The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 16, 1912, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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BcmMVeckly Founded 1008; Weekly Pounded 1844.
Published Wednesdays and Fridays by
Entered as second-class matter, at tho poBtofflpo. Honcsdalo, Pa.
ii. wilson.
n. DoitruNoitit,
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Remit by Express Money Order, Draft, Postonico Order or Registered
iotter. Address all communications to The Citizen, No. 803 Main street,
Honcsdalc, Pa. ........
All notices of shows, or other entertainments held for tho purpose of
making money or any Items that contain advertising matter, will only be
admitted to this paper on payment of regular advertising rates. Notlcea
of entertainments for tho benefit of churches or for charitable purposes
whero a fee Is charged, will bo published at half rates. Cards of thanks,
50 cents, memorial poetry and resolutions of respect will bo charged for
at tho rate of a cent a word. Advertising rates on application.
For President,
State Treasurer,
Auditor General,
District Congressman,
A cowardly attempt was made on
the life of former president, Theo
dore Roosevelt, last night by an In
sane Socialist named John Schrenk,
in Milwaukee. Wo are grieved to
learn of this attempt on tho life of a
man who, although he is our politi
cal opponent for tho office of presi
dent of the United States, has held
the presidential chair for esven and
a half years. The peculiar temper
ment of the man who did the shoot
ing shows Cb what extent political
frenzy may carry the mind of a man
of that caliber, and it Is right to sup
pose that men high in public life is
safe from the attempts of men, who
have a twisted opinion of what is
of the Colonel is not more serious
kill. Wo are glad that the condition
of the Colonel Is not more esrious
than is reported and that it will not
prove fatal.
In the attempted assassination of
Colonel Theodore Roosevelt tho Na
tion, State and pvery individual
therein, regardless of political affilia
tions, is in deepest sympathy with
the former president. The country
rejoices, however, in that tho das
tardly deed of the Insane Socialist
did not prove fatal when the bullet
was fired. The Colonel's steel spec
tacle case undoubtedly saved him
from being instantly killed in that
the bullet pierced through tho case
before it entered Mr. Roosevelt's per
son. Although the shot was fired by an
irresponsible and crazed maniac, it
Is nevertheless a disgrace to our
civilization, that our leading citizens
should bo unsafe in public or re
quire a bodyguard to protect them
as in foreign countries
Although The Citizen is not in ac
cordance with the views of Colonel
Roosevelt, it pays tribute as does tho
entiro nation regardless of political
creed to his splendid manhood and
his conduct after the attempts upon
his life. His determination to go
on with his speech, even though his
life might be endangered, speaks vol
umes for the courage of the man and
for the strength of his convictions.
Etiquette at a political meeting is
as important as etiquette at any kind
of a meeting, business or social, and
when a man raises a disturbance at
a public meeting when speeches are
heing made he should bo silenced or
put out of the room. Such a thing
occurred at tho Democratic mass
meeting In the court house last night
and tho man was silenced. Ho was
Intoxicated and did not know any
better, but in the front " of tho
room, less than four feet of tho
speaker, a man, who should know
better, broke all rules of etiquette
by deliberately smoking during tho
entire meeting. There was no ex
cuso for this man as ho ought to have
known better. And ho professes him
self a good Democrat, at that!
William Fllnn, founder and leader
of tho Washington party In Penn
sylvania, and first lieutenant of tho
third term candldato for tho Presi
dency, is casting a political anchor
to the windward. Tho Philadelphia
North American quotes him aa say
ing recently: "I, myself, do not feel
that I am other than a Republican,
because I expect to vote for a ma
jority of tho Republican candidates
on tho Ropubllcan ticket." Mr.
Flinn oxplalns this later by saying:
"I can vote for Roosovclt and John
son, then I can voto In tho Republi
can stato ticket for elz men."
tho Citizen Publishing Company.
On tho Pennsylvania form of bal
lot tho party aa well as tho candldato
gets credit for tho vote. It appears
that 'Mr. Flinn intends to deprivo his
Washington party of the credit of his
state vote and give it to tho Repub
lican party. This Is a pretty strong
indication that Mr. Flinn does not
expect tho Washington party or any
other Roosevelt party to last beyond
the present presidential campaign.
This view is confirmed by his ap
parent anxiety to retain his standing
as a Republican voter by casting his
ballot this year for a majority of the
Republican candidates. Mr. Flinn Is
politically wise In his day and gen
eration. His prototype, the third
term candidate, has declared that he
is through with the Republican par
ty forever; that It Is dead anyway
and only awaits decent burial. Mr.
