THE CITIZISN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1912. PAGE FIVB FOR SALE. FOR SALE FARMER'S HANDY wagon, also set of slnglo harness. Apply Durland-Weston Shoe Co. BOcl 2t. HOUSE AMD LOT, FOURTEEN Hundred Seven, Main street, for sale. Nino rooms. All Improve ments. Apply iBentley Bros., Op posite Postolllce. reltf FOR SALE OR RENT THE W. A. Pethlck estate, located In Bethany. Terms reasonable. II. W. Pethlck, administrator, Hawley, Pa. 53mos2 DELICIOUS ICE CREAM YOU can have It by using Brady's cholco vanilla. Get It at Brady's Drug store. 50mo2 FOR SALE WELL EQUIPPED machine shop nnd garago located on Industrial Point, 'Honcsdale. Business established 20 years. Best known glass cutters supply con cern In the United States. Edward G. Jenkins, Honcsdale, Pa. 42tf. FOR SALE DESIRABLE DWELL Ing house and lot on East Street Extension; all Improvements. Bar gain, J. B. Robinson, Agent, Jad win Building. KSeltf MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED GOOD RELIABLE PAR ty as farmer; also to board help. Inquire of G. Smith & Sons, Inc., Seelyvllle, Pa. Gleitf WANTED TWO GIRLS TO WORK In wash room. T. B. Clark & Co., Inc. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED hand In Alteration Room of La dles' Suits and Coats. Apply P. O. Drawer A. 59tf LOST GOLD BAR PIN WITH three pink shpll Cameo heads. Fin der return to this office and get re ward. THE BODIE STUDIO WILL OPEN July IS at 047 Main street. Pho tographs, Frames, Kodaks and Sup plies. 57eoi3 WANTED ISSUES OF THE CITI zen March 13, 1012, and June 21, 1912. tf GLASS CUTTERS GOOD ROUGH ers and smoothers on tableware In Brooklyn, N. Y. Good pay and steady work to good men. Apply by mall to J. II., COO Tribune Building, New York. 61t2 FOR RENT: NINE-ROOM HOUSE; all modern Improvements. Inquire Jacob Demer, South Church street. B2eltf. WANTED AT ONCE 20 SMOOTH ers, 5 roughers and 5 polishers by the Wayne Cut Glass Company at Towanda, Pa. Steady work and highest wages paid. 55el4 LET THE LACKAWANNA DO your laundry. Thomas F. Bracy, Honesdale, agent. Look for our wagon with tho Blgn "Lackawanna Laundry Co." 57tf MAIL CLOSING HOURS. A.M. P.M. P.M. Erie 7.00 2.30 5.30 D. & H C.30 12.M. 4.15 D. & H. Sun. C45 R. D 9.50 P. M. Stage 2.50. LOCAL NEWS Trout season closes on Wednes day of this week. The Honesdalo base ball team Journeyed to Hawley Saturday, and were defeated by the score of 15 to 4. A marriage license was Issued on Friday of last week to Elmer Blackmore and Miss Catherine E. Bishop, both of Hawley. The Helpers of tho Baptist church will hold an Ice cream social on Mr. Trask's lawn, Tuesday even ing, July 30. Public cordially in vited. Hoso Company No. 1 have awarded tho contract for a 45-gallon two-wheel chemical engine to tho American LaFranco Fire Engine Company of Elmira, N. Y. A dem onstration will bo made as soon as tho engine arrives here. The Eagles and their families gathered on the shores of No. 2 Pond on Sunday afternoon and en Joyed a delicious clam bake. A big dinner was served. A baseball game beween the married men and tho single men resulted In a vic tory for the singles by a scoro of 34 to 21. A largo crowd witnessed tho ball gamo and partook of tho dinner. On Thursday evening tho Maplo City Drum Corps held an ico cream social near tho Baptist church along tho bankB of tho Lackawasen river. A largo crowd gathered early and tho boys were well pleased at the Inter est that was shown them. Tho money realized will bo used to de fray tho expense of their now uni forms. During tho evening while tho social was In progress tho boys paraded tho (Main street doing many of their fancy drills and rendering patriotic music. The boys alBo play ed for tho amusement of their guests on tho lawn and a neat sum was realized from tho social. It Is claimed, owing to the foun dation of Main streot, that brick set In a bed of concroto will raako tho proper and In fact tho best material with which to make a road. It Is true that Main streofa trafllo is heavier than any other street In town and In fact thero is more, travel over It than streets in somo cities. But why pavo with brick? has been asked. Why not uso creosote blocks or as phalt, brick 1b bo noisy? Tho clat ter, clatter of tho horses' hoofs upon a brick pave Is something that wears upon the nerves, states another. Tho town council wants to glvo Hones dale tho most durable pave hut It also wants to conform with tho taxpay ers' requests. Monday's rain saved the black berry crop. