The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 25, 1912, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Salo Two bedroom suits, parlor
suits; dining room and kitchen fur
niture. All In first class condition;
at vory low prices. l'ANTIN, White
Mills. It
color black. Apply to Gurney
Electric Elevator Company 83tf
ing houso and lot on East Street
Extension; all Improvements. Bar
gain. J. 13. Robinson, Agont, Jad
wln Building. BSoltf
farm mile from Erie Railroad
and Milk station at Milanvlllo. Ap
ply to "Buyunhora" Realty Co.,
Honesdale. Pa.. Box 524. 73tf
our prices on Agricultural LI mo F.
O. B. your nearest station in carload
lots. Martin Hermann, Calllcoon, N.
Y. S3t4
glass cutting. Wages $G per
week to start. Krantz-Smlth & Co.
T. B. Clark & Co. 85eltf.
your laundry. Thomas F. Bracy,
Honesdale, agent. Lock for our
wagon with tho sign "Lackawanna
Laundry Co." 57tf
lale Footwear Co. SGeI4
Arrive Honesdale- Daily Sun.
A. M. 10.00 9.55
P. M. 3:15 G.50
Leave A. M. 6:55 10:15
P. M. 12:25 7.15
Arrive Honesdale Dally Sun.
P. M. 1:30 7:10
Leave A. M. 8:22
G : 55
P. M. 2:53 2.53
- Tho election proclamation ap
pears on the eighth page of today's
Citizen. Read it over carefully.
Charls Schadt, of Scranton, who
condmted tho Lake House at Lake
Ariel for some time, left last week
for British Columbia, where ho ex
pects to locate.
- Sumner Crossley has been se
lected to represent the boys of tho
Honesdale schools in tho spelling
contest. As yet no selection has
been made among the girls.
- Farmers are Indeed very grate
ful for the recent heavy rain which
filled their wells, springs and the
streams. The water supply had be
gun to look dubious until Wednes
day's rain fell. It was welcomed and
made many glad hearts.
Fred Flederbach was pleasant
ly surprised at his home on River
street last Wednesday night in hon
or of his seventieth birthday. Ho
was presented with many remem
brances of the occasion. Refresh
ments were served. Mr. Fled
erbach has been a resident of Wayne
county for fifty years.
- Passengers, crew and life sav
ers who had been braving fire on
board the Merchants and Miners
steamer Berkshiro since Sunday
morning, were taken off the burning
liner Tuesday by the revenue cutter
Seminole In Lookout Cove, North
Carolina. An explosion in the hold,
probably of barrels of turpentine,
alarmed Captain Hart and he aban
doned hope of taking his ship on to
Philadelphia with her passengers.
Jack Johnson, the heavyweight
champion pugilist, will not fight in
Australia. Hugh Mcltosh, who had
offered Johnson $50,000 for fights
with Sara Langford and Sam McVey
cabled Tuesday to W. W. Kelly, his
Chicago representative, to cancel all
negotiations. Mcintosh explained
that Johnson's part In the alleged
abduction had so angered the sport
ing men and public of Australia that
the matches were no longer desir
able Dr C J. Hunt, of tho state de
partment of health, reported Tues
day morning that two new cases of
smallpox were discovered In South
Canaan township, this county. Tho
date of tho onset of tho cases was
October s Tho patients are in a
House under quarantine. They re-i
fused to be vaccinated at the time
the houso was quarantined. Tho
first patients In tho houso contracted
the disease by coming In contact
with Miss Clara Theobold of Car
bondalo. a niece of the master of the
house in which she was visiting.
A resident of Avondalo Is au
thority for tho statement that a few
nights ago that place was visited by
some weather which was different
from that in this section. Just why
it selected Avondalo is not explain
ed but it gave tho residents a touch
of early winter. On water troughs
Ico formed half an inch in thickness
and flowers of all kinds wore kill
ed. One man who was seen soon af
terwards says that a wator pipe at
his homo was frozen and ho was
compelled to melt tho lco in It In
order to sec ure a supply of water tho
following day.
