The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 16, 1912, Image 1
Cttiiett PJno Job "Work Promptly Ex cciitcd nt Tho Citizen Offlcc. Subscribo Tor Tho !n Tho Pcoplo's Fmnlly Vf , $1.60 I'cr 1 car. 3. 70th YEAR--NO. 83 HOESDALE, WAYNE CO., PA., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1912. PRICE 2 CENTS IF ROOSEVELT I TALKS WITH Manuscript Probably Saved Colonel's Life. BALL ENTERS CHEST , ii ii jif ii i.i i f.i.i i.i.ii i if iiji iiiiiib WWW...W. . -WW w . . . . ered After Struggle. r D C MPDlF !C DPMADWARIP is Waistcoat Dyed With Blood From Wound, He Addresses Great Cheer ing Audience Before He Is Hurried to Hospital Would Be Murderer John Schrank of New York. Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 15. Theodore Roosevelt was shot and slightly I i u I ! u: l. - . -1 light. His assailant, who later gave 1 1 a K T l .nH STP..T n. aw V flPI Before Schrank could fire a second llm. Alkai M.i4!n .f.nnrrnh.r with .HO nVUSBVQIl Udl i 1 1 u nciii f . . I : ! l I I r.l I, labunam, urauucu ocnrmmi Colonel Roosevelt stood beside the .u 01 icr vviioii .( uk unu u rccvcu mo u Lamon w ill) worn re cv nu nan n .it. v.uwui'iiiB ii win .nun iiwyyie. vti.ii ?! I. i- . Ii I I .nrougn wnn at least a part or nis . l A - ! L'. iL. I. f jy or. Eatton or Milwaukee and three . .J - . 1 4 I CI U . . , r 1 1 !tl MM ..... V.IW IIU"H I ul b Wl . I I U I 1 1. I I . hest. , . The wound bled freely for some irwa hut 1 .nl nnl t.irl ha bwiibi iiim iiw Mailt, anu au Nil Ma u i r ?AllIr1 ha lanrnaH (hum waa net lnt.i.n.1 icmorrhage. Surgeons In the Milwaukee hospital arly today gave out the following bul etln, "Colonel Roosevelt Is suffering from . superficial flesh wound below the ight breast, with no Injury of the ung, The bullet probably lodged some where In the chest wall, because there s but one wound and no sign of Injury o the lung. "The bleeding was Insignificant and , W..ft n 1 1 . mill AmnoanA -.1 U n,HU.l .-..a IW.U ulVi3l,U It 4 hi J Olt.li41(it.U cuuze by Dr. It. G. Faylo of Mllwau- -AA nnnunl tnn n--m.nn-. 41. n T.., .... nnfv nnsTiirn i "As the bullet plowed through Colo- iuu.u, uuuuiuu munuBcnpc nnu uieiai .. ... . - , . pent. The appearance of the wound ....... 1.1 - , nent bullet. "The colonel Is not suffering from bock and Is In no pain, nis condition i so good that the surgeons did not V..,.. ... 1. 1.. , t.i ... i.i . . . vill be placed under surgical care." The bulletin was signed by Dr. S. L. :crrell, a throat specialist who Is trav Ung with the colonel; Dr. Fayle, Dr. oseph Colb Bloodgood and Dr. Strat on. Medlll McCormick added Just aft- -.I... l ... 1 1 .... .1 "The surgeons have finished the X- ay examination; the colonel is feeling The colonel was at first supposed to ' v- vvmivu uiiiiiiuii;Ui 1 VJ i u LUUUiUUl fer bchrank had wedged through the rowd and after he had fired Mr. toosevelt smiled as if to reassure the eoplo lu turmoil surrounding him. He suddenly, however, put his hand or an instant. They he moved toward he nuto and stepped into it, said a vord to his associates, and the next uoment the throng was making way or his machine and the automobile vas whlrlliig toward tho Auditorium. Tho crowd that struggled about the aaallaut in front of Colonel Iloosevelt'a lOtel ufter he had left for the hall took lis sudden departure to mean that ho md been uninjured, nnd tho crowd heered. Hut when he had reached tho liflirnriimi nm mmln Ilia uni ninlil orm iiiose ciose to nim could sco a "An attempt has Just beeu made to -111 mn " Rnlrl tlm pnlnnnl in nn ntnll- nco mat mm sunca its nrst ciieera nd now listened In absolute silence. "I m carrying tho bullet in my body now, nd so I will have to cut my speech hort" Thrown p1r.t.thrp..tliBt.Iial SHOT BY A BULLET HOLE COL. THEODORE ROOSEVELT Shot by Socialist Madman In Milwaukee Last Night. 1912, by American Press Association. Dccn crowding about the colonel's automobile in front of the hotel ana cheering him as he was walking to ward It the police after Colonel Hoose velt had derarted dragged Schrank into the hotel. While Martin, the stenographer, and Cochems had been struggling with him, and later while the police were pulling him away Srom the crowd and into the lobby, ichrank raved Incoherently. Colonel Itoosevelt In tho meantime, after making tho announcement in mo hall that he had been shot and repeat ing it to tU) Progressives of Mil waukee ana members of his own par ty that surrounded him, was hurried away to the hospltal.