The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 11, 1912, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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(Continued Prom Pago One.)
changed a deficit of ilfty-nlno mil
lions a year Into a surplus of forty
seven millions a year; Its maximum
and minimum clauso developed tho
greatest foreign trade tlio country
has ever known; tho Tariff Hoard
which It enabled President Taft to
appoint was tho sanest, most common-sense
business method of tar
iff making ever known; it revived
Industry; opened mills and mines;
Silled hllo freight cars; gavo work to
fin army of unemployed; and
brought unequaled prosperity to tho
entire country.
It is a good law. It can ho a bet
ter law. And President Taft In
tends to mako It a bettor law.
Mrl Taft will do this by a sane,
common-senso method, with a defi
nite and practical reason for all that
he does.
No one elso has made any attempt
to improve tariff conditions, where,
ly careful and systematic Investi
gation, Improvement Is found to be
Ucsirablo and possible.
Others offer only promises, and
"hit-and-miss" theories that have
brought panic and disaster whenever
they have been tried.
You will be told that such state
ment is merely an attempt to fright
en tho voters.
recorded In the history of this coun
One of tho Host anil Most Modern
Hvcr Built by That Company
Valuable Asset to Honesdalo.
Wnyno county Is an agricultural I
county nnd as tho years go by greater
quantities ol produco Is harvested
owing to tho farmers becoming bet
ter acquainted witn tneir sou anu
knowing what to plant and what It
will produco.
Tho dairying end is also being de
veloped. This Is clearly demonstrat
ed by tho number of farmers, who
during tho past few years havo
changed from the ordinary typo of
cow to the dairy type. It is also
proven by tho number of creameries
and milk stations along tho Erie,
Delaware & Hudson and Ontario and
Western railroads. One of tho larg
est of these is located at Honesdalo
and Is operated by Dorden at East
Honesdalo, W. S. Curtis being super
intendent in charge. This establish
ment receives milk from 90 dairies
at a radius of from six to eight miles
from the milk shipping station. The
now station, which is located just
south of tho present structure, Is
about 300 feet long and will bo mod
ern in equipment throughout. A
representative of Tho Citizen called
upon Superintendent Curtis Wednes
day afternoon and ho took him
through tho new milk shipping sta
tion and explained all about it in de
tail. The reader can go with us
through this strictly sanitary and
modernly equipped .building.
As wo approached tho new struc
jvlllo and minister on tho Salom and
.Storling circuit SI. P. church,
preached a farowell sermon at tho
Union church on Sunday ovonlng,
nn ft n.t.l .1 ... 1 .. I ,. l,n f ..,)
Well, at last wo have some flno a,,, u ,ni , ,., ..i
weather and most peoplo are taking ; ., . ,, ,n
(Special to The Citizen.)
Newfoundland, Oct. 9.
Chestnuts are ripening.
advantago of tho spell.
Brooklyn, N. Y.
try. It cannot bo denied!
similar to those now existing, the vo- ,,,,,, , imi, f
hich will bp used for building a
ters were persuaded that they need
ed "a change."
They GOT IT!
They "changed" from prosperity
to sudden and serious panic! They
"changed" from work for all to work
for none! They "changed" from
plenty to want. They "changed"
from National happiness to National
And this continued, until In 1897
the people regained their sanity; and
tho protective principle was restor
lion idle men had gono to work;
and almost uninterrupted prosperity
has continued ever since!
NOW after this terrible lesson
you are asked in a tlmo of unequaled
peace and prosperity to again risk
it all, as was done in 1892!
The tariff that Is directly respon
sible for tho country's prosperity and
YOUR prosperity costs YOU just
?3.46 a year!
Will any sane, thoughtful man
risk a return of tho experience of
1892 for the sake of attempting to
save ?3.4G?
Do you want that kind of
"change" AGAIN?
Here is tho tariff situation in
Under a protective tariff the
United States has reached Its high
est point of prosperity, riches and
widespread happiness.
Under "free trade" or "tariff for
revenue only," it has gono down in
to the deepest depths of disaster and
Tills la not theory It is HIS
TORY! Tho present tariff, while admit
tedly not perfect, has brought busy
mills, agricultural riches, plenty of
work, good and increasing wages,
unequaled prosperity.
