The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 11, 1912, Image 1

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Pino Job Work Promptly Ex
cental nt Tho Citizen Onicc.
Sul)scrlbo For Citizen Tlio
People's Family. ipcr; 91.B0
Per Year.
70th YEAR.--NO. 82
ist (if urn mm nRSFRVFn
Uivcs lAw on Uolumhus Day
Rules CSovernlng Paper.
Columbus Day, Saturday of this
ween, win ue a legal nonuay unaer
iuo laws oi Pennsylvania, ana as
och. -cashier of tho Union National
hiiik. 111:1 ii n iritT" ni T iin nrnnrnn
li inn ninm inw pnvnnnp p lt n i nmi
dava on thn hnnkine miRlnpsa. whon
Vil II til till a nv nna flio oat nelrln hr
hp utntn na n hnltrlnv n tvhnlrn1H v
n fhp nrf InvnllilntnH If on for- na
ni nnnpr npiri liv finnira nr lnriiviri..
The text of the state law follows:
nn inn i i o 'i r" i ri cr iiniica gacnjtmr nn
section l. lie it enacted, etc.. that
h f olio win sr rlnvs nnr! hnl t Hnvo
nmp v. inn Tirsr nnr nr i n tin on
hfi twpifth nav of Ffthrnnrw knnwn
is ijiucoiu s u nuaav: inn rwpnrv-
iiciwii ;i s a Minnn i imv i nn inurr n
f July, called IndenendencG Dav:
hft first Monrlnv nf Rftntomhor
nAi. a T V.A. Tit... 1 a 1 i. 1.
r ,1 . .. t v .. i t it
he twpntv-flffh rlnv nf nppomlinr.
rnn n n no OVinlcit m n i Tl n. a rl
11 12 nVlnflr mlri'nlr'hf
hft Unit nil Rti too tie n Ha v nf
1:11 Kszivinp nr i.ior nr nnn nrovor
Or ill! niimnRPS VhntPVr na ron-nr, a
hft nrpflprtHnc nnH ravine nf
no aisnonor. or diiir or ornhnnpp.
iinp nrrftr rnn Tin acn co n r th e nnt
nlf hnllrlnvn nn1 all mtnh Kills
on r nn n n r nr tun aoirf Hntin hnii
,1V ; PYrspnt nfvir iirof.a Villla sf
luie ui BiirnL. or on ncmnnn. wn on
nlf hnl Mn v SntnrHav .ah nil mo
PPITIPfl tn ho nnvflh O nt ni hnrnxn
i z n rrrr nnnn nf annh hn iinv
uusf in nrnr.PRrini?- nr nrnoru' an nnm.
TIP IIO n a nnu nort n nrtrr ! 1 1 a.. nH
nrp. nnn wninn enn nn no-n hAnn
miii in urn i - nnirinv Tmnn r n
nro nr nfivmont Tharnf ohnll l.
finnr tVinrc-nf chnll nrt rx trtifnti
11 f hft T1 OT f ail nnonA r cr rainln
Duslness day. And porvlded, fur-
uier, xnai wnen any person, nrm,
nv snrnrnnv n cm itnotnH o VioiF n
nlf 11 i i.
till I nvnhnn rrv n.
v uav w F I J . u
T inn n r m rtin nhnll
. w , , wwafw
Tinr nraenntlnir fnn nnvrmnn n A
w uD w iu;iui,ui, V 1 V-
bill of exchange, draft or promissory
note on that dav: and nrnvliiprt fur.
ther, that, in construinn this section.
iv a ucrTriiiiii ii m'.iTiiuir air I Kinnsa nnv
ami the days and half days afore
said. 0 designated an hnllilnvn nnH
nair holidays, shall be considered as
jjuuik' noiiuays anu nan nonuays, for
all purposes whatsoever as regards
m u ououtuuii ui uueiuuss; and pro-
nuuu luriner, mat. noimng Herein
coniaineci snail tin rnnRtrnii tn -nm.