- Assassln Is a Socialist. Schrank Is a Socialist From the almost Incoherent tirade which he de livered after being arrested and from memoranda found in bis pocket it is evident that be has been following Colonel Itoosevelt for nt least a week. Among his effects was a memorandum showing the schedule of Colonel Roose velt's party, beginning with a speech delivered in South Carolina on Sept 21. The crowd that surrounded Colonel Roosevelt's automobile in front of the Gilpatrick hotel, while dense in the immediate vicinity of the machlno, was not very large, and therefore there were few policemen to interfere with Shrank than If the gathering had been a bigger one. The reception to Colonel Itoosevelt up to the time ot the shooting was the least demonstra tive of the entire tour. When ho reached Mllwaukeo there was barely half a hundred people to greet him be cause of the La Follette celebration, It Is supposed. In this city. Colonel Itoosevelt had been taken to the Gilpatrick hotel for dinner by a group of tho Progressive leaders. Tho party hurried through the dinner so that Mr. Itoosevelt could go directly to tho Auditorium to deliver his speech. And as soon as coffee had been served Colonel Roosevelt, Martin O. K. Davis, Mr. Cochems nnd the others hurried out through tho lobby to tho waiting automobile. Assassin Darts From Crowd. Mr. Cochems was walking closest to the candldnte. A cheer from the faith ful greeted Colonel Roosevelt as he stepped out Into tho street. He raised his hat and bowed to right nnd left while the police made a lane for him, and ho had reached tho step of his car and was climbing in when Schrank broke from the crowd nnd stepped to the side of the automobile. Colonel Roosevelt was Just about to sit down when Schrank, now almost within reaching distance of the colonel, drew a revolver nnd fired, seemingly point blank at the colonel's heart. The colonel wns Just letting go of the side of the nuto to settle in tho tonneau when tho cheers of the crowd were si lenced by tho shot. Colonel Roosevelt stood up in tho car uncertainly, turned about u bit as a man would do if he were hesitating which way to go, nnd smiled reassur ingly, but the next moment ho was reaching uuder his coat and rubbing his right breast. The crowd, quickly recovering from its first shock, now rushed wildly upon Schrank. As the black mass closed lu upon Schrank, Colonel Roosevelt sank back in tho Beat, and it wus then ho directed the chauffeur to hurry away to tho hall. Some of thoso about the car and others still later in tho hall were quick to notice the blood spots on Colonel Roosevelt's hand, which had been stained with his blood as ha reached under his coat toward his 5 IN HIS B Manuscript Saves Him. The manuscript of his speech doubt less '.mil done much to save his life. When he linn come upon the plat form at the Auditorium nnd drew the manuscript from his pocket during his first few words, the torn sheets of paper, showing many stains of blood, showed also that the bullet had gone through tho manuscript "You see." cried the colonel, holding up tho manuscript so thnt his audi ence could see the bullet holes through the sheets of paper, "It tnkes more than that to kill a bull moose." He attempted to go on with his speech then, but first lie digressed to assure his audience that his wound was not perlous. "Give all assurances to Mrs Roosevelt," lie called out. nnd I told his friends that nfter he had Mlverod at least n part of his talk he would submit to n thorough ex amination and have the bullet ex tracted. His surgeons In the mean time had consented to permit Mr. Roosevelt to proceed with his talk. Mr. Cochems thereupon came to the front of the stage to introduce the colonel. Iu a few words Mr. Cochems told of the murderous assault upon the Progressive candidate in front of the Gilpatrick hotel. When tho colonel ndvnnccd ngaln to make his speech he wns greeted by ail ovation the like of which seldom has been