During tho coming week officers
of tho State Department of Health
will mako a sanitary Inspection of
more than 5,000 school houses In
G5G townships throughout tho Com
monwealth, which declined medical
Inspection. Commissioner of Health
Dixon has ordered this work done
to lnsuro a report upon tho sanitary
oondltlons surrounding tho school
children In every second-class town
ship In tho state. Tho water supply,
a most Important point, is to bo giv
en attention If from a well, its lo
cation and the possibilities of con
tamination from 8Urfaco drainage, or
adjacent cesspools, stables, etc., must
bo noted.
A Hallowo'en Social will bo
held by Junior Workers of Graco
church Tuesday, Oct. 29, at 7:30 p.
m., In Sunday school room. All
Wllllani A. Tanner, of Alden
vllle, nnd 'Miss Anna M. Moasc, of
Pleasant Mount, wero married In
Carbondalo on Wednesday, Oct. 23,
by Rev. Charles Lee, D. D.
Last Monday tho Federal grand
Jury met at Scranton, and squashed
tho Indictment against Fred W.
Schwclghofer, who had boon charg
ed by tho government with shipping
bob veal.
St. John's Guild of tho Luthernn
church entertained their members In
a most Interesting manner last Tues
day evening. A debate was held and
addresses wero made by G. Wm. Sell
and J. J. Koehler. Flno refresh
ments wero served.
Tho names of two Wayno coun
ty men, C. A. McCarty and J. J.
Koehler, both of Honesdale, appear
among the presidential electors. It
Is unusual that two men from tho
samo county should bo named as
On Saturday of this week H. G.
Rowland, Jowolor, will conduct tho
second annual package sale at his
store. It Is an unique way of com
memorating a business birthday and
has become very popular with Mr.
Rowland and his patrons.
Dr. C. J. Hunt, deputy stato
health commissioner of Harrisburg,
returned to Carbondalo Tuesday
from Troy, Pa., where he hns been
In ( harge of the typhoid epidemic.
"We have traced the source of tho
disease to the water supply," tho
doctor stated. "We have begun a
systematic sanitary survey of tho
town, and expect soon to havo tho
disease in check. There are now
150 cases of typhoid In Troy.
Mrs. M. J. MacCown, of Church
street, received a message Thursday
announcing the death of her brother,
Frank Benjamin, of Scranton, who
wns killed Wednesday In Johnstown.
Mr. Benjamin was a contractor and
carpenter by trade. He was born in
Scranton and leaves two daughters,
both residing In tho Electric City,
besides two brothers, W. H. and E.
H. Benjamin, also of that city, and
one sister, Mrs. M. J. MacCown, of
this place.
The late style Ladies' suits 'at
Menner & Co. are all wool textures
and newest cuts. 8Gci8
Mrs. B. Schermerhorn, formerly of
this place, now of Kansas City, is a
guest of friends in Honesdale.
Rev. Charles Lee, D. D., of Car
bondale, was a guest at tho Presby
terian manse the first of the week,
having been one of the speakers at
tho banquet at tho Presbyterian
chapel on Tuesday evening.
Mrs. W. B. Holmes and Miss Bes
sie E. Swift left Tuesday morning
for Wllllamsport whore t'hoy expect
ed to be In attendance at the meet
ing of tho Pennsylvania and Vir
ginia Synodlcal Home Missionary
society, which is in session in tho
Presbyterian church there this week.
Rev. Robert Bruce Clark, D. D.,
of New York, formerly of Port Jor
vls, was entertained at the hme of
H. Scott Salmon the first of the
week. Rev. Clark, who Is a boy
hood friend of Rev. W. H. Swift
who was formerly of Orango county,
j vas one of tho speakers at the Men's
''banquet Tuesday night.
