The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 09, 1912, Image 1

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Pino Job Work Promptly Ex
ecuted nt Tho Citizen Office.
Subscribe Por Tl
ltlzcn Tlio
People's Family cr; 91.50
Per Ycnr. pf'
70th YEAR. --NO. 81
I V- I I I M N I I H W HI 1 IW
Fair Best In Klfty Years Largo
Poultry Exhibit Good Races
Large Crowd on Wednes
day. Elling Weeks, tho aviator flying a
O. E. Williams biplane, mado an as-
..., i . . ... a 1 !-.
'inrlntio fnptv ftp flftv f no f (lvlnp n
rltnto nun rt t nltniit o n li i rtnw nt n rutin
1IU IIIUCIUUI? BUleU 111 lilt? till Mlliy
few minutes and landed In tho
1 1 1 1 1 I, 1 llill'.K 1,1 LUll 11111 ftlUUUUB.
nursuuy iuiur uuuu uu o luiiuru iu
i .1 i . i. i mi 1- ..!.... .1
were lmru.uiv s.uisueu lor muj were
beginning to tiunK tno aviator was
ideal dnv for tho fair and the
until closing time. Instead only
.lit; iiii. inn iiiiiiiii; ill il ii ill iiiiv
failure of tho aeroplane to make
flight on Wednesday and in this
ny Acricuuurai Association is in no-
5ammell booked the attraction of
1 II IT I II 11 L IT. Wll II I II III II K H fill 14 1 1 1 11 1 I !1
av riTin nn wnn nun rn nn na miin ng
.inn ii v.
For all of this the fiftieth anni
versary ot mo association was a
enr than fnrmur vinra. Evnrvt.hlne
ni'ui uiujiy Buiuuimy nuu mere were
iiu iiiKLiiruaiifTf til iinv rnnnRnnpnrR
rn mnr inn n o.nfliirn fir rnnoo nTrnnn-
iii n.
Wednesday s attendance was be-
iweeu i,uuu auu o.uuu ana me
iiu kuuiubuuiu accommaaaiea
nniiiii .11111 Tinnn a nnpmp t n n pnnaa
Wednesday afternoon. Tompkins'
Wild West gave free performances
before tho grandstand between the
races and also gave a show on the
State Troopers LIchtiser and
Unncn nt 1. II 1 1. 1.
were here and patroled the grounds
grounds and Honesdale.
The Honesdale band and Jenkins'
Boy band furnished music on Wed
nesday and also tho Manln c.ltv FITa
and Drum Corps. The White Mills
uauu lurniHiiea music nn lnnrannv.
ueacn urovo and Pleasant Valley
plays were highly recommended hy
all who saw them.
According to Judge Purple the
plays were not making a specialty of
the poultry business. Nearly three
Hundred birds were on exhibition
Among this number were Plymouth
kocks, wyandottes, Campines. An
conas, Orpingtons and Columbians,
and others. There were a few
ducks and geeso on exhibition.
Clarence D. Fortnam of Farview
Farm, Tyler Hill, Chas. J. Smith of
Crystal Spring Farm. Georso Erk.
Edward E. Kinsman and A. W. Eno
all had flno exhibits of blooded cat.
tie and It Is thought that the array
was tho best ever brought to the
wayno county fair.
William L. Ferguson, of Seelv-
vme, president of .tho association,
was present Wednesday and Thurs
day E. P. Jones, vice-president
Binco tho organization fifty years ago,
was Kept Dusy in the secretary's of
fice, E. W. Gammell is secretary of
tno iair association.
F A. Jenkins. II. G. Rowland and
W. H. Mclntyro had flno displays of
musical instruments in tho manu
facturers' building. Erk Bros, also
Had a disnlay of wares thorn.
Murray & Co. was very well repre
sented, having an assortment of farm
Implements and machinery on dis
play on tno grounds.
A slight accident occurred near
tho bridge over the Dvberrv near tho
fair grounds when two wagons col
lided and tho tongue of one was
broken The movement of vehicles
was retarded for a few moments but
no serious damage was done.
