issue is between the Republi
can and the Democratic parties and
The so-called "third party" Is an
individual not a party. It repre
sents merely Roosevcltism. It Is
"obstructive," not "progressive."
Tho self-created candidacy of Mr.
Roosevelt Is In dofiance of revered
tradition; in violation of precedent;
is purely and Bolely personal; and
will' be and should be unmistakably
Mr. Roosevelt's candidacy Is
founded on a broken pledge to the
people that he "would not again seek
the presidential office; and on a
broken 'friendship for Mr. Taft,
which dates from tho time ho found
that Mr. Taft refused to be dominat
ed or dictated to.
The purpose of Mr. Roosevelt is
clearly apparent it is merely to
defeat Mr. Taft.
A vote for Mr. Roosovolt Is worse
than a wasted vote, for It simply
means a vote for Air. Wilson and
for tho Democratic party.
What, then, are the plain, practi
cal issues of tho campaign?
What are wo YOU to vote for?
You are to chooso between tho
policies as well as the personalities
of Mr. Taft and Mr. Wilson.
These TWO, and only these two.
(Because a Roosevelt vote Is a Wil
son voto. )
You are to say by your Tote
whether you prefer Taft, and Safe
ty or Wilson, and Danger!
A vote for Mr. Taft and his poli
cies Is a vote to continue our pres
ent prosperity to settle tho tar
in problem for all time by taking
It out of the bands of politicians and
putting it on a business basjs to
strengthen and perfect our control
of tho trusts to uphold economy
and efficiency of government service.
To vote for Mr. Wilson and the
Democratic party Is to invite a re
turn of exactly tlio same influences
that demoralized tho entire country
In 1893.
Again wo eay, " Let us hold fast
to that which wo know Is good."
Tho Citizen lias" completed arrange
ments to recelvo complete election
returns next Tuesday night. A
special Western Union telegraph
wire will be installed in The Citizen
office, as was announced a week ago.
This will give the National and state
vote, while the Bell and Consolidat
ed phones will Tecelvo tho county
As tho returns are Tecolved they
will be flashed upon canvas opposite
the Citizen office.
If you want tho election returns
telephone The Citizen, if you cannot
come out to see them reproduced
upon the screen.
(From the Omaha Bee.)
To the Editor of the Bee: Being a
reader of the Bee, I would like
space in which to speak of the letter
written to Woodrow Wilson by Hoke
Smith of Georgia, in which ho asked
Mr. Wilson to state how he stood on
the pension question. His reply Is
as follows:
"Will say In answer to your In
quiry as to pensions that I am very
much opposed to the great expense
In the increase of pensions. I am
not in favor of anyone drawing a
pension who Is financially able to
take care of himself. I am In favor
of all old soldiers, who are not ablo
to work and have not means to take
care of themselves, being sent to the
Soldiers' Homo In the State In
which they live. I think that all of
those who are ablo to take care of
themselves should bo dropped from
tho rolls. If I should bo elected I
will do all In my power to keep the
expenses of tho Government down to
the lowest notch. As to the Confed
erate soldiers, I am in favor of each
State passing a bill to pension all
of those that are not able to take
care of themselves."
This was taken from a newspaper
printed In Georgia.
Voto for Jackson for Repreeen-
latiye in Aseemoiy at tiarrlsburg.
MAN. (Special to Tho Citizen.)
The national capltol is in mourning
to-day for James S. Sherman, vice
president of the United States.
President Taft will attend tho
funeral which will bo held Saturday
afternoon from tho Old Dutch Re
formed church In Utica, N. Y. In
terment will be made in that city.
Besides tho President, Postmaster
General Hitchcock and other mem
bers of tho President's cabinet will
attend the obsequies.
(Special to Tho Citizen.)
UTICA, N. Y., Oct. !M. The en
tiro city Is in deep mourning to-day
over tho death of its foremost citi
zen, James S. Sherman, vice-president
of tho United States. Flags
are at half-mast and municipal build
ings are trimmed with black crope.
All political meetings have been
postponed in respect to the dead
vice-president. Telegrams of con
dolence are pouring in to tho family
from all over tho world.
