The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, August 21, 1912, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Scml-Weckly rounded 108; Weekly Founded 1811.
Published Wednesdays and Fridays by
Entered ns second-class matter, at tho postofflco, Honesdalc, Pa.
11 DonmNorn.
Our friends who favor us Kith contributions, and desire to have the same re
anted, ihould in every case enclose stumps for that purpose.
" " TERMS:
SIX MONTHS 75 ONE MONTH . . . ;.13c
Remit by Express Money Order, Draft, Postofflco Order or Registered
letter. Address all communications to Tho Citizen, No. S03 Main street,
Honesdale, Pa. .
All notices of shows, or other entertainments held for tho purposo 01
making money or any items that contain advertising matter, will only bo
admitted to this paper on payment of regular advertising rates. Notices
of entertainments for tho benefit of churches or for charltablo purposes
where a fee is charged, will be published at half rates. Cards of thanks,
50 cents, memorial poetry and resolutions of respect will be charged for
at the rnte of a cent a word. Advertising rates on application.
WEDNESDAY", AFGVST 111, 11112.
For President,
State Treasurer,
Auditor General,
District Congressman,
Balance your living accounts each
day. and happy you if you find the
credit on the side of being instead of
Charles Dudley Warner has said
" that everybody ought to be born in
a little red farmhouse with a stone
wall around It." Now we don't be
lieve It makes any difference wheth
er or not that farmhouse has a
stone wall around it, or whether its
color be red or white or green, ibut
we do say that the boy born on the
farm is born in the realm of oppor
tunity. Joslah Strong also said that
"were he to be born again, and
were Providence to permit him the
choice of a place of birth, he would
say, By all means, let it be on a
More opportunities offer them
selves to the young people on the
farm than to any other class of young
people. Our city cousins may laugh
at us, but let them laugh; it is only
because they don't know a "good
thing when they see It."
MITTEEMEN. While the demand is general
among Republicans for the with
drawal from the Republican elec
toral ticket of candidates for the of
fice of presidential elector who are
opposed to President Taft, the atti
tude of Roosevelt members of the
Republican state and county commit
tees should not pass unnoticed.
These committees were named b
the recent Republican state conven
tion which was in complete control
of the Progressives, and are known
to contain the names of many men
who are ardent supporters of Col.
Roosevelt and his candidacy. It
should bo perfectly plain to these
committeemen that they are In prac
tically the same position as t'ae
Roosevelt candidates for the offlce
of presidential elector on the Repub
lican ticket, and that, in order
consistent and honest they should at
once withdraw. It Is tho duty of the
Republican state and county com
mittees to conduct the campaign for
the election of the Republican can
didates for president and vice-president.
Any committee member who
cannot conscientiously, whole-heartedly
and without reserve work to
ward this end has no proper place on
tho committee and no moral right
to remain on it. In justice to him
self and to his own character he
should not permit himself to occupy
so equivocal a position. To hold a
commission as an olllcer in an army
while either secretly plotting or
openly working to assist the enemy,
is a position which every honest man
will seek to avoid. The Republicans
of this state want a square deal.
They do not question the right of any
man to sever his relations with his
party or to join a new party and
work for it If he so desires, but they
do demand that there shall be no
treachery among their own officers
or in the ranks.
Col. Roosevelt In his "confession of
faith" and in his Chicago platform
very effectively punctures tho Demo
cratic fallacy of free trade. Follow
Ing tho Republican platform plank
on tho subject, and President Taffs
strong denunciation of tho "tariff for
revenue only" doctrine, It places tho
chief policy of tho Democratic party
very much on tho defensive. Unless
tho Progressive party should collapse
before tho campaign closes, by rea'
the Citizen Publishing Company.
son of the weight of its own particu
lar fallacies, It may be of consider
able assistance in carrying on the
educational campaign against the
free trade heresy. The weak at
tempt of the Democratic party at Bal
timore to steal the Progressive
thunder prior to the Chicago Roose
velt convention, caused the Pro
gressive guns to be trained princl
nally on Democratic policies. While
Republicans are denounced briefly
as thieves and robbers, Democrats
are characterized at great length as
lacking In those essential elements
which distinguish the wise man
from the fool.