G M Tlngley, of Balnbrldge, N
Y., owner of Peter S. and Bed Elder
tho winners of tho first and second
races respectively, on Wednesday,
left with his horses the latter part
of last week for York, Pa., where
his horses will bo entered In the
races at tho fair there. He stated
that Peter S. and Bed Elden were
rated In tho 2:14 class and can
make that time on a solid track and
when they aro not held In by the
driver The tlmo made by them on
weanesaay was 2.25 i and 2.18
respectively, Ho stated that he was
owner of May Girl which took sec
ond money In tho races, before com
Sng here, but had sold tho Jiorso to
Clark & Patterson of this place.
Orvlllo Spottlguo, tho uptown drlv
er for Wells Fargo & Company's Ex
press, has a new home in course o
construction on BIdgo street. Th
building is 26x28 feet, two stories
high and is located in one of the
town s most plcturesquo spots. Con'
tractor E. D. Pearce, of Carbondale
is doing tno work.
A bill in equity and petition for a
restraining order was filed In United
Stntes court Saturday by Henry
Bichardson of East Orange, N. J.,
ngninst tho Pennsylvania Coal com
pany, doing business In Dunmoro.
Tho bill of complaint stntes that
Bichardson Is tho owner of four
tracts of land at Shohola, Plko
county, this state, and that tho coal
company Is trespassing upon tho
land, piling up lumber, making run
ways, and otherwise making uso of
his property despite repeated pro
tests. Bichardson declared that his land
comprises about 3,500 acres In tho
township of Shohola, worth about
$ 75,000. Tho Pennsylvania Coal
company, without permission, and In
splto of warnings, ho alleges, took
possession of a largo portion of his
land, and has at this time stored five
million feet of lumber, built ma
chlno and power stations and other
wise appropriated his property, with
out remuneration.
Tho company, Bichardson says,
owns adjoining land upon which it
is now lumbering. Ho asks tho
court for relief.
It appears there was somo rivalry
for tho purchase of the Oilman es
tnte in Sullivan county, and instead
f tho Lorilalrds having secured It,
the whole tract consisting of some
,000 or 9,000 acres has been taken
p for park purposes by a rich mlno
wner named Parnell, who besides
the Gilman tract has secured other
parcels cleaning up nearly every
thing between Eden and Monti-
The only parcel ho has so far
failed to obtain of any consequence
s the Ketchum lot containing about
000 acres.
Notice had been served on all
squatters and tenants that they must
acate by Oct. C, or bo forcibly elect
ed. Mr. Parnell expects to begin
extensive Improvements at once,
building a largo club house and
ther attractions.
New York. With fresh eggs soar
ing around 55 cents and butter so
high that many restaurants aro re
fusing to supply it unless specially
ordered and paid for, the state
health commissioner last week ad
mitted that there are, in the cold
storage warehouses of this state, 4,-
000,000 pounds of butter and 120,
000 cases of eggs, in excess of tho
supply on hand at this tlmo last
year. Mrs. Julian Heath, president
of tho Housewives' league, declares
she has a letter from an egg shipper
who says that eggs, even at the
present high cost of living, should
not go above thlrty-flve cents prior
to Christmas. She has sent out
word to the 50,000 women In her or
ganization to boycott tho egg market
u there is a further riso in prices.
F. N. Gales has sold his property
at Long Eddy to his 'brother, Henry
and he will go in business at Haw
loy, Pa. Ho will bave chargo of tho
Cottago Hotel. D. Conklln will bo
bartender for him for a while, Mr,
Gales expects to take a little vaca
tlon before going to work himself
Hancock Herald.
Boston Wins From New York-Score 4-3
I Tho doctors at tho State hospital,
iScranton, state that William Stev-
, ens, of Elmdnle, near Lake Ariel, Settles Dunuigu Suit Against Joseph
i who was serloiiBly burned in a fire Meiiuer Pays Bills mid Insures
at his homo last Friday morning, ' Fixtures.
will die. He has been suffering in-1 Tim mu.. f .,, ,.n
tense pain and at no tlmo he ap- J an belng preSent, conducted regular"
peared to have a chance to recover. , monthly business In tho city hall
(Spcclnl to Tho Citizen.)