(Special to The Citizen).
a iono robbor stepped Into tho
Jewelry store of Andrew Struver
shortly after noon today and cover
ed the nronrlfitnr with a. rnvnlvor
He forced Struver o hand over a
tray or highest quality diamonds
Tho robber escaned among the noon
day crowd. The diamond were
valued at 725,000.
rr-jf j,? v. .-.. ffififta 'i 1 n ii lit lOTirnin
I'nroii'-cinus Till End Death is
Painless Final Summons at
l:-ia Last Night.
Charles D. Hillen, Chairman of Repub
lican National Committee, Says Votes
to Be Cast Next Tuesday Are For
Electors and Not For Candidates;
Therefore Situation Doesn't Affect
Validity of Electors' Election.
Utica, N, Y., Oct. 31. James School
craft Sherman, vice president of tho
United States, died at his home in this
city at 9:42 o'clock last night. The
vice president, who lapsed into a state
of coma Tuesday afternoon, never ral
ried and passed from unconsciousness
to death.
Dr F. H Peel; Issued tills statement
concerning thn Inst moments of the vice
"The vice president died nt 0:42
o'clock without regaining consciousness,
nis.gnd was perfectly-quiet Ho filed
In'the presence of his wife, her Grottier
and sister, bis two brothers' and his
three sons nnd their wives. 'He had f
been perfectly unconscious since 7
o'clock In tho mnrnlnir, when he had n
period of partial consciousness for
about fifteen mluutos. He died in an
uraemic coma as tho result of Brlght's
disoaso. heart failure and arterio scle
rosis." Mrs. Sherman Stricken.
The vice president was able to say a
few words to his wife and Dr. Peck
during his lucid moments yesterday t
morning, but never spoko thereafter.
Mrs. Sherman is in a stnto of near col
lapso as a result of her husband's end.
and Dr. Peck Is ministering to her,
while her three sons, Shcrrilf, Richard
and Thomas, aro seeking to comfort
the grief stricken woman.
A message notifying President Taft
of the vico president's death wns flash
ed a few minutes after the end came.
No arrangements for tho funeral
havo been made. His last resting place
will be lii a inagnlilcent mausoleum re
cently erected in Forest Hill cemetery
In this city. Yesterday afternoon the
physicians had administered oxygen to
the dying statesman.
Sherman's Active Career.
James Schoolcraft Sherman was
born Oct. 24, 1855, In Utica, N. Y. He
attended public schools of his native
city and was graduated as a bachelor
of arts In 1878- the saino year that
President Taft was graduated from
Yale from lllTmlltou college, nt Clin
ton, N. V., near his home.
Following his graduation he studied
law and was admitted to the bar In
18S0. lie began the practice of bis
profession Immediately. As n young
lawyer Mr. Sherman displayed con
slderable ability and took a lively In
terest In the public affairs of his city
aud count. He was elected mayor of
Utica hi 18S4 and was sent as a dele
gate in 181)2 to the Republican national
convention. He served as chalrmnu
of the Republican state convention In
1S05. 1000 nnd 1008. Ho had In 18S7
beeu elected to tho Fiftieth congress
nnd was re-elected n member of the
Fifty-lirst. Fifty-third. Fifty-fourth.
Flfty-Ufth, Fifty-sixth, Fifty-seventh.
Fifty-eighth, Fifty-ninth nnd Sixtieth
A delightful gathering was held
last Saturday evening at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas
Pantln, who will soon tako their
doparturo for England. Tho guests
spent the evening very happily in
speech-making and music and at a
seasonable hour n very dainty lunch
eon was served during which James
Edsall presented Mr. and Mrs. Pan
tin with a beautiful water set con
sisting of fine cut Jug and six tumb
lers, showing tho good feeling which
had always existed between Mr.
Pantln and his men. Those present
were Michael Helnberg, who has
worked hand in hand with Mr. Pan
tin for the past twenty years, James
Edsall, Thomas Jones, Carl Falk,
Philip Bishop and their wives. All
left extending their best wishes and
a safe -voyage.
Jury Out 10 Minutes, Itctiira Ver
dict Which Frees Huhlmrd at
10::l.T Judge Senrlo (Jives Im
partial Charge Many Spectators
Attend Trial Evidence, of Wit
nesses Hubbard Discharged.
The Hubbard-Dolphln homlcldo
case was brought to a close this
morning. The Jury brought In a
verdict of "Not Guilty" after being
out forty minutes. Tho testimony
is taken up hero where it was left
in our last issue, beginning with
Tuesday afternoon.
