The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, September 18, 1912, Image 1

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Fine Job Work Promptly Ex
ecuted nt Tlo Citizen onicc.
Subscrlbo For Tlio Citizen Tlio
People's Family Paper; 91.50
Per Year.
70th YEAR.--NO. 75
Of Purview Criminal lnsano llospl
till Which is I.tliicu to lie limit
est Jiistitntion In the State.
A nioetlne was held Saturday at
Farviow of the trustees of tho Far
view State Hospital for tho Criminal
Insane. It was a continuation of the
meeting held two weeks ago. All of
tho members of tho board of trustees
n'flra nrpsnnt
The important business transacted .
was tho arrangement for opening the
hospital on November 15 and possi- j
bly earlier, and tho electing of Dr. j
T C Fitzsimmons as tho permanent;
In June Doctor Fitzsimmons has been
acting superintendent. At the mect-i
ing Saturday his was the only name i
brought forward for the responsible
position and his selection was unanl-,
-mnns. '
A distinguished visitor at the meet
ing Saturday was Judge Johnson, of
Delaware county, and president of
the State Board of Charities, Correc
tion and Lunacy. Ho went all
through the buildings and walked
over tho adjoining lands belonging to
the hospital -and declared that it is I
uesiinea 10 uu lue grcnieai iusuluuuu
In tkfi state. Fire was placed under
the boilers Saturday and steam rais
ed and tho buildings heated and they
will be kept so most of tho time so
that the rooms may be thoroughly
dried and warmed for tho opening.
This week the stone crusber is
at work preparing material for build
ing roads and shipments of farm
machinery are expected dally. On
Monday the committee having the
matter in charge advertised for bids
for furniture which will give plenty
of time for delivery after the bids
are opened three weeks from that
Reifler & Sons, Inc., acid manu
facturers, W. G. ReiHer, manager,
are working on full capacity, burn
ing about 27 cords of wood per day
or 8,000 cords per year.
TJii ni-rtrllln nf tllia Tl'oll lrnnu'n
ic h..,,icrv.f ,frnm Tnnnoro tniiQ !
to Honesdale by four teams. Only (
one trip is made per day, which is
quite expensive when other methods
of transportation are considered. On
Monday Mr. Connell, of Scranton,
representing the Alco Truck com
pany, made a demonstration which
proved to Mr. ReiHer that It is less
expensive and a 'great! time saver In
conveylngr-the producVbf the' factory
to marketr At one load the truck
carried as much as four teams do.
There were three tons of charcoal
brought down at one time, when two
tons of hard coal were carried back.
The truck Is two-ton capacity. Mr.
Reifler claims that bo wants about a
3 ton truck and contemplates
buying one soon.
The acid factory Is running at
full capacity, there being from 50 to
CO men employed, including wood
choppers, mill and factory hands.
Words, especially when conveyed
over a telephone, similarlzo them
selves with other words and In some
Instances when reproduced In print
sound ridiculous. For Instance,
Tho Citizen received a telephone
message Just before going to press
last Thursday afternoon stating C.
H Dorfllnger, Senator Walter Mc
Nichols and Judge A. T. Searle had
returned from a trip to Matteawan,
N. Y , etc. The telephone made It
sound like "sons of" Walter Mc
Nichols, tho way it appeared in the
paper If tho words "Senator" and
"sons of" are said one following the
other they will sound somewhat
T and C, B and V, M and N and
other letters of the alphabet have a
similar sound, which oftentimes
makes it hard to understand over a
phone In telephoning If a person
cannot make clear a certain letter a
good plan Is to pronounce a word
tho first letter of which Is the one
you might want to express. For In
stance T for ton, C for cat, B for
boy and V for vat, etc.
Jack Pelllo has hit upon a novel
as well as euphonious name, for his
new hotel on Lackawanna avenue
opposite tho Delaware and Hudson
Btatlon It Is called "Tho Dolhud
son " In view of tho location this
seoms to bo a pretty good title.
understand that ho now proposes to
call tho restaurant In his building up
the avenuo near tho Lackawanna
state ' The Delawan." Tho latter es
tabiishment which opened as a
"Presto," passed into Mr. Pellio's
hands several weeks ago. As Mr.
Pelllo spent a number of years sell
ing goods on the road before becom
ing a wholesale dealer, I presume he
knows just how "Tho Dolhudson"
and "Tho Dolawan" should bo con
ducted to meet tho requirements of
tho traveling public as well as local
patronage. Though ho will take no
actlvo part In the management, as
tho man behind ho can assist ma
terially In tho future success of tho
two housos. Scranton Tribune-Republican.
