The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 25, 1912, Image 1

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Pino Job Work Promptly Kx
cciitoil at. Tho Citizen Office.
Subscribe For Tlio C :n TIlo
Pooitlo's Family I'm? 91.50
Per Year. 2
fta .
70th YEAR. --NO. 86
out Olio Hundred mid Slly
I...... ?..... U. .....1. ......
Flno Supper Served by Ladles
Tho time selected by the Presby-
et was very approprlnto and tho
UIlUl 11UI Ul UUU11S Ul mu uuuiiui
re suggestive of the season, when
o trees are dressed In their most
rgeous colors deep red, rich
onzes, greens and browns In every
ade Autumn leaves and sprigs
re used profusely and presented a
autlful picture.
The tables were arranged In the
.11. i.. - r n i i
unuriuiu ui wiu ununui aim uuveis
;re laid for one hundred and sixty
ne guests, as that number of in
tatlons were sent out. Tho nuni-
iout one hundred and sixty, men
iu licit; luimciitru llil lliu vuuilll
a socieiv or wnoso i.-imuiPK were
tlvely engaged In the church work.
n c mrcv or unnnsn.'iin worn rpnrp-
Tho tables were artistically ar
nged and were decorated with
Imson vines and lighted candles.
he effect was altogether nleasinc.
bo following is the menu:
ilnFt' Tln,illliti rrmi t nn a
Oyster TImbales
reameu . nicKen iuasnea roiuioes
elery Olives Pickles
Rolls Drown Bread
Plneapplo Salad
1 n.. .l ll TT 1 -
lum i-uuuiny, iiuru auueti
alted Nuts Confections
A bouquet of chrysanthemums
nrn Mm fnvnru nt onpli nlnto Aftpr
H Swift, as toastmaster, arose
nd in his pleasing manner spoke
few words to the assembled guests.
le introduced R. M. Stocker, one of
ur lawyers, ami an elder of the
hurch, as being the person select
d to make the welcome address. His
he press and the guests was sincere
nrl nlpnstnsr.
Dr. Swift next introduced the
lev. Charles Lee, D. D.i of Carbon
alp, who snokn on tho work of the
i m ruiiiiirji in tid ii wil jiii ii mi in ii r.
The next sneaker. IteV. Robert
nrmorlv rtT wnrt .mrvla. whn wnn n.
i - i b s m r. i i.
or Jin nuur mi luu luuiviuuuiiLr
m x w 1 1 i m j l 1.11 I hllllnJk
1 Itlilll 11 II tl 111 1111- lllLLKl I ALL1LUUU
oward woman. Rev. Clark Id a
orceiui sneaKer ana neia ine ciose
During the evening tho orchestra,
.......... i ir. ... ... ........ 1 ir. .. . .. .
viriiin. iitiii .iiikk .iiiiiil .11 iiiriii. mi
uiaiiu. reiiueruu lue uiu&ic. otitrai
solos were rendered by Charles
X 1 UBUUkl.
The committees in charge of the
banquet were:
Reception Rev. W. II. Swift, D.
t- . ii i. a i v. . . i t m
Searle, H S Salmon, Wm. H. Lee,
1 n Wostnn W T Mnnrn K. A
Penniman, Charles T. Bentley, J.
K. Richmond and the elders. W. B.
Holmes, Andrew Thompson, William
J. Ward, J. A. Bodle, R. M. Stocker
and Adam Reitnauer.
Decorating Mrs. C. Harry Rock
well, Mrs. J. Sam Brown, Mrs. E. W.
Burns, Miss Clara Torrey.
Mrs John Krantz superintended
the arrangements for supper, assist
ed by Mrs. C. E. Mills, Mrs. Oscar
Bunnell, Mrs. George Penwarden,
Mrs M S. Fritz, Mrs. W. II. Swift,
Miss Emma Brown and Mrs. Thomas
Thirty-six young ladles, under tho
direction of Mrs. P. B. Petersen and
Mrs W J. Yerkes, acted as wait
resses and served the guests.
