Clttieti Pino Job Work Promptly Ex ccuted nt Tho Citizen onicc. Siibscril)o Tor Tlio Cn Tlio People's Family V , 91.50 Per Year. i or 70th YEAR. -NO. 72 GRATIFYING REPORT RENDERED Wnyno County Celebration Commit tee, After Paying All Rills Show n Balance of $:7H.0. Tho executive committee In charge of the Wayne county celebra tion .held Its final meeting Tuesday evening when it was reported that after all bills had been paid a bal nnco of J37S.6G was in tho treasury. This is certainly gratifying news to tho public. Tho total amount receiv ed was $1,507.GS; of this amount $1,129 02 was paid out to date by orders only. An unusual amount of credit for hard work done is due to the general secretary. N. D. Spencer, who spent considerable time in preparation, writing letters and overseeing things during the celebration. "Nic" is al ways a worker and not a shirker. The Wayne county celebration committee desire to especially thank the Delaware and Hudson railroad for tho good service rendered and also for the use of the lawns on either side of their depot on Main street. They also wish to thank Yardmastcr George W. Penwarden for courtesies extended during the celebration. To Erk Dros. and C. A. Cortright the committee Is especially grateful for the use of their automobile and truck. To everybody who partici pated in either the civic, grange or automobile parades the celebration committee wish to thank for their interest manifested. The committee furnishes us with the following eport, which also in cludes a list of boosters who wanted to see the celebration a success. The committee also wishes to thank the editors, and their assist ants for all the hard work they did in giving tho people such quick and accurate accounts of the celebration, and for tho boosting they gave the celebration in every issue of their papers To the Hon. A. T. Searle, Mayor McCarty and the Dorough Council the committee is truly grateful for their assistance In every way rendered. To Harry Itettew, for the use of one of his stores, which made it possible for the committee to have an office for the transaction of their committee work. To H. H. Richards, the Honesdale Electric Light Co. and Leonard Beur ket whose hard work and efforts made it possible to have plenty of light on the streets during the cele bration. If any one who gave their money or time to help the celebration In any way has been omitted from the list, wo assure them that it was not done Intentionally and to them we offer an apology. And to' those who were not In favor of the celebration and declined to help in any way, go ing so far as to predict It would be a failure and a detriment to Hones dale, the committee can only say, that the grand success attained proves that the minority were in the wrong. A large gathering of peo ple in a town will help it financially, If not, why are cities and towns throughout the country using every fair means possible to secure street fairs, conventions, old home weeks and in fact any thing that will attract large crowds? Tho Wayne celebration committee, is particularly grateful to the fol lowing for their help in making the celebration one grand success with their financial assistance: Honesdale Board of Trade, Busi ness Men's Association, L. J. Dor fllnger, Henry Dunkelberg, William Pell, Benj. Dlttrich, C. W. Deln, F. W. Schuerholz, F. W, Bunnell, W. B. Roadknlght. Herman Myers, J. H. Heumann, Theobald & Scheissler, A It. Taeubner, T. D. O'Connell, L. C. Weniger, C. Elmendorf, Michels & McDonald, Weaver Bros., Penn Brewing Co., Fell Brewing Co., F. N. Lord, Charles McArdle, Paul E. Fives, John Roegner, O. E. Bunnell, F O. Gilbert, Paul McGranaghan, Benj Loris, Chris Lowe, H. Beurket, A. M Leine, Erk Bros., C. E. Bul lock, Murray Co., L. Marton, E. H. Pohle, J. A. Bodle, Honesdale Candy Kitchen, Emanuel Freeman, Samuel Brown, W. W. Wood, Homer Greene, Kraft & Conger, L. B. Nielsen, J. B. Nielsen, H. S. Salmon, C. Petersen, O. M Spettigue, Theresa Green, Thos Charlesworth, F. C. Kimble, C P Searle, C. L. Dunning, C. A. Emery, W. B. Lesher, W. S. Barnes, Milton Salmon, F. P. Kimble, M. E. Simons, Jacob Beck, W. H. Kreltner, C E. G-ibbs, S. E. Morrison, Sonner & Son, Dexter Lambert Co., S. T. Ham, G. Watts, V. It. Lldstone, E. T. Brown, William