The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 16, 1912, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2
PAGE TWO THE CITIZEN. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1912. CAN PREVENT THIRDKATHS 1,700 a Day Die Unnecessa rily In the United States. DR. FISHER'S STATEMENT. Yale Professor Declares That Life In surance Companies Should Prevent Deaths as Fire Insurance Companies Prevent Fires. "Out of soino 1,500,000 deaths nn mmlly In the United States, at least (X'.O.OOO nro preventable," declared Ir ving Fisher, professor of political econ omy at Yale university, In his address before the fourth national conserva tion congress at Indianapolis. "This means over 1.700 unnecessary deaths per day, or more than the lives lost in the groat Titanic disaster, which spread a pall of gloom over the world. The dally average death rate rarely gets a passing comment." As a llrst step In the great worlcs of human conservation Professor Fisher urged the establishment of an ade quate system of collecting and distrib uting vital statistics similar to the system In use In Sweden. "Probably the greatest hygienic achievement of any country thus far Is that of Sweden," said the professor, "where the duration of life is the longest, the mortality the least and the Improvements the most general. There alone can it bo said that the chances of life have been Improved for all ages of life. Vitality Deteriorating Here. "Infancy, middle age and old age to day show a lower mortality In Sweden than In times past, while in other coun tries, including tho United States, al though wo can boast of some reduc tion In Infant mortality, tho mortality after middle age is growing worse and the lunato vitality of the people Is In all probability deteriorating. "In the United States public health has been regarded almost exclusively as a matter of protection against germs, but protection against germs, while ef fective in defending us from plague I aud other epidemics of acute diseases, Is almost powerless to prevent tho chronic diseases of middle and late life. "These maladies Brlght's disease, heart disease, nervous breakdowns are due primarily to unhygienic personal habits. "There are three great agencies to which we must look for the saving of human life In the future, and It has been the object of the committee of one hundred 011 national health, of which I am president, to help stir these three agencies Into nctlvlty In this country. They aro tho public press, the Insurance companies and tho govern ment. Public Interest Greater. "A few years ago popular articles on public health wero seldom seen, because the public and the press thought tho subject of disease uninteresting and re pulsive. Today, on the other hand, one can scarcely pick up n popular maga zine without flndlng not only one but Koveral articles dealing with questions of public health. "Life Insurance companies can save money by preventing deaths, just as fire Insurance companies have saved money by preventing fires and steam boiler insurance companies have saved money by preventing explosions. "We need a national department of health or n department of labor which Bhall Include In Its operations tho con servation of human life. "Hut we need first of nil to do what Bweden has done for l.r0 years name ly, to establish proper vital statistics. Vital statistics are the bookkeeping of health. At prebeut only a little over half of tho population of tho United States has statistics on Its deaths. "One of the most encouraging symp toms of progress Is the great attention which Is being paid to public health In the present political campaign. All three of the party platforms included planks in behalf of public health." DIGS UP BURIED TREASURE. Mexican Banker Finds $75,000 In Gold and Silver In California. Seventy-live thousand dollars' worth of buried treasure was unearthed by a Mexican banker of Enscnndn, state of Sonora, from a mountain ridge in Beul to county, Cnl., according to a story told by William Rogers, who says he acted us tho