jcAGE SIX THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1912. stockholders notice. At a meeting of the directors ot tho Honesdalo Dime Blink, held on July 25, 1012, tho following resolu tion was unanimously adopted: "Resolved, That wo recommend tho stockholders ot tho Honcsdalo DImo Dank to Increase tho capital etock of tho said bank from $75,000 to ?100,000." In accordance with tho abovo res olution a meeting of tho stockholders is called to convono at tho bank on Thursday, tho 10th day of October, 1912, between tho hours of 3 and 4 o'clock In tho afternoon of tho said day, to take action on tho ap proval or disapproval of tho propos ed Increase. Note: In tho event of tho stock holders npprovlng tho Increase ar recommended, the Doard of Dlroo tors will fix the prlco for which tho said stock shall be sold at ?200 per share. BBNJ. P. HAINES, Secretary. Honcsdale, Pa., Aug. 5, 1912. C3w9. WHEN THERE IS ILLNESS in your family you of course call a reliable physician. Don't stop at that ; have liis prescriptions put up at a reliable pharmacy, even if it is a little farther from your home than some other store. You can find no more reliable store than ours. It would be im possible for more care to be taken in the selection of drugs, etc., or in the compounding. Prescrip tions brought here, either night or day, will be promptly and accurately compounded by a competent registered pharmacist and the prices will be most rea sonable. O. T. CHAMBERS, PHARMACIST, Opp. D. & 11. Station. Honesdale. Pa. rt Httitfflttttnttttttitttn ttnttrr?trr?tittrrrttntutttT?.nt?uttffflnti I MARTIN CAUFIELD 1 Designer and Man- s a ufacturer of n I ARTISTIC iz MEMORIALS g Office and Works; 1036 MAIN ST. g HONESDALE, PA. I NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that an ap plication for transfer of hotel license Irom P. J. Crockenberg of Hawley, Pa., to Jacob F. Doetsch will bo pre sented to the Judge of tho Court of Common Pleas of Wayno county on Thursday, September 10, at 10 a. m. Searlo & Salmon, Attorneys for Applicant. 71eoi2 The Ideal of the estates of your minor chil dren. It has the very best facilities for the profitable and wise invest ment and re investment of the princi pal and accrued ncome ERIE RAILROAD Effectlvo Juno To Patrons Along tho Scranton Branch of the Krlo Railroad Tho morning trains leaving Scran ton at COO o'clock and 1.30 p. m as per schedulo following runs dally HONESDALE West Bound. Sun. Only. C.42 C.28 .... 1.12 Lv. Hawley Ar. ... 7.45 . . .'. 3.2C ....ll'oicY C.50 C.35 3.27 1.20 7.45 West Hawley 7.43 0.00 3.24 C.20 10.05 C.58 C.43 3.38 1.28 7.5C Whlto Mills 7.29 8.52 3.09 C.12 9.52 7.07 C.52 3.47 1.37 8.05 East Honesdalo . . . 7.20 8.43 3.00 C.03 9.43 7.10 C. 55 3.50 1.408.08 .. .Ar. Honesdalo Lv.. 7.17 8.40 2.57 COO 9.40 9.12 (1.30 . . .. Scranton (D&H) pjM.JLi'M. l'.M. I r. m. a.m. I Arrive SCRANTON West Bound. Sun. Only. G.45 G.50 7.0C 7,11 7.21 7.34 7.E0 7 57 8.01 7.13 8.20 1.31 15 20 30 40 50 57 11 17 20 31 38 Ar. Lv. 10.10 C37 G.53 CCD 7.09 7.20 9.15 9.31 9.37 9.48 9.57 7.00 7,10 7.22 7.31 7.39 7.52 7.58 8.00 8.11 8.18 10.20 10.30 10.40 10.47 11.01 7.34 7.40 7.43 7.54 8.01 10.11 11.07 11.09 11.20 11.27 10.17 10.20 10.31 10.38 8.32 11.38 11.47 8.12 .49 10.51 11.00 8.28 8.41 8.21 ,58 8.37 r. m. I a. m. 1 1-. m. I r. m. I a. m. I a. m. I Arrlvo Published by tho Greater Honesdalo Gritek Drets. A lecturer ou GrccT: dress said thnt n typo of costumo In early Hellenic times hnd been found which boro n distinct rescmblauco