THE CITIZI2N, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1912. PAGE FIVK FOR SALE. A PIANO SHIPPED TO HONES dalo on purpose to soil. If inter ested call; If not, Ta, Ta. Mclntyre. 74el2t. LARGE, CHEAP LOTS, HONES DALE. Installment plnn. Alla den houses saves rent, owning your home. Also furniture. "Wrlto S. F. "Wells, Honesdalo, Pa. It FOR SALE OR RENT THE W. A. Pethlck estate, located In Bethany. Terms reasonable. II. W. Pethlck, administrator, Hawley, Pa. 53mos2 A WELL-BRED -l-MONTII-OLD colt. Also sound work horse for sale cheap. Mclntyre. 74el 2 FOR SALE CHEAP ONE UNDER wood RevolvlnR Duplicator. Used three months. In flrst-clnss condi tion. Inquiro H. A. Plum, Hawley, Pa. 73tl TWO HEATING STOVES FOR sale. Inquire at olllce of Hones dalo Consolidated Electric Light, Heat and Power Co. Seventh St.72-4 FOR SALE PARLOR HEATER IN first-class condition. Rare bar gain. Chris. Holl. 74eo2 FOR SALE WELL EQUIPPED machine shop and garage located on Industrial Point, Honesdalo. Business established 20 years. Best known glass cutters' supply con cern In the United States. Edward G. Jenkins, 'Honosdale, Pa. 42tf. FOR SALE DESIRABLE DWELL lng house and lot on East Street Extension; all Improvements. Bar gain. J. B. Robinson, Agent, Jad wln Building. 58eltf A GOOD SQUARE PIANO, ?30.00, delivered in your homo. A bar gain. Mclntyre. 74t2 FOR SALE OR RENT A GOOD farm & mile from Erie Railroad and Milk station at Milanville. Ap ply to "Buyuahom" Realty Co., Honesdale, Pa., Box 524. 73tf MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT: NINE-ROOM HOUSE; all modern improvements. Inquire Jacob Demer, South Church street. B2eitf. LET THE LACKAWANNA DO your laundry. Thomas F. Bracy, Honesdale, agent. Look for our wagon with the sign "Lackawanna Laundry Co." 57tf MAIL CLOSING HOURS. A.M. P.M. 7.00 2.30 . . C.30 12.M. Erie D. & H. ... D. & H. Sun R. D Stage P.M. 5.30 4.15 C.45 9.50 P. M. 2.50. LOCAL NEWS If you have a farm for sale ad vertise it In The Citizen. If you really want to work, there is plenty of work for you to do, and good money ready for the doing of it. Your job is ready; see the ads In The Citizen. The following letters remain at the Honesdale postofllce: Anna Asp lint, Earl Bilhelmer, Geo. II. Mulli gan, Mrs. Tillio Osborn, Mike Po povich, Miss Jeannette Ross. On Wednesday, at Hawley, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Dunning attended the funeral of the former's aunt, Mrs. J. M Owens, of Sheffield, whose re mains were brought to the home of Mrs. Maria Brink for burial. On Monday next Miss Florence Kimble will leave for Philadelphia to take up domestic art and music at the Droxel Institute. Sho will be accompanied to Philadelphia by her mother, Mrs. John Kuhbach. The latter will also visit in Now York before returning home. The district spelling contest will bo held on Saturday, October 2C at 1:30 p. m., so If you have not al ready purchased a spelling book containing the first 30 lessons, you should do so at once in order to qualify yourself for it. The book containing the remainder of the spelling lessons will be printed shortly. Send in your order for the books now. PERSONAL MENTION. Gus Bregsteln is la New York on business. Fred Tolley was a Wednesday visitor In Hawley. Miss Mae Campbell spent the first of the week in Scranton. Miss Theresa Gerety was In Hall stead on business Tuesday. Rowland Snyder, of Kimbles was a caller in town on Wednesday. A. S. Rowland, of Rowlands, was in town on business Wednesday. Mrs. A. M. Eldred is making a business trip to New York city. Miss Florenco Kimble spent Tues day and Wednesday in Scranton. Frank Welsh, of Scranton, passed Wednesday in town on business. Mrs. George Reed is visiting her sister, Mrs. Sherwood, In Elmira. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph P. Schneider, of Catasauqua, are visiting in town. R. Milton Salmon has roturncd from a ten days' vacation at Atlantic City. Mrs. Helen Ayers Is visiting rela tives in Ccntormoreland and Wilkes Barre. Miss Lucy Lowe is visiting at the home of Hon. and Mrs. Joel Hill, Lookout, Pa. Mrs. James Ward returned Wed nesday from a few days' visit in Wilkes-Barre. Madamo Lawton, modlsto, of Scranton, was a guest at tho Allen House- Monday. Miss Mary Foster has returned from a visit with Mrs. Androw Al len of Dunmore. Miss Fannlo J. Bennett returned Monday from a week's visit In Scranton and Salom. Hon. F. P. Kimble spent Thursday In Carbondale. A. F. Volgt, of Hawloy, spent Thursday In town. A. Ebcrhardt mado a business trip to Hawley Thursday. Mrs. Wm. Kelt. Is visiting in White Mills for n few days. Miss Mary Malloncy, of Laurolla, Is visiting her sister in Port Jcrvis. James Miller of tho Grand Union Tea company Is spending a week's vacation at Waymart. lgnatz Rolbechcck, of New York City, Is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Katz. Henry K. Bussa, photographer, of Morristown, Is spending his vaca tion at his homo here. G. F. Butler, of Sterling, who has been seriously ill with bronchitis for tho past several weeks, is recovering. MIbs Helen Wilson, of Flushing, L. I., who bus been visiting Miss Mary Bracey, returned homo Tues day. Mrs. O. J. Brown, of Forest Hill, L. I., is visiting friends nnd relatives here. R. T. Whitney and wife, of Scran ton, are spending several days in town. Miss M. Grace Salmon left Thurs day on a pleasure trip to Mackinac Island, Mich. Mrs. Frank Smith, of Maplowood, N. J., spent the past weok with Mrs. .lames Bush. Mrs. R. H. Tralles, of Carbondale, spent Tuesday with her brother, F. Schuller and family. Miss Grace Brown, of Richmond Hill, L. I., is a guest at the home of Mrs. O. L. Rowland. Mrs. Burchor, of Syracuse, re turned homo Wednesday from a visit with Mrs. A. T. Bryant. Mrs. Charlotte O'Connell returned Tuesday from a two weeks visit with her brother in Newark, N. J. Mrs. Anne Herbert, of Jersey City, left for homo Wednesday after a visit with Mrs. John Kilroe, at Tanners Falls. Miss Marguerite Kennedy, of Pleasant Mt., left this week for Ithaca, N. Y., where she will study music. Mrs. Joseph Wheele and Miss Martha Realler, of Hawley, spent Monday with their sister, Mrs. Irv ing B. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Greene, daughter Margaret, and son Giles, are spending to-day (Thursday) iu Scranton. Mrs. Chas. Uffelman, of White Mills, accompanied by her guest, Mrs. Fred Jung, of New York, spent Wednesday in Honesdale. Augustus Skinner and Miss Bertha Garrison, of Middletown, N. Y., are making an extended visit with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kimble. W. J. Schoonover, of tho Scran ton Glass company, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Schoonover. Mrs. James Miller and daughter, Bernlce, are spending a week in Waymart with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Griffiths. Edwin Bunnell of East Hones dalo left on Sunday for New York, where he has accepted a nice clerical position with the Erie Railroad Co. Hon. E. B. Hardenbergh and daughter, Miss C. Lou, motored to Glenburn to-day (Thursday) expect ing to apend a few days with rela tives. G. Wm. Pell, tho druggist, Is spending the week-end at Beachlake. J. Harper Fulkerson of Carbon dale was a business caller In town Wednesday. Benjamin H. Dlttrich and family spent Sunday In company with his brother-in-law, Franklin H. Neuber ger and family, at Kenoza Lake and Jeffersonville. R. E. Pinch, of Petersburg, Va., returned home on Wedensday. He had been staying with his niece, Mrs. Lottlo E. Thayer, of Blandln, sinco January. Mrs. A. C. Barker and Miss Grace Barker, of Stamford, Conn., who have been visiting Mrs. Fred Krantz, on Union Hill, returned homo Wed nesday morning. Hon. and Mrs. Joel O. Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hill, of Lookout, wore Tuesday visitors in Honesdale. Mr. Hill was enrouto for Montrose to attend tho fair. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Frotz and son, of Brooklyn, returned homo Tuesday after an extended visit with her parents. Mrs. Fretz was formerly Miss Anna Wolf. Mrs. H. C. Doud, of New York City, who has a cottage at Lake Ariel and has been spending tho summer there, arrived Tuesday for a visit with Mrs. C. E. Mills. C. H. Dorfilnger. of White Mills, tho sons of Walter McNIchols, and Judge A. T. Searle, have returned from Matteawan, N. Y., whero they recently inspected tho institution for the criminal Insane In that city. Misses Charlotto and Laura Bul lock entertained twenty of their friends at a dinner Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock, at Mrs. Brlggs'. After tho dinner the young ladles spent a pleasant social evening at the homo of the Misses Bullock. Mrs. C. K. Schoonover spent Thursday In Scranton with her broth er, Norrls Brown, of Poyntolle, who has been for eight weeks in Dr. Burns' private hospital. Mr. Brown, It will bo remembered, broko his arm by falling fifteen feet to tho barn lloor. He is improving very slowly. $130. Jonklns' Boy Band, of Hones dalo, furnished excellent music for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo Knapp, Jr., roturned from an extended wedding trip ono day last week. Mr. nnd Mrs. Norman Tyler and son, Merlin, visited friends at Long Eddy Inst weok. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Glllow and son Elton, Mr. nnd Mrs. Bert Glllow nnd children, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. R. Gll low and children attended tho Potter rounlon at Galilee on Saturday Inst. Mrs. Frank Lester and sons spent Sunday with Mr. nnd Mrs. Bert Brlnning nt Union. Lester Knapp, who has been work ing on tho slate road at tills place, spent the first of tho week at his homo at Rlleyvllle. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Wilcox visited Mrs. May at Rock Valley Saturday nnd Sunday. WAYMART. Drake Hullock. Raymond Drake, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Peter Drake, of this place, and Miss Edith Bullock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bullock, saino plnco, were married at tho M. E. parsonage on Tuesdny, Sept. 10, at 7:45 o'clock by Rev. R. C. Burch. They left on the same day for Hones dale, from whence they took tho train for Middletown, Niagara Falls and other points. The Intermediate Epworth Lcaguo of the M. E. church is busy prepar ing for a pink tea or supper to be given Friday, September 20. The Sunday a. m. services at tho M. E. church, at 11 o'clock, will bo under the auspices of the Anti-Saloon League. A representative of the league will bo present and will speak. All are cordially invited to attend. PROMPTON. (Special to The Citizen.) 'Prompton, Sept. 12. Mrs. Frank Adams is making prep arations for her annual dinner, to bo given at her home, Wednesday, Sept. 18. Proceeds for the pastoral support of the M. E. church. Tho Anti-Saloon League will havo a representative at the services of the M. E. church at 2:30 on September li. He will speak in tho interest of the temperance movement. All are urged to be present. DKITZER IMPROVING STORE. Edward Deltzer, one of the down town shoo dealers, is making a num ber of Improvements In his store. The long counters have been removed nnd new shelving has been built In from the floor up. Both sides of the store will be remodeled. In the cen ter or tue store will be stationed a Colonial bench, one side for ladles and the opposite side will be for gen tlemen. On the top thero will bo a rack to display shoes. Tho floors will bo highly polished and the store placed in first class condition. MISS BROWN ENTERTAINS. Miss Charlotto Brown entertained a number of her friends at cards Thursday afternoon at her home on Park street. HYMENEAL. Truscott Wcnvcr. Mllllo M., only daughter of Mrs. Mnry A. 'Weaver, of this place, was united In mnrrlnge with Charles T. Truscott at C:30 o'clock Thursday morning by Rev. W. II. Swift, In the iPrcsbyterlnn manse. Tho couplo wero attended by MIbs Julia Schlm mell, cousin of the bride, nnd by Otto Truscott, brother of tho bride Broom. Mr. nnd Mrs. Truscott left on tho 0:55 Delaware and Hudson train for a ton days' honeymoon, which will include Philadelphia, At lantic City, Washington, D. C, and Now York City. Upon their return they will occupy newly furnished rooms In the Paul Sonncr house, West Park street. Tho brldo was tho recipient of a number of hand some and useful wedding gifts, which bespoke the high esteem In which sho Is held by her many friends. Mrs. Truscott is ono of Honesdalo's winsome young women. Sho was a popular teacher In Texas