For such assistance, therefore, as
the new party can render In the
fight for reasonable protection of
our American industries, we should
all be truly grateful. Yet what a
pity it is that instead of dividing
the protective forces of the coun
try and putting in jeopardy the
prosperity and happiness of the
great bulk of our citizens, Col
Roosevelt should not have seen fit
to lay aside his personal ambition
and personal vindictiveness, and
lend his unquestioned energy and
ability to the Republican party in
its continued and Increased busi
ness prosperity. As it is, he has
split the only party that stands be
tween the American people and
business disaster with Its attendant
losses to the wage earner as well as
the business man, and has jeopardiz
ed the prosperity of the country;
and all this on tho sole issue that
the Republican convention refused
to seat his delegates, thereby de
prlving him of the Republican pres
idential nomination. Col. Roosevelt
has lost an opportunity which will
never return to him, to be of real
service to his country.
President Taft said on Friday o
last week to the members of the
Maryland Republican Association
who called on him in a body at the
White House: " If there are any men
on that list (of presidential electors)
who are not going to vote for the
men at the neaa oi tnai ucxei, i
don't hesitate to say that they are
dishonest men, in that they are hold
ing out to the people who are to vote
for them implied promise that they
will vote for the names on tho ticket
when they in fact Intend to vote for
somebody else."
This is exactly tho position taken
by Tho Citizen Immediately after the
close of the Republican national con
vetnion. President Taffs language
applies with peculiar force to those
candidates for the offlce of presiden
tial elector in Pennsylvania who
still remain on the Republican ticket
while openly supporting the candi
date of tho Progressive party for
President. It is Impossible to un
derstand how these men, If they pro
pose to remain on the ticket, can rec
oncile their attltudo with tho plain
est principles of political honesty. H
Is asido from the marl: to say that
President Taft's nomination was
stolen and that he is not entitled to
receive Republican votes. It Is not
President Taft's fortunes with which
these men are juggling so much as It
Is the constitutional right of more
than half a million Republican vo
ters of 'Pennsylvania to express their
will at the polls and have that will,
so expressed, recorded In tho elector
al college. 'President Taft is quite
right when ho characterizes as dis
honest the attltudo of a candidate
for elector who will permit his name
to stand In tho Taft and Sherman
column on the ballot, while ho in
tends, if elected, to cast his vote in
tho electoral college for someone
Why should there bo any further
delay on tho part of tho Republi
cans of Pennsylvania in organizing
for tho re-election of President Taft?
It Is now practically two months
since tho Republican national nomi
nations were made; tho election will
occur within tho next threo months.
Thoro Is no tlmo to bo lost.
Tho Republicans of tho State are
confronted by an unprecedented sit
uation. There should bo no delay in
meeting It.
It 13 not a question of Penroso on
one side and Fllnn on the other.
Mr. Flinn Is no longer a Republican,
and can have no authority to speak In ,
the Republican name. Ho can and
must be treated as the common ,
enemy of the party ns any Demo-
crat Is seek ng as ho and nil Roose-
velt supporters do the party s de-
feat and destruction. Tho State
Committee masquerading as Repub-,
llcnn s rniistltntnd n tH mnlnrltv nf ,
One should bo created at once, one
that shall have the recognition and
co-operation of tho National Commit
tee. It is futile, if not fatal, to wait
until the contemplated change in tho
electoral ticket has been completed.
That will be delayed by the enemies
of the party as long as possible with
the purpose of cnuslng further em
barrassment. Immediate organiza
tion of the Republican forces would
greatly promote prompt and neces
sary action that will assure voters
of an electoral ticket whose integrity
all can have confidence In.
Hundreds of thousands of alw.ivn '
loyal Pennsylvania Republicans, to
gether with many, many thousands
who supported Roosevelt at the pri
maries but who cannot follow him
now that he Is no longer a Republi
can, aro impatient for organization
and leadership, for action that will
give confidence and strength to the
Republican cause
Delay encourages doubt and costs 1
confidence. There should be immcdl-1
ate action. Philadelphia Press. I
Theoodre Roosevelt was elected
President in 1904, and served four
years. His administration cost the
people of this country three billion,
live hundred and twenty-two million,
nine hundred and eighty-two thous
and, eight hundred and sixteen dol
lars and ninety-seven cents ($3,-
522,9S2,S1G.97). This is twice as
much as the combined administra
tions of Washington, Adams, Jeffer
son, Madison, Monroe. John Qulnceyi
Adams, Van Buren, Harrison, Tyler
Polk, Taylor, Fillmore, Pierce and
Buchanan. His two administrations
were the most extravagant In the
history of the United States and was
the main cause of the people electing
a Democratic Congress. His two
administrations cost the people of
this country approximately seven
billion, seven hundred and forty mil
lion dollars (?7, 740,000, 000). This
Is more than double the appropria
tion for the four years of the Civil
War. Just think of it, Mr. Voter,
these are llgures from the govern
ment record and cannot be disputed.