to Umj modern cont nud skirt First Ohio Canal. Tho opening of the first Ohio caual was accomplished July -1, 1S27. On that day the first boat descended from Akron to Cleveland. She wns cheered on her passage by thousands of people, who assembled from tho ndjncent coun try to witness the novel and interesting slcht. MAY RAISE PERRY'S FLAGSHIP. Niagara In Good Condition After Cen tury Under Water. Tho flagship Niagara that led the American licet under Commodore Oli ver Hazard Perry to victory in tho battle of Lake Erie, Sept. 10, 1S13, nft cr tho first flagship, Lawrence, had been shot to pieces nnd abandoned, will be raised nnd rebuilt. The hull of the vessel, lylug in twen ty feet of water In Misery bay, an arm of Presquo Isle bay, better known ns tho Erie (Pa.) harbor, was thoroughly examined by Dan Clallln, a diver from Toledo, O., under the supervision of A. Q. Thatcher of tho Thatcher Con tracting company of Toledo and Milton W. Shrcve, speaker of tho house of representatives of tho Pennsylvania state legislature. Diver Claflin spent about three hours going over every part of the aban doncd hull. He reported that tho flag ship was In good condition. Ho brought up spikes, made of hand ham mered Iron, that had been under the water nlmost a century. REFUSED ROCKEFELLER JOB. But the Cleveland Boy Who Took It Is Now Rich. When Jeff W. Hayes, a pioneer tele graph operator, who lost his sight four teen years ago and who returned re cently to Cleveland nfter thirty-seven years' nbsenco, was n boy of twelve, employed ns n messenger by tho West ern Union Telegraph company, he re fused a Job offered him by John D. Rockefeller. The boy who took it is now a prominent Cleveland citizen. Hayes used to carry messages to the old firm of Rockefeller, Andrew & Flagler. There he often saw Mr. Rock efeller. "Mr. Rockefeller stopped me one day and asked me if I would take a job ns olllco boy with his Ann," related Hayes. "Ho said that ho would give me ?3 a week. I was making $4 a week then, and I wouldn't take tho place. "Tho boy who took tho job was Dan Leslie." added Hayes. Mr. Leslie, who Is rich now, was a member of the con stitutional convention and a former di rector of public service. Swat the Fly. If you'd make this Yankee nation Best nnd greatest on the earth. If you look for commendation And would show tho world your worth, If you seek for fame and glory And a halo by and by, When your locks are thin and hoary Swat the fly, oh, swat tho fly! Hlst'ry tells on all its pages Of creat persons and their deeds Warriors, authors, statesmen, Bagoa, Men of dogmas, men of creeds. Men who guarded caBtlo portals. Men who did not fear to die But the greatest of nil mortals Aro tho ones who swat the fly. Let us then bo up nnd doing, Swatting early, swatting late. Still achieving, still pursuing. Drive tho fly pest to his fato. Swat In season, out of season Let that bo your bnttlecry. To do otherwise were treason. Hoist the standard swat the fly! J. II. Lariraore, Westervlllo, O. Guardian -The Scranton Trust Co. CIO Spruce Street. TIMETABLE 15, 1912. except Sunday, directly to Honesdalo, giving peoplo all day if necessary v transact their Lusiness at tho count seat and return homo the same ovon ing. branch. Bast Bound. I,eaVO A.M. I A.M. ,M I P.M. I A.M. BRANCH. East Bound Sun. Only West Lv. Hawley Ar. .Hoadloys, . .Clomo .Gravity. . . . .Lako Ariel. Maplowood .Saco . WImmors. . .Elmhurst. . .Nay Aug. . . Dunmoro. . Scranton 7 43 7.38 7.22 7.17 7.07 7.00 G.4G C39 0.30 3.24 3.1G 3.00 10.06 10. 