A rumor upon tho streets of
Honesdalo Tuesday afternoon report
ed Joseph Ackerman and Dr. C. E.
Micks as having experienced a seri
ous automobile accident in Carbon
dale. A telephone message received
by The Citizen from Carbondale do
nlea tho story, claiming that both
men are all right.
Carbondalo Yotnif? Womnii Whose
Name is Withheld is Stricken.
It Is reported that a case of small
pox that has Its origin In Carbondnlo
has been discovered at South Canaan.
Or. A. M. Cook of that place notified
Dr. C. .1. Hunt, who has charge of the
smallpox situation in Carbondalo that
a caso of the disease had been dis
covered there. He refused to di
vulge the name of tho young lady
who Is now under tho care of Dr. A
M. Cook of Canaan. Dr. Hunt stat
eu, nowever, uiui me juuiib iuuj won
a resident of Carbondalo. She had
been visiting friends at South
lr .
McLaughlin of Federal Health
Service Says Yearly Toll is 2u,-
Typhoid fever entails a loss on the
people of the United States of moro
than one hundred million dollars a
year. While American people are ap
palled at tho ravages of tho bubonic
demies in Russia, typhoid fever in
this country claims moro lives and
entails moro economic loss.
It is estimated by officials of the
public health service that 4,250,000
people of this country are attacked
by typhoid fever every year. This
disease causes at least 25,000 d each a
a year,
The pollution of streams from
which water supplies are drawn Is in
a large part responsible for the
spread of typhoid fever In the
United States. This Is the substance
of a statement made by Dr. Allen J
McLaughlin of the public health
Congress at tho last session
amended the law governing the pub
lic health service and broadening the
scope of that service so that it Is
now authorized to Investigate the
disease of man, their cause and mode
of diffusion, involving the supervis
ion of navigable waters, which are
under the jurisdiction of the Federal
Government, in order
to protect
thflu against pollution by sewage and
other contaminating conditions.
This is a step taken by the Con
gress In an effort to minimizes the
dangers from the contamination of
the water supply of the cities located
on navigable rivers, and the execu
tive department of the Government
has at the same time taken advant
age ot tho. water boundaries treaty to
secure from the Government of Can
ada an agreement to submit to the
international joint commission slml
lar questions for Investigation.
The international joint commission
and the public health service there
fore have joined hands in the fight to
be wagea against the typhoid germ
Discussing health conditions. Dr
McLaughlin called attention to the
fact that In northern Europe thirty
three principal cities with an aggro-
gate population of 31,500,000 had an
average typhoid death rate of C.5 In
100,000 in the years of 1909 and
1910, while fifty registration cities
in the United States with a combined
population of 20,000,000 had a ty
phold death rate of 25 in 100,000.
tV conservative estimate for the
year 1910," said Mr. McLaughlin
'will place the deaths from typhoid
lever above 25,000 in tho United
States. For the whole of the United
States tho number of cases for each
year preventable by means within
our grasp would total 10,500. In
1909 there were more cases of ty
phold fever in tho United States
tnan cases of nlaeuo in India, in
spite of the fact that India's popula
tion is two ana one-half times that
of tho United States.
Rudolph Guth, who until recently
held the record for being the champ
ion rifle shot in the United States,
now living at Jeffersonville, N. Y.,
together with Mr. and Mrs. William
Duer, the latter being landlord of
the Mansion House, in that town,
motored to Honesdale on Thursday
last in tho former's car. Whllo here
they registered at tho Allen Houso.
Mr. Guth expressed himself as be
ing highly elated with Honesdalo
and stated to a 'friend here that ho
had no idea that Honesdalo was as
pretty a place as It is. Mr. Guth
thinks Honesdale would mako an
ideal place for summer boarders.
stating it is much better adapted 'for
this kind of business. He spoke
very highly of tho scenery and the
town, Its wide streets, how nlco it
Is laid out and many other compli
mentary things. Tho town extends
an invitation to Mr. Guth to come
often to tho Maplo City. "Como and
we will do thee good."
C. F. Bentley has purchased part
of a plot of land, known as tho Win
ton estate, located on a bluff near
Conductor Ward's now houso on
Park street and will soon begin
building a new homo on this very at
tractive site. He will dispose of tho
remaining lots to parties desiring
them. It is reported that several
people aro contemplating building on
tho remainder of this plot.