Mexican's guide. Hogers says his employer carried n map true In every detail to tho 'topog raphy of the section. Two Mexican laborers accompanied tho banker and dug out the treasure chest an Iron bound oak affair. It was discovered eight feet underground at the foot of a huge oak tree. Tho treasure consist' ed of $10,000 In sliver bullion and ?05, 000 In gold Ingots. It Is believed tho money was burled by a Mexican outluw named Vascpjer., whose band operated In that region half a century ago. $444,711,016 Saved For United 8tates, It Is estimated by tho department of tho Interior that by tho system of ni pralslng coal lands tho government has gaved $441,711,010 since April, 1000, Tho geological survey appraised 1,210, 187 acres Inst month, tho value being sinraairui R FIGHTS NEXT Secret Military Developments Too Distant as Targets, Air Lead Army Men to ships Could Rain Bui- Expect Them. lets Below. A AMONG army officers theso days n reference to the "battle above the clouds" Is nnythlng but n historical allusion. It Is a refer- once entirely to tho future to the very j noar future at that when every great battle by land or sea, they predict, will be preceded, If not decided, by a real battle above tho clouds. That Is tho kind of battle they believe already made possible by recent development;! In aviation. The next great war, they think, will ninkc It real. Many of them expect to see this battle above the clouds, and few of them hope to par ticipate In It. This Is n strong statement to make, and It may well cause surprise. Hut tho surprise comes chielly perhaps as a re sult of n policy heretofore strange to the history of American military science. That Is the policy of silence, which was adapted from the more sin ister codes of older nations Just about the time that travel by air began to gain serious recognition. This explains why the gradual improvement of the airship and aeroplanes as flghtlug ma chines has escaped attention at the aerial meets, where every year records have been steadily broken. Hut this same secrecy In the improvement of n potentially mighty engine of destruc tion makes the improvement more sig nificant. It suggests that at no dis tant date every resource of the military aviator may be tried to the utmost in n battle royal the like of which has never yet been seen. Rival Bureaus 'at Work. Already rival bureaus In tho war nnd navy departments are In a neck and neck race, the sole meaning of which Is that the aerial lighting machine Is al ready here. The ordnance bureau of the navy department has already per fected n gun designed to aim at high angles for tho destruction of airships. In both departments the work of Im proving the aeroplane, both ns a scout nnd ns a possible gun platform for serl. nus fighting, is steadily going on. Just before he started on the tour of military iwsts which now engages him Mnjor General Leonard Wood, chief of starr. discussed military avia tion frankly, expressing the opinion that battles may shortly be fought In the air and urging the need of devel oping our flying corps. While tho gen eral did not touch on this phase of tho question. It Is generally recognized that fighting airships will tend greatly to equalize the odds against a country witli a small standing army. This irgumcnt was forcibly presented at the recent peace congress In opposi tion to a motion forbidding the use of aerial craft In war, and It Is nn argu ment conceded to have peculiar refer ence to the United States, which tra ditionally has kept tho army down to he smallest possible peace footing. "I wish It were possible," said Gen eral Wood earnestly, "for every officer In the army to take a flight In an aeroplane with the army aviators. I bollovo that by this means we could obtain enough officers willing to make life study of the great possibilities of the aeroplane as an Instrument of war to make this country the fore most in the field of aviation. I am In favor of encouraging aviation In every possible way Just now I ain support ing the bill pending In congress