heard. After the colonel's short address, Dr. Eatton and members of the colonel's party closest to him ncconipnnicd the candidate to the hospital. Use X-ray to Locate Bullet. At the hospitals the doctors said that although Colonel Roosevelt's injury Is serious they did not then think It dangerous. The doctors made Immedi ate arrangements to ubo the X-ray so as to locate the bullet exactly. From a superficial examination, tltey said, they did not think the bullet pierced the lung. Schrank, after shooting Colonel Roosevelt, had a narrow escape from being- lynched by the mob, who tried to drag him away from the police. As soon as the police, however, had got him clear of the mob that swirled about they rushed him to police head quarters. Although he had been shouting his wrongs nlmoBt from the time that Cochems and Martin crushed him to tiio pavement, it was almost 11 o'clock last night before Schrank would nn- swer any questions of the police. The police, who were searching him meanwhile, first came across the mem orandum of the Roosevelt tour and other notes, which showed that Schrank had been following the colo nel's every move for some time. Next they drew from his pocket n proclama tion which declared that Roosevelt or any other man "seeking n third term as president" should bo shot. When Schrank finally about 11 o'clock told the police his name nnd address In New York, he became quieter nnd flnnlly settled down to tell more of himself. Said He Had Long Grudge. ' "I was in the saloon business with my uncle in New York," he said at last, "when Roosevelt was police com missioner. Roosevelt closed out our saloon and I have hated him ever since." The colonel's speech In the Audi torium lusted altogether about fifty minutes. Ills address, needless to say, digressed from tho written manuscript through which Scfirank's bullet had ripped its way. Again nnd again dur ing ills fifty minutes talk he stopped to take n sip of water. His'physical strength, however, was not equal to tho task that ho had set for himself. Ho gave fragments of the speech ho had written and ex tracts from other speeches that he had delivered at various times from Maine to California. Constantly throughout the address tho colonel's friends urged him to cut short his talk, but he continued on. "Certain newspapers," ho sold, "were to ultimo for the nttcmptcd nssassl nntlon. Weak minded man had been Influenced, " ho said, "by these unjusti fiable newspaper attacks and had de termined to kill him." Tho colonel in tho meantime, quite unable to read his manuscript, was making frequent repetitions In be tween snatches of his speech qnd of former speeches which ho could call to mind thnt ho was carrying a bullet In his body. "An attempt hns been mndo on my life," ho repeated again nnd again, "nnd the bullet Is now in my body. I muBt beg for your indulgence for time beforo completing my messngo to you." When at tho end of his talk surgeons and members of his party accompanied him to tho hospital great crowds filled Sycumoro street in front of tho hospital to await news. Bulletins soon came to the crowd. Those who were waiting thus first learned that tha bullet had lodtred in the risht ODY brt'nut nnd thnt not only hnd the manu script In his pocket helped to save hlni. but thnt nlso a spectacle ense had broken tho force of the shot. Next It was lenriled that the bullet had passed through the colonel's overcoat, waistcoat, tho manuscript and an edge of tho spectacle case nnd then on through his waistcoat nnd undercloth ing nnd had stopped about two inches under the skin. Had Message From McKinley. Schrand, after first telling of the troubles that he and his uncle hnd dur- the Roosevelt police administration, offered as his reason for tho shooting his feelings ngalnst any mnn seeking the olllce n third time. And late at night Schrank startled his police in quisitors by saying that he had a spirit niessnge from President McKin ley and had acted upon it. "1 have talked with the spirit of McKinley," declared Schrank nt police headquarters, "and the spirit told me to kill Roosevelt" They removed Schrank from his cell and took him for snfo keeping to a hiding place, the location of which only the Jail