Just jog your memory and you will
recall the fact that the cost of living
began to increase during Roosevelt's
term as President, and it has gained
such a momentum that no legisla
tion has been able to step it increas
ing. If the Bull Moose and Trust
Creator Perkins get another chance
at the National Treasury what will
become of the taxpayers? Can we
afford the luxury of another term
for this man who believes he is
greater than Washington or Jeffer
W. B. Derrick Says That He
Support Taft.
Bishop William B. Derrick, of the
African Methodist church, and a pow
er among the colored voters of the
United States, has announced that
he was going to vote for William H.
Taft for President, as against his
former friend, Theodore Roosevelt.
He gave It as his opinion that Taft
would win.
Bishop Derrick's home is in No.
3C State street, Flushing, and at the
time of his Interview recently he was
preparing for a trip of three weeks to
Boston and Nova Scotia. He had
just returned from a trip through
Michigan and West Virginia. In an
swer to a question he said:
" I am going to vote for President
William H. Taft."
Continuing, he said that when
Roosevelt returned from his African
hunting trip he was the man of the
" But he has deliberately turned
his back on the colored people of
America," said the Bishop. " Ho lost
his friends when he turned down the
Republican party. His declaration
that tho negro can have no voice in
his party will loso him many votes."
Ho Wrote "I Love to Tell tiio Story"
mill Other Hymns.
William Gustave Fischer, known
throughout the world wherever tho
Christian religion is to be found for
his hymns, died Tuesday night at his
home, 209 North Thirty-sixth street,
Philadelphia, after a brief Illness.
The best known of tho more than
200 hymns which Mr. Fischer com-
posed Is "I Love to Tell the Story."
Another hymn known to every Sun-
day school child In this country Is
those who are traitors to the Rcpub-, .Mir nnci . iue. w o n uccu w, "a " "t, " 0ak Knob
llcan cause, with some i protended , for some e. is able to sit up . manager,
supporters of the Republican Presi- D. K. Iladsali, of Jersey Utj, b . . m ..
dcntlal nominee who are not unjust- Joined his wife here yesterday. Mrs. SCni n n woo,U
ly regarded as traitors in the camp. lIuM . has hero wee 8. Jhe l.tta r place ha g jood
?.rc. ! ? "0P Lb"" rB'za-!UoiJe,r,rly. ?"m"?,8n no water attraction only that at-
"Whiter than Snow." Other hymns I told who tho time piece belonged to
which aro favorites and appear in j and the gentleman promptly sent
most of the hymn books are, "I Am I It back to Mr. Baehrer. Mr. Baehrer
Trusting Lord, in Thee," and "A I had slipped tho watch past his pock
Little Talk With Jesus." ! et instead of into it.
Mrs. Fischer was well known Marvin N. Brigham will be tho in
among religious bodies In this coun- structor in tho Tyler Hill school the
try, and wherever he appeared he
was singled out for honor, in tho
famous Mody and Sankey religious
meetings held In tho old freight
depot which occupied the site of tho
present Wanamakor store, Mr.
Fischer directed tho chorus, which
was of more than 1,000 voices. Ho
delighted In telling of this chorus
and of tho work ho accomplished
with it.
Tho Towanda Daily Review, ono
of tho best dallies published in a
town of 3,000 population, has just
passed its 34th year. It celebrated
tho event by installing a new No. 8
model linotypo direct from tho fac
tory. Brother Doano Is an up-to-dato
newspaper man, and knows
Just how to do tho right thing at
tho right time. May success con
tinue to follow tho Review.
Glenn R. Bennett Clifford
Leu II. Hasbrook Clifford
George P. Knapp. . . .Norwich, N. Y.