When court opened Tuesday af
ternoon the court room was nearly
half filled with men and a good
many women. The interest at tho
opening of tho Waymart homlcldo
case was not great In the morning
but in tho arfternoon, Judging from
the attendance, it was much great
er. The two principal actors in the
tragedy, Marsdeti Hubbard and Mrs.
Dolphin, testified before the Jury,
their testimony taking tho entiro
At the opening of court Dr. Peter
sen was called to correct a state
ment mado that morning when he
said that his examination of the body
showed a wound in the right arm.
He corrected it by saying that tho
wound was In the left arm.
N. B. Spencer took the stand again
to state that the revolver was a 32
callhre. At this point the prosecution
Attorney William II. Lee, for tho
defense, made a motion to have Mrs.
Dolphin, the only eye-witness to tho
tragedy, take the stand for the pros
ecution, stating that it was custom
ary for the District Attorney to call
eye witnesses of an affair to testify.
The district attorney answered by
saying that ho had subpoenaed tho
witness but had withheld her be
cause he thought she was a pre
judiced witness. Judge Searle re
fused the motion.
Mr. Kimble then opened the de
fense with an impassioned appeal to
the jury in which he stated that they
were perfectly willing to rest the
case, there after It was proven that
deceased had entered the room with
a deadly weapon, but that they did
not want to rest the case on a tech
nicality. "We will give the life -history of,
the defendant. No .man ever -did si
more manly act -for. Justice than
.whe'n'he fired the f,atal phots, Thlr
ty-elght years ago was born a son to
hardworking parents. This boy grew
under the care of these parents until
he entered High school. He gradu
ated from there with high honors.
Ho married In early life. He has a
wife and two children and he Is un
able to be with them on account of
sickness. We are going to tell you
how and why be came to Wayne
county. He learned the knitting
trade in Philmont, N. Y. He worked
there 12 years, or until tho company
failed and he lost all his wages and
his Job. He worked at other places
and while In Schenectady he wa3
taken sick with pneumonia In April,
1911. He was taken to Alice hospi
tal there and It was over two
months before he was released. He
was advised to go to the Adirondacks
for his health, which he did, re
maining there about three months.
Having an aunt In Carbondalo he
was Invited by hor to come and visit
her, hoping that the change of cll
mato would benefit him. While
hero In tho spring of 1012, Mrs.
Leonard became acquainted with
him and Mrs. Leonard extended an
invitation to him to visit them In
Wayne county. He came to Mrs.
Leonard's homo three or four times,
spending the day and returning in
the afternoon. He came to Mrs.
Leonard's house. Dolphin bad no
house. Dolphin worked as a section
hand on the railroad and paid board
to Mrs. Leonard. Hubbard was
about to return to 'his home In New
York. Ho had worked for Mr.
James about ten days and expected
to leavo for home Thursday. Mrs.
Leonard Invited him to stay which
ho did. He was an accomplished
young man and could play the har
monica and guitar at one time. He
was popular among the young peo
ple on account of this. Saturday
night preceding tho tragedy he play
ed and the guests danced and they
bad a good time. After the guests
went homo Hubbard asked to bo
shown to his room. Dolphin lit a
lantern and conducted him to tho
room off tho living room. Early
In tho ovenlng Dolphin went to Way
mart and got n pint of whiskey.
Ho had been drinking. About one
o'clock began to abuse the children
and threaten his wlfo and Mrs. Leon
ard. Hubbard got up and partly
dressed. Then 'ho went out to tho
next room; everything became qulot
and he wont back to bed not wishing
to Interfere. Ho looked In his sult
caso for his revolver in ordor that
Dolphin could not get at it and he
placed it under his pillow. Later
Dolphin began to attack his wife
with a knife and throwing things nt
her. She ran from him and went
into tho room occupied by Hubbard
for his protection. Dolphin follow
ed her In and backed her up against
the wall between tho dresser and the
head of tho bed. Hubbard went
to raise up In bed and Dolphin
grabbed him by the right shoulder
throwing Hubbard back on the bed.
on his elbow. Dolphin bad some
thing In his hand which Hubbard
could not distinguish. Hubbard
got tho pistol and fired. The pistol
was a self-repeater and In his ex
citement Hubbard kept pulling tho
trigger, trying to frighten the man
away. When wo have sh6wn you
these facts and told you of tho rep
utation of Hubbard for peace and
(Continued on Pago Eight.)