The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, September 11, 1912, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    Ooo ooO'
Review of the
Session of
Results Not Imposing, Though
Some of Them Are Important.
thority for tliu statement that tlic
Nceond session of the Slxty-eec-oncl
congress put in more actual
working time thun nny session in his
tory. Anyway, it lasted long enough.
That motion is passed unanimously.
Any session Unit starts in December
and keeps It up till dog days should
he canned. It gets oh tho nation's
nerves. Moreover, when we arc in the
middle of a presidential campaign wo
ennnot he bothered by a congressional
Bide show. Thlugs locoino warm
enough without a hot air mill working
The concrete results of all this labor
are not imposing, although some of
them are Important. Several tariff
bills were successful In Uie house, but
came Into violent collision witli a large
body in the White House. Two of
them passed both houses, but were ve
toed, which discouraged the senate
Xrom enacting any more. The low or
house succeeded In passing the two
over the president's veto, but the sen
ate balked. So died the hoio of tariff
revision lu this congress. The tariff
board was killed by u rider on nn ap
propriation hill. Tho senate tried to
bury the corpse of Canadian reciproc
ity that "Our Lady of Uie Snows" had
done to death, but the house evidently
thought that Uio cadaver might he res
urrected and refused to let Uie funeral
take place.
The session just closed did a large
business as a canning factor', hnviiig
tied the little tin emblems of its regard
to the Itusslan treaty, to Senator Lori
mer and to the tariff board, as already
set forth. Efforts were also made to
can General Leonard Wood and Uie
commerce court, but Uie president in
terposed. What Was Done.
The really important measures en
acted into law were as follows:
The Panama canal bill, exempting
American coastwise vessels from pay
ing tolls and barring from the big ditch
ships owned by railroads or trusts.
Tills has made John Hull and the
transcontinental railroads unhappy,
likewise several New York newspapers.
An experimental parcels post, admit
ting packages to the weight of eleven
pounds and charging for Uiom by Uie
v.oue system. The express companies
are not giving three cheers, but Uncle
Sam does not seem to notice Uielr lack
of enthusiasm and Is going right ahead
preparing to carry merchandise on and
after Uie 1st of January.
A constitutional amendment provid
ing for the jwpular election of United
States senators passed Itoth houses of
congress by the requisite two-thirds
vote and now goes to the state legisla
tures, three-fourths of which must rati
fy before the amendment is adopted.
This might have been Included nmong
tho canned goods, os it will undoubted
ly tie the little cylindrical omhlems to
Uie coattalls of several senators.
A children's bureau was created
whose duty it will lw to gather statis
tics as to child labor, care of defec
tives, children's diseases, education and
other matters relating to child life.
An amendment to the campaign pub
licity law was enacted providing for
publicity in congressional elections be
fore os well as after election. A bill
to extend the act's provisions to presi
dential elections passed one house and
will bo taken up in Uie short session.
The eight hour day was established
for all government work.
Fur sealing on the Prlhilof islands
was prohibited for Ave years.
The Sherwood dollar a day pension
bill was passed lu a modified form.
Wireless Eegulations.
Bills regulating wireless telegraphy
and providing that all vessels carrying
more than fifty passengers should have
two operators were enacted into law.
A form of civil government was pro
vided for the territory of Alaska.
Army transports wore required to
have suillclent llfeloata to carry all
those aboard.
The people of China were congratu
lated mi the establishment of a re
public A federal employees' compensation
act was passed, but an attempt to es
tablish a seven year tenure for gov
ernment clerks In Washington failed.
Provision was made for seven year
enlistments In the army, four years in
active service and threo years In a
newly created nnny reserve.
A three year homestead net was
passed to encourage settlement of Uie
west, and relief was nfforded home
stead entry men on reclamation lands.
A prohibitive tax waB placed on tho
manufacture of white phosphorous
Tho advertisement and sale of patent
medicines wus restricted.
Citizenship was conferred on certain
natives of tho Philippines.
Moving pleturo films depicting prize
fights were prohibited.
Provision was made for a standard
barrel for apples.
An Industrial commission was
Ono now battleship and various mi
nor naval vessels were authorized.
Some of the bill pawing one or oth-
d Congress
More Actual Working Timo
Put In Than Any Other
O OQf . .
or of tho houses nnd which may bo
pressed through at Uio nuxt session
were Umt creating a deportment of la
bor and putUng a labor man into tho
cabinet; one applying tho exciso tax to
individuals, making It practically an
income tax; one extoudtng agricultural
education to tho universities, and ono
giving Uio right of trial by Jury in
certain eases of contempt of court.
