The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, September 06, 1912, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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New Cloudburst Adds Hun
dreds to Homeless.
Heavy Rains Hit Washington County
and Part of West Virginia Cara
vans of Wagons Carrying Sup
plies Into Stricken Region.
Pittsburgh, Ph., Sept 5. Heavy rnlns
that fell In 'Washington county nnil In
parts of West Virginia added to tho de
struction wrought by Sunday night's
storm. The ruins eontlnuo to fall in
torrents, with no prospect of abate
ment Hundreds have been added to
the host of homeless, who hnvo neon
raging streams carry their lionies awny.
Relief is being sent into tho stricken
The Wheeling board of trade raised
$10,000. An apieal has tiecn sent to
Governor Glasscock of West Virginia,
and state aid is assured. At Wellsburg,
Follansbee, W. Vn.; Martin's Ferry
nnd Steubenvllle, O., public subocrljv
tlous are being raised.
Tho Associated Charities In Wheel
ing and Pittsburgh have arranged for
the shipment of food and clothing. Ah
110 railroads or trolleys nro running in
the flooded district great caravans of
wagons are carrying supplies, toiling
over tho mountain roads.
In Washington and Green counties
and in the Pocohontas district of West
Virginia many of the great coal mines
have been flooded, and thousands of
miners are out of work.
The Pennsylvania, Baltimore nnd
Ohio and Wabash railroads, however,
are offering all these men work repair
ing the miles of track swept uway.
Five big concrete bridges on the
Wheeling division of the Baltimore and
Ohio were washed out laBt nigbt
Tho Wabash railroad announced that
the losses to tlmt road In Washington
count- alone would exceed $150,000.
Six miles of the Wnbash Pittsburgh
terminal were shifted by Peters creek.
Coal operators In Washington,
Greene, Fayette, Westmoreland and
Cambria counties have during tiro last
three weeks taken out of Pittsburgh
practically all the big mine pumps that
were held In stock lwrc At many of
the mines it will be weoks before the
water Is pumped out and mining re
Harrisburg Club Receives Its 1912 Pen
nant and Trophy,
Harrisburg, Pa., Sept BVThe 1012
Tri-Htate leaguo champions were pre
sented with the pennant and the Farns-
worfb cup before a crowd of over 4,000
people. A double header was played
with York, with Harrisburg winning
both games by scores of 4 to 3 and 3
to 0. President Carpenter presented
the Fnrnsworth cup to Manager Cock
111 of the Harrisburg club and George
M. Graham of Philadelphia gave the
pennant to Mayor Hoyal, who accepted
It on behalf of the local club-
Many visiting Trttato officials were
present. In tho evening tho players
nnd tho officials were given a banquet
Harrisburg plays another double head
or with York hero today.
Little Qirl From 8t Vincent's Home
Dies of Tetanus In Hospital.
Philadelphia, Sept 5. Tetanus,
which resulted from stepping on n nail,
caused tho death of Catherine Welsh,
nlno years old, In St Joseph's hospital.
The child was an orphan In St Vln
cont's home in this city.
Tho little girl was taken to tho hospl
tal a week ago. Several days before
she had stepped on a nail, which pierc
ed her shoe, but was a slight wound,
which appeared to heal quickly nnd
wns not thought serious. Tho girl wns
taken suddenly 111 and rushed to the
hospital, where she died.
Quarreling Hubby Resents Alternative
and Goes to a Cell.
Norristown, Pa.. Sept 5. "Better
kiss nnd make up," said Magistrate
Lcnhnrdt to John J. Gallagher and
wife, brought before him on each oth
er's complaint of furious antagonism.
"Me? Not me!" exclaimed Gallagher.
"Why, I never kissed a girl In my llfo,
and I won't lHgin now!"
"Well, the only thing for mo to do Is
to flno you, then," said tho Justice As
Gallagher could not produeo tho neces
sary coin, he was sent to jail.
When Flirting le No Crime.
Philadelphia, Sept C "Flirting is no
crime unless tho girls object," was tho
dictum of Mugistruto Iscnbrown, who
discharged two young men when tho
ylrls did not uppear to complain.
Trl-state Leaguo.
At Chester Reading, 8; Chester, 1.
Second gnmo Reading, 0; Chester, B.
At York narrisburg, 4; York, 1.