NEW YORK, Oct. 8. Tito first
game of tho World's base bnll scries
opened hero this afternoon nt ii
o'clock with a record brcnklng at
tendance. The Giants placed Tcr
seau in tho box with .Myers as
catcher. The battery for Boston is 1 what uncertain
W ood and Cady, pitcher and catcher, old.
Mrs. Charlotto IClrkum. tho aced
mother ot tho man, Is also at tho
State hospital. Sho Is suffering
from burns, but on account of her
advanced ago her condition is some-
Sho is eighty years
Boston E H
New York Q 0
Tho old lady is irrational, and 'her
son, James, when at tho State hospl
Boston - -New
York -
o m
last Thursday evening. Tho minu
tes of tho last meeting were approv
ed after which Treasurer Georgo
W. Penwarden gave tho following re
port: Treasurer Penwarden reported
?1702.77 on hand last meeting and
receipt of tho following amounts
since: For crates. $3: from Schuor-
Tho ikIo grounds began to nil up shortly after 2 o'clock to witness tho
big game. Tho attendance was about 15,000 and tho weather Ideal for
The game started at 2 o'clock, Itoston at hat. In tho first Ave innings
they received goose eggs, but tallied ono run in tho sixth and three in the
seventh. In tho eighth and ninth no runs were made. Itoston scored
four runs, thereby winning tho first game of the world's scries.
New York were shut out tho llrst two innings but succeeded in getting
two runs in the third. No runs were tallied after thnt until tho ninth, re
ceiving ono run, making the tlnal score ii runs.
tal on Saturday morning, advised the imi .niinnfnr te'nnn'. ni. m
nHnnrlnnto t nllnur t . v1"'41-""
" VAL ,.r ,7, ?, r . " i am. out i,7U3.U2; balance
, , u, u . , , j ' ,, ,i i hand, J7.002.75.
formed this habit and would dlo if Tho nigh street sewer committee
sho were kept away from it. Tho 'reported nrozrr. Thn fnmm
Citizen Will Publish Story Which
Has Captivated Many "Frec
kles" is the Most Popular
Story of tho Day.
" Freckles," one of the best stor
ies ever written, will appear in Tho
Citizen within tho next few days. It
is in serial form and is exceedingly
interesting. In view of the fact that
the play, " Freckles," will be staged
In the Lyric In tho near future, the
public will bo doubly interested in
its appearance. The story -was writ
ten by Gene Stratton Porter and was
dramatized by Nell Twomey, a
dramatist of distinction. Watch for
the opening chapters, which will ap
pear in a few days.
It Shows Decrcaso in Earnings For
Compion Stock.
Supplementing tho preliminary in
come account for the year ended
Juno 30, published three weeks ago,
the Erlo Railroad has Issued its full
To Bo Held in Honcsdalo Dec. 28 j
In Aldcmillo Dec. 0-31; In
Pleasant Mount Jan. 1-2; In
Lakcwood Jan. !J-i.
In accordance with tho provisions
of tho Act of the state legislature of
March 13, 1895, creating tho depart
ment of Agriculture, a schedule of
Farmers' Institutes in this tsate for
the season of 1912-1913, also a com
plete list of lecturers, with their sub
jects and their assignments, have
been sent out by the department in
pamphlet form, explaining tho time
and place of tho various institutes to
be held between now and tho end of
the season. Wayne county will be
allotted seven days and Institutes
will bo held in Honesdalo on Decern
her 28: In Aldenvlllo on December
30-31: in Pleasant Mount on Janu
ary 1-2; In Lakewood on January
3-4. W. E. Perham of Pleasant
Mount Is chairman of tho Institute In
this county. The speakers will bo D.
