Cttttca Fine Job Work Promptly Ex ecuted at TIio Citizen Office. Subscribe For Tlio Cltlz a ho People' Family Paper; .50 Per Venr. 2 70th YEAR. -NO. 73 HONESDALB, WAYNE CO., PA., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1912. PRICE 2 $ JNTS COUNCIL ADOPT AMENDMENTS TO ORDINANCES License of Amusement Houses to be Increased From to !?." Per Month Main Pave Discussed Hunter Invited Hero to Giro Estimate of Cost. The regular monthly meeting ot the town council was hold In the town hall on Thursday evening. President Martin Caufleld called the meeting to order and in the absence of Secretnry John Erk, John Was ni an acted In that capacity. All other members wero present. iMayor McCarty and Street Commissioner Lawrence Weldner wero also In at tendance. The session was held In the town hall, second lloor. Treasurer G. W. l'enwarden re ported $553. GS on hand at tho be ginning of the month. Since then the following sums have been receiv ed From J. J. Canlvan, dog tax ? S2.40 Note, borrowed money .... 780. C7 Stationary tubs from town hall 7.00 L. Weidner, from County Com'rs and crushed stono 14.00 Li. Weldner. carting 1.00 Itev J. J. O'Toole, repairing walk 9.00 Tax duplicate,-1911, H. Sch- uerholz COO. 00 Tax duplicate, 1912, H. Sch- uerholz 1,000.00 Total Paid out by orders 3,053.75 1,350.98 Balance on hand 11,702.77 Lewis Seelig was present and com plained about the waste paper and other rubbish being scattered on land joining the town's dumping ground Street Commissioner Weld ner stated that boys throw the stuff over the fence into other lots. The council instructed Mr. "Weldner to clean up and burn the loose mater ial at least once a week. The council requested The Citizen to mention In its columns that the dumping of poisons in liquid, bulk or other forms on the town dump Is strictly prohibited. That al though it is a public dumping ground the council stated that this is no reason why the people carting their waste matter up there should abuse tho privilege granted them by the town. If poisonous substances are dumped upon the ground they may be scattered and do injury to cattle, and the town might be held responsible for any damages done. W. H. Kreitner reported for the committee on the proposed High street sewer. The officers of the Park street sewer wero Interviewed and Councilman Kreitner stated that the owners of that private sewer offered to sell half or the whole of tho sewer to the borough but would not allow the borough to tap their sewer The price quoted for tho lower half of tho sewer was placed at $500 or the town could obtain the whole system for $1,100. Tho council instructed C. A. McCarty to inquire into the matter and ascer tain whether a private company or corporation can charge a town an enormous price for the sale of its business when said company or cor poration never paid a cent to the town In the way of franchise or permits for the privilege of digging up the streets any time and any where. The committee on tho location of new lights reported having placed two lights on West Park street and on West street. The council passed two amend ments to ordinances Nos. 10 and 24, which are published elsewhere. Amendment to Ordinance No. 10 raises the license of public amuse ment houses outside of exhibitions given under tho auspices and for the heneflt of any local, charitable, re ligious, educational, social or bor ough improvement association, from 524 to $C0 per year or from ?2 to $5 per month. Amendment to Or dinance No. 24 refers to out-of-town peddlers. It will not affect a manu facturer from selling his ware or a farmer from disposing of his pro duce upon the streets. Tho amend ments and ordinances will be pub lished in tho local papers 10 days before they can become a borough law The question of paving Main street was discussed at length. Durgess (Continued on Page Four.) HOY WHOSE FEET WERE CUT BY MOWING MACHINE, HOME. Earl, four-year-old son of John Loscig. of Cherry Uidge, who seven weeks ago had both feet severely cut by a mowing machine, arrived homo Monday from tho Hahnemann hospi tal, Scranton. It was feared at first that the little fellow would lose the ub6 of both feet, but Dr. Peck, of bcranton, saved the members. Mr. Loscig, father of the lad. claims that his son will have to wear braces for eomo time or until tho legs become strong enough to take caro of tho feet. HUMPING RUBBISH IN PARK LA ICE. We regret that