Second game narrisburg, 4; York, L
At Trenton Wilmington, 4; Trenton,
B. Second game Wilmington, T; Tren
ton, S.
At Allen town-Atlantic City, 5; Al
lentown, 8.
Pardoned Danker, Reported Dying,
Rents Offices at Old Stand,
New York, Sept 0. Iteports long cur
rent in Wnll street tlmt Charles W.
Morse, tho banker sentenced to a long
term hi prison at Atlanta but Inter re
lented by President Toft beennso of
medical reports stating ho could not
live long, would soon lo back in the
game, wore confirmed this afternoon
when Morse npiearod In his old olllco
building nt -10 Exchnngo plnco and
rented an oloborate suit
Morse arrived at the building unac
companied. Ho was neatly dressed and
appenrod in perfect health. nis
cheeks were red and his eyes sparkled
with tho Are of ambition.
Many of tho oid attendants of the
building recognized him ns soon ns he
ontcred. He knew them, too, and gnvu
all a hearty handshake Ho wns in
exubernut spirits nnd did not seem
conscious of tho fact that ho was tho
cynosuro of all eyes ns soon as tle
report flow around that "Morse was
again back on tlw Job."
Tho financier, who -was convicted of
violating the federal banking laws
and who got into troublo as n result
of skyrocket unonevcrtng, una been
home from Germany two montfja. He
was taken to Norheim springs for his
health and was accompanied by his do-
voted wifo, whoso untiring efforts
caused his parol o by tho president It
was rumored on his return tbnt ho
would soon reliabllttnto himself In the
Jailed For Hissing the Kaiser.
Zurich, Sept 5. For hissing the
kaiser, who Is hero to see Uie Swise
army maneuvers, two Italian Social
ists were arrested. They will bo held,
charged with disorderly conduct until
after his majesty's departure nnd then
probably freed.
Weather Probnbillt'reo.
Generally fair today and tomorrow;
rising temperature; light south to south
west winds.
Market Reports.
New York, Bept H.
BUTTER Firm: good trade; receipts.
18.EM; pnckaswi; creamery, extras, lb., 2S
2SV4a: flrstB, 2GHo27c; seconds, EnTfic.;
thirds, 23a4c; state dairy, rubs, nnent. zoa
21c; good to prima, 34aHc; common to
fair, fla23c.; procoes, extras, CaSHc!
flrsto, 2ta24c.; seconds, Z2aZc; Imita
tion creamery, firsts, 23a23Vtc.i factory.
Juno make, firsts, fie.; current make,
flretfl, Una Ho.; seconds, 19aaH4a; pack
ing Btock, current make. No. 2, 0o21o.:
No. 8. IOoJOs.
CHEESE Easier; reoclpts, 7,331 boxes;
state, whoU milk, new, specials, white,
lb., 16c.; colored, lOalCHo.; average faney.
white, Uc; colored, 16c; undergmdos.
ItalSHc.; daisies, UMc; state skims, new.
spoctels, white. Uol3o.; colored, 12al8c;
fair to choice. loauc; a
EGOS Firm: receipts, AW caeee; rreen
gathered, extras, doe ZCaTta.; extra firsts,
24a25o.l flrflta, 22aS3c; seconds, 20WaHtt.:
dirties, Ua0c ; obecks, lSalSMc; refrig
erator, firsts, storage paid for season. 22W
a23Ha; seconds, flatta.; thirds. l&aZOc;
state, Pennsylvania and nearby, hennery
whKes, fancy, large, 32a; loir v gooo.
23a21c.; hennery browns, 27c.; gathered
brown and mixed colors, 23a20o.
POTATOES Weak; Long Wand. bbi.
or bog, S2aZ5; Jersey, round, tVKai;
long, tl.SOal.00, Bwoots, Jersey, yellow,
bosket. 7&0.0H.OO southern, yellow, bbL,
picked, Philadelphia broilers, MaZSo.;
Pennsylvania, 20a2c; western. KaSOo.;
fowls, dry packed, western boxen, 1GH
17c.; bbls Iced, UalCa; old roosters, 12a
UVto.; spring ducks, nearby. 18al8c;
Bftunbs, white, dozen, $2a4; dark, tL75;
frozen turkeys. No. L Zla23c.; No. 2, 14a
I80.1 chickens, roostere, corn fed, JDo22o.j
fowls, 4 to 6 lbo, each. lCa!7c
(Special to The Citizen.)
