THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1912. PAGE FIVB FOR SALE. BAKING, LUNCH AND ICE CKEAM business for sale. A flno oppor tunity. Cheap, for cash. Frank Van Dcuscn, Honesdale, I'a. C5w4 FOIt SALE Oil RENT THE W. A. rethlclc estate, located in Bethany. Torms reasonable. II. W. l'ethlck, administrator, Hawley, Pa. 53mos2 DELICIOUS ICE CttEAM YOU can have It by using Orady's cholco vanilla. Get It at Brady's Drug store. 60mo2 FOR SALE WELL EQUIPPED machine shop and garage located on Industrial Point, Honesdale. Business established 20 years. Best known glass cutters' supply con cern In tho United States. Edward O. Jenkins, "Honesdale, Pa. 42tf. FOIt SALE DESIRABLE DWELL lng house nnd lot on East Street Extension; all Improvements. Bar gain. J. B. Itoblnson, Agent, Jad wln Building. DSeltf MISCELLANEOUS. THE AGENT OF THE SCItANTON Times, located at 520 South Main street, Honesdale, will appreciate It if he Is informed it patrons do not receive their paper dally. News Items for the Honesdale department left with him will be promptly pub lished, tf WANTED ISSUES OF THE CITI zen March 13, 1912, and Juno 21, 1912. tr FOB. RENT: NINE-ROOM HOUSE; all modern Improvements. Inquire Jacob Demer, South Churcn street 52eitf. LET THE LACKAWANNA DO your laundry. Thomas F. Bracy, Honesdale, agent. Look for our wacon with tho sign "Lackawanna Laundrr Co." 57tf -On August 27th, from 2 to 5 p m. at the Presbyterian chapel, there will be a food sale. Orders taKen care of from now on by Miss Bessie Swift at the Presbyterian manse. It Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Carroll, Rldgo street, on Monday evening, n son. Tho Soven County Voterans' as sociation held tholr annual reunlou at Tunkhnnnock on Wednesday. A barn .belonging to Chnrle3 MIgncrcy, Arlington, was damaged by lightning in a storm on August ISth. Tho Whatsoever Clrclo of the Methodist church will servo meals in the Foster building during tho three days of tho celebration. Mnsons nro laying brick on Mnr- tin Caullehrs nddltlon to his largo shop at this place. Tho wall is re inforced with iron "I" beams. The sixteenth nnnual reunion or the descendants of Joseph and Rhena Lee will be held In Toad's grovo at unionaaie, August au, 1912. A large and cany auenuanco is requested. R. N. Lee, secretary. A. W. Abrams, proprietor of the Enterprise Clothing store, has pur chased a now iMaxwell live-passenger touring car of tho Murray agency. Mr. Abrams and P. R. Murray, Jr., motored from Philadelphia to Hones dale, arriving here Monday evening. Clinton Loomis, a Tunkhan- nock high school student, attempted to commit suicide by banging Him self in tho barn at his homo at Lem on, Wyoming county. Ho was cut down before life was extinct, out is still in a precarious condition. No reason is assigned if or his action. Arnold Lohmann, the well known violinist of Scrnnton, will be given a try-out by a New York vaudeville manager, preliminary to taking up a stage career. He will attempt a violin virtuoso sketch. Lohmann is ono of tho foremost violinists in this region. Mr. Loh mann's many Honesdale friends wish him merited success In his venture Eastman Kodak company's earnings are running larger than last year. The common stock div idend declarations are already 35 ner cent., compared with 30 per cent. for the same period in 1911. The corporation is manufacturing at tho rate of 300,000,000 feet of film a year. The increase in earnings is, due to the demand for moving pic tures. MAIIi CLOSING nOURS. A.M. P.M. P.M. Erie 7.00 2.30 5.30 D. & H G.30 12.M. 4.15 T). & H. Sun. 6.45 R. D 9.50 P. M. Stage 2.50. LOCAL NEWS Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Eugono 1 Miss Mnrlo McDcrmott returnod Regan, of Forest street, n daughter, ; from