1 lin T n lmrnll.)n.n . 1. I
VUb Ul 111 ( Ull lllllll III I. M TV. IKHIIb
DC4 I 1 L U cmULlUli til 11 II V
. . i., Dumwuuo, UUICDSJUU Ul JUUg
ment or other legal process whatever,
or any of the holidays or half holi
days, nor to prevent any bank from
1.(1 mmnn.. 1 . 1 .
I 1 1 1 1 1 I r ira ( nnra nnan no tnnnnnA
ir 1 T C Mie noca nn nmr nr V. nl,l
Its directors It shall elect to do so.
faec z Whenever tho first dav of
rv rnn f u'ont ra o n n H .inn t?.i
ruary. the thirtieth day of May, the
fourth day of July, tho twelfth day
of October or tho twenty-flfth day of
December shall any of them occur on
Sunday the following day (Monday)
shall bo deomed and declared a pub
lic holiday. All bills of exchange,
checks, drafts or promissory notes,
falling duo on any of tho Mondays
so observed as holidays, shall bo due
and payable on tho next succeeding
secular or business day; and all
Mondays so observed as holidays.
shall, for all purposes whatever as
regards tho presenting for payment
or acceptance, and as regards the
protesting and giving notlco of tho
dishonor, or bills of exchange,
checks, drafts, and promissory
notes, made after tho passage of this
act, bo treated and considered as If
tho first day of the week, commonly
called Sunday.
Sec. 3. All lulls of exchange
checks, drafts and promissory notes
made after the passage of this act,
which by tho terms thereof shall be
First Ismip of XiirrowslturR Demo
crat Published on Oct. 1.
Tho latest newspaper to bo pub
lished In Sullivan county Is the Nar
rowsburg Democrat, tho second Is
sue of which appeared on October 9.
The paper claims to bo independent
In politics and Is edited by Matt T.
Collins of Calllcoon, who Is also ed
itor and owner of tho Calllcoon Dem
A Wilson rally Is to bo held at tho
court houso, Honcsdale, Monday
evening, Oct. 14, to bo addressed by
W. II. Berry, candidate for stato
treasurer and Congressman A. Mit
chell Palmer of Stroudsburg.
Grading for Siding from Main Lino
of D. & It. to Factory Laborer
Caught in Fall of Earth
llrick Iaying Commenced.
The F. A. Havens' company havo
50 laborers and skilled mechanics at
work on the site of tho Gurney Elec
tric Elevator company proposed fac
tory. Several teams and men with scrap
ers are grading a portion of tho berm
bank of the old Delaware and Hud
son Canal preparatory to laying a
siding or switch from the main track
of the D. & H. road in an easterly di
rection toward the factory. It Is tho
purpose of the company to convey the
material into the building over the
switch, thereby saving unnecessary
handling of tho steel.
A large portable derrick has been
erected preparatory for placing the
structural steel, which is expected
any day.
Brick laying was commenced
Wednesday on the western part of
the building.
The footings for the fundation are
nearly all excavated and same are
now being filled with concrete, which
serve as columns to support tho
While digging one of these foot
ings a young man nearly became suf
focated by a cave in, which occurred
a few days ago. He was rescued by
fellow workmen and was apparently
none the worse for his experience.
The structural operations upon tho
grounds are tied up on account of no
material. The non-arrival of the
steel may cause a delay in the com
pletion of the building in the sched
uled time of 120 days. But when It
does arrlvo tho work will be pushed
as rapidly as possible
Seaman, Irwin and Brenneman
are furnishing tho cracked stone for
the Havens people. Tho stone is be
ing obtained from the Seaman farm.
Indianapolis, Oct. 8. Found wan
dering on the streets here early to
day with her twelve-year-old daugh
ter, Huth, Mrs. Mary D. Brundage,
who said her home was at Gravity,
Pa., penniless and looking for her
husband, Daniel W. Brundage. was
mneu in uuarge oy me pouco until
her story can be investigated.
Mrs. Brundage said that she came
here a week ago Saturday to defend
herself In a divorce suit brought by
her husband, who she says left her
seven years ago.