Stalker and Draman, Sept. 4.
We are getting an over-abundance
of rain; too much for oat harvest
ing. Tho church fair held hero last
Thursday was a grand success. They
realized about ?250 from the silk
quilt and fair.
Miss Elma White returned to
Port Jervls last Monday, having
spent two weeks with her mother,
Mrs. Mary White.
George Cargln and Mary Ryan'
went to Port Jervis last Monday to
attend school,
Mrs. John Schuackenburg has sev
eral city boarders.
Mrs. Thomas McKechnlo and
daughter .Dorothy returned to their
homo In Jersey City last Friday,
having spent tho summer with hor
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Schuack
enburg. I). M. Stalker and daughter Edith,
Mr. and Mrs. It. J. Stalker and son
Arnold, Mrs. H. It. Stalker and
Emma Stalker attended tho Stalker
reunion at Abrahamsvlllo Aug. 28.
Mrs. John Kellam, daughters
Maud and Grace, Visited at John
Skinner b recently.
Mrs. Louis Itauner has so far re
covered from her recent Illness as to
be around the house.
Abblo Dlake, of Union, visited
friends hero recently.
Sophia Blum returned to her
school at Stroudsburg last Monday.
School commenced last Tuesday
with Miss Mary Ripple, of Hones-
dale, teacher.
Mr. and Mrs. Harper Keys and
two osns, Luclen and Ralph, attend
ed the church fair; also Mrs. Orvllle
Keys all of Mllanvllle.
Horman Schnackenburg returned
to the city last week after a months
vacation at his homo here.
Tho Madame Sherry troupo enter
tained a fair-sized houso at tho
Lyric Wednesday evening. Tho com
nanv was deserving of a packed
houso as ihe play waB ono full ot
llfo and merriment. Tho Bongs wero
catchy and full of life. Everybody
who attended was well pleased with
tho production. Tho scenic effects
were beautiful.
Tho Madame Sherry company
playod In Port Jervls Thursday
night. They are booked for Scran
ton for the week-end,
Confers, Talks With For
eigners, Makes Speech.
Talks of "Exnggeratec' Protective Pol
Icy" as Set Forth In Platform of
Republican Party Appeals For
a Merchant Marine and
Broader Banking,
Now York, Sept 5, Governor Wood
ow Wilson of Now Jersey laid before
11 very nttuutlve audience In Yorkvllle
Casino his view of what ho described
as "the exaggerated protectlvo policy"
ret forth hi the platform of the Repub
lican party. He declared that Its whole
effect had lceu to mnke this country
more and more a provincial country,
uivl In elaborating that Idea ho made
au apieal for a merchant marine and
n bonking system that will permit
American baukors to do business on
a level with bankers In other parts of
th world. His speech was tuado at
tho dinner of the Worklngmon's Wood
row's Wilson club.
Governor Wilson wns the flrtst speak
er. Ho was Introduced by President
Rogart and received an ovation. Ho
was interrupted frequently during his
address by bursts of nilause.
Before he left Sea Girt Governor
Wilson was interrogated as to hie opin
ion of tho election in Vermont and
what it purported for Democratic suc
cess nt the presidential election In No
vember. Ho was gratified at the show
lng that had been made by his party
in a rock ribbed Republican state
Democrats Enoou raged.
"Tho fact that tho Democrats more
than hold their own in Vermont, a Re
publican state," he said, "and also
made substantial gains means business
throughout the country. Tho encour
aging thing about it is that the Demo
crats did not lose any votes to the new
party. Their gnlns were made nppar
ently nt the expense of the Republican
The governor said ha did not care to
make any further comment until he
had got tho complete results.
Upon his nrrival in Now York the
governor went into conference with
Acting National Chairman William G.
McAdoo, Representative Albert B. Bur
leson, who is bead of tho speaking bu
roau; Senator Poinerene of Ohio, Soruv
tor CGorman and Homer Cu minings,
who hns charge of tho speaking ar
rangemcnts In tho east Governor
Wilson met a company of editors of
foreign language newspapers and other
publications at the National Arts dQb
and explained to them on what bo Bin
be would regulate tho immigration to
this country. He said be would din
tlngulsh between "voluntary lmmt
grants" and those who have not come
of tlielr notion. In his opinion those
ot the former class are Americans In
spirit before they kxivo their homes
in foreign countries nnd deserve to
have from our people nil tho assistance
they can got in the way of Instruction.