H. Watts of Korrmoor, Clearfield
county, Pa.; Howard Mitman, of
Hillertown, Northampton county, and
Robert S. Seeds of Birmingham,
hospital officials say they cannot
auow ner to smoko.
James rescued his parents, his
grandmother, his own wife and their
three children from tho flames that
totally destroyed tho homo of his
father at Elmdale. Ho and his
family also resided In tho house.
Ho was badly burned by the fire, but
refused to stay at tho Hahnemann
hospital for further treatment, al
though advised by tho physicians to
do so.
The wife of William Stevens was
Injured by being dragged from the
burning building. Sho Is at Elm-
William Stevens and wlfo aro both
invalids. While they wero asleep
on the second floor of their dwell
ing, Mr. Stevens, it is thought, ac
cidentally overturned a kerosene
Instead of warning tho other oc
cupants of the house when he saw
tho furnishings on fire, he tried to
extinguish the flames himself.
Deatli of Bert Gallagher.
Bert Gallagher died at his homo
on River street, Thursday, October
i, at tho ago of thirty years, four
months. Ho was a glass cutter by
trade. Tho funeral services wero
held at the house at 2 o'clock Sat
urday afternoon. Interment was
made In Riverside cemetery.
pamphlet report. It shows a slight
falling off in operating revenue and Huntington county, Pa.
Their subjects will bo along lines
Brown Barnes.
Raymond O. Barnes and
Anna C. Brown, of Jackson,
raa-rled at four o'clock Wednesday
of la., week at the home of the
bride s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S.
Brown. Tho ceremony was per
formed by Rev. H. L. Benville of the
Jackson M. E. church. Following
tho ceremony a four courses dinner
was served.
Later Mr. and Mrs. Barnes left
In an auto for the station from
which they went to Washington, D.
C, to spend their honeymoon. The
presents consisted of furniture, sil
ver, cut glass, checks, etc., and wero
many and beautiful.
There were out of town euests
from Scranton, Taylor. Thompson.
Starrucca, Lakevlew and Wayne
Edwards Shifter.
Dale Shifter and Miss Emily Ed
wards, both of Scranton. wero united
in marrlago on Saturday afternoon
at one o ciock Dy iiev. G. S. Wendell
at tho Baptist parsonage. After a
snori visit in scranton tho vounc
peopio win mako their homo in
Honesdale for a few months, Mr.
Edwards being employed in tho Gur
ney Elevator Works hero.
a substantial increase In operating
Operating revenue was $53,708,
4G8, against J53.820.050 in 1911;
operating expenses $37,701,688
against $35,849,981, and net operat
ing revenue $16,006,780, against
$17,970,1'59. Total income was $18,
729,556, against $20,345, 6C9.
Charges for interest, hiro of equip
ment, etc., Increased from $14,955,-
257 to $15,35,353, and net income
was $3,377,203, compared with $5,
390,412 In 1910-11. This is equal to
7.05 on tho flrst preferred stock,
compared with 11.25 por cent, earn
ed last year.
After the deduction of tho al
lotted 4 per cent, dividend on tho
flrst preferred and $16,000,000 on
second preferred stock, the balance
of $S21;507, is equal to 0.73 per
cent, on tho $112,387,900 common
stock, against 2.52 per cent, earned
on the common last year.
President Underwood addressing
stockholders, said that additions and
betterments wero mado aggregating
$8,495,334, of which $5,759,583
went for additional equipment and
$2,153,299 for additions and better
ment to property.
Tho Knights of tho Maccabees,
through tho Record Keenor. W. H.
Varcoe, last Friday paid to Mrs. Wm.
J. Rlppel $1,000, tho amount of pro-
lecxion carried py Mr. mppol in this
order. Mr. Rlppel was a member of
Honesdalo Tent No. 255, and this
claim was paid within seven days
from tho tlmo tho proofs of death
wero completed.
Tho Lady Maccabees will meet on
Wednesday evening, October 9, hav
ing exchanged nights with tho Sir
Knights, as several of tho lady mem
hers aro to attend tho chicken pie
supper ai ino iuetnouist church.