On her arrival sho went to visit
friends in Mooresville, who she
said refuged tn nUnti- linr tn inmn
to Indianapolis Friday, tho day set
mi we inui. wiinout mends or
money she camo here yesterday and
attemnted tn Ann ior hnthnml n
that she could get enough money to
ictuiu m uravuy. m tne meantime
detectives hail nrrnatnrl t)...n,ln
and he was held in tho city prison,
charged with grand larceny and re-
cuivuiK sioien goous.
The noliC( nav thnv fnnnil n vnl
able picture In his room hero which
was lanen irom a downtown cafe.
Tho divorco porceedlngs wore post-
cuiivu auu uruuuugo win do tried
In police court tomorrow.
Mrs. Brundago left her homo In
Gravity about a wprV
to her neighbors but what her mls-
siuu was sne am not disclose. The
news that she had been found penni
less was therefore a surprise. Sho
is a native of Gravity and has lived
there most of her lifo being very
highly regarded by her neighbors.
Her husband did not enjoy tho same
esteem when he resided at Gravity.
Since tho orection of Honesdalo's
now school building tho health of
the pupils Is much better than when
tho antiquaintod school building
was standing. The light, hoat and
ventilation has made tho pupils
stronger and aro now better quali
fied to study. The attendance has
Increased and tho percentago of Ill
ness among the pupils decreased
since the now school has been erect
Otto G. Weaver Honesdale
Bertha C. Pflumo Honesdalo
payable on tho flrBt day of the week,
commonly called Sunday, shall bo
deemed to be and shall be payable on
tho next succeeding secular or busi
ness day.
Sec. 4. That all tho ilnvn nml hnif
days herein designated as legal holi
days shall bo regarded
busnoss days, for all other purposes
man moso mentioned in this act.
Soc. C. All acts or parts" of acts ln-
conBiBieni nerewitn are horoby re
pealed. Approved tho 16th day of Febru
ary, A. D. 1511.
New York Wins Second
Game of Series.
New York - El O CO ED
Boston - - CD El L0 ED
Boston, Mass., Oct. 10. Unfavor
able weather conditions wero evi
dent hero today for tho third game
of tho World's Series, between tho
Giants and Red Sox. At one o'clock
the sky was very cloudy but before
the game was called the day prom
ised to bo an ideal one. Desptto the
fact that tho weather threatened
rain early in the day a crowd of
people began to flow towards the
grounds. By the timo the game
started It was estimated that 30,000
people were seated. Tho batteries
picked for today's gamo were, for
New York, Marquard and Myers,
for Boston, Buck. O'Brein and
New York Giants played Red Sox
to a tie at G to 6 In eleven-Inning
game at Boston yesterday, tho sec
ond in tho world's esrles. Standing
now reads Boston 1; New York 1.
Tickets sold for scheduled game
at Polo Grounds today good for to
morrow, or whenever next game
Is played.
Official paid attendance yesterday,
30,148. Total receipts, ?58,3G9, di
vided as follows:
IPlayers $31,619,216
Clubs 21,012.84
National Commission 5,836.90
Total paid attendance for two
games, G5.877, a new record, as last
year's figures were oo,5C7. Total re
ceipts for two games, $133,496, also
a new record, as a year ago the to
tal was $120,321.50. These receipts
are divided, as follows:
Playerr , $72,087.'26
Cluh ' 48,058.84
Nay Com, iU3.349.9u,
First Inning.
New York Devore singles. Doyle
Hied out to Speaker, Devore out
Snodgrass filed out to Speaker. One
hit, no runs.
Boston up Hooper filed out to
Fletcher. Yerkes -struck out.
Speaker out, Doyle to first. No
Second Inning.
New York up Murray hits for
two bases. 'Merkle sacrifices, Mur
ray to third. 'Herzog Hied out to
Hooper and Murray scored. Myers
out, short to first. One run, no hits.
Boston up Lewis singled. Gard
ner sacrificed. Stahl Hied to Mur
ray. Wagner struck out. No runs.
