The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 23, 1912, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Motor Truck Runs Down
While on Her Way to School Woman
Is Struck by Heavy Coal Vehiclo In
Philadelphia Driver and As
sistant Held Without Bail
For Coroner.
Philadelphia. Oct 'i'l. A live ton
truck, sniil to have been speeding,
struck iind killed Miss Margaret Roper,
thirty-five years old, 251 West Ilttten
houso street, Gernmntown, a tencher,
nt Hrond street and Montgomery ave
nue as she was 011 her way to the
James Lynd public school. Twelfth
street and Montgomery avenue.
When the woman was struck she
was crossing Hrond street from the
west side to the east. The heavy truck,
loaded with coal, having gained mo
nieutum on the Incline on Broad street
near Montgomery avenue, could not Ik1
stopped by the driver, and the wheel;
passed over the woman's body.
A motor car owned by Mrs. A. A.
Koch of 5327 Haynton street, German
town, was impressed by Stiles, a po
llceman of the Twentieth and Berks
streets station, nnd In It thu body of
the wotnnn was rushed to the hospital.
There It was suld that death had been
Harry C. Lodge, who wns driving
Mrs. Koch's car, was ordered by the
pollcoman to disregard the speed laws
on the trip to the hospital. Papers In
the dead woman's purse gnve the clew
to her Identity.
Michael Lavello, 2109 North Clarion
street, driver of the truck, and his as
sistant, Michael Kenny, 2021 Salmon
street, were arrested by Hell, a police
man. They were taken to city hall,
arraigned before Magistrate Risen
rown nnd both held without hall to
await the action of the coroner
An attorney representing Kenny de
clared the latter should not be held
without ball because he had nothing to
do with the accident. The magistrate
said he was compelled to hold the man
because he was on the truck at the
time of the accident. Hell said ho did
not see the accident. He was a block
Wltuesses of the accident say the
truck was going at high speed. Real--dents
on Broad street nbove Montgom
ery avenue declare no policeman is sta
tloned at the corner at which the acci
dent occurred. Among thoso who in
filst a policeman be detailed there Is the
Itev Itussell II. Conwell, pastor of the
Baptist temple, Broad and Berks
Miss Roper lived with a sister and a
niece. A brother, Dr. William F. Ho
per, lives in Olney.
Philadelphia Colored Man Abls
Leave Hospital After Operation.
" Philadelphia, Oct. 22. After a suc
cessful operation on his heart, In which
nine stitches were placed in that organ,
John Thompson, colored, Tenth nnd
Waverly streets, wasdlschnrged from
the Pennsylvania hospital and will
appear against tho man accused of
having inflicted tho Injury,
Thompson has been In tho hospital
seventy-seven days. When brought to
the Institution he wns suffering from
a Btab wound la tho left brenBt, In
flicted during a fight by Albert Shore,
also colored, the police declare. The
blade of the knife penetrated the hoart.
Shore, who has been under arrest
since the night of the fight, will be
given a hearing before Magistrate
Hagerty at the Twelfth and Pine
streets police station tomorrow.
Citizens Shoot After Attempt to Rob
Postoffice at Birdsboro, Pa.
Heading, Pn.. Oct. 22.-Kour robber?
blew open tlie postofllce safe at Birds
boro. They escuied without any plun
der after un exchange of shots with
fitizeuH nrmed with shotguns.
Mrs. E. V Mohr, who lives near the
postolllce, was awakened by a crash of
glass. Her husband, on going down
stairs to Investigate, heard a loud ex
plosion They gave tho nlann. Neigh
bors were summoned and nrrived with
guns. As they assembled four men
leaped from tho postofllce window nnd
run away.
'Ihe citizens then opened fire. The
yeggmen returned the flro with their
revolvers till every resident In the bor
ough had been awakened by the rattle
of the conflict.
Pennsylvania Express Train Struck
Freinht Car In Foq.
Wllllamsport, Pa.. Oct. 22. Because
j a dense fog the Pennsylvania rail
load express, bound south, sldeswlped
a freight enr Just cast of this city.
Davis Gelkln, onglncor, whose home
was nt Harrlsburg, Pu., wns killed in
his cab. Two passeugers were hurt by
flying wreckage.
Colonel Hugh Young Dead.
Wellsboro, Pn., Oct 22. Colonel
Hugh Young is dead at bis home here,
aged eighty-one. Ho was prominent In
banking circles.
Testifies He Otvi A hi
to the ParKir Car. ,j.
