The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, September 13, 1912, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Scml-Wcekly Founded 1008; Weekly Founded 18-14.
Published Wednesdays and Fridays by the Citizen Publishing Company.
Entored as second-class matter, at tho postofftco, Honcsdalo, Pa.
11. DonruNnnn,
m. n. ALLEN.
ii. wilson,
Our friends who favor us with contributions, and desire to hate tlie same re
urrted, should in ever) case enclose stamps for that purpose.
Remit by Express Money Order, Draft. Postofflco Order or Registered
letter. Address all communications to Tho Citizen, No. 803 Main street,
Honcsdalc, Pa.
All notices of shows, or other entertainments held for tho purpose of
making money or any items that contain advertising matter, will only bo
admitted to this paper on payment of regular advertising rates. Notices
of entertainments for tho benefit of churches or for charitable purposes
where a fee is charged, will bo published at half rates. Cards of thanks,
50 cents, memorial poetry and resolutions of respect will bo charged for
at the rato of a cent a word. Advertising rates on application.
(Special to Tho Citizen.)
Hawlcy, Sept. 12.
Mrs. Allco Palmer and daughter
Helen, of Brooklyn, have been spend
ing the paBt month at Park View ho
tel. A fine souvenir booklet has lust
been Issued which tells of Hawley
as one of the places with a promi
nent future a future that means
prosperity and happiness for many
thousands of peoplo who will in the
years to come be attracted hero by
tho Important things now develop
ing. The booklet speaks of Hawley
as 125 miles from New York city by
tho Erie railroad, at tho Junction of
tho Lackawaxcn and Paupack rivers,
in a land of enchantment thnt Is Ail
ed with tho things that make for
life's delights. Tho nearness of tho
town to tho great park or tno uioom-
(.special to The Citizen.)
Whites Valley, Sept. ll.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Gardnor, of
lllnghamton, N. Y aro bolng enter
tained by relatives and frlonds.
Misses Maud and Olivo Allen havo
returned homo after spending a week
with their aunt, Mrs. E. M. Horton,
nt Prompton.
Mrs. Alllo Mills and Mrs. Deers, of
Honcsdalc, were guests of Mrs. O. C.
Miller last week.
Mark and Clara Fisher returned
homo nccompanlcd by their uncle,
Wm. Fisher, who brought them in
his touring car from Maryland. Mr.
Fisher returned to Emmettsbug, Md.,
Monday, via Easton.
Clarenco Ilryant has purchased of
Drake ft Ilonham, Carbondalo, a flvc
passenger Ford car, 1912 model.
Mrs. D. E. Hacker was called to
Zemo For Your Skin
Eczema, Pimples, JUmh nnd All Skin
Afflictions Quickly Healed.
No matter what tho trouble, ecze
ma, chafing, pimples, salt rhoum,
Zemo Instantly stops Irritation. Tho
euro comes quick. Sinks right In,
leaving no traco. Zemo Is a van'sh
lng llau Id. Your skin fairly revels
with delight tho moment Zemo is ap-
For President,
State Treasurer,
Auditor General,
District Congressman,
September seems to me to be the
fairy among the months of the year.
She is so crowded with gold, so full
of play and magic spells, she has no
work to do, and It Is she who trans
forms the green woods and gray
marshes to wonderlands of fairy fire,
and brings the great pale moon back
round and full night after night into
the skies. Yes, September has a
magic ! Illldegardo Hawthorne.
Laboring under the disadvantage
Imposed by hostile control of the
House of Representatives and a hope
lessly split majority In the Senate of
the Sixty-second Congress, President
Taft has had an unusually difficult
course to steer. The majority In the
House, ably captained, with a deplor
able but thoroughly human Instinct
has Insisted on "playing politics."
The Insurgent Senators have bent
their energies to play the devil. In
the Congress the Republican party
has been in a hopeless minority.
Under these circumstances the pos
ition of the Executive has been vex
atious, trying and exposed to unusual
dangers. It is to Mr. Taffs credit
that he has sustained it without more
concessions to tho expediencies of the
hour or the necessities of the politi
cal campaign In which he is engaged.
