THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1912. GE SEVKN ASSAULTED DOCTOR Two Are Held Without Bail For Trial. THIRD ALLOWED TO ESCAPE. Philadelphia Physician Declares That Polioetnen Were Afraid to Interfere Bocause of Political Influence Men Had Murder Threatened if Case Is Not Dropped. Philadelphia, Aug. C Clwrgod with boating and robbing Dr. Bonjnmln I Qordon last Thursday night, two men were committed wltlwut ball for trial by Magistrate Hughe;. It la charged by the physician that a third nllcgod assailant was ormltted to escape by the police l)ecauso of political Influ ence. Dr. Gordon was the only witness on the stand and repeated the chnrges against the polloi'men. He declared that on the of the assault he was making a professional call. After describing the attack Dr. Gordon said that Iks had loen threatened with nnir- man had called uiou him and said: "If I were you I would let up on the police and not push these charges. 1'ou have a family. If they didn't get you yesterday or today they will get you tomorrow, nnd you are a marked man." After the hearing Captain McFad- den ordered the lwlleomen, McCarthy 1 . n 1 . . . 1 . . 1 . . . muicu uuu ne iearcu lie wouiu lose in IMIM1111111 11 ru) n rr(uni inn mitmir man. hr hl iMillttnnl lntliinrv ni strong to bo denied. At the hearing of the two men pow- nn nr inji imtv uTtnrrmfiwi tn w.t rni nr nwni. nil! MntnarrnTn iimrrutu rn. ustHl in Jlliow iniw nnil 10 r Tlvm rnr ih nriinii or t id I'rniiii rv ELOPED IN A MOTOB CAR. uaas- oar me iraans t-or a hair Pennsylvania Lochinvar. Waynesburg. Pa., Aug. 0. Eduu nri Mil lu'i'i nimfi m-imii' ih rf r nrt?i jiniuciug cuurcr, wiuio youin nnu 111 Lrmifu iijmh. .iiish it linnwnv ns j-uu jireceuom masmng young worn- n Is n llnll?fltir nf W A ITntlmiriii. Wftfllthv f,nfllTia mnn TTrr ivimntii ' n w.w.y ...M UU IAS A u use uie mimiy air. xikj iwo urovo to uumoenana, .MO., d, and a marrying parson did tbo rest uperintendent Falls aa He Finishes Reporting Golden Text. Wilkosbarro, Pa., Aug. 0. Wlien ohn P. Williams, superintendent of le First Presbyterian Sunday bcuooI, olden text, "Seek yo first the king jm of God and his rightoouanofw, nto you." Scarcely had Uw words left hts Hps noes. Then ho dropped over on hla rir M n M rrv. ivihn nra . -, Momlwrs of tlw school rushed to his islstance, and It was discovered that at A BLOODY SUNDAY. ittsburgh District Has Unusual Rec- ord of Violent Deaths. Pittsburgh, Aug. a Sunday was a ty of violent deaths nnd eerloiw weei ;nts in western Pennsylvania. Tho atlis under trains, ono killed uud six Jured In automobiles, two Berious nu'B. ono rami noeinent in n m nn Tlie murder of elghteen-yenr-old Ce i Funkn of WaslUngton, Pu., toil! l tile (lav K ixoord. A tuwn nuuVr n lb r-n.ii iui Uiw; muilU-'IVt, IAJI III In. Aiinriii fii, rdiiM i- i pj i a i i . For Free Speech. Pittsburgh, Aug. OV-Twentr Hoclal- lncludinff nlno young women, Jail. for street Bpouklng without a poJlco i"H mu uuiu iKicnjiiero nwime I night with cell omtnrv flur urn ci sleep, Just Hpoochee. n Siui in tiuf is Yivmm fiiiuihniiuui l... aglstrato Goottumn uplioJdlug free Tristate League. Vt Alluntown Allentown, 12; riurris rg, n. Vt York-Atlantic City, 4; York, 1. U Heading Heading, 4; Treirton, 3. jcond game), Trenton, 4; Heading, 0. Vt Cheater Wilmington, 5; Chester, (Second game), WUmlugton, 5: eater, a. WILL TY COBB ASK FO! His Three Year Contract, Galling For $27,000, Ends Soon. HE MAY DEMAND $50,000. It Is Asserted That Detroit 8tar Wants This Amount For a New Three Year Agreement He Is Greatest Drawing Card In Baseball. Dy TOMMY CLARK. Thta Is Ty Cobb's last year under the $27,000 contract which he signed three years ojjo with the Detroit club. Bo foru tlie great ball player