Thotnns Knrtnnn Uynn tcMlflfil brforo
the Clnjip commlttt'O In WnnhlnKton that
lie kvp nbout JT'On.OOO to tho Parker cum
paluii fund, nnd this utter he knew JuiIko
PnrkiT rnuhl r.ot bo ulectel president.
This Is tho largest sum. so far as known,
evrr Riven by one Individual to a cam
paign fund. "Hyan was no piker." said
Scorxe v. Perkins, as ho followed him on
the witness stand. Ityan 1b wild to be
worth nbout Jl 0.000.000.
Now Thought He Will Have Little
Trouble In Ousting Modero.
Washington. Oct, 22.-If General
Felix Diaz has the strength and the
genius to follow up tho advantage he
has already gained from the blow
Uruck nt Vera Cruz all Mexico is his.
This wns the conclusion reached hero
after a day of olllcial dispatches from
all points within the present zone of
tho Insurrection being led by the
nephew of the former president.
Dispatches to the state department
from Mexico City Indicate that tho
capital la ready to flop to tho new
leader the moment he shows signs of
Increasing strength. Reports from
other points In Mexico Indicate that
It rests only with Diaz himself as to
when he shall receive the avowed sup
port of individuals, tho military, cities
and states.
'1 ho citizens of Tamplco arc reported
to bo waiting for Diaz to send forces
to tuke the city In his name. Diaz
Bpmpathlzers have captured a govern
ment gunboat, tho Progresso, nt Puerto
Mexico, and tho taking of tho town Is
expected at any moment. In Vera
Cruz absolute order prevails. General
Diaz hns the city absolutely under his
:ontrol. The state department, through
Its representatives In Mexico, is con
tinuing Its efforts toward assuring the
safety of American lives and property
In Mexico in the event of tho situation
taking n serious turn for tho worse.
The present Indications are that Gen
eral Diaz Is likely to succeed In oust
ing Madero without serious hostilities.
Market Reports.
New York, Oct. 22.
BUTTER Firmer; receipts, 3.825 pack
ages; creamery, extras, ip.. 31ViaSlHc.;
firsts, 2)a31Ho.; seconds, 27a2SHc; thirds,
25a2Cc; held, extras, 30l4o31c; firsts, 2SV4
30c; state dairy, tubs, finest, 29a30a; good
to prime, Ga28c.; common to fair, 24a
2SKc; process, extras, 27c.; firsts, 26a
2Vic; seconds, 23Ha2Sc; Imitation cream
ery, firsts, 2Sa25Hc; factory, Juno make,
firsts, 24Hc; current make, firsts, 24 Vie-;
seconds, 23Ka24c; thirds, 21a22c: pack
ing stock, current make, No. 2, 23a23lic;
No. 8, 20a22c
CHEESE Steady; receipts, 1.C19 boxes;
state, whole milk, specials, white, lb.,
l7Hanc; colored, 17&al8c.; average fan
cy, white, HVic; colored, 17Hc; under
grades, 14al7c.; daisies, 18c; state Bklms,
held, specials, HVialGc; fresh, specials, 14a
HVic. ; air to choice, llal3Vic; under
grades, 3Vial0c
EGOS Firm; receipts, 5.2S2 cases; fresh
gathered, extras, doz., 32a35c; extra firsts,
2Sa31c; firsts, 2Da2Sc; seconds, 23a24c;
dirties, 13a21c.; chocks, 12al9Hc.; refrig
erator, firsts, storage paid for season, 23a
24c; seconds, 22Viic; thirds, 20a20V&c; state,
Pennsylvania and nearby, hennory whites,
fancy, large, Wc. ; fair to good, 23atSc;
hennery browns, 2Sa40c; gathered brown
and mixed colors. 2&a37c
HAY AND 3THAW Steady; timothy,
new, 85c.ull.15; shipping, 80c; clover, mix
ed, b0c.atl.l6; long rye straw. &0a8ac;
small bales Ic less.
DllESSED POULTRY Fresh killed,
firmer on fancy, weak on average grade;
western milk fed broilers, 18 to box, 24
lbs. to dozen and under, Z7c; 28 to 30 lbs.
to dozen, 2c ; fryers, 31 to 45 lbs. lo doz
en, 19c; roasters, 48 lbs. nnd over to
dozen, 19c; corn fed broilers, 24 lbs. to
dozen and under, 23c; 28 to 30 lbs. to
dozen, 20a21c; fryers, 31 to 45 lbs. to doz
en, 17al8c; roasters, 45 lbs. and over to
dozen, 18c; chickens, barrels, Philadel
phia and other nearby, squab, broilers.
ttaTOc. ; broilers, lb., 25c; average, 20c;
Pennsylvania broilers, 22a23c; average.