He has been the President of the
United States first and an intelligent
partisan second. He has not been a
trimmer, nor has he sacrificed his
convictions because of clamor or mis
representation. President Taft has made mistakes
as every 'President must. But his es
sential sincerity, modesty, good sense
and strength of character aro con
vincingly apparent. New York Sun.
session. Hotchklss and Prendor
gast, the two rival candidates, had
locked horns for a determined strug
gle when a somewhat spectacular
character, known widely as "Sus
pender Jack" McGce, mounted the
platform and in an impassioned
speech presented tho name of Mr.
Straus. Tho idea caught tho con
vention, tho delegates wcro swept
from their feet, everybody was
shouting for Straus, Hotchklss and
Prendergast and Timothy Woodruff,
seeing tho unavoidable trend of
things, tumbled over each other to
second the nomination and amid wild
applause and enthusiasm It was made
Whether this nomination was tho
result of a careful but secret pulling
of the wires, or, as It appears to be,
the unpremeditated result of a situa
tion grasped at the psychological
moment, does not now matter. It is
in many respects an admirable one.
Mr. Straus is a man of exceptional
character and standing. As business
man, philanthropist, cabinet mem
ber, and foreign ambassador he has
done distinguished service to his
country and deserves well of his
fellowmen. But the platform adopt
ed by the convention, on which he is
supposed to stand, will doubtless
prove his undoing. The voters of tho
Empire stato aro not yet ready to
accept in all of Its eccentric and
rauicai ieatures tne Roosevelt pro
paganda. Nevertheless- it behooves
the Republicans of the Stato to meet
this nomination with one equally as
President Taft undoubtedly is
winning the approbation of large
numbers of his fellow country
men by the dignified course ho is
pursuing with relation to his candi
dacy for a second term.
While the Insatiable Third-Termer
Is cavorting about tho country
with his customary clatter, and tho
Democratic candidate is Issuing
daily pronunclamentos as to his atti
tude on this, that or tho other sub
ject, tho President is devoting his
attention quietly to directing tho af
fairs of tho government. Tho scant
leisuro tho late adjournment of Con
gress afforded, ho Is sponding with
his family.
The unparalleled campaign of
abuse and misrepresentation waged
against him by Theodore Roosevelt
in advance of the primaries made It
necessary for tho President for a
time to enter tho lists and personally
correct tho falsehoods uttered
against hlmsolf and his administra
tion, but as soon as It was humanly
possible to do so ho quit tho stump
and reassumed tho attltudo of digni
fied aloofness from political Imbrog
lio which, until tho days of tho
Rough Rider, generally characterized
tho occupant of tho iPersldontial
President Taft is hlmsolf again.
Ho does not wish to bo President un
less tho peoplo really deslro it, and
ho believes they aro qulto capable of
deciding tho question wisely, do
spito tho din that is being raised In
certain quarters.
from Hawley Sunday and called at
O. C. Miller's.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Leo and sons of
Herrlck Center, were guests at R. I
Leo's Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. McGlvern returned
Monday to New York after being en
tertained several days by Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Stagawald.
Ralph Lee. will make an extended
visit with his brother. R. I. Lee.
C. V. Bonham and L. P. Stark
have returned homo after spending
several days camping at Rock Lake.
Ing Grove club, nnd to Scranton Is Scranton Sunday by tho Illness of
also fully told. Of tho manufactures her grandson, Oeorgo Perkins,
here there Is mention of our thrcoi Mr. and Mrs. John Jennings at
sllk mills, our cut glass and bottle tended the funeral of Wm. Mains at
factories, and tho knitting 'mills, as Carbondalo Sunday.
well as the lumber Industry. All j Nelson Crossman, who has filled
other good features of tho town, , tho pulpit at tho Baptist church at
such as tho streets, flno homes and I Stcclton. during tho summer months,
well-keitt lawns, the schools, tho Is spending his vacation with his
fire department, the water works and , parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Cross-
olectrlc light works, and also a Held man.
for athletic snorts aro referred to, i Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward
nnd then is enumerated the many ' Martin, a son.
fraternal organizations which lend Mrs. John Romich, son Burton,
to the uplift of the community. -and daughter Romain, recently visit
But tho one thine that Is sneclal-1 ed relatives hero.