On Tuesday evening Protection
Engine company nassed n resolution
giving tho town council and Hones
dalo Improvement Association per
mission to hold their meetings In tho
firemen's parlors of City Hall.
Wayne Independent.
We always thought that tho bor
ough fathers had charge of town
property and dictated, to others who
in lent occupy tne rooms in tola mun
lclpal building.
Father Sullivan of Ilostou Finishes
Tho Weeks' Mission Where IMS!!
Communions Were Given.
Tho two weeks' Mission at St.
John's Roman Catholic church closed
with services on Sunday night last,
with a largo attendance. Tho llrst
week wnB for women, and tho aver
ago nightly attendance during tho
week was 4 00 persons. At tho
Women's Mission special solos were
rendered by Mrs. Dardls, of Brook
lyn; Mrs. Riley, of Wllliamsport, and
Miss Flnnerty of Honesdale.
The second week for the men was
also largely attended, tho nightly av
erago being 250 persons. Tho solo
ists during this week were Messrs.
Carl Monahan, Kalllghan, and others.
Mr. Carr accompanied the soloists on
the violin. Miss Havey presided at
tho organ.
During the two weeks Mission
23S3 communions were given to peo
ple of tho parish. Members of tho
church from Canaan, Waymart, Clin
ton, Cherry Rldgo and many other
places were present and received
communion. Many took communion
several times.
The Mission was held by Rev.
Father Christopher Sullivan, of
Boston, who is a member of the So
ciety of Jesus. He is a powerful and
impressive speaker and delivered
some of the strongest sermons ever
heard by the people of tho parish.
Last Sunday night at 7:30 closed
the mission service at this church
with 2S9 men and boys present. The
scene at the renewal of the baptismal
promises was an impressive one.
During this service the electric lights
of tho church were cut off and the
while each one was renewing the
baptismal promises, they held a light
ed candlo in their hand and while
Father Sullivan pronounced the
words of the service each collective
ly repeated the words after him.
Last Thursday afternoon at four
o'clock the children of tho parish
were blessed by the Mission Father.
These children ranged In ages from
babes in arms to a child of seven
years. Father Sullivan preached a
sermon to the mothers, taking 'for his
text, "Suffer the little children to
come unto Me, and forbid them not."
In summing up the two weeks
Mission, Father Sullivan told the
priests of St. John's church that he
was very much edified by the attend
ance and piety and earnestness of
all who made the Mission.
Ever since the fishing season operf
ed Wayne county anglers have been
laying for tho famous Bldwell black
bass, a lake leviathan that has gain
ed sea serpent fame In the wilds of
Wayne. Anglers on tho way home
from a day's fishing have met with
incredulous starts when they told
their friends of having seen the won
der. John Sheehan, stock broker in
tho Mears' building had hard work
convincing his friends that the bass
had made away with his steel rod,
line, sinker, bait and bobber ono day
last week. Lured by tho tales of
the Bldwell bass scores of fishermen
from this county went Into Wayne
to cast for the wonder but they all
came back with nothing but stories
of Its size.
Over at tho Nash hotel on Adams
aveme last Friday night, tho bjard
ers at the boarding boss' table, sat
In to a plentiful helping of fish. The
size of tho back bone caused a learn
ed discussion on piscatorial se'ences
and oets were mado that the fish
course was the flank of a young
whole. To decide the bets Harry
Madden, tho owner of tho hotel,
modestly owned up that ho had land
ed tho leviathan tho day beforo in
Bldwell's pond, and that It was none
other than tho famed Bldwell black
bass, stuffed and served baked. Mad
den says tho fish weighed seven
pounds and six ounces. Scranton
Burton W. Gibson, who Just now
Is receiving widespread notoriety as
the suspected slayer of Mrs. Rosa
Szaho, at Greenwood Lako, Orange
county, on July
on July lGth last, was to
have tried a law suit at tho coming
terra of court on SePt- !7, being
attorney for Mario Sipplo, executrix,
in an action against Sadlo Fickott on
a promissory note. With tho Rosen
thal caso and tho Gibson case, Sulli
van county continues to keop well In
tno nmeiigni.
The American Knitting Comnany.
which recently bought land and stor
age sheds from tho Wyman Klmblo
estate at Industrial Point, have great
ly improved tins property with sheet
iron siding and several coats of
paint. Tho plant of. this concern
now occuplos a largo plot of ground
and presents a very neat appearance.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Glbbs, tho lat
ter s mother, Mrs. Lewis, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Erhardt left Saturday in
tno lormer s auto tor Richmond, va
Mr. Glbbs went via Stroudsburg.