Fllnn evidently feels otherwise. He
wants to retain his legal standing as
a Republican voter. Ho knows that
the new party is founded on no prin
ciple which can give it permanent
vitality. He wants to elect his state
ticket, but, as no question of princi
ple is Involved, ho Is qulto willing
that tho Republican party should
have the credit of the election in
stead of the Washington party which
is reasonably sure, after the present
election, to be a thing of the past.
When the next primaries are held,
therefore, Mr. Fllnn, according to his
statement, will apply for a Repub
lican ballot, on the ground that he
is a Republican voter. If he is
challenged he must make oath that
" at tho next preceding general elec
tion at which he voted, he voted for
a majority of the candidates of the
party for whoso ballot he asks."
Then Mr. Flinn will bo up against
it. He will not be able to comply
with this requirement If ho votes this
fall for tho Roosevelt and Johnson
electors. Tho .hallot this fall will
contain the names of at least fortyslx
Republican candidates, thirty-eight
of whom will be presidential elec
tors. If Mr. Flinn votes for the
thirty-eight Roosevelt and Johnson
electors it Is perfectly plain that he
will not have voted for a majority of
tho candidates on tho Republican
ticket, but that ho will have voted
for a majority of the candidates on
the Washington party ticket There
fore ho will not be entitled to a
Republican ballot at the next pri
mary, and If he is challenged ho will
not receive one. By voting for tho
Roosevelt and Johnson electors he
will as matter of law have voted
himself out of tho Republican party.
Tho same thing holds true of any
voter who Is clinging to tho falso
theory that ho can vote for tho
Washington party ticket in Penn
sylvania this fall, and retain tho
privileges of a Republican voter at
tho next primary.
Mr. Flinn is right in his Judgment
that tho Roosevelt party is ephemer
al In Its character; he Is wrong In the
belief that ho can voto tho presiden
tial ticket of that party this fall, and
retain hlB legal standing as a Re
publican voter. He cannot both run
with the hare and ride wfth tho
To tho Hon. W. B. D. AIney:
Tho voters of this Congressional
District would like to know which is
right. Boss Killron of Susquehanna,
and Boss Lllley of Bradford, say you
are an ardent supporter of President
Tuft. Leaders of the Bull Moose
party, which say they havo no
bosses, say you aro an ardent sup
porter of Roosevelt. You cannot
support both. Speak up, Mr. Ainey.
Let us know whero you stand on tho
national issue.
Advertisement. A VOTER.
A. MIU'liclI Palmer, of HtrouiLsburK.
mid Win. II. Berry Kpcak to
J.argo Audience.
Tho Democrats held a rousing big
rally on Monday night and tho
Honosdalo band, engaged for tho oc
casion, played several selections in
front of tho Allen IIoubo. Tho
baud led tho march to tho court
house- whero tho meeting was opened
by Hon. F. P. Klmblo, chairman, and
nftor a short address Introduced
Hon. A. Mltcholl Palmer, who spoko
for an hour. Mr. Klmblo noxt Intro
duced William H. Berry, candldato
for stato treasurer. Tho meeting
was a very enthusiastic one and was
nttonded by many Republicans and
Bull Mooscrs.
lty A. E. WliiNhlp, Editor Journal of 1
Education. i
The Ladles' Homo Journal for;
August has been led to say that tho (
failure" of tho public schools Is so
momontous as to be astounding and
proceeds to give a group of statisti
cal monstrosities In proof thoreof. I
As to opinions wo havo nothing to 1
say, but when ono attempts to glvo
as a reason for tho opinion as fact,
statements that havo not tho shadow
of suspicion of truth In them, thoro
Is occasion for public and emphatic
protest. I
Thoso who havo roiiowcu mo on
tho platform, or in tho press, need
not bo told that educational prog
ress Is my slogan and that wherever
thoro Is improvement Inschool con
ditions, administration, methods orl
spirit, thoro wo place the emphasis.
Wo protest, nowever, that educa-j
Clonal progress is ninuereu unu not
helped by such misrepresentations as
appear In the Ladles' Homo Journal
for August under tho title, "Is Our
Public School System Proving an
Utter Failure? It Is; tho Most
Momentous Failuro In Our American
Llfo To-day."
Wo deal with a few of tho more
momentous misstatements.