Ward, C. Hoeschlau, Rev Wm. H. Swift, W. T. Heft, J. J. Koehler, T. A. Crossley, F. C. Keen, E D Katz, Fred Kreltner, C. R. Brady. Dr. Balta, E. C. Mumford, J. D Weston, Georgo Schwenker, J. II. Smith, Irving Brown, F. W. Clauson, Maple City Garage, T. A. Llghthiser, T Y Boyd, William Moore, Bentley Bros , O. T. Chambers, J. B. Robin son, Frank Vettor, I. A. Hartman, Globe Store. W. J. Relf, Georgo C. Butler. Charles McKenna, Dr. Mc Convill, Robt. O'Connell, H. B. Erk, Bert Bennett. Joel G. Hill, William G Hessler, William Olsen, Mllo Hol- bert, Spencer Bros., E. B. Harden- bergh, W. M. Fowler, American Knitting Mill, C. W. Smith & Co., J N Sharpsteen & Bro., A. Barberl, C. A. Brooks, F. A. Jenkins, II. B. Ely, M D., Marsh & Fish, M. B. Allen, John RIckert, Honesdale Citizen, B. F. Haines, Wayne Inde pendent, Paul Frederic, F. G. Peters, A. Eberhardt, Bregsteln Bros., M. L, Braman. F. W. Powell. M. D.. E. W. Gammell, Herald Press Association, Martin Caulleld, P. B. Peterson, M D., Hawker & Barthelmus, G. Smith & Son, Katz Underwear Co., F. G. Rlckard, Ed. Dottier, C. F. Spencor & Co., S. A. MoMullen, Jr., Hones dale National Bank, Katz Bros., An- drew Thompson, H. Z. Russell, F. VanDeusen, William Glcseke, John Bryant, n. a. Rowland. li:inh buys drugstore. Progressive Downtown l'liai'iiinclst Establishes Storo Uptown Olio of llouesdalo's Best Citi zens. Arthur M. Leine, Ph. G., proprie tor of the Rexall drugstore, has pur chased the contents and good will of the Keystone pharmacy, lately man aged by Duel Dodge. Mr. Leine took possession of his uptown drug store Tuesday afternoon, shortly af ter tho deal was consummated. Con sideration private. Until his Sixth street store was destroyed by fire a few months ago, Mr. Leine conducted two drug stores. Having purchased tho Keystone pharmacy he will not return to tho Sixth street store. His uptown patrons can now bo accommodated at No. 1123 Main street. Mr. Leine Is one of Honesdalo's most progressive business men. Ho has been very successful in business and Is deserving of a part of the public patronage. Mr. Lelno's tlmo will be divided between his two stores. SEVEN WAGONLOADS OF CONFETTI. The street commissioner and corps of men scraped up seven wag onloads of confetti and other cele bration material, which was upon the streets after the event. ARBITRATORS ALLOW $ 250 Nellie O'Keefo Brings Action Against Texas Township for Injuries Sus tained Last November. The case of Nellie O'Keefe against the township of Texas was tried be fore W. B. Lesher, Thomas Y. Boyd and George Ross in the Grand Jury Room in the Court House, on Wed nesday, September 4. The plaintiff alleges that on Nov. 11, 1911, she was riding in a wagon with Edward Hacker, from Hones dale to Bethany, when a short dis tance above the residence of Henry Hartung, a parcel dropped from her lap onto the road. Miss O'Keefe got out of tho wagon to look for the par cel and In the search stopped or In some way fell over the retaining wall below the road, some flvo feet and fractured her shin bone. Mr. Hacker testified that the road was not In a safe condition, that the night was extremely dark, and that a fender was necessary to protect people from walking over the wall, as Miss O'Keefe had done. Or. F. W. Powell testified to be ing called the twelfth of November, and a few-UImes thereafter. Several witnesses were called on the part of the plaintiff, to show tho condition of the road, tho absence of guard rail or fender at the point of the ac cident, for the purpose of showing tho negligence of tho township. Miss O'Keefe swore that sho suf fered great pain and inconvenience from the fracture, and has not been able to do physical work to any ex tent since the Injury, and was un able to maintain herself by her own efforts. Dr. Harry B. Ely, on behalf of the township, testified to having made an examination of the injured limb yesterday, but was unable to detect any symptoms of an Injury. Ho testified that if there was a fracture the recovery was so perfect that no marks of such could be .found, and he was unable to see why there could bo either pain or disability re suiting. Besides the three super visors, a large number of witnesses testified to tho safe condition of the road. After the hearing, tho