The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, August 23, 1912, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Thurman't Political Emblem Before
Progressives Adopted It
Tho adoption of tlic batnlnnnn ns nn
emblem of the Progressive party Is not.
the llrst time tlmt tho gnudy handkor
chlef has appeared In American poll
tics. As n matter of fact, It was used
in four previous political campaigns
those of 187a 18S0, 18S4 and 1SSS. Ev
ery one old enough to remember those
days will recall how familiar a sight
the red bandannas were at every po
litical meeting as they were wnved
above tho heads of tho crowd. They
were waved In honor of Allen Gran
bery Thurman of Ohio, vetcrnu sena
tor from that state, lender of the Dem
ocrats In the senate, a candidate for
tho Democratic nomination for presi
dent in 1S70, 1SS0 and 1SS4 and nomi
nated for vice president with Cleve
land in 1SSS. It was his Invariable
habit to carry a bandanna handker
chief, and from this fact his friends
ndopted It ns nn emblem of their de
votion to him.
Senator Thurman was born In 1S13.
Hen. lorley Pooro, the veteran corre
spondent and pbscrver of men and
things at Washington, In his reminis
cences of tho capital describes him and
pome of his striking personal charac
teristics thus:
"Allen G. Thurman of Ohio was rec
ognized by the Democrats in the sen
ate ns their lender. lie was a broad
shouldered, sturdily built man, with a
large square head and ruddy complex
ion, gray hair and beard (smooth shav
en upper Hp) and a positive mnuner
that commanded respect. Earnest, out
spoken and free in his criticism of
men and manners, he would wave his
red bandanna pocket handkcrchlof like
n guidon, give his nose n trumpet blast,
take a fresh pinch of snufT nud dash
into tho debate, dealing rough blows
nnd scattering tho carefully prepared
nrgumcnts of his adversaries like
Mr. Thurmnn's bandnnnn handker
chief nnd his snuffbox were made so
prominent In all the personal accounts
of him that appeared that the public
grew to nssocinte them firmly with his
personality. He acquired tho habit of
taking snuff not Infrequently when ho
was a youth from his old French
teacher, Professor Gregolro, nnd when
he first wont to Washington he found
It a prevailing practice there. "lie
did not, however," said a defender,
"use snuff to nny excess, nnd his mod
crate sized lwx, supplied with tho fin
est quality, ensily lnsted him n fort
night without refilling. lie naturally
took to tho use of the bandanna hand
kerchief In vogue In his younger dnys
and simply never abandoned an article
'of dress that has popularly been sup
planted by more modern forms."
So It came about that tho lurid "ban
ner" was Hung nloft by Thurmnn's
supporters, nnd It was not tho fault of
their meekness that he wns four times
defeated in his ambition.
tornc Ninon nnd driven mm rttim tne
country. Ioconto wns not rccognljscd
by tho Amerlcnn government until ho
hnd been In office a month nnd had es
tablished himself In power.
The French minister to the lllnck lto
publlc olficlnlly reported to his govern
ment that I.econto wns "bloodthirsty"
after the massncre of March, 1008, In
Tort nu Trlnce, when citizens of good
standing, the number being variously
reported nt from ten to twenty-seven,
were dragged from their beds nt day
break, taken to a cemetery nnd put to
death. Iyeconto wns minister of tho
Interior nt thnt time, nnd It wns be
lieved thnt the ordor to kin wna Issued
by him, although Nonl Alexis was
When Nonl Alexis wns driven from
Ilnltl soon nfterwnrd Lcconto went
Into exilo In Jamaica. Wlillo there ho
Intrigued ngninst tho now president,
Simon, nnd In Jnnuary, 1011, started a
revolution, bnt It was short lived, and
Leconte took refuge In tho Gormnn
consulate at Cape Hnlticn, later bo
lng sent from tho island under Ger
lunn protection.
Loconto returned to Haiti in May
last yenr, overthrew President Simon
nud became president of tlx) republic.