The Men's Banquet was started
live years ago and with tho excep
tion of last year has been a yearly
occurrence and has arforded much
pleasure and sociability among the
men of the Presbyterian church
Court Holds That Newspaper Man's
Conlldcnco Is Inviolable.
The question whether a newspaper
Jreporter can bo required to reveal
1 unuer oatn tne source of lniorma
tlon on which ho bases a newspaper
article camo up before Judge Turner
in Milwaukee, Wis. Judgo Turner
ruled in effect that a newspaper
man s confluence is inviolable.
John Klllilea, who had caused a
reporter to come Into circuit court,
requested the court to requlro a ro
porter on oath to reveal tho
names of the persons from whom
bo had obtained Information which
was used in a news article. Klllilea
said the publication of the article
during the pendency of tho case
tended to prejudice tho Jury and that
statements mado In tho review of tho
History of tho condemnation pro
ceedings were incorrect and evidently
supplied to tho reporter by persons
Interested In tho case.
no power to require tho reporter to
T ., .1 m...nnH ,lnnl.n.1 . 1. . 1, 1.n.1
bo sworn or examined unless tho re'
porter volunteered.
Frank Kellam, of Hanklns, has
sold his hotel to Fred KIllo, of
Obernburg, who will take possession
Nov. 1. Air. Kellam is undecided as
to -what ho will do in tho future. Mr.
Killo Is an old and popular hotel
man and should mako a success of
tola new venture.
Tho United States Civil Service
Commission announces that on tho
date named above an examination
will bo held at Hollistervillo as a re
sult of which It is expected to mako
certification to 1111 n contemplated
vacancy In the position of fourth
class postmaster of class (b) at Cal
lapoosc and other vacancies as they
may occur at that office, unless it
shall be decided in the Interests of
the service to 1111 tho vacancy by re
instatement. Tho compensation of
the postmaster at this office was $ 53
for tho last fiscal year.
Application forms and full infor
mation concerning the requirements
of the examination can be secured
from the postmaster at Callapoose or
from tho U. S. Civil Service Commis
sion, Washington, D. C.
Mrs. Margaret Tyler.
The death of Mrs. Margaret Tyler,
of Conklln Hill, occurred Friday
morning. She was aged 7S years
and lived with her son, Hudson Ty
ler, who, for the past summer has
been working away from homo and
Mrs. Tyler was living alone at the
time of Iier death. Tho funeral was
held Sunday afternoon at the house,
Rev. Scott Bush officiating and bur
ial was In the Damascus M. E. ceme
tery in charge of Undertaker Valen
tine. Mrs. Tyler is survived by one
son, Hudson, and one daughter, Mrs,
Ralph Bush, besides numerous other
relatives dn this section.
Country-Wide Movement Among Re
ligious Organisations to Observo
That Sunday by Special
All creeds, religions and political
beliefs are Joining in tho movement
for the observance of Tuberculosis
Day on Sunday, October 27th. Let
ters commending tho movement have
been received- from some of the most
prominent leaders In thought in the
United States.
President Taft, former President
Roosevelt, and locally Archbishop
Prendergast, Mayor Blankenburg of
Philadelphia; the Interchurch Feder
ation which embraces all of the Pro
testant churches Interested in social
activities, Bishop Rhlnelander of the
Episcopal church, and many others
have endorsed the campaign against
tuberculosis and the plan of devot
ing' some part of' next Sunday to a
consideration of the .principles un
derlying the prevention and eradlca-
-tloiriot consumption.''
"I nope and believe that Tuber
culosis Day In the churches will be
productive of great good, says
President Taft in a letter to Homer
Folks, President of the National As
8oclation for the Study and Preven
tion of Tuberculosis.
