PAGE TWO THE CITIZEN. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1912. o Preparing For Congress Many Eminent Men and Wo men Will Attend Meeting In October. i CT1V13 preparations nro being ninde for the entertainment of JLEl. tuo nntlonnl conservation con press to be held nt IndlnnniwUs Oct 1, 2, 3 nntl 1. Tlie bonrd of mnn nBcrs, appointed by the Commercial club, which pot the convention for In dianapolis, has complete chargo of the details and arrangements. The board of malingers Is composed of some of the most prominent men In Indianapolis. Each member of the board Is chairman of n committee that will have charge of a special feature of the entertainment. Richard Mcbor is chairman of the board of managers. J. V. Lilly is treasurer, Joseph C. Schaf is vice chair ninn and L. II. Lewis Is secretary of the bonrd. Other members ore W. II. O'llricn, William J. Moouey, Orlando D. Haskett. Albert E. Metzgor, George L. Denuy, Carl G. Fisher, Frederick M. Ajres, C. C. Uancli and Edgar II Evans. The Importance and significance of the congress may bo seen in the fact that 15,000 visitors were present on two different occasions at the congress nt Kansas City last year. It is believed the attendance will be even greater this year. The congress Is nttended by the most representative men and women in the country. Eminent men from nil parts of tho United Stntes and Europe are expected to attend and take part in tho discussion of questions bearing on the conservation movement While the question of conserving nat ural resources will play a prominent part in the deliberations of the con gress, It is expected that considerable attention will be paid to the question of conserving human life. This Is a matter that has never received the un divided nttentlon of tho congress. Judging from tho interest that is al ready manifest it Is expected that hcv eral advanced theorici will bo ox pounded as to how the span of life may bo lengthened. Prolongation of Life. An Interesting statement regarding prolongation of life appeared recently In connection with a report on "Na tional Vitality Its Wastes and Con servation," by Professor Irving Fisher of Yale university, who wns a member of a commission that made an exhaus tive investigation before compiling the report "Tho question has been raised," said Professor Fisher, "whether reduction in Infant nnd child mortality will not weaken rather than strengthen the race by interfering with natural se lection nnd favoring the survival of tho unfit It is pointed out tlint tho mor tality at inter ages of life has not de creased as hns that in the earlier ages. There is probably, however, a suffi cient explanation of tills in the fact that the improvement In hygienic liv ing has not yet affected adults as much as children. Parents are quick to ap ply for tho benefit of their children now methods of preventing disease, such as sterilizing milk, but do not take the same precaution themselves. The hurry and stress of modern life have, In fact tended to produce in some respects more unhygienic habits among adults than prevailed under the sim pler conditions of a generation ngo. Mortality of All Ages. "It must be borno in mind also that the same children's, diseases and other causes which tend to kill the unfit child also tend to lnjuro tho proper development of tho fit Consequently a lessening of other children's dis eases will have the effect of not only prolonging weak lives, hut also of pro longing nnd developing the strong. Statistics, so far as available, appear ,o show that where infant mortality Is the highest mortality at nil ages is high. "So far as we can Judge from sta tistics of the average duration of life, It hns been on tho increase for 3M years nnd Is now increasing more rap Idly than over before. During tho sev enteenth nnd eighteenth centuries the increase was nt tho rnto of alwut four years n century. During the first three quarters of tho nineteenth century tho rate wns alwut nlno years. At pres ent In the state of Massachusetts life is lengthening at tho rate of fourteon years n century, In Europe about sev enteen, nnd In Prussia, tho land of medical discovery nnd its application, twenty-seven. In Indln, where med ical progress is practically unknown, the Ufo span Is short twenty-five and remains stationary. Preventives of Tuberculosis. "It is possible to estimate tho effect on tho length of Ufo of tho partial elimination of various diseases. Using the statistics, experience nnd estimate of eighteen physicians as to tho pre ventabllltj of each