The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, August 14, 1912, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Scml-Weckly Founded 1008;
Published Wednesdays and Fridays by
Entered as second-class matter, at
Dir.KCTone :
ii. DonruKOEn,
Our friends tcho favor us with contributions, and desire to have the same re
urned, should in ertr; case enclose stamjis for that purjiose.
Remit by Express Money Order, D raft. Postofflce Order or Registered
letter. Address all communications to Tho Citizen, No. S03 Main street,
Honesdale, Pa. ....... .
All notices of shows, or other ente rtalnments held for tho purposo of
making money or any Items that contain advertising matter, will only be
admitted to this paper on payment of regular advertising rates. Notices
of entertainments for the benefit of c hurches or for charltablo purposes
where a fee Is charged, will be publls hed at halt rates. Cards of thanks,
50 cents, memorial poetry and resolu tlons of respect will bo charged for
at tho rato of a cent a word. Adver Using rates on application.
For President,
State Treasurer,
Auditor General,
' congressmen-at-Large,
' District Congressman,
The world's greatest man has not
yet lived, the most heart-lifting and
soul-thrilling poem has not yet been
written, tho world's greatest statue
lias not yet been chiseled in marble.
Therefore, dear reader, live In hope.
Methodist Recorder.
Joel Hill looked us over Wednes
day, and Incidentally was looked
over himself. He did not cause a
stampede among tho Republicans as
they could not see where the "Con
gressional Cut" came in. Susque
hanna Ledger.
Not a single candidate
for President this year ever
split rails, trod a towpath,
worked a tannery or chop
ped down cherry trees.
Nowadays the qualifications seem
to be an ability to split hairs, tread
on principles, work the people and
chop down tho Constitution.
The Progressive expounder of
Rooseveltism in Wayne county re
fused the appointment of presiden
tial elector because he wants to be
come postmaster of Honesdale. He
is still banking upon it, so much so
that when Boss Flinn will swing
the high hand (which this
bull moose believes will be In pow
er,) he will lift him out of his editor
ial chair and sit him down In the
postmaster's office. His turn will
come to-morrow, and to-morrow
never comes.
" The elephant, the don
key and the tiger are all
up a tree, having been driv
en there by the bull
moose." Wayne Independ
ent. The infuriated bull moose, pawing
madly under the tree, represents the
editor of The Independent, who has
lately seen the bandana which was
flaunted at him. The bull mooso is
jealous because he too cannot get
up the tree. He does not want to
bo out-done in anything, which ac
counts for his furious actions under
the tree.
Philadelphia Press: It Is in these
desertions of progressives from with
in the Republican party that Senator
La Follette sees disaster to the por
gresslvo cause, and he declares that
" no aid or encouragement should bo
given to a third party plan to divide
tho progressive vote and destroy the
progresslvo Republican movement."
If the original progressives who
have been working for a definite re
sult Inside the party, and not mere
ly to further the sensational ambi
tion of an individual, feel this way
and it Is well known that at least
some of them do the size and im
portance of tho new party will not
prove startling.
Honcsdale's maple trees aro show
ing evidence of a" blight or tho ef
fect of June's drought. At any rato
tho leaves aro dying long before it is
time for them to mature. In somo
cases the trees have tho appearance
of a heavy frost, all of tho leaves
being of an Iron color. Tho leaves
do not fall off. Tho secretary of
the Board of Trado Is in correspond
ence with Professor II. A. Surface,
State Zoologist, Harrisburg, and
after specimen of tho leaves and
twigs have been examined a remedy
may bo offered whereby tho trees
may bo saved. Honcsdale's maple
trees aro tho prldo of tho town and
II any disease fastened itself upon
them It would greatly detract from
the beauty of the town. By all
means save the maples.
Weekly Founded 1814.
tho Citizen Publishing Company.
tho postofflce, Honesdale, Pa.
AUGUST 11, 11112.
It takes money to run a printing
office. The craft and paper bills
have to be met and unless there Is
some Income from our subscribers
along the line of subscription money
it is difficult to pay bills. If you
happen to receive a bill In the
course of the next few days take It
kindly and in a business-llko way.
Editors have not quite reached the
aviation period when they can run
their papers on air.
The boys and girls of Wayne
county manifest considerable en
thusiasm over The Citizen's fly con
test. It is right that they should.
