The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, September 11, 1912, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    jcAGE SIX
ry 1
Joe Sturgis
A Alan Who Could Pilot
a Boat In a Fog
I By F. A. M1TCHEL g
9 v w w vvvi8
AVhcu 1 was a student at a New Eng
land eollepe I used to spend my vaca
tions on the seacoast. I was fond of
water snorts boatliiK, fishing, bathing
and in the autumn shooting, though
since the season for the latter came
when 1 was engaged nt my studies I
could only enjoy it for n day or two
at n time.
My favorite place for enjoying an
outing was a village on the coast of
Maine. There is no coast In America
so sought during the hot months, for
there is none so beautiful. There are
Islands nnd estuaries without number,
while the air Is pure and bracing. The
only drawback is the fogs, which will
occasionally sweep suddenly in from
the ocean and at times last several
The villagit" of B., which came to bo
the usual scene of my summer outings,
looked out upon a bay beyond which
was the boundless ocean. Sometimes
I lay in a hammock hung between
trees, watching ships pass far out on
the horizon, dreaming of the people
walking nlwut on them, shifting their
sails, nt meals, or idling as I was. I
had but to turn my eyes nearer, to an
Island beautiful as a fairyland rising
out of a fairy pea, or, still nearer, to
a strip of ground In Its native state,
brown, yellow and green patches lead
ing up to a snow white cottage, be
hind which was a thicket of cedars.
Captain Joe Sturgis, a man who had
acquired his title as master of a fish
ing smack, was my principal compan
ion. He Ilshed for a living, but In July
and August, the fishing being poor, ho
rested, for he had made enough money
at his vocation to build himself a snug
home and have more invested at in
terest Sturgis was a plain, quiet, thought
ful, uneducated man, but I always
felt that if he and 1 were obliged to
float for our lives and there was but
one plank between us he would leave
me the plank. lie used a single mast
ed boat about twenty feet long for
fishing purposes, and during my vaca
tions that boat was my second home.
The captain and I made cruises in her
among the islands of the coast. There
were four bunks in her, n small cook
stove and mess kit. At night we
would anchor in some inlet or little
bay and after supper be lulled to sleep
by the sound of wavelets beating
against the side of the boat. That
was years agone, but to this day I can
bear the soothing splash. In the morn
ing we would be up with the sun, nnd
I would take a cold water plunge
while the captain was frying the fish
and making the coffee for breakfast.
Then up would come the anchor and
we would be off, wo cared not where,
since the whole of these beautiful wa
ters with their green promontories and
Islands were ours. During these
cruises I was as near heaven ns it is
possible for one on earth to be.
Storms we had, of course, but we
were either scudding before the wind,
racing with the white caps, or beating
up against them, now nnd again get
ting a ducking, buckets of spray dash
ing over us. But what did we care,
protected as wo were by our oilskins?
The fogs, I admit, I never liked, 'lho
coast in that region Is full of reefs,
and if our boat should strike a sunken
point of rock it would go down, leav
lng us to struggle with the waves nnd
likely to find a sepulcher in the bellj
of some flsh. The coast within u
dozen or twenty miles of B. Sturgis
knew so well that ho could navigate
his boat even in a fog. I once asked
him how ho did it, and he replied in
tho s.imo way he walked In his own
house at night. A current here, the
sound of water leating against rocks,
there nnd other indications were val
uable assistants in keeping tho course
and avoiding tho rocks.
Sturgis seemed to bo n part of the
region he Inhabited and felt that after
death ho would still bo a part of it.
lie would say to mo:
"I've often thought how I'd like to
be free from my body and go whero
I like, to hover above the ledges over
which tho waves dash in a storm that
we dare not go near in n boat and on
which there is 110 footing. It would
be fine to skim with tho crest of a
wavo till It begins to curl on a beach,
watch It break and scatter in foam on
tho sand."
"In a fraction of n second," I sug
gested, "you might be n thousand
miles nway."
"I wouldn't care for that. I'm n
homo body and never want to go nway
from homo."
