Wi&SE" EIGHT l -THE CITIZ'ib& WEDNESDAY, AUGUST ax, 1912. HONESDALE NATIONAL BANK HONESDALE, PA. The Leading Financial Institution nfj fin She Is ofntfelled to "f?ire Entirely 'inoin Court DUjftes. Doytipsets Lamp, and Chil dren Perish in Blaze. May fee' Removod b'y .'Mayor. CANINE WAS AFTER SOME MEAT Pot Animal Was Guardian For Tuber culosis 'sufferer, Who Slept In Tent In Yard Jumped Upon Table, Overturning Lamp, Which Causts Death of Three. IN WAYNE COUNTY. r,tWxx4Wx n nrirmrn Tn nraTMrvNi?H'x - n k k x 11 i n u k k n k k n n n u n n n if . J UllUNMl kA H 5 'police supt. tayiM I 1 l GERMAN EjirBEoo ILL. M IM I M Min -" ',- km ST i 1 f Si i A J -I 1 J, 30 it i o V C, Despite (lenlnlf ram official sources, a report continued to-te circulated concern ing the III health of the Gtrmnn empress. It Is said her Illness Is so pronounced that it fin lnncnr can be concealed, nnd the. em peror has been compelled 0 consent to her complete retirement from court duties and social functions. . "WOMAN SHOOTS OFFICIAL. District Attorney of Richmond County , May. Die of Wounds. New eJork, Aug. 20. Mrs. Elizabeth Edmunds, n handsome woman of forty years, shot District Attorney Albert O. Fach of Itichmond county tnrco times immediately after Mr. Fhcn reached lilnfflfn In the Staten Island Savings bunVbulldl'ng, at Stapleton, N'. T. Fall- uredn' the part of the district attorney to convict her husband, Dr. John Marion Edmunds, n-Manhattan dentist, of abandonment was the reason for the woman's attack. Mr. Fnch was taken unconscious to the Smith Inffrmarj- at New Brighton The doctors say thnt bis wounds may t jirove fatal. Life Savers Rescue Five. Washington, Aug. 2a Life savers of the now Green Hill (H. I.) station made a heroic rescue of the crew of five men of the schooner It. L. Tuy, lumber lad. en, from Bangor, Me., for New York, and wrecked off the Rhode Island toast The Green Hill stntion wa opened Aug. 1. . BETHANY. (Special to The Citizen.) Bethany, Aug. 19 Margaret Manning is spending her vacation wuu ruiuues u ta.uuuua Mrs. M. L. Slayton returned wed- nesday from visiting her niece, Mrs. ;v?.t,V Mnrtln In Tflnc-atnn. I .'i " ' I Mr. and Mrs. Allan Lawrence, of Scranton. are vis t nc Mrs. Law- rence's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D, Manning. Sr. There were over one hundred for dinner at the 'Presbyterian picnic Thursday at Third pond. Mrs. Bates, of Waymart, has been visiting her brother, James Henshaw, returned home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Blake attended the Moase reunion Thursday at Pleasant Mount. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Paynter and children of Carbondale, came day to visit at the Lavo home Pri-1 Mrs. George Hauser left for Phil adelphia Saturday to visit her daugh ters. The Misses Sue and Lizzie Houck returned to their home Saturday Mrs. James Johns Is entertaining lior friend, Mrs. Scudder, also her nieces, the Misses Pentecost. Mr. and Mrs. Judson Noble and baby ltuth left Saturday to visit Mr, and Mrs. George Allen at Fallsdaie. Mrs. William Avery and children returned from Pleasant Mount the lirot of the week. Miss Bessie Moase, of Pleasa Mount lias been spending the weeK with her sister, Mrs. A. O. Blake. Miss Edna Lavo and Russell Smith nirnnil to Now York Sunda'v after suing relatives here. Miss Carolyn Cody, of 'Scranton, was a recent guest or her sister; Mrs. Fred Hauser. Mrs. Rhoda Grinestone has .been making Improvements in her home In the shape of new windows. There will be a- reunion service held in the Presbyterian church at Botliany on. Sunday morning, August 25. at -10:30 a. m. An invitation Is extended-To all tb.P" members of the church and congregation, past and present, fand also to, their friends. A substantial lunch will be provided m 11 I. t- 1 e 1. -1 ror those Wralng, from a distance. Lunch served at . tho close of the morning 'service, your old friends. Mr. anQ Mrs. John Strongman- spqnt last' week In. New, Yprk, Ars' 4-Wwnrd' Wnodward Jarr veS tv frnmiTN.'GWVYnrk'SaturdaV. r -. . C -rr--, - ' , f i . "-Ty i . . r. . i ;.:r.,. ,: i !ei Aira.dunaries .i-einicit ,is enioriuiu- lng-Wfrlchd from Brooklyn. Hdrry Tethjck, or Hawloy, spent, M'.VLSSV nr ...1.1. ,11.. Iln'n.n r.isun,uay wuny4. Bisters. -airs, iienry , "Bennett and 3..J0hn smith, hero.. 1193 1JUIIII UUU "I-"" spent Sunday with Mfas Ella Gam Next Sunday. August 25. . tbe will bo a morning servR-a In n tne, Presbvterlan chureh whon'Mr, Henr. TTnm nt fMiln will lin nnltnfKwIth thali 1. . . v. 1 n . . . iiiB.r.irfnrta nni i... . . 1 1 here to meet him. Ky2gKlchnrA At IVllminohlrlUbHo 2-tIIid. 3 will make arrangements-rSflJ hs . VfA 11 r 1 1 Waymart .charge for lh$xfi$po of- yjfe' , 4 -x!, , - J ; -time, ' ' " i ' s y New Brighton. Pa.. Aug. 20. Three children were burned to death and their parents severely Injured In a tire caused by the explosion of a lamp upset by a dog when It leaped to a kitchen table for a piece of meat. The dead clUldren are Edward Taylor, six mouths old; James Taj lor, tw years old, nnd John Taylor, Mur .wars old. Stanley Taylor nnd Mrs. Margaret Taylor, the father nnd mother, were seriously turned. The dog was the guardian of Catlicr lne Taylor, seven years old, who, dif fering from tutiereulosht, slept in a tint In the yard. Mrs. Tnylor heard tlic explosion and. tieticving something had liappenetl to her daughter in the yard, dnslied out the front doot1 of their two room cottage. Finding nothing wrong, she opened uio l;ltabc,n door mtil names enveloped her. The children were sleeping tn the kitchen. The father tried to crawl through a window in a vain effort to save them. CHINESE AS POLICEMEN. Search For Follow Countrymen Want ed by Immigration Officers. rhlhadolnhia. Aug, 20. For the first time In the history of the Philadelphia police department It has been found necessary to employ Chinamen In a Rtwwh fnr mw nf tTiolr mnntrnnwi wii0 escaped'lmmlgratlon offldals and is believed, to have come here. Two Chinese are scouring Chinatown. Lleutcnnnt Little, commanding the district denied that lie had Chinamen working under him, but It wus learned elsewhere that such Is the case. For- merly taere were special policemen, who, knowing evety resident of China- town by sight could pick out o strange face easily. They have died or been transferred to other districts. SEEMON CONVEHTS THIEF. Found It In a Suit Case She Stole From a Minister;. Philadelphia Aug. 20. The Rev. Hugh McBrlde of the Disst6n Memorial Presbyterian church had the satlsfac- tlon of seeing one of his sermons ae- complish an Immediate and practical good. A young girl thief stole the pastor's suit case in which was a copy of a sermon on "Kight ana wrong." rne T'"'7 zz "r, Tr.T. J" letter to the minister telling him that silo uuu iui ms bmt raw at u Diuibv ' . V. .1 I L ,.