ttaett L AVhy AVnlt for K'b Wnnt Ad Dcparttne, . Gets Them Penny n Word. sJj1 Tho Citizen is Getting New Ad vertisers Every Week. Mcrclinntn Know Tills is n Good Advertising Medium. rs7 The Tho Oltl Only a 'J 70th YEAE.--NO. 68 HONESDALE, WAYNE CO., PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1912. PRICE 2 CENTS (She DIXON SAYS GO ON WITH CELEBRATION Stale Health Commissioner Claims There Will he Xo Dimmer From Carbondale Epidemic. tt tt a :: tt t: :: :: tt tt tt tt tt it tt tt tt tt tt ti DR. DIXOX SAYS: Go ahead with your Wnyno County Celehnitlon; tJiero will he no danger whatsoever. Cnrhondale Is now under State surveillance. 1)11. S. G. DIXOX, State Commissioner of Health. CALF HORN WITH TAIIj AKIX TO THAT OK A RABBIT. lloneless ApKndago Attributed to Cow Being Frightened hy "Cotton-tail." David White, of Stroudsburg, re cently became possessor of a calf without .i tall common to its kind. In place of It there, Is ono similar to that of a rabbit. Mr. White attribu tes it to the fact that a couple of months ago, while driving his cow to pasture, a rabbit sprang In front of it. This scared tho cow so that It fell over a slight precipice and ran all the way home. :::: tt tt tt tt tt tttttt tt tt tt At a special meeting of the town council, held Tuesday evening, all members were present. The session f was called to consider whether the epidemic In Carbondale would bo con sidered in any way as interfering with the Wayne county celebration to be held here next week. iDr W. T. 'McConvill and Dr. P. 13. Peterson of tho Honesdale Board of Health were present by invitation of the council. Both gave It as their opinion that no possible danger ex isted, that tho disease in Carbon dale was of so mild a nature that it was not considered in any way dan gerous. Dr. W. T. McConvill, sec retary of the local Board of Health, was Instructed by the Honesdale council to get in communication with Dr. Samuel G. Dixon of the State Board of Health, Harrlsburg, for his further opinion In the matter. In a long distance telephone mes sage Wednesday morning Dr. Mc Convill told Dr. Dixon the situation in 'Honesdale, how tho town was ex pecting a large number of people from towns and cities, Carbondale being among the number, and how the people were very anxious to know whether there will be any Im mediate danger here if people from Carbondale should visit Honesdale. In reply to Secretary MeConvM's message, State Health Officer Dixon told Dr. McConvill to go ahead with tho celebration, that there will bo no danger whatsoever. Dr. Dixon also stated that a doctor of the State department of health was located at Carbondale and is now looking over the situation with the purpose of in vestigating how the epidemic started and get other necessary data. He also told Dr. McConvill that the State Department of Health now has j. charge of the situation in Carbon dale an. that it will do everything r- possible o prevent the spread of the disease. He also said that there is no immediate danger, that all the parties who hav:contractedihe?dia:r ease nave it in a mild form ana that close quarantine will ho en forced Everything will he done that Is possible by tho state and all precautions will be taken so that the epidemic will not spread. N. B. Spencer, general secretary of the celebration executive commit tee, appeared before the council and asked for the privilege of the use of the streets and other public places during next week. ' A resolution was adopted by the council giving the committee in charge of the celebration a right to use the streets and public grounds for such purpose as may be deemed necessary for the carrying out of the program during the celebration. 1,000 MEN AT WORK ON HIGHWAYS OUR WAYNE COUNTY SCENERY UNEQUALLED State Taking Out Water liars and Making Roads Enjoyable to Hide Over. (Special to Tho Citizen.) Harrlsburg, Aug. 22. Six thous and men are at work on tho high ways which the State of Pennsylva nia has taken over for the establish ment of the State road system, and already the preliminary work on re pair and maintenance of highways Is beginning to show. Dirt is flying in every county of the state, and roads wheh were neglected are being put Into condition for easy and safe trav elling by wagons and automobiles. In some districts transformations have been mnde of roads which were no torious for their condition and on which little or no work had been done for over a year because of ex pectation that the Commonwealth would take them over. The work now unaer way Is but the commencement of a State wide system of maintenance and owing to the vast amount of attention requir ed is not what the State Highway de partment will be able to do when