Many points of interest will bo visit
ed, among thorn boing the National
capitoi, Tho party expect to bo ab
sent about ten days.
-MRS. KATZ PAID $5,1 10.00.
Charles E. Dodge, local agent for
tno Now York Lire insurance com
pany, presented Mrs. William J. Katz
a chock for $5,'1'1G,96. Mr. Katz
carried a policy for $5,000 -with tho
New York Life. The $ 11G.9C repre
sents tuo accumulated dividends and
Tho saw mill belonging to W. J.
Cobb, of Hoadleys, burned last Frl-
lady night about 10 o'clock. The
I mill had been in operation all day
and as far as could bo ascertained
everything was loft all right when
the mill shut down for tho night.
I In nddltion to burning tho mill
and destrovlntr tho machinery, sever
al thousand feet of finished lumber
standing in tho yard near tho mill
was also consumed, entailing a ,
heavy loss for Mr. Cobb. Insurance
was carried upon tho mill and con
Mr. Cobb has been operating his
saw mill for about eight years do
Ing lumbering for the Pennsylvania
Coal Company.
i r
Ilonesdnlo Furnishes Its Slinrc E
,trn Trains Required to Care for
Cars Town Wants Two Freights
- The Delaware & Hudson Railroad
company did the largest freight busi
ness last month of any month In Its
history, according to a report from
the olllces of William J. Mullln, gen
oral traffic manager. September
business is keeping up to tho August
record and railroad officials expect It
to increase for the next six weeks or
two months.
The Honesdale branch of this road,
according to officials connected with
this road, claim that tho branch is
not paying tho company. That one
freight a day Is sufficient for the
town and that the service is as good
as the company can give.
Possibly it is as good as it can give
with only ono train each way, but
thfi huslnpsa men of Honesdale. ow-
Incr tn tliA mnnv snpplnl trains hplneiaro requested to bring
run over the Mooslc between the reg-
ular freltrht train hours, are nromDt-
ed to think differently. Invariably'
special trains, crews and engines of
tne ten hundred type, steam, snort,
whistle and make all manner of
noise on Sunday, breaking the quie
tude of the hour during church ser
vices. These engines take out any
where from 50 to 90 cars at a trip.
They are freight and coal cars and
represent the collection of cars of the
week. If Honesdale had two freight
trains a day over the Delaware &
Hudson road a certain number of
these cars could be taken care of each
day. This would do away with the
special trains which are now run dur
ing the week as well as on Sundays.
The extra crews, their time, fuel and
cost of operation, it is claimed, is
luivalent to another crew, -which
could run the second freight train,
which the town wants.
It has been said that if It were not
for the Delaware and Hudson sys
tem In this locality that Honesdale
would not have been In existence to
day. But on the other hand, If the
merchants and manufacturers had
not patronized tho Delaware and
Hudson road that company would not
have spent thousands of dollars up
on the Honesdale branch If the road
were not paying for tho benefit of
the freight and passenger end.
Tho members of Protection En
gine Company No. 3 are making
plans to hold their annual ball and
concert In tho State armory Friday
evening, October 18th.
The event promises to cap tho cli
max of any other social function
every held by our gallant and vali
ant fire laddies. Tho committee in
charge aro ardent workers and that
it will be a grand success Is a fore
gone conclusion.
If you are called unon to sunnort
tho affair in any way, either by con
tributions, eatables, or purchasing a
ticket, do it willingly, romemborlng
that tho flro company Is your best
friend when flames may bo shooting
from your home. Bo liberal and
help the boys all you can. They
aro deserving of help and you will
never miss it. "Every little bit
added to what you got, makes just a
llttlo bit more." Tho more you glvo
tho moro you will receive Is Biblical
S. J. Barclay, of Damascus, has
petitioned tho court to annolnt a
lunacy commission to exaralno his
son, James Franklin Barclay, an al
logeu insano nerson. of Damascus.
xno court appointed Dr. F. W. Pow
ell, Attorney M. E. Simons and N. B.
bpencer a commission.
Tho Wayno county commissioners
mot at tho court houso on Saturday
afternoon In special session and ap
pointed ueorgo II. Stonzhorn to ho
assessor of Texas township to fill
the vacancy caused by tho reslgna
tlon of Jacob Balles.