President Taft proposes, by a
practical, business-like Tariff Board
or Commission, to take the tariff
out or pontics ana without any
sudden or violent upheavals of
(trade or business to gradually
amend and alter It where changes
are round necessary and wise
Others have no definite Idea or
plan. They merely clamor for "1
change!" They propose to tear pres
ent conditions to tatters; but they
suggest nothing to put in their
place. They stand wlicro they stood
in 1 Kin;;
Will you choose safety and sanity,
cased on common sense?
Or to save ?3.46 will you risk
again tho change you got In 1892?
Levi L. Williams et ux. of Texas
to Minor Brown, of same, land In
Texas township: consideration J850
Charles Utt of Paupack, to Jas,
Butler of Moosic, land In Paupack
consideration $1.
Samuel H. Swingle of Lake, to
David Black, same, land In Lake
township; consideration $1200.
George Hellmuth ot ux. of Texas,
to Prank Worsening, same, land In
Texas; consideration ?1100.
Homer C. Noblo et ux. of Way
mart, to Prank Gracas, of Inkerman
land In Mt. Pleasant township; con
alteration. $4000.
Mathew McConnell of Now York
to Walter Goan of same, land In
Damascus township; consideration
Homer C. Noble, Waymart, to
Emma M. Noble, Waymart, agree
ment to separate and live apart; con.
siueration, sz.uuu.
Heirs of Lawrence Moran, lato of
Texas township, to Lawrenco Mc
Glnnls, of same, land in Texas town
ship; consideration $7&0.
Jacob Schlesser ot ux. of Paupack
to Wayno Development Company of
diawiey, land in 'Paupack township
mis county; consideration $1.
Charles 11. Lyons ot ux. of Pau
pack, to Wayne Development Com
pany, land In Paupack township, this
county; consideration ?l.
Itutledgedale, Oct. 9.
Mrs. Stanley Marks and daughter,
Hazel, are visiting her sister, Mrs,
Irving llutledge.
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Olsen and son
George of Posterdalo, N. Y visited
at b, W. Gregg's over Sunday.
Miss Nottlo Pollock went to New
York on Prlday last.
Miss Ina Conklln went to Cochec
ton on Monday and expects to bo
tnero ror some time.
William Schwolghofer, who cut
his leg very badly some tlmo ago, Is
A few from this neighborhood at
tended tho fair last week but tho
majority of the farmers wore too
busy cutting corn and threshing,
Mrs. Edwin Day and son are visit
lng her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Augus
tus Keesier.
Wo offer One Handled Dollars
Reward for any case ot Catarrh that
cannot bo cured by Hall's Catnrrh
Toledo, O.
Wc, tho undersigned, have known
., .. v. . hjui , VI I .lUttKJLV.. : r , .J , VJWUIIUJ. nil kill? ItlOV X W J Wll O,
hOOd ' ..ill., nttnnil Hin PnnnnvU-nnlfi I i.n.... ...,.u. i,..nnt.i
" , CI it , , " , , 1 IUU IJUllvlVv! 1 1 1 ill pt'l I1UIJU1UUIU
In all business transactions and fi
nancially able to carry out any ob
ligation) made by his firm.
Walalng, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesalo Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall'B Catarrh Cure is taken Id-
tcrnally, acting directly upon tho
blood nnd mucous surfaces of tho
system. Testlmonlan sent free.
Price 76 conts per bottlo. Sold by
all Druggsts.
Tako Halt's Family Pilla for constipation.
barn 30x3G feet with concrete foun
dation at tho extreme southern end
f tho plant.
The office which Is 14x16 feet, Is
located at the extreme northern end
f the building. Adjoining this is the
store house, where thousands of bot
tles are kept in stock. In the store
house, 34x70 feet, which is divided
Into the office and stock room, is a
dressing room, toilet and shower
bath for the employees. Adjacent
to this on the west side of this part
f the building is tho coal storage bin
which has a capacity of 1'50 tons.
Entering from tho dressing room we
go into the boiler room. It Is 20x34
feet and will be equipped with a 50
horse power boiler and engine. Tho
smoke stack is 72 feet high. The
general work room, 38x60 feet, Is
south of the boiler room and Is equip
ped with tubs, washing and steriliz
ing vats. It is hero that the bottles
will bo washed and sterilized before
going to the bottling room. The
milk is received on the second floor,
which is approached by a ten foot
Inclined concrete driveway ten feet
wide and 300 long. Tho cans are re
ceived from the patron's wagon, the
milk is weighed and then flows into
the storage tank which has a capa
city of S00 gallons. After the milk
Is emptied from tho can the can Is
placed over a jet of water and rinsed
It is then passed to an adjoining
room, where it Is thoroughly wash
ed -with suds, rinsed again and then
steamed before placed in the pa
trons wagon to be taken home
The rinsing and sterilizing is all
done by machinery.