officials know. "I have been trying for a long time," Schrank Is reported to have told tho ill ofllclals, "to get n chance to re move Roosevelt from the world for a loiig while. Tonight Is tho first Oood opportunity I have had to get at him. I had picked out Saturday night and the Coliseum at Ohlengo as the time and place to shoot hlni. The crowd was so big there though that I couldn't get up close enough to him." President Taft Hears News. New York, Oct. 10. President Tuft sat nt the right hand of Mayor Gaynor at the great dinner which the city gave In honor of the Atlantic fleet. Every where the blue nnd gold uniforms of the officers, from Rear Admiral Oster haus down to the youngest middy fresh from Annapolis, and everywhere went the words thnt if we've got to fight let's fight ns well as we know how. As the president himself said, "let's believe in a nntlon not seeking war, but ns one not afraid of It." The first reports of the attempt on the life of Colonel Roosevelt reached the ballroom of the Hotel Astor, where the waiters were clearing away the candles prior to the beginning of the speaking. The news spread through the room quickly. Little knots of na tx officers and civilians dotted the nrea'outsldo the circle of tables, and all were asking one nnother what was the real story from Milwaukee. Somebody handed a penciled dispatch up to the president. He fumbled for his eyeglnsses nnd scanned tho half dozen Hues. His eyebrows rose slight ly, nnd he passed the paper along to Mnjor General Thomas n. Barry, who sat near him. Presently General Barry handed nn other slip back to the president, a re quest from the newspapers for a com ment upon the nttack upon the colonel. Mr. Taft took out his pencil nnd wrote these lines: "I nm very sorry to hear of the as sault upon Colonel Roosevelt nnd am glad to learn that no harm has come to him. (Signed.) W. H. T." Wilson Told of Shooting. Princeton, N. J., Oct. 15. When Gov ernor Wilson was told of tho reported shooting of Colonel Roosevelt he asked the newspaper men for more details and seemed relieved when ho learned that tho colonel had not been seriously Injured. "I am greatly distressed to learn of the shooting of Colonel Roosevelt" ho said, "but I rejoice that tho wound is not serious." (Special to Tho Citizen.) Tho colonel's pulso is 84; normal condition 72. As soon as Mrs. Roosevelt learned of her husband's accident sho board ed a sneclal train from New York and is now speeding to tho bedsldo of her beloved husband lu Chicago. DID NOT OPERATE ON ROOSEVELT. (Special to Tho Citizen.) CniOAGO, Oct. 15. An X-ray was placed upon Colonel Roosevelt this morning in Mercy Hospital, ur. John Murphy claims that tho course of tho bullet Is such that it does not In any way affect the vital organs, Thereforo no operation was made, Tho wound, howevor, is being close ly guarded. Colonel Roosevelt, when strong enough to stand tho journey, will bo taken to his homo at Oyster Boy, whero ho will romaln until af ter election. EXTRA GUARD KOI. TAKT. (Special to Tho Citizen.) NEW YORK, Oct. 1.1. Following tho shooting of Col. Roosevolt In Mllwaukeo by Schrank, an extra strong guard of plain clothes men and policemen was placed around President Taft today. Taft is in Now York revlowing tho naval par ade. SCHRANK BEEN FOLLOWING HOOSEVKLT KOlt SI2VKRAL DAYS (Special to Tho Citizen.) .MILWAUKEE, Oct. 15. John Schrank, who is in tho city prison here will mako no statement as to tho shooting ot Col. Roosevelt no did say, however, that he has been following Roosevelt from city to city slnco October 12 endeavoring to shoot him, WORLD REES NEW YORK WINS SEVENTH GAME Of Scries From Red Sox Six Runs in First Inning-Series now Stands, 3-3 (Special to Tho Citizen.) BOSTON, Oct. IS. Fair weather is in evidence to-day for the seventh game of tho world's series between New York and Boston. The attend ance was as largo as usual and the interest manifested Is unchanged. Tho batteries .for New Tork to-day-Is Teserau and Myers; Boston, Wood and Cady. N. V 0 1 0 0 0 3 1 0 1 11 Boston ...0 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 it. ir. e. New York 11 10 3 Boston . -1 " First Inning. Now York Devore singled. rinvlo sinplpil. Dp.vnro stoln