lv Interesting In the booklet Is what' Mr. and Mrs. Murphy 'motored
Is said about the great big power
dam which Is now under construe-1
tlon just over the hill towards Wll
sonvllle on tho Paupack river, whero
already a half million dollars have
been spent, and where three millions
more will bo expended In forming
tho greatest -water power proposi
tion in tho country next to Niagara
Falls. L. B. Stillwell, of New York
City, formerly of Scranton, claims
this will be tho best proposition of
the kind east of tho Rocky moun
tains. The lake which tho dam will
form will be fifteen miles long, four
miles wide, and cover twelve thous
and acres, with a total fall of 325
feet, yielding from 20,000 to 25,
000 horse power. This great lake
is to furnish power for various In
dustries, scores of which aro expect
ed to locate here, and there will be
an electric, power supply lino ex
tended to the Lackawanna and
Wyoming valleys, so that the results
of this vast undertaking here will be
felt scores of miles away.
Tho concrete walk In front of
Snyder & Freethy's pharmacy Is
completed and tho store will soon
have a new large plate glass front.
The sidewalk in front of Wm.
Schardt's property has also been
raised. Our town Is progressing.
Harry Plum Is 'making an extend
ed trip to New York.
Mrs. Curtis Wilds left this morn
ing for a visit In Syracuse and Blng-
hamton, N. Y.
The new concrete garago of G.
Watts & Son presents a fine appear
ance. A recent visitor from Hones
dale remarked that it makes our
town look quite citified. We are
glad that Honesdalers appreciate our
efforts at improvement.
The remains of Mrs. Owens,
Sheffield, arrived hero Tuesday
Tho Progressive stato convention
of Now York, held at Syracuse last
week, nominated Oscar S. Straus as
its candidate lor govornor. Tho
nomination camo as a dramatic cli
max to an otherwise uninteresting
The result of tho stato election in
vurmonc last, weeic is doubtless a
fair indication of what tho result of
the national election will bo in No
vomber. After a vigorous campaign
by all three of tho leading parties,
the vote stood In round numbers
about as follows: Republican 2C.000,
Democrat 20,000, Progressive 15,-
000. An analysis of tho result
shows that the Progressive votes
camo entirely from former adher
ents of the Republican party. Not
only did tho Progressives fail to
draw from the Democratic ranks, but
tho Democrats, encouraged by tho
three cornered fight, increased their
normal vote by about three thousand.
Neither party having polled a plur
ality of tho votes, the election will
be thrown Into the state legislature
and as that is strongly Republican,
a Republican administration for Ver
mont is assured.
The position of tho Progressive
party in this campaign is strongly
Indicated by the vote In Vermont.
Its strength Is drawn entirely from
tho Republican ranks. It cannot
hope to poll as many votes as will
tho Republican party. As in Ver
mont, it can cripplo but It cannot kill
tho party from which It separated.
Tho only advantage to bo attained
by any party as a result of tho Bull
Mooso movement will accruo to tho
Democrats. This was clearly fore
seen when tho movement was in
augurated. Not that tho leaders de
sired Democratic success, but that
Col. Roosovelt and thoso in his con
fidence, had but ono end in view,
and that was tho defeat of President
Taft and thoso who supported him
as against tho third term candidate.
Whilo it is already clear that Col.
Roosevelt cannot bo elected ho is
still carrying on his campaign In tho
hope of defeating nnd humiliating
tho President and his administration
by any means in his power, oven
though it should lead to Domocratlc
success and tho consequent ovils of
froo trade. But tho Progressive
movement has reached Its climax
and Is now on tho wanu aB tho re
sult In Vermont distinctly proves.
And as its purposes and fallacies
como day by day to bo hotter under
stood by tho peoplo, and its strength
dwindles accordingly, tho Domocrat
lc hopo of defeating tho old-tlmo an
tagonist of Democracy, 'becomes
raoro and moro faint. Tho campaign
of education is going steadily on, and
long before tho day of the November
election tho result so clearly fore
shadowed in Vermont will be practi
cally assured.
(Special to The Citizen )
Damascus, Sept. 11.
The latest Information is that C.