Third Inning.
New York un Fletehor wnlkfiit.
took second on Marquad's sacrifice.
Mrs. Anna Emmons Asleep la Homo
wiitcii was lseing consumed by
FJro Efforts of Mr. Biako
and John Clemo Saved tho
While returning from Odd Fel
lows' lodgo last Monday evening
about 12 o'clock, Ed H. Blake, of
ueecn urove, saw a light ahead of
him which appeared like an auto ap
proaching him. As he got nearer to
tho light it proved to be a houso
that was fast being consumed by
great tongues of fire. Mr. Blake
whipped up his horses and was soon
upon the scono. Knowing that Mrs.
Anna Emmons lived in tho partly de
lapidated house, Mr. Blake's first
thought was for her safety. Ho suc
ceeded In arousing her and getting
her out of tho building. Tho wind
was blowing strongly but Mr. Blake
determined to savo Mrs. Emmons'
home If he possibly could do so. Ho
secured wator and with tho aid of
Mrs. Emmons had tho building partly
under control when John Clemo, a
neighbor, seeing tho reflection of tho
fire, arrived. Mr. Blake and Mr.
Clemo worked valiantly and succeed
ed in quenching tho flames before
tho entiro houso was consumed.
Tho fire was at tho rear of tho
houso and burned perpendicularly
from tno ground to tho gabio. Thero
wero no signs of any chips or kind
ling at tho base of tho building. Tho
origin of tho firo Is unknown. Had
It not been for tho timely arrival of
Mr. Blake, Mrs. Emmons undoubted
ly would havo been burned to
Tho Wayno Development Company
which Is building tho big dam at
Wllsonvlllo, near Hawley, Is -purchasing
larid along the Wallonpaupack
river, probably for tho purpose of de
veloping "water power or for othor
purposes. Thirteen acres along the
river wero purchased of Jacob Sch
lelser of IPaupack and one hundred
and fifty-three acres of Charles B.
Lyons, also of Paupack. Both pieces
of land He along tho Paupack river.
O S3 CD H CD S 0 D
Devoro fanned. Doylo filed to
Stahl. No runs.
Boston up Carrlgan fouled to
Myers. O'Brien and Hooper fanned.
No runs.
Fourth Inning.
Now York up Snodgras out,
second to first. Murray out, pitcher
to first. Merkle out. No runs.
Boston up Yerkes filed out to
short. Speaker singled. .Lewis
forced Speaker at second. Gardner
filed out to Murray. No runs.
Fiftli Inning.
New York up Herzog hit for
two bases into crowd. Myers out,
pitcher to first. Herzog to third,
Fletcher singles to right scoring
Herzog. Fletcher stolo second.
Marquard walked. Devoro forced
Marquard at second. Devoro stole
second. Doyle walked. With bases
full Snodgrass filed out to Lewis.
One run.
Boston up Stahl singled and out In cr sprnnrt Wivnnr film! t
Murray, latter making sensational
nntnU "I 1 . ,. ,
mitu. vurrisuu oui, pucner to
first. No runs.
Sixth Inning.
New York up Murray fouled out
to Lewis. Merkle struck out. Her
zog out, short to first. No runs.
Boston up O'Brien fanned. Hoop
er filed out to Doyle. Yerkes
singled. Speaker fouls out to
Myers. No runs.
Seventh Inning.
New York up Myers struck out.
Fletqher wa sout third to first. Mar
quard was out, pitcher to first. No
Boston up Lewis out, short to
first. Gardner fouled out to Mur
ray. Stahl Wt for two bases against
fence. Wagner Hied out to Devore.
No runs.
'Eighth liming.
'New lYork up Devore singled.
Doyle Hied out to Lewis. Snodgrass
.singled to 3cft center. Murray filed
oudto Lewis. Merkle fprced Snod
grass t,Q. second. "No runs.
Boston up Englo went to bat for
Carrlgan, filed out to Murray. Ball
batted to O'Crien, struck out. Hoop
er walked. Yerkes out third to
first. No runs.