-,tl.J- Innl. "uu """""s a"u ua lu lul "rB- WEDDING THOUGHT KILLS HER Girl's Excitement Over Preparations Puts Her In Nervous Condition. Pittsburgh, Aug. 20. Miss Delia Rldgway, aged twenty-three, died at hpr Jiome in Verona. Her weddlnc gown will be her shroud. Excitement over the i (reparations for her wedding nut the clrl In a state of nervous hys tprla. Sim hMirn4. ill lnst lrM-?dnv nlirht aftcr a rehearsal of tho wedding cere- mony and entertainment given her by Charles Ilraund, her fiance, and mem bers of the bridal party. BOY SCOUTS REPEL INVADERS. Drive Off Men Who Were Looting bcranton. rii.. Aug. -'u. a troop or joy scouts encamped at Mooslc uke, near here, clashed with a eancof eicht- " "'"r. ..'r"r. " . . f pluint. j.ue inner nu.u. miuuu uo camn and -were -lootlng-it of suit caseij wlinn tht wonts ilnlwtwl tliein. For half an hour tho light lasted. Two baseball teams, comiioged of young men, came to the rescue of the boys. Nine of the Invaders were ar rested. 100,000 FOR HOUSEKEEPER. boctor Bequeaths Sum to Faithful Servant Alto Remembers Brother. Allentowu, Pn., Aug. 20. Tho will of Dr. Edwin G. SteamiC'tz, who died last week, aged tlfty-clght, gives his broth- I . j-Vtl I1t'..l. n -.4....-.. nf iand nndtlie residence of his 0OfiO0 Vitate to Jcnnlo IfaulUner. wbo for " "7 "1 .."i" 77..; 4,f "u uwuuiuuuiiuu ua '"'"-"" ... uiiuujiib uuuuoa. I , ... . , Break In Fence Causes' Shootinn. Erie, Pu., Aug. 26.TJoo Kotlbwski jj jn jail herof awnitln; in jail iierQfBwjpng .niueanng on ym clmrtK ot rfifimtiii Gcorgo n T, uotwrts, ms ngnt)or.--an leading up to tho ehopUng began over hT,,- II- . 1UJ I RTLM " "s-r4"'r- - Trirtate League, Phllodelohla. like New York, has a big vice graft BCtuidal on its hands. Mayor Blankenburg wunta a commission of three to rule the uniformed force. It la gener ally understood that Superintendent Tay lor will resign. PRESIDENT ON G ANAL' BILL Urges Resolution That United 8tates Doesn't Intend Treaty Violation. Washington. Aug. 20. President Taf t sent to congress a special message on Uie Panama bill. He urges the'pnssnge by congress of a Joint resolution which will make it apparent before the world that the United States bad no mten Hon of i-lokttlng the nay-i:aunceroto treaty, This resolution, in the presidents opinion, siiould take the form, of a deo- la ration that the present legislation will not suwsrsede any treaty rights conferred by the HaPaunccfbtc con vention. The president would-leave it to the United States supreme court to construe the treaty and determine whether or not the granting of free tolls to American ships m the coast' wise, trade" constituted, a violation Of it free tolls nrovislon ts the "cab- xno objection' thaf ,th8-'iircsident cites to" the bill os It has been laid before' lilrh. The Democratic leaders of, tho bOtXso ulTl reuse to eupjwrt a rcsotatlon snch t1i resident' nroposes. and hts ef- along this line will ultimately what the president will do when onmrress turns down his Joint resoiu "U8 " " TO INVESTIGATE GOV. FEEEE Secretary of Interior Going to Hono lulu on Mission. i Wellington, Aug. 20.-Secretary of tho Interior tisner mauu inun u haaro on Sunday for Honolulu, whore nn trill investigate Governor FTeers administration of affairs In thoj Ha- wallan Islands. He will sail from ban rvnnrtArn on Aug. 31. 'returning to Washington about tho middle of 'Octo- ber. Weather Probabilities. TTnRcttled. with brobnbiy showers ro- day nnd tomorrow; light variable winaa, Market Reports. New York. Aug. 20. BUTTEKr-Steady; receipts. 'pack nma nrvHimorv. exiras. iix. uwmv- nntq f-KUn. ! Beconds. tZVoZVAo.l thirds, CaOc.; etato dairy, tubs, finest Sc. J good to prtmo, aaxui common iu lair, inw ..rt nrawia. mctraa. ZiOMYvCl nrsu, tnwniii BcondsZln22c.; Imitation croatnery, firsts, nMUi i rnrtorv. June mako. firsts. Otto. --"-,. -v,.,. mu.n. -"nuasic- thirds. 13aaoc.: packing stock. cnmmt mako. No. t 20i: No. 3. ISaJSc ,tt hoio mim. new. specials, white. i ;nvi. i-i uSiicue.! avoraED timrv. white. cvwrcu. i (www irmdea. liallc: daisies. 