the $50,000,000 bond issue is voted for the construction of roads. State offi cials say that they are doing the best possible with the appropriation at hand and will welcome the co-operation of farmers and property owners through whose districts the State highways extend. It is recognized that If people passing over roads will report to the county road superin tendent places which require atten tion everyone will be benefitted and the state enabled to get the best re sults. The question of issuing the bonds for the road work will be acted upon Anally at the next session of the leg islature, and it. will be laid before the people In the form of an amendment to the constitution next year. The amendment will, limit the road debt to S50,000,,000,-kthe bonds to he is- sued over a period of years so that tho burden of interest and redemp tion funds will be minimized, while the plan of calling In some of the bonds at the end of five or ten years will enable tho state to be cutting down Its debt and to pay off a consid erable portion before the last lot of bonds for road building is put out. The maintenance work will be what will count in the end, and this year's operations are but a foretaste of what will be done. Members of the Pennsylvania Motor Federation are lending their assistance in report ing conditions of roads, and everyone can help in that direction and at tho same time work for local benefits through urging the passage of the bond issue which will give Pennsyl vania a system of first-class highways between county nnd market towns. "Movies" Could Find Several Places Well Suited for Scenes of Ro niaiico Here. From our exchanges wo learn that moving picture troupes are registered in the wilds of Pike, this state, and also at Lake Huntington, N. Y. Why would Wayne county not he an Ideal placo to make settings for scenes of romance and love? Truly there Is no more historic country around than in dear old Wayne. It Is here that the cunning Indian blazed trails through tho virgin forest and camped along the shores of tho Lackawaxen, Dyberry and Delaware rivers and placid lakes of the f-ounty. It was here that the first locomotive to have run upon rails in America made Its Initial trip. Why Wayne county Is just fill ed with lovers' lanes, cosy nooks that would make equalled scenic effects. The many bits of simple life, tho pasture, tho highway, tho lake-shore, enchanting brooks, beautiful water falls patches of forest and sloping hills and shady vales. In fact all these scenes could bo incorporated in to moving pictures. Come to Wayne county. HONESDALE PLUMBER GETS BIG CONTRACT S, U. Morrison Is Awarded Plumb ing and Heating for Gurney Plant A S12..-00 ,lol Lnrgcst Con tract liver Let In Hones dale. Samuel B. Morrison of this place was awarded the contract to furnish tho plumbing and steam heating in tho proposed Gurney Electric Eleva tor company's new shop at this place. The contract was let on Wednesday by the Havens' company of Philadelphia, for $12,500. It Is the largest contract of Its kind, that Is 'for plumbing, of any over given to a Honesdale party. The next largest was that of the Honesdale High school, which amounted to $8,500. Mr. Morrison was bidding in competition with two concerns in Philadelphia, one each in Bingham- ton nnd Scranton. The work Is to ho completed when the building is finished. Excavations for the settings of the boiler will commence September 3, when laborers will commence dig ging for tho 'foundation of twelve 12-foot deep pillars, which will be used to support two 125-horse pow er boilers. These boilers will fur nish steam for heating the large shop, and will carry a working pres sure of 100 pounds. Tho machinery In the shop and large cranes will be operated by electricity. The ma terial to bo used in the plumbing and heating, of which air. Morrison has the contract, will fill about sev en freight cars. The radiators will occupy a car nnd a half space; Iron pipe, two carloads; terra cotta pipe, ono carload; Iron sewer pipe, one carload and the hollers will occupy another car. All the fixtures used In closets, In the six shower baths, lavatories, washing sinks for the workmen, (each sink, one in the foundry and the other in the machine shop, will be 47 feet In length), In fact all the plumbing fixtures throughout the building will be cast iron white enameled goods made by the "Stand ard" Sanitary Mfg. Co., of Pittsburgh. Mr. Morrison Is a skilled mechan ic, having had a wide and long ex perience in Honesdale and Philadel phia in his line of bulsness and he is entirely competent to handle this large plumbing and heating contract. He is enjoying a fine business here, keeping busy a corps of five men be sides himself. Mr. Morrison has just completed two large Jobs of plumbing and heating In Elmhurst and one In Gouldsboro. 