After his meeting with tho editors nt
the National Arts club the governor
went to tho Hotel Colllngwood and re
mained tlKro until the tlmo for tho
dinner of tho Woodrow Wilson Wortc
lngmenB club at tho Yorkvllks casino.
Wealthy Georgia Woman Kills Herself
In Cincinnati.
Cincinnati, O., Sept is ex
pected that relatives of Carlottn H.
Berry, n wealthy society woman of
Athena, Gu, who committed suicide
in tho Burlington hotel hero, will ar
rive to take chargo of the body.
It is believed that tho fear of being
doprived of her Alabama plantations,
as well as an unfortunate tovo affair,
drove tho woman to suicide. Tho wo
man came to Cincinnati about a year
ago and has been treated for tho drug
habit while here by Dr. A. H. nunton.
A letter which the Cincinnati doctor
ahowod tho police revealed that the
woman wns laboring under imaginary
delusions and thoughts of prosecution.
Uncoshod checks wero found among
her effects.
Handling of Bodies In Postmortems
Causes Blood PoleonlnQ.
Chicago, Sept 5. Dr. Warren H.
Hunter, chief coroner's physician and
one of the best known physicians In
Chicago, died at tho West Sldo tiospi
tal of blood poisoning following on ill
ness of ten days.
Infection of his hands through han
dling bodies nt postmortem examina
tions is declared to have caused Dr.
Hunter's death.
Dr. nunter wns county physician for
eight years.
Observations of the United
States weather bureau taken at
8 p. m. yesterday follow:
Temp. Wcatlier.
Albany 70 Clear
Atlantic City .. 08 Clear
Boston OS Clear
Buffalo 74 Clear
Chicago 70 Clear
New Orleann .. 00 Clear
New York CS Cloudy
St Louis 00 Clear
Washington ... 70 Cloudy
(Spoctnt to The Citizen.)
Drchcr, Sept. 4.
Tho public schools of this town
ship were opened on Sept. 2 with n
fair attendance. In tho graded
school Rev. Edmund Schwarz Is prin
cipal, Edith Simons vice principal,
Muriel Smith, grammar school, Ella
Nevln, primary department, Maple
school, Elva Bates, Bell school, Lcola
Smith, teacher, South Sterling, Geo.
Barnes, teacher.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rob
inson, on August 29, n son.
Thos. Ehrgood has foundation
prepared and a road graded where
he Intends erecting a steam saw mill
this fall.
Mrs. Angellnc Masters, who has
been In declining health for a long
time, Is In a very weak condition and
requires constant attendance.
Mrs. Win. Nowoll and son, Ken
neth, aro guests of Mrs. Newell s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Korr.
Mrs. G. S. Brown and iivo children
of Easton, aro guests of Mrs. Jane
Brown nnd family.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Phillips and
Miss Sallio Phillips of Wilkos-Barre,
also Miss Gertrude Rowe, of same
place, Miss Dorothy White of Easton,
and Merlo McKanc, of Scranton, all
of whom have been spending their
summer vacation with Mrs. Jane
Brown, have returned to their re
spective homes.
Miss .Maggie Brown will be a
teacher In tho Stroudsburg High
school and will enter on hor duties
on Sept. 9.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Ortholf of Bell-
vllle, N. J., are guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Hause. Mr. Ortholf is
superintendent of the Prudential Life
Insurance Co. In tho main olllco in
Newark, N. J.
Edcar Cross, employe of the
Scranton Electric Works, Is visiting
relatives and friends In this locality.
Clarence Ehrgood, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Ehrgood, was recently
married to a young lady from Mt.
Walter Hazelton has his new
house ready for the roof.
We have plenty of rain for all pur
poses and a trifle too much moisture
for tho oats that are still In tho
Buckwheat that was late sown Is
making a wonderful plant growth
and If early frosts keep away tho
crop will be good.
A concrete bridge Is being erected
over the Butternut creek, Sterling,
near the residence of Isaac Klpp.
(Special to Tho Citizen.)
Tyler Hill, Sept. 4.
Joseph Johnston returned home
from Lake Huntington yesterday.