third. Doyle stole second, Snodgrass hit for two bases, scoring Devoro and Doyle. Murrav out on' sacrifice hit. Merkle singles, scoring Snodgrass. Merkle out at third when Herzog nit to tne ntt.ho. VTvoi-a clnclart Flptnhfr singled, Myers to third. Terseau singled, scoring ftiyers. .fieicner scored when Terseau was caught off at first. Fletcher scoreu. six runs, seven hits. Boston Hooper fanned. lerkes walked. Speaker filed out to Mur ray. Lewis out at third. No runs. Second liming. New York Hall replaces Wood. Devoro walked and stole second. Doyle walked. Devore caught off at second, Hall to Wagner. Snodgrass singled, sending Doyle to secona. Doyle scored when Hall threw wild to second base. Murray filed out to Wagner. Merkle out, short stop to first.' On run, Boston Gardner home run into center field crowd. Stahl fouled out to Myers. Wagner out, short stop to first. Cady struck out. one run. Tliird Inning. (New York Herzog singled. My ers singled, Fletcher forced Myers out at third. Terseau out, pitcher to first bae. Devore filed out to Hoop er. No runs. Boston Hall singled. Hooper also singled, sending Hall to third base. Yerkes struck out. Speaker flled out to Devore, Devoro to Myers. At plate double play. Hall out. No runs. Fourth Inning. Doyle filed out to Stahl. Snod grass filed out to Wagner. Murray out second to first. No runs. Boston Lewis flled out to Devore. Gardner hit by pitched ball. Stahl singled, Gardner going to second. Wagner forstalled at second, Gard ner to third. Cady out, pitcher to first. No runs. Fifth Inning. New York Merklo out, catcher to first. Herzog struct out. Myers singles. Fletcher forced Myers at second. No runs. Boston Hall doubled. Hooper walked. Yerkes forced Hooper out at second, Hall to third. Speaker walked, filling bases. Lewis fouled out to Merkle. Garduer out, pitcher to first. No runs. Slxtli Inning. New York Teserau out, second to first. Devore walked. Doyle hit in to right field crowd for homo run, scoring Devore ahead of him. Snod grass filed out to Lewis. Murray out pitchor to first. Two runs. Boston Stahl flled to Dovoro. Wagner singled. Wagner took third on wild pitch. Cady out, pitcher to first. Hall walked. Hooper struck out. No runs. Seventh Inning. New York Merklo singles to cen ter. Herzog filed out to Lewis. My ers grounded to Wagner, safe at first Murkle safe on second. Fletcher filed out to Speaker. Tesreau singles to right, scoring Merkle. Devoro filed out to Lewis. One run. Boston Wilson replaced Myers behind tho bat. Yerkes out short to first, Speaker scoring on play, Lowls taking third. Stahl safe on Doyle's error. Lewis scored. Wagner strug out. Two runs. Eighth liming. New York Doylo singles io right. Snodgrass filed out to Stahl. Murray Hied out to Speaker. Merklo out, short to first. No runs. Boston Cady safe when Doylo dropped high ily. Hall singles to right sending Cady to third. Hoop er filed out to Snodgrass. Cady scored. Yerkes forced Hall at sec ond. Flotchor .to Doylo. Speaker out, second to first. One run, Ninth Inning, Now York. Herzog walked. Wilson singles, sending Herzog to second. Herzog scores when Speaker recovers. Wilson's hit, threw badly to third base. Wilson taking second. Fletcher filed out to Speaker who ran in and touched second, completing double play. One runBoston Lewis walked. Gard ner struck out Stahl forced Lowls at second. Wagner out, pitcher to first No runs. NEW POSTOFFICE OPENED TO PUBLIC . City Hull Now Quarters for Undo .Sam's Federal Business Ideal Place Public Pleased. Patrons of tho Honesdalo post of fice first received their mall from tho new quarters In tho City Hall on Sunday. Although tho delivery was not general, mall was given out. Bright and early Monday morning the clerks reported for work and were kept busy all day giving out box combinations, selling stamps, caring for the registry department and giving instructions to thoso who could not open their boxes, etc. All in all it was a busier day than dur ing the holiday season. Business was brisk and everybody was happy. Although Deputy Postmaster C. J. Kelly and efficient corps ot employees had commenced to transfer stock and other necessities before tho end of the week, the main part ot the