arbitra tors viewed the premises, and argu ments of counsel were heard by the arbitrators on Thursday morning. Attorney Chas. A. McCarty renre sented tho township, and attorneys I H. Hon and E. C. Mumford were attorneys for Miss O'Keefe. Tho Jury rendered a verdict In favor of Miss O'Keefo allowing her $2&u damages. ENGINEER'S TORCH LOWERS BANDIT Struck Over Head After Robbing 75 J'assengcrs Secured $100,000 From New York Mail Train. (Special to Tho Citizen.) NEW ORLEANS, Sept. a. With his skull fractured and death but a few hours away Howard Edwards, tho lone bandit who robbed a Louis ville and Nashvillo train last night, was brought hero to-day from a hos pital where ho was taken after be ing struck by a torch in tho hands of Engineer John Baer. Edwards held up his train and robbed 75 pas sengers of their valuables. This is tho same lone bandit that held up the Now York mall train from New Orleans and received 7100.000 In cash. MURDERER'S JURY DRAWN. The grand and petit Jurors of tho October term of Wayne county court wero drawn on Tuesday by tho jury commissioners and tho sheriff. From tho forty-eight "good and true," representing tho traverse Jury, will bo drawn twolve men who will either render a verdict of guilty or acquittal to Marsden Hubbard, tho murderer of Thomas Dolphin, lato of Waymart. COUNTY TEACHERS' ASSOCLV TION. The officers and executive commit tee of the Wayne County Teachers1 Association will meet In Superin tendent J. J. Koohler s office- in the court house on Saturday afternoon oi mis weeK at a. o'clock. HONESDALE, WAYNE CO., PA., FARVIEW CRIMINAL INSANE Board of Trustees Met, Transacted Important Business and Ap pointed X'hlef Bookkeeper. Tho board of trustees of the state hospital for tho criminal insane at Farview held n lengthy meeting at tho office of tho superintendent, Dr. T. C. Fltzsimmons Saturday after noon at which time proposals for a number of contracts for supplies and furnishings were opened. It seems that none of tho Arms bidding se cured a'll of the supplies with tho result that there was such a variety of bids that they will have to be tabulated so that the trustees can tako action on them at another meeting to be held at Farview In tho near future. Tho proposals are now being arranged In order at tho office of the superintendent and it is pre sumed that tho contracts will be scattered among the bidders. The only appointment decided up on at tho meeting of tho trustees was that of Duel Dodge, Honesdale, mention of which was made In Wed nesday's Citizen. He was selected as chief book-keeper of tho institution and reported for duty at once. Mr. Dodge has been a life-long resident of Honesdale and for tho past thirty years has been one of tho Maple City s prominent and well known business men. Ho Js about fifty years of ago and is qualified in every way for the position to which ho has been appointed. Tho board will hold another meet ing at Farview on Monday, Septem ber 16, for the purpose of inviting proposals for tho furnishing of the institution proper. The work at tho state Institution is said to be pro gressing In a most satisfactory .man ner and tire will bo placed under the new boilers on Thursday or Friday of this week. The sewage disposal sys tem which has been under construc tion for the past month will bo com pleted and ready for use tho present week. At the present time a force of men are engaged In renovating tho bungalow, which was formerly the old D. & H. Gravity station. The Duilding will be fitted un for the housing of the hospital attendants and will accommodate about twenty people. The contractors appeared before tho trustees and gave assur ance that they will be ready to turn the buildings over to the state com plete in every detail about October 1. There were several bidders and others interested at the meeting. The board purchased a team of horses from E. A. Wonnacott, of Waymart, wno was siuu lower than the h Kh est bidder. The contract for a large stone crusher, boiler and engine was awarded to the Good Roads Machin ery company. The only absentees from the meet ing were Judge Little, who was re ported to bo ill at his home In Mont rose and Senator Sproul, who was detained at his home in Chester on account of an Important business