10. 54 38 33 23 54 3G 31 21 9.40 9.23 9.18 9.08 9.01 8.47 8.40 8.37 8.25 8.10 8.07 8.00 10 2.5G 2.4G 2.39 2.21 10. 10. 1G 14 10 02 55 52 01 54 51 9 2,15 2,12 9. 9. 0.24 40 2.00 1.51 39 0.15 9. 9, 9 31 30 COG 22 1.42 21 C00 .15 1.355 .1E jA-avel a.m. I a. M. P.M. I P.M. I A. M. Board of Trado, XIonoBdalo, Pa. KILLED JamesM.WinterstecnShoot$ Rival In Hotel. EDITED STORY OF CRIME. A'hen Arretted Accused Man Wa Cor recting Newspaper Account of Hi Deed Accuses Dead Man of Slandering Him. Philadelphia, Sept. lO.-Thc police found James M. Wlutcrsteen, who was wantetl for shooting to death Harry Tyson, seated at headquarters in city hall editing nn account of tho murder In n newspaper. Sergeant McBrldo usked him why he was so Interested in the case. "I am Uie one who shot the man," said Wlntersteen. Then ho reached for his revolver from his hip pocket, but McBrldo wrested It from him and placed him In n cell. Tho prisoner said he was forty-five years old, a brothor of A. II. Wlnter steen, a well known lawyor, now at York Harbor, Me. Ho Is believed to be of unbound mind. Ho said that Tyson had been slan dering him; that every time they met ho would scoff nt him. Ho asserted that when Tyson started to denounce him to his friends he could stand It no longer nnd decided to kill him. "I went Into Tyson's room," ho snld. "Ho was folly dressed. I upbraided him for his action nnd then, moving away from him for the distance of about twenty yards, shot him through the mouth. "I can see him now," ho chuckled, "tho way he looked at me when I fired tho gun nt him." Tho tragedy occurred In Tyson's room on the third floor of the Tiger hotel. Wlntersteen accused Tyson of having caused his estrangement from the woman he loved. Before Tyron realized that he was dealing with nn Insane man Wlntcr Bteon Is said to have fired. DIPHTHERIA IN NAEBERTH. Epidemic Feared and All Schools Are Closed. Philadelphia, Sept 10. Residents of Nnrberth, Va., are alarmed by an out break of diphtheria and an epidemic is feared. Tho public school Is closed nnd prob nbly will not reopen for a week. Tho disease was discovered when It was developed by a child In the fourth grade of the school. Three of the grades suspended for tho day, and the nssembly room, where nil the pupils congregate, was fumigated, as was the room In which tho child first to fall with diphtheria had n desk. It had been expected that all classes would bo resumed, but another case of diphtheria developed, and It was thought best to close tho entire school for several days. It Is said that before tho school Is reopened nil tho children mny have to undergo a medical examination. FIVE HURT IN GRADE CRASH. Automobillats Hurled From Car by Locomotive. Phoenlxvlllo, Pa., Sept. 10. All five members of tho family of narry A. Mongol, a telegraph operator nt Paw, llng, aro In the hospital here, un auto mobile In which they were riding hav ing been wrecked by n railroad loco motivo within sight of their homo. The Injured nro: Harry A. Mongol, thirty years old, hurt Internally, seriously; Mrs. Eva Mengel, his wife, twenty-five years, serious Internal Injuries; Mny Mongol, six years, left thigh broken; Vita Mengel, four years, left log broken; Viola Mengel, aged throe, concussion of the brain, possible fractura of skull. Tho condition of Mrs. Mengel and her daughter, May, Is so sorlous that their Injuries may prove futal. The others are expected to recover. ACQUITTED OF DYNAMITING. Saeger Freed of Charge of