of tho list of ninety causes of death, wo find that the length of life could easily bo increased from forty-five to sixty, an increase of onothlrd, or fifteen years. This would result in a permanent reduction I death rate of about 25 per cent. It would bo feasible to prevent nt least 75 per cent of cases of tuberculosis of the lungs nnd theroby to lengthen Ufo by nbout two years. If tho deaths from o Conservation In Indianapolis Prolongation of Human Life a Leading Topic For Discussion. violence were reduced only 115 per cent human Ufo would bo Increased by .80 a yenr. The prevention of 45 ikt cent of cnoos of pneumonln would lengthen life by .0-1 ft year. These diseases alone could easily bo reduced by thews amounts so ns to lengthen llfo by eov eral years. This could bo dono Blm ply through insistence by tho public on pure milk, pure water, pure air and roauonablo protection from accidents. Influence of Hygiene. "The estimate of fifteen years te a B.ifo minimum cstlmato of prolonga tion of llfo because, tirst It takes no account of futuro medical discoveries, such as a mothod of curing or pro venting cancer nnd of postponing old ago, ns would MetchnlkofT; second, it takes llttlo account of the cumulntlvo influence of hygiene. Tho full benefit of hygieno cannot bo felt until it Is practiced throughout llfo nnd not nt tho approach of specific danger. Most so called 'causes' of death nro merely tho last straws which break the cam el's back. When a puro wntor supply prevents deaths from typhoid foTer it prevents two or three times ns mnny deatlis from other causes. Third, It takes no account of tho rnclal effects of new health Ideals, leading in a gen eral way, as they must, to healthier marriages. Need For longer life. "With incroaso of knowledge tho orIod of education of preparation for life must constantly Increaso. This fact creates a need for a longer life, with the later periods of llfo lncronscd in proportion. The result of such n prolongation will bo not the keeping alive of invalids, but tho creation of a population containing a largo num ber of vigorous old men. MetchnlkofT says: Tho old man will no longer be subject to loss of memory or to Intel lectual weakness. Ho will bo able to apply his great experience to tho most complicated nnd most dollcnto parts of social life.' "It Is usually recognized that humnn llfo is abnormally short, but no exact determination has ever been made of what constitutes n normal lifetime. Flourens maintains that n mammal lives five times tho length of Us grow ing period, which would mean, since tho growing period for mnn does not censo until about thirty, a normal hu man lifetime of 150 years. ( Old Age Abnormal. "Another mothod of estimating nor mal life is to reckon tho length of nor mal llfo ns tho time of old ago now sots in, eighty-three years. But clear ly, If MetchnlkofT is right In thinking that old age is abnormal, tho normal lifetime must exceed eighty-three. Mnny rcmarknblo cases of longevity are on record, but most cases of re puted centenarians are not authenti cated. Drakonburg's record wns au thentic, and ho lived to bo 14(5. Mrs. Wood of Portland, Ore., recently died at 120. To what extent .theeo excep tional cases could be made common cannot ns yet bo known." Value of Increased Activity. Professor Fisher discusses at length the factors that contribute to lessen ing the span of life and pays particular attention to tho money valuo of in creased vitality. Discussing the genornl vnluo of in creased vitality, ho says: "Money ostl matos of wnsto of life arc necessarily imperfect and sometimes misleading. The real wastes can only bo oxpressed In terms of human misery. Poverty nnd dlseaso are twin evils, and each plays Into tho hands of the other. From each spring vice and crime. Again, wbatover diminishes poverty teuds to improvo health, and vice versa. Conservation of Resources. "Tho conservation of our natural re source land, raw matorlals, forests und wntor will provldo tho food, clothing, shelter and other means of maintaining healthy life, whilo tho conservation of health llkowlso tends, in many wnys, to conservo nnd In creaso wealth. Tho moro vigorous and long lived tho race tho better utiliza tion It will mako of its natural re sources, Tills will bo truo for two rea sons in particular: First tho greater inventiveness or resourcefulness of vigorous minds in vigorous bodies. Civilization consists chiefly in inven tion, nnd tho most progressive nations nro Uioso whoso rnto of invention is most rnpid. Second, tho greater fore