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Demer, a son, Sunday, on Church street. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. William Myers, of Texas township, a daugh ter, on Saturday last, Born, to Mr. and Mrs. George Glbboncy on Thirteenth street, a daughter on Thursday last. Born, a son, to Mr. and Mrs. George E. Spencer, of Eleventh street, on Monday. Their family now consists of three sons. Patrick Murrny, for many years a section boss on the Erie tracks, died at his home In Hawley Sunday. Tho funeral was held Tuesday morn ing. Tho merchants of Honcsdale and Carbondalo will have an outing at Lake Lodore on August 7. Ar rangements are being made for a big tlmo on that date. The Mitchell Hose company of Carbondale, has accepted from Hose Company No. 1 of this place to be the home company's guests on Fire man's day at the Wayne County Cel ebration. William Baker, an employe, re ceived a painful Injury to one of his feet on Saturday while at his work In the machine shop of the Gurney Elevator company; in some way a large sheave weighing about 300 pounds fell upon his foot. Tho Erk building which suf fered great loss In the recent fire, and which has been under the pro cess of reconstruction since last win ter, is nearing completion. The large plate glass front has been put In and the Interior decoration has been started. Tho Baptist Sunday school pic nic was held at Olver's Grove on Saturday and about one hundred children and members of the church enjoyed a day of complete rest and enjoyment. There was plenty of amusement for the little ones and games of all kinds were indulged in by all. A big dinner was spread on the grass at noon. Among Honesdale persons who ate dinner at the Central House, Lake Huntington, N. Y., Sunday, were: Councilman C. Harry Rettew, wife, eon Charles, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ferber, Mrs. John Rlefler, two sons and two daughters, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Gammell, Mrs. Edward Ward, Ernest Dudley, Fred Hauler, Henry TIngley and George Lees. Jesse Barlow, of Monticello, N. Y., who for nearly a year has been a lessee with Charles W. Elmendorf of Hotel Wayne, transferred his In terest in the business to the latter on Saturday last. Mr. Elmendorf as sumed control of this popular hostelry on Sunday and will here after be In charge. He has had sev eral years of experience and ought to make a success of the venture. Tho Honesdale Boy Scouts are to servo ico cream and cako this (Tuesday) evening on the river bank near the Baptist church. The Scouts are anxious to add to their camp equipment and this social is held for that purpose. . .early half of the troup aro sleeping under tonts on the hills now and If they can se cure equipment It Is nopea that the entlro troup and many other boys can be accommodated. The troup Is going to camp for a week at Lake Ariel and this additional equipment will bo needed. Dr. C. R. Brady dispatched a four-foot rattlesnake, which had nino rattles, In Pike county Sunday. Tho doctor and "W. F. Suydam were motoring through Pike county on their return from Milford. When near Lord's Valley the doctor re marked to Mr. Suydam to look at the largest rattler that laid basking across the road. The automobile ran over tho reptile and crippled him. The doctor stopped and after a short time dispatched the " old timer." He brought It to West brook's, where It Is now being tan ned for the doctor. Mrs. E. T. Smith and Mrs. John Boyd entertained at "500" at the home of the former on Monday af ternoon