Mrs. Harvey Welsh of East street
received several bruises and injuries
which has confined her to her bed as
a result of a fall on Monday morn
ing down tho back stairway leading
from her kitchen to tho porch. Dr.
P. B. Petersen was summoned and
found no broken bones. Mrs.
Welch's many Honesdale friends
hope for her speedy recovery.
Miss Jane D. Hagaman has return
ed from a visit with relatives in
Newton, N. J., whence sho went to
take her mother, hoping that a
change of air and surroundings
would be beneficial. While at New
ton, Miss Hagaman attended her
cousin, Miss Helen M. Sutton, as
maid of honor, at her medding to
Raymond E. Smith.
Menner & Co. are showing tho
now swagger Johnnie 48 in. long
coats, latest models. SCelS.
AUenlmclier Wultcr Nuptial,
William Jolin, eldest son of Mr.
and Mrs. John P. Allenbachor, of
High street, and Hazel J. Walter,
daughter of Mrs. Vera J. Hoylo
Walter, of Seelyville, wero united in
marriage Wednesday afternoon at
5 o'clock by Rev. W. H. Swift, D. D.,
in the Presbyterian manse. Tho at
tendants wero Miss Mildred Walter,
of Scranton, and Lesley Decker of
Honesdale. The bride was becom
ingly gowned in white net over silk.
Her hat was of white beaver, trim
med with pink roses. The brides
maid's dress was of whlto material.
Owing to tho bride's mother's ill
health tho wedding dinner and re
ception was held at tho homo of tho
bridegroom on High street following
the ceremony. During the evening
a select orchestra discoursed music
for tho guests, of which there wero
many. Tho 'brldo's cako was of
pyramid form, capped with a inlna
turo decoration reprcsdntlng a
bride and bridegroom. Tho cako
was decorated by George Schwenker
and was unique In design.
Tho bride and bridegroom wore
tho recipients of many beautiful and
useful presents, including furniture,
cut glass, chinawaro, silverware, lin
en, etc., which 'bespeaks of tho high
esteem In which the young couple
are held by their many friends. Tho
young couple will go to housekeep
ing in Seelyvillo for tho present. Mr.
Allenbacher Is employed in McKnn
na's cut glass factory. Tho Citizen
extends congratulations and wishes
tho young couplo a happy wedded
Among relatives and friends ta
attend tho nuptial ovont from
Scranton wero: Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Pellenz, Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Huff
man, .Mrs. Edward BIrchcr and
daughter Helen, John F. Lloblg and
daughter Jewel, Miss Alice Cort
rlght, Mrs. H. Kahn, Mr. and Mrs.
Blaine Walker, Mrs. John Fives, son
Harold and daughter Helen.
On October 19th, 1912, at high
noon, at tho homo of Mr and Mrs.
John Hutton, of Newton, N.
J., occurred tho mnrrlago of their
only daughter, Miss Helen Mnrle
Sutton to Raymond Ellsworth Smith,
nlso of Newton. As tho beautiful
strains of Mendelsohn's wedding
march, plnycd by Miss Lctlo Smith,
sister of the groom, pcnlcd forth,
the bridal party entered tho parlor
whoro tho ceremony was performed
under an arch of palms, plno and
whlto chrysanthemums. Tho brldo
was attended by her cousin, Miss
Jano D. Hagaman of Honesdale, Pa.,
as maid of honor, also by two brides
maids, tho Misses Julia R. Nestor,
and Lillian Hill, both of Newton.
Tho groom wns attended by his
brother, Sanford Smith, as best man,
and two ushers, Mr. Norman B. An
derson and Frank Dorlmer. Tho
brldo was gowned In whlto satin
charmouso, entrain, trimmed with
duchess laco and French pearl trim
ming, and wore a whlto lace veil,
caught up with lillles of the valley
and a .magnificent pearl brooch, tho
gift of tho groom. Sho carried a
shower bouquet of brldo's roses and
lilies of tho valley. Sho made a very
beautiful picture, as sho entered the
room on tho arm of her father, who
gave her In marriage. The maid of
honor, Miss Hagaman, was gowned
In pink chiffon over pink satin mes
salinc, and carried an arhiful of
white chrysnnthemums, and wore a
"Juliet" cap of seed pearls. Tho
bridesmaids wero gowned alike in
pink satin messallne, and carried
whlto chrysanthemums. After re
ceiving congratulations, an elaborate
buffet luncheon was served. Mrs.