The avocation of killing flies is not
one to be dreaded but considered
praiseworthy, for by doing away
with the flies it may be tho means
of saving life of your own darling
'baby boy or girl. Contestants have
sent In nearly a quarter of a million
of the most deadly animal on earth,
as they are termed. Swat the fly and
get Tho Citizen prize.
Tho average Wayno county pupil
attending school would like to stand
at the head of his or her class, es
pecially in spelling. If a pupil is a
good speller he is most certain to
be a good student. All pupils, how
ever, becomo rusty after vacation
season and before school opens for
tho fall and winter terms ho feels
the need of brightening up a little.
The Citizen's spelling contest book
Is just what you want, in fact it
was printed for you. It contains the
first thirty lessons of words that
have been complied by the committee
in charge. County Superintendent
J. J. Koehler heartily endorses The
Citizen's booklet and says they
ought to be in every pupil's and
teacher's hands. Postpaid, six
It is evidently tho purposo of the
executive committee in charge of the
Wayne County Celebration to make
all they can on the side from out-oT
town street fakirs, who make it
their business to go from placo to
place and dispose of an Inferior
grade of goods at remarkably low
prices. It does not seem fair to tho
home merchant who deals in the
same Jlne of goods and who by the
way may contribute his ?5, $10,
f 15 or ?25 toward tho success of tho
celobration, to allow an outsider,
a fakir, who by paying a paltry fee
privilege Is allowed to sell his wares.
He does not help tho town and
without a doubt If given the oppor
tunity to sell carnival specialities
ho will go out of tho place with
many dollars In his Jeans. The Citi
zen takes tho stand for the protec
tion of tho home merchant and in
no way does it intend to throw cold
water upon tho project as Its news
columns have already pointed out
differently. It believes in being just
and fair with tho homo merchant
and if there Is anything bo gain
ed let him be the gainer. That is
what tho Business Men's Awocia
tion was organized for to protect
tho merchant. Now, will they stand
for traveling fakirs to como to tho
town and get the cream of the
business when tho celebration was
effected for the purposo of helping
the merchant? We should think
(Washington Times.)
Candidato Wilson suffered olther
a mental lapso or from force of habit
when ho accepted tho nomination In
a little speech of somo few thousand
words. Ho was supposed yes, re
peatedly and pointedly and specifi
cally urged to glvo tho Democratic
party an lssuo. Ho was to interpret
tho Baltimore platform.
In an aftornoon of affablo assO'
clations he forgot himself and de
livered a baccalaureato address. As
a lighting document it Is as useful as
milady's korchiof. Tho only thing
it matched was tho lemonado and
vanilla wafers that were sorvod prior
to Its declamation.
It roared liko a sucking dove. It
flaunted its baby blue in tho face of
Big Business. It slapped tho Bosses
on tho wrist and broko its paplor
niacho sword on tho armor of gigan
tic tiusts. It reminded tho work
Ingman that whllo things aro not al
together rosy for him, yet ho must
remember that Into each life somo
rain must fall and beyond tho Alps
lies Italy.
Progressive, militant Demo
cracy began at Baltimore when
Bryan shoved It down tho skids and
sent his blessings after It. Since
that time it has had several confer
ences at Sea Girt with Tammany
Fitzgerald, Norman Mack, Mr. Nu
gent, T. Taggart and listened to the
warnings of Beauchamp Clark; It
has "ct" at a lunch counter In New
York city and held subsequent
confabs with McCombs, a Wall
Street ultra-conservative, anti-Bryan
It drew a long sigh at Sea Girt
Wednesday, after listening to Can
didate Wilson's lovely remarks, and
"It Is so soon that I am done for
I wonder what I was begun for."
Tho Citizen Publishing Com
pany assumes no measure of re
sponsibility for any articles
which may appear In this col
umn. Dear Editor:
Under the above caption tho float
lng assistant editor of the Wayno
County Postal Card (Herald) has
the following:
(2) County Prothonotnry Wallace
Barnes Lone Court Houso Booster
for T. R. Wayno county has a real
live Bull Mooser.
(3) Yes, sir; Wallace J. Barnes
left for Chicago to help keep that
"Kelley" of T. R. from landing out'
side of tho ring.
