The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, September 18, 1912, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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He Needed n Lesson, and
He Received It
rrofessor Van Winkle, an authority
on brnlu diseases, had a theory that
the greatest liberty should be granted
to insane patients. Tho professor
claimed that shutting up a patient ag
gravated the disease. It happened that
tho college In which Van Winkle lec
tured was lpcated In the same town
with tho state lunatic asylum, nud, as
was natural, considering his specialty,
his opinions on the treatment of the
insane confined there had great weight
with the townspeople, from whom they
were reflected upon the board of direc
tors of tho asylum.
Dr. Swinbourne, the superintendent,
not only had the conlldonce of tho staff
of doctors and nurses Indeed, nil tho
employees but was very much belov
ed by them, nud they were always In
terror lest some visitor to the institu
tion witnessing n necessary severity
should, with tho nid of Professor Vnn
Winkle, cause the doctor to be repri
manded and that he would resign.
Finally tills very thing hnppeued. A
mother saw her son put in a strait
jacket. She complained to Vnu Winkle.
The professor "talked." The directors
fulminated a law ngalnst unnecessary
severity and recommended tho use of
patients, so far ns possible, for what
ever work about the Institution tricy
were Jit ted. When these orders were
received by Dr. Swinbourne lie hnnded
in his resignation.
While the mntter was pending tho
directors Invited tho professor, who
had made nil tho trouble, to go to the
asylum, make nn Inspection pertaining
especially to the treatment of patients
nnd report.
During the professor's visit lie was
given every filcillty for the perform
ance of his work, the staff were not
disposed to regard ills presence there
favorably, ne had been there about
half an hour when ho was shown to
n padded room wherein was confined
a man who showed no signs of mental
or any other disease. The professor
asked him why ho was there.
"I can't understand," replied tho pa
tient, "why I nm detained here. The
management might better nvnll them
selves of my services and save some
of tho money they have been wasting.
I was for years chef in one of the
largest hotels in America and could do
nil the cooking required here. Instead
of that I am being driven really Insane
by being confined nlono with no occupa
tion." Nothing could have conformed moro
nearly to the professor's theory.
"Why don't you give the man a
chance?" ho nsked of the attendant
who wns conducting him.
"lie has been under surveillance, pro
fessor," wns tho reply, "and wo have
nbout concluded to grant his request
What do you think about it? If you
say tho word we will put him in the
kitchen at once."
"I will nssume the responsibility of
your doing so," replied the inspector.
The patient was at once let out of
confinement and went below while the
professor continued his inspection.
There was great relief felt by tho
staff when the great montnl experi
menter finished his work and was
ready to depart. While standing in
the hall waiting for his carriage to
drive up to the door tho patient he had
released from tho padded room In
the whlto apparel of n cook stepped
up to him and whispered In his car
that if he would como to tho kitchen
ho would show him something he
should see. The professor went with
him to tho kitchen. They had no
sooner entered than tho patient locked
the door and put tho key In ills pocket.
"I don't propose," ho said, "thnt nny
of these villains who hnve kept mo a
prisoner shall Interfere with my show
ing you what miserablo rotten stuff
they have been feeding us. If I gave
them a chance they would como in
here nnd on pretense that I show signs
of relapse Kike me back to that mad
room. Mad room! That's what It is
n room In which to make some people
mad. Come here!"
Now. the locking of the door wns in
Itself not especially grateful to Pro
fessor Van Winkle, but when ho saw
tho chef getting excited lie felt a cold
chill run down his back. Ho wont
with tho latter to tho enormous range,
capable of cooking meals for a couple
of hundred persons. There was n hot
fire within, nnd the noon mcnl was
being prepared. On the range 11 largo
cauldron of soup wns boiling.
"How many cooks do you supposo
they had hor when I cimo in?" the
patient nsked excitedly. "Thcro wero
ten cooks, nnd each cook had nn as
sistant. Besides thoso fifty cooks nnd
assistant cooks, thero wero twenty
scullions, Just think of it a hundred
cooks nnd scullions to get tho meals
for not over 150 persons, nnd tho poo
plo of tho stnto taxed to pay 'cm! I
seized this" tnklng up a cleaver "and
drove 'em all out."