Catterson wns the caterer. The brid
al party was seated at a table,
where tho pink and white color
scheme was carried out, the centre of
tho table being banked with whlto
chrysanthemums. The brldo nnd
groom left at 1:50 via automobile
for an extenslvo honeymoon, which
will cover points of Interest In
Pennsylvania, and expect to bo "at
home" to their friends after Novem
ber 1st. The gifts were numerous
and handsome, and show the high es
teem In which the young people are
held. Mrs. Smith Is well known In
Honesdale, having visited her cousin,
Miss Hagaman. We extend hearty
Tails Hiin Ambition IMsanc. Mis
souri Congressman Makes Long
Letter Public on Return
from Europe.
New York, Oct. 24. Congressman
Richard Bartholin, of Missouri, who
(returned from Europe yesterday,
gave out a copy of a letter to Theo
dore Roosevelt under date of Sept.
12, "off Plymouth, England," an
swering Colonel Roosevelt's attack
on him as "one of the highwaymen"
of the Republican National Conven
tion at Chicago. The letter says:
In tho newspapers of September 5
the morning I sailed for Europe
you are reported as having used tho
following language In a speech de
livered at Des Moines, la., to wit:
"I see Mr. What's-his-name, that
Congressman from St. Louis, Bar
tholdt he is one of the highway
men has asked Mr. Cummlngs to
berate tho Texas, California, and
Washington contests at Chicago. I
hopo Mr. Cummings will refuse, for
the reason that I wouldn't debate
with a pickpocket the ownership of
a watch ho has just stolen. If the
police are handy, I'll hand them over
to them. If they are not I'll tend to
him myself. Any man, any candi
dato for governor or other office
who has knowledge of tho facts, and
supports Mr. Taft gives us the right
to say that lie is not competent to
pass upon honesty in public life."
I shall not attempt to answer you
In kind, as to do so would mean to
stoop to tho level of the cowboy in
speech and manners, with apologies
to the cowboy. Nor shall 1 discuss
with you tho merits of the Chicago
contests, for your repeated fulmlna
tlons on this subject show you to bo
either guilty of persistent prevarica
tion or else innocent of all knowl
edge of tho facts concerning it. In
assuming tho latter everybody will
admit that, In the face of tho print
ed evidence, I am taking a charitable
Saying that tho letter is not In
tended as an argument, and adding
that you (Colonel Roosevelt) would
not admit tho truth concerning tho
contests oven if you wero convinced
of it because it would knock tho
props from under your candidacy,"
Mr. Bartholdt gives his reasons for
opposing Mr. Roosevelt's candidacy
partly as follows:
First 1 chargo you with being,
consciously or unconsciously, the tool
of tho steel nnd harvestor trusts. If
President Taft had disregarded tho
law and tho Interests of the people
as you havo done, through your fail
ure to prosecute these trusts, ho
would havo had no opposition for
renominatlon. But tho moment ho
had authorized his attorney-general
to Institute proceedings, those pow
erful combinations looked around
for a candidate with whom to beat
Mr. Taft, and they settled on you
and furnished all tho money deemed
necessary to carry tho primaries.
Second I challenge your sincer
ity In tho championship of progres
sive measures and assert It to bo an
lnsano ambition nnd not an honest
deslro for progress and reform,
which prompted your candidacy.
Why did not you proposo all theso
now plans whllo you wero still
President and had tho powor to
carry them out? Instead you sneer
ed at Sonator La Follotto and his
Third I chargo you with a viola
tion of a solemn promlso given to tho
American peoplo when you declared
that under no circumstances would
you accept another nomination.