14alCc; Virginia milk fed broilers, 24c;
average, 17c; western milk fed, 3 lbs. and
over, each 17c; corn fed, 4 lbs and over,
each lCc; average, mixed weight, 13al3ViiC;
fowls, dry packed, western, boxes, 15alSc;
bbls.. Iced, 15al7c; old roosters, 12al2V&c;
spring ducks, nearby, 18al8Hc.; squabs,
white, dozen, 125a4.50; dark, 31.75; spring
turkeys, 18a23c; frozen turkeys. No. 1.
Live Stock Markets.
Pittsburgh, Oct. 22,
CATTLE Supply, 120 loads; market
iteadv and lower: choice, S.75a9.25; prime.
J8a!.C5; good, 7.25a7.85; tidy butchers, 10.40
a7.10; fair, p.iaa.w; common, jt.uu;
heifers, Ila7; fresh cows and springers,
SHEEP AND LAMDS Receipts, 20 dou
ble decks: market higher; prime wethers.
ti50a4.CS; good mixed, JU4.40; lambs, 34.50a
T.35; veal culves, 9X0al0; heavy and thin
calves, icav.
1IOQB Receipts. 50 double decks; mar
ket slow: Drlme heavy, J3.10o9.l5; heavy
mixed, t8.Xa9.0S; medium, IS.E5a8.95; heavy
Yorkers, JS.EOa8.80; light, 7-WaS.j pls,
SGa7; roughs, l7.50a8.S6.
If r -,ir4
tp v Y
(Special to The Citizen,)
White Mills, Oct. 21.
Miss Anna Ward, trained nurso of
lloncsdnlc, Is spending a fow days
with her sister, Mrs. Dwlght Dor-
Mrs. L. J. Dorlllngor and fnthcr,
Dr. Heed, of Honesdale, called on
relatives In town on Thursday.
Tho ladles of tho Lutheran Guild
will hold an apron sale on tho after
noon of October 29, at Utornor's
store. There will he no soliciting
for nprons, hut all who wish to kind
ly help the ladles will leavo all
nprons at the storo on or beforo tho
date mentioned.
Charles Dorlllngor Is spending a
fow days in Now York city.
Mrs. Floyd Bross, of Honesdale,
spent Thursday as tho guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Marcus Elmore.
Mrs. Barney Partridge of Cochec
ton Center, was tho guest of her
imothor, Mrs. Mary Elmore, this
Mrs. Amiel Larson entertained a
few friends nt luncheon on Thurs
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles II. Dorfllnger
hnvo returned from Cape Cod, Mass.
Miss Amanda Daniels Is tho guest
of out of town friends.
The many friends of Mr. Bellman
will bo glad to know that he Is con
stantly improving.
(Special to The Citizen.)
Beach Lake, Oct. 21.
No reasons tho farmers should not
have their fall work all done in fine
shape this fall. Crops are flno with
tho exception of apples, but there
does not seem to be much sale for
Mrs. Bhodes of New York, will
spend some time with Mrs. Hannah
It. Davis has moved his family to
Wllkes-Barre where ho has secured a
steady job.
Wm. P. Budd is treating his house
to a now coat of paint. It seems
wonderful that a man of his ago can
go through such a critical operation
as he did such a short time ago,
and bo able to do such man
ual labor again.
Charles Wdber made his homo a
short visit yesterday.
Mr. Lazo and Charlie Bayly are
painting Mlnnlo Barnes' house.
Mrs. n. B. Davey and Mrs. Elery
Crosby were summoned to Scranton
last Saturday, their sister, Mrs. H.
'Lathrop, being critically ill. We
learn later there is now some hopqs
for her recovery.
Itev. D. C. McKellar and wlfo
visited at Wm. F. Wood's yesterday.
Hiram Wood, wife and daughter,
are making a trip through tho vallov
and as far as Hazleton in their auto.
;ur. uunn sold one of his horses
last week. It Is reported he found
a man that wanted it bad enough to
leavo three hundred and fifty dol
lars in the place of the horse.
C. A. Budd and family visited at
the home of William Colwoll last
Wm. F. Wood and wife, accom
panied by his son, Harry and wife,
are making the former's brother,
Alonzo Wood, a visit.
Mr. Ives is Tushlng material on
tho ground and will start men to
work tnls week on the foundation
of his new howling alley.