After the milk is placed In the
storage tank It flows Into the bot
tling room, where It Is filtered. The
bottling room is underneath the re
ceiving room. This room, llko all
others in the building Is strictly san
itary. Here the bottles are filled.
capped and sealed and then convey.
ed to tho general operating room.
The bottles are then sprayed, re
moving any superflous milk that
might have collected during filling.
At no time is the milk exposed to
the air rrom the time it Is Dlaced In
tho receiving tank until tho bottles
are filled, except when they aro seal
ed and that is only for a few eeo
onds. The now building has a ca.
pacity of handling 20,000 quarts of
mint daily.
After tho bottles are placed In
cases, a dozen Dottles In each case
they are taken to the refrigerator
car, which is on a switch next to
tho building. A flagstone platform
12x70 feet, Is located west of the
general work room, and is adjacent
to the switch.
A power ice crusher is located
south of the operating room and ad
jacent to the lco house. The latter
Ib 40x160 feet, 23 feet high and has
a capacity of 2700 tons of lco. At
the eastern side of the ice house in
Installed an englno for hoisting
The grounds will be seeded
down this fall and placed In first-
class condition. When completed
the surroundings will be very at
tractive and Honesdalo will have a
plant that will bo an asset to Its
mnny Industries.
Superintendent Curtis expects to
occupy tho new establishment No
vember 1st. Tho present shipping
station will then bo torn down and
the road way for entering tho new
establishment will toegln at tho
bridge and circle around to the
worn i Harvesting in tnis section is, Mrs, ,,,, u WnlUi ot Nowfound.
about finished. I laml( nna 0 v gharp, of Holllster-
UrUII. Qtnto On 1.1. nil, Ul,l A Dennlntlnn
Tho. champion potato diggers of conVcntlon to bo held In Philadelphia
this district aro Ernest and Ira October 8, 9, 10 and 11, as dele
Heffley who In four hours rolled out fintes from tl0 Wnyne County Ass0.
Georgo Bartlcson Is about to
commence sawing on his lumber
tract on tho property of Philip Eck.
Tho O. A. B. C. of tho Newfound
land Moravian church hold a meeting
on Prlday evening. Business was
transacted after which refreshments
were served. A collection among tho
men was taken to purchnso Bibles
and nearly $5 was gathered from 26
Dr. Decker has moved to his now
Mrs. Edmund Schwnrzo Is visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bishop in
Mrs. Fred Ziegler, who has been
suffering with acute Indigestion, is
Henry Butler, eon of Eugene But
ler, of Greentown, was Injured Sun
day evening while riding a bicycle on
tho State road between Gouldsboro
and Newfoundland. Ho was run
down by an auto owned and drlvon
by Scranton people and which was
being run without lights. Butler
mnnaged to get the number of tho
automobile and no doubt the occu
pants will have to pay for their carelessness.
Dr. W. F. Decker and family havo
moved into Mrs. Fletcher Gilpin's
'Mrs. John 'Mann Is visiting her
sister, Mrs. W. F. Decker, and family.
Mrs. Joseph Hause is on the sick
Saturday seems to have been an
unfortunate day threo persons were
unfortunate in having limbs broken.
Theodore, little son of Emll Huguen
In, broke his leg. A son of Wm. Gil
pin fell out of a tree and broke his
arm. Saturday evening, Clarence
Sheffler of Greentown and Charles
Bartleson of South Sterling, -while
driving, ran into each other, throw
ing Sheffler out of his wagon, break
ing his arm in two places.
Frand and Ed. Featherman and
Fred Ehrhardt motoerd to Scranton
last week. Mr. Featherman pur
chased a furnace for his new rest
Rev. Edmund Schwarze expects to
leave on Tuesday to attend the Mora
vian District Synod at South Bethle
An adult Bible class of over 40
members meets weokly In tho Mora
vian church with Rev. Edmund
Schwarze as teacher.
Lco Graser and Raymond Hause
aro learning tho mysteries of Odd
Fellowship In Wallenpaupack Lodge.