"You mean not moro than fifty miles
from homo."
"This Is nil homo to me. I sleep Just
ns well In tho boat o' nights as In my
cottago on tho shore. Tho cottago Is
Well anchored for a storm, but some
how I feel safer on tho water, espe
cially on a lee shore. You see, there's
nothing to break tho force o' tho wind
whero my houso 13 built, but In a
storra If I'm near shoro I can run Into
nny snug cove nnd go to sleep peace
ful." "And if you'ro out nt sea?"
"Oh, then I tnko In nnd closo all sal)
nnd let her rldo. If I'm to tho wind
jvnrd of a shore I Crop tho anchor."
"Don't need even n Jib for steerage?"
"No; with sails nil In sho won't go
over. She's well ballasted."
Theso conversations with the cap
tain led me to think that those who
llvo near to nature, though uneducat
ed, have a moro comprehensive, view
of the universe, Including themselves,
not ns brief existences, but as appear
ing under different forms. Houses nnd
books tend to destroy this more ex
tended view of ourselves. The' louses
exclude what Is grand In nature; the
books lead us to reason. And, exclu
sive of revelation, what basis havo
wo for our reasoning? Is not one who
takes his inspiration from nnturo mtire
free to follow his higher instincts?
During the first winter after I was
graduated from college I heard of tho
death of my old friend Captain Joe
Sturgis. lie died. In his bod, and It at
once occurred to mo that his spirit,
freed from tho clay of his physlcnl
body, went right out over tho wotcr
nnd the islands among which he had
so often sailed in his slower going boat.
After his death I did not enre to go to
B. and did not see tho plnco for ten
years. Then It occurred to me that I
would like to revisit the scenes I had
so much enjoyed during my youth. I
had long been Immersed In business,
and If I got an outing It was seldom
for more than u fortnight. Tho influ
ence of nature had long ago passed
from me. aud If I thought of tho skip
per who had been my companion It was
not flitting In spiritual form over the
waves, but mouldering In the church
yard at B.
1 found the place but little changed.
I doubt If twenty houses had been
added to those that had composed tho
town ten years before. I met persons
whom I hud known, but they, as well
as I, had grown older. Sturgis' old
boat was still in existence nnd in use.
I had sailed her in fair weather both
with the captain nnd alone, nnd I re
membered the coast for n distance of,
sny, ten miles from B. sulllclently to
take the boat over it. So I got into her
one morning Intending to revisit some
of the nearby scenes of former years.
I took no ono with me, preferring to
go nlouc.
Tho morning was bright and beauti
ful. I spent a couple of hours cruising
about noticing old landmarks, or, rath
er, old sea marks, when, suddenly look
ing eastward, I saw the fog bank.
There was little breeze, and I could
not roach land before I was enveloped
in ono of those fogs so thick thnt they
are really flue rain. I drifted for hours,
hoping all tho while that it would lift,
but it did not. It camo upon mo nt
noon, and when night fell I was still
enveloped in it.
That night is ever to be remembered
as the most frightful of ray life. There
was no wind, nnd if there had been I
would not have dnred avail myself of
It, fur I had no compass and, in nny
event, was beset with sunken rocks.
I passed tho afternoon and tho night
till near morning in an agony of sus
pense, without food or water, then fell
Into either n stupor or a sleep.
I had taken position near tho bow
where I could watch, sitting on the
deck with my back resting against tho
insist. It must havo been near dawn
that, looking aft, I saw, or thought I
saw, a dim form at the tiller, while tho
sail was filled, though the fog had not
I have never since been quite sure
whether I was awake, half asleep or
asleep and dreaming. Nevertheless
some one was at the helm and the boat
was moving. It did not occur to me to
get up and go aft to see who my pilot
was, and this has led mo to think that
I dreamed. I sat whero I was, looking
Into the mist now nnd again, hearing
the swish of waves over protruding
rocks, at times sailing near enough to
them to sco their dim, dark bulk.