engagement. The large supply houses oi i'nnaueiphia, Scranton, Wilkes Barre, Honesdalo and Carbondale had representatives at Farview on Saturday and all of them had samples displayed at the institution which at the present tlmo is a verit aoio warehouse. Tho kind and quality of furniture will be selected during tho present week. After tho coming meeting of the board a com plete account of the details will be given. The members of the state board of Lunacy are arranging to select the patients that are to be tranRforrnd to Farview as soon as the buildlnes will l)o ready to recelvo thorn. Work on the new Delawaro and Hudson station Is progressing rapidly and It is hoped that It will be ready when the patients arrive. Tho following nrms suomitted bids: Weeks Hard wnro Co., Thomas Leonard & Co., bpruKs Bros., Scranton; Murray Hardware company. Honesdalo: Har nesses, Andrew W. Thorburn, Pltts- iou; u. w. wntz & Co., Scranton; w. u. btansbury, Carbondale; P. F. Gordon, Stono crusher; Thomas i . Kane Ac Co., Bethlehem, farm sun Plies; E. A. Wonnacott, horses and tumuer. KITCHEN SHOWER. Honesdale has been exnerlnnnlne a number of showers, the latest be ing a Kitchen shower. It was given Tuesday evening by Mrs. Jacob Demer on Church street for Miss Millio Weaver. About 1C young ladles wero present and contrlbntpd a quantity of granlto ware, all of wmcn wero cooning utensils. A very pleasant ovenint: was Rnont i . i . i . r mu ruiresumems wero served. TO TEACH AT OSSINING. Miss Charlotte Bullock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bullock, of this place, has accopted a position as teacher of domestic science in tho ussming school, Osslning-on-tho Hudson. After visiting relatives In Pittsburg, Miss Bullock will leavo on October 1st for her now situation Her many Honesdale friends will bo elated to learn of her appolntmont. DUMPING COAL. Kraft & Congor, coal agents, aro dumping a quantity of coal at thel pocKets at tnis place. They aro preparing for tho wlntor trade. Two largo plies aro located at either end of tho shoots. ERIE'S INCREASE OF BUSINESS Owing to the heavy Increaso In tho amount of freight at the East Hones dale Erlo station, that company is enlarging its platform. An addition 12x60 feet is being built. PROSPECTING FOR COAL. Prospectors aro busily engaged In looking for coal at Lakewood. Wayne county. The Citizen reported some time ago that a paying vein was dis covered in tho highlands of Wayne. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1912. DISTRICT SPELLING CONTEST Will Bo Held October 12(1 County . oiliest occurs in .November Get oiir Spelling Books Prom Tho Citizen. ; . ; 1,1 ' At a meotinc of tho countv com mlttnn nf Mm nnnlltnp September 4, it was decided to hold i tho district contest In each school on Saturday. October 2G at 1:30 n. m. I Tho district contests are to be held In a school building situated near tho center of each district where 1t Is most convenient for the pupils to reach. Tho written contest will be held first. Each school in the district is entitled to not moro than five pupils to bo selected by the leacner. Tho oral contest Is to follow the written contest and may be entered by any common school pupil. I'ho county contest will bo held In tho court house, Honesdale, Wednes day, November 13. at 1:30 n. m. Some appropriate reward will be giv en to tue winners of the county con test. Tho Citizen 'Publishing comnanv has Issued a little booklet containing tho lirst 30 lessons which will be mailed to any address for the small sum of six cents. Send in your or ders. BALLOONS IN HONESDALE. E. A. Penniman furnishes us with Information, stating that there were but two balloon ascensions ever made in Honesdale. The first, he says, occurred June G, 18C0. Prof. urooks was the balloonist. Tho as cent was made from Church street near the Allen House stable. The street was closed to traffic when the event took place. Prof. Brooks de scended two miles south of Hones dale near the old toll gate, now known as East Honesdale. The second balloon ascension was made by Charles H. Glmley, July 4, isbi, on tho gass house grounds. He landed in a tree on the Catskill mountains several hours afterwards, the same evening. There have been several exhibi tions of hot air balloon ascensions