Former President Roosevelt, who
is an Honorary Vice-President of the
National Association, gives out this
I am very glad indeed that ar
rangements are being mado to have
attention directed throughout the
United States on 'Tuberculosis Day,
October 27, to the immediate urgent
duty resting upon us all to do all we
can do to prevent this preventable
disease. It is particularly fitting
that clergymen, churches, and church
organizations should impress upon
their niem'bers and attendants the
duty of actively supporting in every
practical way their local agencies,
hospitals, dispensaries and tho like,
engaged in the suppression ol tuber
culosis. The amount of suffering,
misery, orphanage, bitter poverty,
and economic loss that would bo ob
ent knowledge as to tho causes and
prevention of tuberculosis is simply
Archbishop Prendergast of tho
Diocese of Philadelphia, in a letter
to the Pennsylvania Society for tho
I'revention or Tuberculosis, asid:
" 1 am pleased to know that you
are continuing the good work to
wards the prevention of Tuberculosis
and that you have set aside the 27th
of October as Tuberculosis Sunday.
I am sure that all our priests will bo
interested in your efforts and will
comply with any request you will
make of them in furthering this
worthy work in which you aro en
Wishing you every success, I re
Mayor Blankenbun?. of Phlladel
phla, endorsed the movement In tho
following words:
" I am glad to learn that tho Na
tional Society for the Study and Pre
vention or Tuberculosis has set aside
October 27th as a day for tho espec
ial consideration of tho means of
eliminating consumption. Tubercu
losis Is a social disease. Its greatest
aids are ignorance and poor living
conditions. It is to bo fought through
tho education of tho people. Tuber
culosis Day, as I understand it, has
this end In view and I therefore urgo
all tho citizens of Philadelphia to
co-operate through their churches
and other organizations in making
tlio observance of this day as wide
spread as possible."
Clergymen from every part of
Pennsylvania aro arranging to preach
on tho subject of tho Whito Plaguo
and will dlstrlbuto llteraturo among
their congregations. In this way
more than one hundred thousand
cards containing tho principles for
j " fflffi 0LtUSI8l8rJ
bo distributed. In addition, Inter
national Typographical Union No. 2
has Instructed all of its locals to as
sist tho branches of the National As
sociation for tho Study and Preven
tion of Tuberculosis in conducting
tho campaign for tho observance of
Tuberculosis Day. Tho various lo
cals In Pennsylvania are In commun
ication -with tho Pennsylvania Society
for the Prevention of Tuberculosis
and are arranging for services In the
churches In their respective cltios.
Memorable SiiMiuolimma Case
here Woman Is Pined for
Misusing tlio U. S. Malls.
J. N. Sharpsteen. formerly
nnrtod with llu Ilntinsilnln nnulndlro
who was recentlv
co inspector of ?his district le-1
serves much Praise for the work ho
SLrus mucn praise lor tne worK no
: . ' iinn ' ' i
...h a 1...U ui .vu uu cu 01 i-roBu-.
cation. Mr. Sharpsteen, who worked
up the government evidence against
Mrs. Dolan, told Judge Witmer of
the woman's operations. He said
that he had collected between forty
and fifty letters and post cards that
Mrs. Dolan had sent out, and that
there were more than that number
in Susquehanna that he didn't take.
Mr. Sharpsteen's Honesdale friends
congratulate him on his success in
this, his lirst case under his new
office and hope that it will continue.
Mrs. Dolan was arrested some
months ago on information obtained
by Inspector Sharpsteen for mis
using the United States malls. The
penal codo provides for a flue of
not more than $5,000 and not loss
than '500, Uno, or an Imprisonment
of from one to Ave years, or both,'
for : Bendlnc obscene- .literature
throughr the' malls " J udgot Wl tin erf K
however, stated that he took heed
of the attorney s plea and was leni
ent with tho woman.
The case has caused much excite
ment in Susquehanna as Mrs. Dolan
was a member of the best society
of that place.
Program to bo Instructive as Well
as Entertaining Illustrated
Lecture by Lantern Views by
Fred Jenkins.
The local schools will observe Ar
bor Day and Friday, October 25, has
been designated by State Superin
tendent of bchools Schaeffer as tho
day set aside by the state for that
celebration. The same will bo ob
served In tho local schools In tho
evening. The -public is cordially In
vited to attend. The following pro
gram, which Is both entertaining
and Instructive, has been prepared
for the occasion. Tho program,
which will begin at eight o'clock
sharp, will be followed by several
lantern views, which will be explain
ed by Frod Jenkins. No admission.