giving array aviators a 20 per cent bonuB In salary for I firmly believe It is not Idle tnlk to say that future battles may be fought In the air." In more graphic detail tho same pos sibility was outlined by Lieutenant Colonel George P. Scrlven, who In tho absence of Hrlgadler General James Allen, the chief signal officer of tho army, directs from Washington the op erations of tho signal corps. The Lewis Gun. Tho neroplane as nn engine of war?" echoed Colouel Scrlven when the first question was put to him. "Of fensive? No. Defensive? Yes. The question of firm bases for landing nnd tho limited fiylng range of the aero planes at onco como In. Hut supposo n hostile fleut off Sandy Hook, for In stance, were to uttempt to land a force somewhere, say, on the Jersey coast As aeroplanes liavo already developed, It would Iw Impossible for tho cnomy to send a single boat ashore until thy had literally 'cleared tho ulr.' "I can't discuss the machlno gun tho ordnance bureau Is working on for uso from nlrships. Hut tho Lewis gun will serve ns nn Illustration. That was in vented and patented by Lieutenant Colonel Isaac N. Lewis of tho coast artillery, and our aviators have tried It at College Park. It weighs only twenty-five pounds nnd tires tho serv ice rifle bullets nt tho rato of 750 shots u minute, not counting the few sec onds lost In changing cylinders. Be sides tho man at the wheel and tho man nt the gun and a supply of gaso llno good for several hours In the ulr at a rate of fifty or more miles nn hour, the present machlno can carry 5,000 rounds of ammunition. "That gives you tho situation. Tho attacking fleet will conjo, of cpurso, convoying transport. Tho docks of the transports will bo crowded with men, and If they atteuwtM to load FORESEEN GREAT WA boats tho boat complements would bo absolutely unprotected. We would have thon a fleet of n dozen or twenty aero planes rising from Invisible points lu shoro and circling over the enemy. Each aeroplane would havo Its gun and Its 5,000 rounds of ammunition and would flro n stream of bullets like wa ter from a hose. They could not miss, and tho small boats and the transport decks would be floating shambles. Without regard to troops that would naturally support the airships along ; tho shore a landing would be Impos sible till tho enemy cleared the air." "Would that be by gunfire from tho decks of battleships?" he was asked. "Impossible," he replied. "Gun car riages have been perfected for nlmlng straight Into the sky at a range of some miles. Hut at a height of one mile an aeroplane Is n mere speck ngninst the sky. In hazy weather It Is Invisible, and the chances of hitting It from below nro Infinitesimal. Then the aeroplane, shooting downward, Is not handienpped by Its height, nnd It can maneuver nt a level that takes It quite out of reach of guns on the wa ter. No; the nlr cannot be cleared from below. The nlrships must be renched by nlrships, and that is the problem." As to Boml) Dropping. American army and navy officers In terviewed on the subject for the most part Ignored tho use of tho neroplano In dropping bombs, nnd one explana tion Is perhaps to be found In the fact that an aeroplane could hardly hope to drop a bomb on n hostile neroplane, though that would be its own most dreaded enemy. Against each other, apparently, n machine gun like tho Lewis wenpou or the service rifle or an ordinary revolver will be used. Tho Lewis gun is so light that, although Its fixed position is in a sling pointing to ward tho earth, It can be raised to the shoulder and fired horizontally nt an npproaching cneiny In the air. That apparently Is how the battles In tho nlr will be decided. Even Pro fessor Johann Schutte. the German in ventor of heavy dirigibles. In n recent Interview seemed to ndmlt tho superi ority of the aeroplane In these nerial skirmishes. lie told how, to protect his heavy Dreadnought dirigibles from the high flying aeroplanes, hcjMd planned to mount a gun on top of his balloon bag. The need of a gun In that 111 balanced position, on which