PAGE EIGHT THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER n, 1912. COURT NOTES. Argument court was held Monday afternoon at the court house. In equity. Mary Overling vs. John Kltner and others. Master's sale ap proved. Heport to bo made October 28. In equity. Mrs. Barbara Hnggerty vs. Mrs. Mary Vogler and others. UUl for partition of ?1SS approved by the court. In the divorce proceedings of Katherlno Wagner, llbellant, vs. Louis Wagner, respondent, the court ordered that respondent pay to At torney E. C. Mum ford $30; $20 for attorney fens and ?10 for costs. No further proceedings to be taken In the case until said $30 is paid. Commonwealth vs. William Em crick, transcript on motion of M. E. Simons, district attorney, was quash ed, the transcript showing that the court has no Jurisdiction. In the case of Charles D. Edwards vs Ethel Edwards libel in divorce. Court granted a plurles subpoena returnable next term of court. In the matter of the administra tion In the estate of Jeanette Stone Torrey, the court ordered and de creed that W. I). Lesher issue letters of administration on the said es tate in accordance with the within petition to such proper person as the law entitled to upon giving surety as request of law. Honesdale Cemetery Co. to Estate of 7.. M. Pike Bunnell. Report is directed to bo filed and Investment approved by the court. In the matter of bridge of Buck ingham, report of inspectors approv ed nisi to marked approved abso lutely by the clerk of the court if no exceptions are filed within cne week. Bill of costs amounting to $11.37. In the matter of inquisition on the body of Friend F. Merrlman ap proved by county solicitor and or dered paid by the court. In equity. Miles A. Gibbons vs. James Gibbons. Report confirmed nisi. To be confirmed absolutely if no exceptions are filed within a week. On motion C. A. McCarty was ap pointed master in the divorce pro ceedings of Bertha E. Kill am vs. Royal S. Killam. On application of Mary Ryan, wife of John Ryan, of Canaan, a guard ian is asked by petitioner, claiming that he is incompetent to transact his business affairs. NINTH REUNION OF GRAVITY EMPLOYES A. GOULDSBORO. (Special to The Citizen.) Gouldsboro, Sept. 10. Miss Anna Crooks has returned to Philadelphia where she has resum ed her duties as teacher in one of the city schools. She spent last -week with her cousin, J. B. Crooks, and other relatives here. On Wed nesday she was the guest of her uncle, William Crooks. The occasion was his ninety-fourth birthday an niversary. Srhool opened last Tuesday with same teachers as last year. Prof. Howard Siep, principal; Miss Emma Bates, grammar; Miss Grace Dowling intermediate, and Miss Anna Kint zer, primary. Chaplain T. D. Swartz, Woman's Relief Corps of Moscow, held a very interesting meeting last Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Eva Major, of Scranton; Mrs. Kathrlne Schlterlie of Gouldsboro, Mrs. VanGorder and Mrs. W. B. Miller of Moscow, were Initiated. The applications of Mrs. Anna Gress and Mrs. Stanton of Gouldsboro, and Mrs. Meta Hollister of Moscow, were presented and ac cepted. A largo new barn is being built at the West End ice plant on the site of the one recently struck by light-4 ning which burned to the ground. As a result of the recent inspec tion on engines on the Lackawanna, Drill Engine No. 34, In the Goulds boro yards, was awarded the prize as being the cleanest, best kept en gine on the road. As tho fireman, William Surplus, has always taken great pains to keep his engine spick and spane, he is justly proud that his is the engine with tho star plac ed there by the superintendent. The officials visited the yard on Satur day and had a photograph taken of the engine. Gouldsboro and Hobokcn played on tho Gouldsboro Athletic field on Saturday afternoon. The Jersey boys were badly beaten by the score of 2 to 2f. While loading ice on Friday Rich ard Hall, Jr., mot with a very pain ful accident. The large ice hooks slipped and cut a deep gash in