ttttCtt Why Walt for nujcT"- The Want Ad Department .o Citi zen Gets Them QuIcTj nly a Penny n Word. . Tlio Citizen Is Getting New Ad vertisers Every Week. Merchants Know llils Is n Good Advertising Medium. 70th YBAR.--NO. 66 HONESDALE, WAYNE CO., PA., PEIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1912. PRICE CENTS ARRESTED FOR ARSON Mrs. Anno Niemann, n Suspect, Com mitted to Jail on Serious Charge Evidence Strong Against Her Told Number of Conllictlng Stories. Mrs. Anne Niemann, widow of the i?;Lf n. n,,oLT?i fS; ,1 wl, , 5ellersvllle, Pa., have been obtained street, was arrested for arson Wed-, ,,,, ni hirii no,ln t T tl nnMncnn'i 10 judge tiie Dirds. WAVNE COUNTY POULTRY ASSOCIATION. The Wayne County Poultry Asso ciation have planned to niako the ex hibit at the fair this year one of the best in the "history of the organiza tion. Tho services of J. L. Purple, associate editor of the Poultry Item, nesday morning In J. D. Robinson's Insurance agency by Detective N. B. Spencer. The warrant was Issued to the complainant, Detectlvo Spencer, by Esquire R. A. Smith, after the form er had .made an examination of the homo of Mrs. Niemann, following Tuesday's morning's mysterious Are. Prom evidence gained Detective Spencer felt Justlfled in taking the action that 'ho did. Mrs. Niemann was presented be fore Esquire Smith and before he' had chanco to read the complaint to her, Mrs. Niemann had the floor and in fact kept It. The complaint read for arson, wantonly and maliciously and with Intent to destroy and burn said building, set Are to a certain dwelling house belonging to Attorney Frank P. Kimble and situated across the Farnham bridge, Honesdale, be ing the west side of River street. Mrs. Niemann talked and talked and then some more. In the mean time Detectlvo Spencer told the Jus tice that he had made a thorough ex amination of the place and had found an old sweater thoroughly sat urated with kerosene oil placed In the etuddlng of the said building against the woodwork in the cellar of the house. He also stated that paper, straw, and old clothes were found protruding in different parts of the cellar. Matches were strewn upon the floor and that llres were burning in two places at tho same time. He related to Justice Smith how the fire men stated Mrs. Niemann told them there was no Are In the building and Mr. Purple will bo in attendance all through tho fair and will gladly answer questions on poultry either fancy or utility. Through his years of experience Mr. Purple Is well fitted for this duty, having visited a largo number of the leading poultry farms in tho United States. There will bo on exhibition many hrpeda that to tho laymen aro new. i Among theso are the Camplnes, a Belgian Breed noted for Its beautiful plumage and Its ability as an egg machine. The Indian Runner Duck, the leg horn of the duck family will also be exhibited. It Is hoped a pen of Sicilian Buttercups will also be shown. This Is also a new breed In this section, although they were first impdTted from Sicily in 18G2. Don't forget to look up tho poultry building at tho fair. If you have some good birds don't bo afraid to exhibit them; in this way you will learn their defects and the next year try and weed It out. THREE BOYS LOSE LIVES THROUGH FIRE AT BEACH LAKE TWO IVES BROTHERS AMONG DEATH NUMBER Other Brother Has Narrow Escape-Jumps From Second Story Window of Bowling Alley Property Owned By William Ives, Father of the BoysFire Started 3:15 A. M. on Same Floor Where Boys Slept-John Gow, New York, One of the Victims. STATE COLLEGE DEAN SEES FUTURE ON FARM Dr. Arthur Holmes Points Out Use of Agricultural Colleges and What They Are Doing. Philadelphia, Aug. 15. Dr. Ar thur Holmes, assistant professor of nsvrtinlnirv nf tlif tlnlvprsltv nf Punn. how she tried to prevent them from ; sylvania, will leave his present posl- entering the cellar. Mrs. Niemann also told the Justice that there was no lire in the place. After listening to the phonographic-like words that fell out of Mrs. Niemann's mouth the justice held Mrs. Niemann under ?200 ball. Being unable to secure any one to go her ball Mrs. Niemann was turned over to Sheriff F. C. Kim ble's custody. After the fire Mrs. Niemann and her daughter made several visits" to Mr. Robinson's insurance agency. She