wo aro called upon to make a statement asking persons o kindly refrain from throwing musk mellon rinds, paper and other house refuse In Park Lake. This Is no way to make the town beautiful, besides It is unsanitary. If you are doing It, stop to-aay. Bury your rofuse. TO REMODEL AND IMPROVE RUILDING. Kreitner Bros, will build an ad dition to tho building recently pur chased by O. Wm. Sell now occupied by A. M. Lelne, who bought tho Percy L. Colo drugstore. Tho addi tion will bo two etorles high, 2,5x50 feet. Tho building will have mod ern improvements throughout. HARVEY BROWN IN ACCIDENT. Another automobile driver tried to tako off the top of a concreto cul vert on Sunday, by running Into It and demolishing his machine. The accident occurred on the State road on the way to Bethany. The driver was Harvey Brown, of Lebanon. Ho and three other young friends were returning home from a visit to Honesdale. In some manner the steering wheel turned abruptly from the roadbed and ran directly into tho culvert guard, which suddenly stop ped tho machino and throw two of tho occupants out. The other two jumped, thereby possibly saving their lives. One of tho party received a slash over the ear, which was cut by particles of flying glass from the wind shield. Other than that no one was Injured and no bones were broken. One of the front wheels of tho auto was put out of commission, while the axle of the car was badly bent. The machine Is now In the Maple City garage for repairs. HONESDALE'S NEWPOSTOFFICE Not a Better Olllco Can bo Found in tho State Fixtures In Early Eng lish Ideal in All Its Appoint ments Credit to Honesdale. Honesdale is going to have the most convenient and up-to-the-minute postofllco of anywhere around this section of Undo Sam's domain. We had our first peep into that of fice on Saturday last. The woodwork of the fixtures is finished In Early English and Is rich In harmony. The ceiling of the room is white, while the walls are a pale salmon. Tho lloor of the lobby will be covered with a very light pink tiling with a six inch boarder of a little darker hue. The new office, which will afford 25 additional room over the pres ent postofflce, will be equipped with all the latest furniture for the assort ment and distribution of tho mails. In the new postofflce there will be ample room for handling rural de livery and star route mails which 13 now Inadequate. The arrangement of the new of fice, as planned by Architect Harry Weaver, who was employed by tho council to make the change, is con venient and commodious. Tho en trance to the lobby is through two single doors. At tho extreme left Is the postmaster's office. Adjacent to that, the financial department, which Is divided into three apartments, namely, Money Order, Registry and Postal Savings Bank. To the right on an angle with the financial de partment is a section of lock boxes. Next to that Is the general delivery window, where stamps and envelopes will bo sold. Adjoining this window there are two more sections or series of lock boxes and then the private entrance to the main office for em ployees. The work is being rushed to completion. It is expected that the new office will bo occupied by October 1st. The front and window sash and frames of the city hall have been re freshened by paint. Tho building Is now very attractive Inside and out. The new office Is a credit to Hones dale and Is right in keeping and In line of beauty with tho Maple City. Everyone who has seen it greatly ad mires the office, both as to attractive ness and convenience. Postmaster Allen and corps of efficient workers are elated over the new office, which they soon will occupy. Afterthe of fice is completed tho public will bo given the privilege to Inspect It be fore occupancy. ELEVATOR SITE BUSY PLACE. Tho site of the new Gurney Elec tric Elevator plant is a scene of con siderable activity. Carpenters, ma sons and laborers are buy at their respective lines of work. Next week, Mr. Herbric informed a Citizen re porter, that it would be busier yet. Arrangements wero mado by tho F. A. Havens company, who havo the contract in charge, to import between 40 and 50 Italian laborers from Car bondale to Honesdale to rush the work at the plant here. On Saturday and Monday 50 cubic feet of concrete wall was laid, repre senting the west wall of the proposed building. The concreto mixer Is op erated by steam power. Theodore Schimmel is