'His many Honesdale and Wayne county 'friends arerejoiclrig: wlth"hlin"in "obtaining" this largo contract. TWO AMERICANS SHOT Were Killed at X'icaragna in Battle Between Government Troupes and Rebels. (Special to Tho Citizen.) WASIIIXGTOX, . C, Aug. 22. It was learned here to-day that two American soldiers were killed at Nicaragua in a battle between the government troops and the rebels. The Americans killed are John SEED TESTIXG AX AID TO GROWERS. THE COXCEHT. Everything is in readiness for tho Methodist Choir concert, which will be given In the church on Friday evening. The program Is a delight ful one, and you will want to take your whole family and your guests to this splendid entertainment. Solos, duets, trios, quartettes and a full choruB of tvventy-flvo voices accompanied with organ and violin, will furnish you an evening of solid Joy and make life sweeter for many a day. Washington, D. C, Aug. 22. A most hopeful sign, indicative of re sults largely attributable to the persistent efforts heretofore made by the United States Department of Ag riculture in tho line of seed testing, is manifest from an Inspection of the catalogues of more than fifty of the principal seed dealers of tho coun try. All of tho firms referred to make definite statements that they test their seeds for germination. Nino firms advise purchasers to send samples either to tho seed testing laboratory of the U. S. Department of Agriculture or to a State experi ment station to be tested. Seven firms state that they themselves fol low this course in regard to the seeds they offer and that tho seeds aro thereby officially guaranteed to bo of tho highest grado represented. Six firms allow a stated time for making a test, advise purchasers to make such test on receipt of seeds, and re quest tho return of seeds which do not satisfactorily meet tho test. Five firms state that the seeds they are selling comply with State laws, and a number of firms give tho per centage of purity and germination in compliance with State laws. These statements Indicate that competition between seed dealers Is becoming more and more a competi tion based on quality, a healthful tendency from the standpoint of both customers and honest dealers. f? ymf''h- Shot at Reporter. Pottstown. 'Mistaken for a bur glar who was being hunted for by Policeman Anton Will, Paul Brown, a nowspaper man, was shot at by tho officer. Will was attempting to round up a man who tried to break into a handsomo residence. Brown, scenting a good story, dodged around eo lio could seo all that oc curred. Tho policeman, in tho dim light, mistook Brown for the man he was bunting and blazed away. Drown -was not bit. HAS FREAK CALF. James Smith, of Novvton, 1b the owner of a freak calf, born on tho farm of Howard Hamilton, several miles from town last Tuesday. Tho animal Is normal, with tho exception of tho head. Instead of Its noso be' Ing In the middle of Its faco, It has one nostril on each side of tho iface with the mouth In between. Tho calf's facial expression 1b not unlike that of a bulldog. Since birth the animal has been growing rapidly. It Is fed with milk pump ed through a large rubber tube. The mother of the calf Is a five-year-old Holsteln. Tho animal will be kept for exhibition purposes this foil. Port Jervls Gazette. mm ' 'JBBSBSj by Koyutono View Company. Fort Near Managua Near Whore Two Americans Lost Their Lives. Phillip and Harvey Dodge, both of Misslss nni. They were wounueu early yesterday and went to a hospi tal seeking shelter when they were shot down. FOUNDER OF SALVATION ARMY DIES Commander Booth Who Is Known ns Leader of This Organization Died in London Tuesday. Rev. William Booth, commander-in-chief of tho Salvation Army, died at his home in London Tuesday evening, aged 83 years, after an Ill ness of three months. Twelve weeks ago General Booth underwent an operation for tho re moval of a cataract In his left eye. For two days after tho operation in dications Justified the hope of the general's recovery. Then, however, septic poisoning set In and from that time with the exception of occasion ally, the patient steadily declined. The general recognized that his end was near and often spoke of his work as finished. Throughout tho commander-in-chief's Illness his son, Bramwell Booth, chief of staff of the army, and Mrs. Bramwell Booth gave their unremitting attentions to him both night nnd day. The aged evangelist died at his residence, the Rookstone, Hadley wood, some eight miles from London, where he had been confined to his bed ever since the operation. Pres ent at the bedside when