t'AGE THREE ANECDOTES OF GENERAL BOOTH Late Head of Salvation Army Was Many Sided. HIS PRECEPTS FOR LONG LIFE. u a n a tx OWNERS AND OFFBCERS OF BROS. FIFE, BRUSV! & BUGLE CORPS KftHaaw-fw-fM-fa-fa-faatHK-faMa-t-ftHatt-fa-- an-ftta-fntHtHntHtHtHtHJutHaftHtHtHtt" THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 191: AYAYNE COUN TY'S II A Mi OK .JUSTICE. Why You .Should Mvo Hen.- Mnny Advantages Not Found Ekcwlicre. If tho reador Is interested In Honesdalo and desires to chango his place of residence or manufacturing ' plant no will bo given further Infor Honesdale is the homo of a half , mation by corresponding with the hundred varied industries and its secretary of tho Board of Trade. nin-vjia in nit uiiinm , ' , " uurney isiectric .Elevator com snops mini irom morning in nigni. pnn. hgh a.)0eU electric elevators industrially Honesdale s far nneau Katz Underwear Co., muslin un ui uinur iuwi3 iinu cuius, x til uua derwear. at umcrent tunes in tneir lives wno, i sll00 Manufacturers Durland by the turn of the tide or circuni- Weston Shoo Co.: Honesdalo Union Foot stances have left Honesdale, invari ably return to this place to make their fortune and live the balance of their lives in their home town. Stamp Shoe Co.; Honesdalo wear Co. Cut Glass Manufacturers T. B Clark & Co., Inc.; Krantz, Smith & Honesdale is the county seat of Co.; Irving Cut Glass Co.; McKonna Wayne and is located in one of the Bros.; Honesdale Union Cut Glass most picturesque- pi ices m reimsyi- Co.; Monaghan & Bracey; Crystal velum. 1 ut; inuu viijt ia ii i buuju- Cut CjlASS UO times called, is not only noted for its Honesdale Decorated Glass Co shady streets; beautiful parks and Bohemian ware. pure spring water, out also as a man- American Knitting Mill, sweaters uractunng center and place or resi-; T, G. Blakney Paper Box Co., pa- uuiii-u. 11. i milium luieiiiB iiuciiu m por anu strawboard boxes. mis line which mis maue it a live town and one that is known from the Atlnntic to the Pacific and from the Gulf to Canada. The opportunities afforded in Honesdale and Wayne county are many and diversified. There are several waterpowers developed and others possible of development. Within a few miles of Honesdale a dam is being constructed for the largest power in this section of the country and in the State of Pennsyl vania, that of harnessing the waters of the Wallen-Paupack river. This will insure cheap power, which alone will be an incentive to locate in Honesdale. Why not get interested in Hones dale? Prospective Industries antic ipating locating outside of the crowded metropolitan districts would do well to investigate Honesdale and the advantages obtained here before I Martin Caufleld Steam Granite and Monumental Works. 1 Nicholas Hessllng, monuments and' markers. Cigars A. Eberhardt, E. Pohle. M. Hermann, wagons. McKanna Bros. Cooperago. Irving Cliff Bottling Works Maple City Bottling Works. Birdsall Bros. Woolen Mills, Inc. woolen blankets and clothing. Honesdalo Pants and Shirt factory. Honesdalo Milling Co., Wayne Mill ing Co. G. White Axe Co., axes, G. M. uenung, proprietor. Dexter-Lambert Silk Mill. G. Smith & Co., cheese and butter, Honesdale Concrete Construction Co., concrete blocks and bricks. 19 creameries. Borden MilK Station. Penwarden Manufacturing Com pany, wneeinarrows, mattress frames 1 !.... 1 ....... 1 . "V .. f . would have more light. It would beu ,iln "f; better ventilated and tho air pure. Your employes can produce two fold the amount of work than if they were located in the stifling of tho crowded districts of the city. Honesdalo s population, including the immediate territory within a Outside of Honesdalo there are also a number of progressive Indus' tries in Wayne county. At White Mills is located the largest and old est glass-blowing and cutting shops in mis section or tno country Dor lunger's. They are doing a fine radius of a. mile, is 10,000. It Is 985 lmvo about 500 men ln feet above sea level and enjoys many natural resources. Tho Erie and rinlntirnro X1. TJnHcnn rnllrnnrla ontnr Honesdale. There are two express companies WTells Fargo and Na tional and tho passenger train ser vice is good, six trains on tho Erie and six on the Delawaro and Hudson daily Its fire department Is complete. In addition to two steamers, four other fire companies aro