Professor Van Winkle had n theory
as to tho management of lunatics
when they became dangerous. It was
to humor them. Tho chef was grow
ing moro and more excited, and tho
professor thought it high limo to in
vent some way of getting out
"What door did you drivo them
through ?" ho asked.
"Thnt one," said tho chof, pointing
to n door opposite the ouo through
which they had entered.
"Let us go nnd find them," said Vnn
Winkle, starting for the door. But
when ho reached It his heart sank with
in him. It wns locked, Turning, he
snw tho chef holding up tho key, laugh
ing and dancing.
"You didn't think I would let 'em
como back, did you? Not I. Suppose
tho whole lot of 'em should como down
on mo armed with carving knives. I'd
hnve to cut their heads off with tho
cleaver." And lie brought it down
fiercely 011 a liugo block used for cut
ting meat on.
The professor looked nt tho windows
with 11 view to bolting through one of
them. The sashes wero nil down nnd
before he could get ono of them up tho
maniac could split his skull with the
"If I ever got out of hero nlivo," said
tho caged man to himself, "I'll stick to
my studies nnd let others work out my
conclusions In practice. I've lind enough
of this. This follow is mad ns 11 March
"Como hero!" thundered tho chof,
"nnd see what kind of meat this devil
Swinbourne feeds us on."
Vnn Winkle obeyed, nnd the man,
opening the door of ouo of tho ovens,
pulled out n pan containing a lnrge
roast of sizzling beef.
"Smell it!" cried tho chef.
Vnn Winkle, not dnrlug to disobey,
bent over tuo roast
Vnn Wlnklo lcnt lower. Tho mnnlnc
put Ills hand on tho other's head and
rubbed his noso on the beef. When ho
permitted his victim to nrlse, a red
spot nppeared on thp top of the pro
fessor's nose.
"You've come hero to make nn in
spectlon nnd you've got to do it You
can't smell anything unless you jwko
your nose into it. What do you think
it is?"
"Boast beef. It smells very bad,"
stammered the terrified scientist.
"Itoast beef! Why, man, that's not
roast beef; it's unicorn."
"Certainly it is."
"And it's rotten."
"Very rotten."
"Not fit to eat."
"Indeed it's not."
"What'll I do with ltr
"Throw it nway."
"No; 111 burn it to n cinder." And
shoving the meat back Into the oven,
he shut tho door with a bang.
"Do you know, professor, what kind
of meat I bclicvo in feeding insano per
sons on?"
"Ilumnn moat. There's something in
human meat to nourish humans. Why
not? Tlie waste is replenished by tho
same tissue that Is lost Theso crazy
persons suffer from n want of brain
food. What's so good for tho brain
as tho brain. If I could givo all theso
sufferers In this asylum one dinner of
brnln food I could cure 'em."
"Suppose," said the professor, trem
bling "suppose we go out nnd got
some brain food for them."
"Go out? Why should wo go out
when we've got it right hero? You,
who have done so much for brain suf
ferers will certnlnly do ono thing more."
"What?" faltered tho professor,
knowing well what the man meant.
"Give your brain to tho cause. It
would bo worth n dozen common
brains. Its theories would be taken
in to tho system as well as the organ
ic matter. Llko cures like. Como, lay
your head down on that block. I'll
take it off with this cleaver and boll it
in that cauldron."
Tho professor, whlto as n sheet and
trembling at tho knees, looked about
for an nveuue of escape.
"Down on the block!" roared the
maniac. "It's nothing more than mnny
eminent men nnd women nmong our
British ancestors have done. Think of
Anne Boloyn, tho Earl of Strafford,
Archbishop Lawd, Lady Jano Gray,
Charles I. and hundreds of others.
They gave their heads for no cause;
you will glvo yours for mental suf
ferers." Tho maniac seized the professor by
the arm, at tho same time raising the
cleaver. Van Winkle could stand tho
strain no longer, no raised n cry that
reverberated throughout tho building.
Persons wero heard trying to open tho
doors. Then ono of the windows Was
thrown up, and nn attendant Jumped
into the room, followed by others. They
renched the innniac in time to save tho
professor, took tho cleaver from the
former nnd led him nway struggling.
Six strong men wero engaged in tho re
moval. Van Wlnklo on reaching homo, as
soon as ho had recovered from the
shock he had received, wroto out n
statement to tho directors of the state
asylum for tho insano in which ho nd
mltted that thero wero cases of Insan
ity needing rigorous treatment nnd that
tho experienced persona In churgu of
them wero the best Judges of when to
apply such treatment Tho superln
tendnnt's resignation whs withdrawn.