a three weeks' visit in Jersey on Wednesday. City, Tuesday evening. Sho was ac- II. C. Van Alstvno. ono of tho companied noino oy nor iwo nepn- mnnaglng editors of tho Honesdale ovta. , Citizen, is improving after a sovoro i F. A. Jenkins accompanied Dorln s attack of pnoumonia. This is glad , K)d Orchestra to Beech Grovo on for his many HonesMaio uunu&uuy whuiu uioj Hoverni seiociions ui uiu hiumbu i" nlc. Attorney Harry W. Mumford, a member of tho Wnyno county bar, and Miss Hannah Eckersley, of Scranton, wero married In Moscow on Wednesday. Mrs. Henry Vnrcoe and thrco chil dren, Robert, Walter and Helen, all of Endlcott, N. Y., returned home on Monday nftor n month's visit with relatives in Honesdale. A. L. Schullor, of Upper Mont clalr, Is expected .hero Saturday, whero ho will spond n ten days' va cation with his family, mother and sister. Miss Edna P. Dlmock, of Ridge wood, N. J., is expected in town on Saturday for a visit with her aunt, Mrs. E. A. Pennlman, and her aunts, Mrs. Harvey Ensign and Mrs. Isabel Dlmock, at Waymart. Fred A. Havens, of the Havens Construction Company, Philadelphia, spent a few days in llonesdalo this week in tho interest or tne uurney Electric Elevator company's plant at this place. This is Mr. Haven's first trip to Honesdale since 25 years ago. Mr. and Mrs. George Miller, Victor Dottv. iMrs. F. W. Olsholf. Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Cuddeback, all of Scranton. attended tho funeral of Percy Hadsell, the 17-year-old son of Mr. and 'Mrs. Edward Hausoii wno was drowned while fishing on Bush's lake on Monday. St. Swlthen's weather. Ben White, an inmate in Sher iff F. C. Kimble's boarding house, is quite ill. W. H. Kennedy, of Niagara, has advertised the sale of his farm, and will offer his stock at auction on September 5. A number of strangers are com ing dally to Honesdale to visit friends and relatives and Incidentally re main for the celebration next -week. Seven men who -were arrested for attacking a party of Boy Scouts at Mooslc Lake on Sunday, were fined ?20 each by a Scranton alder man. The members of Beech Grovo grange and their families enjoyed a picnic at that place on Thursday. Although threatening weather, tho picnic was largely attended. There will bo a food sale at the Presbyterian chapel on August 27, from 2 to 5 p. m. Orders will be filled from now on, if sent to Miss Bessie Swift at tho Presbyterian manse. On Friday evening the Bache lor Girls, of Pleasant Mount, enter tained their friends at their annual dance at Odd Fellows hall, which was beautifully decorated. Music for tho occasion was furnished by Freeman's orchestra of this place. a mpptinc of tho Wayne County Poultry Association will be held Sat- urday, August ai it. iuamuo, Hawley, at 3:30 o'clock. All mem bers are requested to be present as a good time is always enjoyed when the members go to Mawley. Tho home of Mrs. Steuswallo Colapilo, Prompton, "was damaged by lire to the extent of $15 on Tuesday mnrninir throuch a defective lluo. Neighbors saw smoke coming from the house and began at once to re move tho furniture. After all the household effects had been removed, with a single exception of tho stove, all hands turned their attention to ward saving the house. Paul Oles zefski was on the job, as also was C. S. iMcMullen. McMullen chopped a hole in the roof and Oleszefskl pour ed -water upon the empty, though naming building. In a short tlmo the flames were extinguished and the furniture placed back in tne uouse. -The "Spring Hill" Poultry farm, located in Texas township, J. B. Roblnsop., proprietor, is being en larged. Two new houses will be built this fall, namely, a laying house 14x100 feet and a brooder pen lCxCO feet. Tho foundation walls, which aro of concrete, are