Your subsequent explanation that
had In mind only a "consecutive
term" Is a subtorfugo and an after
thought, and overy sano American
citizen Is convinced of thnt fact.
Fourth I am opposed to your
candidacy becnuso It Is for a third
Fifth I chargo you with a dollb
orato effort to overthrow tho Con
stitution and tho courts, for this and
nothing olso Is what tho proposed
recall of Judges and judicial decis
ions means. If tho Constitution
guarantees which vouchsafe our in
alienable rights and their enjoyment
by a minority are to bo overthrown
by t'ho passing whims of a majority,
why 1iave a constitution at all and
why courts?
Sixth I chargo you with respon
sibility for tho defeat of tho arbi
tration treaties, tho greatest progres
sive measuro yet proposed by an
American President. Tho samo as
In tho caso of reciprocity, which
you both favored and opposed, you
advocated tho gospel of peace in
your Chrlstlnnla speech, but Immedi
ately began knocking It when Presi
dent Taft submitted a concrete plan
to carry It out. Tho deciding vote
by which tho treaties wero omnscu
lated was cast by your own political
manager, Senator Dixon, who had
favored them up to tho tlmo of a
visit with you at Now York on the
night preceding tho voto In the Sen
ate. Your opposition evidently was
prompted by envy and jealousy of
President Taft's possible success In
the matter of this great world re
form. Seventh I hold up to tho sober
judgment of tho American people
your denial of all knowlodgo of tho
$100,000 contributed to your cam
paign by tho Standard Oil Company
In 1904. As you knew of every
thing olso connected with that cam
paign, that donlal represents ono of
the most reninrkablo Issues of this
remarkable campaign. But why go
back as far as 1904, when the pres
ent campaign furnishes so Instruc
tive an object lesson? Georgo W.
Perkins, Frank Munsey, Mcdlll Mc
Cormlck, Dan Hanna and others,
have been publicly chargod with
having furnished your sinews of war
since you threw your hat Into the
ring, and you havo never denied it.
And are net these men tho represen
tatives of the steel and harvester
trusts, namely the trusts protected
by you and persecuted by President
Eighth I chargo you with having
attempted by your diatribes against
the national committee, to incite the
people to riot and bloodshed. Have
you forgotten what you said about
such a crime and a crime it is
in your first message to Congress af
ter the assassination of President
McKInloy? Have you forgotten that
you sent your, then Secretary of
State, to New York to chargo Mr.
Hearst with responsibility for that
great national calamity? But Mr
Hearst's editorials were mild as
compared with your furious out
bursts In which you characterized
honorable men as thieves and bri
gands. Ninth I chargo you with having
basely betrayed a friend In t'ho per
son of President Taft. Even to-day
neither he nor tho country can ac
count for your faithlessness except
on tho theory of your own Inordin
ate ambition or the legal procedure
against your pet trusts. And was
not President Taft, 'by virtue of par
ty tradition as well as his conscien
tious performance of duty and pro
gressive achievements justly entitled
to a second term?
Tenth I shall not only support
Mr. Taft, but oppose you with all
legitimate means at my command,
because of the contrast between you
and him. Mr. Taft is sane, safe and
Judicious, and under him the coun
try's progress and peace will bo se
cure. But what is the use of tolling
you? You know all this to be true
and have said the same things your
self, only in much stronger and more
glowing language. New York Tribune.
Leoland Avery raised 270 bushels
of Empire State potatoes from three
quarters of an aero of land In Ber
lin township this season.
Olln J. Barnes, son of Prothono
tary W. J. Barnes, also holds a good
record as a potato raiser. Last
spring he planted two bushels of
seed potatoes. After digging for
summer and fall use, tho harvest was
116 bushels. Olln's many friends
will bo glad to learn that ho is Im
proving from his recent illness.