his foot. Citizens' Sunday, Oct. Cth, will be observed here. Rev. P. S. Lehman, pastor of the M. E. church, will hold special services in the evening and has extended a cordial invitation to all to be present. His discourso will bo on Good Citizenship. As Cit izens Sunday was inaugurated by the Woman's Relief Corps, and will bo generally observed by tho corps throughout tho United States, Rov. Lehman has extended a special in vitation to all members of tho corps in this section to attend tho services 1n a body and to members of the G. A It. and any other patriotic organizations. SHERMAN. (Special to The Citizen.) Sherman, Sept. 10. Ira Clearwater has closed his cot tage at Oquoga Lake , for the sum mer and is now homo again. Rev. Andrew Scott attended lodge in Deposit last Saturday night. Rev. S. F. Wright spent Sunday in Hales Eddy with Rev. Mr. Frost. Misses Lottie and Virginia Drown, of Honesdale. spent last week at tho home of J. H. Smith. Olwln Scott, of Blnghamton, call ed on friends hero last Saturday. Mrs. Ernest Lowe, who has been visiting In New York, has returned home. School has commenced with Misses Lynch and Nichols as teach ers, Mrs. Brownlnc. of Wllkos-Barre. Who has been spending tho summer here, will return homo tho latter part 01 mis woeK. 'Mrs. May Flagg, who has been spending soino time at Franklin, N. Y.. has returned home. Rov. S. . Wright will sell all of nis property here in Sherman at auc tion sale on Sept. 14. Hold nt Xny Auk ljnt .Satuiilaj C. Snyder ncliitcs Knily Running Experiences. The ninth annual reunion of the Gravity Employes' Association wns held at Nay Aug Park Saturday. Sev eral hundred former employes of the old Delawnro it Hudson nnd Wash ington Gravity Railways with their wives and families spent tho day in tho pnrk and renewed old friend ships. The day was ideal and from early morning until the shndes of evening began to fall tho men who ran over tho inclines before tho days of steam swapped stories and spun yarns about tho days when they' were the real railroad men of this end of the state. The election of officers was hold in tho afternoon and an interesting pa per was read by iMIss Tlllle Turner, whose parents for years resided at tho head of No. 14 plane. Tho offi cers chosen were as follows: A. C. Snyder, of Dunuiore, president; County Controller Charles P. Sav age, secretary and treasurer; Chas. O. Ellis, Carbondale, first vice-presi dent, and Georgo Washington Bona parte Allen, of Dunmore, second vice-president. Tho committee or arrangements for the reunion were: S. A. Diltz, P. J. Foster, E. A. Wonnacott, of Car bondale; William D. BIgart and W. C. Correll, of Dunmore, together with A. C. Snyder and C. P. Savage, respectively president and secretary of the association. Much has been printed about the coal cars and passenger cars that ran on tho gravity railroads, but nothing has yet appeared regarding what wore called "tho trucks, which were low flat cars for carrying logs. A. C. Snyder, president of the Gravity Employes' Association, left the lumber woods of New York state In the early 60's. when ho was a kid, and coming to Dunmore, our neigh boring borough, obtained employ ment with "Saxey" Secor. Mr. Se- cor, who lives near the foot of No. C, was tho contractor employed on the Pennsylvania gravity, to load logs upon "the trucks" and bring them into this valley. Mr. Snyder, describing his iirst day on the road, as well as subsequent experiences as a Gravity hand, has written tho fol lowing: "We left the head of No. C piano at u o clock in the morning and went up the famous Mooslc moun tains. When we arrived at the head of No. 11, which was the last ascend ing piano on the mountain, the old man' (Mr. Secor), said, 'Now, my boy, we have fourteen miles of a ride without the aid of wire ropes and steam engines.' Away wo went around short curves, and the first thing I knew we were in tho No. 11 tunnel. "When we came out In the day light again my hat settled down on my head and I felt great relief. That