Orchestra Heumann
History of Chestnut Tree Blight..
Chas. Krlctncr
The Importance of tho Chestnut
Tree Lewis Spruks
Piano Duet
Anna and Priscilla Lambert
Cause and Symptoms of .Chestnut
Tree Blight
...Daniel Dudley and A. Morrison
Means of Spread and Entrance..
Norman Decker
Orchestra Heumann
Locating and Destroying Infection
Charles Tolley
Advice to Owners of Chestnut
Trees William Gager
Vocal Solo Miss Pierco
Tho Chestnut Treo Blight Commis
sion Philip Sonimor and BenJ. Burkhart
A National Loss ..Edw. Turnberger
Orchestra Heumann
"Freckles" Will bo at tlio Lyric Next
An attraction whlc'h should cause
more than tho usual deslro to sco a
play, is Neil Twomby's dramatiza
tion of Geno Stratton-Porter's wide
ly read story "Freckles," which will
bo tho attraction at tho Lyric thea
tre next Tuesday, Oct. 29. When it
is considered that this fascinating
story of Indiana's great swamp
country, "Tho Llinberlost," has had
more than a million readers, thoro
lis no wonder that t'ho drama is
causing far more than tho ordinary
attention. Whero a book contains
tho vital requisites for dramatiza
tion, tho play Is always of more in
terest than tho story, becauso the
Imagination is not taxed and tho
characters aro living, breathing ones.
Those who havo read "Freckles,"
will understand the possibilities for
a drama of far moro than ordinary
strength in action, and environment.
There is unlimited scope for the
scone painter, the electrician and the
stage mechanic, and in these features
the production is said to be of sur
passing magnificence.
mso Viv ni,n ! ?ulves t0 dellnlto plans or .highway noon Tuesday.
SiiRntiPlnniiT who wqV rolpVcsPf! liv 1 improvements. Tne united States 1 day for making any changes in the
Iiidco Witmer of SusnuphaniiT. ' sovemment Is assisting the general I ballot and a few belated withdraw
.mute umer, 01 uusquenanna , ,,,,, ,,. nt-,,nn r ,nn,ini . nin ,..i.ii. .... .i.. n .
Ten Suites In Mm; .Many Mnro to
Hnvo Plans for Highway
pi-ovciucut This Year,
u" oll,- mnu uuupifu tuuiiim-
road """'""G programs in j
tllefIlJst ,threo yc n,ntl "lth"? the ,
ncxt twelvo niontlls almost a dozcn
.,, i t,n.. mm t,i thm.
Ton states have adopted compre-
uiuiumuiib uuau 111 Liuij iuuuui .110 vviiiuu nuiu luauu UU PULU1UUJ
roaus on its reservations anu ny ex-
nnrlmpnfai ,vnrk tn ilptnrminn thn
best wearing materials and means of
keeping roads In order and free from
dUBt. In some states, notably New
York and Massachusetts the road
building programs aro about to 'bo
enlarged and In Ohio and Virginia
tho rebuilding of numerous high
ways is to bo undertaken on a sys
tematic basis, experiments isJmilar
to those now being made by tho
Pennsylvania State Highway depart
ment being now under way.