16ci stato Blclnm, new"' apodalp, wblto, .12y&nl3o, col orod. lzv&auc; lair, io cauit, unacrsruuos. iauc. mna Rti-nAv: recclats. ICLEC3 cases frceh gathered eottrus, dot, SUaiCc. extra flrota. KaS,4c. fthrta. 21aCo.; eoconda. lS-laHTVic.; dlrtlos. jsouscj coucjcs, cauic. rafrUrcratOr. tirsm. sxoroEO pin iut o-u eon. IaEc.; socoads.. 19a21c.: thirds. 17a iRi- ; Ktato. l'ennaylvanlo and nearby, hen nery whites, fancy, largo, aiasac; fair to good. BaJUC.J nennery uru-wua, BKini gathered brown and mixed colore, ZUOCc LIVE l'UUi.ilii-ow.nu)', v7ri.- raw tlt-d. - r UntESSED lOOLTUV Prcsh 'killed, easy; chickens, dry plclted. Phlladolpbla broHera, ZUUtc: Ponneylvonla, ISnVr.; western, nolle. ; fowls, dry packed,t west ern -boxes. ltalTa; bblB Iced. ItalCc.; old roostera. He: sprta' duclu, neortiy. ISa lSUc.; eqaaba, white, doien. t2a4; dark, ti K; frton turkeys. No. X. 2uu3aiNo. 2, lWai chickens,. nuVniB m 2talt c??l..-eC- -c'i a" potatoes Btecdi': Na 1. bbL.tLSa 1S5: ewtets, Jeraoy,- yellow, boaket.'.Xl.'aa tn: Boothern. yellow, bbl., n.WaAM. red. n-".nl.! vnmn. ILISai ' Live Stock Markets. ( Pittsburgh. Aug. ax CATTLE Supply, 130 car loads; market n,eaSi '5alr r3.toxaw-. vear calves. 3a8,w. I KHKKl' AIHU J-WkiH, IM J. W UtAiuw 3.15: BDriiur lambs. ItaUO. IIOQB Itoceipts, 33 double decks; mar ket S oenta higher; prime huavy. tiXDn BX5; medium. tiSDaaKi heavy rDrUere, ES-JOaSLSB: light Toriwrr-.B-WatLtDj pttfs, tXtiRfo- raushi. STaTXO: 1 Mj . --ji t Capital and1 Surplus United States Wo solicit accounts on our merits and are in a position to grant accommodations, largo or small, consistent with prudent banking. We want you to call us "10111 B.YXK," to have you feel Interested in Its growth and worth in the COMMUNITY. Although we aro by far the LARGEST COMMERCIAL RANK In Wayno county, we desire to grow still larger, and we would appreciate It if our customers would recommend us. to their friends.- THREE PER CENT. INTEREST ON ALL SAVINGS ACCOUNTS OFFICERS: Henry Z. Russell, President. Andrew Thompson, Vlce--President Lewis A-. Howell, Cashier. Albert C. Lindsay, Asst. Cashier. Open xn n u n n n NEWFOUNDLAND. (Special to Tho Citizen.) Newfoundland, Aug. 13. Mrs. Caroline Lange, widow of the late Christian Lange, died Aug. 12 fter an Illness of a number of years at the age of 72 years. The funeral service was held at the house Aug. 14, Rev. Schwarze onlclating. In terment was made In the old Mora vian cemetery. About thirty of the King s daugh ters had their annual outing August 10, going to Brick Hill Falls. All re port a very good time. Miss Alma Herkert, Philadelphia, Is pending a week with Mr. and Mrs. A. Beesecker. Mr. and Mrs. J. Klouse, of Moscow- are visiting friends in this place. Mrs. D. Cummings and daughter Mabel are -spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Miller. The" .75th anniversary of the Mo ravian church was held Aug. 11th, Bishop Moench being here for the occasion. He preached at the morn ing service and in the afternoon love feastand communion was held. The church was '-well filled and all enjoy1 ed the service very much. Tho Bis hop and wife were entertained while here by Rev. and Mrs. Schwarze. Fred Green, who had tho misfor tune to break his left arm, Is doing very nicely. WHITES VALLEY. (Speelal to Tho Citizen.) Whites Valley, Aug. 20. Mrs. Nelson Hutchtns recently visited her 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Glovor, and returned to Car bondale Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Watson and daughtor have returned to Philadel phia after being entertained by Mrs. O. C. Oliiler. Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Bonham have returnod homo after visiting two months with Lako Ariel and Car bondale relatives. Mr. and Sirs. T. Leonard, son Harry and daughter Dorothy, have returned to Ilackensack, N. J., af ter spending two weeks with the former's sisters, Mrs. II. P. Mead and Mrs. Julia Mills. Messrs. W. H. White, F. W. White, Mrs. E. W. Squires, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Kizer, son Earl and daughter Marjorle, spent several days with relatives and returned to Scranton Thursdny. Mark and Clara Fisher loft Wed nesday for Harrlsburg where they were met by their undo and taken' In his touring car to Mrs. Mary 'E. Fisher's, where they will mako 'an extended visit. Net proceeds .from Field Day was ? 145. Mrs. Bates F. White returned to Lestorshire, N. Y., after spending several weeks with relatives. Mrs. Evelyn Bonham and sons aro visiting at Richard Glanvlllo's, Pleas ant Mount. Misses Jcnnlo Glover and Mildred Miller have returned homo after be ing entertained several days by Car bondale relatives. W. S. Bonham and son, Frank, attended Field Day celebration on Tuesday. INDIAN ORCHARD. (Special to The Citizen.) Indian Orchard, Aug. 20. We are having an abundance of rain and every thing In tho line of vegetation is doing nicely. Corn and potatoes aro going to be better, 'than was expected. Tho' lattor.have' grown nicely during the past two weeks, Joseph Saunders 'of East Hones dale was a pleasant caller at Altoona farm on Tuesday. The Ladles' Guild hold at the home ot Mrs. W. H. Marshall on Tuosday last was well attended. -The next meeting will bo at the home of Ethel Bunnell's at Brooksldo farm. Florence Pregnall, of 'East Ho&es- f ifl. who has been visiting her aunt. $300,000.00 Depository. Henry Z. Russell, Horace T. Menner, Louis J. Dorflinger, Andrew Thompson, Saturday evenings from 7:30 to 8:30. n n nn-n n n Mrs. W. D. Buckingham, returned home last week. Ira K. Bishop and daughter, May Richmond, entertained Mr. and Mrs. George Van Wert of Western Penn sylvania on Tuesday of last week. 'Mrs. William Weeks and Mrs. E. Gutheil, of White Mills, were visit ing friends here last week. Ray Bay and wife, of East Hones dale called on the latter's brother, Earl Ham, on Friday last. Down at Smith's hall they had a good time on Saturday evening at tripping the light fantastic until mid night. They were there from White Mills, Honesdale.r-Bcachlpke .and Swamp, Brook'. ' ' ' ' ' - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wagner and daughter Mildred, spent Tuesday last with Cherry Ridge friends. Messrs. Lozo and Olver have put rllHnn ti 11,. I . , 1 I -.,11,1,1, III 111 .L I I 11 1 1.1,1, dltlon. The Berlin schools will reopen on September 9. 1 Frances Gray, who nas spent tne summer at Chicago State College and other large cities in the west, has .returned home and will soon go to, Hawloy where she will teach In tna Mlgn scnoot at tnai piace. Richard, Davey and son Charles of Beachlake, are doing carpenter work f6r W..C. Spry at the Old Red kock farm. , , " ' C. .Brooks' and family, of Hones- dale, we're recent guests"at the home oi w. 11. .uarsuuii uuu lauin), Mrs. Isabella" Htfrn, of Scranton, Is visiting relatives at this place, Beach- lak'e' and Tdrrey. ' , Mr. and 'Mrs. C. , T. Weeks of Grand View fqxni, aro entertaining several city guest's. -t-. Going to the celebration? Why of course. SEELYVILLE. (Special to The Citizen.) Seelyvllle, Aug. 19. Madaline Winters, of Brooklyn, Is visiting Miss Graco Erk. Born, on August 1, a son, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Molter. Mrs. Walter Moules, In company with her mother and sister of Canaan, left Saturday for a visit with relatives In Central Village, Conn William Schott. of Lackawaxen, spent Saturday and Sunday with his son, George, or this place. Bernice Kolmus Is visiting his friend, Doris Wilson, ot Wilkes Barre. The Ladies' Aid society cleared $.1G at their social hold In the chapel on Wednesday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hawkey and daughter Hazel, ot Wilkes-Barre, spent Sunday with relatives here. Miss Hazel will remain tor tue Wayno county celebration. Tho Ladles' Aid society will meet with Mrs. Chauncoy Purdy on Wed nesday afternoon of this week. Margaret Purdy has returnod from a visit with relatives tn Schenectady, N. Y. Lewis Mackle Is spending his va cation with his parents here. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Havo Always Bought Bears the Signature WANTED EXPERIENCED RIBBON WEAVERS: l'leco work; can mako 918.00 per week, but ,lro guaranteeing $1Q.OO) per week of 55 hburs. Marrlod peo ple preferred. Scliauiu & Ulillnger lUgh-sieed double deck looms. Ap ply by letter only to VIRGINIA SELK COMlA"NY. INC. South Richmond Va. - 50tf ft 5 'J f t f K V K DIRECTORS: Homer Greene. James C. Blrdsall, E. B.' Hardenbergh, Philip R. Murray. X t n .x,x n n-n i State of Ohio, City of -Tqledo,; Lucas County. SS Frank J. Cheney makes 'oath tUpt he Is senior partner of the flrmiSot F. L. Cheney & Co., doing .business In the City of Toledo, Co'unty and State aforesaid, and thai: said Art' will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRsp DOLLARS for each and every, case- VjUlullU buUl .UUUUI VKi WU..U "J - use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY.-, Sworn to before me and subscr thla fith dnv Slf December, (Seal)' D. 1SS6. VdMC.J UUU - " " .1 JravtnTTit''" 1 U1UUU UUU. U.U..WUW V F. J. CHiINl-lJ. es-JUVJ., r Toledo, O. Sold by ail Druggists, 75c. , XuuO nail a i- aw,i; in-, u wwu stlpation. -CORPORATION NOTICE j 9 To whom It may concern : Notice is' hereby given' that,'unde U L L li U .3 L U L U 11 1. i.iwj . May 31, 1S7, P. l zts, aec. 1, mppfine will bo hold at Chester . Garratt's law office In Honosdalo, Pa -1. .1 n 1- nt Canfomnor I'll VI 11 1 11 u uvu " . 1 ' of s n'finr-v n m. rnr tne nurnose rpnrz.inizinc the Honesdale , Sho 'r.n.ninf nn,1 rtlonHner directors an VUlll,,ii uuu ...n-. u - ofllcers for tne sam company. E. W. LEE. -WM. H. KRANTZ, E. D. PENWARDEN, Wi F. RIEFLER, -JOHN H. WEAVER, tv mTTTi nriTTi ti 1 1 i.r", i'iiii vu PLEAS OF WAYNE COTJTY. Libel in Divorce. No. 104 Oct. Term. 1911. HANNAH MARIA PITTA WA Llbellant, vs ALBERT EDWARD PITTAWA Rpsnondont. m ti ncnT mra'Aiin PITT WAY: You are hereby renuired nnnmr 111 tho R.-l Id Court on the thl Monday in uctoDer. 10 answ tho complaint exhibited to tue jua rf cniri nnnrr iiv unnnaii jiuriu 'I'l away, your wife, In the cause abo complaint may be made against In your absence. F. C. KIMBLE, Sheriff. Snarlo A: Salmon. Attorneys. TTntinarialA Al,r IX I'll'' ll . PLEAS OF WAYNE COl'NTi. Libel In Divorce No. 142 Jan. Term, 1912. vs. tt tmmn rrTr nnonnmlanr To IIATTIE DODGE: ou hnrnhv ronuired to aiipear In saI1 f!nnrt on the third Monday October, to answer tho compla oxhibltod to tuo juugo 01 sain co by Edgar W. Dodge, your uusba' in tho causo aoovo statea. or in fault thereof a decree of divorce prayed for In said complaint may mado against you In your absonc F. C. KDIBLE. Shoriff Searlo & Salmon. Attorneys. Honesdale. Aug. 13. 1912; Co iri Wayne cojinty. uon t afraid to write this office paper and stamped envelo