sight and Bollcitudo for tho futuro. As It is usunlly the normal healthy man who provides llfo lnsurnnco for his family, so It will bo tho normal healthy nation which will take duo caro of Its resoucos for tho benefit of tho generations yet unborn. Support of Health Boards. "Federal, stato nnd municipal boards of health should bo better ap preciated nnd supported. Their pow ers of Investigation, administration and dlssomlnatlng Information Bhould bo enlarged. School hygieno should bo practiced nnd personal hygieno moro emphasized. Tho multiplication of degenerates should bo made lmpos-ilblc," COUNTRY NEVER RIGHERJN GOLD More In Treasury Than In That of Any Other Nation. $1,220,932,997 OFTHE METAL The Money It Not All In tho Washing ton Vaults Storago Double What It Was Ten Years Ago How tho Vast Sum la Mode Up. There Is more gold In tho vaults of tho United States treasury than over before in tho history of tho country, nnd, according to the government's fis cal experts, thero is now more gold in tlie possession of the treasury than has ever been stored in tho vaults of any nation nt ono time. At the close of business on Sept 8 tho gold In tho vaults of tho treasury amounted to ? 1,220,032,007. OS. It was made up In this way: A reserve fund of $710,000,000, of which $100,000,000 wns in gold coin nnd $50,000,000 in gold bullion held for tho redemption of United States notes nnd of treasury notes of 1890, tills reserve fund being fixed by law nt $150,000,000 nt all times. A trust fund of If 1,054,375,209 in gold held for tho redemption of gold oer tlflcatos of that amount outstanding, nnd of tills enormous fund of over a billion in gold $SSS,025,073 is In gold coin und $105,419,290 is In gold bul lion. Whon tho Crest Was Reached. A fund of $10,557,723.08 in gold coin is held In tho general fund In tho treasury offices for dally use in tho current operations of tho treasury. To bo moro accurate, the crest of this greatest aggregation of gold In tho federal treasury was reached nt tho closo of business on Aug. 28, when tho total reached $1,222,000,000 In round numbers, nnd It has since been In that neighborhood. This gokl is not all in Washington. In fact most of it is outsido of Wash ington, It Is In treasury vaults, but somo of these vaults arc In the subtrcasurles, somo are nt tho mints, nnd others aro in tho nssny olfices. But all of It Is held by the treasury to back up Its credit and the good faith of tho gov ernment's currency in gold. Compared With Ten Years Ago. Treasury records show that this vast treasure of gold in Undo Sam's vaults Is moro 'than double tho amount thero ton years ngo. Tho total amount of gold in the treasury on Oct 1, 1002, was $578,807,825.09, of which $150, 000,000 was held in tho reservo fund, $34J,012,0S0 was In tho trust funds and $77,105,730.09 wns In gold coin in tho general fund. What It means to hnvd nearly a billion nnd n quarter of gold coin and bullion stored in tho vnults of Undo Sam may bo better appreciated from tho fact that according to estimates by tho director of tho mint, carried along from year to yenr, tho total produc tion of gold in the world from tho dis covery of America until nnd including Iho year 1009 was 047,853,700 ounces, valued at $13,302,32S,200. In other words, tho store of gold In tho treasury vaults is now almost ono tcntti of the total world production of gold since Columbus found Amorlca, and tho comparison is nil tho moro striking when tho fact is taken into consideration that much of this gold has gono into urts and manufactures. Tho total stock of gold In tho mone tary systoms of tho world Is nbout $0,000,000,000, of which nearly $5,000, 000,000 Is in bunks nnd public treas uries, the balance in circulation. LEGLESS BOY SWIMS. Philadelphia Lad of Fourteen Masters Art Despite Affliction. Charles F. Pnrvls, instructor of swimming attached to the Philadel phia board of education, has Just ac complished tho extraordinary feat of teaching a legless boy to swim in the public bathhouse. Tho boy who has accomplished tho feat of swimming Is Tysen Dctwller, fourteen yenrs old. When ho wns six years of age ho was so badly Injured by a freight train nt a grade crossing that ho has had to get along tho best ho could on crutches ever slnqe. Despito his ufillction ho is in the seventh grado in school. This summer tho boy told hlH father ho wanted to learn to swim, nnd ho was taken to tho public batldiousc. Ho has mastered several difficult strokes so effectually that he can swim nt least half a mllo without changing his arm