Tho brain theorist did not again visit
tho institution for two years, when Dr.
Swlnbourno had retired. In tho now
superintendent Professor Vnn Wlnklo
met with u surprise, no wns none oth
er thnn tho mnnlnc chef who had so
nearly chopped tho Inspector's head off
Tho superintendent smiled.
"Professor," ho said, "wo wero oblig
ed to climlnato your interference with
Dr. Swinbourno's management or lose
tho doctor. Whon you came on your
tour of Inspection I wns then n physi
cian on tho Btnff, but you had never
seen mo nnd I concluded to play tho
part of nn uncured patient I mennt no
harm. Your scientific deductions nro
valuable, but wo must bo tho Judges ns
to testing them."
Professor Vnn Wlnklo never told tho
story ns to how ho had been duped nnd
Farm and
G &.jT den
Beat Way to Find Out Is to Make Test
by Meant of Clover.
Limo, considered ns tho sourco of tho
element calcium, Is ono of tho ten ab
solutely essential plant foods. As such
it is required in only small amounts,
nnd it is probnblo thnt nearly all soils
contain enough to satisfy tho direct
needs of the plant, snys a circular of
tho Perdue university, Indiana, agri
cultural experiment station.
Tho one best way to tell whether or
not tho soil needs limo is to try it nnd
sco, nnd tho plnco to try It is on tho
clover crop. A good plan Is to npply
ground Ummtono nt tho rate of two
tons per aero and harrow in beforo
sowing wheat, and In tho spring sow
clover ns usual. Tho clover may fnll
becnuso of shortage of plant food or
bad physical condition of tho soil oven
on tho limed land, so it Is best to uso n
light application of mnnuro in connco-
ciiOveh HEAra at tenhesseb exi'biument
Larger hoap shows clover Brown on limed
soil; Bmnller, clovor grown on unllmed
tion with tho lime on a part of tho
limed strip. In caso thcro is a stand of
clover on both limed and unllmed land,
tho two areas Bhould bo harvested and
weighed separately to dotermlno wheth
er or not tho limo has raado sufficient
gain to Justify its use.
Acids turn blue litmus paper red, and
this test has been recommended for
soil acidity, but wo do not regard it as
entirely satisfactory. Howevor, for tho
Information of thoso who may wish to
try It, wo give tho following directions:
Place n strip of bluo litmus paper be
tween two wider strips of filter paper,
break open a moist clod, plnco ono end
of tho strips of paper in tho fracture
and press tho clod firmly together. In
nbout ten minutes removo tho litmus
paper and pin it up to dry by tho end
which was left out of tho soil. A
chango to pink or red which lasts after
tho paper is dry indicates acid. Do not
handle tho end of tho paper used for
testing or allow nnythlng to touch it
Repent tho test with different samples,
and if doubtful test tho subsoil, which
Is generally moro ncld than tho surface
soil. Blue litmus papor and filter pn
per can bo bought nt any drug store.
Jock, when yo hno nnethlng
else to do yo may bo nyo stick
ing in n tree; it will bo growing,
Jock, when yo'ro sleeping. From
"Tho neart of Midlothian," by
Sir Wnlter Scott
Cash From Waste.
As soon ns possible nfter tho small
grain is harvested turn the stock into
tho fields to glean the waste grain nnd
clean up tho fence rows. A part of
tho money tho land has produced still
remains in tho field nfter tho grain
lias been harvested nnd removed. An
imnls enn make available cash out of
tho wasto crops.
Get It on the Land.
Thero Is no month in tho year when
mnnuro cannot be hauled nnd scat
tered on tho fields to advantage. It Is
better on tho laud than iu tho stables
and lots.
With the Feathered Folk.
Lack of grit overfeeding nnd idle
ness cause liver trouble.
When alfalfa or clover hay is stored
in tho barn it will bo easy to gather
n quantity of tho leaves that shatter
off, nnd theso nro primo feed for all
classes of poultry.
Dry feed has no placo in tho duck
diet. Four parts wheat bran, ono part
corumenl nnd enough low grade Hour
added to bind tho mass without mak
ing it pasty, about C per cent sharp
grit moistened with Just enough wa
ter to bo crumbly, is n good ration.