a train of cars could run through a hole like that was a stun ner to me. On we went, passing scrub oaks, huckleberry bushes and rattlesnake dens. In about an hour and a half wo arrived at the foot of No. 12 plane. There we found about half a mile of coal cars ahead of us. While lying there waiting for the coal to be hoisted up the plane, I said to the old man, "This is the way to railroad, for there is no stopping for wood and old ties along the road.' He replied, 'you have not seen It all yet.' I wanted to hook on but the old man said, 'Boy, you get out of the way or you will lose your fingers, and then you won't be good for anything.' "I climbed up on the little cars. One of the other boys hooked on and away we went up the hill. On ar riving at the top we took another road, which was called the branch. This line ran to the foot of No. 19 on the light track, now known as Lako Ariel. "When we were about half way over tho branch the train stopped along a big pllo of logs and props. The old man picked up a canthook, handed it to me and said, 'Now, boy, we don t want any wood or old ties. but we want those logs and props rolled on those trucks In short order.' I took tho canthook and looked at it as if I had never seen one before. but I had used one ever since I was big enough. My father was a lum berman and I was at homo with the canthook. "When the trucks were loaded tho chains were drawn over tho top, the binders pulled down and fastened and wo proceeded on our trip. On ar riving at No. 19, wo stopped for din ner in front of Potter's Hotel. "After dinner wo started out for homo. When we arrived at tho head of 21, Mr. Secor said, 'Boy, you will havo twelve miles to sit down; watch mo run the trucks and learn all you can about them.' When wo were about five miles from tho head of 21 wo came out of tho woods at a little town called Dunnlngs and I saw an other railroad across tho creek. There was a train with threo loco motives standing at the station. One of tho engines was at the wood pile taking wood and the pllo appeared big enough to save the men tho trouble of tearing down fences or picking up old ties. I asked Mr. Wo unloaded tho props at tho mines nnd returned. "I worked on this train a yenr and then went on a coal train between Dunmore nnd Hawley with Edward Secor, son of Allan Secor. 1 ran on this train until tho fnll of 18GG. when I was compelled to lcavo on ac count of tho cars riding so hard. Tho track was nearly all strap Iron, spiked on sleepers. After it was used n while It became rough and It was impossible for me to stand the jarring nuy longer." UEl'.VIO.V OF CO. 15, lllll) REGI MENT PA. RESERVES. Tho surviving members of Com pany B, 3rd Regiment, Pn. Reserves, met In reunion at Lake Ariel, on August 31, 1912. Tho services were held in tho M. E. Chapel. Tho Ladies' Aid society had prepared a bounteous repast, which was served In the basement of tho church. It wns a feast of good things and tho ladles are to be commended for their skill and labor In providing such an excellent entertainment for tbo innor man. Tho exercises In tho church proper had been arranged by tho pas tor of the church and 'President Adams and was as follows: Song, "God Bless Our Native Land"; prayer, by pastor, W. E. Darkness: address of welcome, by pastor; re sponded to by Comrade W. W Wood; piano solo by Miss Hazel Browning "Old Black Joo"; song, The Star Spangled Banner"; ad' dress, Rev. O. G. Russell; violin and piano solo, W. E. Darkness and Miss Browning; business meeting: presi dent, L. T. Adams, presided; W. W. Wood, acting secretary. Minutes of previous meeting were read and ap proved. Resolutions on tho death of Comrade W. J. Hand were read and same ordered to be spread upon tho minutes and a copy sent to the fam ily. The election of officers resulted in the election of L. T. Adams, presi dent; C. E. Mitchell, vice-president; F. Brundage, second vice-president; R. McStraw, secretary; W. II. Bid- well, treasurer. A collection was taken amounting