"Just seven out of every 100 pu
pils In tho elementary schools over
enter tho high school."
There Is not a trace of diluted
truth in this statemennt and Its fal
sity is so apparent that a wayfarer
with his eyes closed could hardly be
such a fool as not to seo It. Tho
only way to obtain seven per cent. Is
to assume that tho entiro 10,000,
000 children now In tho system from
tho kindergarten to tho high school
should bo in tho high school. This
is a proposition so preposterous that
a printer's devil who did not seo Its
absurdity should bo discharged.
"But what in tho world becomes
of tho other ninety-three? They
just drop out; a largo number of
parents can not afford to keep their
boys and girls in school beyond the
elementary school and they send
them to work; other children beg
not to bo sent to school any more
and they go to work themselves;
others, either parents or children,
get disgusted and decide that an ed
ucation is not what it Is cracked up
to be and so on. Whatever the rea
son, the startling fact remains that
only seven out of every 100 enter the
high school."
This is intensely and momentous
ly silly. Whero are tho 16,000,000
that are not in the high school?
Why, according to tho conditions of
the statement, they aro still in the
elementary schools. Tho whole con
tention Is that the 10,000,000 pupils
are In the elementary schools and
not in the high school. By a sort of
literary legerdermain, these 10,000,
000 children who cause all this
trouble by being in the elementary
schools are suddenly taken out of
school altogether by various awful
domestic and industrial processes
and tragedies. It Is the biggest
bunco game imaginable to try to
work both ends of that statement.
One statement or tho other must be
momentously false. Tho 10.0ou.000
children, or tho other ninety-three
per cent., are either in school or thoy
aro not. By no possibility can they
be In school to bolster up ono state
ment, and at the same time out of
school to bolster up the other.
"There aro 25,000,000 children of
school age In America and yet fewer
than 20,000,000 aro In school."
Again, this stupidity is simply mo
mentous. 25,000,000 children of
school age! What is school ago?
Tho article assumes that It is com
pulsory school age, which is usually
from six to fourteen. But school age
Is usually from five to twenty-one.
Of the 25,000,000 children of school
ago, 10,000,000 are either under six
or over fourteen and it Is no crying
evil for a child of five not to be In
school and it is not a momentous
failuro if those abovo fourteen are
not in school. According to these
figures, about 5,000,000 children
who are not expected to be In school
by tho general judgment aro there
and the wonder is not that there are
5,000,000 children of school ago who
are not In school, but that 5,000,
000 such children aro there.
It would not require an overplus
of brains to realize that 25,000,000
Is about thirty per cent, of tho en
tire population and it would be In
conceivable that nearly one-third of
tho entiro population could be be
tween tho years six to fourteen.
"Tho public school Is not Ameri
can in its origin; it comes to us'from
across the water; it la principally of
Dutch origin. It was grafted on to
our national llfo when Ideals and
conditions woro different than thoy
now aro. Roughly speaking, tho
public school is about fifty yoars old
In America."
"Roughly speaking, tho public
school is about lifty years old in
America." There is no possible 1
with facts that can locato tho birth
of tho public schools within two
hundred years of fifty years ago. Ex-'
cept in some of tho Southern states
thero havo been public schools In
every stato from tho tlmo each was a
colony or territory until tho present
Surely tho public school did not
co mo from tho Dutch fifty years ago!
Tho most momentous trick wo over
saw la the putting of thoso stato-!
'inents In the same paragraph. It Is
an old saying that "ono needs to
havo a level head, clear mind, and
reliable memory to make a profes
sion of lying."
Again "In the last ten years tho
number has dwindled from fourteen
In every hundred to live in every ono
hundred children who leavo high
school for college. Tho prlvato
schools whero parents pay not tho
public schools aro now preparing
our boys and girls for college. Yet
tho fact remains that In spite of this
dwindling number of public school
pupils, until it has reachod tho
merest bagatello hardly worth men
tioning, tho old Idea on which tho
public school systom was started
of preparing tho boy or girl for col
legeIs still In vogue. . . Do
you see?" '
"In tho last ton years, for In
stance, the number lias dwlndlod
from fourteen In every 100 to Ave In
every 100 who leavo high school for
college." Tho report of tho United
States Bureau of Education says that
thirty-four in cvory 100 graduates
of the public high school In 1911
prepared for college.