Aftor tho first fow days n llttlo soaked
beef scrap may bo added, though not
necessary If tho feed Is moistened with
Scly legs in fowls nro caused by a
mite which finds Its way under tho
scalo nnd causes tho legs to becomo
diseased, rough nnd painful. Theso
mltcri cannot survlvo groaso or oil.
The remedy is tho application of ol
thor. Keroseno will hnvo tho effect of
destroying tho natural color of tho
logs. Tho uso of lard, meat frylngs or
vusollno will do tho work. Kansas
Deroocratlo Stomachs Rovolt Against
Wilson-Marshall Mush.
"Speak out J Spoak out!" is tho nl
meet desporato cry of tho Now York
World, tho nowspapcr chiefly re
sponsible for tho nomination of Wood
row Wilson In 1912, as It was for tho
nomination of Alton B. Parkor in
1904. Day aftor day, it scorns, tho
World has boon waiting with cars to
tho windward for somo point, somo
virilo, vital oxprcsslon from its latost
presidential Jack out of tho box on
questions of tho hour, eomo solid
poaltlvo uttoranco by tho candidate,
which It could grab and lay about
with aa n campaign shlllolnh. It has
waited in vain. Hounded periods of
droary drlvol, pedagogical common
places thnt might havo como out of
a third roodor nnd which had about
aa much relation to issues of tho cam
paign no "It Is a eln to steal a pin"
has to Metropolitan opera, havo been
fed to curious crowds and to odltora
waiting with whottod pons for rod
hot motoors of Inspiration.
Disappointment nnd disgust nro not
confined to tho World oUlce. "Wo
asked you for broad and you gavo us a
s to no" is paraphrased in Domocratlo
sentiment by "Wo naked you for
moat and you gave ua mush." Nause
ated with Wilson thoy turnod to Mar
shall only to find him as aperient of
vacuous platitudoB as his coadjutor.
It's a hopeless appeal. As well try
to Ecizo tho oluslvo tall of a greased
pig nt a county fair as expect to got
nnythlng doflnlto out of Wilson. Ho
was doflnlto enough when ho said in
his "History of tho Amorlcan Peo
ple" that "tho Chlneso aro moro to bo
desired na workmon, if not as citi
zens," than "tho coarso crow crowding
in at eastorn ports" that is, immi
grants from Euro pa. Ho was deflnlto
enough in saying in tho same book
that congress had "dealt very harshly"
in passing tho law excluding Chlneso
from tho United States. He was dotl
nito enough in denouncing immigrants
from Poland, Hungary and Italy.
Evidently Wilson can speak out if
ho wants to, and tho lnferonco 1b that
he is afraid to. On tho Issuo of a
navy powerful enough to defend tho
Interests and uphold tho honor of tho
United States ho is silent for fear of
offending tho Democratic majority in
congress opposed to strengthening tho
navy. On tho tariff ho is, to quote an
old comparison, "neither a man, nor
a mouse, nor a long tailed rat," but
moro like one of thoso ancient Egyp
tian monstrosities carved on the mum
my cases, with heads looking contrari
wise On ono point he is definite ho
wants to bo president, and he doesn't
care much how ho gets there. Ho is
willing to slosh through a soa of bosh
to the Whlto Houso, and now that ho
has tho nomination ho counts upon
tho world and the rost of tho whang
doodles to follow, whether they llko
his stylo or not
Perhaps thoy will, notwithstanding
grimaces of disgust and protesting
cries to speak out
But tho people they want a man
for president
Truly, President Taft Does Not Follow
System Politically.
Thnt Is a criticism often heard ol
President Taft It is tho professional
politician usually who voices it, but
often it la repeated by thoso who aro
accustomed to tako their estimates of
public men and their political opinions
from others.
Playing tho game has been tho occu
pation of time serving politicians from
tlmo immemorlaL Men who regard
politics as a game llko to see it played
doftly. Other men without fixed ideas
on tho subjoct parrot tho criticism
passed by tho experts.
Playing tho gamo in politics neces
sarily has deceit a8 its fundamental
Tho public man who eee3 develop
ing nn issuo that might prove embar
rassing to him personally, and who
manages, by guile, to divert public at
tention to another, a losscr, but a per
fectly safe, issuo, plays tho game,
Tho public man who makes public
protestations of his enmity toward
swolJon wealth and then holds socrot
conferences with tho representatives
of that wealth, plays tho gamo.