Pennsylvania has a road building
program for the first time, the Leg
islature of 1911 having enacted a
plan which had been demanded
for years by taxpayers, farmers, land
owners, economic students, mem
bers of the State Grange, automo
billsts and others. This program
was inaugurated through an ap
propriation of $3,000,000 for road
building purposes In 1911, but to
carry It out it Is proposed to amend
the constitution so as to permit is
suance of bonds for road construc
tion. If the next Legislature ap
proves of the amendment, the peo
ple will vote on the proposition next
year. The State Is now without
debt, because its sinking fund con
tains thousands of dollars above the
outstanding obligations, and as the
state has adptcd a road 'building
plan it will bo up to the people to
furnish the means to make it effec
tive. If the bond Issue should by any
mischance bo defeated good roads
in Pennsylvania would be set back
perhaps ten years. Tho constitution
prohibits the submission of the
same amendment oftener than once
in five years. Thus it would be
1917 or perhaps 1919 or even later
before the people if the $50,000,000
projects eo generally endorsed
should be rejected at tho polls. But
it is not believed to be at all prob
able that the bond issue will fall of
approval ;Bext year. .,Too,.much de
pWQ.sMjJpqa- u 'uuu looinauy peqpio
fira. lnterestfed':in-'prdvldlng''"'Bo6a'
roads. Its defeat would make the
building of new highways dependent
on appropriations from current reve
nues with consequent reduction in
allowances for construction of
"State aid" highways, systematic re
pair of State roads, sign posts, bridge
work and township roads. By pro
vidlng funds for the main highways
from tho proceeds of the bond Issue
the Legislature will be enabled to be
more liberal in allowances to town
A flve-passenger Stoddard-Dayton
touring car, owned 'by Contractor C
M. Benjamin, of Carbondale, was
totally destroyed 'by tiro at tho res!
dence of L. C. Swingle at South
Canaan Thursday night of last week.
Mr. Benjamin and a party motored
from Carbondale to South Canaan
He had experienced some motor
trouble on tho way over and as soon
as they arrived at tho Swingle home
ho raised the hood of the automo
bilo to mako an Investigation.
As soon as it was raised a blaze
shot out, which is supposed to have
been caused by a leak in tho gaso
llno feed. In a short time tho ma
chine was ablaze and tho flro gained
such headway that efforts to check
it were of no avail.
Nothing spoils an evening at home
so much as a drowsy feeling. Bad
air is perhaps more often the cause
of this then anything else. Three
persons can use up all tho good air
in an ordinary room within an hour.
So keep introducing pure air as
much as possible.
If an open window Is uncomfort
able, try sweeping tho room with
air every half hour, or even more
often. Open all tho doors and win
dows. Let tho outsldo air Hood
thrugh. In an Instant you will feel
When tho atmosphoro seoms pure
again, shut tho windows and doors.
Tho room will heat up quickly, for
while tho bnd air has been swept
out, tho walls, ceilings and heavy ar
ticles of furniture havo retained
tholr warmth and thus it requires
little furnaco heat to make tho
room cosy onco more.
Ileapeat this operation as often
as you ilnd It necessary and your
evenings will "be less drowsy and
more healthy. Tho best thing about
this rule Is that it can be applied
in daytime as well as at night.
Karl do Schwclnltz, Executive- Secre
tary, Pennsylvania Society for the
Provontlon of Tuberculosis.
Committee in Cliargo at n Special
.Mtftlxig today raw $aoo for
Private Sower.
At a special meeting of a commit
tee represetning tho town council,
Thursday, tho Park Street Sewer
company was purchased by the bor
ough for $300. The town will as-
Bume one-third of the cost of dig
ging the trench and paying for the
sewer pipe to the Bontloy lot.
Copies of tho official ballot for
194 congressional, senatorial and as-
will bo hold this year were certified
to tho commissioners of the sixty-,
seven counties of Pennsylvania by
the Department of tho Secretary of
tho Commonwealth Tuesday.
1110 vuiuiiiun wuiiiui luuauuy, 1 DO
law requires that this shall bo done
fourteen days before election and as
a nlattor of fact most of tho coun-
tina Vm,i h,di. nnr,ia i., ,nn t...
had their copies in hand by!'" l"'3 u",lu lo r'evu ru"
Monday Is tho last I
received and a contest
in a
Philadelphia district held up
country s papers.
The 'ballot contains party squares
for the Republican, Democratic, Pro
hibition, Keystone, Socialist, Bull
Moose, Industrialist, Lincoln, Pro
gressive, Roosevelt, Progressive and
Washington parties. The Keystone
party has no electoral ticket, but it
has State candidates for all offices,
and the Lincoln and Progressive
parties have no State tickets, but
men have been named to run under
those names In some districts.