Tho lovers of music in Honesdalo
will bo given a raro treat on next
Monday evening, October 14, when
tho Ithaca quartette, composed of
a vocalist, pianist, violinist and
roader will appear in tho Presby
terian chapel. This quartette comes
highly recommended and ehould bo
largely attended.
John Shaffer ot al. to Jacob Shaf
fer of South Sterling, Pa., 41 acres
rzu porcnes in ureeno township
consideration $zz&.
The TrWounty fair -will bo held
at Unlondala Oct. 7, 8 and D.
of scientific farming; how to prepare
and cultlvato the soil and many valu
able hints as to the raising of stock
and poultry will bo given. These
men havo been selected by the' De
partment of Agriculture for the es
pecial benefit of the farmer in his
work and their knowledgo along the
different lines of agricultural pro
duction will be of great benefit to
many farmers.
Tho world's series between tho
New York Giants and tho Boston
Red Sox began at tho Polo grounds,
New York, on Tuesday, Oct. 8. Tho
rival teams will play alternate
games on their grounds, tho schedule
arranged bolng as follows: Tues
day, Oct. 8, Thursday, Oct. 10, and
Saturday, Oct. 12 at tho Polo
grounds, Now York, Wednesday,
Oct. 9, Friday, Oct. 11, Monday, Oct.
n, and Tuesday, Oct. 15, at Fen
way park, Boston.
Eugene Butler, of Greontown, was
qulto seriously Injured Sunday night
whllo riding a blcyclo on tho State
road between Gouldsboro and New
foundland. Ho was run down by an
auto owned and driven by Scranton
peopio and which was bolng run
without lights.
Butler managed to get tho num
ber of tho maohlno and tho occu
pants will havo to pay for their carelessness.
Georgo Hillmuth ot ux. of Texas
to Frank Wersching of same, land In
Texas township; consideration
Heirs of William Elghmey of Da
mascus, to Helen Elghmey, same
place, land In Damascus township;
consideration si.
Helen Elghmey of Damascus, to
Frank A. Dodge, samo place, land
in Damascus township; considers
tlon $1300.
Leveret Chapman et ux. of Salem
to Harry F. Purdy of Honesdale
land In Salem township, $750.
Frederick w. Tegoler et ux. o
Damnscus, to Ralph L. Teselor. o
samo place, land In Damascus town
ship; consideration $3000.
James P. Poud et ux. of Oregon
to Charles T. Arthur of Dyberry,
land in Oregon township; conlsdera
tlon, $1.
Franz Blaylo ot ux. of Texas to
Jacob Theobald of Texas, land in
samo township; consideration $1.
Howard A. Swingle ot ux. of Lake
to John W. Sandercock. samo place
land In Lake township; consideration
Mary Crosblo of Camden, N. J
to L. M. Hartman, New York, land
in Buckingham township; considera
tlon $1.
Samuel II. Swlnglo of Lako to
David Black of samo place, land in
Lako township; consideration $1200.
Edwin Volght, nlno years old. was
thrown from a horto ho -was riding
at HolIlstervIIIo last Friday after
noon. Tho lioy fell on his ihead and
when picked up was unconscious.
Ho waB revived by Dr. Mullln of
Hamlin, at the residence of Rev. A.
R. Klchart whoro ho was carried.
Thomas Dunn Lako
Carrie Sohrodor Hawley
Adam C. James New York
Helen Piatt Lakevlllo
Ralph Van Wert White Lake
Nellie Knight Whlto Lake
was continued.
Tho council placed $2,000 Insur
ance on the post office fixtures In
Bentley's agency.
C. K. Schoonover was notified to
remove tho dead tree from the corn
er of his lot on Court and Eleventh
Tho council agreed to settle the
case of Joseph Menner against tho
borough of Honesdale by paying Mr.