engineer. The mixer has a capacity of cubic yard. It Is fed from the top, tho cement and other Ingredients being taken up an incline by means of wheelbarrows. J. C. .Engable, of Philadelphia, a member of the firm, is hero for a few days overseeing tho work tho F. A. Havens company Is doing. PRIZES FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN. Tho result of tho flower and veg etables grown from seeds sold by the Improvement Association will bo exhibited at a flower ehow In Miss Leo's room in tho High school building on Friday, Sopt. 13, from 3 until 5 and 7 until 10 p. m. Schools outside of tho borough, which bought seeds, aro urged to enter Into this contest. Prizes will bo givon as follows: One for the most perfect flower; one for tho largest variety grown by ono person; ono for tho most artistic bouquet; ono prlzo for the best vegetable display; a second prlzo for tho second best vegetablo display. During tho evening eultablp en tertainment will bo provided ,for thoso In attendance. Tho public Is cordially invited. No admission. BUSINESS MEN MEET TONIGHT. Tho regular monthly meeting of the Honesdalo Business Men's asso ciation will bo hold this Wednesday evening In tho town hall. President B. T. Ham desires that evory mom ber turn out, as business ot consid erable Importance will be transacted. THE HONESDALE SCHOOLS OPEN WITH COMMERCIAL COURSE COMPLETED RY ADDITION OP STENO GRAPHY AND TYPEWRITING ONE OP THE STRONGEST FACULTIES IN THE STATE LATIN MOST POPULAR STUDY. Honesdale Public Schools opened on Monday, September 9, with an enrollment of 171 pupils In tho High school and 31G in the grades, mak ing a total of 487 In both schools. Tho number of pupils enrolled at the end of the first month, a year ago, was 507. Supervising Principal H. A. Oday claims that tho number will be about the same at tho ond of the present month, as several pupils enter after school begins. Latin was the most popular study chosen by first-year pupils In the High school. The class is composed of 30 Freshmen who are taking this course. The following courses seemed to bo the least attractive: Chemistry, agricultural, mechanical drawing and physics. The commercial course has been made complete by tho introduction of stenography and typewriting, which is taught by Miss Edith Tol ley. It is the numose Of thn rilrnctnrs to give tho students attending the; HONESDALE Honesdale school as complete a com mercial course as Is obtainable. Pu pils desiring to tako this branch of study can qualify themselves Just as good in the Honesdale High school as they can by going out of town.' The school board desires to give the poor boy or girl the same privilege of obtaining an education and fitting himself for commercial life as Is of fered the more well-to-do boy, who, by his own means goes away to school to obtain the same knowledge. A number of Wayne county boys and girls who are contemplating taking this course ought to come to Hones dale Instead of going out of the county. The faculty of the Honesdale High W. J. BIRDSALL WINS CUP. W. J. Blrdsall secured the silver loving cup for the second time last week on the golf links In the champ ionship game. Cashier H. S. Salmon was a 6lose second. Mr. Salmon has also won tho cup twice. Tho party who wins It the third time will bo entitled to it. Owing to the inclemency of the weather tho ladles' and gentlemen's handicap was postponed for another week. SHERRY'S GOOD RECORD. Fred Schuerholz, known In the baseball fraternity as "Sherry," ar rived home last Thursday from Youngstown, Ohio, whero ho has been playing In the Center League. Sherry pitched for 13 games, win ning 10 of them. This is an excel lent record. Honesdalo is proud of Sherry and it is well that sho should be. ANOTHER LAUNDRY FOR HONESDALE. Mr. and Mrs. H. Davis, of Phila delphia, havo rented tho store In tho Rldgeway building and will start a hand laundry there this week. Mr. Davis has been in the business 18 years. MISS CHARLESWORTII ENTER TAINS. Miss Margaret Charlesworth en tertained a number ot friends on Sat urday afternoon. Flvo Hundred was tho sourco of enjoyment and tho prlzo was won by Miss Jeanetto Relf. Dainty refreshments added their share to the afternoon's pleasure. MITE BOX OPENING. The quarterly meeting of tho Homo Missionary society of tho Methodist church and mite box open ing will be held at the homo of Mrs. Isaac J. Lobb, Court street, on Thursday