made here, but these were the only two covering any great distance. ORIGINAL BORDEN PLANS ENLARGED. The new Borden plant at East Honesdale, located along tho Erie railroad, which will bo one of the largest, finest and most modern milk shipping stations along the Erie line, win De Dunt considerably larger than original plans called. The ice house, which Is of largo dimensions, will have an addition of 60 feet UalK to the original nlan of the structure. Work is progressing nicely with the series of buildings and It is ex pected they will be ready for occu pancy before snow files. Wayne county Is rich in its dairy products and since Borden invaded the county the farmers have In creased their herds. Improved their properties and been benefitted fi nancially. LAWYER FACES GRAVE CHARGE Austria Hungary and Great Britain Bring Damaging Evidenco Against Him. (Special to Tho Citizen). NEW YORK, Sept. 5 With the consular machinery of Austria Hun gary and Great Britain in motion and the palice and district attorney of New York investigating two deaths of his several clients, mat ters aro going to go very hard with Attorney Burton G. Gibson, of this city. Austria Hungary authorities are anxious to know what has become of $10,000 belonging to Mrs. Rusena Szabo, who was mysteriously drown ed whilo out boating with Gibson about two months ago. It is said that uibson stole tho womans money after her death. The rela tives in Austria have started an In vestigation. Great Britain wants to know what has become of John O'Neill, wno collected ? 10,000 from a rail road company for tho loss of a leg. O'Neill was last seen In Gibson's of fice moro than a year ago. Several thousand dollars wero upon his per son at tho time. STEPPED IN FRONT OF TRAIN. Two Workmen Killed This Morning at .Mclioison uoui Married Men. (Special to Tho Citizen.) NICHOLSON, Sept. 5. Stopping from tho track of a slow freight train and directly in front of a fast passengor train. Jake SilverskI, aged 35 years, and Hugo Bulzlzl, aged 24, both of Brooklyn, N. Y., and both married, met horrible deaths this morning at 7 o'clock on the Lacka wanna railroad near tho Tunkhan nock creek on tho now cutoff. Tho bodies wero cut to pieces and badly mangled. Bulzizl's head was found sovoral hundred feet from where tho accident occurred. Silverskl's both arms and legs were cut off. CUNNINGHAM DISCHARGED. Frank Cunningham, who was lodged In Jail last Saturday on a charge of disorderly conduct and using profane languago at Lako Como, was discharged on Tuesday by paying tho costs amounting to ? 33 MOTOR BOATS AFFECT FISH, Fishermen who visit lakes whoro motor boats aro used claim that It affects fishing. Very few bass were caught this summer on a certnln pond where, motor boats wero used, whereas other years the fishing was good. CONSTRUCTION' HAS CO.M.MENCEI) Real Work on Large Gumcy Electric Elevator Plant. Began To-day by Building Concrete Columns. Work on the construction of the Gurney Electric Elevator factory at this place commenced today when the . concrete columns on which will rest fho, 8tl!el structural work of the uuiiuiub, were set. mis is me urst real work on tho construction of what promises to bo ono of tho largest factories In this section of the country. These columns will be threo feet, four Inches by twenty In ches and twelve feet deep. Two carloads of contractors' tools arrived on Wednesday, which will be used In the construction of the series of buildings. The material, sand and crushed stone, Is a Wayne county product and is furnished by Contractor Chap man of Ariel. Local parties may also furnish crushed stone. Peter C. Herbrlc, superintendent of construction for F. A. Havens & Co., of Philadelphia, Is assisted by Albert Hoffman, lato of that city. S. E. Morrison, who has charge of tho plumbing and heating of this fac tory, has a corps of men on the ground making changes In the sew er connections. All preliminary work, like grad ing, etc., has been completed. At tention will now be given to con struction. S. S. JUBILEE CONVENTION Sunday Schools of AH Protestant Evangelical Faiths Unite in Great Convention Pennsylvania State Sabbath School Association to Celebrate Fifty Years of Organization. The greatest religious .federation in the State of