(4) Wallace J. Barnes, the only
man In Wayne county that has not
seen the handwriting on the wall,
has left to mingle with the suffra'
gettes ad political sore heads that
have been swinging Into Chicago for
the past two days.
(5) They think that they are go
ing to nominate a man for Presi
dent, but in reality they aro going
out there to spend some of trust
Perkin's money and gratify tho per
sonal ambitions of a man who is
drunk with milk and egg-otism.
(C) When Mr. Barnes comes
back, we will hear what a great man
tho "sage of Oyster Bay" is, and
about Nov. Cth we will hear how the
Republicans and Democrats robbed
that same sage of his election.
"Verily, life is just one thing af
ter another."
Kindly permit us to answer to Ef'
fusion No. 1. Yes, Wayne county
has a real live Bull Mooser, In the
person of Wallace J. Barnes, and
also a half-live stag mud-sllnger in
tho person of Skelton who doesn't
seem to know the difference between
a personal slap and kindly political
Spleen No. 2. Yes, Wallace J
Barnes did go to Chicago to help
nominate a candidate for tho offices
of President and Vice-President of
the United States, who will be elect
ed this fall in the face of all the
vituperation the floating stag corres
pondent of the opposition can heap
upon tnem.
Jar No. 3. Yes, he went and vot
ed to keep Teddy In the ring and
don't forget It! He'll stay there
too, and whoever kicks his hat will
find a brick in it, so look out!
Emission No. 4. Just remember,
Softy Skelton, that instead of Wal
lace J. Barnes 'being tho "only man
In Wayne county," etc., there are
over thirty-flve hundred Roosevelt
men in Wayno county today think
ing tno same as Barnes, and expect
lng to vote the same, too, but not
blowing the horn or casting untruth-
rui accusations at those who may
think differently. And as to "suf
fragettes and political sore heads'
we hardly think the honorable
women of Wayne county will very
deeply appreciate this comnarison
Just because they aro humbly asking
ror what rightfully .belongs to them
And as to "the handwriting on the
wail" you are, we think, mistaken
and instead of your seeing a "hand
writing on the wall," you saw on
one of your jaunts upon tho hill
with one of tho future suffragettes
of Honesdale, an advertisement of
" Dr. King's Now Life Pills" which
If you would take say about one
quart it might wake up your poli
tical eyes so you could seo how far
you are behind tho HEAL thought
of tho people of Wayno county as
well as the United States.
As to No. 5, wo did nominate men
for President and Vice-President
both of whom In tho eyes of the
whole world are esteomed as among
tho best of statesmen and diplo
mats. They aro not "drunk with
milk and egg-otism" or egg-rot-ism
or any other political corruption such
as emanates from tho floating side
show of Tho Herald.
Now, as to No. C, would say,
Barnes Is back and perhaps about
ono week from next Thursday you
will get out an "extra edition" of
your paper announcing tho fact, so
as to be as nearly up to date as you
usually are. And what Barnes will
tell about it will not be a lot of
vituperative, untruthful, blabber
dash against Wilson, Taft. Chafln or
Debs or any other candidato for
President, as is always the caso with
"hot-box" Skelton against Roosovolt;
tout Just a plain statement of what
really took placo.
Now, Skelton, open your eyes,
and you will seo that the American
peoplo aro away ahead of you, and
that tho day of tho political crook,
and corrupt practices of tho agents
of special privilege Is at an end and
you ought to bo thankful for it and
como over with us liko Judge Parker
and thousands of other genuine pro
gresslve Democrats havo done, but
you will not, but will still sit in the
bay-window of Tno Herald sanctum
wagging your long Mrs ,V4-lng
United States
We solicit accounts on our merits and are m a position to grant accommodations, largo or
small, consistent with prudent banking. We want you to call us "YOUR BANK," to have you feel
interested in Its growth and worth in tho COMMUNITY.
Although we are by far the LARGEST COMMERCIAL BANK In Wayne county, wo desire to
grow still larger, and we would appreciate It If our customers would recommend us to their
Henry Z. Russell,' President.
Andrew Thompson, Vice-President.
Lewis A. Howell, Cashier.
Albert C. Lindsay, Asst. Cashier.
xn n n n u n
off your little pop-gun tirades while
the procession will march right
along and after November election
you will wake up to the fact that
the onward march of civilization has
relegated you back to the realms of
" Innocuous desuetude." Moo-oo.