tho ordinary dirigible could not support a gun, Is considered hero one good argu ment in favor of the aeroplane. But the possibility of large masses of explosives being dropped upon the enemy, either on land or sea, has not escaped American officers. Heports from England that tho next war ships to be launched by that country would carry decks especially protected against explosive missiles that might be dropped by airships aroused keen Interest hero and recalled the experi ments of former Lieutenant Hellly Scott In bomb dropping from nn aero plane nt College Park. For Oils exer cise Oie dirigible with Its steadier keel is admittedly Oie best, but Mr. Scott In an Astra-Wright neroplano by means of n specially devised appara tus recently won Oie ?5,000 MIchelln prlzo at Paris by dropping eight bombs In ilfty minutes within a circle Oie size of u dirigible from n height of 2,700 feet. Lieutenant Scott's Invention. Among officers hi Oils country it la pointed out Oiat if an aviator attempts to uso bombs ngalnst nn army much reliance may havo to bo placed nt Omcs on Oie gun developed by the ordnance bureau of tho uuvy depart ment for firing from tho ground at airships. Hut, while the dirigible can drop a heavier bomb nnd perhaps do so with greater accuracy Oian tho aeroplane, It Is Itself a fur better tar get for tho gunner below. In tho end it Is Oiought Oint the aeropluno, which already has managed to drop weights of 200 pounds wlOiout overturning, will prove Oie better from nil military points of view. And for Oio navy it would bo almost impossible to carry un enormous dirigible on board ship. Mr. Scott's success In dropping boralm from his swiftly moving machine at a great height Is ascribed by him to his own invention. Tho ltiveutlon is sim ple in Oie extreme nnd amounts prac Ocally to nothing more than a me chanical device for measuring accu rately the impetus forward which tho bomb will recelvo from the motion of tho aeroplane. This Is ascertained by a telescope pointing downward at an angle varying according to tho speed und height of Oio airship. When Oirough tho telcscopo tho target is vis ible Oio bomb Is released mechanically from tho exact center of gravity of tho craft. That disturbs tho balanco Oie least possible, and Mr. Scott has flhown how uccurnto it makes Oio aim. Bombs, of course, for tho present at least, will bo tho heavy nrtlllery of the sklos, and tho great dirigibles will bo Oie slow moving galleons. Hut Oio neroplano will bo tho light cavalry, and for the light work that will be needed olDcera In Oio United States are bending all Oielr efforts toward developing Ox eoroplano. MOST VALDABLE ASSET OF NATION DUTY OF LAWMAKERS PLAIN Should Strive to Shelter Industry From Destructive Competition From For eigners and Encourage Upbuilding of New Industries, Tho most Imperious obligation upon any nation Is to find for Its people em ployment at productlvo Industry. Tho fact that two-thirds of Oio land In Iro land llos fallow, that one man in thirty In the Briysh Islands Is a pauper, that millions of people havo fled from those shores, and Oiat England can produce but tkreo months' supply of food for a populaOon that ought to bo able to feed itsolf, is Oio Incontrovertible proof that hor economic systom Is wrong. Man nt work is Oie most valuablo asset of a nation. An ldlo man, con suming without producing, burns tho cnndlo nt both ends, and Is worso than worthless. Individuals cannot provido condi tions under which productive Industry may be successfully conducted. The law-maker must create tho conditions The development and maintenance of industry being vital, tho duty of Oio law-maker Is to sheltor Industry from destructive competition from foreign ers and to oncourage and stimulate the upbuilding of now Industries. To permit hostile floets to battor down our cities would bo loss fool hardy than to suffer Europeans to do, stroy tho processes by which our poo. pie earn their bread and enrich Oio nation, whllo thoy urge It toward In' dependence. A Fence Around the Garden. Tho