evening of this week. O. & W. DETECTIVE HERE. Peter Sheror, detective for tho On tario and Western railroad company, was In Honesdale on business Mon day. LIGHTNING DAMAGES BARN. Tho barn of Charles H. Govort, of Inglehardt, was slightly damaged by lightning on September 7. PURCHASES AUTO. Isaac B. Sandorcock, surveyor, purchased a Ford runabout from tho Gammell garage on Tuesday. ENROLLMENT OF 487 PUPILS school and grades Is the best obtain able and one of tho strongest in this section of tho state. The High school teachers: Supervising principal, Prof. H. A. Oday; High School principal, Prof. R. T. Davles, Miss Alice Z. Gregory, Miss Edith K. Swift, Miss Mary A. Menncr, Miss Florence Brown, Miss Harriet Arnold, supervising teacher of music. Grades Primary B, Miss Jennie S. Lee; primary A, Miss Mattle E. OUlon; 2nd grade, Miss Carolyn Stephens; 3rd, Miss Anna Seaman; 4th, Miss Edith Tolley; 5th. Miss Grace .ladwln, succeeding Miss Eliza beth Baird; Gth, Miss Theresa B. Soete; 7th, Mrs. W. A. Sluman; 8th, Mrs. A. J. G. Dlx. Any boy or girl who has passed the eighth grade examination and lives In a township where there Is no high school may attend a high school In a nearby township or borough and his homo township must pay his tuition. This Is provided for in the New School Code. Honesdalo has the HIGH SCHOOL. teaching force and the room to ac commodate all those in this part of tho county and it Is desired to build up a high school here at the county seat with an enrollment of at least two hundred and fifty boys and girls Honesdale's High school Is fore most in the state and it furnishes a complete preparatory course for col lege. During the summer months the school houses have been thoroughly renovated and placed in splc-span shape. The cement floor In the new school building has been treated to a coat of cement paint, the woodwork varnished, as well as tho desks and seats In the building. Honesdale takes great pride In Its schools. DEATH ROLL IN CHINA 75,000 Typhoon Which Swept Chekaiiing Province Doubles Number First Reported Dead Missionaries Lost Lives. (Special to Tho Citizen.) SHANGHAI, CHINA, Sept. 10. The total number of deaths accord ed by the typhoon which swept Che- kanlng province on August 29 will reach more than 75,000 and not 40, 000 as was first reported. News confirming this was received today from Hang Chow, the provincial capital. It is stated that millions are home less and hundreds of thousands will die. Thero wero several missionar ies drowned. Local relief Is ex hausted and tho government funds are low. The typhoon occurred early in the morning, which was followed by tor rents of rain. Tho water swept over tho land faster than men could run and when It receded it took people and houses with It. FISH COMMISSIONER HONORED State Fish Commissioner Buller has been elected a member of the Executive Committee of tho Ameri can Fisheries Society, according to advices received here. Tho commis sioner served on several committees and mado tho report for tho fishery work In this state. NARROWSBURG TO HAVE PAPER Tho Narrowsburg Democrat, tho first lssuo of which will appear Oct 1st, will bo published by M. T. Col Hns, of the Sullivan County Demo crat. Success to tho now venture, DIHLAM INCH. Miss Ruth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram F. Inch, of Waymart, and Edward Dlrlam of Brooklyn, N. Y., wero married Saturday, Sept. 7, 11912, by Rev. Burch of tho M. E. church, Waymart. "BABY MINE" CANCELLED. "Baby MIno" has been cancelled for tho present but will bo hero later in tho season. MISS KEEN ENTERTAINS. Miss Cora Keen entertained at cards last Friday afternoon. A very Pleasant time was enjoyed. MARRIAGE LICENSES. E. C. Dlrlam Brooklyn. N. Y. nuth Inch Waymart GYP THE IILOOD WILL SURRENDER. Now York, Sept. 10. "Gyp the Blood" Horowitz, Indicted as one of tho murder gang which slew Her man Rosenthal, will surrender next week, according to Information re ceived by District Attorney Whit man. The pollco will havo nothing to do with Horowitz's surrender, as he is said to be planning to come In Just before tho day set for the trial of Police Lieutenant Becker for in stigating the Rosenthal murder. According to Whitman's Informa tion, "Gyp tho Blood" will present himself at the psychological moment to mnko an attempt to clear him self, "Lefty Loulo" Rosenzwelg, "Whltey" Lewis and "Dago Frank" Ciroflcl, as the actual assassins