office was made on Saturday. The appearance of the lobby to tho individual when he first visits the post offtco is very striking. Tho wood work Is in weathered or early English finish, the boxes, of a bronzo color, celling of white metal, while the floor is red concrete inarblized finish with a six Inch yellow border. The whole Is of very pretty design and of convenience. The registry department Is at the left of the en tance, while tho Postmaster's private office occupies that section In tho extreme eastern section of the room. The boxes aro double dial combina tion and lock. Tho office fixtures in the work ing room are of the latest design and modern throughout. There are several additional cabinets in the new office one of the most used be ing stock for different postofflces and railroad points, East and West, North and South. There are special distributing cases for the local and rural carriers as well as assorting and stamping tables. The arrangement of tho fur niture will add much to the effi ciency of tho office. 'Postmaster Al len has a live corps of efficient em ployees, who always work for the interest of the patrons and are very accommodating. To Architect H. F. Weaver, who planned the arrangement, the bor ough council who approved of the proposition and furnished the city hall for the reception of the post office, tho people of Honesdalo are indebted. Tho townspeople now have one of the 'finest postofflces In this section at the country and they have reason to feel proud Of it HONESDALE SCHOOL BOARD MET ON THURSDAY Typewriters Purchased for Use in Commercial Work Library Move nient Progressing Rapidly. Tho Honesdalo school board met at the school house on Thursday night of last week for their regular monthly meeting. All of the mem bers were present and the routine business was transacted including tho paying of all outstanding bills. A committee of nine, composed of the following: W. B. Holmes, chairman, Charles A. McCarty, A. T. Searle, C. R. Callaway. Rev. A. L. Whittaker, Mrs. Clara Torrey, Miss C. Petersen, Miss Marie Freund, and Mrs. Henry Russell, waited upon the board In tho Interest of the Honesdalo public li brary. The result of this committee was that two members of the board, Messrs. Brown and Ward, were se lected to meet with the committee for the purpose of raising a fund for library purposes. Tho committee will In a few days begin a systematic can vass for the funds required by per sonal solicitation among tho peoplo of Honesdalc. Under the new school codo tho borough school has the right to levy a tax of one mill for library pur poses but it was thought not advls ablo to do so at this time. As tho budget for tho present year Is al ready made up the board could not donato any amount for the purposo of purchasing tho books but as tho committee Is composed of active workers the fund required will be raised in a short time and the peoplo of Honesdalo are requested to help tho library movement along with as much of a donation as he or she can afford. The purpose of this commit tee Is to make tho Honesdalo public library more effective and a credit to tho town. Tho board recommended tho pur chase of eight new typewriters for use in tho commercial department of tho high school. In accordance with this recommendation four Under wood, three Remington and ono Smith-Primer machines wero pur chased and placed In tho school. PRETTY GOOD "HIKERS." Earl Ham and Chester Gerry, two of Honesdalo's promising young fi nanciers walked from Honesdalo to Carhondnle last Saturday morning In throo hours and fifty-five minutes. Not feeling overly tired when they reached the Pioneer City they con tinued their Journey to Scranton. Surprising as it may sooni, they cov ered the ground botween theso cities In about forty minutes, fooling moro rested when they arrived In Scranton than thoy did at Carbondalo. Death of Mrs. Jano Bishop. Mrs. Jano Bishop died at her homo on 117 Cliff street Saturday after noon of valvular heart trouble, aged G2 years. Her husband, Albert Bis hop, died about six months ago. Ono son, Orrln, survives, Tho funeral was held from tho house at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon. Interment in Rlvordalo cemetery.