said her claim for damage amounted to $15. The fire, by the. way, did not reach the first floor and consequently no damage was done to the contents, which are meager. At one time the house was nicely furnished but after Mr. Nie mann's death a few, months, ago, the widow conducted a sale. Nearly all of the household effects. It Is claim ed, have since been disposed of. Mr. Niemann carried $500 on his machinery and second-hand articles that he had for sale and a separate policy of $500 was carried on the household furniture. It is claimed that Mrs. Niemann has means whereby she could give security and be released from jail. She Is a woman about 55 years of age and has one daughter, who lives with her mother. The young lady has appealed to Scranton relatives for aid. BEAR ABUNDANT IN STATE No Difficulty About Sport This Fall, Say Well-known Sportsmen. "B'ar huntin' " will bo good In Pennsylvania this fall, as, Judging from reports made to the State Game Commission's men, bruin is not only abundant 'but in some of the north ern counties comes pretty near to be ing a nuisance. Hears have been breeding rather extensively In the last half-dozen years and the ap pearance of a lively specimen Is re ported from many camps this sum mer, including thoso on State forest reserves. The bear season will not onen un til October 1 and the law nermits the killing of an unlimited number of tho animals by hunters, and farmers and woodsmen win prooauly bag many through traps, although tho use of steel traps Is now prohibited. Tho bears have been reported In many of the Central Pennsylvania counties tho last few years, some being seen within a short distance of Harris burg, and in mountain communities the farmers have been bothered by tne depredations or hears close to barnyards and In gardens. Many reports of bears wore made to Dr. Joseph Kalbfus, secretary of the State Game Commission, on his recent tour of the northern part of mo Mate ana no expects tho season to bo marked by some excellent bear ehootlng. As a rule Dr. Kalbfus found game abundant In tho state tho absence of forest fires and the conditions In tho spring being favor auie ror propagation. Rapid progress on tho completion or tne ouuaings at tho Cresson sana torlum of the State Department of iieaun is Deing made and tho in stallatlon of tho heating system will begin this week. Tho contractors aro required to have tho buildings ready in the oarly part of October and Commissioner of Health Samuel G Dixon hopes to have tho first patients sent to the establishment beforo No vember. The now sanatorium Is al ready attracting much attention and has had a number of visitors from other States. tlon In the fall to become dean of State college, filling a post which has been vacant for more than two years. Doctor Holmes has been with the university for four years, and Is one of its most popular professors, not only because of his academic work, but his strong personality as well. His resignation will be greatly re gretted by the entire student body, One of the chief reasons why Doc tor Holmes was selected for this Im portant position was because of his Influence over the student, and his greatest task at State college will be to develop character In the men who have hitherto had no one to take personal Interest In them. Speaking of tho agricultural possl billties for the young men of the country, Doctor Holmes says: "There Is no reason why farming should not be as much of a profes sion, requiring just as much special lzation, as law or medicine. Given such scientific training, the returns will be as great, if not greater, than In many other professions. "Farming formerly gave good re turns even when blindly done, be cause tho soil was rich enough to stand it; but now that all the free lands are taken up and the soil Is becoming less fertile, owing to mis use, returns naturally decrease, and tho cry Is raising that farming no longer pays. Then along camo the agricultural college, and the farm ers' Institute to point out remedies and new methods of farming, and we find scientific principles taking the place of tho old blind methods, with the result that farming is again be coming a paying (proposition, which our young men will take up "Tho economic reason is not the only cause, however, for the