of the gambler. "Gyp" will charge that Harry Vallon alono killed Rosen thal. Vallon, with Brldglo Webber, Jack Rose and Sam Schepps, have confessed to plotting with Becker to kill the gambler. BIG SURPRISE AT FAIR Announcement of Largest Drawing Card to Ito Mado Soon Big Premiums Offered on Horses. The management of the Wayne Agricultural Society has a great big surprise In store for the patrons of the coming fair, which will be held in Honesdale beginning September 30 and ending Thursday, October 3. Wo are not at liberty to tell our readers what It will be at present but will make the announcement In our next paper. Other attractions, such as tho ocean wave, one of the latest and safest amusements, the ever pleasing merry-go-round and the Ferris Wheel will bo on the grounds. Along the line of entertainment the Honesdalo Cornet Band, Jenkins' Boy Band, the Maple City Fife and Drum Corps and the White Mills Band will discourse music on the fair grounds the three days of the fair. This will be appreciated by a number of music lovers and that it will be a rare treat to tho people of Wayne county, goes without saying. All will endeavor to mako the 50th or golden anniversary of the Wayne county fair the best ever held and we predict that it will be tho larg est ever to have been held in dear old Wayne. Secretary E. W. Gammell attend ed the Greene, N. Y., fair last week and he says the prospects are very encouraging for a good line of rac ing norses. Liberal premiums have been offered for the winners. J. P. McMahon, of Susquehanna, will again bo the starter. Tho management of the fair have Increased their premiums on horses, expecting a largo display of the equine beauties to be made this fall. No better horses can be found any where than In Wayne county and why should they not be displayed at the fair? The premium on a fine match team of horses has been In creased from $S to $20 and other horses in proportion. It is right and proper that tho display of farm horses be encouraged In this manner. Every father's eon and the father, too, for that matter, ought to enter his fine team or choice horse at the coming fair. The Agricultural Society has de cided to hold an automobile parade on Thursday, October 3, the last day of the fair. Two beautiful silver loving cups will be given as first prizes. Ono will be awarded to tho owner for the best trimmed touring car and another cup for the best trimmed runabout. Invitations havo been extended to owners of automo biles to Join tho parade and keen un the well earned reputation of Wayne county for doing things right. Fur ther information regarding this par ado will be announced later. In the meantime make all ar rangements to attend tho golden an niversary of the Wayne county fair. Tho attraction which we will men tion in our next Issue will bring you, your family and your entire neigh borhood. NEW ROAD BEING SURVEYED. State engineers and surveyors are working on a proposed new state road which it is stated will be built from Honesdale to East Cherry Ridge, thereby eliminating the heavy grade up Terrace street. Tho survey Includes part of Erie street, striking a moderate grado at tho Law estato. It follows the side hill In a southerly direction, passing over Ferber and Goodman properties, reaching tho summit of tho hill near the homo of John Male, East Cherry Ridge, on tho Sandercock road. This Is feasable and a State road built that way passes through one of the most picturesque places In Wayno county. HEAVY WIND ACCOMPANIED STORM. Saturday afternoon's heavy elec trical storm was accompanied by a strong wind, which did considerable damago to vegetation and tho trees. Although tho lightning did not strlko in tho Immediate vicinity It was qulto severe. Tho storm cleared tho air and beautiful weather has slnco prevailed. No rain fell at Lake Lodoro, Or son or Carbondalo. MAKING WALK RY LANTERN LIGHT. Tho Ash sidewalk on Grove street Is nearly completed. Men who aro working on tho walk aro anxious to comploto It as soon as possible. Lanterns furnish tho artificial light which enables tho men to work. DEMOCRATIC HEADQUARTERS. Tho local Democratic headquart ers ore located over the electric light office in tho Gorman Odd Fel Ipws building on Seventh street. to FORTENIA MAN KILLED Anthony Clark Poll From Window In SiTnutnu Sunday Morning and Fractured Ills Skull. Walking In his sleep early Sunday morning, Anthony Clark, aged