dons a uni form next spring he will have to bo signed to a new agreement, and It Is needless to say that this will cull for decidedly more salary than he Is at present drawing. Tlerc Is considerable speculation among ball players and baseball men as to the amount Cobb will demand TmtEB vtira-a op rr oocc la Ida next contract, but It will call for a formidable Incroaso Is gen erally amended. Cobb kj Just do good ft ball player now ae ho wiw threo yoara ago. In fact, ho- fa pxobaUy bet ter, though tjclng u"tth n losing loam bjmdlcapo bim to n ccrtahi cxtcat. Dut tt la not hla ulJllty wtilch dlrocUy de mands an lncreaws, but tho fact that Cobb la today tha grwitout drawing card to baoobnll. Thoro la no donbt that Cobb as an indtvidunl draws Bonio thing like fOWJO Into tho coffers of tho Detroit dob during a ccason. Cobb Is mum mi tho Hubjoct, only to pay that If ho pluya next year ho will I bo Will paid. While thero in nothing authentic about it, it fa aeaertod that I ho propoBoa to domand a throo yonr j contract which culU for ftVVXX), a fig ure bj' no nvuw exorbitant when Ills abllltj' oa n player is concerned and Ufa drawing iiroclivltlee tiro taken into consideration. In tho lust ngw-AthleOcB ncrles In rhlladelpliUi Cobb did porno wondorftil ball playing. In fact, wltiioat Ty it 1 doubtful If Dotrolt would Jwvo won a-!lngV gamo. Cobb In tho elx gamcH hammered out two. hotno runo, Qiroo trtplm, tnroo two bagsera and ton slngkw. no went to bat tu-cnty-oignt tlmoa oflclaTly, which rooana tnot ho batted .042 during tho Borltw. Irurtnormore, ho scored nine runa uud drovo in about that many more, no pilfered throo baoca, jonco etarflng from flref oo an expedition of Vu-tt 'which did not end until bo4iad slid oafely Into tho homo plato. Fuw of tlw hits credited to Tjtub Raymond -were waBtcd. It wan to tho throo goinoa wlilch Dotrolt won that bo hit most timely, it can truthfully bo said that tho AthletlcH wiwj tlaylng Cobb. CODBfJ KBCOUD. Ab. II. T.D. eu 8b. H.a 6JJ. It First frame.. 8 Bocond eamo C Third game. 6 Pourtbiramo 3 rtrthg&m.. 4 nxtbsame.. 6 7 S a 4 4 2 sua s s I SnotOB tor Amnrican frees Association. NATIONALS ARE A SENSATION. Washington Club Is Fighting Every Inch of the Way. The one big feature of the year hn been the flashy stand Griff and his clan nro making for Washington, a cltj without flnit division tradition. Hur led In seventh place through an aver age of eleven seasopH and Jeered as another lizzie, this club lias already furnished one of the greatest of tho gamo's surprises. There has been noth ing like It In baseball, and you can delve back to the day when Cy Young was bat boy for the Holl Hornets. The Senators have caught the vital spark. Griff has pumped the old nm blah Into their throbbing bosoms, and this explains the mystic problem above tlio worth even of a Johnson nnd a Groom by tho adding of a Moellcr or a Gandll. The vital spark Is the one secret of a pennant tight. I-et It fade out and tbo argument Is over. The Senators have shown consistent ability nnd above all the heart to rally after losing ground nnd again to rush the line which hurl ed them back. They have made his tory and deserve the highest pralso which tho Fjiortlve Hock may have to give. FOREIGN GOLFERS COMING. Braid, Vardon, Taylor and Massy, Pro fessionals, Will Vicit America. Former Massachusetts Champion JohnG. Audcrson, now golfing abroad, writes home that tho Culled States links are to be Invaded before the end of tho present season by four famous professionals from tho other side. These players nro tho former British champions, James Braid, J. II. Taylor and Harry Vardon, and the French crnck Arnand Massy. As Harold n. Hilton has promised to come over with a band of amateurs to defend