Jeweler Make Revisions and Present
Official List
Tho Amerlcnn National Itetnll Jewel
ers' association, nftcr requests from
numerous pourcoa, has decided official
ly upon tho following revised list of
January, garnet; February, ame
thyst; March, bloodstone and nquam
rlno; April, diamond; Mny, emerald,
June, pearl and moonstone; July, ruby;
August, sardonyx and peridot; Septem
ber, sapphire; October, opal nnd tour
maline; November, topaz; Doeembor,
turquoise nnd lapis kizulL
General Leconte Was a Military Poli
tician by Occupation.
Jean Jacques Dessnllnes Michel Cln
clnnntus Leconte, prenldent of Ilnltl,
who wns recently killed in an explo
sion in the palace, was n mulatto, not
yet fifty years old, a lawyer by pro
fession and a militant politician by oc
cupation. He was elected president
of Haiti by the congress last August
nfjer JieJiad yhlnped President .An-
X Ray Utilized After Marches to
Choose Easiest on Feet.
Unique experiments in tho army
have resulted In the recommendation
for adoption of what is considered the
best shoo for preserving tho natural
shape of the foot nnd insuring the
comfort of the wearer.
The X ray was utilized In the exper
iments, pictures being made of the
feet of thousands of soldiers before
the shoes were tested. Then vnrlous
nrmy shoes were put on tho soldiers,
who were sent ou long hikes. Pictures
Were tnken after the marches to show
tho condition of tho feet. The tests
continued until n shoe was found
which left the bones in their normal
condition nfter tho strain of long
The shoe recommended Is made on a
straight last with a rounded too.
One Gave $250 to His Opponent, Who
Gave It All to Charity.
A statement of campaign contribu
tions nnd expenditures filed with the
senate from Texas aroused consider
able Interest.
Representative Sheppard and Jacob
Walters, opposing candidates for Unit
ed States senator to succeed Senator
Bailey, made their accounting pursu
ant to law. Mr. Walters said he hnd
contributed $250 to the enmpnign of
his opponent. Mr. Sheppard, in consid
eration thnt his adversary should meet
him in joint debate before the people.
Mr. Sheppard admits ho got the mon
ey and accounts for the expenditure of
it TT envg h cure U nil to chnrttv.
JS. (Pare RttiMxl Paraffinc) Nl
I urovere S COVCTS fl I
II preserves EaSJ7 10 DSC II
Navy's Traditional Flapping Col
lar Also Likely to Go.
Reoresent Reliable
Companies ONLY
Government Is Meditating Drees Re
form That May Not Please the Wear
ers Change Affects Uniforms of Of
ficers In Minor Details.
Dlspntcliea from Washington say
that tho lint topped round cap and
wide collar which have been features
of the gnrb of a snllor slnco tho early
dnys of tho United States navy nro
likely to bo discarded. Such action
would abolish two of the most fa
miliar features of the uniform. '
Tho proiwsed change has boon pre
ceded by n long period of experiment
and discussion. While nnral ofilcors
hare nn idea thnt tho sailors would
resent nny radical change In tlwir cos
tume for shore purposes, so strong ao
traditions In the navy, the sailors
themselvus hnve complained more than
once of their present costume whon
The tint topped enp hns a habit of
getting blown off nt unexpected times.
Officers have long noticed that whon a
line of Jackles Is drawn up at atten
tion on deck on a formal occasion a
gust of wind frequently takes a fow
caps with It Not that the sailor him
self Is entirely free from blame for
this, for it Is n tradition thnt ho will
pick out n cap a fow sixes too small
so that It can bo perched on his head
at what ho considers a proper angle,
although his opinion on this point va
ries from tho manner In which tho enp
wns intended to bo worn.
Collars Bother Them.
Sailors, too, havo spoken nmong
thomselvos about tho collar, with Its
three stripes of white braid nnd Its
two white stars. Thoy like the Idea
of the collar, but they say It bothers
them on a windy day at son. They
think It might be cut smaller. Those
who bundle tho designing of such
things do not think this particular .ort
of collnr could bo cut down without
hurting Its nppenrnnee.