Gladys B. Hawley Lookout
ni"l MlAnn WAIICV finillPP
,,,, .(ll.iusril,,ls ivimeil for Peru
Mll an(1 .Ci-Mliinls to Plon-e
(i,0 ivonlc
, , ' !,, .
bpeciai to Tiio Citizen.)
Damascus, auk.
much needed and extensive repairs
on their church ediilce. The front
of the basement will be mostly glass
when completed.
Miss Korna Keesler, of Canas
tota, N. Y'., and brother, Donald, are
visiting at the home of their grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Keesler.
Miss Lillic Appley, matron in
charity home In Mount Clair, N. J.,
Is here at the home of her brother,
Aniasa. She Is accompanied by one
of the boys of the institution. The
children are kept at that institution
until the age of fourteen, then they
are placed In good families. Both
sex are received but kept in separate
C. H. Valentine, undertaker, has
everything neat and clean around his
Auto owners oucht to accumulate i
some of the "lilthy" at the rate of
$1 an hour toting joy riders.
A. V. Tyler has another new
branch of employment. It is col-
lecting beech branches to a firm in
Brooklyn, N. Y. They are used for
I decorating purposes. The branches
and leaves are subjected to a treat
ment and the leaves dyed the desir
ed shade needed for any particular
use to which they may be put. The
branchos are cut from threo to six
feet as desired and carefully packed
In crates and shipped In this man
ner. Mr. Tyler says these crates get
badly smashed when sent by local
freight and hereafter he will ship
only in car lots. He has been ship
ping rhododendron plants for sev
eral years on an extensive scale.
The Bischoff Bros, are trying a
piece of alfalfa. They have their
house full of boarders the entire sea
son through. Five new arrivals are
booked for Monday of this week,
They never advertise, well-pleased
patrons send others.
Royal J. Gregg, wife and two chil
dren, of Providence, R. I., are at the
home of Mr. Gregg's parents, W. A.
Gregg and wife. Mrs. R. J. Gregg
made an extended visit with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Benja
min, of Union, N. Y. They intend
to remain here two weeks.
The people of Damascus township
ought to give their poormasters,
Messrs. J. M. Pollock and N. P. Den
nis, for the careful and judicial ful
fillment of their duties. It certainly
must be gratifying to the taxpayers
to know that they have no poor tax
to pay this year, an occurrence that
many of them have never before,
Some from this section intend to
see the grand celebration to take
place at the "county seat" next week
Earl Barnes visited his father, W
J. Barnes, of Honesdale, last week
The genial face and portly form
of our popular and efficient sheriff,
F. C. Kimble, was seen in several
places in Damascus last week. There
is game out here and our wide
awake officials have an eye on it
That is what we have them for.
A brother of the Blschoff's recent
ly visited them. He motored here
from Baltimore, Md., in a Ford car,
the machine registering 800 miles,
and everything and machinery of the
car working like clock work. He
made the entire trip without acci
dent or incident.
A pick-up nine went from here
last Thursday to cross bats with the
Long Eddy nine. We have not
learned what the score was.
Newton Cornish, who for many
years was the foreman In E. Beach
& Sons', Rock Glen Stamp tannery,
at Milanville, is now here looking
up what few of his old friends and
acquaintances are still left this side
of the Great Divide. His wife who
was Carrie, a daughter of tho late
Clinton Skinner. The home of Mr.
Cornish has been In Orlando, Flori
da, for several years. While Geo.
C. Abraham and wife were south a
year ago, they visited this couplo
at their southern home. He must
llnd that during his absence of a
quarter of a century tho ravages of
Time must be great. The old tan
nery with which he was once so
familiar in all its parts, has long
since been razed apd an acid factory
erected near the same old spot.
Long ranks of cord wood supplants
the huge stacks of hemlock bark, old
faces have disappeared, old land
marks have been effaced.
Relatives from Connecticut aro
visiting at the home of W. L. Jack
son. Henry Baehrer recently lost his
watch. It was picked up between
, L.
r. Baehrer's harness shop and T.
Pethick's blacksmith shop, by a
traveling man on his way to Milan
ville. A 'phone message sent ahead
coining school year. Mr. Brigham
holds a state ccrtiticate and has been
in tho profession for many years.