Ninth Inning.
New York up Cadint and Cady
went In for Boston battery. Her
zog hit by pitched ball went to first,
out stealing to second. Myers
singled. Fletcher filed out to Speak
er, who threw to first before Myers
could get back completing double
play. No runs.
Boston up Speaker filed out to
Fletcher. Lewis beat hit to first.
Gardner hit two bases, scoring Lew
Is. Stahl hit to Marquard -who
threw to Merzog, putting Gardner
out, Wagner safe on Merkle's error.
Stahl going to third. Cady filed to
Devoro ending gamo. One run.
Jacob Tlieobold Dead as Result of
Being Crushed Under Wheel of
llrick Wagon in Scrauton.
Jacob Theobold, of South Canaan,
was almost instantly killed about
one o'clock Tuesday afternoon in
Scranton, when ho was Joltod from a
brick wagon on which he was riding
at Mulberry street and Adams Ave
nue. Ho was forty-six years old
When the man fell from the wagon
he rolled underneath and ono
of the wheels passed over his head
Tho driver, Michael Bohan, was also
thrown from the wagon and landed
against tho curb, breaking his loft
wrist. As explained by tho driver,
tho accident happened whon ho
tried to avoid being struck by a
street car, and In turning out of tho
way his wagon struck a flro plug on
tho street corner, throwing both men
out on tho pavement. Tho team did
not attempt to run away but stoppod
within a block of tho accident.
Tho wagon and team aro tho
proporty of J. J. Coyne of Minooka,
and bricks wero being hauled from
tho Standard brewery to Minooka,
whero Mr. Coyne is building a num
ber of dwelling houses. Mr. Theo
bold was a laborer employed by Mr.
Coyne. There was a ton and a half
of bricks on tho wagon at tho time
of the accident.
Andrew Horn, of Dunmoro, was
passing In his automobile at the
time and after tho accident hustled
Theobold to the Stato Hospital where
ho died flvo minutes after being ad
mitted. Bohan was also treated at
tho hospital. It was several hours
before tho body of Mr. Theobold was
Identified. A niece of tho dead man
happoned to be In tho city shopping
and hearing of tho accident mado In
quiries and was directed to Cuslck'c
morgue, whero sho identified the
Mr. Theobold is survived by his
wifo and several sisters, "all of South
Canaan. The body was taken to hla
late homo on Wednesday- whero bur
ial will take place.
Farvlew, Oct. 8. Hon. Henry F.
Walton, chairman of tho board of
trustees, other members of tho
board and stato officials, aro here to-,
day at tho Stato hospital for tho In
sane In executive session, and an-!
nounced that two hundred patients
from various parts of tho state i
would ho brought to tho Institution
within a very short time. Tho for
mal appointment of Dr. T. C. Fltz-i
slmmons as superintendent In chargo i
of tho Institution was alBo announc
ed by the officials.
Bids wero opened for the furnish-1
Ing of the hospital, Including all
furniture, laboratory equipment, etc..
at the executive meeting of the di
rectors. Tho board appointed tho
attendants and nurses preparatory
to tho opening on November 15 of
that portion of tho hospital that has
been completed.
The nnnnlaMnn nf thn IInlln1
States is, In round numbers, one
nunarea minion people, ninety-three
million to bo exact.
Rp.pnlntH frnm tnrlff riiiHna fnn Vio
vear nnrlp.d Jnlv 1st u-wp ihmo hun
dred and twelve 'million dollars.
YOU pay just $3.46 a year for
protecting the country and for Insur
ing YOIInRP,.I.t, np-llncl fhtt nnmna.
tltlon of the cheap labor and huge
surplus manufactures of Germany
and England, Franco and Italy, and
other countries.
tlntlnr ahsnlutn "frpo trnrlo." wlfh
all duties removed, you could not
save more than this $3.4G a year.
Undpr n tnrlff "fnr rovoniin nnlv "
you would save less than that. And
euner oi inese policies would de
stroy necessary protection, and mean
uisasier 10 American inaustry.