to $2.73. The roll call disclosed the following mem bers of Company B present: L. T. Adams, Chas. E. Mitchell, Joseph Baschon, Ben Bennett, Eugene B. Mitchell, Henry Haines, F. Brundage, and Ed. Marshall. Members of oth er regiments were present as fol lows: Richard Simon, G7 Pa.; L. J Adams, 4 Pa. Cavalry; Alfred Chaiv man, 179 Pa.; William Sampson, 1st Regt.; Com. H. A. Mark Kellam, Company G, 3d Reserves; W. H. Bid- well, 137 Pa. and loth N. Y. En gineers; John Bidwell, 137 Pa.; Al bert Shaffer, 15th N. Y. Eng.; Kobt McStraw, 23th Pa. and 137 Pa.; Bar ton Swingle, 13 7th Pa. Vol. Silas Clark, 203 Pa.; Alva Kize, Construe tion Corp.; Alex. Correll, 139th Pa.; David Patterson, 143 Pa.; John Watrous, 137 Pa. and W. W. Wood, 4th N. J. V. V. After tho business session there were recitations by Miss Myrtle Miller and Miss Leona Swingle. Song, "Home, Sweet Home," and address by W. W. Wood The meeting was brought to a close with the entire audience singing "Columbia the Gem of tho Ocean." A vote of thanks was tendered the pastor and people of the Lake Ariel M. E. church for their hospitality and the invitation to hold tho 1913 reunion at the church on the last Saturday In August was accepted with thanks. LAKEWOOD. (Special to The Citizen.) Lakowood, Sept. 10. Tho Lakewood Drilling Company has begun active operations and now have a hole some 40 feet deep, but as yet havo not struck bed rock. As soon as rock is reached the diamond drill will be used and progress will be made more rapidly. A. E. Kellogg has installed a new steam heating system and bath In his new home and now has a most up-to- date and comfortable residence Wheeler & Son of Hancock, did tho work. Blanche LaBarr returned to the Mansfield State Normal School on Monday to take up the work of the senior year. Mr. Davis, our genial 'squire, who has been 111, is able to resume his work. George Simpson is making some extensive repairs on tho Goodllne dwelling. Mr. and iMrs. William McKeo, of Syracuse, are visiting relatives hero. On Friday last tho Equlnunk base ball team Journeyed to this place to cross batB with the local team and were defeated by tho score of 30 to 0. Tho week previous our boys wore relieved of a game on tho Equlnunk grounds and it was with pleasure that the local management showed tho visiting team what a clean base ball game was like. Tho Equlnunk boys played good ball, but they were unable to hit tho ball when hits meant runs. Mott out-classed War field on tho mound, for tho support given eacli pitcher was about equal Tho features of tho game were Mott's pitching, catches by Carey and Woodmansee, tho batting of Bojo Simpson, Mott and Bennett, and tho umpiring of Morgan and McKee. The lineup: Lakewood. Equlnunk Bojo rf Woodmansee Simpson.... c Harrlgan Mott p Warfleld Rutledge. . .2b Watson, F, Secor what road It was and ho told Henshaw.. Carey G mo It was the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. "Boforo I could ask any more about tho road with tho big piles of wood, wo were in tho woods again, running over trestles, around the stumps and under hanging rock. When wo reached Bunker II111, Mr. Brady camo out of his office to meas ure tho logs. Ho asked Mr. Secor whero ho got the 'beechor (meaning mo). Mr. Secor answered, 'That boy Is no 'beechor.' "I got a boarding houso placo at tho company boarding houso at No. G, which was kept by Alexander Stuart. "At G o'clock tho next morning wo went to Bunker Hill. Mr. Secor said to me, 'You will go with mo to Pitts ton with tho props. Tho men will unload tho trucks at tho Darkoy mill and then go to NO. 12 and load them again.' The old man took mo on tho bead car so he could show mo the country, but all I could eeo -was woods until wo arrived at PKtston. Flynn 3b Watson, R Dexter cf Hornbeck Leot ss Lord Bennett. ... It Carey, L Lakewood... 