John S. Mosher Is entertaining a
sister and sister-in-law from tho
Mrs. Ernest Lawton of Central !
New York state, and family, are I
visiting relatives In these parts. Mr.
Lawton was formerly pastor of the
Baptist church of this place. !
Our uoigiiDors across tho river are
to celebrate tho centennial of their
church on Thursday, tho 22d inst.
Rov. Thoron Brlttnin, who was tho
pastor of that church for a long per
iod of years, will read tho history of
the church during tho past cen
tury. Fred Price had a horso injured,
he says, about two months ago
while hauling lumber from Dod
son's mill at Skinner's Falls, and
lays tho blamo to tho condition of
tho road. Tho animal is still dis
abled but Is on tho gain.
Mrs. L. A. Mitchell and family, of
Hornells. N. Y aro visiting Mrs.
Mitchell's father, Tobias Smith, and
other relatives here.
Nelson Alfast recently delivered
1 ten of his herd of dairy cows to
Coihecton to be shipped to a party
in Orange county, N. Y.
1 Will Balkeom and wife, of Port
1 Jervls, N. Y., arc making their an-
nunl visit with L. A. Brush, Mrs.
Dolkcom's former home.
The Reaver mm House, James
the Delaware. This house ia on a
high knoll or rise of ground sur
rounded by tho forest, hence the
name. It Is too bad that so attrac
tive a placo as Laurel Lake should
remain closed for lack of enterprise.
There Is capital enough lying loose
in Honesdale and brains to back it,
to tako hold of such a thing and push
It to their own advantage and the
accommodation of others.
One of the most sad and sudden
deaths that wo have been called up
on to report occurred on Thursday
afternoon of last week, when Miss
Cornelia Beetz of Ridge street passed
'Suddenly and quietly away in Dr.
I Reed Burns' hospital, Scranton,
i where she had gone for an operation
for varicose veins. Miss Beetz had
apparently recovered from the opera
tion and had Intended to return
home on Friday or Saturday, follow
ing the day she was called to her
Heavenly Home. Miss Beetz was
reading a letter from a little nephew
when she suddenly expired. Death
being due to a weak heart.
The announcement of Miss Beetz's
demise shocked her many Honesdale
relatives and friends, who were look
ing forward with much pleasure to
her return home, she having written
a letter to tnat enect oniy tne ciay
before. But her Master had need
of her and He beckoned unto her
and she went to the Heavenly Home
instead. Her life was full of sun
shine and her Christian character
will never be forgotten. Truly her
life was the reflection of her gentle
Master's, she having done all the
good sho could to whom she could
and whenever she could. Her dis
position was sweet and her life pure.
Miss Beetz was a favorite among
young people, who deeply mourn
their loss. The deceased was a great
help in the Lutheran church of which
she had been a member several
years. She belonged to the Young
People's Society and was an ardent
worker in her Master's vineyard.
Whenever church and other organi
zations had home talent plays or en
tertainments, Miss Beetz took lead
ing parts. She was especially adapt
ed to this line of work and always
received a hearty applause when
ever she came before the public. Her
last appearance on the stage was in
"She Stoops to Conquer," when she
took the part of the "Maid," given
under the auspices of tho Y'oung
Men's Hebrew Association.
Miss Beetz was born in Honesdale
43 years ago, and was a daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Beetz. Besides
her father, one sister, Mrs. Philip
Dlrlam, both of Cherry Ridge, and
one brother, John, of Honesdale, sur
vive. Miss Beetz kept house for her
brother on Ridge street, where about
a year ago they completed building a
line modern home. She will be
greatly missed in the home, by the
neighbors and also by a large con
course of loving and admiring
The funeral of our departed sister
was held at St. John's Lutheran
church, Sunday afternoon at 2
o'clock, a prayer having been made
at the house at 1:30 by her pastor,
Rev. C. C. iMiller, before the cortege
went to the church. The Young Peo
ple's Society and Gravity Improve
ment association attended In bodies.
The sermon, delivered by her late
pastor, was very Impressive. Tho
floral contributions wero many and
beautiful. Miss Beetz's remains were
tenderly carried to the grave In St.
John's Lutheran cemetery by I. A.