Miss Harriot Hazclton at present
residing with Mrs. Louisa Hazclton,
of Drcher, Is seriously 111 and Is
unablo to leavo her room. Dr. W. P.
Decker Is tho attending physician.
Joseph Catterson of Madlsonvllle.
Pa., was a visitor In this locality on
Saturday and Sunday and was the
guest of Mrs. Louisa Hazclton.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Beemor of
Scranton, were visitors at tho resi
dence of Oir. and Mrs. J. W. Kerr on
Tho fine weather of last week has
helpod greatly In getting tho buck.
wheat harvest finished and we aro In
line again for a supply of pan cakes
Some awful big stories aro being
told about big potatoes and big crops
of potates and wo hope they will
prove true.
EEQISTER'H NOllOE. Notice if I
hereby given that the accountants I
heroin named hnvo settled their respective!
accounts In tlieotllroof the licclsterof Wills!
oi oyno county. i'n.. anu that trie same win I
bo lirescntcd nl top Ornhnnn' Court of snldl
county for continuation, at tho Court House!
In llonesilnle. on the fourth Monday oil
ucumur iicji viz: I
First and final account of Friend!
W. Osgood, administrator ot th es
tate of Daniel Brundage.
First nnd final account ot Grace!
B. Edsall, administratrix of tho os-
tato of Robert II. Edsall, Damascus.!
First and final account of J. W.l
Bodio and Wesley Bodlc, admlnisH
trators ot tho estate of Wllllaml
Bodio, Dyborry.
First and final account of G. M.
Hempstead, executor of tho estato oC
Fannlo Hempstead, Buckingham.
First and final account of ChasJ
S. Houck, executor of the estato on
Martha KImmett, Hawley.
First and final account of Jullrl
Labar, administratrix of tho estatil
of S. D. Labar, Preston.
First and final account of Goorg
M. Wilcox, administrator of tho esl
tato of Rebecca L. Wilcox, Mounl
First and final account of Anl
(Special to The Citizen.)
Stalker and Braman, Oct. 9.
Tho revival meetings being held
here the last two weeks closed last thony Lauther, administrator of thJ
" ' , estate oi jacoo jaeriKo, unnton.
tho church on probation and still Plrst nml fln, n(.,llnt , r.nJ
tnero is more interest raunueai. nnrpmnn. nynirlr of tt, tt, I
Mrs. Mary White, Mrs. (juanes v-rv Thnmno TTnnon.ism
flarcln. "Mra. John Schuackenbure . .. ..
nm f,-o TJnrrIt Rfnllfor nttnnrltill I m-i-uuui. jm
" lA ' " ...... v. . u.vvuuv ... 1 . . 1 f ... 1 . 1. 1 I B
h T. A a nt Mt-o T.vtln filn'a lnoM vy iiiiBiuiiuii ouuui, executrix aui
a.nv Th'nrcrint ' trustee of tho estate of John
Smith, Honesdalo.
(Special to The Citizen.) '
Indian Orchard, Oct. 9.
All are busily engaged at gather
ing their apples, potatoes and buckwheat.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wagner were
recent guests of E. E. Avery and
wife of the Bethel Fruit farm at
Vine Hill.
We were glad to see the pleasant
face of W. H. Hall on Saturday last.
Mr. Hall has been spending several
months in the western part of the
state. ' '
Nelson Garrett of Scranton, was a
recent guest of his mother, Mrs.
Elizabeth Garrett, who has been
very sick.
W. C. Spry is filling the large silo
on the Beemer farm at Laurella.
A good time was enjoyed by those
who attended the ball at Smith's
hall on Saturday evening last.
John Case and wife of Aldenville,
were pleasant callers here on Satur
day last.
Peter Weber and wife of Boyds
Mills were the guests of the latter's
father, A. Lovelass, Swamp Brook,
Messrs. Houth, Meyers and Ham
are busily engaged at running their
threshing machines, doing custom
A. M. Henshaw will sell his stock
at public outcry on Saturday next.
Mrs. Atkinson and Mrs. Williams
of White Mills, were tho guests of
Mrs. O. D. Henshaw last week.
Those -who attended the fair speak
highly of the exhibits and attrac
tions. Mrs. W. H. Marshall recently call
ed on a few of her White Mills
The Sunday school at tho Christ
church was well attended on Sun
day, as usual. Several new members
have been added of late.
J. G. Swartz spent last week at
S. Saunders Is spending a few
days among Honesdalo friends.