In honor of their guest, Miss Barr. A buffett luncheon was serv ed and a most enjoyable time was passed by all present. The follow ing were present: Mrs. William Bad er, Mrs. Jos. S. Fryer, Mrs. Harry Richards, Mrs. Harry Weaver, Mrs. Shumway, Mrs. George Ross, Mrs. Leon Ross, Mrs. George Spettiguo, Mrs. Chris. Bergman, Mrs. Frank Erk, Mrs. Thomas Baker, Mrs. John Krantz, Mrs. F. Powell, Miss Emma Brown, Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Fred E. Lawyer, Miss Anna Seaman. On Sunday evening at St. John's R. C. church a special choir com posed of about sixteen boys, ren dered special music for tho evening service. The boys have had very lit tle choir experience but their ren dition was a very creditable one and won for them much applause from tho audience. Under tho direction of Miss Reardon, of Scranton, the new organization was perfected and brought to its present standard. Tho boys comprising tho organization were: James Murray, Francis Mc Graw, Ambrose Glbbony, Joseph Skelly, Joseph Van Drelsden, Leo Skelly, Joseph May, Aloyslus Van Drelsden, Basel Lewis, William Shanley, Francis Igo, Joseph Butler, Charles O'Connor, Peter May, Paul O'NIell and Charles Mangan. On Thursday afternoon last MIbs Theresa Bobbins, who has been working hero for some time, but who lives In Jermyn, where her par ents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Stophen Robblns, reside, was affected by tho heat of the sun and Is now In a critical condition at tho homo of her aunt, Mrs. JSlizaboth Robblns, on Wood avenue. Miss Robblns, accompan ied by her cousin, Miss Pheobe Rob blns, walked down town that after noon and after returning she had a scvero hoadacho, but no attention was paid to this fact that evening other than the applying of tho usual sedatives for tho ache. Friday morning tho young lady was unablo to arise and could not talk. Dr. Powell was called and stated that tho girl had suffered a sun stroko and was In a bad condition. Her condition at present Is much Im proved. Her mother, Mrs. Stophen Robblns, came hero on Monday and took her home. How Is your stock of Board of Trade envelopes? Wo print them at Tho Citizen office. A larco number from Hones dalo attended tho picnic at Lake Lodore on Saturday. Carbondalo Merchants' Day at Lako Lodore, August 7. Honesdalo stores are posted for the event. Saturday last was a big day at Lako Lodore. There wero at least 5,000 mill workers at that popular resort. It Is an old saying that "All roads lead, to Rome," but all of them will lead to Honesdalo next month, when the big celebration will take place. Farmers' Institutes will bo held In Wnyno county at the following places and dates as follows: Hones dale, Dec. 2S; Aldenvllle, Dec. 30, 31; Pleasant Mount, Jan. 1,2; Lake wood, Jan. 3, 4. Cashier C. A. Emery returned Monday after an absence of two weeks spent In Scranton. Mr. Emery left his wife and llttlo daughter, Margaret, very well, which is grati fying news to Inquiring Honesdalo friends. William Watts, whose barn was destroyed by lightning July 17, is planning to rebuild a modern up-to-dato structure. It will be 30x56 feet with basement stables. Mr. 'Watts lost everything but a horse. He was In Honesdale on Monday buying a new wagon, farm Imple ments, etc. Peter Teldemann, who has been staying with his daughter, Mrs. Wil liam DeReamer, near White, killed an enormous rattlesnake near For est Lako one day last week. The reptile had thirteen rattles. Tiede mann Is a salesman for Recht & Rosenbaum, Empire Plcltlo Works, of New York. W. J. Rolf today announces that ho will open his shoe store In his own building on Thursday of this week. The Reif building was badly damaged In last January's tire and now, having been reconstructed, with a new front and new fixtures throughout, presents one of the most up-to-date stores in this section of the state. Mr. Rolf will open with an entirely new line of goods hav ing sold off all the old stock ho car ried before the lire. Wo hope that his opening will be attended