I knew that there was or had been
but one man at B. who could sail a
boat in those waters in a fog, and that
man was Captain Sturgis. I was pos
sessed with tho Idea that time had
been turned back ten years and I was
again sailing with my old frleud.
Yet I know that Captain Sturgis wns
How long I sailed thus I don't know,
but when It camo light enough for
me to see, tho fog lifted, nnd I recog
nized on either side of mo rocks, by
which I know that I was emerging
from one of tho most tortuous, dan
gerous chnnnels on this coast. There
was a fair breeze, nnd tho tide was
with me. I was not far from B. and
saw persons on tho shore, evidently
looking out nt mo.
I sprang to tho tiller, which was de
serted, and pointed my course townrd
B. In half an hour I reached tho land
ing nnd wns welcomed by anxious
friends, who had feared for my safe
ty. They asked me how in tho name
of conscience I hnd got through tho
channel from which they had seen me
emerge, wrapped in fog, without strik
ing the rocks. I told them I didn't
know; It must havo been either luck
or rrovldenec. I did not sny wlint I
believed nnd havo since often partly
believed that I had been piloted by
the disembodied spirit of my beloved
friend, Captain Joo Sturgis.
I left B. tho samo day, nnd I havo
never cared to go thero since. Not
only was I unstrung by having been
tossed helpless on an ocean without
being nblo to seo half a dozen yards,
but there was something frightful In
my narrow escape. I did not shudder
at having been piloted, na I believed,
by my old friend; but, taking my ex
perience altogether, I had no deslro to
sail in those waters ngaln.
TImo has taken awny tho horror of
tho situation and strengthened, or,
rather, wnrmed my soul toward him
whom I ennnot but consider to bo living
a renewed lifo among tho scenes ho so
well loved during his physical llfo nnd
who, remembering mo affectionately,
came to my help in the hour of my
Farm and
Convenient, Sunny Location and Good
Drainage Are Essential Points,
Good growth of poultry nnd heavy
egg production depend to a largo ex
tent upon the proper housing of tho
stock. A bulletin issued by the Iowa
agricultural experiment station seU
forth the essentials of 11 good houso
In brief form.
The first consideration in building a
poultry house Is its location. It Is of
greatest Importance to select n slto
having well drained soil. It Is next im
portnnt to have a convenient location.
The poultry house may be nearer tho
resilience than tho live stock barns, and
JSSw SSw T'i'&i !;
Photograph by Iowa agricultural experi
ment station.
as women have a large share in tho
management of tho flock on tho aver
age farm it should bo so located. It is
undesirable to build tho poultry houso
near granaries, cribs or bams which
may furnish n harbor for rats aud oth
er vermin which prey on poultry. A
sunny location well sheltered from tho
north winds is highly desirable when
ever it is possible to obtain it without
sacrificing good ground drninuge.
Tho A-shaped movable colony homo
illustrated is cheap and light and has
been thoroughly tried out nnd found
to bo very satisfactory for raising
chicks in flocks of 200 to 300. It will
winter from fifteen to twenty hens.
Tho house is S by 10 feet and because of
its lightness nnd substantial construc
tion it can bo readily moved from plnco
to place on tho skids which furnish tho
foundation for tho house. It is wurtn
and convenient, and tho fowls nro well
protected from drafts.
There are two crying needs of J
tho farm at tho present time, the $
need of better methods of pro
duction and a more satisfactory
manner of disposing of the prod
ucts. The Foot and Mouth Disease.
An English board of agriculture
handbill states that "in tho early
stages of tho foot and mouth diseaso
the animal frequently smacks Its lips
nnd shows by tho movement of its
tongue that tho mouth is tho seat of
suffering, and tho saliva flows freely
from tho mouth.
"An examination of the mouth shows
tho existence of vesicles on tho tonguo
nnd on tho inner part of tho upper
Hp nnd on tho pad. Theso vesicles
show themselves in the form of a
tough white skin which can bo easily
stripped off, nnd n red, raw surface is
found beneath. Tho animal seldom re
fuses fowl, but rolls It about In its
mouth nnd often drops it instead of
swallowing It. In most Instances tho
feet nro affected ns well as tho
Tho Horse's Hoofs.