young men deserting the farms. I consider that tho social Instinct, the desire of youth to bo with others of Its kind has had quite a3 much to do with tho flocking Into the cities as any other reason. Here, again, wo find a change. With tho extension of the rural delivery, tho telephone and the trolley, one no longer has to live in crowded cities to ilnd an outlet for ono's social, physical and Intellectual needs. "Tho V. M. C. A. Is beginning to recognize and cope with this problem by going into every small village and town and establishing a club room, with courses of Interesting and In structive lectures. Then they organ ize a team of some sort and get the young mon interested In various sports. Then, too, tho throwing open of the school houses as social centers helps to lncreaso the facili ties for social lntercourso and lessen the need of the cheap amusements of the city and render them less de slrable." Dr. Holmes was very enthusiastic over tho prospects of good positions which ho sail wore waiting for tho graduates or agricultural colleges " When men just out of college can obtain positions as scientific managers of farms at $75 or $100 a month, with board and lodging thrown In, It can scarcely bo said that farming Is not a money-making proposition for young men. At that salary enterprising young men will save monoy until they havo enough to buy farms of their own, when they will find their training well repaid "WOMAN APPEATiS TO DISTRICT ATTORNEY SCRANTON, Aug. 15. Mrs. John Wcldmann, whoso husband died on Tuesday at tho Hillside Homo, ap pealed to the District Attorney to day regarding tho death of her hue hand. The matter was turned over (o the county coroner. TO LIGHT VILLAGE TOWN. Former Commissioner John K. Hornbeck, of Equlnunk, purchased a 12-horse power gasollno englno from B. iV. Gammoll on Wednesday which ho will uso In furnishing pow er to generate olcctrlclty to light tho streets or Equlnunk. Mr. Hornbeck formerly used waterwheol to genorato electricity to light bis own homo. Being satisfied that ho would receive tho support of enough parties to make it a paying investment Commissioner Hornbeck purchased the engine. Two boys, Elwood Ives and John Gow, were burned to death and two brothers, Neal and McKinley Ives, sons of William Ives, badly burned in a fire that consumed the latter's ice cream parlors and bowling alley at Beachlake, early Wed nesday morning. The boys slept on the second floor of the bowling alley, which is located on the main road leading to Beachlake and near the Duneden boarding house. They had -retired after a busy day and night's work, business being pretty brisk Tuesday night in the ice cream parlors, as a dance was conduct ed there that evening. The bowling alley building is about 125 feet long and the sleeping apartments of the boys were at the extreme rear on the second floor. Fire broke out at 3:30 Wednesday morning near where the boys slept. The n of fire was given and hundreds of summer guests who are stopping at that popu lar resort answered to the call and offered their assistance. When it was learned that there were three sons of Mr. Ives and a city boarder sleeping in the building, people became almost frantic and a desperate effort was made to rescue them if possible. Work was com menced at once in battering down the front door. As the door fell in, the head of Elwood Ives, 17-year-old son of Mr. Ives, fell out. But alas ! he was dead. He had been suffocated by the smoke. Gentle hands removed his remains from the burning building. His skull and part of the trunk were all of the body that was intact. It was too late, his soul had de parted, leaving behind his grief stricken parents, two brothers and many sympathizing and sorrowing friends. Elwood endeavored to make his escape and had come the en tire length of the building, de scended tne stairs and then tried the front door, but it was ocked. The finding of his body cast a gloom over the community. The remains of John Gow, of New York City, aged 8 years, were tound alter a dilieent search in the debris Wednes day morning. It was first hop ed that he had escaped but his charred bones told a different story. From the position they laid it was evident that he had not moved from the cot but had been suffocated by the smoke. A