There are eight electoral tickets,
three being the same.
The State will elect 38 presiden
tial electors, on State Treasurer, one
auditor general, 4 congressmen-at-large,
32 district congressmen, 26
senators, one in the Fourth district
for a two-year term, and 209 repre
sentatives. No judges or county
officers will be elected this year.
Ten True Bills Found Four Bills
Ignored County Buildings In
spected Chairs Recommend
ed For Traverse Jury
The grand jury reported at 2:30
this afternoon and found tho fol
lowing true bills:
Com. vs. Tony Perry; selling liq
uor without license.
Com. vs. Ernest Miller;
liquor on Sunday.
Com. vs. Ernest Miller;
liquor without license.
Com. vs. Morton Hinds;
liquor without license.
Com. vs Frank Konig, assault and
Com. vs. Benjamin White; arson.
Com. vs. John Ryan; assault and
Com. vs. Richard Sotherton, ..Al
len Bodie, Henry Herbst, . Henry
Keigler, and""John Thomas for riot
and assault and battery.
Com. vs. Anna Nelman; arson.
Com. vs. William Polt, Jr.; lar
ceny and receiving.
The following bills were ignored:
Com. vs. Benjamin White, assault
and battery; county to pay costs.
Com. vs. John Meehan: Larceny,
receiving and larceny from person.
County to pay costs.
Com. vs. Florence Watson, Myr
tle Sossenbammer; larceny and re
ceiving. Com. vs. Ernest Miller; selling liq
uor on Sunday. County to pay
John Meehan, who has been in the
county jail for three months, was
discharged on Thursday afternoon,
the grand Jury failing to And a true
bill against him on account of lack
of evidence.
The jury also Inspected the coun
ty buildings on Thursday morning
and found everything In good shape.
They, however, recommended t!he
purchase of a few new chairs for the
traverse jury box. Judgo Searlo dis
missed the jury after thanking them
for tholr faithful work and their at
tendance. Tho jury were out a little
over three days.
Tho report of the viewers of the
bridge in Dyberry towushlp was ap
Conductor Charles Jord Accommo
dates Business Manager Which
Result in Getting Largo
Shipment of Freight
for tlio Erie.
Tho following clipping taken
from the Erie Railroad's Magazine
gives an Interesting account of what
courtesy did for a passenger travel
Ing upon tho Erio Railroad. The
party extending tho courtesy was
Charles Lord, of this place, tho pop
ular and genial conductor on the
Honesdale branch of the Wyoming
division of tho Erie road. The art!
clo reads:
"Erio Courtesy Rewarded."
That conductors and trainmen, by
acts of kindness and courtesy to tho
traveling public, secure for this Com
pany many shipments of freight
from competing lines, Is again prov
en in the following Instance which
occurred recently.
Tho business manager of a largo
manufacturing concern in Brooklyn,
with main offico In Philadelphia, had
occasion to go to Honesdalo recently,
and on his returning to Now York,
Sunday morning, could not make
connections, necessitating a wait of
about C hours at Lackawaxen. Con
ductor Lord of tho Honesdalo branch
consented to try and 'havo Train 4
stop for him, which was done.
Ho felt that, if Erie employes in
terested themselves Jn his welfare to
that extent, he would do what ho
could for tho 'Erio, and accordingly
wroto his firm in Philadelphia for
permission to route their shipments
over our linos, which was granted.
This firm's business Is of consider
able Importance, shipments going to
many points In tho West.
,.:it.t(1,m ict,lrns Will
bo Flashed
Over Private Wire to This Office
From New York City Com
plete Returns to be Given.
rangements w
Telegraph Cor
. ' ...
1,119 omco
rne t'ltizen has completed ar-
ith tho Western Union
mpany to install a wire
Ulr"s OI mo evening oi iovemner o.
Arrangements will also be made to
give the news to tho public as soon
as it is Hashed over tho wire to our
office. Complete returns will bo
In addition to news from the Na
tional and State ticket The Citizen
will give out returns from Wayne,
Lackawanna and adjoining counties,
including the congressional and sen
atorial districts.