"Merest bagatello liardly worth
mentioning." That Is a matter of
"Tho prlvato schools whero par
ents pay not tho public schools
nro now preparing our boys and girls
for college" In 1911 tho public
high school graduated 50,000 who
wcro prepared for collego, and tho
prlvnto schools 8,000. Really there
seom to bo a fow parents 'Who are
not supporting private schools in tho
preparation of children for college.
So long as tho public schools provldo
frco for six times as many as go to
prlvato scnools for collego prepara
tion, there Is no ciniso for alarm.
Thero aro 1,373 prlvato high
schools In tho United States, and 10,
234 public high schools. Quito a
gap to closo up.
It is interesting to know that In
tho last three years there havo been
moro public high schools established
than there aro prlvato high schools
all put together.
In tho public hngh schools ninety
six per cent, of tho studonts are tak
ing high school studies, and In the
private high schools only sixty-isx
per cent. Evidently tho private high
schools aro not confining themselves
to preparation for collego.
Until about thirty years ago there
were several times as many prlvato
high schools fitting for first class
colleges as thero were public high
schools. Now thoro tiro live times as
many public high schools as prlvato
schools fitting for college. Not a
momentous landslide to prlvato fit
ting schools.
With a few unimportant excep
tions tho public high schools never
fitted for a first-class college until
recently. The momentous bugaboo
that tho public high schools havo
been fitting for collego in all tho
years is merely the nightmaro of
soma deluded souls.
Hero Is another .brilliant dash of
bralnlness: "Only five of every hun
dred pupils In tho public schools go
to college." It has been said already
that "only seven out of every hun
dred pupils in public school ever
reach tho high school"; that is to
say "live out of every seven In the
high school go to college." That is
to say, only seven per cent, ever get
to tho high school, and seventy per
cent, of all who ever enter tho high
school go to college. How well In
formed tho Ladles' Home Journal
must bo as to the conditions in the
public high school to say that seven
ty per cent, of all Its students go to
In another connection It says there
aro 1,000,000 in the high schools and
330,000 in college therefore 330,000
must be seventy per cent, of 1,000,
000. Thero must bo danger of nerv
ous prostration after such a brain
storm as that represents.
Wo could go on almost indefinite
ly with these exposures, but these
will suffice for the present, and we
will try to explain in detail tho ex
tent of tho stupidity.
It is humiliating that it Is neces
sary to treat persons of mature age
as though they were in tho kinder
garten. If intelligent people think
wo waste precious time and space on
what Is entirely obvious to ordinarily
intelligent persons, we answer that
there seems to be no other way to
enlighten some people.
If a boy entered the first grado in
190u and graduated from the high
school in 1912, what percentage of
the boy graduated? Tho Ladles'
Home Journal for August would say
that only a twelfth of tho boy gradu
ated, because he counts as twelva
boys in twelve years, so only one
twelfth of him Is graduated.
Do you say that would bo Idiotic?
Surely. That's what wo say.
But to make the idiocy clearer:
If a school system had been started
in 1900 with ono hundred pupils,
and if the ono hundred remained in
tho system and were all promoted
regularly, graduating in 1912, what
percentago would graduate?
Ono hundred per cent, of course.
What would you say if anyone
contended that only eight and one
third per cent, graduated? "All
sorts of a fool!" Surely, and that Is
what we are demonstrating.
Does it make any difference to
those ono hundred who stay In
school twelve years and graduate
ono hundred per cent, of their class
how many other students como and
go m tho other years?
Let us make it simpler still. Let
us assume that twelve enter each
year for twelvo years, boglnnlng in
1900. Thoro would always be
twelvo In tho class entering in 1900,
and they would graduate in 1912,
but In 1901 thero would bo twenty
four pupils in .school, in 1902 thero
would be thirty-six, and so on until
1912, when thero would bo 144 of
whom tho original twelvo graduate.
What per cent, graduate? Ono
hundred per cont. of course. What
have the other 132 to do with tho
per cent, who graduate? Nothing or
Now what would you say of tho
momentous Intelligence of anyono
who should persist in saying that
only eight and one-third per cent,
graduato because tho twolvo who
graduato aro only eight and ono
thlrd per cent, of thoso who havo
entered In tho whole twolvo years?
What would you think of anyono
who should say that tho 144 students
who havo had all tho way from ono
year to twelvo years In school should
be treated as though thoy had all
had tho sanio twolvo years of educa
tion that tho twelvo students havo
who graduato?