the end came were Mr. and IMrs. Bramwell Booth and their daughter and son, Adjutant Catherine Booth and Ser geant Bernard Booth, tho general's youngest daughter, Commissioner Mrs. Booth-Helberd, and Commis sioner Howard, Colonel Kltchlng and Dr. Wardlaw Milne. (Public Interest now centers In the question of a successor to the late commander. Under the constitution of the Salvation Army, the general nominates his successor. That Gen eral Booth did several years ago, placing the name in a sealed envelope which was deposited with tho Salva tion Army's lawyers, with instruc tions that it should not be opened until after his death. While nobody knows what name the envelope eu aloses the general belief among the Salvation Army is that it will prove to be that of Bramwell Booth, who for thirty years has been Its chief of staff. Almost the last words of General Booth were uttered just before he lost consciousness. Ho was referring to God's promises and speaking with great difficulty, said: " They are sure they are su If you will only believe." General Booth was born at Not tingham, April 10, 1829, and educat ed at a private school in that town MJe studied .theology 'with tho- . Rev. Ister of the Methodist New'Connexlon In 1850, and was appointed mostly to hold special evangelistic services, to which he felt so strongly drawn that when the conference of 1861 required him to settle In the ordinary circuit work he resigned and began his labors as an evangelist among the churches wherever he had an opportunity. Coming In this capacity to tho East End of London he ob served that the vast majority of the people attended no place of worship and ho started "The Christian Mis sion" In July 1S05. To this mission when it had become a largo organlza tlon, formed upon military lines, he gave in 187S the name of "The Salvation Army," under which soon became widely known, and grew rapidly until It had at the beginning of 1906, 7,210 posts, under the charge of 16,000 officers and em ployes, with 45,339 local officers, 18, 000 brass bands, men and about 50, 000 musicians. Tho army was or ganized in forty-nine countries and colonics, and from tho international headquarters in Victoria street, Lon don, General Booth directed Its af fairs. General Booth established "The War Cry" as a weokly gazette of the I organization In 1880. Tho paper is now published in more than twenty languages and has a total weokly circulation exceeding 1,200,000. The Array maintains about 700 Social Rn- ' lief institutions in various parts of tho world, under the charge of nearly 3.000 officers and employes. About 7.000 fallen women annually pass through tho 116 rescue homes, and, according to tho Army's reports, about eighty-five per cent, of these aro permanently restored to lives of virtue. Tho number of annual con versions In connection with tho spirit ual work is reported as averaging from 200,000 to 250,000 during tho past ten years, making a total of over 2,000,000, of whom not less than 200,000 were converted from lives of drunkenness. DISCOVERED VEIX COAL 7 OF FEET THICK. Kind Made In Tioga County, Xear Bradford Ijlnc Mineral Ex ceptionally Pure. Townnda, Aug. 22. Daniel Jen kins, of Blossburg, has discovered a vein of bituminous coal at Leolyn, Just over tho Bradford line In Tioga county, which he says is seven feet thick and of exceptional purity. It's extent remains to bo determined but tho discoverer is confident that It will turn out to be one of the richest veins In Pennsylvania. GOOD TIME COMING NEXT WEEK i Eugene, 21A-J'ear-old son of Mr. and iMrs. Doherty of Carley Brook, died on Wednesday. Tho funeral was held Thursday morning at 11 o'clock. Interment In St. John's cemetery, Honesdale. Death of Mrs. Bloat. Mrs. Mary Broat, widow of the late Peter Broat, a former resident of Unlondale, died at the home of her son In Dunmore, Friday, Aug. 16, 1912, aged 72 years. Funeral was held Monday from her home, and remains taken to Unlondale for burial. She is survived by two sons and five daughters. Death of Mrs. Susannn Winters. Mrs. Susanna Winters, widow of the late Henry Winters, who several years ago lived In Seelyvllle, recent ly died at her home in Jersey City. The funeral was attended by one of her nephews, George Erk, of Seely vllle. Mrs. Winters will he remem bered as having visited the Misses Elizabeth and Kathryn Erk, nieces, upon several occasions of late years. OBITUARY Former Congressman Thomas H. Dale, of Scranton, died of acute In digestion at his home In Dalevllle, Wednesday afternoon, aged 66 years. Mr. Dale was president of the Anthracite Trust company and waB an independent coal operator. He Is survived by his wife, son and daughter. The two children are