Menner tho amount allowed by the
Jury. Tho total costs which tho
town has to pay Is something over
The following bills were ordered
paid: F. Mauer. $9; F. G. Rlckard,
$17.70; M. Stapleton, $1.50; J. Fish
er, $7.76; L. Weldner, labor, 114.22;
team, $39.60; II. Knorr, $9; J. J.
Canlvan, $60; D. Fisher, $6.50; Levi
Degroat, $50; Katz Bros., $1.25;
Bell Telephone, $3.50; J. M. Lyons,
$25; J. H. Carroll. $12.50; Chnrloa
Truscott, $6.25; Herald Press Asso
ciation, $lo.90; E. L., H. & P. Co.,
oi.oi; umennender, $3; freight,
$26.95; B. F. Haines. $18.40; Citi
zen Publishing Co., $15.90; Interest
on bonds, amounting to $165, was
pain, local $yo.35.
Death of Mrs. Georgo Williams.
Mrs. George Williams, mother of
five children, four of whom are
boys, and a few days' old babe, died
at ier home In Tanners Falls on
Sunday, aged 36 yoars, after a short
illness. Mrs. Williams' death ds an
extremely sad ono and the father
and husband has the sympathy of the
community. One sister, Mrs. Wil
liam Soden, also of Tanners Falls,
survives. Tho funeral was held
Tuesday afternoon'at -2 o'clock from
the house. Interment in East Dy
borry cemetery.
Death of Jlrs. Rode.
Mrs. John Rode died at her home
on Willow avenue last Thursday
evening, aged 80 years and flit
months. Mrs. Rode had been a feSl-
dent of Honesdale for several years
and was ono of the highly esteemed
persons of the town. Besides her
husband, three children, Anna and
Henry at home, and Mrs. Mary Pell,
of Scratnon, survive. The funeral
was largely attended from her late
homo Sunday afternoon, Rev. C. C
Miller ofllclating. Interment was
made in tho German Lutheran ccme
As the result of lessons taucht hv
the Corning wreck of July 4 and In
the Interest of greater safety for tho
traveling public, it is the Intention
of tho Lackawanna Railroad ito
make its through trains of all steel
construction, and to this end It will
spend the sum of $300,000. Twen
ty steel coaches have been ordered
and they will cost approximately
$15,000 a piece. Wooden coaches
of the type used on the Lackawanna
cost about $6,000. Ultimately It is
the belief that the Lackawanna will
operato nothing but steel trains.
However this will necessarily be In
the distant future, or as the wooden
coadhes gradually outllvo their use-
The bodies of Mrs. John Walsh
and her baby were found Saturday
Sfternoon at tho Walsh home in
erahton. The throats of the mother
and child were slashed.
The room was tilled with gas,
which poured from an open Jet.
There was a powerful odor of gas
and before the neighbors could reach
the bed they had to open the win
dows and allow the air to come in.
Tho clothing of both bodies were
blood soaked.
Mrs. Walsh was formerly of Oly-phant.
Deatii of G. H. Miller.
G. H. Miller, aged seventy-eight
years, died Monday at the home of
his son, Joseph Miller, In Plttston
Deceased was born in Germany, but
had resided in Plttston since 1854.
Ho was a member of St. Peter's Lu
theran church and Luzerne lodge of
Odd Fellows.
He is survived by tho following
children: Mrs. Jacob Bechtold, of
Plttston; Mrs. Wesley Johnson, of
Honesdale; Mrs. David Bothwlck, of
Avoca; Mrs. Jerry McCartney, of
Detroit, Mich.; John E. Miller, of
Avoca; Georgo and Joseph Miller, of
Plttston; Jessie, Frederick and An
drew Miller of Dupont.
Patsy Ryan, tho newsboy, who
started from his homo in Edmonton,
Canada, on April 28, to go afoot
around tho world, passed along tho
Erlo railroad last week. Ho has got
to complote tho trip around tho
world In flvo years, and if ho suc
ceeds ho will got $30,000 from two
nowspapors and two real estato deal
ers. Ho had to leave without a cent
In his pocket and must havo $500 at
tho ond of hl3 trip. Ho must -pass
through every stato and country and
get tho slgnaturo of every governor,
queen or king, and also to sell papors
In ovory town. He vroro out ten
pair of shoos on his flrst four
months' travel.