But In order to mako It still
clearer let us tako another Illustra
tion. Divldo tho school life Into
threo parts of four years each pri
mary, grammar, and high school.
Beginning with 1900 let ono hun
dred entor each year. Thero would
then bo, at tho ond of twolvo years,
400 in tho primary grades, 400 In
tho grammar grades, nnd 400 In tho
high school. What per cont. of tho
children go to high school?
Ono hundred per cent, of courso.
"Oh, no," says tho Ladles' Homo
Journal for August. "Only one
third go to tho high school."
Tho Ladles' Homo Journal is so
astounded to find that tho wholo 1.-
200 aro not in the high schools in
stead of being ono-thlrd In tho pri
mary, ono-thlrd in tho grammar, and
ono-thlrd In tho high, that it pro
poses to enlighten tho public for sev
eral months as to tho condition of Its
If It can bo any possibility explain
tho mental processes that hnvo giv
en birth to such a combination of
statements, It will bo worth sevcml
years' subscription.
Wo havo considered only a fow of
a multitude of statements Just as in
telligent nnd Just as truthful as
thoso wo havo exploited, but wo
hopo thoso fow will disillusionize
thoso who had thought thero might
bo somo blazo where thero Is so much
Binoke. It Is not smoko at all, Just
dust being thrown Into tho oyes of
a million trusting, admiring moth
The eleventh annual reunion of
tho Stalker family was held August
2S, 1912, at Abrahamsvllle, Pa. The
day was somewhat saddened by tho
absenco of the last ono of tho oldest
members of the Stalker family. David
Stalker of Stalker, Pa., who died last
January and Mrs. Russell Stalker of
Peakvllle, N. Y., who always helped
to mako tho day chenrful, who died
last March. After dinner In tho
grovo tho business meeting was held
and report read of tho last meeting
and tho following officers elected:
President, Claren M. Stalker; secre
tary, Emma V. Stalker. Thero was
fifty-four present: Mr. and Mrs. Clar
ence M. Stalker and children, EI
wood, Nathan, Ray, Floyd, Frank and
Mao, D. M. Stalker and daughter
Edith, Mrs. John Stalker and chil
dren, Thomas, Emery, Pearl and
Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Stal
ker and son Arnold, Mrs. John
Qulnn, Mrs. Harry Quinn and chil
dren, Esther and Donald, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Gregg and son Perry,
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Welsh and chil
dren, Bessie, Sadie and Orvllle, Mrs.
W. E. Lawton and children. Asa,
Kermit and Harold, Alex Walker,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walker, Mr. and
Mrs. Leigh Walker and son Clar
ence, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marks and
children, Emery and Mae, Mr. and
Mrs. John Harford, Mrs. Irvin Conk
lin and son Arnold, Claud Keesler.
Funeral of Roger Allen.
Roger Allen passed away on Tues
day of last week at Rochester, Pa.,
after a long Illness of Bright's dis
ease. Tho remains were brought to
Pleasant Mount for interment, tho
funeral being held Thursday after
noon, Rev. W. T. Hunter officiating.
A largo concourse of sympathizing
friends and relatives were in attend
ance. The deceased was a native of
Mount Pleasant township and was
born on July IS, 1883. About two
years ago ho went to Pittsburg,
whero he engaged in railroading.
Last April he discontinued his la
bors on account of illness and suf
fered from that tlmo until released
by death. Ho was engaged to be
married to Miss Ethel Little, of
Rochester, Pa an accomplished lady
who accompanied the remains to
their final resting place. The de
ceased was a member of the Odd
Fellows lodge of Pleasant Mount,
signed executors of tho estate
of John Kuhbfich, late of Honesdale,
deceased, will offer at public said at
the office of Charles A. McCarty, in
tho Borough of Honesdale, Pa., on
Wednesday, the 23d day of October,
1912, at ten o'clock a. m., tho fol
lowing stocks and securities, viz:
54 shares Wayne Cut Glass Co.
10 shares Honesdale Footwear
18 shares Pocono Distilling Co.
10 shares Honesdale Realty Co.
2 shares Herald Press Association.
20 shares Farmers and Mechanics
12 shares Crystal Mfg. and Patent
Augusta K. Kuhbach,
Chas. A. Emery,
Executors of John Kuhbach.
Chas. A. McCarty, Atty. 83t2
YVr nyno Common Pleas: Trial List
YY Oct. Term, 1912.
Wagner vs. Wagner.
Knapp vs. Stlnnard.
Skinner vs. Dolsen.