message was sent to New York City Wednesday morn ing telling the father of his misfortune. Gnef-stncken, he came on Thursday to care for the remains of his son, who nad Been spending his vaca tion at that place. Coroner P. B. Peterson was called at 8 o'clock Wednesday morning. He viewed the char red remains of Elwood Ives and John Gow and stated that there was no occasion for hold ing an inquest. He stated that all that remained of Elwood Ives were his head and part of the trunk of the body. Dr. Purcell, of Narrowsburg, was called and gave attention to Neal and McKinley Ives, the seriously MISSING MINER VISITED GKAV1TY. Robert Patterson of Throop, Had Conversation With Mrs. Shnffer on Thursday Was Bound For Ilnwlcy. Robert Patterson, tho Throop miner, who has been missing from home since a week ago last Thurs day, was In Gravity, Pa., on Thurs day last and Mrs. A. W. Shaffer, cor respondent for Tho Tribune-Republican saw him and talked with him. Mr. Patterson disappeared ten days ago and Mrs. Patterson requested the Scranton police to find him as she feared that he had met with foul prompton DRINK S PONSIBLE Mrs. Bessie Rollson, Prompton, Nico Woman Only When She Drinks Seven Witnesses Testify Agnlnst Her. Mrs. Bessie Kollson, of Prompton, was arraigned before Esquire It. A. Smith Thursday morning on a charge of disorderly conduct, drunk enness and using profane language. Seven witnesses testified against Mrs. Rollson, the complaint being brought against her by Mrs. Adams, of former being quite burned. Neal and McKinley Ives, younger sons of Mr. and Mrs. William Ives, barely escaped with their lives, which they did by jumping out of the second story window. They were both badly burned and are also suf fering from bruises and shock. There is no evidence as to how the building caught fire A dance was held at the place Tuesday night and it is possible that a lighted cigarette or ci gar butt thrown down by some careless and thoughtless person started the conflagration. Another theory is that the place might have caught fire from electric wires, as the place is lighted by electricity, a gaso line engine furnishing power for the generator. Had there been a storage battery this might have been more prob able, but as there was none this theory office is again blasted. Beachlake has become a pop ular summer resort, there be ing at present over 300 guests boarding at the different houses. In view of the fact that entertainment must be furnished, Mr. Ives erected a four ten pin bowling alley, with ice cream parlors attached. The boys, it appears, chose to sleep over the alley rather than in their own home during the summer, it being cooler, they claimed, which accounted for them occupying apartments in that building. Mr. and Mrs. Ives have the profound sympathy of their many Wayne county friends in their bereavement, play, Following Is the letter received from Tho Trlbune-Uepubllcan cor respondent at Gravity: Dear Sir: in your paper of yes terday, August 13, appears tho pic ture of Robert Patterson, of Throop, whose wlfo wishes Information as to his whereabouts. I saw and con versed with this man, plainly the original of tho photograph In your .paper of yesterday, on Thursday, Aug. 8, last. He claimed to have been a miner, to have left his home In Throop on Monday, Aug. 5, on ac count of family troubles. He had passed through Marshwood and Wlm mers beforo reaching our place and seemed to have a "tie" pass to Haw ley, where he wanted to find work on tho new washery. From his con versation, ho was leaving home for good." Scranton Tribune. CELEBRATION TO BE BEST EVER HELD Committees Have Matters Well Un der Way All Are Working Hard for Big Event, August U7-UU, in Honesdale. Neal Ives, who was badly burned Internally, died as tho result of his burns Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. He suffered untold agony as his back, arms and hands were soveroly and deeply burned. Ho In haled tho deadly fumes of the lire, which caused his death. Dospite the fact of being burned so badly, Neal walkod from his home to his grand mother's, Mrs. John Neal, a distance of about a town block, Wednesday morning, whero ho died at 7 o'clock that night. Mrs. Neal cared for tho boy and practically raised him. From tho tlmo Neal entered tho house