Tho Ladles of tho Maccabees real
ized $11 from tho tag distribution
during tho Wayno county celebration
held In Honesdalo. There wore no
prizes offered. Tho members had
chargo of tho distribution of the
A number of tho standard boar
ers of Old Glory havo received an ln
crcaso of pension during the past
few days. It is expected that othors
will soon got their vouchers.
Clarence D. Fortnam, of Tyler
Hill, who was recently married, pre
sented his bride 'with a beautiful
Byrno piano player. It was purchas
ed through John Richmond-
.Ml mi .McDonald of Iliiiiislmi'H Arrives
, to Take Clmrjie of tho Work
Circulating Library a lieucllt
to Town.
Tho books of tho free circulating
library located In the Honesdale
High school building, aro being ro-1
vised and catalogued this week uy.celved. It is expected that tho or-
.miss Anna .Macuonam, or Harris-1 gan will bo here somo tlmo next
burg, assisted by Misses Dorothy : month.
Menner, Mario Freund and Luclle Tho total cost of the new pipe or
Rowland, of this place. Tho Dewey lean will be $2,000. Half of this
classification is being Introduced, af-
: ter others have been used. Tho card .
'system or means of cataloguing the!
books will be adopted. Each book I
will be represented by a card upon '
which Is written tho title, author ,
ana subject of tho book.
Miss MacDonald, announcement of
whoso coming to Honesdale was
mado In last Friday's Citizen, told a
Citizen reporter that tho newspapers
aro a public library's best friend and
that thero is no agency like a news
paper to bring a library's advantages
before tho reading public. A free
library, said Miss MacDonald, Is the
only democratic Institution in exist
ence. It will count moro for Hones
dale In an educational, religious and
civic way, outside of the church or
school, than any institution that we
have. The 1910 census reported
48 towns having a population of 3,
000 or over as having libraries and
IS of tho 48 towns were supported
by taxablcs.
In connection with the public li
brary of Honesdale, books from the
Pennsylvania Free Circulating Li
brary will be continued for an in
definite period.
Parties having books which they
desire to donate to tho school library
them this
week before tho catalogue is com-
Pieiea. iuiss .uacuonaiu win remain
In Honesdale the remainder of the
week and is giving the library her
personal attention.
Honesdale has one of the best li
braries In this section of the state
and it should be liberally patronized.
It is a free circulating institution,
which is an incentive for everybody
to take books.
The trustees of the Central Meth
odist Episcopal church, of which
Rev. Will H. Hiller is pastor, has
signed a contract with Umberto Pas-
tore, of Scranton, to decorate the in
terior of this edifice. The contract
calls for completion of the Job by
November 2. The present decora
tion 'will be entirely changed and a
much prettier and more simple de
sign substituted. Mr. Pastore Is one
of the best artists in this line of
work and when completed the Meth
odist church will be considerably
improved In appearance. In add!
tlon to the walls and celling, the
vestibule will also bo refrescoed.
The pipe organ is being thorough
ly repaired by H. N. Craigg, of Bing
hamton, N. Y.
A new green and brown brussels
carpet, purchased of Menner & Co.,
by the Whatsoever Circle of the
church, will replace tho present in
grain carpet.
J. N. Welch, who enjoys fishing
next to eating, recently experienced
an exciting time on Forest Lake
wnero he and a friend had gone to
spend the day and incidentally catch
iish. But Joe accidentally cot a
fish. It landed in the boat so quickly
that Joe could hardly believe his own
eyes, and beforo ho had taken the
rod in hand to hook tho fish. But
thero It lay, right In the bottom of
tho boat and Joe stood over him ex
claiming to his friend, "After this I
will believe any fish story." It ap
pears that tho pickerel, which was a
largo ono, evidently was pricked by
the hook which caused It to jump
out of water and being near tho boat
fell inside instead of out. But Joe
Is lucky, oven at pitching quoits.
Architect Clarence Decker, lato of
Los Angeles, Cal., and son of Mr.
and Mrs. Georgo W. Decker, of Fif
teenth street, is now located at San
Diego, Cal. Mr. Decker has secur
ed tho position of supervising archi
tect for tho San Diego Exposition
Company, who aro getting things in
readiness for tho great Panama ex
position. Mr. Decker's former
Honesdalo friends aro elated to hear
of his advancement in the architec
tural sphere.
Kraft & Conger, coal sale agents
for tho Delaware & Hudson Coal
company, assured tho Business Men's
association committee that there
would bo no coal famine in Hones
dalo tho coming fall or winter. Tho
agents aro storing coal and will bo In
a position to secure and furnish suf
ficient coal for this locality during
tho coming season, they claim.