the American national title he won against Fred Ilerreshoff at Apawamls last fall, It Is seen that American followers of the royal and ancient game are in for some rare treats. The Invasion will lo a welcome one, as Americans can still learn a lot from tho giants from the other side. How ever, tho visitors from tho professional ranks will get nomo rude surprises. The native born pros, have improved wonderfully during tlie iast few years, and more than oixs could now make a game interesting to the best of tho Britons. RIVERS WEALTHY PUGILIST. Mexican Who Lost Questionable Fight to Wolgast Has Made Fortune. Joe Ulvers, the Mexican lightweight, who lost a quest lonable decision to Ad Wolgast in their battle at Vernon, Cal., July -1, has made 940,000 out of his ring battles since January, 1011. Hirers has fought twelre lights all told, and the ?7,rX)0 which he receired for lighting Wolgast sent his winnings up to the above mentioned nmouut Just a little over three years ago Hirers begged Promoter Tom McCnrey' for a chance to show his skill. It was the day before a boxing contest at tha old Naud Junction parilion, and one of the principals had failed to show up. Max Weber, a sturdy featherweight, was billed to appear In a twenty round contest, and his opponent had disap job iirvnitH. rired. Hirers heard of it and called ! on MeCarey and said, "I will take him on, Senor McCurcy." "Who in Sain II111 nro youV snapied MeCarey, looking at tlie little ragged figure. "I am Jono Hirers, a wry strong boy and good fighter," answered tho Mex ican lud. Two fight funs who were present told what they hud ecn tlio little Mexican do in Htrect scruiw and in contosts bo foro tho IiOs Angeles ntlilotlc clulw. "Call around tomorrow and I will glw you n chance," lVcforo Hlvers left ho liad to borrow car fare from Me Carey. Joe waa ou tlio Job next day early nnd defeated Weber in throo round. Now Hivers is tho possessor of several thousand dollars' worth of dia monds and has n fut bank account. Pitcher Wood In Rare Form. Joo Wood, tho Hoston American star pitcher, is bo fur tlio most successful pitcher in tho American leuguo this season. IIo has an nvcrago better than that of oren Ed Walsh or Walter John son. Jako Btahl glrca Wood credit for uaring pulled tho Hod Sox through when tho team was not going at its best and considers him the mainstay of Ms boxmcn. OAMBLERAPAn I "1 " H B ,5 Commissioner Waldo Sluws How f H I fa W fi j W I flRiflE ) He Escaped Clutches of the Law. j 1 "W I I 1 i R 1 1 B Kn I 1 MliSH After calling attention to the remarka ble manner in which Sam Paul, the Ram bler, has escaped the clutches of tho law during tho laBt year, when ho was nrrest el Bcvcral times, l'ollco Commissioner Waldo of Now York made public a list of thirteen of Paul's arrcets from June 2, 1911, to and Including April 11. 1912. In ad dition tho commissioner names tho Judges and magistrates beforo whom Paul was arraigned and st free. Tho figures were carefully verified from tho police records. LITTLETON TO DEFEND BECKER? Congressman Has Been Urged as Coun sel For Accused Polioeman. New York, Aug. C It seems likely that Congressman Martin W. Lit tleton will be asked to take charge of Lieutenant Pecker's defense. Friends of Pecker in the police department who nro raising n defense fund of approxi mately $50,000 are urging tho lieuten ant to retain Mr. Littleton. The news that Littleton, whose last big criminal caso was the defense of llarry K. Thaw in Thaw's second trial, will bo the lawyer for Becker leaked out after Hobcrt II. Elder, who ap peared, with John llart, for Becker when the lieutenant was arraigned be fore Judge Mulqueen today, withdrew from the caso. Mr. Elder, it is known, was not satisfied with his