being laid. Tho new buildings will provide for 700 additional chickens. Mr. Robinson now has In tho neighborhood of 2, 000 chickens, all of which aro tho whlto Leghorn variety. Besides sending a largo number of eggs to market, tho "Spring Hill" poultry farm ship several hundred of broilers to tho New York market. Mr. Rob inson's idea is to get as close as ho can to tho Corning or unlto system with his poultry business. Tho Twentieth Century colored attraction, tho Black Pattl Musical Comedy company, will appear at tho Lyric Wednesday, Aug. 28. Tho great success of this company is ow ing to tho fact that a first-class per formance Is given by tho picked col ored entertainers. Mme. SIssieretta Jones, the original Black Patti, is a whole show in herself, but there nro a lot of others, such as Happy Julius Glenn, tho funniest of tho funny comedians, Will A. Cook. Al. F. Watts. ThomaB J. Sadler, H. Morgan Prince, Jas. II. Gray, Ruby Taylor, Emma Prlnco. Fanny Allen and a chorus of dark skinned beauties as were ever seen here .colore. news for his many friends. Angus Smith, of Starrucca, colc- bratcd his 9uth birthday last Mon day. Ills friends remembered him with a post card shower. Mr. amiui Is tho pioneer wood acid manufact urer of tho country. Miss Clara Rolf is tho guest of Miss Ida Stelnnian, (Deposit, N. Y. Mrs. W. L. Clark and dauguter Myrtle, and Mrs. Wallace Brown, of Bridgeport, Conn., aro guests at tho homo of C. E. Clark, Boyds iMIUs. -On Thursdny evening, August 22. thoro will bo a lawn social un der the auspices of tho B. V. S. of St. John's Catholic church. Itefreshp ments, also vocal and Instrumental music on tho lawn of tho parocuiai resldenco. A largo wagon, driven by a team of horses, representing out-of-town nartlcs. delivered "pure food" arti cles to Honesdale peoplo on Thurs day. Is this fair to the homo mer chants? They dare not sell anything but pure food. Tho law restricts them from selling other kinds. Erk Bros, exnect to open their new and modern store to the public on Monday morning. Tho building has been thoroughly renovated and practically built over. It Is finished In oak and Is very attractive and convenient for business purposes. Tho ofllco Is located at tho extreme roar of the building on the first floor an dis separate from tho main floor and is separate from tho main presents a neat appearance and is fire-proof throughout. HYMENEAL. Dlx-Hoeslngcr Nuptials. At tho St. Paul's Evangelical rec tory, Scranton, Wodncsdny morning at 8 o'clock orcurred tho marriage of Miss Elslo M. Roeslnger to San ford G. Dlx. The ceremony was performed by Rev. R. L. Pfcll. Thero wero no attenadnts. Mr. and Mrs. Dlx left on tho 9 o'clock train for a wedding trip to Boston and other points of Interest. Upon their return they will reside with tho brido's mother on South Wyoming street. Both brldo nnd bridegroom wero former 'Honesdale young people Their many friends extend congratu lations. is Martin Hennigan. of Dunmore, has started suit against the Pennsyl vania Coal company for ?10,000 damages for the loss of an arm. Hennigan, who is about forty, was employed at a colliery of the com pany in Dunmore, a year ago, and was engaged at a hopper car when an Inexperienced workman dropped the bottom of the car, crushing Hen nigan s arm so seriously that ampu tation resulted. John J. Toohey is his attorney. About 3,000 notices have been sent out to creditors of the bankrupt concern of Knapp Brothers, stating that on August 31, at 3:30 o'clock in the Referee's chambers, a hear ing will be held for cause to be shown why an order should not be issued improving the intermediate account of the trustee of said bank. rupts contained in the petition of William M. Gregory; also making allowances for attorney