Hartman, W. J. Haggerty. Louis
Korb, Nicholas Stegner, John Pohlo
and George Ripple, members of the
Y. P. S.
Dwler In
Fancy Teas, Coll'ccs, Groceries and
Fancy Corn, ii cans 23
Fancy Tomatoes, 2 cans 21
Potatoes, pk 33
:l I'kus. Post Toasties 25
1 pks. Corn Stnreli 23
Fruits and Vegetables of nil kinds.
Waldorf-Astoria Coffee, Special
512 South Main Street
. f - 1 .1 . I 4 1.
a lonc-dlstnnce view of
It Pays To Buy a Good Silo
The llrst silos sold In Wayne county were Harder Silos. They
aro still in use and in good condition. Other silos hae given
various degrees of satisfaction but the Harder suits everyone.
If it pays to have a silo It is surely proiltablo to buy tho best.
Harder silos cost a little moro than common silos but when you
erect ono you havo mado a permanent improvement. A silo must
bo perfect to save your ensilago properly. A slight defect may
cause a large loss. Do not take chances. Buy a Harder and bo
Everything for the Farm. Honesdale, Pa.
Hni Cured Worst discs and You Can
Prove It for Ouly 23 Cents.
Yes, try Zemo. That's all you
need do to got rid of tho worst
caso of eczema. You tako no chance,
It Is no experiment. Zemo ia posi
tively guaranteed to stop itching,
rash, raw, bleeding eczema, make a
pimpled faco smooth and clean.
Zemo is a wonder and the minuto
applied it sinks In, vanishes, leaves
no evidence, doesn't stick, no grease,
Just a pure, clean, wonderful liquid
and it cures. This la guaranteed
Zemo Is put up by the E. W. Roso
Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo., and
sold by all druggists at $1 for tho
largo bottlo and at 25 cents for tho
liberal size trial bottle. Try ono 25
cent bottle and bo convinced. Sold
in Honesdale by A. M. Lclne.
Alderman OfliciuthiK at Ceremony
Tips Bciiiu at HOO.
New York, Aug. 19. A 133-pound
printer, who doesn't stand more than
5 feet 3 in. In his stocking feet, took
to himself C50 pounds weigh 'em,
650 of brido to-day.
The colossal knot was tied on tho
groaning floring of Borough Hall,
Brooklyn, after a cracking, wheezing
taxlcab had brought the blushing
couple thither.
Miss Alpine Blitch, who gets a sal
ary down at Coney Island for letting
the public marvel at her stupendous
ness, was the bride, and Louis H.
Aiken, of Springfield, Mass., was tho
printer who won her.
The best man was Alderman Jas.
Martyn. He was also tho man for
the place, for he tips the beam at an
even 300 pounds.
As the bride and bridegroom start
ed for their taxicab photographers
advanced. Aiken flung up his hat to
cover the bride's face, but, alas, it
was not large enough!
The trouble with most young men
Is that they do not understand tho
dignity of manual labor. They do
not realize honors and fortune may
toe more readily gained outside tho
so-called learned professions than
in them; and that it is just as honor
able to swing a hammer or to hold
a plow as it is to make a speech in
court or amputate a limb. The
young men should be taught as early
as possible that It is not so much
what a man does for a living as how
he does It. and that manual labor Is
as honorable as any other.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis, of Ros
lyn, N. Y, are being entertained by
the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
W. Baker on East Street Extension.
Sour Stomach
Gas and Heartburn Stopped in
Five Minutes.
Get rid of Indigestion.
Or dyspepsia, or whatever you call
your stomach misery.
Drive out tho sourness.
Lift off the heaviness.
Stop tho fermentation of food.
Banish gas, heartburn, foul
breath, dizziness, headaches, nerv
ousness, nightsweats and bad dreams
Get a 50 cent box of MI-O-XA tab
lets at Pell's, the druggist, to-day.
Ho guarantees them for any of tho
diseases named above or for any,
stomach distress.
No better prescription for Indiges
tion was ever written.
MI-O-NA makes the stomach vig
orous and strong enough to digest
food without aid. For salo by Pell,
tho druggist, and druggists every
where. oooooooooooooooooooooooooo
May destroy the sav
ings of years. The most !
careful person is not
exempt. Insure your
Life & Property with
Bentley Bros.
Fire, Life, Accident,
X Office uH Post otllce llunesdiiu- I'a.
? lonsolulated Pbune 1-9-1