Tho public man who preaches one
codo of political morality and prac
tices nnothor plays tho game.
Tho public man who utters sounding
but empty phrases, no matter how de
lightful his diction or how suporb hla
eloquence, plays tho gamo.
The public man who makes promises
lmposslblo of fulfillment plays tho
Tho public man who puts tho ac
quirement of public favor ahovo ldeala
of public Borvlco play tho gamo.
Truly, President Taft docs not know
how to play tho' gamo.
no has boon reared in an atmos
phoro of sorvico rather than politics,
as wo havo como to know politics, Tlio
tiling that has always concerned him
is tho doing of an act, not tho spoc
tacular staging of It, nor tho exploita
tion of it, nor, on tho contrary, tho
concealment of it
To sorvo has always boon his ideal,
not merely to acquire tlio nppoaranco
of serving.
U has been lmposslblo for him to
look upon publlo scrvico as a gamo.
The public's business, as ho regards it.
Is sorlous business.
Thoro ia reason for tho belief that
tho Amorlcan peoplo as a wholo share
with him this viow. The growing in
tolligonco of tho nation is rejoctlng
tho idea that tho selection of thoir
publlo servants Is merely a sporting
Mayflower Descendants to Raise $500,
000 For Memorial.
According to plans submitted nt the
sixth congress of tho General Society
of Mayflower Descendants, Plymouth,
Mass., will in tho near ftituro undergo
1 great changes nlong htstorlcnl lines.
Pinna nro under wny to raise by sub
iwrlpUon tho sum of $500,000 for the
purpose of maintaining n perpctunl
memorial to the pilgrim band which
landed here In 1020.
1 It Is tho opinion of the majority of
the members that a moro fitting memo
rial than n shaft would bo the lmprove-
' ment of tho property in tho vicinity of
Plymouth rock, which has long been
nn object of criticism by summer vis
itors from all ovor tho country.
1 The Idea, if carried out, will bo to
secure all of tlio nvnllnblo property sur
rounding tho rock and tear down nil
objectlonnblo buildings, thus giving n
clear and unobstructed view of the
harbor from Colos hill.
I Another plan suggested is to do away
with nil tlio ground between tho rock
and tho shore, allowing tho tldo to
flood the rock.
! Vacation Spent Laboring In Steel
: Plant to Get Experience.
In the big mills of Pittsburgh twen
i ty-nino college professors from twen
: ty-five different schools in nineteen
' states nre ending the summer vaca
tions thoy forfeited that they might
don overalls and get into the nctual
works of great Industrial plants here
Just for the experience. For this thoy
have boon paid on an nverago 20 cents
nn hour, or nbout $-10 a month, nnd
have worked In the hottest summer
known nt the plnnts.
! Most of thorn have been living In
I the mechanics' boarding houses. All
! have carried dinner pnlls or have cat
en nt the factory dining halls In the
thirty minutes allowed for lunch.
The Westinghouso company found
ten college Instructors on its payroll
i and placed them In a class undor the
direction of Professor George B. Thom
as of Colorado university. This class
has had lectures nearly every night
nfter tho day's, work.