200 10000 x Equlnunk ..00000000 0 0 RE 50TJI N. Y. REGIMENTAL UNION. Tho 26th annual reunion of tho fjCth Now York Volunteers will bo held In tho Stato Armory, Middle town, N. Y on Wednesday, Sept. 18 1912, beginning at 10:30 a. m Wayno county was represented in this reglmont by slxty-nlno men from Damascus, Manchester and Buckingham townships. Among tho number was tho Lieutenant Colonol Rockwoll Tyler, of Damascus; a cap tain, Hoary P. Kellam, of Manches tor, and several non-commissioned officers. Of tho slxty-nlno men loft then ten are known to bo living. -Head The Citizen, INDIAN ORCHARD. (Special to Tho Citizen.) Indian Orchard, Sept. 10. Messrs. Dexter and Wood aro painting the buildings at the Drook- sldo fnrnl, and Georgo Mackley of Scclyvlllo, Is erecting .i silo at -the" above mentioned farm. Georgo Erk, assisted by several laborers, has put tho road between hero and Honesdale In n fine condi tion. Better extend the state road to Narrowsburg by way of Beach-lake. The Berlin schools opened on Mon day. Miss Clara Dills will havo charge of tho Bethel school. Anna Schmidt, who has boon i spending tho summer at tho West Shore Houso, Beachlake, has return ed to her homo nt tho Oakland farm. W. E. Avery of Brookroad. Is as sisting E. C. Ham at running a thresher and cleaner. Mrs. C. K. Spry was a recent visi tor at tho home of her son, Wallace, at tho Old Red Rock farm. R. B. Davey and son, Charles, erected a silo for W. C. Spry on Thursday last. O. D. Henshaw wont to Galileo on Monday. Ho will teach tho school at that placo this fall and winter. Miss Frances Gray has gone to Hawley for tho coming school' year where she has charge of eighth grade lu the high school. Tho guests who havo been spend ing their summer vacation nt the Grand View House havo returned to New York city. Wni. Pregnall, wife, daughter, and Joseph Saunders, of East Honesdale, were recent callers at urooKslilo farm. Mrs. R. Ham, son Lawrence, and Mrs. W. H. Marshall and daughter, Allotta, called on Hawley friends on Thursday. Henry List, of Laurolla, is treat ing B. C. Ham's silo to a coat of paint. BEWARE OF OINTMENTS FOR OA- TAR Itll THAT CONTAIN MERCURY. as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely de rango the whole system when enter ing It through tho mucous surfaces, except on prescriptions from reput able physicians, as tho damage they will do is ten fold to tho good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken Internally, acting directly upon tho biood and mucous surfaces of tho system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure bo sure you get the genuine. It is taken In ternally and made In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists. Price 76c. per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. Helen Williams spent this week,, with Mrs. Richard Decker of Beach lake. Mrs. Tryphenn Smith was tho guost of her undo and aunt, Wm. Trever ton and wife of Vino Hill on Thurs AUDITOR'S NOTICE'. Estate of Frederick DIerolf. Notice of Audit: Notlco Is horeby given that Homer Greene, an auditor duly appointed by tho Orphans' Court of Wayne county to pass upon exceptions filed to tho account of W. S. Harvey, administrator of tho abovo named estate, will attend to tho du ties of his appointment at his office In tho borough of Honesdalo, Mon day, Sept. 23, 1912, at 10 o'clock a. m. HOMER. GREENE, Auditor. August 28, 1912. 70w3 AMENDMENTS TO BOROUGH OR DINANCES. Ordinance to amend Section 2 of Ordinance No. 10 of the Borough of Honesdale. Be it enacted, etc., That section 2 of Ordinance No. 10 en titled Exhibitions, approved the 18th day of February 1907 which reads as follows: Sec. 2. Tho price for a license provided for in the first section of this ordinance shall be as follows: For a circus or menagerie, tho sum of twenty-five ($25.00) dollars for each and every day the same shall be opened. For every other exhibition, or amusement, provided for In the first section of this ordinance, the sum of Ave ($5.00) dollars for each day the same shall be opened. Pro vided, that a license shall be Issued for a longer period than one day, at the following rates: License for one day threo ($3.00) dollars;' and two ($2.00) dollars for each succeeding additional day not exceeding one week. License for more than one week and not exceeding one month, fifteen dollars; and for each succeed ing additional month, two ($2.00) dollars; provided, that this or dinance shall not apply to exhibitions given under the auspices and for the benefit of any local, charitable, re ligious, educational, social or Bor ough improvement association. Ibe amended so as to read as follows: The price ,for a license provided for in tho first section of this ordi nance shall be as follows: For a circus or a menagerie, the sum of twenty-five ($25) dollars for each and every day the same shall be opened. For every other exhibition, entertainment or amusement for which an admission fee shall be charged and provided for In tho first section of this ordinance, the sum of o.00 for each day the same shall be opened. Provided, that a license shall be Issued for a longer period than one day at tho following rates: License .for two days shall bo $3.00 for each day, and for each succeeding additional day not exceed ing one week $1.00 a day. License for more than ono week and not ex ceeding one month $15 and for each succeeding additional month $5.00 provided that this ordinance shall not apply to exhibitions given under the auspices and for the benefit of any local, charitable, religious, edu cational or Borough Improvement Association. An Ordinanco to amend Ordinance No. 24 of the Ordinance of the Borough of Honesdale, approved February 18, 1907, by adding there to Section No. 3 as follows: No person shall be permitted with in the Borough to hawk, peddle or vend upon tho public highways, streets, lanes, alleys or roads of the Borough of Honesdale, any fish, fruit, vegetables or any kind of goods, wares or merchandise with out having first obtained from tho Burgess or in his absenco from tho Borough Treasurer, a llcenso so to do. Tho prico of such llcenso Is hereby fixed at $10 for the first day and $5 for each succeeding addition al day. Provided that this ordinanco shall not apply to persons selling goods of their own production or manufacture. THE FOREGOING ORDINANCES wero on tho 5th day of September, 1912, separately ordained and en acted, adopted and passed by tho Town Council of tho Borough of Honesdalo, In Council assembled, as the ordinances of said borough, to go into effect and operation from and aftor tho publication thereof accord ing to law. MARTIN CAUFIELD, President. Town Council of tho Borough of Honesdalo. JOHN ERIC, Secretary. Town Council of tho Borough of Honesdalo. Approved Sept. D, 1912. chas. a. Mccarty, 73eI3 Burgess. (E We wIsTi to secure a good correspondent m every town in Wayne county. Don t be afraid to write this office for paper and stamped envelops Every Wideawake Gfasscutter who has the Interest of Honesdale at heart, should buy a small proper ty in town or Texas Township. Times are better and opportunities offered to-day may not be obtainable tomor row. "Procrastination Is the thief of time." Don't put off buying a small property, for every glasscutter SHOULD OWN HIS HOME. CONSULT "BUYUAHOM" Realty Company Box 524 Honesdale, Pa. Announcement Having purchased the drug busi ness known as the Keystone Phar macy at 1'1'23 Main street,- wo beg to announce that wo will -continue the same. The business will be con ducted on tho basis of Quality and Service at a reasonable (price. Trusting to bo favored by those who havo patronized this storo and hop ing to seo any who may favor us with a visit, we solicit a sharo of your business. Our best asset is a satisfied customer, hence satisfac tion to you Is guaranteed. Both Phones. A. ML LEINE, Ph. THE REXALL DRUG STORE Honesdale, Pa. VA A 'A THE BELL TELEPHONE CO, OF PENNA. W. D. DELLMORE, Agent, Honesdale, Pa, SEPTEMBER 15, 1012. is the date the Bell Directory goes to press. Be sure your name is in the next issue. Telephone the Business Office for telephone service or advertising space rates. mmmmniimimihmm