If tho horse's hoxfs aro hard nnd In
cllncd to bo "shelly" do not let anybody
put oil or grease on them, for this only
clogs tho hoof material, which should
absorb water Instead of repelling It
Such hoofs nro best treated by soaking
them several hours together In warm
water slightly salted or by turning out
tho liorso at night in n pasture whero
ho will have the hoofH wet in tho dew.
Farm Progress.
"Critter" Wisdom.
Lack of caro makes tho cow kick,
and sho always hits tho tenderest spot
tho pocketbook.
With mnturo hogs, whero it is desir
ed to ndd fat to tho body, potntoes may
bo fed with good results, but they nro
not as good ns corn.
A firm, hard collar thnt fits is invari
ably better as Vvell ns easier on tho
horse's shoulder than tho 111 fitted' con
traption that hns to bo padded.
In truing a separator in tho dairy al
ways start It slowly nnd nover run it
at a higher speed than your instructions
specify. Itunnlng It too fast is not only
throwing the butter fat away in tho
8klmmllk, but tho separator bowl ia
liublo to burst nnd kill tho operator.
Try to glvo every horso n good mate
to work with. You havo nil seen
horses that wcro mado as ugly ns sin
Just becnuso tho horso they had to
work with walked slower than thoy
did or for sotno equally good reason.
A ninto Is n horso that Is congenial to
tho other ono In all respects.
This la an Otcupatlon That Calls For
No Special Skill.
Buttons hnvo nn Irresistible fascina
tion In theso days for the clever homo
drcssmnker, for they put within her
reach n practically Infinite number of
effective touches for her frocks which
will tnko from her very llttlo In the
way of cither time or iniey.
A pretty button can be mado by first
covering tho padded mold with whlto
sllc and putting over this two thick
nesses of sliver gauze decorated with 0
little cluster of steel beads lu the cen
terfrom which radiate half n dozen
or moro loops of rescdn green chenille.
Narrow shaded ribbon can bo woven
Into a charming button cover. A foun
dation should be cut from white silk.
On this lay short lengths of tho ribbon,
tho edges touching, nnd sew tho ends
securely. Then, with n needle thread
ed with ribbon, dam in tho roverso
pieces. If liked a tiny frill mado of
slightly gathered ribbon muy be sewed
around the edge of the button.
Motifs cut from lnco which has pass
ed Its days of usefulness In the ordi
nary way can do their part townrd
making fancy buttons. A small daisy
pattern tncked to white silk and work
ed over in satin stitch In nny color pre
ferred with 11 few French knots added
will make an embroidered button that
Is decidedly expensive lu appearance.
On cloth or velvet n button covered
with velvet nnd trimmed with n fine
braid In n fancy mixture of colors tuny
be used. Tho braid can be knotted in
tho center nnd radiate toward tho out
er rim, where the separate bits should
be connected by a single strand of tho
braid, with knots to keep all In place.
Corn Souflle. Green com and cheese
son 111 0 is little known, possibly, to most
housekeepers, but its acquaintance Is
worth making. Have ready a cupful of
corn cut from the cob, a cupful of grat
ed American cheese, n tablespoonful or
two of minced green pepper, threo
eggs, a tablespoonful of butter, half a
cupful of flour, two cupfuls of milk and
half n tenspoonful of snlt Melt tho
butter nnd cook tho pepper soft in it
Make n sauce with the flour, milk, but
ter and snlt. Beat the eggs separately,
turn the yolks Into tho sauce, stir in
the corn nnd fold in the whites. Turn
into a buttered dish nnd bake in a mod
erate oven about half an hour.