The next W. C. T. U. meeting will
be held at the home of Mrs. J. P.
(From Another Corresnnndent 1
Several visitors in town and quite
a few of our people visiting else
where. Fred Spry is spending some time
wun nis 'brother, Charles.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dunn nrn tak
ing their vacation; will visit his sis
ter at uwego, and from there will
go to Syracuse.
Mrs. Wilson and daughter, Sadie,
lira apenumg somo weeks in Brook
.Mr. Davis has taken his family to
Wllkes-Barre where ho has a posi
tion. John Wilmarth has nrnonrofl irnrV
in Honesdale and will move there for
the -winter, or an Indefinite time as
ho has rented his farm to Wesley
There has been an effort to reor
ganize tno Ueachlake hnnrl fnh
interest is taken just now at the
meetings, it. jj. Davey is leader.
There will be a Hallowe'en party
In Wood's hall to bo gotten un by
tho L. T. L. sociotv.
For tho first time In several states
women will vote for President. It
ia ebumaieu mat thero are 1,GG7,000
ouujuu voters mis year.
Want a Cook
Want a Clerk
Want a Partner
Want a Situation
Want a Servant Girl
Want to Soli a Piano
Want to Sell a Carriage
Want to Sell Town Property
Want to Soli Your Grocories
Want to Soli Your Hardwaro
Advertise Itegularlv In
Advertising Is tho Way to Success
nuverusing Brings Customers
Advertising Keops Customers
Advertising Insures Success
Advertising Shows Energy
Advertising Shows Pluck
Advertising is "Biz"
Advertising or Bust
Advertise Long
Advertise Well
At Once.
Tho district spelling contest In
Wayno county will bo hold in tho
respective districts on Saturday, Oct.
2C. If pupils hnvo not secured their
spelling books now Is tho tlmo to do
so. Tho Cltlzon has all tho words
which will bo used in the contest
printed In pamphlet form. They are
only Dc eacn or Co If mailed. Avail
yoursolf of tno opportunity of secur
ing theso books, which have boon
heartily endorsed by Superintendent
J. J. Koehler.
Irving Hallstcad, son of Frank
Hallstcad, of Scott, aged twenty-six
years, dlod at Wllkes-Barro on Oct.
17, 1912.
Hnmlln, Oct. 22.
Tho Ministerial Association of tho
Scranton district met in tho M. E.
church nt Hamlin Oct. 14 and 15.
Tho first session was held on the
ovenlnir nf Mnnilnv. Dpt. 1 I. when
the association sermon was preached
by Ilev. Benninger of Simpson church Kit! DAY, NOV. in, II P. M.
of Scranton. Tho Tuesday morning A1I tho defendant's right, title,
session consisted of papers and ad- M(1 interest In tho following do
dresses by Ilev. Uodshall, Scranton, Bcrlhed property viz
J.0,."Y! .H'tf orBwo,?d;, 'i1'1,,.0.;1- y virtue of the annexed writ of
nnan and Itev. D. S. McKellar, Haw
ley. All tho ministers present took
part In discussing tho subjects by
these speakers. Tho Tuesday after
noon session consisted of an explana
tion concerning tho financial system
oi me cnurcn, uy uov. lUuruc-CK, u s- wealth of Pennsylvania, hounded and
trlct superintendent, an address by ! described aa follows: Tho first: Be
B. M.tln,' .?,.,1,."' ""A"11!0. a" I Klnning at a stones corner of Lot
These sessions wero decidedly ints;
cstlng to tho people of tho commun
ity as well as to tho ministers, al
though tho attendanco was not as
largo as could ho wished. Tho peo
ple of this place wore particularly
glad of the opportunity to see and
hear Hov. Jonas Underwood, he hav
lnirHbCn PaStr h0r SOm, ' '
years ago. i
nr.Vn:.i;n0,lQTvn0W 110USe 18
progressing famously.
iMm. antM m 20rg.0 .Gll0 ilt
ed Miss Martha Goodrich, Hawley,
last week. '
Mr. and Mrs. Goorgo Lawrence, of
fSf,0";131! i1'0.
last Sunday
Mrs. Lawrence lias now
gone to Philadelphia to visit
n0 ,
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McKee.
Mrs. Arthur Becker spent two
days In Scranton this week.
Dr. B. G. Hamlin, Scranton, was at
his home here ovor Sunday.