un til after ho had passed away, Mrs. Neal did not speak a word and par alysis was feared, but sho regained her speech Thursday morning and Is apparently woll today, except to be suffering from the shock. The funeral of Elwood and Neal Ives will bo hold at 10 o'clock Frl day morning from tho Methodist Episcopal church at Beachlake. Rev. Mr. Seymour will preach tho sermon. Both bodies will bo placed in tho same casket and sorrowing and sym pathizlng friends will tenderly lower tho romalns of tho brothers Into ono grave in tho Beachlake cemotory, Besides their, parents, Elwood and Neal Ives aro survived by three brothors, McKlnloy, who escaped by jumping from tho second story of tho bowling alley, Edward, Victor and ono sister, Elizabeth. Hurrah for the Wayne county cele bration! It will be held in Hones dale August 27, 2S and 29. All ar rangements are being made for the big event, which from all reports, will go way ahead of Old Home Week three years ago. At the meeting held last Tuesday evening all committees reported pro gress. All members were present and much enthusiasm was mani fested. The privilege committee has made arrangements for a carnival com pany to give exhibitions on the Del aware and Hudson culm bank. Merry-go-rounds, ferris wheels and other amusement novelties 'will be here, which will enable our people to pass through the "great ".white way." The plot of ground near the Union station has been secured and arc lamps will be placed thereon. Tho musla committee has made arrangements for concerts to be given on the green south of the city hall. Main street will be In flying col ors from one end to the other. Flags, bunting and streamers will predominate. The commltteo desire all to decorate that can. It is their desire to make Honesdale ono mov ing flag. Tho City Hall will bo one of the first public buildings that will bo decorated. The commltteo on transportation havo secured reduced rates on the Delaware and Hudson road. Mid night trains will also leave Hones dale during the celebration. The line of march of the civic, automobile and firemen's parades will bo published In a forthcoming Issue of The Citizen. The Grangers havo the chance of their lives offered to them by the committee. Liberal cash prizes will be awarded. A letter from Chief H. A. Oday states that he will be here August 24 In time to participate In and en joy tho celebration. He stated that the Independent Hose company or Dunmoro were planning to come to Honesdale and intended taking a prize home with them. The soliciting commltteo find It hard to secure tho funds subscribed. They desire thoso who havo sub scribed to kindly remit tho same, as every business man realizes that his own affairs would not thrive long uuless ho had money to carry It on. NOTES. Tho Wlilto Mills flro department was called out Wednesday morning parties seeing tho Beachlake con flagration mistook It for a flro back of Whlto Mills. Mr. Ives carried a largo stock of cut glass In his bowling alloy, which was a heavy loss. Elwood Ires, tho young man who lost his life, was spending his va cation at the home of his parents, being employed at Blnshamton. Mrs. Adams was sworn and testi fied that Mrs. Rollson used had names and talked about people In a slanderous manner, and that she used language unfit for children to listen to. Mrs. Mumm sworn. "On August 8 Mrs. Rollson abused mo and my 16-year-old daughter. She said that my daughter was with her husband, and that my daughter had J 8 of his money. Mrs. Rollson Is In the habit of getting drunk and Is then disor derly." Tho justice asked Mrs. Rollson whether she had anything to say about this and she said: "My hus band came home drunk one day and I asked him What he did with his $8 and he said he gavo it to the girl at tho boarding house." Mrs. Clara Mumm sworn. She corroborated Mrs. Adams' testimony, stating that Mrs. Rollson was drunk and disorderly and used bad lan guage. On the lGth the postmistress ejected Mrs. Rollson from the post- office owing to making a disturbance. Said Mrs. Rollson kept the town peo ple awake different times by her loud talk. Theresa Mlnnor sworn. Mrs. Roll son Is a town nuisance. She dis turbs the people at midnight. I live on the hill and I often hear her from my house. Mrs. Romlch sworn. I can hear