Tho Ladles' Guild will meet with
Mrs. E. Bishop Thursday afternoon.
A few of our young people report
a pleasant tlmo at Hawley recently.
A Largo Company Formed and Tests
Aro licing Made.
The recent discovery of gas on tho
flat below Montlcello has set the
peoplo talking. The result Is a com
pany composed of thirty residents,
who, temporarily organized with
John H. Smith as chairman and A
D. Pine, clerk.
On Monday evening the gentlemen
met and perfected their organization
under tho title of "Monticello De
veloping Company.' Each member
was assessed ?25 for the purpose ot
Tho company has leased the Lem
uel Bunting farm near where tho gas
was discovered, taking a ten and
twenty year lease, with tho privilege
of buying within a year.
John O'Neil was elected president
of the company; A. D. Pine, secre
tary; a. m. Fulton, treasurer and
John J. Burns, Frank Klnnlo and L.
F. Gulmond were elected as an exe
cutive committee.
The work of prospecting will com
mence In a few days. Sullivan
County Democrat.
week Thursday.
Mrs. Victor Sweezy is visiting her
cousin, Lodusky Barnes.
John Newman placed a fine monu
ment In tho Braman cemetery last
week In memory of his wlfo.
Coe Young, Edna Rauner and of William W. Tarbox, late of
Lizzie Mlnckler attended tho Wayne township of Scott, deceased
First and final account of Mary
Fitzgerald, executrix of Eliza Cllfd
First and final account of L.
Mumford, administrator of tho estatl
county fair last week Tuesday and
Miss Henrietta Hughy, of Hones
dale, Is spending her two weeks' va
cation with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. w. H. Hughey.
(Special to The Citizen.)
Steene, Oct. 9
Parmer Denny's potato crop
From one bushel and one peck of
seed sown tho Bobolink harvested
28 bushels of buckwheat.
William Wright of Carbondale, Is
spending a few days with the Bobo
link and mate
Richard Bodle with a gang of men
and teams are loading props at Way
Tho Rev. Mr. Burch of Waymart,
W. B. LESHER. Register.
Register's Office, Honesdale, Oct.
Happy Homes
for Sale
Realty Co.
i oi waymart, Wt m.t- r-n t r
is holding revival services at Promp- "rer uie Following lor yui
ton this week. consideration:
. faIS?SvR' Kfen. of Pens' lost a Ideal Dairy Farm Located
AiuiDo itisL uc!v. Rherrv RldEe township about OE
Mrs. Frank Chapman and daugh- mne fr0m the Hoadleys station
ter, Mrs. G. Foster, left last week for the Erie road on the Wyoming
Southern Pines, N. C, -whore they vision. Two separate parcels
will spend the winter months. land with only public highway
N. O. Walker and daughter. Mrs. a division. First known as Isaac
Phllln Price, of Aldenville. snpnt Schenck farm, contains 123 acre
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Warren 50 of which are improved and tu
Tlnr-klnml horp. balance second growth of tlmbd
Mrs. James Kaglar, of Scranton, Brook runs through property, whid
Mlq. i'nh'pnu. Iwfr h,. (llraoJls visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Is also well watered. Good farl
,m rrVptitowr J l J I 1 John Short, here. house and barns. The second tral
tn hwe She 8pont! or what Is known as tho Apollas i
the past ten days.
Miss Bartleson of Maplewood, Is
Visiting Mrs. Frank Malmes.
Mrs. W. H. Shaffer entertained
her daughter-in-law, Mrs. I. V. Shaf
fer, also Mrs. SInquet and daugh
ters, Mrs. Fred Hardier, and Thresa
SInquet, of Waymart, Thursday.
Rev. and Mrs. S. F. Slicker, of
Wapwallopen, Pa., are spending part
of their honeymoon with the latter's
sister, Mrs. George Ammerman.
Mrs. William Hlstead, of Carbon
dale; Mrs. William Carner, of Cali
fornia, and M. Moore, of Ariel, called
at Isiah Shaffer's Sunday.
forest nrrv. Schenck farm contains iui acre
nl.l.n x r tn . . .1 -art,.,. -trnli 51 improved and balance In fill
TTi,eT,M.t. of C,.ni1nv VOUQK KrOWtU Ol UlCrwUrv. X UIO LOW
with their parents In Carbondale.