protective tariff Is In tho nn ture of a fenco around the garden, to protect the worker and his product from marauders. As tho population expands and old Industries grow fast, new Industries must bo encouraged so as to draw off redundant labor Into fresh channels. Thus In 1890 wo Imported all Oio tin plate, of which wo aro the largest users in tho world. Twice Great Bri tain throttled uu-protected American ventures In On plate manufacture. In Oio McKinley tariff we put a protec tive duty on tin pinto. In 1891 wo made at homo 2,000,000 pounds. In 1905 we made 1,000,000,000 pounds. In 1S91 tho British maker, having a mo nopoly, charged Americans $5.31 for a 108-pound box of coke Bessemer On plate. In September, 1904, tho Ameri can mills sold tho same article for $3.30 a box. Who Pays the Duty? What has Oiat duty cost tho Amer ican consumer? Nothing! Ho has saved millions of dollars under the protective duty, made employment for 40,000 American workmen, and a homo market has been provided for large quantities of Amerlcnn material. Tho history of tho beet sugar Indus try runs along tho samo lines; so docs Oiat of tho poarl button business. For centuries worthless shellfish have grown and perished In Oie mud of the rivers of the Mississippi valley whllo we bought poarl buttons by hundreds of tons from Europe We put a protec tive duty on pearl buttons, and lo! Oio valueless mussols in Oie slime became sources of wealth, and now wo beat tho world on buttons, employ large numbers of Amorican folk In Oio man ufacture and add to Oie nation's wealth. A competent tariff moans no will fully ldlo men. A tariff with cracks In It, a half-tariff, a tariff wlOi no mar gin for fluctuating pricos and chang ing conditions, muBt moan Americans out of work because Europeans do tho work that should bo dono nt homo. Fortunately Oie nation adheres ton aclously to tho right system. CHAHLES ILEBER CLARK, In Satarday Evening Post. Opposed to Protection. Mr. Wilson has proudly boasted that he Is a Democrat, both by lnhorltanco and conviction. That means Oiat ho Is unalterably opposed to tho system of protection to Amorican Industries as devised and maintained by tho Re publican party. Professor Wilson taught tho Oioory of frco trade to his classes In political economy at Princeton unlvorBlty; he has embodied his views in print and has denounced protection from the loc turo platform and tho pollOcal stump. Mr. Taft, on the other hand, has al ways been a consistent supporter of the prlnclplo of protection and the do tcrmincd opponent of tho doctrine of freo trade. The Issue between the two clearly Joined. Tho quesOon Is, Shall tho Ameri can people, favored as Oioy havo been by protection, prosperous as thoy aro by reason of tho benefits of a protoc tlvo tariff, abandon all theso benefits and risk a return to tho soup houses of tho Cleveland admlnlstraOon, by supporting a candidate who, howover he may shlno as a pedagogue and an oxocutlve, Is pledged to war against Oie protecUvo policy, to tho injury of tie manufacturing Interests of Oils state. That Is Oio Issue on which the batUe must be fought In Oils nation; Uso Issue on which by an appeal to the Intelligent voters of this nation. AiM'HAIHEMlSJMTS. NOUCO IS giv en that appraisement of $300 to tho widows of tho following nam- od decodonts havo been filed in tho Orphnns' Court of Wayno county, and will bo prcsentod for approval on Monday, Oct. 28, 1912 viz: John Bishop, PnupacK, personal. Edwin F. Torroy, Honesdalo, per sonal. Ira Ellsworth, Manchester, por- sonnl. Chas. W. Orchard, Berlin, per sonal. Wm. It. Allen, Clinton, personal. Goorgo Moyer, Texas, personal. Gcorgo W. Buttorworth, Sterling, personal. II. J. Quinney, Iloncsdnle: Real estate. W. J. BARNES, Clork. Honesdalo, Oct. 3, 1912. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Tho Board of School Directors of tho School District of South Canaan Township, Wayno county, Pa., will sell for cash to -tho highest and best bidder a certain lot of land contain ing two acres and cloven porchos, situate In said township of South Canaan, fronting tho public road leading from South Canaan to Honesdalo and adjoining tho Metho dist Episcopal church property. Bids aro Invited and will bo receiv ed until October 31st, 1912, and will bo opened nnd awarded at tho meet ing of tho schood board on that date. Tho Board reserves tho right to re ject any and all bids presented. Bids sealed and In writing may bo sent to tho undersigned. LESLIE M. CEASE, Soc'y. Waymart, Pa. 80w3 ASK ANY HORSE t Eureka Hero Oil f Sold hy daaform ercwjwftere Tbs Atlantic Refining Company 1871 ABSOLUTE 4 limn! i The Leading Financial Institution of Wayne County Wayne County Savings Bant Honesdale, Pa. Capital Stock $200,000.00 Surplus and Profits 350,000.00 Total Capital 550,000.00 Resources 3,050,000.00 We aro pleased to announce to by tho Increase of our CAPITAL largest CAPITALIZATION of any Bank In this SECTION. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED OFFI CERS: W. B. HOLMES, President H. S. SALMON, Cashier A. T. SEARLE, Vice-President W. J. WARD, Asst. Cashier. DIRECTORS: W. B. HOLMES A. T. SEARLE H. J. CONGER T. iB. CLARK C. J. SMITH F. P. KIMBLE W. F. SUYDAM H. S. SALMON E. W. GAMMELL J. W. FARLEY July 15, 1912. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooc "AYF" Your Grandfather about the G. WHITE AXE A few good seconds can be obtained at the factory, East Honesdale, ranging in price from 40c. to 75c. each. GEO. M. GENUNG, Manufacturer ) OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC Carpenters WANTED APPLY F. A. HAVENS & CO, ON SITE Honesdale., Pa. D. & H. CO. TIilE TABLE In Effect A.M.i SUN 8 30 10 00 P.M. ,V.M.A.M.1.M HUN 10 00 10 00 4 30 6 15 iV.M 10 30 2 13 12 30 3 15! 7 10 8 00 4 45 5 35 12 so! 1 19 7 00 7 60 1 05 P.M, A..M. P.M, P.M A.M Lv 5 40 8 45 8 65 8 69 6 25 6 35 6 3D 2 05 2 15 2 19 8 60 9 00 Carbondale ...Lincoln Avenue.. Whites QulL'ley Furvlew ..Canaan .... Lake Lodore Waymart Keene 8 1 tone , , I'romptou Portenla , Heelyvllle...., Honesdale .... (5 60! 0 61 9 01 6 03! 9 12 9 lit B 51 2 31 9 17 9 23 9 29 6 11 17 6 67 7 03 7 00 7 12 2 37 2 43 2 49 2 62 2 67 U 24 0 23 6 26 6 32 9 29 9 32 9 37 9 39 9 43 9 47 9 50 9 34 9 37 9 42 7 18 6 35 7 21 2 69 3 03 3 07 3 10 S 19 9 44 6 31 6 4: 7 25 7 '2S 7 82 7 86 9 4H 9 62 If 4 9 65 10 00 6 00 9 65 IN THE COURT OF COMMOr PLEAS OF 'WAYNE COUNTY. Ilomor Lovcrass v. Daisy M. Lovolas.'j To DAISY M. LOVBLASH: You are hercl by required to appear In tho said Court oil tho fourth Monday In October next, to nnsl werthc complaint exhibited to the ludife ol nam conn uy n. Mivciass your iiusonnis In the cause ubove Itnlrfmilt tbcrtl nt a decree of divorce as prayed (or In salJ coiiipiniiii iiiiif c nimie nemim you in yntii absence. Kit AM K V. KIM III, K, Shcri3. 1 Scarlo & Salmon, Attorneys. Honesdalo, Pa., Sept. 20, 1912. 78W4. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE, Estate of MATTHEW FARREL, Lato of Honesdalo, Pa. Ail persons indebted to said es tato nro notified to mako lmmedlatl payment to tho undersigned; an! those having claltnB against the sail cstato aro notified to present thoil uuiy attostcd, for settlement. C. P. SEARLE, Ex. Honesdalo, Pa., Oct. 8, 1912. SPENCER The Jeweler would like to sec you If you arc in the market! for JEWELRY, SILVER- t WARE, WATCHES, CLOCKS, DIAMONDS, AND NOVELTIES "Guaranteed articles only sold." Send Tho Citizen tho news. SECURITY 1011 our CUSTOMERS and FRIENDS thai STOCK to $200,000.00 we have thJ tm HONESDALE BRANC Sopt. 29, 1912. P.M. P.M. A M. 2 00 11 00 12 40 8 45 4 09 7 45 8 12 A.M P.M. 9 35 2 55 7 25 8 45 -' 13 6 30 A.M. P.M. PM. 8 05 I 35 6 60 7 64 1 25 6 40 7 60 1 21 5 31 7 39 1 09 6 24 7 33 1 0J 6 18 7 25 12 66 6 11 7 19 12 61 6 06 7 17 12 49 6 04 7 12 12 43 4 68 7 09 12 40 4 65 7 06 12 36 4 61 7 01 12 32 4 47 6 68 12 29 4 44 6 65 12 26 4 40 A.M. P.M. P.M. M.i A. SUN SUJ Albany Illni'hamton 11 W 00 Philadelphia. 7 45 Wllkes-Harre. . ...Scranton.... 12 65 12 05 Ar P.M a 25 11 14 11 10 10 69 10 63 10 45 10 39 10 37 10 32 10 29 10 25 10 21 10 18 10 15 A.MJP p.u.Ia.m P.M, P.M, A.M Ar