In Rome in course of a year's tour of Switzerland and Italy. The funeral will be held from his late home on Linden street Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Dunmore. Death or .Mrs. William Tyler. Mrs. William Tyler, of Marathon, N. Y., died Saturday morning at her home there, aged about 40 years. iMrs Tyler was well known In this flAntlrin hflvlnff livArt horn mnnv years' during lrer early Hie" and 'if was quite a shock to her many friends when they learned of her suddon demise. Deceased was a daughter of Ephrlam Eaton, former ly of Callicoon. Her husband, Wil liam Tyler, up to about 15 years ago conducted a harness shop In the old bank building at Callicoon. Sulli van County Democrat. Arthur Correll died at his home In Carbondale on Wednesday. 'Mr. Correll was a native of Ariel. Ho was recovering from an operation performed about two months ago and his sudden death will be a shock to his many friends. Surviving him aro his wife and the following daughters and sons: Mrs. Harry J. Brown, of Blnghamton; Mrs. John Chamberlain, of South Canaan; Ethel, Alda and Helen Alvia, of Moosic; Herbert, Walter, Merritt and Theodore, of Scranton; one broth er, Merlyn Correll, of Dunmore, and two sisters, Mrs. George Everett and Mrs. Herbert Frlsble, of Ariel. Arrniigemcnts Completed For Three Day Celebration Committees Have Worked Hard Town In Holiday Attire. On Tuesday of next week Wayne county's much-advertised celebration will be here. Every boy and girl, man and woman, stranger and friends are looking toward this big event with much pleasure. Tho dif ferent committees- In charge of tho affair have been working hard to make the celebration a success. Everything Is In readiness ifor tho reception of three days of home coming of former residents of Honesdale. The town Is In holiday attire. Buildings are dally taking on tho National colors and the small pen nants strung across Main street give Honesdale an air of patriot ism. The executive committee desire everybody to decorate some, even though It Is only the stars and stripes. For a light decoration. Hags make as an appropriate one as any. The soliciting committee reported progress at Tuesday evening's meet ing. Parties who have subscribed and not paid are requested to do so at once as It Is very Important that the money be In tho solicitor's bands by Saturday of this week. Honesdale people have received hundreds of letters signifying their Intentions of attending tho celebra tion. If the weather is pleasant the committee expect that thousands of people will avail themselves of the opportunity of attending tho cele bration, providing we are favored with good weather. In view of tho fact that the transportation commit tee has secured midnight train ser vice during the celebration, un doubtedly they will be largely pat ronized. Eight visiting fire companies will be In line on firemen's day in addi tion to the local companies. The first division of the firemen's parade will form around Central Park, then cross to Ninth street, from Ninth to Main, down 'Main to Sixth, to Court street, where the di vision will meet the second division. which will form at basin bridge at the corner of Main and Fifth streets. Both divisions will then cross Fifth to Church, up Church to Sixth, cross Sixth to Court to Twelfth, cross Twelfth to Main, cross State Bridge to Park to East, to Fifteenth, to Main, thence to Seventeenth to AVest, down West to Park to Main. up. Main around North Park and juntermarfluon 2Iain... The, .parade win then marcn to Fourtn to unurcn to Eleventh, disbanding at the fire men's headquarters in the skating rink, foot of Eleventh street. The civic and grangers parade will follow the same course of march with the exception of turning at Eleventh street, it will go to Twelfth street to Main and disband. Chairman C. L. Dunning, of the Automobile and Floral parade, which will occur on Thursday, re ported that in the neighborhood of 200 automobiles will be in line. About 300 Japanese and Chinese lanterns will be used in decorating Central and Riverside parks. HOOSEVEIr IX WILKES-11ARUE. Present at Early Mass Celebrating Rev. J. J. Cumin's 2.tli Anniver hary In Iriesthood Speaks To Xlglit in Armory. (Special to Tho Citizen.) WILKES-HAHKE. Auir. 22. Col. Theodoro Roosevelt attended early mass this morning at which 150 nrlests wore present. To-day is Fathor J. J. Curran's 25th anniver sary of his priesthood and tho col onel aided Father Curran In tho col ebratlon. Ho aftorwards -went to Harvey'a Lako for a few hour's recreation. This evening thoro will be a big parado in which several thousand men will participate The colonel will give an address this evening In tho armory. COME YE. Como