D. Fortnam and bride were given one
of the loudest serenades on wednes
day night last that has been heard In
these parts since boys were boys,
Night was mado hideous until mid
night by the use of various kinds of
instruments, and weapons or war-
faro. We welcome Mrs. C. D. Fort
nam into our midst and wish for the
new couple the best of everything
that life can bestow. Mr. Fo'rtnam
has brought his bride home to a well-
furnished, capacious and substantial
home and may they both bo favored
with a long and useful life in it.
Miss Faunlo Mclntyre, of Now
Hamburgh, N. Y., is here visiting
relatives and friends, to pass part of
tho timo allotted to her as a vaca
tlon. It is tho place of her nativity,
and "there s no place like home.
Miss Mclntyre has for several
years been connected with tho Bow
doin Charity School, of Now Ham
burgh. This institution takes chil
dren of destitute parents In tho East
Side, Now York city, gives them a
glimpse of a better life and a differ
ent way of living, clothes them
schools them whilo there and then
returns them to their parents. There
was at this institution at one time
the offspring of a coupio both o
whom wore deaf mutes, yet this
child could both hear nnd talk and
was as Intelligent as tho majority o
children. It Is said, however, that
ir such offspring should havo nro
geny they would bo deaf mutes the
same as wore tho grandparents. This
school spoken of Is located on an
eminence overlooking the Hudson
river and about a quarter of a mile
hack on tho eastern side. It has
largo farm and poultry plant con
necteu with It, yet there is not nro
duco enough raised upon It for tho
maintenance of thoso In tho Instltu
tlon. Tins man of millions takes
this method of using somo of his
money and at tho same timo alleviate
tno sufferings of some fellow mor
(Special to The Citizen.)
Centervillo. Sent. 11.
'Patrick Garrity, of Phlladolnhia
was tho guest of his mother a fow
days last week.
Among thoso from this placo who
attended tho danco at Phil n Krlec
er's given In honor of his son Philip
wore Mary Lane, Elizabeth and Wm
Garrity, James and Margaret Mar
shall. All ronort a real good time
Miss B. Garrity who spent tho last
two months at her homo hero, ro
turnod to Philadelphia on Friday
last. This will bo hor last visit homo
ror somo timo as she expects to on
ter tho convent In Philadelphia. Hor
mother, Mrs. E. Garrity, roturned
with hor whero she will spend a fow
weens visiting with her daughter,
aire, jonn Mcuinioy, at that place.
Fanny Spangonburg and Vlncont
Kolly, of Audoll, were tho guests of
Mary Lane on Sunday.
Wo aro sorry to hear of tho 111
ness of Mrs. John O Connor, but
nope she is better at this writing.
(Special to Tho Citizen.)
Arlington. Sept. 12.
Cora A. Bldwell returned recently
from Mllford to take up her duties
as teacher at the Ammormontown
school. Grace E. Bldwell returned
last week.
Miss Bortree opened tho Arling
ton school Sept. 3.
D. D. Patterson of Ariel, and J
C. Carlton aro doing the carpenter
work on F. C. Carlton s house. Leon
Hafler and father are doing the ma
son work.
Homer Bldwell of Gouldsboro
spent Sunday home.
Lester M. Carlton returned a vie
tory from the athletic meet held in
Scranton Labor day, getting second
place in both mllo and three-mile
Bertha Flnley of Hawley, spent
a few days home recently.
George Flnley Is working in E. L
Peck s mill at Uswlck.
Tiiii'it- itrnainBT inmir nn nnriri hi
jiuifi ih nrfliinrnn iiv n. w . nun
sold by all druggists at fl a bottle
Miir m Tirnvn tn vnn ia wnnrtnrni
guuruuicuu iu uu uio worn or you
man r uiiun. suiu ill iinnnsnnin u
A. M. Lolno.
Read The Citizen.
Advertising Only Pays
Our Weekly Monday Sale
has grown larger every week since we introduced i
to the public.
- w - w w w M w m m a m . . .
Value is not duplicated in Honcsdalc
Monday, Sept. 16, 1912.
Grocery Department
nrtiiSIr Onfftfw TlViitf Tifo rmnrf Oftn vnlitn 7Qn iln?
Hrpv Mnnnn .Tnro nnrirr fiOn vnllin ..... KSr inf.
Tlrnv Mnsnn .Tnrsr nlnr. KBn v.ihio Hflp. do?