Death of J. B. Crease, Jr.
John B, Crease, three-year-old
son ot Mr. and Mrs. J. B, Crease, of
Whlto Mills, died on Thursday. Tho
funeral was held Friday afternoon
from St. Mary Magdalen's church.
Interment In German Catholic ceme
Death of Mrs. Clark Sharpstecn.
Tho death of Mrs. Clark Sharp
steen In Blnghamton on Saturday
last, brought to end tho life of a
beautiful Christian character. In
her death the last of tho old time
Methodist supporters has been
brought to a close, sho and tho lato
John Bone, of Scranton, being two of
tho faithful and consistent members
of this church. Mrs. Sharpsteen had
been traveling in tho West whero
sho had been visiting relatives for
nearly a year and upon returning to
her home In Blnghamton was taken
ill. Sho died shortly afterwards.
Tho deceased, for many years, was
ono of Honesdalo s best known
women and was always closely Iden
tified with tho Methodist church, the
church of her choice. Sho had been
a member of tho Honesdale Central
Methodist Episcopal church over 40
years. Mrs. Sharpstcon was born In
Dundaff nearly 75 years ago, hav
ing also spont her girlhood days at
that place. Cornelia A. Whitman
was united 1 nmarrlago to Clark W.
Sharpsteen In Chorry Ridge, after
wards moving to Honesdalo, whero
until a few years ago Mrs. Sharp
steen moved to Blnghamton. Clark
Sharpsteen died several yoars ago.
Tho following children survive:
Stephen, of Tonally, N. J.; Sarah,
MInnIo and John, in Blnghamton,
and another daughter, Mrs. Cora
Keler, In Dubuquo, Iowa.
Tho remains arrived on tho Dela
ware and Hudson 3:15 train, Mon
day afternoon and wero Immediately
taken to tho Methodist church,
whero Rev. Will H. HUler conduct
ed tho funeral services. Tho vail
bearers were W. P. Schenck, Henry
Dexter, C. E. Dodgo and J. A. Brown.
Interment was made in Glen Dyberry
The conference of the General
Missionary board of the Free Metho
dists of North America is in session
in Chicago this week. W. J. Barnes
of this place left Tuesday morning
ror the Windy City and holds tho
credentials representing tho New
lork conference, which Is compos
ed of New York, Pennsylvania, Vir
ginia, Maryland and New Jersey.
Tho remains of John Wilbert.
glassblower, who died at the Stato
hospital, Scranton, Sunday night of
pneumonia, after being in that In
stitution six days, wero taken to
Hawley Mouday by Jordan & Wolsh,
the undertakers. The funeral of tho
deceased was held Wednesday 'morn
ing from the German Catholic church
at Hawley. Interment in Hawley
Catholic cemetery.
C. J. Walsh of Canaan township,
was In Honesdalo Friday mornlnu
and left hero on tho early Erlo train
tor inow ions city. Saturday morn
ing ho expected to leave that city
for Porto Rico whero ho will teach
school. Tho trip will tako two or
threo days. Mr. Walsh Is a gradu
ate of West Chester and taught chem
istry there for soveral years.
High School Inspector Thomas S.
March, of Greensburg, Is spending
this weok in Wayno county in tho In
terest of tho schools. Inspector
March visited tho Honesdale High
school on Tuosday. Ho and Super
intendent J. J. Koehler will Bpend
tho remainder of tho weok In tho
Rumor Is rlfo that tho Erlo will
build a tresslo on the elto of tho
present milk station at East Hones
dalo for coal purposes. It is claim
ed by somo that it will bo erected
for individual uso.
Tho lco house, which is located
south ot tho 'present Borden milk
shipping station, is being torn down.
Tho new milk depot la rapidly Hear
ing completion and Superintendent
Curtis expects to move into that
structure about November let.