position nnd decided to get out Tho rtory that waa told after Mr. El der withdrew was to this effect the money to pay for Becker's defense Is to come not from tlio accused police man, but from friends of his in the io lice department who haro decided for whatorer reason to stand by him. Some of them wanted Becker to retain William T. Jerome. But Becker bucked at Jeromo because ho had been told that Jeromo was a close friend of l'o llco Commissioner Waldo. Becker knows that he can expect no assistance of any sort from the commissioner. LEGAL BLANKo ror sale at Tho Citizen offlco: Land Contracts, Leases, Judgment Notes, Warrantee Deeds, Bonds, Transcripts, Sum mons, Attachments, Subpoenas, La bor Claim Deeds, Commltmsnts, Ex ecutions, Collector's and Constables' Bonds. STOCKHOLDERS' NOTICE. At a meotlng of tho directors of tho Honesdalo Dlmo Bank, hold on July 25, 1012, tho following resolu tion was unanimously adopted: "nesolred, That wo recommend the stockholders of tho Honesdalo Dlmo Bank to Increase tho capital stock of tho said hank from ?75,000 to 100,000." In accordance with tho aboro res olution a meeting of tho stockholders Is called to convene- at tho bank on Thursday, tho 10th day of October, 1912, botween tha hours of 3 and 4 o'clock in tho afternoon of tho said day, to tako action on tho ap proval or dlsapproral of tho propos ed Increase. Note: In tho orcnt of tho stock holders approving tho incroaso as recommondod, tho Board of Direc tors will fix the prlco for which tho said stock shall ho sold at $200 per share. BENJ. P. HAINES, Secrotary. Honesdalo, Pa., Aug. 5, 1912. C3w9. Accurately Compounded Prescriptions Our Specialty The creditors of the KEYSTONE Pharmacy haro secured tho services of Buol Dodge, who is backed with 37 yoara of oxperlonco as a pharmacist, to conduct their drug store rocontly purchased of P. L. Colo. Bring your Proscriptions to this etoro. You'll rocolvo pure, fresh drugs accurately compounded. That's tho way we help tho doctor to help you. KEYSTONE PHARMACY 1123 Main St. HONESDALE, PA. M. li. Sl.MOXS, President. C. A. E.MEHY, Cashier. CAPITAL STOCK Corner of Main & 1 0th street BANK WITH THE PEOPLE Reasons Why ! It represents more stockholders than any other hank in Wayne county. ITS DEPOSITS HAVE REACHED OVER THE $300,000.00 mark and is steadily growing with tho people's confidence and tho bank's progressive yet conservative methods. Its expense o management is limited to amount of business; together with it's trust funds invested in bonds and first mortgages on improved real estate assures its de positors absolute security. It treats its hundreds of small depositors with tho same courtesy as though their funds were deposited by one or more persons. This bank comes under the strict requirements of the State banking laws as all savings banks and is frequently visited by tho Pennsylvania State bank examiner, besides having a board of directors consisting of sixteen of "Wayne county's reliable business men and farmers. DIKECTOBS M. B. Allen, W. II. Fowler, Georgo C. Abraham. W. B. Gulnnln. j. sam Brown, Oscar E. Bunnell. Wm. H. Dunn, M. J. Hanlan, John E. Krantz, Fred W. Kreltner, J. E. Tiffany. "7" D. 6i H. CO. TlflE TABLE In Effect Jun AM. I'.M, SUN V.M.iA.M.II'.M. STATIONS SUN 8 ;o 10 00 10 00 10 00 4 30 6 05 .... Albany .... flltighamton . A.J 10 00 2 15 12 30, 2 15 Philadelphia. 3 15 4 03 7 10 H 00 4 40 5 35 12 30 1 19 7 10 8 00 . WIlkes-Harre. . ...Scrantoii.... P.M, A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. Lr S 10 8 15 8 55 8 59 9 12 9 18 6 25 6 35 B 391 2 05 2 15 2 19 8 SO Carbondaie .... ...Lincoln Avenue.. Whites Oulsley larvlew Canaan Luke Jxnlore ... ... . Way mart Keene Steene I'romptoii Kortenla Seelyvllle Honesdale .... 