by many people and that he will con tinue to enjoy his share of tho pat ronage from the people of Hones dale. Sunday evening at 7:30 bene diction services were held at St. John's Roman Catholic church, Rev. Edtarrt Burke being celebrant. The following interesting program was rendered. Violin solo, Joseph Carr, accompanied by Miss Kathryn RIe.r don; two selections by boys vested choir; cello solo, Frank 'Dupplus; violin solo, Mrs. Eugene Canlvan; organist, Miss Kathryn RIerdon. The benediction services were sung by the church choir. Tho church was crowded to the doors with members and strangers. At the 8:30 morn ing mass, 'Miss RIerdon sang "Per fect Day." She was accompanied by Mr. Dupplus on the cello. If Main street is to be made an average width of 45 feet when it Is paved, it will allow ample room for transplanting new shade trees'on the" east sido of Main street. It is too bad that the trees that have died were not immediately replaced by saplings. Main street is exception ally hot, especially when the sun beats down on tho sidewalk. Tho reflected heat, together with the sun's ays, makes it uncomfortably hot to say the least. This could be overcome to a certain degree by set ting out more shade trees. When tho time comes for making tho im provement In the street lot It bo fol lowed by an effort on the part of property owners to set out shade trees. Howard Hartung, of Paterson. N. J., is visiting his parents here. George Foster of Scranton, was a week-end visitor In town. Leonard Mebbs, of River street, has been In a very critical condition as a result of coming in contact with poison Ivy. It has affected his eyes. This week ho Is much better. Wil liam Denk, who lives next door, volunteered to care for tho MebbB boy ono night last week and now ho is suffering from tho samo attack of poison in his eyes. It is feared that ho will lose his eyesight. Miss McGettigan is acting as nurso to the afflicted ones. Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Keleher and llttlo daughter, of Towanda, ar rived hero Friday evening for a visit with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Roegner, on West street. Mrs. Fred Sluman and two daugh ters, of Carbondalo, spent Thursday and Friday with friends hero. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reliler and son Stanley and sister, MIbs Theresa Sporer, spent Sunday with tho lat ter's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Sporer, at Cherry Ridge. Miss Dorothy Baumann and brother, Carl, have returned from a week's visit with their aunt In Scranton. Miss Mary Murtha, who has been visiting at her homo on Erie street for tlireo weeks, returned to Scran ton on Sunday. (Deputy Reglstor and Recorder F. H. Crago and -wife aro spondlng a few days with relatives and friends at Aldcnvillo. Father Edward Burko has return ed after two weeks' vacation spent with rolatlvo3 In New Jersey. Mrs. M. J. Gordan nnd son, Joseph, of Scranton, aro guests of tho former's cousin, Rev. John O'Toolo, at St. John's parochial resi dence Fathers Henry Burke, of Hawloy, and Daniel McCnrty, of High Lake, aro expected homo from their tour In tho Holy Land about August 22. Ray Sandercock of Cherry Rldgo, has secured a position In the pattern making department of tho Gurney Elevator Works. Miss Martha Volgt, of Frankfort,; is.y who nns been visiting Miss Eva Wilson and other friends horo tho past week, left for Hawley on Monday for a visit with relatives thero. Jacob Relf and son, John, spent Sunday with Mrs. Rolf at Moses Tnylor Hospital, Scranton, where she Is recovering from a recent operation. Harold Tolley, of Blnghamton, re turned home Tuesday after a few days' visit with his cousin, Sumner Crossley. Rev. Samuel Tolloy, of Equlnunk, Is spending a few days in town. II. T. Menner, of the firm of Men ner & Co., is confined to his homo by illness at his homo on Church street. Ho Is under tho caro of a professional nurse. David Pepper nnd Frank Dunlop, both of Paterson, N. J., wero recent guests of Thomas Crossley at Fair view Lake. Pike county. Miss Dora A. Conger entertained j a few friends at her homo on Court street, Mondny evening. I A. L. Schullor, of New York City, spent tho week-end with relatives here. 1 Superintendent C. R. Callaway, of the Gurney Electric Elevator Co. Is In New York City, whore ho was called to glvo flnal Inspection upon an elevator In tho Waldorf-Astoria Hotel before It was turned over for public use. Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Hoffman and Noble M. Pellenz, all of Scranton, are guests at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Allenbacker, Jr., on High street. W. W. Starbuck and sister, Miss Sadie, are visiting relatives In Honesdalo and Bethany. Mrs. Nelson J. Spencer returned iusi ween irom ocneneciauy, is. x., where she had been visiting friends. Mrs. Spencer visited many other points In New York state. Albert GIllow, of Lookout, was in town on Monday and called at The Citizen office. We are always glad to see our old friends. Rev. Will H. Hiller returned on Thursday from Elmira, N. Y where he filled the pulpit last Sunday. While in the state he visited his mother at Dryden, N. Y., and other points. Miss Alice Lewis of Carbondale, Is spending two weeks with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Brown. Attorney Edward A. DeLaney, of Carbondale, was a professional caller In Honesdalo the first of tho week. Mr. and Mrs. Edson Kreitner, of Scranton, wero Sunday guests at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Kreit ner. Mrs. M. II. Mason and son. Fred erick, of Port Jervis, arrived Mon-: day for a fortnight's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Keeler, I on North Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Drecktrade. I and sons, the former's father and the latter's mother, Mrs. R. W. Goesser, j of Jersey City Heights, were recent Honesdalo visitors. i Smith & Son, proprietors of Cry stal Spring Farm, are anticipating building a new calf barn at their stock farm. Miss Mary Murphy visited rela tives In Hawley last Thursday. M4ss Florence Bunnell returned Saturday from a visit with relatives in Chicago, 111. " Edward F. Reader and Miss Kath erine Marie Loeven, both of Haw ley, wore married last week by Rev. Rudolph E. Lucas, of the German Lutheran church. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hutchins and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Spaeth of Carbondalo were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Lent. Tho trip was made In the former's auto. 'Mrs. Frank Secor, of Dunmore, is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. G. P. Sommer and with Mrs. Emma G. Secor on West street. Misses Edna and Ethel Hawker spent Sunday with friends In Beth any. Miss Mary GibDony of Scranton, is the guest of Honesdale friends. Miss Ester Rellly, of Williams port, Is tho guest of relatives here. Miss Bernice Mclntyre is the guest of friends in Hawley. 'Miss Agatha McGraw Is tho guest of Margaret Haltzmaster of Carbon dale. Miss Gertrude Duff Is tho guest of friends in New York. John Krantz and family motored to Gouldsboro on Sunday where they spent tho day. Miss Elsie Ruckle of Bloomsburg, Is spending a fow days with her cousin, Mrs. A. A. Oehlert. Mrs. Leo Campbell of Scranton, Is spending a few days with Honesdalo friends. Miss Florence Eldred is spending the week-end at Elk Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rieiler enter tained a number of friends and rel atives at their homo In Cherry Ridge on Sunday evening. Dancing was the pleasure of the evening and re freshments were served. John Wolfe, of Scranton, spent Sunday In Honesdale. Mr. Wolfe took chargo of tho Scranton Truth's composing room on Monday and his many friends hero aro glad to learn of his advancement. iMlss Cora Keen returned Friday after a pleasant visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Corbett, In Rockvlllo Centre, Long Island, N. Y. Mrs. Fred B. Whitney has re turned from Kingston, Port Jervis, and other points, being absent about four weeks from Honesdale. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hawken and daughter, Miss Lactca, wero guests on Saturday and Sunday at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Con rad, of Scranton. Miss Almeta Sav ago, a trained nurse of tho Burns hospital, accompanied them homo In their automobile and returned to Scranton Monday. Miss Maymo Lynott, a clerk In tho Lelno pharmacy, Is enjoying her va cation In Scranton and Canaan. Miss Helen Schautz, of Scranton, 1b spending her vacation with her cousin, MIbs Mllllo Schwleger, on Main street. Miss Schautz Is enjoy lgn tho present week with campers at Elk Lako. Reuben Brown will pass tho re mainder of his vacation with his parents on North Main street. Jos. Jacobs was a business caller In Scranton the latter part of tho week. Menner & Co. aro now offering at special sale all of their Children s Fancy and play wash dresses. CleH MURDER AT KEEN'S POND (Continued From Pago Ono.) several more neignDors, numbering about ten In all, were at the Dol phin home until ten o'clock Satur day night. Ono of the number was a musician nnd furnished music for a dance. When tho company arrived Mrs. Dolphin stntcs that her husband was In the kitchen and refused to como out and Join tho rest In a good tlmo until one of tho number went out and coaxed him. After that ho enjoyed himself as much as tho rest for tho whole time the com pany was thero or up to 10 o'clock. Mrs. Dolphin's Story Sustained. District Attorney M. E. Simons, accompanied by Coroner P. B. Peter sen and N. B. Spencer, wont to Keen's Pond Monday and made a further Investigation of the premises and questioned both Mrs. Leonard and Mrs. Dolphin further as to the occurrance. Many neighbors wero also questioned. The undertaker was about to move the body from the houso when Spen cer arrived, preparatory to moving it to Dickson City for burial. Ho held It up until tho Coroner and Dis trict Attorney arrived. A probe was made for the bullets which entered the man's body and to find tho gen eral direction of the shots. It was found that ono shot had entered the fleshy part of tho man's arm near tho shoulder and went through his body piercing the left lung. The other shot pointed upward and en tered the body in the center of the chest also piercing the lungs. Tho third and last was found to have gone through the heart. It was probably at this point that the wounded man exclaimed, "O! My God! I'm Shot! and rushed from the room. The fact that the man was shot through tho heart and was able to walk through two rooms before falling seems remarkablo but Dr. Petersen stated that It was possible as It Is undoubtedly what happened in this case. The course of all the shots entering tho body was up ward, tending to prove that Hub bard pointed tho gun upward and that Dolphin was leaning over him at tho time. According to Hub bard's own statement six shots in all wero fired. Only flvo of them have been accounted for thus far. The extra shot may hnve went through tho open door, which accounts for its not being found. The Investigation as a whole corroborated the testi mony of the family. Both Mrs. Leonard and her daughter were rigidly cross-examined by the dis trict attorney but no different story could be obtained from them. A preliminary hearing will be held In a few days before a Justice of the peace so that the charge can be 'egally placed upon Hubbard and he can be held for tho next grand Jury. The body was taken to 'Dickson City, his former home, on Monday afternoon, where burial took place. All of his relatives live there. Husband Was Not Jealous. Mrs. Dolphin states positively that her husband was not Jealous of her and had never mentioned anything of the kind to her since they wero married. Ho disliked to have men callers at tne house but never cora pained when one was there or seem ed jealous. "He and Hubbard were on tho best of terms all the time." sho asserted. "In fact, Hubbard camo on the Invitation of Mr. Dol phin, himseir, who