American products and American
labor are protected by a tariff on
forplcn crnnris nnn1 nnr ommtrv la
prosperous, and our workers enjoy
me nignesc wages in tno world.
England taxes her home products
for reveniln nnlv." hrnn- rlnrrn fhn
bars to the products and labor of tho
entire world, and her workers are
nopeiess ana nomeiess; their food,
clothlnET. Hhfiltpr nnr! -nlpnciirno In.
finitely below that of the poorest
American workmen.
Tho small amount YOTT ntv tnr
tariff protection $3.46 a year
has almost NO effect on tho cost or
YOUR food, clothing and shelter.
You aro paying more for living than
you- did a few years ago, but you are
geiiing- ntarrmi living -than
you did then. .
Prices are higher in every country
in tho -world thnn thov ncnrl tn ha
The Republican principle of protec
tion, mo rarnr, and President Taft
are certainly not to blame for condi-
uuiis iiiai are woria-wme.
Look at this in another way.
Tea and coffee have gone up in
price and thero is no tariff on them
at all!
Boots and shops. 1
bacon, beef, ham, lard, sugar, and
salt have gono up In price yet the
larm approvea ny President Taft,
and for which he has been mistaken
ly and unlustlv .iKsailpr! nnnTTrnri
THE DUTY on all these articles!
uaw cotton is freo of duty! And
raw cotton has increased In price.
But cotton and wool holsery and
underwear both pay a duty and
cotton goods and flannels are lower
in price.
Shingles have gone down In price
yet tho duty on shingles was in
creased. Tho greatest rise in prices In
twonty-ono years has been In duty
free goods! The smallest increase
In prices has been in manufactured
goods which pay a fairly high duty!
Necessities pay less duty than ever
before; luxuries pay higher duty
than ever before!
This clearly shows that the tarifr
has had little or no effect on the
cost of necessities, whllo It HAS
mado a market for American pro
ducts, and Insured steady employ
ment at good and Increasing wages
for American workmen.
President Taft approved tho last
tariff bill because It was tho best
tariff he cnuli! urot nf fhn flmo Anil
because it was much better than tho
tariff law then in effect.
It has proved Itself.
In less than twelvo months It
(Continued on Pago Eight.)
Sterling, Oct. 10.
Rev. W. E. Webster and family
aro enjoying a few weeks' vacation
with his old Maryland friends.
On tho 7th a four pound girl
camo to tho homo of Mr. and Mrs.
II. G. Butler.
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Cross spent
tho Sunday at A. J. Cross'.
Charles Fossonden took 19 of tho
Sterling boys to Tobyhanna last
Sunday to eeo tho soldiers encamped
J. E. Cross has purchased a fino
pair of carriage ponies. They are
beauties and H. G. Butler Is tho
H. R, Mcgarglo Is an tho sick
list and Dr. Simons is in attend
ance. Tho Ladles' Aid mot with Miss A.
M. Noblo for dinner today.
On tho 3rd there was born at tho
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Lorn Yates a
On tho 1st a llttlo daughter also
came to brighten tho home of Mr.
and Mrs. John Glllner.
In our last Items -wo said that
Miss Ada Simons had been success
fully operated on in Scranton for
appendicitis, but wo should havo
said It was Miss Bertha who is living
in Scranton.
Electric Automatic Flro System
Paved Main Street Expansion of
Borough and a Trolley Road.
Living, growing and progressive
Honesdalo Is in tho need of four
things, any ono of which Is import
ant to a growing town, namely, a
good fire alarm system, an extension
of tho borough line, paved streets
and a trolley car system. Action haa
been taken upon paved Main street
and work Is expected to tako placo
next spring.
Tho trolley road would bo tho
making of Honesdale. It would
bring people to town to trade, which
now go somewhere else or stay at
home. It would develop the agri
cultural districts and give a metro
politan air to Honesdale. Wo need
the trolley road, and after we shall
havo had It tho townspeople will
wonder how It was that wo did not
have It long ago.