About two yenrs ago tho bureau of
navigation, which hns control over the
sailors' dress, had samples of n now
cap In heavy bine cloth mado, much
like the whlto duck hats tho bluejack
ets war nt work In temperate cli
mates. One of tho traditional features of a
sailor's enp Is the gold lettered nnmo
of tho ship. When one of theeo name
bands wns put around tho now
with the brim turned up tho name wns
hidden by the brim.
Nothing more was heard of tho mat
ter until recently, wlien tho subject
again camo up, and tlw amo sort of
hat Is again being considered.
Tho matter of shirts has como up re
cently. Tho bureau of navigation or
dered Paymaster Huntington, in charge
of tho clothes factory at the Brooklyn
nnvy yard, which is tho headquarters
of tho mipply for the wholo Bcrvioo, to
rnako up samples along now lines. No
decision lias yet boon sent oot by tho
Washington authorities.
Considering a New Shirt
Tlve shirt which la bolng considered
te designed nftcr tho Dungaroo ehlrt
now in ueo by tho firemen of tlw navy,
but is made of the bluo cloth used In
the sallora" uniform instead of tho
mottled bluo Joana of which Dungaree
sblrta are made. This shirt has n soft
rolling collar which might bo describ
ed as a ehnwl collar, only throo or fotir
Inches wide nt tho wldoet part Tho
open front of tho present sailors blouso
is retained, but tho bottom, instead of
having "tails" to tuck within tho
trousers, as tho present blono hns,
ends In an elastic bnnd nbont tho wnist
There is no room on tlw collar for a
display of braid or stars, nnd Uhj gar
ment smacks more of working dress
thun of tradition.
Tliero Is no probability thnt tho pres
ent wldo Iwttomed trousors will bo
abandoned since thoy nro more easily
rolled up about tho knoos than other
kinds, and thero is still much deck
scrubbing to bo done.
Tlio bluejackets, llko tlw marines,
nro to hnvo pajamas. Tlieso nro being
made of a strong whito material nnd
aro without buttons. Tlio shirt Is open
far enough down from tlw nock to go
on over tlw head easily, and tlw open
ing is ckxed with n flap and lield to
getlier by Uw tying of u tajm.
The sjilrlt of chango hns affected tho
unlforma of ofilcors, too, but in minor
details, such ns shoulder marks, which
nro to lw whlto lustoad of I4nck for
uso with whlto uniforms.
A suggestion Iwb been mndo that tho
present bluejackot's uniform bo con
tinued for shore use nnd tho proposed
new uniform bo adopted for wear
aboard Bhin. An objection to this
courtxj from tlw point of view of tho
enlisted men is tlmt they would hnvo
to keep themselves supplied with nn
extra uniform at their own oxpouso
slnco thoy recelvo ono otuMK of cloth
ing nt tlw tltno of enlistment and after
that havo to pay for thoir clothes.
Heads the Poaoo SooWty.
Arthur IX Call of Ilartford, Conn.,
a school principal, has resigned to bo
como tho exocutlvo head of tho Amer
ican Peace society, with lvoadquartors
In Washington, Mr. Call Is preeldont
of tho Connecticut Peace society, lie
Is a graduate of Drown university.
mliWHAiinii" n
u T imnum iteany uompany
With alB modern conveniences located
in one of the finest and healthiest sec
tions of Honesdale.
Don't Worry About Getting a Home
Let the "Buyuahom" Realty
Company worry for you.
Information cheerfully given
Drop a postal to P. O. Box 524, Honesdale, Pa.,
and we will tell you all about this unusually
rare bargain.
Vacant lots at Blandin; 1 dwelling house on Park street, Honesdale;
1 dwelling houso on Court street, Honesdale; 2 dwelling houses on
East Street Extension; 1 dwelling house and vacant lot on 16th street;
1 dwelling house on 13th street; 1 dwelling house on 17th street. Also
farms, hotels, and business properties.
The use of water
for sprinkling lawns,
gardens, streets, etc.,
is hereby prohibited
EXCEPT between the
hours of 6
and 6 & 8 p. m
Honesdale Consolidated Water Co.