Kind Words From Port Jcrvls.
Excelsior Hose Company, No. 5,
of Port Jervls, have received an in
vitation from the committee In
charge of Old Home Week in Hones
dale, the last week" in August to be
their guests at a big flremanlc dem
onstration on August 28. The Ex
celsiors held a meeting last evening
and accepted the invitation. The
fact that the company is going to
Newburgh on a two days' trip the
week previous did not diminish their
enthusiasm in the Wayne county
event. Hose 5 will take tho Mun
nich Bros. Fife, Drum and Bugle
Corps with them.
A warm friendship exists between
the men of Hose 5 and tho Hones
dale firemen. It began six years ago,
when Hose 5 was returning from a
three days' trip to Carbondale. The
company had a long lay over In
Honesdale on account of the train
service, and the Honesdale firemen,
realizing this kindly asked Hoso 5
to bo their guests while In the town
and gave them a fine dinner at the
Allen House.
There was no reason why the
Honesdale firemen should do this
more than that spirit of brotherhood
that prevails in all flremanlc organi
zations, and it was a kindness that
Hoso 5 has never forgotten. When
Port Jervls had a big flremanlc dem
onstration, the men of Protection
Engine Company of Honesdale were
their guests, and at an Old Home
Week in the Mapio City a year af
ter, the Excelsiors again visited
Honesdale. Now their old friends,
the Protection Engine Co., desire
them to como again, and so a dele
gation came to Port Jervls this week
with tho invitation. Gazette.
Georgo Laux, a "fresh air" boy is
missing and tho Lehigh Valley police
aro anxious to And him and return
him to his home In 'Philadelphia.
For four years the boy spent two
weeks each summer on a farm at
Meshoppen. This year ho paid his
fifth visit, but he had changed. In
the years past ho had behaved him
self. But this year he was a vor.
very naughty boy. Ho needed a
spanking and the farmer did not
feol inclined to administer it. So,
ho sent to Philadelphia and Mrs. C.
V. Valentino went to Meshoppen to
tako tho boy back home. On a
local train they went to Tunkhan
nock and there they awaited tho ar
rival of a fast train. While waiting
sho gavo him money with which to
havo his hair cut. But whether
or not ho has long shaggy yellow
locks or is closely cropped she does
You Will bo Surprised to Seo How
Quickly it Disappears.
No more dirty coats from dandruff
heads. Zemo stops dandruff. Apply
It any tlmo with tips of lingers. No
smell, no smear. Zemo sinks into
tho pores, makes tho scalp healthy,
makes tho hair line and glossy.
Zemo Is prepared by E. W. Rose
Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo., and is
regularly sold by all druggists at 51
per bottlo. But to enable you to
inako a test and provo what it will
do for you. get a 25-cent trial bottle
fully guaranteed or your money back
at A. M. Leino's Drug Store, Hones-
dalo, Pa.
ins Financial
Henry Z. Russell,
Horace T. Menner,
Louis J. Dorfllnger,
Andrew Thompson,
Saturday evenings from 7:30 to
n n n n n n
not know. He said he did not want
to go back to Philadelphia and he
disappeared. It is thought he
boarded a westbound freight train.
Sayre Times.
(Special to The Citizen.)
Hamlin, Aug. 13.
August Sth was the scene of a
very pleasant garnering at the home
of Emerson D. Conklln on the East
Side, it being his 60th birthday.
Tho friends from out of town came
on tho early train from Scranton and
were met at Lake Ariel station by
several commodious rigs which car
ried the jolly party to his home
where they were joined by a number
of friends from Arlington and near
by places to the number of seventy
five or more. A bountiful dinner
was served on the lawn by the la
dles. The time was spent in music
and games. In the early evening all
returned to their homes wishing the
host and hostess many happy returns
of the day. Friends present from
Scranton were: Mr. M. P. Rhodes,
Mrs. Ella Rhodes, Mrs. Earl Conk
lln, Earl Conklln, Irwin Conklln,
Mrs. Clara Conklln, Mrs. Ruey Quick,
Miss Blanche Conklln, Charles Conk
lln, Reuben Conklln, Miss Ruth
Conklln, John Conklln; Carbondale:
M. S. Bid well, (Mrs. Delia Bldwell;
Clark's Summit; Mrs. Ada Kimble,
Miss Corlne Kimble, Mrs. Sarah
Staples, Mrs. S. E. Singer, Mrs. S.