within a radius of less than a mile. There are 45 SPOONING BARRED AT CAPITOL Cannot Even Hug and Kiss on Poto mac Boats. "No more spooning on the upper decks In the dark corners," is the edict that lias gone out from the offices of the St. Johns nnd the Chnrles MacAlester, two pleasure boats that ply tho Poto- fire hydVants in the borough?4 which '?c ,rl !'etween Washington and Insure good protection, besides two beautiful rivers which flow through the town and help keep down the insurance rates. Honesdalo is noted for its health- fulness, Its death rato being less than 10 ln every 1,000 inhabitants, which is tho lowest in this section of the country It enjoys mountain spring water which Is especially adapted for boiler purposes. It contains no lime. Honesdale is near tho foot of the Moosic Mountains, is in close prox imity with tho coal mines, and Is built on solid ground. Honesdalo Is not a mining town, as many peoplo suppose. Honesdale is 135 miles from New York city Its government is bor ough and township. Honesdale postofflce serves a pop ulation of i2.000 with mall. Tho town enjoys free delivery. The town has both gas and elec tricity. A ? 150,000 electric light plant was erected two years ago, which is equipped with tho latest and Honesdale has upwards of $30,000 nvf?Htpfl in nn nrmrn hnncA fnr thn Its High school Is foremost in the no imsr nvn vonra n si I mm iirinv Honesdale furnishes one of tho Sf.ato's crack comn.inloB. Comnnnv Ul llic Idlll I UK1IIIUIII. U. 1'.. A-hlch company holds a high mark ln .iiri(iif' v mr Knrvipn 'I'll Minm ni uiiijny ivuiiiii ruuuiiLiv uuiiL ii linn i vj,,uuv aiuiuiy, muuerjl ill uu ts annointments. ror Coinnanv E. Marshall nail. "Stop promiscuous hugging, kissing nnd flirting on' tho approaches to the capltol," Is nn order Issued to capitol policemen. The new rules on the St Johns nnd the MacAlester prohibit kissing, em bracing or squeezing hands. "Break awny there," is the command given by the officers on the vessels and at the capltol when they come upon spooning couples. If the mnndnte is not obeyed n brilliant searchlight is turned on the guilty persons. For mnny years dark spots about the approaches to the capltol havo been used by spooners. It was not unusual to sec ns many as twenty-flvo couples in the cozy nooks that flank tho senate nnd house wings. CHICAGO CLAIMS 2,381,700. School Census Shows 157 Children Un able to Read or Write. Chicago's present population Is 2,381, 700, according to the biennial school sensus completed by the board of edu jatlon. Tho figures of the last federal census, taken In 1010. were 2,lSTi,2S3. The ecliool census shows tho total nnmbcr of minors in the city to bo 8S2, 510, of whom ).7'.ll are foreign born and 11,101 are negroes. N According to the count, there aro only 157 children between tho ages of twelve nnd twenty-one who are unnble to road or write either English or some other lauguago. I ONE OP IIOXESDALE'S JJEAUTIFUIi HOMES AND NORTH I'AUK. Urged "Faster" In His Motor Mission ary Campaign Why the Anti-suicide Buroaus Were Founded Could Tell a Good Story to Make a Point. The death of General William Booth, founder and head of the Salvation Army, removes the grand old man of tho world. Yet HO Weil luicl Ida wnrfc bcen done thnt tho army Itself will uoi lkj appreciably nfTectel by his re moval. Seldom has one in.in In own lifetime built up an institution so numerically strong ln all parts of the world. Many anecdotes are told of tho dead lender to illustrate his many sided chnrnctor. In discuBsing tho untl-sulcldo bu reaus of the army he once said: "Kindness nnd charity nre factor of thoo bureaus. The charity will bo of tho right kind, I trust There aro, you know, two kinds of charity, und too much of it Is liko tho barber's. "There was a poor deacon In War wick who had no money and neoded to bo shaved, and he went from barber to barber, but none of Mi his holy oflleu, was willing to shnvo mm lor notiiing. "In the end. thouch. ho fnmui n hnr. hor who, on hearing his tnlo, said gruffly: " 'Sit down there ln that chair.' "Suddenly the barter's ii adjacent room not up a terrific howling. '"Bo still, there! cried th And ho muttered anxiously, 'What enn inoy Do doing to hlmr 'Alas,' said tho deacon. 