Whltefish Fritters. When you have
nny cold whltefish on hnnd you can
make a very tasty dish in this way: To
a cupful of the fish Uaked up fine add
half a cupful of mashed potatoes, half
a cupful of grated breadcrumbs, half a
cupful of cream, the beaten yolks of
two eggs, salt and pepper to taste. Mix
well together nnd then mnko Into ob
long shapes and flatten on both sides.
Bent the whites of tho two eggs and
dip the cakes In this, then into bread
crumbs, and fry n nice brown in ba
con fnt or vegetable oil. Serve at once,
gurnlshed with parsley.
Sliced Peaches. Four pounds of
peaches, one cupful of vinegar, ono
tablespoonful of cinnamon, ono table
spoonful of cloves, threo pounds of
brown sugar, one tenspoonful of gin
ger, one tenspoonful of salt and one
eighth of n teaspoonful of red pepper.
Boll tho sugar and the vinegar. Scald
the peaches, remove the skins nnd cook
In the sirup. Tie spices In n bag and
cook with tho peaches. When tho
peaches are tender pour Into stone Jars.
Reheat tho sirup every day for a week,
pouring when boiling over the peaches.
All kinds of small fruits may bo spiced
in this manner.
Use of "Mountain Peak" Braid,
Braid is much used on the new hats
and used not in plain bands or bind-
Ings, but lu nil sorts of queer and unex
pected convolutions.
This now hat displays tho "mountain
peak" braid used as edging, and tho
black and whlto quill is placed in a
dashing manner.
Men's Card Prizes.
Prizes for card parties aro easily
chosen for women, but for a man's
prizo thero is usually somo dlfllcuity in
selection. A paper cutter Is gonorally
acceptable, and ono can now bo had
for n very moderate sum, Just 05 cents,
which is excellent for tills purpose. It
shows a Japanese warrior in full ar
mor, mounted on horseback, carved as
tho handlo of a good sized paper knife.
Tho ltnlfo Itself is mado of bono. This
Is stained a brownish tint, which takes
off tho crudo appearance. Another pa
per cutter, suitable for a "booby prize,"
Is of wood nnd shows on its surface u
tiny monkey which la reaching up for
two npples Just out of his reach. This
ona ia but 10 rnta.
Do You want Electric Lights
in your home, boarding house or hotel? If so we
will put them in. Let me know how many and I
will tell you what it will cost. Electricity beats
them all,
Dean Home Electric Lighting Plant
Our store In tho Grambs Building, Is lighted by it. Let us show It to
Reo the Fifth, Ford and Brush
John Deere Sulky Plows, Success Manure Spreader,
Hoosier Grain Drills, Dain Vertical Lift Mower,
Ireland Wood Saw, Kant Klog Hand Sprayers,
The Famous "New Way" Air Cooled Engine,
lortesdaSe, Pa.
H. F. Weaver'
Architect and Builder
Plans & Estimates
Residence, 1302 EastSt.
Trade Marks
Copyrights fcc.
Anrnno sending n nketi-h nnd descrlptlnn mar
qntcklr aaceruilu our opinion free whether an
Invention la probably imientnhlo. Comniunlca
tlonlrlcll7contldcntliil. HANDBOOK on Patents
Bent free, oldest airency for eocurmtr patents.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
tpttlal notice, without charge, la tho
Scientific American.
A handiomelr llluatrateil weekly. T.arcest dr.
cnlatloit of any pclontltlo Journal. Terms. 13 a
year: four months, ft. Bold hyall newsdealer.
MUNN &Co.3'. New York
Urancb. offlco. 625 P 8t Wuhloiiton, I). C.
Havo mo nnd save money. AVI
attend sales nnywhero in State.
Address WAYMART, PA.CR. D. 3
The OLDEST Fire Insurance
Agency in Wayne County.
Offlco: Second floor Masonic Build
ing, over C. C. Jadwln'a drug store,
This Is good weather for illos.
They nro around waiting to glvo your
little ono typhoid fever. Kill him
and don't delay. Duy a awnttor at
tho hardware storo and got busy at
Advertise in THE CITIZEN
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rtiiARLEs a. Mccarty,
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