F. A. Abbey, who has not been
in good health for some time, has
gone to Dr. Thompson's hospital for
On Saturday last Mrs. Marvin
Franc, Mrs. Stewart Peet, Elma Peet
and F. A. 'Peet made a trip to Toby-
haiuia to see tho encampment of
soldlors located at that place. They
went by the way of Moscow and
Dalevllle and returned by tho way of
Newfoundland, where they had sup
per at H. B. Smith's, afterward at
tending an open installment of the
officers of the I. O. O. F.
Miss Isabel Blrdsall has been the
guest of 'Miss M. A. Hodgson
The W. C. T. U. meets next Friday!
with Mrs. Florence Chapman.
Tho members of tho Book Club en -
joyed a progressive dinner of the
courses served at their several homes
uu uiti oi imiibua,, uu, i .
Mrs. C. K. Spangenberg left on
Friday for Hawley where she willlWifh riirht nf wnv in nnn tnn
spend Sunday with friends, going on
Monday to Deposit, N. Y., for a two
weeks visit with her son George
Gouldsboro, Oct. 22.
Owing to tho flro in Moscow last
Tuesday evening that destroyed the
O. O. F. hall and all contents, In
cluding the paraphernalia, records,
supplies, etc., of the several societies
that met there Including the W. C.
C. In honor of Mrs. Greenwood's
visit- and the number of candidates
that were to have been initiated,
preparations had been made for one
of the very best of the many de
lightful meetings that No. 17 has
held during the last year but owing
to the serious condition of Mrs.
Augusta Van Brunt, one of the Corps
most active members and tho In
juries received by Mrs. Kol'b, both
ladles were attending a meeting of
the Rebckahs on tho second floor of
the hall and jumped a distance of
twenty-six feet to the ground.
George Patrick, an employe at No.
1 Gouldsboro Ice plant, met with a
very bad accident on Saturday. A
heavy beam hit him on the head cut
ting a deep gash in which it was
necessary to put a number of stitches.
Mrs. O'Brien and Miss Fanny
O Brlen of Scranton, were tho guests
of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Dutot last
week. Mrs. Dutot accompanied
them homo for a couple of days.
Mrs. Etta Staples and Miss Ger
trude Smith, who have been visiting
Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Smith, at Easton,
have returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hagei, or Ro
zolle, N. J., have been spending sev
eral days with Mrs. S. S. Hager.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of
Loretta McAvoy Is quite ill at her
homo here.
Roy Shaw, of Forest City, spent
tho week-end at W. T. Wilcox's.
Rov. and Mrs. W. T. Schenck of
West Nicholson spent a couple of
days last week with Mrs. Carrio Al
len. Sirs. Mayme O'Neill and daughter,
Julia, spent Saturday and Sunday in
Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Tiffany recently
visited friends in Binghamton.
Mrs; Rollly, of Sugar Notch, is
visiting her daughter, Miss Susan
W. A. Clements, of Binghamton,
was a week-end visitor at G. E.
Wo offer One Hundred Dollars
Roward for any case ot Catarrh that
cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 16 years,
and believe him perfectly honorable
In all business transactions and fi
nancially able to carry out any ob
ligations made by his firm.
Walalng, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken In
ternally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Testimonials sent froe.
Price 76 cents por bottle. Bold by
all Druggsts.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
HEAL ESTATE.-By virtne of proceBs
Issued out of tho Court of Common
Pleas of Wayno county, and Stato of
Pennsylvania, and to mo directed
and dollvored, 1 have levied on ana
will expose to public sale, at tho
Court House In Honesdale, on
fieri facias I have this day levied
upon and taken in execution the
three following described pieces or
parcels of land situate, lying and
boing in the township of Damascus,
county oi wayne, and common
iNO. 1 nnil tnn nnrtll.ontit nnrnor nr
. . . - -: : ' . " i
. : -- iiui, .,iiv iuu
Adam bwcygart lots, and in oast i
iu.iUii uia. . u..u ti.Sai-iivu iiiiKs
to a corner between Lots 2 and 3;
inenco west mty-eignt rous and rour
feet to a corner; thence north thlr-.
teen chains and eighty-five links to
corner; thence east fifty-eight rods
anii four links to tho nlnm nf l,n.
sinning, said to contain exactly
.twenty acres, be tho same moro or
Ies3- The Second: Beginning at a
Btake aml atone8 cornr thoh 8QUth.