sixty-eight years, of Fortenla, fell two stories from a window at the homo of his brother, James Clark, Scran ton, and suffered Injuries that caused almost Instantaneous death. Ho struck head first on a stone side walk, his skull being fractured. A pathetic feature of the case Is that the aged man was called to New York last week to attend tho funer al of another brother. Travel stain ed and suffering grief over his brother's death, tho Fortenla man stopped off to visit his brother thero Intending to continue homeward as soon as he felt able. He retired ear ly Saturday night, but was unablo to sleep. Two or three times ho was heard moving about in his room. A little before one o'clock ho lurched through a window that had been left open and a passerby found him moaning on the sidewalk. He died without regaining consciousness. The remains were brought to For tenla Monday and tho funeral was held on Tuesday. Mr. Clark, for many years, was a stono mason on tho Delawaro and Hudson gravity road. He leaves a wife and several children. Joseph Clark, of Park street, is a son of the deceased. MT. PLEASANT .MAN IN RUNA WAY. L. W. Dequino purchased a fine match team of horses from M. L. Braman Monday afternoon and start ed for home at G o'clock. The team had never been driven with open blinders, which accounted for their being frightened. As the horses neared Ninth street at the Allen House corner they bcame un manageable. Mr. Dequino realizing that the horses had the better of him endeavored to check them by making an abrupt turn in front ot the home of Hon. William H. Dimmick. The horses cut across the lawn and jumped over an Iron fence, continu ing in their maddened race. As the horses went into the road again Mr. Dequino and gentleman friend were precipitated from the wagon onto tho ground, but fortunately no bones were broken. Tho dash board was broken and the wagon seat dis lodged. Tho team ran down Ninth street to the Kuhbach barn, where they were stopped. The tongue of tho wagon was broken at this point. ON TRAIL OP ROOSEVELT. Republican National Organization to nrninuo i-ian lo Administer U. O. P. Medicine at Every Place He Sjeaks. (Special to Tho Citizen). NEW YORK, Sept. 10. At the Republican National organization to day it was claimed to carry war di rect to Col. Roosevelt and challenge his public utterances. Former Congressman J. Adam Bece, of Minnesota, and John M. Harlan, former supremo court Judge, will bo sent on trail of Roosevelt In tho west. Both men will have a special train. It is the plan to ad dress the same crowd that Roosevelt may address. It Is stated that they have facts that will embarrass the colonel. The Republicans In New York aro greatly enthused and be lieve that they will give him all the political "medicine" he is looking for. TWO LIEUTENANTS KILLED. Members of Royal Flying Corjis of British Army Dashed to Death To-day. (Special to Tho Citizen.) OXFORD, ENGLAND, Sept. 10. Two lieutenants of tho Royal Flying Corps of tho British Army, were in stantly killed when both men fell 500 feet from an aeroplane. Their bones were crushed to pulp. A largo crowd of spectators witnessed tho aw ful tragedy, and many of the women fainted and becamo hysterical. TWO KILLED, SIX INJURED. Passenger Train on Pennsylvania R. R. This Morning Collides With Freight Train. (Special to Tho Citizen.) LATRORE, Sept. 10 Two men wero killed and six passengers In jured on Train No. 21 on the Penn sylvania railroad this morning. Tho passenger train was enrouto to New York when It collided with a freight englno. Tho engineer and flagman on tho freight wero Instantly killed. HONESDALE SHOE COMPANY REORGANIZES. At a recent meeting of tho par ties, vvhoi purchased tho corporate rights, franchise and license to man ufacture of tho Honesdalo Shoo com pany, tho following organization was perfected : President, E. W. Leo, ot Now York City. Vice-President, William H. Krantz, Honesdalo. Secretary-Treasurer, E. Darwin Penwnrden, Carley Brook. ALLEN ROYD RECOVERING. Llttlo Allen Boyd, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd, of Thirteenth street, was oporated upon at Dr. Reed Burns' hospital, Scranton, Saturday, tor an affliction ot tho right leg. Ho is Improving nicely, much to tho gratification ot his friends. MRS. O. M. HETZ ENTERTAINS. Mrs. C. M. Betz delightfully on tortalned a number ot her friends last Friday afternoon at her homo on Church street.