township for several years. Tho bridegroom is ono of Honesdale's best young men. He holds a rcsponstblo position with the Katz Underwear company. Con gratulations aro extended to Mr. and .Mrs. Truscott. Seelln Hcrron. Miss May Herron and Lewis Seolig, both of Honesdale, wero married by Rev. John O'Toolo In St. John's Pnrodhial residence at 3:30 Wednes day afternoon. Tho attendants were Miss Rose Seellg nnd Gcorgo Hoel. Tho newly married couple left Thurs day afternoon for WIlkes-Barre, whero they will spend a week. Mr. Seellg is employed at tho Borden plant at East Honesdale, where they will make their future home. Scranton, and Mrs. Thomas Anderson of South Gibson, spent Sunday at Wnymart, with Mr. nnd Mrs. Oscar Wells. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ernest Swingle, of Hoboken, N. Y., are visiting at tho former's father, S. W. Swingle. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Floldllng nnd children, of Carbondale, spent Satur day and Sundny at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bone. Mrs. George Fielding and daugh ter, Kathryn, made a business trip to Scranton on Saturday. Tho Bono brothers have started their threshing machine. Anna Whalon, of Carbondale, Is visiting friends nt this place. Mrs. Fred E. Lawyer and daughter Bessie, are visiting relatives In Al bany and New York. In the latter place they expect to stay a week with Angus, the former's son, who has re cently been married and Is now keep ing house. BEEF PEICES STILL S0AE. This Break Record For Third Time Week Pork Also Rising. Chicago, Sept. 12. For the third time this week beeves broke the high price record. A carload sold at $10.00. This was 15 cents above the last previous top flguro. Predictions were freely made that tho trade soon would see something heretofore believed to be fabulous beef selling at 11 cents a pound "on the hoof." Washington, Sept 12. Tho number of stock hogs in the United States on Sept 1, nccordlng to the department of agriculture was 0.2 per cent less than at the samo date last year. Their con dition as to henlth was 02.1 per cent, as compnred with 05.7 per cent a year ngo nnd 05.2 per cent, the ten year av crago condition on Sept 1. Prlco paid to producers for hogs per 100 pounds on Aug. 15 wns $7.11, compared with $0.5-1 on that date last year. I 1 m I Episcopal service will bo held at White Mills church at 3:15 p. m., Rov. Everett B. Spettlguo oillciatlug. Tho pastor will speak at tho morn ing sorvlco In tho Presbyterian church next Sunday on "Eyes Mold on," and In the evening at 7:30 on "ARMAGEDDON." All welcome. Regular preaching and other ser vices In tho Methodist church will bo held on Sunday. Instead of tho preaching services being held In tho auditorium as is customary, they will be conducted in tho lecture room of tho church during tho re novation of tho edifice. LOOKOUT. (Special to Tho Citizen.) Lookout, Sept. 11. Rov. Franklin Bowen, of tho M. E. church, wlfo and son, Wesley, aro spending tho week at Roscoo, Dela ware county, N. Y. Franklin Bowen, Jr., has returned to Passaic, N. J., having spent his vacation with his parents, Rov. and Mrs. Franklin Bowen. Mr. and Mrs. Woodmanseo and son Lewis, of Equlnunk, and T. C. IIol bert, of Syracuse N. Y., spent Sun day with Hon. and Mrs. Joel G. Hill. Tho Odd Fellows hold a big colo- bratlon last Thursday to raise money for their now hall. They cleared At Christ church, Indian Orchard, Sunday, Sept. 15, at 10:30 a. m., Mr, Everett B. Spottlgue, soon to bo or dained to tho Episcopal ministry, will hold services, consisting of Morning Prnyor and Address. At ri:30 tho regular session of trio Sunday school will bo held. SOUTH CANAAN. (Special to Tho Citizen.) South Canaan, Sept. 12. The rain at this place has prevent ed most farmers from gathering their oats. Mrs. Edgar Wagner Is suffering from an attack of bronchial pneu monia. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Leo are rejoic ing over the arrival of a daughter. Mrs. Walter Kizer and children, of Hoboken, N. Y., has been visiting at the home of Cleveland Robinson. Miss Jane Day and Max Inch spent last week with friends at Scranton. J. N. Edwards is having his cellar enlarged for tho purpose of having tho steam heat installed. Mr. Ed wards has made several improve ments on his new place. Mrs. Thos. Anderson, of South Gibson, is visiting at Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Fleldings. G. W. Dershlmer has purchased a new Ford car. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Fielding, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Bentham, Mr. and Mrs. John Enslin and daughter, of this place, Mr. and Mrs. H. Rice of STEENE. (Special to Tho Citizen J Stoene, Sept. 10. Don't blnmo tho milk men If tho milk Is sour when you got It as it wns hot enough last Saturday to cur dle and sour tho milk In the cow's bags. Mr. and Mrs. James Kagler, of Scranton, spent Sunday with tho lnt ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Short, hero. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hambly, of Honesdale, spent Sunday with the lattor's parents here. Eugeno Buckland, of Waymart, visited Mr. and Mrs. Warren Buck land over Sunday. Tho Bobolink and mnto spent Sat urday soaring around among friends at Honesdale. The Bobolink has picked, sold and given to his friends about two hun dred dozen ears of sweet corn so far this season with plenty moro still to pick. Emmet Swingle Is talking of sell ing his farming utensils and stock and moving to Carbondale for the winter months where ho expects to work at carpenter's work. Tho Rev. Mr. Burch Is back from his vacation and preached a very In teresting sermon hero Sunday after noon. Mrs. John Thompson, of Beach Grove, visited Mr. and Mrs. Warren Buckland over Sunday. Mrs. Wlnford Mumford, Mrs. Frank Chapman nnd daughter, Mrs. Foster, are visiting a week with friends at Carbondale. OO0OO0OtXXX500OOO0O00O00JX5O LI FLASH May destroy the sav ings of years. The most 5 careful person is not exempt, insure your Life & Property with R Bentley Bros. Fire, Life, Accident, Automobile, Boiler INSURANCE Olllce opp. Post Olllce, Honesdale, Ta. f Consolidated 1'borie 1-9-L COOCXXJOQQOOOOOQCX50000CCCOO Ladies of Honesdale and Vicinity : The Crane Marks Co., of Scranton, Pa., are offering special Induce ments to tho ladles of Honesdale and vicinity for their patronago this Fall. No better assortment of Tailor Suits, Separate Coats, Furs and Fur Coats, Children's and Junior Wears Dresses, Waists, Skirts, Petticoats, Etc., can bo found In Northeastern Pennsylvania. We specialize on the above wearables and for style, quality, price and assortment, don't take our word for It Call and See for Y ourself. Free Car Fare. CONDITIONS OF FREE CARFARE: All purclinses of $2.".00, free car fnro both ways, n savins of 1.75. All purclinses of 15.00, free enr fare one wny, n saving of 00 cents. Goods pm-clmsed that require alterations will be shipped to you ex press prepaid. Wo would like your trade nml we feel sure you would like to trade with ns. Make This Store Your Home While In Scranton The Crane Wlarks Co. 424 LACKAWANNA AVE. Scranton, Pa- RUGS, CARPETS and WALLPAPER On Sunday, Sept. 15, In tho Ger man Lutheran church, Rov. C. C. Miller, pastor, services will bo as fol lows: 10 n. m., preparatory sorvlco; 10:30 a. m., communion sorvlco; 10:45 a. an., Sunday school; 7 p. m preparatory sorvlco; 7:30 p. m., com munion sorvlco. Sermon subject, "Spiritual Deeps." Thero will ho a special sorvlco at Graco Episcopal church Sunday ovonlng, Sept. 15, at 7:30 for tho Sunday will tako a unique part. Tho address by tho roctor will ho on "Tho Two Brothers." Tho othor services during tho day will bo Holy Com munion at 8 a. m. Morning Prayer and Sermon at 10:30 a. m. Sunday school at 12 M. A Great Opportunity For Housekeepers WE HAVE AN OVERSTOCK OF RUGS and CARPETS which will be sold ai extremely Bow prices. Our stock consists of the Best Qualities of Wilton, Body Brussclls, and Axminster Rugs made in America. All sizes carried in stock from a mat size, 18 ins. by 36 ins. to a large room size 11 ft. 3 ins. by 15 ft. Special sizes made to order. LINOLEUMS English and Scotch Inlaid Linoleums also Best American Makes. Inlaid and Printed in Various Qualities. WALLPAPER A Clearance Sale off Spring Patterns at a Great Reduction. MENNER & CO.