and counsel and directing a payment of a 7 per cent, dividend to the creditors William Johnson, of New York left on Thursday for Shohola Glen When the train stopped at Port Jer vis he got off to get a glass of milk leaving his $25 Panama hat In the car seat. Upon his return to the station ho boarded an eastbound train instead of the westbound for Shohola. and the first thing he knew he was on his way back to New York again. Ho got off at Middletown, and finding that there were no more trains to that place until Friday morning, he put up at a hotel there. The editor Tiad a dream, says an exchange. He dreamed he was In heaven. Theodore Roosevelt arriv ed in that blessed abode. Tho ex president insisted upon reorganiz ing tho Heavenly Choir. He called for ten thousand tenor singers, ten thousand soprano singers, ten thous and alto singers, ten thousand bari tone singers, and lined them up for practice. "But, Mr. Roosevelt," said St. Peter, "you have no bass sing ers." "O, never mind," said the self-appointed director, "I'LL sing bass." Leonard Elghmy, who is em ployed by George Happ, the baker, is very much Interested in tho story of tho burning of tho bowling alloy and Ice cream storo at Beachlake, Pa., whero three boys lost their lives. Before coming to this city to live, Mr. Elghmy owned the property on which stood tho building, and the horrible story now being published about it naturally gives him a shock. Mr. and Mrs. Elghmy went to housekeeping there and after wards sold tho property to Mr. Ives. Port Jervis Gazette. A recent bulletin of tho Census Bureau shows that thero has been a marked increase In the past decade In tho number of American cities of over 25,000 population. Tho United States has 229 of thoso. or much more than any other country of tho world, excont China. Almost every State has ono or more of theso cities but Massachusetts leads all the rest, with twenty-flvo of them, or much more than aro found In Now York, Pennsylvania, Illinois or Ohio, States which lead it in aggregato number of inhabitants. Massachu setts' ascendency in this particular Is ch efly due to its vast expansion In manufactures, which makes It tho most thickly settled State or tho whole forty-oight, except Rhodo Is land. It Is much more thickly set tled than aro most of tho countries of Europe. -A tablet in memory of Rov. William Parsons will be unveiled in tho Presbyterian church at Sherman, iPa.. Aucust 28. at 2:30 p. rn. uov Parsons was tho rounder or ino Tribuno fresh air work whllo ho was nastor of tho Shorman church, and through tho influence of Mrs. Wil liam Herbert this bronze tablet has been presented to tho church. bov eral speakers will participate, among whom will bo Leslie M, Con ley, manager of fresh air "work Edward Parsons of Franklin, brother of Rov; Wllliard Parsons Judso A. T. Searlo and others. An Invitation is extended to friends of Rev. Willard Parsons and those In tercsted In the work to be present on this occasion. TAFT PRAISES SHERMAN. n Joint Frank HefTeron, of Scranton, tho guest of relatives here. Miss Anna Collins, of Olyphant, Is visiting friends In town. C. ID. Fortnam, Of Tyler Hill, was a business caller hore Tuesday. Miss Madge Monaghan of Scranton is the guest of relatives In town. MIrs Marv Feenev of Hawley, is tho guest of Port Jervis friends. Miss Ruth Hunt, of Port Jervis, is visiting relatives In Honesdale. Miss Sadie Brltenbaker was a re cent guest of her aunt in Archbald. Miss Carrlo E. Fackler, of Utica, N. Y is visiting Mrs. Homer Greene. Miss Margaret Manning, of Beth any, Is visiting friends in Carbon dale. Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. Forror and family of Harrlsburg, aro at Gouldsboro. Mrs. Alice Bennett, of Port Jer vis, is the guest of relatives hero for two weeks. Harry Eggleston and wife, ot Philadelphia, aro the guests of rela tives here. Miss Nellie Towner, of Scranton, Is spending a two weeks' vacation at Lako Como. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Knapp of Port Jervis, are guests of relatives at Lake Ariel. Dr. L. B. Nlolson has returned from a ten days vacation spent at Lako Champlain. Miss Marv Mumford left to-day for a two months' visit with relatives in Denver, Col. Fred Anderson, of New York city, is a guest at tho homo or Mr. ana Mrs. John Eck. Mrs. Albert Jones and two sons, Paul and Arthur, of Matamoras, are visiting at Lako Ariel. Mrs. Mary Gray, of Chicago, Is spending some two weeks with town relatives and menus. Mlsa Harriet Barton, who has been visiting friends here, returned to her home in Green Rldgo. Mrs. William Evans entertained last Wednesday evening in honor of her guest, Mrs. Hill, of BrooKiyn. Mrs. James iMcClaffev and daugn ter, of iPort Jervis, aro visiting rela tlves in Damascus and vicinity. .Mrs. a. n. Hall and daughter Grace, of Carbondale, aro guests of llonesdalo friends for two weens Mrs. GeorEo Stanton and children, who have been visiting here, navo re. turned to their homo In Pittston. Charles Olsen, of tho New York police force, Is spending his vaca tion with his parents on River street Lewis Mackley. who has been om- ployed In Buffalo tho past year, has returned to nis nome in ijeeiyvmu. Walter Blebas injured tho toes of his font. Wednesday, by having a heavy pleco of iron fall upon them John Bose, of Honesdale, was a recent guest at tho homo or Airs. Rhetta Helneckle, Port Jervis, N. Y. Misses Lena and Elizabeth Keller- man, or soum scrnnion, aro uuju Ing a ten days vacation at Lako Ariel. Miss Mary Murphy has roturned from St. Mary's, N. Y., whero eno attended the marriago of her broth er Joseph. Mr. and MrB. Arthur Hull, of Now York, aro tho guests of tho lattor's mother, Mrs. R. N. Torrey, on worm Main street. Miss Lucy Murtha, of St. Joseph's hospital, Baltimore, Is visiting her mother, Mrs. John Murtha, on uar roll street. Miss Clara Eck, of Now York city, Is spondlng her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Eck, at this placo. Miss Louiso Hnrdenborgh, who recently underwent an operation in Dr. Reed Burns' hospital, Scranton, has returned home. Euceno Drum and Vincent Kllroo havo roturned to their homes In New York after a ten days' visit with friends and relatives hore. Miss Anna Klomonclc of Carbon dale, who has been spending tho past two wooka with friends here, roturn ed homo tho first of tho week. Says He Is Proud to bo Standard Benrcr. Washington. Aug. 22. Unablo to attend the ceremonies Incident to Vice President Sherman's notlflca tlon of his nomination, (President Taft sent his running mate the fol olwlng telegram: "I am very sorry that public business prevents my presence at the ceremonies at which you aro to receivo formal notification of your second well deserved noml nation by the national Republican party for tho high office you hold PENROSE'S REPLY. Meet us at The Celebration Next Week ROWLAND Quality Jeweler HAMLIN. Services at St, John's Episcopal church on Sunday next: Sunday school at 9:45, morning prayer, 10:45, ovening eorvlces 7:45. On .Vtigust 30, Rov. A. L. Whittaker will celebrate holy communion at 10 a. m. SASH GLASS-MIRRORS Why complain nbout high cost of things just because you don't know where to buy them right? I sell the best brands of window glass as follows: 7x9 2c ea 8x10 3c ea 9x12 4 fcc ea 12x20 11c ea 12x24 13c ea 14x28 20c ea 14x30 22c ea 14x32 24c ea 24x24 29c ea 24x2C 29c ea All other sizes equally as low. Huvo In stock nnjr n7x to IH Inches in width. Let mo bring tlio nnd put It In your broken window or door. I