Pennsylvania is the Pennsylvania State Sabbath School Association, for it represents practi cally all of the Protestant Evangeli cal denominations. This great or ganization dates Its birth back to the month of May, 18C2, when over nine hundred delegates coming from all parts of the State met In the First Independent Church, Broad street, 'Philadelphia, and at the close of a threo days' convention effected a permanent organization and elect ed ex-Governor Hon. James Pollock as its first president. Since that time, covering a period of fifty years, this organization has been an active agency In promoting Sunday school work In all parts of tho State. The association will celebrate its fifty years of organized effort with a great Jubilee Convention in Phila delphia, the city of Its birth, Oct. 8, 9, 10 and 11 next. ' Pennsylvania stands pre-eminently to tne rorerront as a Sunday school State. It has a larger number of Sunday schools than any other State In the Union, the total being 11,083. Tho total present member ship of these schools Is 1,917,929. In other words, one out of every four of tho State population Is a member of some Sunday school. The State Association Is making a great effort to bring the total enrollment up to 2,000,000. The increase last year was S2.1G8. The Jubilee Convention to be held next October will be a great event for which many special features are now being planned. Sunday school folks from all parts of the State will attend In great numbers. Among tho special features already an nounced will bo a Jubilee Musical Festival In the New Connventlon Hall. Tho hall has a seating capac ity of 20,000, A chorus of 5.000 singers Is now In training for tho ovent. A great Men's Organized Adult Bible Class demonstration, with 25, 000 men In a great parade on Broad street, Is another attraction adver tised. Tho Board of Directors of tho State Association propose to honor all persons In tho State that can bo found showing a record of fifty years of servico In the Sunday schools as an officer or teacher. Medals are now being prepared to be awarded to these veterans at the Jubilee Convention. A completo program for the Con vention will bo ready about Sept. 15. MISS HAWKEN ENTERTAINS Miss Lactea V. Hawken entertain ed at Flvo Hundred at her home on East street Wednesday afternoon In honor of 'Misses Frances and Marie Gates of Flushing, L. I. Tho first prize was won by Miss Natalio Rich ards and tho consolation prizo by Miss Helen Burns. Delicious re freshments wero served. Tho fol lowing mado up tho progressive cir cle: Tho Misses Margaret Green, Louise Bishop, Eda Krantz, Ollvo Rockwell, Dorothy Reifler, Delcyo Relller, Margaret Charlesworth, Mildred Ward, Elsa Prosch, Frances Prosch, Natalio Richards, Jeannette Rolf, Helen Burns, Elsa Jacob, Loulso Kraft, Kathryn Penwarden, Mario and Frances Gates, Ruth Con rad, Scranton. SCHOOLS OPENED. All tho schools of Wayno county, except Berlin township, will have been opened by Monday next. By order of tho board of directors that school will not begin until tho 23rd of September. Ovor half of tho schools aro now open. Death of Mrs. Curran. Mrs. Catherine Curran, of Haw loy, died Tuesday morning, Sept. 3. She Is survived by two sons, Patrick and William, and two daughters, Mrs. Joseph Mangan and MIsb Cath erine Curran. The funeral will take piaco at 9:30 o'clock Friday morn ing, with services In St. Phllomena's church, Hawley. PRF $ 2 CENTS $ TYPHOID FEVER GERMS LURKS IN BOTTLES A , ",Iu,t "f V'T'r. iV M,,k "e'r. 1 wcntj-hlglit I e 1,10 of (Special to The Citizen.) HARRISBURG, Sept. I. Twenty eight residents of Chester county re siding in Cedar Hollow, Paoll, Duf fryn Mawr and Malvern wore stricken with typhoid fever from drinking milk served them In bottles filled along the route. That is the story of the local epi demic of typhoid fever along tho main line Just outsldo of Philadel phia that tho State Department of Health has been fighting, the history of which furnishes a most striking picture of the awful penalty of re ceiving milk bottles from infected homes and filling them without hav ing them thoroughly disinfected. An elderly widow living near Ce dar Hollow, became ill with typhoid fever early in July. She was the first bottle customer along the