Miss Alice Melvin and Mrs. Ben.
valuable asset to tho farm. Tt
farm corners In the Bonear far
lake. It Is well -watered. God
Eicholzer wore in Scranton Satur- rrult' orcnard9 on both farms. Ter:
Attorney P. M. Gardiner is In
Montrose on legal business.
James Burns, of Clifford, Is a bus-
iness visitor In town today,
Miss Florence Donnelly spent Sun.
day with her parents at Olyphant,
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Maxey and
easy. Bargain lor iait Duyer.
A No. 1 Farm Contains li
acres. 70 cleared. No stones a a
irround very productive. lue
nlace for truck farm. Located
Indian Orchard on Main road
tween Honesdalo and Hawley. W4
built farm house and barns. iou
In accordance with tho pension
custom established by tho Delaware
and Hudson company somo years
ago, whereby employes after a cer
tain number of years of service with
the company become retired at a
neat 'monthly allowance, Hugh
Powderly, of High street, one of tho
veteran employes, has been placed on
tho pension list. Mr. Powedrly be
gan work for tho Delaware and Hud
son company February 8, 1851, then
tho old Delaware and Hudson Canal
company. He has served faithfully
for over sixty-one years and never
left tho service or lost his position
during that long number of years.
Mr. 'Powderly is now well .advanc
ed in years, but was act' up till
. . 1 .1.. . L .1 .
as clerk for tho Del
son. Ho is clear ot
great local historian.
paring an intelligent narrat
history of the Delaware and
company and the Pioneer City, of
which topic ho. Is well conversant.
Mr. Powderly is also a Civil -war
veteran. Carbondale correspondent
In Scranton Times.
U Hud
Id Is a
jf tho
If you want fine Job printing
just give Tho Citizen a trial order.
Wo can do GOOD wort:.
(Special to Tho Citizen.)
Centervlllo, Oct. 9.
A large number attended tho sale
at John Ryan's on Saturday last.
A party was given by Ella Patter
son at hor homo at this place Satur
day evening In honor ot her friend,
OlrB. Alice Galleghar. Those pres
ent were: Mrs. Allco Gallagher, John
and Patrick Ryan, Catherine and
Anna Canivan, Anna and Thomas
Garroty and niece, Anna Mae Storm
er, Wm. Laird, Chas. Knott, Elmer
Foulkrod, Abram and Raymond
Surplice, (Mary Lane, Mr. and Mrs.
Oscar Alpha and little son, Ella
Patterson and Mr. David Patterson.
Dancing was enjoyed by all. Tho
music was furnished by Oscar Alpha.
After tho dance refreshments wore
served. All report a good time,
John Kimble, of Scranton, spent
Saturday and Sunday with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuol Kimble of
this placo.
It Is reported that wedding bolls
will soon ring in Centervlllo.
'Elmer Reld recently visited his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Roid, of
this placo.
Thoso who attended tho Wayno
county fair from this placo wero
Mary Lane, Abo and Ray Surplice,
John Ryan and sister, Mrs. Allco
Gallagher and Elmer Foulkrod.
(Special to Tho Citizen.)
Mrs. Virgil Conklln entertained
the ladles' aid society at her homo
October 3.
IMr. and Mrs. Harry Delghton
moved from Conklln Hill to this
place Oct. 1. He Is employed by the
Chemical company.
Mrs. Kate Ryan, who resided for a
number of years near this place, died
at Cochecton, Sept. 28, and was bur
led at Narrowsburg tho 30th.
Mrs. John Sherwood expects to
spend tho next few weeks with her
sister, Mrs. John Pulls, of Lester
shire, N. Y., and her son, Wesley La
rue and wife of Syracuse.
Mrs. Orval Kays entertained her
sister, Mrs. Chas. KInno, of El Paso,
Texas, the 'first of the week. Wed
nesday the following took dinner
with Mrs. J. H. Beach: Mrs. H. M.
Pago and son Howard, Miss Ida
Coots, Mrs. Kinno, Mrs. James
Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Goble, of
Cochecton, also Mrs. O. H. Kays, of
this place.
Mrs. Nicholas Is having extensive
repairs mado on her house, which Is
occupied by John Milks and family.
Miss Mildred Calkins, who has
been visiting Miss Gertrudo Calkins,
returned to Lake Huntington tho
first of tho -week.
Mrs, John Sherwood Is visiting her
son, W. J. LaRuo at Syracuse
Mr. and Mrs. Reeves Sampson
left Wednesday for Blnghamton.