Blowing Up His Brother's Mill. Allentown, Pa., Sopt 10. William Saegor of Richmond, N. Y., ac cused by his brother of dynamiting and looting the Saegor mill hero, was acquitted In the criminal court no had won In habeas corpus proceedings in Now York and enmo hero and sur rendered. Ho established an alibi. Mrs. Saegor la a nloco of formor Mayor Charlos P. Wallick of Phila delphia. Big Coal Shortage .Coming. Philadelphia, Sept 10. Olllclals of tho big coal companies say that many or tho miners who stopped work on April 1 hnvo not returned to thotr places nnd that because of tho luck of labor anthracite production will foil short about 5,000,000 tons. This, to gether with tho shortngo caused by the tiro nnd a half months' cessation of work, blngs tho year's sliortngo to B,OO0,OO0 tons. Oil City Magnate a Suicide. OU City. Pn.. Sunt, la Qcort'o Lowla, aged slxty-nlno, first vice presi dent of tho Oil City Trust company nnd for many years one of tho most prominent mon of Oil City, committed suiciao oy snooting. No cnuso wan assigned for tho deed. $ RAPID FIRE GUN. S It Is Being Tried Out by United C ) States on the Mexican Border. ( i 7. V, Here's the Intest typo of rapid nro sun. Tncle Sam is trylnK It out now on tho ileiieun border, and In enso of Intcrvon tlon the Mexicans will be tho llrst to feel the wrath of Its Are. WOUNDED ON JOHN D.'S ESTATE Found In Bushes, Believed to Be Fugi tive Shot by Detectivo. Tarrytown, N. Y., Sept. 10 With a bullet wound in his left breast nnd nearly dead from exhaustion, Husso Soccro, a stranger to that locality, was found biding In bushes near the "Duck Farm" on John D. Rockefeller's estate at Pocnntico HlUs, near Tarrytown, by some of Mr. Rockefeller's laborers. There Is little doubt but Seccro Is the man who was shot by a Burns oper ative while trying to got into Superin tendent Brlggs' house early Sunday morning nnd was supposed to have es caped In an nutomoblle. Seccro bad not tasted food since Saturday, nnd It was only his weakened condition thnt forced him to show himself and ask his fel low Italians for help. Sheriff Doyle believes that the man crawled to his hiding place when shot and was there ever since. He wns glad to place himself In the hands of his countrymen. They carried him to the home of one of them at "Duck Farm," nnd it was said they tried to keep their discovery secret Word reached the deputies In n roundalwut way, and they were soon at the house. Seccro was searched and a large re volver, fully loaded, was found in his pocket. AVlion asked what he was do ing ut Pocnntico Hills, he snld he was looking for work. He was sullen nud refused to give the deputies any further Information. A doctor treated him, nnd with core It Is expected he will soon bo well enough to be removed to Whlto Plains. Bankors In Convention. Detroit, Mich., Sept. 10. Hundreds of bankers from nil parts of the Unit ed States are here to attend the nation. al convention of the American Bank ers' association, which opened today and Is to close Friday. French Prisoners Safe. Paris, Sept. 10. Official confirmation was received from Colonel Mngln of tho French capture, of Marakesh and the finding of Ell niba's French prisoners alive. Market Reports. Now York, Sept 10. BUTTEH Steady; receipts. 