invited him to make our home his headquarters while working in tho vicinity and Thursday he invited Hubbard to come and stay over Sunday with us." "lie naa a Jealous dlsnnsitlnn though," continued Mrs. Dolphin, but it took tho form of hating any man who succeeded better than he did or who was able to make more money at any Job- than he was." MARRIAGE LICENSE. Elmer Blackmoro Hawley Catherine E. Bishop Brooklyn Cleaning Velvet. To clean light colored velvet, cor duroy or felt, rub tho soiled portion lightly with tho cut surface of a day- old loaf of white bread, cutting off tho surface as fast as It becomes dis colored. Stylish Gloves. White Is still the proper shade In gloves, but tans aro also good form and tho various shades of taupe aro growing in popularity. Champagne color Is correct with tho right cos tume, and black gloves will bo much worn with the season's popular white costumes. STATEM Honesdale School District July I, 1911 to July 6, 1912 . W. J. WARD. Treasurer. GENERAL Receipts. Balance July 1,1011 711.01 Tuition year 1910-1911 1.038.30 Tuition year 1911-1912 1.9CS.70 II. Scmiernolz, col. '09 dupli cate in full 109.11 II. Schuerholz, col. 1910 dup licate In full r.Sfi.17 II. Schuerholz, col. 1911 dup licate in full 9.S90.C1 State appropriations 3,230.90 Rent 00 $17,589.80 Tuition due and unpaid $4G5.90 SINKING Balance July 1. 1911 $1.82719 Interest on balances 123.53 II. Schuerholz, col. 1010 dup- Ucato 2G0.50 II. Schuerholz, col. 1911 dup licate 4,395.82 C.C07.04 THOS. M. FULLER, FRANK TRUSCOTT. Auditors. Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Whalon spent the week-end with Plttston relatives. C. P. Searlo has returned from a few days' motor trip through Now York state. Miss Marguerite Dolmetsch leaves this week Wednesday morning for a visit with Wellsboro relatives. John A. Kimble of Towanda, la spending a week with his mother, Mrs. John Kuhbach, of Court street. To clean up stock Menner & Co. will sell at remarkably low prlcea tho balance of their Ladies' Tailor Suits. Clel 4 Especially In Winter. Who sings the tender Joys of homo Can melt the hardest heart, no doubt, And make chaps who once wished to roam Bo glad they never started out. WANTED EXPERIENCED RIBBON WEAVERS: Piece work; can tnnko $18.00 per week, lint aro guaranteeing 815.00 per week of 55 hours. Married pco plo preferred. Sclinuin & Uhllngcr high-speed double deck looms. Ap ply hy letter only to VIRGINIA SILK COMPANY, INC., South Richmond, Vn. 50tf CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Soars the Signature ot Comfortable Cows Means More Milk Star Stalls and Stanchions aro the comfortable kind. Star stalls aro adjustable so that all size cowa will stand In perfect alignment. Star stanchions are adjustable so that young cattle or large cows can be placed in the same stanchion. You cannot know how good our Star barn equipment is unless you come In and see for yourself. Our prices aro a llttlo lower than you will expect to pay. If you anticipate Improvements como In and seo us. If you are not going to make changes como anyway. Star Adjustaoie Stalls, $5.00 each. Star Adjustable Steel Stanchions, $1.50 chain or swivel hlng. Star Wood Stanchions, $1.10 chain or swivel hlng. Everything (or the Farm Honesdale, Fa ENT OF FUND. Expenditures. School supplies and books Teachers salaries Janitor nnd cleaning 1 ,195.22 10 980.45 745.81 270.47 708.31 302.43 275.00 50.00 50.00 283.00 Equipment Fuel Light and power H. Schuerholz, collector's sal ary, part Secretary Treasurer Building and building sup plies Sundry printing, freight, etc. Balance July 6, 1912 I 199. 1C ,517.95 $17,5S9.S0 Duo collector, balance of sal ary $75 Other unpaid bills $31.50 FUND. Bond No. 5 paid 500.00 Bond No. 0 paid 500.00 Bond No. 117 and accrued In terest, paid In advance 507.50 Bond No. 120 and accrued In terest paid in advance 507.50 Coupons Oct. 1911 1,100.00 Coupons April 1912 1,120.00 Balance July 5, 1912 2,312.04 $C,C07.04 April coupons outstanding Bonds outstanding $20 $50,000 1 mm 14