route of Paul Mace, a milk man living near Williams Corner on tho water shed of Pickering Creek. This woman's domestic water supply was dipped from a spring, the over-flow of which was used by some Hungar ian and Italian families in Bldde son's row In Cedar Hollow. The foreign families also bought loose milk from Paul Mace, Cedar Hollow being the second stop along the route driven by him each day. Maco admitted having filled many bottles along his milk route. The Department's representative found him with but seven quart bottles in the milk house when ready to servo twenty quart customers along the route the day the sale of milk was prohibited. Mace's milk route ex tended through three townships and three towns, a total of some forty citizens patronizing him. To-day 28 of his customers are sorely afflicted with typhoid fever and 15 others have probably contracted It. Paul Mace served what his custom ers believed to be a good milk, and yet, strange to say, a number of them knew that he filled milk bot tles along his route, and they con tinued purchasing milk from him, knowing that the bottles, a little while before, were standing on the neighbor's door step collecting dirt frm the roads, probably having been polluted by dogs and cats, dirty milk tickets or money, and that they had been carried with dirty fingers Inside, Just before being filled and handed to them for family use. The physicians were, slow In diag nosing and reporting their cases. It was not until a number in a limited area excited both the medical pro-' fession and the lay public that tho State olliclals were called to take chargo of the outbreak of the fever. State Health Commissioner, Dr. Samuel G. Dixon, immediately de tailed County Medical Inspector of Chester county, Dr. Joseph Scatter good, tho Chief Medical Inspector of the Department from Harrlsburg, and representatives of the Engineer ing Division to render assistance and to run down every possible source of infection. Within a few hours af ter the arrival of this corps, it was pretty definitely determined that all tho patients having typhoid fever and those having suspicious symptoms of the disease were receiving milk from Paul Mace. A careful inspection was made at he Mace farm where tho sanitary conditions were far from satisfactory, but not enough evidence was secur ed there to account for tho epi demic. The dairyman's route book was analyzed, a complete list of all his customers was made, and a can vass started reaching all of theso customers from the beginning to the end of his route, with the result that It was definitely proven the first in fections occurred at tho premises of tho widow above referred to and tho Italian near by. From these centers the typhoid germs were distributed each day along tho milk route until 22 persons wero down with typhoid fever and 15 others were rendered more or less 111. Poor Maco Is paying tho penalty of his own dangerous custom. He now lies in tho West Chester Hospital sick with typhoid fever, his aunt who lived with him Is very ill in tho samo hospital with this disease, and his hired man lies on a cot near by, also suffering with typhoid fever. SUMMER SCHOOL CLOSES. .Miss Keen's Grammar School closed August 23 with tho usual spelling contest. First thero was choosing sides. Julius Kelz and Uaymond Giehrer were drawn choosers after two rounds Julius side beat by two. Then followed tho final test, tho spelling down. After all tho words had been given thero still remained standing Raymond Giehrer, Mildred Goodllno, Anna Mullen, Leila Hes Ilng of the A Class and Nicholas Stapleton and Robert Cory of the B Class. Llttlo Hazel Knorr and Ed win DIsch did well. Head marks as follows: A Class Harriet Westbrook 3, Anna Mullen 4, Robert Hert 1, Mildred Goodline G, Raymond Giehrer 6, Florence Murtha 2, Mary Bell 1, Paul Herzog 1. B 1st and 2nd Willis Ritnauer 5, Elizabeth Butler 4, Nicholas Staple ton 3, Wallaco KImbles 2, Earl Ar nold G, Rcbort Cory 2, Evalyn Seltz 3, Edwin Ritnauer G. Soino good work was dono in Pen manship. Miss Florenco Murtha and Miss Jennie Martin mado greatest progress and in Book-keeping Misa Bertha Kelz and Miss Agnes Mur ray made tho greatest progress. After a short vacation tho fall term will begin Monday, Sept. 9, 1912.