east corner of Lot No. 4 and south-
nnEf Pnrnr r h, n,i,ri,,oi -,.., f
Id Adam Sweygart warrant; thence
,... nnn hnmlrn.l on,! rn.t nrnl,no
t It n pnrnor' tlmnna nnrth nlnntni
perches to a stake and stones corner
in lino of land fomerly of Virgil
Conglin; thence east one hundred
and forty perches to a stake and
stones corner in east lino of the said
lots; thenco south ninety porches to
the place ot beginning, containing
seventy-four acres, bo the same more
or less. Tho Third: Beginning at the
northwest corner of Lot No. 4 of
said lots at a heap of stones; thence
south thirty-four and eight-tenths
rods to stako and stones, tho corner
of lot in the warrantee name of
Adam Sweygart; and southwest
corner of Lot No. 4; thenco east
seventy-one rods to stake and stone
corner; thenco south thirty and
four-tenths rods to a Btake and
stones corner; thence east sixty-one
rods to a heap of stones: thence
north sixty-five rods to a stako and
Rtonp!1 -nmor- ihnnn. u-n.i ,,
I drBtl an.i thirtv-two rmi to tho ni
1 nf winninr. .nn)ntninn
, en acres, be the same more or less,
Excepting and reserving a lot
twenty bv thirtv foot opnnnlPil nK .-i
,,, VnrH n nnrt t r ; m a
Krave yard to the heirs nf CnmPHnS
Bolts. Upon the said premises is a
dwelling house, two frame barns and
other out buildings, apple orchard,
and other fruit trees, some timber
and neurly all improved land.
Seized and taken in execution as
the property of Michael Harris at the
suit of Frank L. Brush. No. 323
Juno Term, 1912. Judgment f2,
000. Lee, Attorney.
TAKE NOTICE All bids and costs
must be paid on day of sale or deeds
will not be acknowledged.
Honesdale, Oct. 21, 1912.
.ND I1UAND PILL, fo. as
trt known u Beit.Slfut. Alwlrt BallahL
Send The Citizen tho nows.
Jaiesi aik yar urif f IH fcf -i
1'UU la Hd t.d UoM nralUcVV
bom, i tiled dth Blut Rlbboi.
Tke tr. nr otyonr V
Farview Criminal
WAGES, $1.75 a Day
Apply at Institution, Farview
(Special ta The Citizen.)
Equlnunk, Oct. 22.
Tho Willing Workors nrn tilnnnln
a masnunrniln hnr
lo wo en.
Hov. A. C. Tolley will spend thl
I'r.nU -ttl til 1 - .
Honesunle relatives.
Edward Uarnea. of Hnncnnk. anon
Klinilnv nt Urn hntnn nf t tr ttn.t,
A JUIiailUL illUUIILi kJl . llllll tlIH. ILIIII
nrTntrl nt Q r n i f -t n t r - .1 t
Pin uniiMA O TT- f 111
w . v. u . a j i'lllM
m r- t. .. . m .
tor place In Mr. Spencer's tourln
mmws mm (ruut, bill? UlkUl UUU
with J. S. Watson and family.
7! II til nilnVit-let nf t nlrn fn,
ti-.. tt i.i - .
ui j nuifjviiia. ul jiikii lukg. hurt
aunuay wun Inez Knann.
Mrs. HIefler Is rocalnlns strong
Mrs. Kollam of Hancock, spent pa
i ot tho past week with her.
i ti, ,. , , .
.r?rene Futddl. ,e,ft Ias' Mo
, ' , "uc'
, lcfr,n , d?"0 smakl"B
Ralph Glllow. Frances McGul
anu uiei.nue watson attended t
Innnl ln.ltlln n. T I ... ... 0.
isaac aanuercocK oi iioncsda
spent Sunday at tho home of J
T T . . .1 ... i . i e . , , , .
i. uiiuius, uu aim uaueni
iwanln nt
T1 t7.UklA r" 1 -.
T1 n ci.l.l,iA r- , . .1 , , ,
schools last week.
(Special to The Citizen.)
N'pWfnnndlnniK ("W 99
tion ready for a largo 'barn near
A. Phillips cut himself during
past week, but not seriously
Harry Madden v-as a caller
town Saturday and Sunday
Philip Eck was In Scranton 1
week transacting business.
.(lis. riUIltL YVU1L4 llilU il pieusi
convention at Philadelphia.
Mrs. Harry Berdlno and
Frank are visiting Mr and Mrs.
E. Bird of Angels, Pa.
n i i i
ruDiic m
at the
1 Mile North of Bethany,
10 cows. 1 mowing machine.
liiriniiii: i in i ii if nit' ii is. iiitiM. vv ill
weanesaay, uci. du
TERMS: Or year w
iiiHn tvi Art nAta r
m s
good security.