If I have overlooked anything the
reader Ls nt perfect liberty to hunt It
out of the Congressional Itocord. I can
not turn nil of Uiis article into n cata
loguc. Sufllciont has been mentioned,
however, to show Uiat congress has
not spent all of its time In omitting
Nevertheless Its output of language
has been something prodigious. Some
body of a statistical turn of mind has
figured out Unit tho invaluable and nev
er read Congressional ltecord for this
last session contains 18,000,000 words
count 'era, 18,000,000-thus putting it
nil over Uie record of any other ses
sion in Uio history of Uils somowhat
roso started, nnd now everybody Is do
Ing it La Toilette got into tho game
nnd so amended the resolution author
izing tho Inquiry that nearly anything
relating to presidential nominations or
elections since UMIO can he Investigat
ed, especially If they appertain to Colo
neJ Hoosovelt Hut, Uiere; I came very
near talking politics, n thin.T ogainst
which I have registered a solemn oath,
Taking It by and large It was pome
session. Chairman Fitzgerald of tho
house appropriations committee says
It did not spend ns much money as the
corresponding session of tho Sixty-first
congress, and old Uncle Joe Cnnnon,
who was oueo upon a time chairman
of the same committee, suys It did.
Then; yon nro. Take your choice. Any
wny It spent something llliu $1,000,
000,000. I hnve not Uio remotest Idea
how much money that ls, yet I rattled
it off as though I knew all about It
I only have heard repeatedly that this
Is "a billion dollar country," which
causes me to wonder whether I ought
to give throe cheers or swear ot the
taxes. It's n billion dollar country
when Uie Hopubllcans are in power
nnd n billion dollar country when tho
Democrats am In power, so It must be
that wo aro stuck nt Uiat figure for
keeps. Well, we have n bigger crop
than over this year, so perhaps the
formers, mill hands and other common
folk can make money as fast ns the
ptatesinen spend It, so we can maybo
manage to worry along.
Extending the Monroe Doctrine.
This session gnvo n new nnd wider
Interrelation to the Monroe doctrine.
As a result of tho Mngdnlonn bay inci
dent, in which a certain Jnpanese com
pany ls reported to have gained fishing
Ichts along tho west coast of Mexico.
Photos copyright by American Press Association.
loquacious country. No wonder the
members wanted to adjourn. Of course
all these words were never really spo
ken. They were placed in Uio ltecord
under "leave to print" Hut if even a
major fraction of that ocean of talk
went over the congressional dam since
last December, it ls n wonder that the
whole United States is not swamped in
the verbal overflow.
Wo must not overlook tho Investiga
tions. These extended all tho way
from Lorimer to Uio steel trust inci
dentally taking lu Uie sugar trust the
beef trust Uio money trust Uio Titan
ic disaster, the various departments
of the government and presidential
campaign funds slnco 1900. The com
mittee investigating tho steel trust
made its report or, rnthor its reports,
for Siivernl of tho minority members
went it alone. Tills Inquiry has borno
fruit in a government case against Uio
Steel corporation. Tho sugar trust
committee recommended a reduction
of tho sugar tariff. The money trust
inquiry stirred up tho llrnzillan coffee
scandal and has other tilings yet in
store, there now being an effort to get
access to the books of the national
banks. The beef trust probe has only
started, but may bo depended on to
turn up something later. Meanwhile
Uio price of moat continues to rlso.
Tho Investigation of tho departments
at Washington turned up a few good
newspaper stories, especially in tho
bureau of chemistry', hut now that
Wiley is out tho bureau of chemistry
interests us no more.
The Titanio Inquiry.
Then thero was Senator William Al
den Smith's personally conducted probo
into tho sinking of tho Titanic that
caused merriment in England, estab
lished that nn iceberg consists of rock,
dirt and likewise of ice and really
found out more than tho more digni
fied and ponderous inquiry in Eng
land. It has been qulto n year for in
vestigations, and Uio end is not yet
Tho latest probo uncovered n powder
magazine, and tboro havo been fire
works ever since. This was the cele
brated and sizzling Inquiry Into cam
paign funds since tho year L Pen-
Senator Lodge Introduced a resolution,
which was ndopted, declaring this gov
ernment's opposition to tho obtaining
by other governments of strategic har
bors or bases of operation for military
use in Uie western hemisphere.
In Uio early part of the sesslou tho
Tuft arbitration treaties with England
and France were so amended In Uio
senate us to render Uiem Ineffective.
New Mexico and Arizona were ad
mitted to statehood, and their senators
and representatives sat in this session
for the first time, although the legisla
tion admitting tho two now states was
passed at an earlier date.