Grace Episcopal church, Sunday,
Oct. 27, 1912: Services at 10:30 a.
m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school
at 12 M.
Rev. A. L. Whittaker will hold ser
vice in White Mills Sunday, Oct. 27,
at 3:15 p. m.
A change will bo mado In tho
schedulo of services at Christ church
In Indian Orchard. Sunday school
will be held at tho regular hour next
Sunday, Oct. 27. After that Sunday
school will bo held at 1:30 p. m.
Clifford Smith, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Merrlt Smith of South Sterling
met with an accident while cutting
wood last week. A swiug of tho axo
landed on his kneo nearly cutting
tho kneo cap In two.
Miss Margaret Thompson Is a visi
tor at the homo of Mrs. Jano Brown.
Mrs. William Callahan Is visiting
at tho homo of John Gorhnrt.
Whllo on a visit at tho homo of
her schoolmnte. Miss Elva Angle, ac
companied Miss Blancho Croft and
brother on a coon hunt. After Mr.
Coon had been treed by tho dog,
Ward climbed tho tree and killed tho
animal with a revolver, tho girls re
maining under tho tree with tho
lantern. Tho coon weighed twenty
pounds and furnishd qulto a little
excitement for tho young peoplo.
Mrs. J. R. Hauso Is visiting in
Whllo Abo Phillips was making a
fengo around tho corn field, ho cut
himself below tho kneo cap to tho
bono with an axo. Ho Is Improving
rapidly from tho effects of tho
Mrs. John B. Gilpin is ranking an
oxtended Btay with her daughter,
Mtb. Leonard Bortrco, at Grcentown.
Win. Molo foil from an apple
tree whllo picking apples and Injur
ed himself qulto soverely.
Mr. and Mrs. "W. G. Fitting are
spending their honoymoon at Maplo
wood Farm, J. W. Hauso, proprietor.
Many farmers aro selling potatoes
as they aro rotting vory badly.
Ted "Wraggo of New York Is a
guest of Joe Johnston.
Robert Gregg and Melvin Qulnn
of Abrnhamsvlllo aro putting up n
houso for T. B. Wcls-h.
N. B. Altast Is making elder.
Robert Johnston of Lynn, loft for
homo Wednesday, after spending
Bomo time with his brother, K. P.
Johnston of this place.
A -'-' rr-'- H
i "
Successful Farming
According to the Government Census, twenty
three states in the Union report vegetable products val
ued annually at over $1,000,000 each.
The force that has revolutionized farming, that
has made the waste places blossom as the rose, that has
given such astounding figures to vegetables, exclus
ive of other farm products, is the farm telephone.
The telephone is the farmer's "stock ticker." It
tells him the movements of the market and the proper
time to sell.
There should be a Farm Line in your locality and
you should be connected to it. Write nearest Bell
Office for the free booklet: "What Uncle Sam Says
About the Rural Telephone."
Honesdale, Pa.
There Are
Two Things
which tho up-to-dato business man
MUST HAVE In the handling of his
financial affairs.
1. Ho must havo tho assurance
that his funds aro
than they could possibly bo In his
own hands, and that his Interests
aro bolng looked after more careful
ly than It Is possible that they could
bo even under his own management.
2. In overy detail ho must havo
posslblo in order to minimize tho
friction of his dally routlno of business.
Let us show you a
LOW COST policy in the
Mutual Life
Insurance Co.ofN.Y,
Paid the most to policy hold
ers and beneficiaries. Pays the
most in dividends to policy holders
Fire, Life, Accident, Automobile,
Liberty Hall Hid?. Iloncsdnlo
Consolidated Phone 1UL
Oct. 29th
Prices :
Orchestra $1. (first 3 rows 11.50.
Dress Circle $1 (last 2 rows 75c.
Balcony 75 and 50c.
Gallery 35c.
Seat salo starts at 9 a. m. Mon
day, Oct. 28.
More Secure
Best Service
Dime Bank
of llonrjdale, Pa.
I.1 'I . A