Tho friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Reeves Sampson met at their pleas
ant home on Saturday evening.
Every one had an enjoyable evening
and hope Mr. and Mrs. Sampson will
have a pleasant winter.
Fved Olver. of Deposit. N. Y.. Is
shaking hands with old acquaint-,
ancds. Everyono Is always glad to!
see Fred.
Miss Blanche Simpson has re
turned to hor homo at Madison, N.
. . . ... - . . I UUIIL 1U11U J UMU w
ramny and .miss aiamo urown spent d ld , orchards: Mso qu
tno -weeK-end at Lewis L,aKe. tu of butternut trees on premls
Jacob Levy, of Scranton, Is In LM1 hnv mnn thron
town on Business. f,m Tat nf lnntl nn flats. W
Among tnose wno attended tne ,, v it , ,ioairoa n
. ... .... . I SCI! DLULH. ii. UUIVUKUVt uwuawu '
iri-uounty lair at ynionaoie were: halt cash( baianco on ea8y terms
Good Farm located within o
milo of Honesdale, contains 90 acr
Mrs. John Maxey, Mrs. W. H. Wll-
denberger, Mrs. A. D. Kehren, Mrs.
D. G. Allen, Dr. and Mrs. W. E.
Lloyd, Mrs. G. A. Thorpe, R.
Brink and W. D. Owens.
All can be cultivated, except abol
two acres. Nino springs on pre!
lses. Water In Tarn yard. Good
nle orchard and other fruits. SI
o4-o-fo.f o-f o-f o-f o-f o-f o room farm house, three barns a
T LopsnI mif hullrllne's. Tlrook boi
- . . o I U v. '... " v
AQVen SemeniS -Hers farm. Ideal place lor stocK,
acres be nc suitable for train!
track. Good onion soil, part cl
Under Provision of Post Of- i soil and black loam. Nino ac
6 24, luia. tlons. Will sell equipment a
o -fo-fo-fo-f o-f o-fo-fo-fofo-fo-fo-fo-fo-fot stock. All modern machine
rerms easy.
o-f o-f o o-fo-fo-f
(b'pvclal to The Citizen.)
Dreher, Oct. 9,
Her, A. R. Relchert ot Holllster-
(.Special to The Citizen.)
Tho farmers of this vicinity are
hurrying to got their buckwheat
threshed and their potatoes dug
whllo tho good weather lasts.
Mrs. B, Wood Is not gaining very
rapidly. She has been very sick for
somo tlmo.
Max Holflold was taken to tho
Port Jervis hospital Monday, Sept.
30, by Dr. Parsells ot Narrowsburg.
Ho ran a sliver In his flngor about
threo weeks ago but didn't pay any
attention to It until It became swol
len and blood poison sot In.
Vied Wood assisted Prank Decker
In digging potatoes Monday last.
Mrs. Fred, Wood and daughter,
Vlolot, tv 11 start Jot a two weeks'
visit In Nw York, visiting relatives
and friends
'Buyuahom' Realty Cj
Why not order direct from us
nnd save the retailer's profit.
Domocratlo Candidate for Congress
man of this Congressional Dis
Only $10.89 K
For this splendid. Round-Top Pedestal
Center Dlntne Table, In finely selected
Golden Oak, wide rtm. massive style
pedestal with non-dlvldinc center and
heavy claw feet, thoroughly well-made
and beautifully finished. This Dining
Table or its equal Is always sold by
others for SU.OO and upwards.
Securely packed and shipped
freight charges paid $10.89.
II you wish to save fully 25 on
your Furniture send TODAY for
our factory price catalogue FREE. I
Mr. Kill's friends aro advocating
his election on tho grounds that ho
is no experiment, but has been tried
and always proved true to tho Inter
est of tho peoplo. In. every position
occupied by Mr. Hill ho haB shown
himself to bo a man of sound judg
ment, always devoting his best en
ergies in an effort to accomplish the
greatest bonoflt to all tho peoplo and
has novor In any way Identified him
self with tho special Interests which
aro seeking for advantages at the
oxpenso of tho masses.
Mr. Hill nas always boon a favor
ite with tho voters of Wayno county
and conditions existing this year as- -jy correspondent in every vlllago
Mm In hla i.nnnv rallMO nf WttyHO COUnty. Will JOU DO Ot
party lines. Adv. 76eolJ I Write this office for partlculol
Tho Citizen wanta a good, 111