Ed Gray has accopted a position as
night watchman with tho Gurney
Electric Elevator Co. to succeed Pe
ter Miller of East Honesdalo, who is
moving to Hawley, where ho Is going
in tho glasscuttlng business with
Potor Bauer of that place.
A new kind of Intoxicating liquor
has beon discovered In Missouri. At
the bottom of every silo Is found a
liquor produced by the fermentation
or tne silage, n is similar to or
dinary corn whisky beforo boing dls
Tho congregation, Sunday school
and different young peoples' societies
and other organizations aro working
assiduously to get tho desired sum
together, repcsentlng tho church's
share of tho proposition. Last Sun
day the Sunday school of tho German
Lutheran church presented Pastor C.
C. Miller with over ono hundred dol
lars for the organ fund. Several in
dividual donations have also been re-
amount will bo borne by Andrew
Carnegie, tho well known benefactor,
and the balance bv tho church. Tho
treasury of tho organ fund almost
contains the desired amount.
Homer Sandcrcock Accidentally
Shoots Himself in Arm nt Peck's
Pond Wliilo Camping.
Tho second accidental shooting af
fair, occurring at Peck's pond, Piko
county, happened last Thursday
when Homer Sandercock of Ariel was
shot In the arm while removing his
shot gun from a boat, having Just re
turned from shooting ducks. Tho
boys had broken camp and Sander
cock went to the boat to get the gun.
In some unaccountable manner It
was discharged, the contents enter
ing his arm at tho wrist, traveled
through the fleshy part of the fore
arm, coming out at the elbow.
Sandercock's friends did not know
that he was Injured until ho called
his friends to bandage the arm.
Sandercock was taken to Hawley
and given temporary treatment and
later was motored to Scranton and
placed under the care of Dr. Reed
Homer Is a son of John Sander
cock of Ariel. It Is expected that
tho arm will give him no serious
trouble as a special serum has been
administered, which undoubtedly will
ward off all danger.
(Special to The Citizen.)
SCRANTON, Sept. 17. Ladles
will occupy a conspicuous place In
the reception to be given Governor
Wilson when ho comes to this city
on September 23. Ho will speak in
the 13th Regiment Armory. The
committee In charge of the arrange
ment have men at work who will ar
range and reserve special sections
for the ladles. Hundreds of ladles
are expected to be present.
(Special to The Citizen.)
CORNING, N. Y., Sept. 17. The
Steuben county grand jury which
has been investigating the cause of
tho wreck on the Lackawanna on
July 4th, when forty persons were
killed, today reported that there was
no criminality connected in any way
with the wreck. Engineer Schroeder
and the flagman who were arrested
at the time, have now been released.
Friday evening the flower show
given by the pupils of the public
school was held In Miss Leo's room
at tho High school building from 3
until 5 and until 7 until 10 in tho
evening. The flowers and vegetables
on display were a result of tho seeds
sold by tho Improvement Association.
Prizes were won in tho following
manner: Most perfect flower: Ruth
McMullen; largest variety grown by
ono person, Cornelia Thomas; finest
artistic bouquet, first prize, Hilda
Prosch; second prize, Jeanette
Burns; best vegetables, first prize,
Leah Kimble; second prize, Charles
Quinney; third prize, Julia Crist.
A meeting was held Saturday even
ing in W. H. Dunn's store. Beach
lake, to consider organizing a flro
company at that place.
The hoys propose getting a chemi
cal engine and truck similar to tho
ono owned by Hose Company No. 1,
of Honesdale. Organization will be
perfected next Saturday night.
Beachlako has had two bad fires of
late, which has spurred tho citizens
of that thriving village to provide
hotter means for tho protection of
their respective properties.
The Business Men's Association
train commltteo was instructed at its
last meeting to wait upon Division
Superintendent Elekles, at Dun
more, and express the merchants' ap
preciation for tho excellent servlco
which tho town has been enjoying
of late and ask that same servlco bo
Mrs. Jacob Katz, mother of tho
lato William Katz, whoso death
shocked tho community two weeks
ago, is lying very low at her home on
Church street. Slnco tho death or
her son Mrs. Katz beeanio very ill
and there Is gravo hopes of her
recovery. She has beon unconscious
several hours.
Tho collar for tho new addition to
tho Sell building, recently purchased
of the Mayhew estato on Main street,
has been excavated. Everything is
now In roadlness for tho erection of
tho building.
Tho pickets who have been doing
duty at tho different glass factories
during tho past few months, wore
withdrawn on Saturday,