This office will also bo equipped
with two Bell phones and the Con
solidated phone.
If you want the complete election
returns come to the Citizen building.
Securities held by the late John
Kuhbach were sold at auction In tho
office of C. A. McCarty on Wednes
day morning. The following stock,
represented in the different concerns
and institutions, local and otherwise
was disposed of:
Five shares Farmers and Me
chanics Bank stock, to R. J. Miller,
brought $205 per share.
Fifteen shares of same bank
stock, to Miss Theresa Gerety, $203.
50. Fifty-four shares of Wayne Cut
Glass stock, to J. Samuel Brown, at
$34 per share.
Eighteen shares Pocono Distilling
Company stock, to J. S. Brown, at $5
per share.
Ten shares Honesdale Realty Co.,
to W. A. Sluinan, $5 per share.
Two shares Herald Press Associa
tion stock, to C. E. Sandercock, $5.
Held in White Mills and Indian Or
chard Monday and Tuesday
Program of High Order.
The autumn meeting of the Arch
deaconry of Scranton was held Mon
day and Tuesday, Oct. 21Uand 22d,
in White Mills and Jndlan Orchard.
They were entertained by the people
of tho missions of Grace church,
Honesdale, in those places, except
for the Bishop and Dr. Jones of St.
Stephen's church, Wilkes-Barre,
who to take an early train Tuesday
morning, were the guests Monday
night of J. W. Lambert and the Rev.
A. L. Whlttaker respectively. Tho
entertainment of so many In Indian
Orchard and White Mills was made
possible only by the generously
granted use of automobiles all own
ed in Whito Mills. A supper was
served at Harry DeReamer's In
White Mills Monday evening by the
Episcopal Guild of that place for tho
guests who had arrived on tho 3.3S
Erie train or had been conveyed by
auto from the 3:15 D. & H. train at
Honesdale. This and the two meals
served in the basement of Christ
church, Indian Orchard the next day
by the Ladies' Guild of Christ church
were highly praised as among the
best ever served at Archdeaconry
meetings. The total number present
was over twenty. The most distant
places represented in the Dioceso
were South Bethlehem, Easton and
Pottsvllle. But a former member of
tho Archdeaconry, the Rev. W. H.
Decker of Empire in tho Panama
Canal Zone, on a vacation in the
country for a few weeks, was easily
able to claim tho longest distance
traveled. Tho others from outside
the Archdeaconry of Scranton were
the Rev. Howard Dlller of Potts
vllle, and tho Rev. D. A. Rocca of
Easton, who were speakers, and tho
Row Francis M. Wetherill, who as
Warden of Leonard Hall, South Beth
lehem, Is ex-olllclo Included in tho
Invitation list.
The program, which rollows, was
of a high order of merit. Thero
wero largo congregations both at tho
Methodist church where the Mon
day evening sorvico was held, and at
Christ church on Tuesday evening,
tho church In both cases being com
fortably filled. The review of Bouck
White's "The Call of the Carpen
ter" was spirited and well done Tho
Rev. Mr. Decker gave an extremely
illuminating description of the me
chanical features of tho Panama
Canal project, of the Panamanians,
negroes and other people of tho zono
and of tho missionary work there.
Tho need for this latter will soon bo
very much less than at present, for
tho canal will bo finished and tho
laborers will havo gone back to tholr
homes in tho West Indies and else
whero. The greator part of tho mis
sionary work of tho Episcopal
church in the zono has been In pro
viding for tho spiritual needs of tho
negroes who havo been reared in the
Church of England In tho Island of
Tho 6ermon at tho service, In tho
morning, which was preached by tho
Rev. Ernest W. Wood of Montroso,
was a unlquo and thoughtful ono.
Tho thomo was "What God Cannot
Do." From every nature of God it
is Impossible for Him to do some of
tho things which man with his infer
ior nature seems to find It possible
to do.
At the communion service several
gifts to Christ church wore conse
crated, a font, a brass cross, a silver
communion service and a silver alms