B. C. Ross Is preparing to build a
Clarence Fortnam and his bride
are expected home soon from their
There will be a candy social In
the High school gymnasium Sept. 12
for the benefit of the church im
provement fund.
T. F. Jackson Is making an upto
date cow stable with concrete floor
ing. He has drawn over 40 loads of
gravel for the cement.
'Potatoes will be a good crop un
less they begin to rot.
Leo Smith has a enw road horse.
Merle Bogert does not expect to
return to Urslnus college this year.
Ho Is prepared to take up the Sopho
more course.
Ellas White, of Norwalk, Conn.,
with Ms bride and sister-in-law, Mrs.
Will White, recently visited rela
tives In town.
(Special to The Citizen.)
Mllanvllle, Sept. 4.
Mrs. Alice Holdridge, who has
been visiting relatives here, returned
to Brooklyn on Monday.
Miss Heleno Yerkes spent Thurs
day with Miss Bessie Skinner.
Mrs. Abigail Illinan spent Satur
day at Cochecton.
Mrs. Charles Dexter entertained
the Ladles' Aid society on Thursday
last. The ladles report a good tlmo
and a sumptuous dinner.
Mrs. Adelbert Tyler and sons re
turned to WIlkes-Barre last Friday.
W. J. LaRuo returned to Syra
cuse after spending a fortnight
Harold LaRuo left on Monday for
tho East Stroudsburg State Normal
School commenced hero Tuesday,
Miss Frederlcka Hockor teacher.
We wish her a successful year.
Miss Jennlo Dolson returned to
Deposit on Saturday evening.
Mrs, F. R. Lllllo, who was a re
cent guest of Miss Bessie Skinner
left for Brooklyn Monday.
Mrs. Elmer Olver and Mrs. Tho-
ron Olver of Tyler Hill, spent Wed
nesday with Miss Mabel Skinner.
Miss Lulu Joceiyn and Thomas
Dexter of this place wero married on
Wednesday of last week at Hones-
dale by tho Rev. William Hlllor.
These young peoplo will mako their
home In this vicinity. We extond
Frank Raymond of the Now York
World and Robert Humpfreys of tho
Title and Insurance Co., Brooklyn,
returned to their respectlvo homes
on Sunday last after spending their
vacations at the homo of voinoy
Mrs. James Orr, who has been
ill from acuto Indigestion, Is got
ting better.
Volney Skinner made a business
trip to Honesdale Tuesday.
(Special to The Citizen.)
Holllstorville, Sopt. 4.
Tho HolllstervUlo and Saco base
ball teams played two games at tho
former nlaco on Labor Day. Tho
first game resulted in tho score ot 12
to 1 in favor of HolllstervUlo. Tho
second game resulted In favor of
Saco bv the scoro ot 9 to 7.
Oscar Mott took In tho P. O. S. ot
A. narado at Scranton last week.
Rev. A, R. Relchert had regular
services In tho M. 'P. church last
Sunday morning. His themo was
"Tho Finishing Touch."
There wero no eorvicoa In tho M.
E. church on account of tho severe
rain in the ovenlng.
Rev. Thomas will havo regular
servlcos in the Baptist church next
Sunday morning and evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Froy vory
pleasantly entertained Ror. and Mrs.
Rclchert and son Robert at supper
last Saturday.
uiss Mildred Brown from Scranton
Is home on n visit.
Thero will bo regular services at
the M. P. churches of East Sterling
and Union next Sunday. Rev.
Friend Hartford will preach at tho
tormer place at 2:30 p. m. Rev.
Relchort will preach at Dalovllle
next Sunday morning, filling tho pul
pit of tho President of conference,
who hns been called away on olu-
clal business.
School commenced Sent. 3. Miss
Barnes of West Sterling and Miss
Paterson of Hamlin aro tho teachers
for this term.
Ralph Rozolle of town Is attend
ing tho Moscow High school.
Harvest Home services will be
held In tho M. P. church Sept. 15 at
11 a. m. Decorations will consist of
all kinds of fruit In season. The
pastor will preach an appropriate
sermon for tho occasion.
Rev. Dickinson and family, who
have been visiting at Mr. and Mrs.
C. A. Wiley for the last month, have
returned to their home at Damerest,
N. J.
Miss Nellie Holllster expects to
como homo from Tarrytown, N. Y
for a short stay, the beginning of
(Special to Tho Citizen.)