H. Kettle, Mrs. Ella Isby, Joseph
Isby; Avoca: John Klsenger, Mrs.
Sadie Klsenger; Arlington: J. W.
Bldwell, Mrs. Adella Bldwell, D. W.
Bldwell, Mrs. Fanny Bldwell, Mrs. G.
F. Rolllson, James Noble, Mrs. Helen
Noble, Miss Ruth Noble, Floyd
Noble, Wm. Altemler, Mrs. Polly
Altemler, Miss Margaret Coleman,
Hamlin: Emerson Conklln. Mrs.
Alice Conklln, Mrs. Harry Conklln,
Harry Conklln, Miss Gertrude Conk
lln, Miss Ada Conklln,, LoRoy Conk
lln, Mrs. Rebecca Reeseguie, Miss
Edna Ressegule, Miss Lena Resse
guie, Miss Clarlbel Ressegule, Earl
Ressegule, Leslie Ressegule; Hub:
R. II. Conklln, Mrs. Hattlo Conklln,
Ira Conklln, Miss Dora Conklln, Miss
Ida Conklln, Mrs. Francis Conklln,
Miss Edith Conklln, Miss Myrtle
Conklln, Miss Edna Conklln; Center
vlllo: Samuel Kimble, Mrs. Roso
Kimble, John Kimble, Miss Margaln
Kimble, Miss Nora Kimble, Miss
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signaturo of
It Pays to Own Your Thresher
Then you can thresh when ready. Saving
labor and money. It is not a good business
to give one-tenth of your grain for having it
A No. 1 Favorite Thresher will do your work nicely, easy to
operato and cleans all grain perfectly. This slzo can be run
either with liorse power or gasoline engine. Tho cylinder do
taches from cleaner, making it easy to move. This size costs
$100. Wo mako a special 5 per cent, discount for cash paymont,
Como in and seo it.
Everything for the Farm. Honesdale, Pa.
Homer Greene,
James C. Birdsall,
E. B. Hardenbergh,
Philip R. Murray.
n n n n n n
Beatrice Kimble, Robert Stevens,
Mrs. Hattle Sorby; Holllstervllle:
Frank Walker, Mrs. Amy Walker,
Gerald Walker.
Come from your rural haunts,
Come from the anthracite vale,
Over mountains on dally jaunts
To celebrate In breezy Honesdale.
Her Color Scheme.
She didn't look so very green,
Except her shoes and hat;
And, let me see, her summer gown
Was mostly green at that.
She was an artist beautiful,
Not twenty, I sliould say,
And stood before her canvas while
She painted Gloucester Bay.
The clouds were white, the skies
were blue,
Tho boats were black and white,
The spars were yellow, and tho
Produced a wondrous sight.
Alas! sho saw not what wo saw,
Her sky and clouds were green;
Her boats and wharves, her spars
and sails
The greenest ever seen.
The little tugs, the dories there,
Each object In the scene
Beneath her busy brushes grew
Into a vivid green.
The seine boats and the pleasure
The lighthouse and the sea,
And e'en the snow white gull wing,
Was green as green could be.
0 maiden of the green palette"
And brush of vivid huo,
How can you see tho emerald
When skies aro white and blue?
How can a snow white sail be green?'
How can It bo? Alas!
1 stole a glance beneath her hat
Her eyes were green as grass!
Gasped For Breath
Gastritis Nearly Ended Life of Wm.
V. Mathews Read His Letter.
"I was bothered for years with
stomach trouble and gastritis. Food
laid like lead in my stomach and fer
mented, forming gas. This caused a
pressure on my heart, so that I chok
ed and gasped for breath, and
thought my tlmo had como. MI-O-NA
cured mo after I had doctored
without success." Wm. V. Mathows,
Bloomington, Ind.
If you suffer from Indigestion,
headaches, dizziness, biliousness, con
stipation, Inactive liver, nervousnoss,
sleeplessness, bad dreams, foul
breath, heartburn, shortness of
breath, sour stomach, or despond
ency, be sure and get MI-O-NA stom
ach tablets. They aro guaranteed.
Largo box aO cents at O. W. Pell's tho
druggist, and druggists everywhere.