from your rural baunts, Come from the anthracite valo, Over mountains on dally Jaunts To celebrate la breezy Honesdale. Death of Hael Bates. On Wednesday afternoon occurred the death of Hazel S., tho three-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Bates of Dyberry. Tho child had gono on a visit to her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Miller of Oregon, last Thursday, and was taken sick Friday night with acute dysentery. Hazel was the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Bates, also an only grnnd child of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Miller, and will bo sadly miss ed by all. The funeral will bo held on Sat urday afternoon at ono o'cock at tho house; Interment in East Dyberry cemetery. Now York, Aug. 22. William Bramwell Booth, eldest son of Gen eral William Booth, has been ap pointed general of tho Salvation Army to succeed his father. General Booth loft a sealed envel ope, which It was said contained tho name of the person ho wished to succeed him. CAT ADOPTS CHICKS. Mrs. Lewis Allen, of Loomls, Js tho owner of a Cherished pot "tabby" cat which has, recontly shown its mothorly Instinct In a way out of tho ordinary, Mrs. Allen has two motherless chicks and In order to raise them she provided n box lined with old overalls, socks and such trifles as ono has accumulating on tho farm. That box was a tomptlng sleeping placo for "tabby" who took possession. Tho chicks evldontly thoght thoro was room enougb for two more (for they got m too and went to sleep with tho cat. "Tabby" adopted them and now may bo se,en during tho day watching over her strange foster children. At night fiho remains in the box and Qurrs tbo chicks to sleep, Just as though they were Kittens. NEW HONESDALE DIRECTORY lilnuhamton Parties Soliciting Honesdale, Havvley, White Mills and Seelyvillo to bo Included. Honesdale is to have a new direc tory, the last one having been Issued In 1909-10 by Scranton parties. A corps of four solicitors are engaged in getting tho necessary data for a book. The new directory will be some what different from Honesdale's former volumes in that It will con tain about 50 pages more, All streets will be listed and the num ber, name of person, bulsness or residence will follow In order given. Honesdale, East Honesdale. Seely vllle. White Mills and Hawiey will bo Included In the directory. The directory will be published by tho Calkin-Kelly directory company, of Blnghamton. Names of children over 15 will bo given instead of IS, as In the former directory. BROKE SKULL THROUGH JOKE. Middletown. N. Y. Miss Kate O'Grady, a resident of Brooklyn, who has been summering at Lakovvood. Sullivan county, was severely Injured thoro recently. Miss O Grady, as a joke, climbed up on tho back of a carriage In which some of her 'friends were driving, in tending to scare them. Suddenly the carriage struck a "thank-you-marm" and Miss O'Grady was thrown off. Sho landed In tho road with great violenco. With cries of consternation tho young woman's friends ran to her nnd found her unconscious. Dr. Hen sel of Brooklyn, also summering at Lakewood, was called to attend her. Ho found that Miss O'Grady was suf fering from a fracturo of the skull. Dr. Hehsel Bays that sho will recover. WALKS MILE WITH ARM. CRUSHED Ashley Young Man Displayed Re markable Grit After Being In jured. (Special to Tho Citizen.) ASHLEY, Aug. 22. William Mc Laughlin, a frelghtman, aged 22 years, while coupling cars this morn ing bad bis left arm crushed. .Mc Laughlin displayed remarkable grit by walking a mllo to a doctor's after .the. accident happened. The arm was amputated'thls afternoon. norso Attacks Bear In Mast Hope. Quito an excitement was caused at Mast Hopo Wednesday morning when two bears that came down tho tract and stopped to dance, climb the polo and perform other things, accompanied by their trainers, woro attacked by Will McMahon's horse. The horse pitched on one of the bears nnd hit him on tho bacK. 'ino bear turned on the horse and It Tvas with considerable difficulty that tne men near were able to part them. When they started down tho road to Lackawaxen, tho horse was deter mined to follow, but he was prevents ed. Mllford Press. THE CITIZEN DURING VACATION Readers of The Citizen leaving town for their summer vacations may have tho paper mailed to thorn without extra charge by simply leav ing their addresseB at this business ' office. Have The Citizen ,ccompany you. It wllj k"eep you in tbucn" with, the nows at homo1, - . ' , FAMILY KEUNiONS, Aug. 23 Olver &t llones'dale. Aug. 24 Simons at Lake Ariel. Aug. 28 Mumford at Unlondale. Aug. 28 Stalker at tAtfc-ahama-vlllo. , . A up- .10 Fnlt fit Mnnlnwrvnn. Unlondale.