Lake Como. Sept. 4.
Mrs. G. Ray, of Baltimore, Md.,
is being entertained at tho home of
her brother. Rev. W. S. German.
Mrs. J. W. Thomas and daughter
Miss Martha, of Carbondale, are
visiting at C. Knapp's.
Mrs. Earl Vance and Mrs. Thos.
McDermott, who have been visiting
relatives here, have returned to their
homes In Binghamton.
Mrs. Minnie Hand, of Binghamton
is spending a few days with her
brother, John Jaycox.
Hon. N. F. Underwood and family
of Bloomfield, N. J., have returned
after spending the summer here.
'Mrs. Richard Sherman, of Car
bondale, spent last week with
friends in town.
(Special to The Citizen.)
Union and Braman, Sept. 4.
Miss Jano Gilchrist, of Lake
Como, commenced her second term
of school at Union this week.
Several from this place attended
the church fair at Kellam last
Thursday and report a pleasant time.
Most of the city boarders who
have been spending the past summer
In various homes In this locality,
have returned home.
Miss Emma Woolheater has been
engaged to teach the school at Bra
man tho coming year.
Elmer Smith is building an addi
tion on nis house.
George Blum Is having a silo
built. Frank Lawson of Kellam Is
doing the work.
Charles Kell Is having a new barn
built. Mr. Thomas of Kellam and
Preston Teeple of this place are the
(Special to The Citizen.)
Damascus, Sept. 4.
Frost two mornings last week but
no damage seems to have been done
by It. That makes frost every
month of 1912 so far. It Is fair to
say that there will bo frost In the
four remaining months.
Rev. A. C. Olver, of Honesdale,
will fill the vacancy in the M. E.
church for the remainder of the year.
He and his wife will occupy the par
sonage here.
Nelson Conklln, a Civil war veter
an, claims that ho and Wood Wilmot
were tho first men in Wayne county
to cut down, or fell timber with
cross cut saws. There Is very little
timber dropped with axes nowadays.
It Is all sawed down. It is quicker
and easier.
We noticed Mrs. R. E. Marglson,
of Honesdale, out In this vicinity last
Wo saw a farmer having last
Wednesday and tho hay did not look
so bad either.
Mrs. Martha Mitchell has been
making an extended visit among her
relatives in the southern part of the
The recent remodeling of II. B.
Lord's house gives It a decidedly
modern appearance.
It Is not often that vou sen nuts
In tho field In September, but such Is
tho case this year. Thev are not
yielding well.
(Special to Tha Citizen)
Paupack, Sept. 4.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Anslev returned
uomo aaiuruay arter snend ni? a
short time with their daughter at
iimuieiown, w. 1.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Fowler and in-
rant son, Floyd, Jr., of Buffalo, N.
Y., aro visiting Mr. and Mrs. H.
Mrs. J. Koster and daughter
Christine, spent tho past two weeks
with Mrs. H. Fowler, returning to
meir uomo in Brooklyn Monday.
Ralph W Hiatus. Leono Gnnillo.
William Brown and Peto Gumhlo aro
camping along tho Paupack river.
Arthur Gumblo. Leonard Anslev
and Harold Gumblo and Mr. Meado
are camping at Root's Pond.
Mrs. Tillson and daughters, Olive
and Avis, of Rochester, aro visiting
at E. B. Killam's.
Mr. Uhl returned to his homo af-
tor spending some time at W. Bouh
Miss Betty Wldnor and brother
Adolph, who havo spent tho summer
at J. Zimmerman's, returned to their
uomo in Paterson Monday.
Mrs. E. A. Gumblo has beon on
the sick list.
miss Mao uumble attendod tho
iionesuaio ceioDratlon.
Mrs. Hackott aud nephew, John
Monninger, are visiting with Mrs. A,
Tho Y. M. C. A. camners rntnrnml
to their homes In Brooklyn after
Bpuumns me summer at Farvlow
Laura and Edson Green returned
nome Friday.
How many flies have ou got?
At tho Methodist Episcopal par
sonage, Gouldsboro, Miss Bessie
Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.