Wnrflolfl nnrl f n vflnwnr Pnffoo Sfln vnlnn . 97o 1h
1'arowax ror seaiinc rruit ana lemes. iuc vaiuo sc l
Other Departments
riain Floor
rnr w np. n i wnn nmiHrn. ' : i! v;liur 4ar v
Heavy School Hose, In all sizes, 15c value 11c p
1 a a l l i rs 111 e 1 . . r
ATt,1r1ii- Hlnimna nil 0lAi) 11 Ci ft nnrl 1 O T. rollta QQn
; I n rrn rn I 'rrnti n o r T a nnrni I in nnn cnanr vn iin ivnn
i inrifi l j it it in v t i rnn i i n lt 11 ;i in . tt: v i
r a . tin i . t i li 1 t T t t Lil i 1 !- t . . rt rtr
uent s wuuo iiemsuicneu xiuki, sugiiuy sunuu, iuc vtuuu ..u lur to
uuya xjiuu uvuiuiia, an, CAtKiJiiuuai vaiuu . m
Second Floor Specials
Ladles Black Sateen and Heatherbloom Skirts, $1.00 and $1.25 value
89c e
uuuiea Liuiuiuu v ui&ia, u vuiuu iuj c
ifiiurMM i .ii ri :i l ti .mt i. HiiMii;i i v;tiiit . . . . . . n v
Largo Size Heavy Cotton Blankets, all colors, ?1.00 value 89c r
unanue wmumv snaaes. an colors, -yc vmuo .c e
UlllUll 1U(IUIU UllfUb UUli UUU UVV !U1UT ........ I J
(Special to Tho Citizen.)
Tyler Hill. Sept. 11
Many farmers aro threshing thel
oats from the nold.
Miss Fannie Mclntyre, of New
Hamburg, N. Y., Is spending a fow
days In town.
Miss Rachel TInkelpaugh, of Peck
ville, Is visiting Ireno Pethick.
School began on the 3rd of this
month with M. N. Brighara, of Da
mascus teacher.
There was a box social at tho home
of Chas. Pethick. on Friday evening.
Proceeds were $5 which went to the
treasurer of the V. W. B. C. of the
Baptist Sunday school.
Services next Sunday: Damascus
Baptist church at 11 a. m.; Damas
cus M. E. church at 11 a. m.; Cal
kins at 7:45 p. m., Rev. R. D. Minch
Incorporated 0
NOTICE : Monday Sales are sold for Cash
Percy Cole made a business trip to
Waymart Wednesday.
I Wayne County School.
abridged Burgoyne
delinquent electoral
fickle gossip
hoeing Harvard
honicsiead Influential
llllterato Jigrlar
locuEt lntt'to
Lowell Worcester
linen magnify
superstitious tetrapln
Tlconderoga undo
Vatican vernal
ambassador ' buffet
czar decision
exonerato emancipation
lEsther Ericsson
ilcnd filial
gesturo gallon
hyena Intact
Immune Incident
implicit llama
marine nautical
oriental peace
reception zoology
Knt nuil Drink AVlint You Want
Wlitwever Yon Want It.
Don't you know that a wholo lot of
this indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis,
catarrh of tho stomach talk Is all
Don't you know that fermentation
of food in tho stomach causes nearly
all stomach troubles.
Don't you know that MI-O-NA
Stomach Tablets compounded from
tho best prescription for stomach
distress over written, will put your
troublesomo stomach In flno condi
tion, or monoy back.
MI-O-NA Stomach Tablots glvo in
stant rollof. Tako -them for gas, sour
noss, heaviness, hoartburn, or after
dinner distress. Keep them with
you and take them regularly until
your stomach Is strong and vigorous.
Large box 50 cents at Pell's, tho
Another Consignment of
All horses will be tried on farm work and
seen in the harness before Mr. Braman will
purchase them. His reputation will be back
of them.
Church St., Honesdale. Pa. Both Phones
15" Jewel Waltham in 20 year Gold
Filled Case at $12.
I;, Jewel Waltham in Nickel Case $10.
7 " " " " $5.
Can you beat these prices ?
Not a special sale, but prices that will remain
here always.
Jeweler of Quality