DINANCES. i Ordinanco to amend Section 2 of
(Ordinance No. 10 of the Borough of
Honesdale. Bo it enacted, etc., That
section 2 of Ordinance No. 10 en
titled Exhibitions, approved the 18th
day ot February 1U07 which reads
as follows:
, Sec. 2. Tho price for a license
provided for in the first section of
this ordinanco shall be as follows:
I For a circus or menagerie, tho sum
, of twenty-live ($25.00) dollars for
each and every day the same shall be
, opened. For every other exhibition,
, or amusement, provided for In the
I first section of this ordinance, the
, sum of five (?5.00) dollars for each
I day the same shall be opened. Pro
vided, that a license shall be Issued
I for a longer period than ono day, at
.the following rates: License for one
day threo ($3.00) dollars; and two
I ($2.00) dollars for each succeeding
additional day not exceeding one
! week. Licenso for more than one
I week and not exceeding ono month,
fifteen dollars; and for each succeed
ing additional month, two ($2.00)
uoiiars; provided, that this or
dinance shall not apply to exhibitions
given under the auspices and for the
benefit of any local, charitable, re
ligious, educational, social or Bor
ough improvement association, be
amended so as to read as follows:
Tho price for a license provided
for in the first section of this ordi
nance shall be as follows:
For a circus or a menagerie, the
sum of twenty-five ($25) dollars for
each and every day tho same shall be
opened. For every other exhibition,
entertainment or amusement for
which an admission feo shall be
charged and provided for in tho first
section of this ordinance, the sum of
5.00 for each day tho same shall
be opened. Provided, that a license
shall bo issued for a longer porlod
than one day at tho following rates:
Licenso for two days shall be
$3.00 for each day, and for each
succeeding additional day not exceed
ing ono week $1.00 a day. Licenso
for moro than ono week and not ex
ceeding one month $15 and for each
succeeding additional month $5.00
provided that this ordinanco shall
not apply to exhibitions given under
tho auspices and for tho benefit of
nny local, charitable, religious, edu
cational or Borough Improvement
An Ordinanco to amend Ordinance
No. 24 of tho Ordinanco of the
Borough of Honesdale, approved
February 18, 1907, by adding there
to Section No. 3 as follows:
No person shall bo permitted with
in tho Borough to hawk, peddlo or
vend upon tho public highways,
streets, lanes, alleys or roads of tho
Borough ot Honesdale, any fish,
fruit, vegetables or nny kind of
goods, wares or merchandise with
out having first obtained from tho
Burgess or in his absenco from tho
Borough Treasurer, a licenso so to
do. Tho prico of such licenso Is
horoby fixed at $10 for tho first day
and $5 for each succeeding addition
al day. Provided that this ordinance
shall not apply to porsons selling
goods of thoir own production or
wero on tho 5th day of Septemhor,
1912, separately ordained and en
actcd, adopted and passed by tho
Town Council of tho Borough or
Honesdale, in Council assembled, ns
tho ordinances of said borough, to go
into effoct and operation from and
aftor tho publication thoroof accord
ing to law.
Town Council of tho Borough of
Town Council of tho Borough of
Approved Sept. C, 1912.
chas. a. Mccarty, ,
73ol3 Burseia.
Office adjacent to Post Qillcu In Dlmmlck
office, Honesdale, l'n.
OIUcc over post office. All legni business
promptly nttcndeil to. Honesdale. i.'.
i,01ir.frI'").,tr,J' Hn" ''""dine, opposite the
I'ost OUlce. lloneatlale. Ia.
OUlce: Rolf Building, Honesdale.
niiARLEs a. Mccarty,
Special and prompt attention clven to the
collection of claims.
OUlce: Reif Building, Honesdale.
OHice in the Court Ilouee, Honeedalo
Office-Second floor old Savings liriy
bulldlnc. Honesdale. l'a,
Offices lately occupied by Judge Searle
Office adjacent to Post Office. Honesdale.Pa.
Offlce-Flrst floor, old Savings Bank bnild
Ing. Honesdale. l'a.
1011 MAIN ST.
Citizens' Phone.
Eye and Kar a specialty. The fitting of glass
es given careful attention.
Especial Attention
Given to
Transit Business.
H. F. Weaver
ArohitGGt and Builder
Plans & Estimates
Residence, 1302 EastSt.
Trade Marks
Anyone pending a ftketrh nnd description niay
qntcklr ascertain our or nloii froo whether au
invention ts probably ratentiihlo. Coniniunlea
tlonsotrlctlrcontldentlul. HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free. Oldest acencr torsecuiinirputents.
l'atcnta taken through Muim & Co. iccotre
if iclal notice, vtllhout chargo. lu tba
Scientific jffineiican,
A handome!r lllntrtej weeXlr. I-arecst cir
culation ot nnr pcientltla Journal. Terms, 13 a
yonr: four mouths, L tioUliTull newsdealer..
IY1UNN &Co.3StBroatSNew York
liranch OOlcu. tB5 F SU Washing ten, I). C.
Have mo and savo money. Wi
nttcntl sales nnywhero in Stnto.
Address WAYMART, PA.(R. D. 3
The OLDEST Fire Insurance
Agency in Wayne County.
OUlce: Second floor Masonic Build
ing, ovor C. c. Jadwin'a drug store,
Sona la all your items of Interest.
The Citizen Is looking for them.