Among measures of Importance fall
ing to get through were the constitu
tional amendment increasing Uie presl
denUul term to six years and making
the president ineligiblo for re-election,
tho bill providing for Uio physical val
uation of railroad property, and tho
Immigration bill.
Every' session ls guilty of sins of
omission nnd commission, and has oth
er faults. Every session also docs a
few good things, some more, some less,
according to the viewpoint In theso
particulars the late lamcuted was not
j largely tnuerent from Uio rest. Well,
u is over ana ueroro another session
gathers, a now president of the United
States will have been elected, likewise
a new congress. Thus the people will
havo given n verdict ou the deeds of
the two houses and that is tho verdict
which will stand, whatever we ns In
dividuals may say. Hut in the passage
of tho amendment for direct election
of senators, tho parcels post, campaign
publicity and other tilings, It must be
admitted that wo aro making progress.
Yearly Cash Prize to Perfect Girl.
M. Carret rich, eccentric and onco a
member of tho French chamber of
deputies, but who retired from politics
many years ago to llvo In nn Alplno
cave in Savoy, died recontly. A will
bos been found In which ho leaves his
wealth to his naUve town on condition
that each yoar a prizo of $2,000 be
awardod to the girl In tho department
of Savoy who ls physically and moral
ly most perfect
in yonr'fatnily you of course call
a reliable physician. Don't stop
at that; nave his prescriptions
put up at n reliable pharmacy,
even if it is a little farther from
your home than some other store.
You can find no more reliable
store than ours. It would be im
possible for moro care to be taken
in tho selection of drugs, etc., or
in tho compounding. Proserin
Hons brought here, cither night
or day, will bo promptly and
accurately compounded by a
competent registered pharmacist
and tho prices will be most rea
Bonablc. O. T. CHAMBERS,
Opp, D. & II, Station. Honesdale. Pa.
Designer and Man
ufacturer of
Office and Works;
1036 MAIN ST.
At a mooting of tho directors of
tho Honosdalo" Dlmo Dank, hold on
July 25, 1912, tho following resolu
tion was unanimously adopted:
"Itesolvcd, That wo recommend
tho stockholders of tho Honesdalo
Dlmo Dank to increaso tho capital
stock of tho said hank from $75,000
to $100,000."
In nccordanco with the nhovo res
olution a mooting of tho stockholders
Is called to convene at the hank on
Thursday, tho 10th day ot October,
1912, between tho hours of 3 and
4 o'clock in tho afternoon of tho
said day, to Uko action on tho ap
proval or disapproval of the propos
ed Increase
Note: In tho event of tho (stock
holders approving tho increase or
rocommondod, the Doard of Direc
tors will fix tho price for which tho
said stock shall ho sold at ?200 por
, , Secretary.
Honesdalo, Pa., Aug. 5, 1912.
If you want good Job printing
glvo us an order.
Piece work: can make $18.00 per
week, but aro guaranteeing $15.00
per week of 55 hours. Married peo
ple preferred. Schnum & Uhltnger
high-speed double deck looms. Ap
ply by letter only to VIRGINIA SILK
COMPANY, INC., South Richmond.
Vn. 50tf
(T We wIsTi to secure a good
correspondent in every town
in Wayne county. Don't be
afraid to write this office for
paper and stamped envelops
Keystone Stores
. 4-
People who demand a maximum of
beauty and value will find here at
very low prices a rare opportunity
To Secure Real Bargains In
Ladies' Wash Ratine and Linen Suits
One Piece Dresses In White,Figured
Lawns, Pique and Linen.
Kimonas, House Dresses, Wrappers,
Stylish and Cool for Hot Days.
Dust and Traveling Coats of Silk,
Fine Wool and Linen.
Children's Summer Dresses for Dress, Traveling and play
wear. Very cheap In price and stylish in cut.
"BUYUAHOM" iflpiiaTy
Wiih all modern conveniences located
in one of the finest and healthiest sec
tions of Honesdale.
Don't Worry About Getting a Home
Let the "Buyuahom" Realty
Company worry for you.
Information cheerfully given
Drop a postal to P. O. Box 524, Honesdale, Pa,,
and we will tejl you all about this unusually
rare bargain.
Vacant lots at Dlandin; 1 dwelling houso on Park street, Honesdale;
1 dwelling houso on Court street, Honesdale; 2 dwelling bouses on
East Street Extension: 1 dwelling houso and vacant lot on 16th street;
1 dwelling houso on 13th street; 1 dwelling house on 17th Btreot. Also
farms, hotels, and business properties.