8.063 pack ages; creamery, extras, lb., 2&a29c; firsts, S7a28o.; seconds, 23Ha2Cc; thirds, 22a 24V4c; Btate dairy, tubs, nnest, 27a27o.; good to prime, MHaKc; common to fair, 22o23c; process, extras, 25a2Gc.; firsts, 24HaXc; seconds, 22Ha23Hc.; Imitation creamery, llrsts, 23Hc; factor', June make, nrsts, Sc.; seconds, Z14al2c.; thirds, 19Ha20Hc; packing stock, current make. No. 2, 21c; No. 3, ISaSOc CHEESE Weak; recelptB, 805 boxes; state, wholo milk, now, specials, white, 16c; colored, 16al6Vlc; average fancy, white, 1594c. ; colored, Uc; undo wade, HalCVjc; daisies, 16V4c; skims, now, spe cials, white, 12Hal3c; colored. 12al3c; fair to choice, lOallUc; undergrades, 4 8Mc EQGS Firm to high grade: receipts, 112,330 cases; fresh gathered, extras, dozen. 27a2Sc; extra firsts, ZSaZGc; firsts, 23a24c; soconds, 21a22a; dirties, 14a20Hc. ; checks, 13al9e.; refrigerator firsts, storage paid for season, 22Via2lo. ; seconds, 21a!2c.; thirds, Ua20a; stato, Pennsylvania and nearby, hunnory whltos, fancy, large, 3tc. fair to good, 27a33c; hennery browns, 27a2Sc; gathered brown and mixed colors. 23a27c POTATOES Weak; Maine, bas, tl.DOa L76; Long Island, bbl. or bag, S2a2.2S; Jersoy, round, bbl. or bag, Jl.Mal.75; long, bbl. or bag, Jl.liaL25; sweets, Jersey, yellow, basket, 1; southern, yollow, bbl., U.lOal.50. DHESSED POULTRY Fresh killed; firm; chickens, dry picked, Philadelphia brollerB, 21a25c; Pennsylvania. 21u22c; western, 17al9c; fowls, dry packed, west orn boxes, 15al7VSa; bbls., Iced, HHalCVic; old roosters, 12Hc; spring duckB, nearby, 18al8Hc; squabs, whlto, dozen, $2at; Acxk. $1.75; frozon turkeys, No. 1, 21a22c; No. 2, llalSc; chickens, roastorB, corn fed, 20o22c; fowls, i and 5 lbs. each, 10V4al7Wc LIVE POULTRY Finn ; chickens, lb., 19a20c; fowls, 18c; roosters, 12c; tur keys, 15c; goeso, 12c; ducks, Italia.; gutnoas, pair, COa; lUgoons, 25c Live Stock Markets. Pittsburgh. Sept. 10. CATTLE Supply, W carloads; marktx steady; cholco, JD.lSa'J.K); prima, tS.CCa9.10; good, J7.25a7.C5j tidy, J7a7.W; common to eood rut bulls. 3.MaS.K; heifers, lla7.25; (resh cows and springers, $3aC5. SHEEP AND LAMUS-Supply, 2 double, docks; market steady; prlmo wethers, I1.S5 n5; good mixed, M.40a.80; lambs, 75a7.K); veal calves, UlalVX; heavy and thin calves, I7a8. IIOQS Receipts, 30 doublo docks; mar ket higher; prlmo heavy, f3.2)ae.!5; heavy mixed, J3.40a9.50; mediums and lioavy Yorkers, J9.55a9.G0; pigs, JSaS; roughs, J7.50 sS.25; stags, f0.75a7.2S. The FARMERS and MEGHAN! HONESDALE, PA. M. 13. SIMONS, President, O. A. EMER.Y, Cnshlcr. CAPITAL STOCK - - $75,000.00 Comer of Main & 1 0th street BANK WITH THE PEOPLE Reasons Why It represents more stockholders than any other bank in Wayne county. ITS DEPOSITS HAVE HE ACHED OVER THE $300,000.00 mark and is steadily growing with the people's confidence and the bank's progressive yet conservative methods. Its expense of management is limited to amount of business; together with it's trust funds invested in bonds and first mortgages on improved real estate assures its de positors absolute security. It treats its hundreds of small depositors with tho same courtesy as though their funds were deposited by one or more persons. Thib bank comes under LM 1 f county's reliable business men juiiw uuiiiiuiy luttsas un savings oanKS aim is irequently visited by tho Pennsylvania Stato bank examiner, besides linT11f n linnrl rC I i irrf rT rry- rJrf Ii nf c nr DIUEOTOHS: M. B. Allen, W. H. Fowler, John Weaver, George C. Abraham, W. B. Gulnnlp, u. Wm. Sell, J. Sam Brown, AI. J. Hanlan, M. E. Simons, Oscar E. Bunnell John E. Krantz, Fred Stephens, Wm. H. Dunn, Fred W. Kreltner, Georgo W. Tlsdell, J. E. Tiffany. kM and Bier Plans & Estimates Furnished Residence, 1302 EastSt. OVER 65 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TrtADE Marks Designs Copvtiights &c. Anrone Bonding a ikotrh nnd description mar lulcltlr ascertain our ntilnton freo whether an Invention Is prMmhlr putcntiihle. Comniunlcft. lions strictly conildonttal. HANDBOOK onl'ntcnts sent free, oldest apencr for securing patents. I'atcnta taken through Munn & Co. receive tptctal notice, without charge, la tho Scientific Jhtierican. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Ijirgest clr dilution of any sclontttla Journal. Terms, (3 a yenr: four mouths, fL Bold by all newsdealers. IViUNN &Co.3Q,BroadwaNewYork branch Olllco. 2S F St. Washington, V. C J. E. HALEY AUCTIONEER Hnvo mo nnd snvo money. AVi attend snles anywhere In State. Address WAYMART. PA.CR. D. 3! JOSEPH N. WELCH Fire Insurance The OLDEST Fire Insurance Agency in Wayne County. Olllco: Second floor Masonic Dulld lng, over C. C. Jadwln'a drug store, Honesdalo. This Is good weather for flies. They nro nround waiting to glvo your Httlo ono typhoid favor. Kill him and don't delay. Duy a swatter at tho hardwaro storo and get busy at onco. LEGAL DLANKo Tor sale at Tho Citizen olllco: Land Contracts, Leases, Judgment Notes, Wnrrantoo Deeds, Bonds, Transcripts, Sum mons, Attachments, Subpoenas, La bor Claim Deeds, Commitments, Ex ecutions, Collector's and Constable G. Have The your address. yea Citizen sent to Only $1.50 per .CKijsssssnw CS RANK Watch US Grow i the strict requirements of the and farmers. PICOFIiSSIONAI", CARDS. Attorncvs-nt-Law. H WILSON, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Office adjacent to Post Office in DImtuick office, Honesdale, l'a. WM. II. LEE, ATTORNEY t COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Office over post office. All lecal business promptly attended to. Honesdale. l'a. EC. MUMFORD, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, .Office Liberty Hall building, opposite the Post Office. Honesdale. l'a. HOMER GREENE, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, Office, Court House. Honesdale Pa. Charles a. Mccarty, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Special and prompt attention clven to the collection of claims. Office. City Hall, Honesdale. l'a. ME. SIMONS, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Office in the Court House, Honesdale Pa. PETER H. 1LOPF, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Office Second Hoor old Savlues Urnr buildiiij;. Honesdale. Pa. s EARLE & SALMON,' ATTORNEYS 4 COUNSELCRS-AT-LAW Offices latelv occupied by Juilse Searle ftHESTER A. GARRATT, J ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Office adjacent to Post Office. Honesdale.Pa. Dentists. DR. E. T. BROWN, DENTIST. Office First Hoor. old Savlnes Bauk build Inx. Honesdale. Pa. R. O. R. RRADY, DENTIST, HONESDALE, PA. 1011 MAIN ST. Citizens' Phone. Physicians. PR. PETERSON, M. D. . 1120.MAIN STREET, HONESDALE, PA. Kye and Kar a specialty. The tilting of glass es given carelul attention. IIVERY F. G. RICKARD Prop. WRST-CLASS AVAGONS, KKIilAHLK HORSES. Especial Attention Glrcn to Transit llttslness. STONE BISK CHURCH STREET. W. C. SPRY HEACIIIiAKE. AUCTIONEER HOLDS SALES ANYWHERE IX STATE. WANTED EXPERIENCED IUBBON WEAVERS: Pleco work: cnu ninlco S18.00 per week, but nro guaranteeing 815.00 per week of 05 hours. Married peo plo preferred. Schaum & UliUngcr high-speed doublo dock looms. Ap ply by letter only to VIRGINIA SILK COSn'ANY, INC., SoutU Richmond, Va. 50 tf .Lt'UU Ui. V UyilU