'I nhnnliln't wonder if some one was shaving him out of charity.' " Needed No More Prayers. On another occasion General Booth wna talking to a New York reporter. "Are you saved r he asked suddenly. The young man flushed, staminonxl and hesitated. "Well," said tho general, "do not despair. There Is a chance oven for Now York reporters." Then, discussing nrnrer. General Booth told a story, a story with a moral. "There was a rounit clorirvman nn- pointed to a small country town," he began, "nnd a short time nftor his ar rival a horsy looking man in loggings stopped him on tho street ono day, uowcu respectfully and said in a trem ulous voice: " 'If you plcaso. sir. would vou mind next Sabbath offorimr un n hit of n prayer ror Milly Doan?' "Tho minister, of course, assontotl The man, whoso look was worried and naggaru, took leave gratefully, and on tho next and tho two following Sim. unys Mllly Dean was prayed for from tho pulpit "Then ono afternoon tho man In loir. glngs met tho minister ntrain. Thank you for them nravers. sir.' he said, 'but you needn't pray no more ror Miny uoaiL' "Why, said tho other, shocked, 'la silo dead T " 'Dead?' said tho man in lnmrlnirs. 'No; Bile's Just won tho Bltio Itlbbon handicap by a length and a half.' " An lnstanco of tho tiro and feverish anxiety of General Booth to compress as mucn work ns possible into tho closing years of his ministry was pro- vidou on his missions bv motor. "Faster" was tho -word that Impelled tho general ever forward, nnd it In in be feared that ln his anxiety to carry the messago Into the remote villnces tunt nre still off tho train track ho did not always observo tho speed limit iro rrequentiy exceeded thlrtv miles an nour. When his chauffeur was gettlnir all ho could out of tho engines the cen- eral's cry was still "Faster!" Tho car was capablo of thirty-flvo miles nn hour. That did not satisfy him. no always wanted to move quicker. Ho would sit on tho front 'seat bv tho driver, -whispering every now and again, "j'-nstcr!" Precepts For Longevity. Seven pithy preceptu for the attain ment of old ago were given by General Booth In explanation of his surprising activity and vigor. Ho snld: "Eat as little as possible. Tho average man ents too much. Instead of nour ishing his body ho overtaxes It, com pelling his stomach to digest more food than It has enpacity for. "Drluk plenty of water ln prefer ence to adulterated concoctions. Wa ter is whoiesomo nourishment. Take exorcise. It la Just ns foolish to develop tho mind and not tho body as it Is to develop tho body and not tho mind. Terform some mnnunl la bor; dig, walk, chop wood or, If you can talk with your -whole body, why, men talk, but do It with all your might "Abstain from indulgences which overtax tho body and iujuro not only ourself, but the generations thntcomo after you. "Ilavo a purposo Jn llfo that pre dominates nbovo nil else; that is bene ficent to tlioso about you and not to your own greedy self alone. If thcro Is ono thing for which I am glad It Is that I havo found n purposo whicli In volves not me alone, but all humanity." CHAItliES Ii. Ml'NNICH. WIMilS II. MUNNICH CHHISTOPHEIt Ii. MriiVAXEY. MUNNICH UnOTIIEUS FIFE, DKUM AND BUGLE COUPS. ESCOKTS OF EXCEIiSIOU FIRE CO'IPANl, FOItT JEUVIS, X. Y. CIIAItLES C. FULIiEIt, Manager. WILLIAM W. FUIiLEIl, Leader of Drums. IIAUUY LEHX, liCader of Fifes. n n n n n n n n' n n n n n n n n n HONESDALE ESDALE, PA. L Oct ill ii Fi IN WAYNE COUNTY I Capital and Surplus $300,000.00 United States Depository. Wo solicit accounts on our merits ana aro in a position to grant accommodations, largo or s-mall, consistent with prudent banking. Wo want you to call us "YOUK IiAXK," to havo you feel Interested in its growth and worth ln tho COMMUNITY. Although wo aro by far the liAltfJEST COMMERCIAL ILVNIC in Wayno county, wo dosiro to grow still larger, and wo would appreciate it If our customers would recommend us to their friends. THREE PER CENT. INTEREST ON ALL SAVINGS ACCOUNTS OFFICERS: Henry Z. Russell, President. Andrew Thompson, Vice-President. Lewis A. Howell, Cashier. Albert C. Lindsay, Asst, Cashier. DIRECTORS: Honry Z. RubsoH, Homer Greene, Horaco T. Mennor, Jame3 C. Birdsall, Louis J. Dorfllnger, E. B. Hardonbergh, Androw Thompson, Philip R. Murray, Open Saturday evenings from 7:30 to S:30. nnnnnnnnnunHnuunu x K X X PC X K X X X X X X X X X X X X X K X X X X X X X X X X X X X