Wo havo a lire alarm system, but
many times people cannot tell what
district the flro is in, whereas If
an electric box system were Installed
It would tell the exact district and
people would not be left to wonder
whero the fire might be. We aro
not rapping our present flro system,
which is a good substitute, but how
much .better and quicker an auto
matic fire alarm box system would
be. The fire would not be delayed
by the Interrogation from a fair
damsel who asks "Is it absolutely
necessary to turn In tho alarm" or
"Are you sure there Is a flro In that
vicinity?" It may be safe enough
to ask these questions owing to the
number of false alarms sent in, but
in an automatic electric system a
different system prevails. Hones
dalo will come to it some day, why
not prepare for an automatic fire
alarm system now?
In order that Honesdale may
grow and thrive it is also necessary
that the town expand, In other words
Greater .Honesdale is an inevitable
necessity. Before a town can grow
In tho proper sense it must have a
place to grow. There Is ample space
in Texas township for Honesdale to
branch out. In view of tho fact
that many residents in different
parts of Texas township havo peti
tioned the town council expressing
a desire to become annexed to
Honesdale, this is direct proof that
what is best for a few would be bet
ter for all. Greater Honesdale has
been agitated sev.eral times but It
seems that there is no better time
for people living In Texas township
to enjoy the privileges ot Hones
dale than now. It is" only a quesr
tion of Ja hort' time 'before Texas
township will' have to build new
school houses, it would therefore be
less expensive to send pupils to the
Honesdale High school, which is un
equalled as an institution of learn
ing in this section of the country.
Firo Starting From Spark From
Wood Stove, Causes $1000 Loss
to Niagara Man.
Fire, which doBtroyed tho old
Bigelow homestead at Niagara, a few
miles from Pleasant Mount, broke
out about 1 o'clock Tuesday night
and before It was discovered it had
gained such a start that to put it out
was next to Impossible, owing to tho
lack of flre-flghting apparatus In Ni
agara although a bucket brigade,
which did good work, was soon form
ed. Tho house burnt to the ground
and together with all the household
furniture Including $100 in cash
which was in the houso at tho time.
Tho houso was owned by Clarence
Bigelow and was occupied, by him
and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Bigelow and
daughter and several hired men, all
of whom were able to escape. It Is
supposed that the fire started from a
Bpark which fell from a wood stove,
which had been burning' In the sitting
room of the houso as tho fire started
In this room. Mrs. Nelson Bigelow
was awakened by the smell of smoke
in her room on an upper floor hut
before they could get out of tho
house, tho fire had cut off access
from tho stairs. Clarence Bigelow
who was sleeping below, was awaken
ed by tho noise above, and realizing
the danger to those upstairs, got out
of tho house and plnced a ladder to
tho window above and In this way the
family wero brought to safety. It
was only a short time before tho
whole building was a mass of
smouldering ruins. Mr. Bigelow
was protected by Insurance to tho
amount of $1200 but his loss will
reach $2,000 more.
IANS. (Special to Tho Citizen.)
Ceptlnjo, Montenegro, Oct. 10.
Tho Turks and Montenegrlans en
gaged in a serious battle this morn
ing in tho mountains near tho Turk
ish frontier. The battle was one or
tho bloodiest over rought. The
Turks, being greatly reinforced
since last night succeeded In
scattering tho enemy. General Gan
ilo, of tho Montenergo forces, was
In actual command and in tho fir
ing line. King Nicholas also help
ed to direct tho soldiers. Tho Mon
tenegrlans, In a battlo last night
near tho town of Galanmtza greatly
bested the Turks and succeeded in
shooting thorn down right and loft.
(Special to The Cltlzon.)
Now York, Oct. 10. With tho
Jury chosen tho trial of 'Police Lieu
tenant Charles Becker, charged with
the murdor of Herman Rosenthal,
tho noted gambler, began today.
District Attorney Whitman took per
sonal chargo of the prosecution and
his opening address to tho jury con
tained 5,000 words.