E. Smith, and John Aiken, wero
married on Wednesday evening by
Rev. P. S. Lehman, pastor. Tho
bride, an accomplished musician, is
a graduato of tho Scranton Conser
vatory of Music. Mr. Aiken holds a
position In tho Lackawanna yards at
Gouldsboro, They are enjoying a.
wedding trip to Niagara Falls, Buf
falo, and Canadian points of Interest.
Two hay riggings convoyed the pu
pils of tho Hone3dalo MothodlBt
Episcopal Sunday school to Beech
Grove, Thursday, where about 50
children and othors enjoyed tho day.
An American tourist had a pecu
liar experience recently In Southern
Bavaria. Passing by a small stream,
after a long trip, he stopped his car
to empty the old carbldo from his
acetylene generator and refill it. A
few days later he received a note
from the supervisor of the county,
notifying him of a suit for damages
entered against him for poisoning tho
fish In the river with carbldo, It
seems that the part of the river had
Just been stocked with bass, and
many had been 'killed by the gases
developed by the carbide residue.
October Term, Week Beginning Oc
tober lil.
Berlin Minor Crosby.
Canaan Wm. Short.
Clinton Wm. Carpenter.
Cherry Ridge Wm. Roe.
Damascus S. J. Tyler.
Dreher C. 'E. Homan.
Hawley Chas. Bellman, E. L.
Honesdale H. A. Tlngley, Andrew
Lebanon Wm, Justin.
Lake C. Clark.
Mt. Pleasant J. F. Conner.
Manchester Charles Cole.
Palmyra George Hlttlnger.
Preston John Davall.
Scott Chas. Blanford.
Starrucca S. L. Glover.
Sterling S. G. Webster.
South Canaan C. B. Cobb.
Frank Hessllng.
For October Term, Week Beginning
October 28.
Bethany A. O. Blake.
Berlin C. A. Hicks.
Buckingham Richard Randall.
Canaan C. E. Moylan.
Clinton Charles Buckland, G. D.
Cherry Ridge Frank Mang.
Damascus Isaac Canfleld, N. P.
Dennis, R. T. Pethlck, M. G. Noble,
M. N. Birgham.
Dreher Arthur Simpson, G. V.
Dyberry George L. Eck.
Hawley Wesley Tuthlll.
Honesdale J. Adam Kraft, John
Erk, W. B. Roadknlght, C. E. Saa-
dercock, Theodore Schlessler.
Lake Emery Black, E. P. Jones.
Lebanon Berton Schwelghofor,
Henry Yale.
Lehigh F. E. Brush.
Manchester Isaac Lord.
Mt. Pleasant Peter McConlogue.
R. S. Gunn, Thomas F. Brennan.
Paupack William Seegar, Oliver
Palmyra Fred DeReamer.
'Preston Morris Brown, E. D.
Salem J. W. Stone, J. W Wat
son, D. L. Chapman,
Starrucca S. D. Barnes.
South Canaan Jos. G. Bronson,
Henry Baker.
Scott Bert Thomas.
Sterling H. E. Frlck.
Texas W. H. Varcoe, John Sonn.
Frank Brunner, J. K. Bunnell.
Wayraart Ray Hull.
CURY, as mercury will surely destroy the
sense of smell and completely de
range the whole system when enter
ing It through tho mucous surfaces,
except on prescriptions from reput
able physicians, as the damage they
will do Is ten fold to the good you
can possibly derive from them. Hall's
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acting directly upon the biood and
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buying Hall's Catarrh Curo bo sure
you get the genuine. It Is taken In
ternally and made in Toledo, Ohio,
by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials
Sold by Druggists. Price 75c. per
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
Estate of Fletcher Gilpin, M. D , late
of Sterling, deceased.
All persons indebted to said estate
aro notified to make Immediate pay
ment to tho undersigned, and those
having claims against tho said es
tate aro notified to present thee
duly attestod for settlement.
Mrs. LIbhIo Gilpin, executrix of tho
estate of Fletcher Gilpin, M. D., by
Friena II. Gilpin, attorney.
118 North Ave., West, Cranford,
N. J Aug, 28, 112. 70eoiu.
Late of Calltcoou N. Y
All persona Indebted to said estato are noti
fied to make Immediate payment to the un
dersigned : and those liavliiL" clalma aealnst
the said estate are notified to present them
uuiy aiiesieu,.ior settlement.
Searlo it Salmon,
161 1'arlc riace.
Brooklyn, N. .
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your address. Only $1.50 per