movement CORSETS PREVENT DISEASE. Such Is Opinion of German Professors After Research. Two ncrlln medical experts, nirsch fcld and Loowy, nppcar as champions of women's corsets. Their advocacy Is qualified, but so far ns It goes it Is wholo hearted, for thoy havo satis fled thomselves that corsets may bo preventives of dlseaso In tho possessors of "paralytic thorax," who nro par ticularly prono to consumption. The professors reached this opinion through exhaustive experiments with respiration, aided by tho X rnys. They eny, howovor, that If tho dlsoaso has klrendy daveloped the corsets aro harmful. COPIES AMERICAN CAPITOL Australia Following In Footsteps of United States. "Australia Invites Immigration from America," said David Jones, n mer chant of Melbourne, to n Washington Post reporter on n recent visit to that city. "The capital of tho United State is ono of tho most leautlful cities I havu over visited," said Mr. Jonci. "It Is the clonnest city, I think, I have over scon. Us broad avenues nro a rovoln tlon. Thero aro moro licnutiful dtles In Europe, porhnps Paris, Vienna and Berlin but none of theso Iattor will compare with Washington, I venture to say, fifty yenrs from now. "Australia Is taking lessons from tho Unltod States. Wo arc building a na tlonnl cnpltol, and tho plans are being drawn along tho linos of tho capital in Washington. In mnny wnys Australia Is moro llko tho United States than it is llko tho mother country, England. Our pooplo nro moro llko Americans, nnd I believo their sympathies rnn more nlong tho lines of Americans than those of Englishmen." RAISE FOR MAIL CARRIERS. About $100 Moro a Year For 4200 Rural Letter Deliverers. Under nuthority granted by tho Inst postal appropriation law Postmaster General Hitchcock issued nn order In creasing on Sept 30 next tho salaries of 42,000 rural mall carriers. Tho compensation of tho en triers on standard routes, of wldch thero aro 30,000, is increased from $1,000 to $1, 100, with proportionate incroaso for shorter routes. Tho order Involves nbout $-1,000,000 n year. An advance from $900 to $1,000 a yoar for stand ard routes wns mndo in 1011. When rural delivery was started sixteen years ngo tho carriers got $200 n yoar. Mr. Hitchcock has also directed that rural carriers shall havo fifteen days annual lenvo with pay. A PREHISTORIC MANSION. New York Expedition Finds Soventy two Room House In New Mexico, A remnrknblo archaeological discov ery is reported from Stanley, N. M. An exploring expedition headed by N. C Nolflon, representing tho Ameri can Mueoum of Natural nistory of New York city, hns unearthed a stone building of seventy-two rooms. In tho rooms were found n lnrgo collection of humnn skeletons, pottery nnd other relics which runy throw now light upon tho prehistoric civilization of tho south west A short dlstanco from this building a big stono dam nnd other evidenced of a large system of irrigation wero un covered. If you want lino Job printing just give Tho Citizen a trial order. Wo can do GOOD work. YOUNG MARRIED PEOPLE The "BUYUAHOM" amn AN IDEAL HOME FOR YOU With all modern conveniences located in one of the finest and healthiest sec tions of Honesdale. Don't Worry About Getting a Home Let the "Buyuahom" Realty Company worry for you. Information cheerfully given Drop a postal to P. O. Box 524, Honesdale, Pa,, and we will tell you all about this unusually rare bargain. LIST OP PROPERTIES IN HONESDALE, PA.: Vacant lota nt Dlandin; 1 dwelling houso on Park street, Honesdale; 1 dwelling houso on Court street, Honesdale;2 dwelling houses on East Street Extension; 1 dwelling house and vacant lot on 16th streot; 1 dwelling houso on 13th Btreet; 1 dwolling house on 17th street. Also farms, hotels, and business properties. uvu u - W,iU AVc8c(ablePrcnarallonror,s-siratlaiiiigihcFoodantlRrtula-nntjUicStoinachsandBouscf li IDmiBlTITlllMIl I iwii- Promotes DigcstionJChterful- ncss and Rest fnnt.iliK noilhrr dpiuntMorphinc norMiacrai. WOT.HAKCOTIC. Imfiia Sttd" JbcttleSaltt ytmtfted ItlmStrJ Ctanlkd SUgcr ISitojrtea timr. ml Aperfect Remedy forConsllpa Hon , Sour Stomach.Dlarrhoca VYorras,toir-uisioTis.rcTnsn-ncss aniLoss ofSleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper. For Results Advertise in The Citizen TRY A CENT-A-WORD HAS- MORA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought THC CKNTAUft COM PANT MEW YORK CITY. KRAFT & CONGER HONESDALE, PA. Reoresent Reliable Cnmnanies ONLY Signature ft J In ntjf Use W For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA TIT ATT 71 1 IT N H AN it