Mrs. Rollson from my home. She has spells at night and daytimes. She calls names unfit to repeat before children and ladies. Annie Lassey sworn. Mrs. Rollson calls people bad names and says nasty things about them. She hasn't a good reputation In Promp ton. Mrs. Frank Bodle sworn. Mrs. Rollson uses profane language and called Mrs. Adams vile names. She Is very boisterous at times and says things unfit for children to hear. Mrs. A. E. Snedeker sworn. Mrs. Rollson came into our store and was very disorderly and used profane language. I ordered her out and told her not to come In again. When she is herself she is as nice as anyone need be. Mr. Datsman sworn. Mrs. Roll son Is a nice little lady except when she gets intoxicated. She then uses language unfit for a lady to use. W. S. McMullen, sworn. I heard her misuse Mrs. Adams. Drink caused tho trouble. When straight she is as good as the best of us. She gets Intoxicated quite often. In reply to the Justice when he asked Mrs. Rollson If she had any thing to say she remarked that "Mr. McMullen 'brings lots of this drink to my house that causes this trouble." Frank Bodie, sworn. I never heard a man use as vile language as Mrs. Rollson used when sho talked to Mrs. Adams lately. Mrs. Rollson Is very disorderly sometimes. Justice Smith told Mrs. Rollson she was guilty of the charges brought against her according to the evidence of the witnesses. He said he would give her time to get ball and unless she received it she would have to go to Jail. Or she could pay tho costs, which would amount to about $25 and a lino not to exceed $10. Mrs. Rollson, accompanied by Constable Hanklns, then left the of fice to seek someono to go her ball. Through her attorney, C. A. Mc carty, Mrs. Rollson entered an ap peal for the October term of court. Mr. McCarty furnished ball In tho amount of $100. 11-YEAR-OLD GIRL BECOMES MOTHER. Iowa City, la., Aug. 15. The youngest mother recorded In Iowa medical 'history is an 11 year oiu girl from Davenport, who gave birth to a healthy SVt pound child at tho University Hospital today. Tho hos pital authorities did not make public tho glrl B name. ARRESTED FOR SELLING LIQUOR WITHOUT LICENSE Italian Laborers Sold Ueverngo by Bottle Near Knrview Detectlvo Spencer's NUo Work. Phillip CherrI and Tony Perrl, 'two laborers on tho grounds at tho Far vlow Criminal Insane Hospital, ap peared boforo Esqulro R. A. Smith Wednesday morning, charged with selling liquor without a license, tho complaint having been made by De tectlvo N. B. Spencer. Theso Italians bought as high as 15 kegs of beer at a time. At first they drank tho beer 'with their meals and nald for tho bovorago as a part of tholr "mess." This was too tamo for some, which led to violating tho State law, selling without a llconse. Esquire Smith told tho prisoners thor had no right to sell tho beer, but could drink It at tho table. Ho held each under $100 ball. It Is ex pected that tho damages will bo sot tied within a fow days and tho viola' tors released from jail. They will, however, be held for October term of court. SCRANTON MAN ASPHYXIATED Thomas Ford Found Dead by His Wlfo in Ills Home Gas Jet Was Open Was Purely Ac cidental. (Special to The Citizen.) SCRANTON. Aug. 13. Thomas Ford, lnsldo foreman of tho Mt. Pleasant colliery, Scranton Coal company, was found dead In his room this morning by his wife. The gas Jet was partially open. It Is presumed that It was accldently turned on. Homo articles or dom ing were upon tho bed and It .Is sup posed that beforo retiring Mr. Ford removed his clothing and In some manner touched tho gas cock, which allowed tho gas to escape. From the position In which his body was found It appeared as if ho. had made an effort to get out of the room boforo being asphyxiated. Ho leaves a wife and four children. Mr. Ford was 3G years of ago and was a promising young man. FOREIGN BANK ORGANIZED IN WILKES-1I.VURE. Scranton Men Interested Capitaliz ed for 8100,000 With a Surplus of 8230,000. (Special to Tho CItlzon.) SCRANTON, Aug. 15. Michael Dosak, a well known Scranton capi talist, was olocted president of the "Slavonic" Bank of Wllkes-Barre to day. F. P. McCormlck was elected vice-president. Tho bank Is cap italized at $100,000, with $250,000 surplus. It will be a foreign money exchange.