5 50 9 00 a or 9 17 9 23 9 29 9 31 9 37 9 42 9 41 B 4S a 52 9 55 10 00, 5 51 (i 05 G 51 2 31 2 37 2 43 2 49 2 52 2 57 6 11 8117 8 57 7 0J 7 09: 7 12 7 18 21 B Kl 6 6 321 6 35 6 39 ti li K if, 6 50 20 0 32 a 37 7 21 2 59 a 4t 7 25 7 29 7 32 7 3U 3 03 3 07 B 47 9 50, 9 55 3 10 3 15 P.M.lA.M.I I'.M.lP.M.lA.M.lAr SHERIFF'S SALE OF VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE. By virtue of process Issued out of tho Court ot Common Pleas of Wayno county, and Stato of Bcnnsylrnnla, and to mo di rected and dellrered, I haro loriod on and will exposo to public sale, at tho Court Houso In Honesdalo, on Fill DAY, AUGUST litf, 10 is. All tho defendant's right, titlo nnd- interest in tho following de scribed proporty viz: All that certain lot or tract of land situato in tho township of Da mascus, county of Wayno, and Stato of ''cnnsylranla, hounded and de acr ied as follows: Beginning ntyi beech at the south west corner of land which Thomas Stewardson by deed dated October 24, 1840. conreyed to EH B. Kess ler; thence by laud of John Torroy, north two hundred ninety-eight and ono half rods to a beech corner; thonco by land In tho Warrantee namo of John Van Dovln north forty-four degrees cast ono hundrod and soronty-slx rods to a post corner; thenco by a tract of land In tho wnrrantoo namo John F. Ernst, south eighty-eight dogroes east sixty four rodlfo a etono corner; thonce by said warranteo and land In tho warrantee namo of Jacob Bcedlcinan nnd John Bern, south four hiindrod forty-nlno and one-half rods to a stones cornor; thonco by land con tracted to Philip P. Brlgham and Hiram W. Brlgham north sorenty nino degrees west ono hundrod and o ghty-oight and ono half rods to tho place of beginning. Containing 402 acres and oleron porches moro or loss. Saving and excepting tho ro ot two pieces of land containing each fifty ncros, ono sold to P. C. Brlgham and tho other to Aaron Brlgham and surroyod from tho southern part or end of said lot by lino run parallel with southern ond of said lot suffi ciently distant north thereof to em brace Bald two lots heroby excepted and reserved. On said promises is a two and a half story framo dwell ing, barn and other outbuildings. $75,000.00 Watch US Grow John Wearer, o. Wm. Sell, M. E. Simons, Fred Stephens, George W. Tisdell, KRAFT & CONGER HONESDALE, PA. Rearesent Reliable Comoanies ONLY HONESDALE BRANCH o 30, 1912. P.M.Il'.M.lA.M.l P. M.l SUN A.M. SUN 2 00 12 40 10 50 8 45 10 50 9 00 4 09 A. Ml 7 45 2 13 8 12 7 45 8 12 P.M. 10 05 9 12 P.M. 9 35 7 25 8 30 12 55' 12 05' 8 45 Ar A.M. I'.M. P.M. P.M, r.M. 8 27 8 17 8 13 8 00 54 7 47 7 41 7 39 7 32 7 30 7 26 7 22 7 19 7 15 8 05 7 51 7 50 7 39 7 33 7 25 7 19 7 17 7 12 7 09 1 35 1 25 5 50 5 40 11 25 11 U 1 21 5 34 11 10 10 59 10 5) 10 45 10 39 10 37 10 32 10 29 10 25 1 09 1 at 12 5fi 5 21 5 18 6 11 12 51 5 Oti 5 01 12 49 12 43 12 40 12 36 12 32 12 29 4 58 4 55 7 05 4 51 4 47 7 01 10 21 6 58 6 65 4 41 10 18 10 15 12 25 4 40 Lv A.M.IIM.lH.M A. M.l P. M. Seized and taken In execution as the proporty of James M. Howarth at tho suit of Albert E. Mitchell, admin istrator of tho estato of Ellas Mit chell. No. 1C5 Octobor Term, 1307. Judgment, 11,500. Searlo & Sal mon, attorneys. TAKE XOTICE All bids and costs must bo paid on day of salo or deeds will not bo acknowledged. FRANK C. KIMBLE, Shorlff. Honesdalo, Aug. 1, 1912. This is good weather for flies. They aro around waiting to glvo your llttlo ono typhoid forer. Kill him and don't dolay. Buy a swatter at tho hardware storo and get busy at once. I SPENCER I The Jeweler would like to sec you If you are In the marketi for JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, WATCHES, CLOCKS, I DIAMONDS, AND NOVELTIES "Guaranteed articles only sold." ', MN