Noblo vs. Braman.
LIppert vs. Cortrlght.
Honesdalo Milling Co. vs. Kuh
bach. Farnam vs. Erie R. R. Co.
W. J. BARNES, Clerk.
Reports from this section indicate
a., 1 .1...
l lirusjuii.s: hiu iiuiuii ill iiiiii nuii.
KIHII1. V lllllU Illllll 1'UI-I1 mu
shot Kims, rilles and shells mm at
assortment nt very reasonable prices.
Game Laws Free for the Asking.
Ithaca, Stevens, Davis
shot pus, hammer and hammerless.
Priced from $9.00 to $22.00
Other Stevens Rifles
C I n .t I Iinrrnl Q !l r. f nnc h
w 11if.1v r
Hunting Coats $ 1.25
Shell Vests $ 1.00 each.
All Standard Sizes in
Honesdale, Pa.
If you really want to cut rid o
. 1 1 ,. "1 U ... 1 . . i . .
HYOMEI treatment n fair trtnl
iv vikvui k - nuj UUb K1VU JUUUL11
Cl W Poll f Vin rlf.trrrrto l
uiuriiuu ruiunu your monov l
Vnil th In If vnil hnvn r-nf Knn
fitful, nnd nn tfinf Vina la mro n t.tlM I- TfnH 1.1- 1 L .
rtrrvvwtT i id t.
tt i wtir4i is il HuiJLniiisr. nn.inn
fintlnnntln n I n ,1 4 i 1 1 .
tinlsnnnnn rlntn-a Qlmnla Inefnun
tlnnn fnr nsn In onnVi nnnl rt.
pleto outfit, $1.00; extra bottles, 50c
" ...... U I. . f-, , c,,u lllD UiU
therhood of Railway Trainmen
H 1, 1. , ri .
si'uii'u uio CiiKB aim crainninn nr. rn.
inoiiicr. .irs. vucustinn. Aiipn am
ono sister, Alma.
would publish tho serial story o
i c.nnl,lnn l . V, - r.. ... mi.
i'ii;i,iwca lu l 1 1 1 1 ut;iLi iiiluii,. ill
Citizen, has sinco rnenlvpd a mm
producer of "Freckles," which state
hp rpcrptR thnf. thn hmian hn
withdrawn "Freckles " from thel
n I n 1 ..i.ii. k t i . i
ouiuu ijuuiiuuuuua, u win it in an o
1 1J il . .
ivirs. 1'ortor.
aiso recreL tnat it innnr. nuhiic?
lii in r i iirv. iiu i. r;i ii nr rnnn i ion t
tTl I II iLI 1 V ilM 11 If Ml H I 1 1 I V 1(1 TMIT1 in IT
atvau. vliuuliilLUUlUllL UL our Uti
the opening chapters.
uo you Know mar rait s recor
1 1 1 r i fin r VHiirs is r ni ni'sr. rfnii 1 11 ir ri i
Zemo for Dandruff
Quickly It Disappears.
io more dirty coats trom aanaru
hnnna onin afnna MnnrlrittT Ann
It any tlmo with tips oj. lingers, is nn iTio.'ti s.f.inr, kiiiks iiii
tne nores. manes me sram neaun
makes the hair line and glossy.
7nmn la i.rnn.rnil 1. Ti1 T 17 m
Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo , and
rttKuiuny sum uy an uruKSisis
per bottle. But to enable you
make a test and prove what It wi
fin fnr -nn emr n ''nrppnr rrini nnrt
at A. M. Lelne s drug store.
at the
a a b i f r r f .
1 mile iiuri.ii ui uuuiuiiy , r t
10 cows, 1 mowing machine,
yeuruuGs, i uuiu iac, - bum
fn.mlnff Inintainantc n!p3. wnenn
.. . i . ii i
1 mare, quantities 01 iuij, airan,
cream separator, buckwheat, etc.
Sale Commences at 1:30 P. M.
Wednesday, Oct. 301
TERMS: One year wit
judgment note wit
good security.
that Rabbits, Gray Squirrels an-
I ... l...iI,iir .fill 11, , J.Yf'JWHIIIIlltll
um ... ..... .. .
i.v. ........ ...... -
prvscut we nro nine 10 oner u hu
and II. S. Double barr
from S 2.50 up.
A.(( wltli ftlrr.tnr S 4.
to $ 4.75
Levins 40c. to 90c.
Shells and Cartridge