MAKE A SPECIALTY OF REPAIRING. RUBIN 1023 Main St. Bell 'Phono 15 IW Vnl- Aceiisert Senator Attacks Van kcnlmrg and Flinn. Washington, Aug. 22. The senate gallaries were packed to hear the speech of Senator Boise Penorse of Pennsylvania In reply to the charges that ho had accepted $25,000 from John D. Archbold of the Standard Oil company. Not In years has the reply of a senator attracted such wide attention at the national capital. He said there was no connection between the Archbold check of ?25,- 000 and his work on the Industrial commission of the senato which was Investigating the trust question In 1901. j BENJ. H. DITTRIGH, LESSEE and MANAGER Wednes'y Aug. 28 ONE NIGHT ONLY THE BLACK PATTI usScal Comedy Company Presents The Topical Musical Success Captain 3Tcts;p:r" WITH SISS'ERETTA JONES The Original Black Pattl "HAPPY" JULIUS GLENN The Wnngdoodle Comedian WILLIAMS ATTACKS T. E. Ho Replies to Colonol's Criticisms of Thomas Jefferson. Washington, Aug. 22. Colonol Booeo- volt tob attacked In tho senato for hla published criticisms of Thomas Joffer son nnd othor historical figures by Senator John Sharp Williams. TJio senator declared tho former prosidont bad criticised a long lino of predecessors, "tho latchos of whoso shoes his lato excellency, Theodore Boosovolt. Is unworthy to untio." 1 Slotfc I Regular services at tho Methodist Episcopal church next Sunday, with special music. Sermons by tho pas tor at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m Morning subject, "Tho Great Ax." Evening subject, "Storming Heav en." Sunday school at 12 o'clock. Bantlst church. Kov. G. S. Wendell pastor. Regular morning service at 10:30; evening, 7:30; Sunday school at 11:45. And a Strong Supporting Co. of Colored Entertainers PRICES: 25, 35, 50 and 75c. Seat Sale--9 A. M. Tuesday, Aug. 27th. 1 Employ an Expert Decorator RIVERDALE. (opeclal to The Citizen.) Itivordale, Aug. 22. O. L. Hlghhouso has been erecting silos for II. G. Wlldensteln, John Hauensteln, Walter Gustin and Geo. Wlldensteln the past few weeks. Irma and Leeta Hauensteln, who havo been visiting relatives In this vicinity for two weeks, havo left for their homo at Kalkash, Mich. Gertrude Ihlefeldt has returned homo after doing sewing at this place for a couple of weeks. Georgo Hauensteln and family at tended tho Doming reunion at Unlon dalo Saturday. Walter Gustin purchased a gaso line englno and blower for filling silos recently. Judsou Allen nnd Charles Deming, Scranton, spout Sunday at Georgo Hauensteln's. (Mrs. Margaret Wlldensteln is at Beach Sanitarium, Susquehanna, Pa., with her sister, Mrs. Maurice Wilcox, who Is undergoing treatment at that place. Mrs. Chas. Martin, Kingston, is spending a few weeks with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gustin. Margaret Hauensteln has roturn ed homo after spending somo time at tho homo of Maurlco Wilcox, Maplo Grove. Mrs. Welland Sherwood and son Merroll, havo returned to their homo at llonesdalo. CASTOR I A For Infants nnd Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought of Bears tho Signature for the Wayne County Celebration AUG, 27, 28, and 29 The W. H. HARRISON CO. representative is in Honesdale for this purpose. He has secured the Committee work, City Hall and Court House. The Harrison Co. carries one of the finest and cleanest lines of decorating material on the road. Orders for houses and business places will be given prompt attention if left with the.Committee of the Wayne County Celebration. SPECIAL Brick Ice Cream will be served at Peil's Soda Fountain Saturdays August 24 will also be on sale during three days of "WAYNE COUNTY CELEBRATION" Why worry about dessert for your Sunday Dinner; Order some Brick Ice Cream. "The Quality Store" nrii THE lHIL, DRUGGIST