The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, July 31, 1912, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Scml-Weokly Founded 1008; Weekly Founded 1814.
Published Wednesdays and Fridays b y the Citizen Publishing Company.
Entered as second-class matter, at the postoffice, Honesdalo, Pa.
Our friends tcho favor us with contributions, anil desire to have the same re
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Remit by Express Money Order, Draft. Postofflco Order or Registered
letter. Address all communications to The Citizen, No. 803 Main street,
Honesdale, Pa. ....
All notices of shows, or other entertainments held for tho purposo of
making money or nny Items that contain advertising matter, will only bo
admitted to this paper on payment of regular advertising rates. Notices
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50 cents, memorial poetry and resolutions of respect will bo charged for
at the rate of a cent a word. Advertising rates on application.
WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 11)12.
For President,
State Treasurer,
Auditor General,
District Congressman,
Tho shortest and the best prayer
which we can address to Him who
knows our wants, and our ignorance
in asking, is this: "Thy will be
done." Bolingbroke.
Some editors may not think that
the farmers should ask for a. tariff,
but the way the farmers fought tho
Canadian reciprocity ought to sat
isfy anyone that they do want pro
tection and that competition with
countries where the cost of produc
tion Is less, works loss and injury to
American farmers.
Some people think that the tariffs
on American fruits and vegetables
are high, but the foreign countries
also know how to put on heavy
tariffs. The Consul at Prague writes
that the local canned fruit is In
ferior to tho American, but that ow
ing to the high duty on the Ameri
can product 7. S3 cents per pound
only a limited quantity is sold.
If it be true that a lie will travel
6even leagues while truth Is draw
ing on Its boots and who doubts
it? surely It behooves truth to
"keep up Its best and steadiest pace,
like the tortoise in the race with
the rabbit.
One of the seven-leaguers which
will be overtaken In duo season Is
the malicious falsehood regarding the
honesty of the Chicago convention.
It Is printed with a thousand varia
tions In every antl-Taft newspaper
of the country almost every day.
Here is a sample from the Kansas
City Star:
The nomination of Mr. Taft was
brought about by fraud as rank as
the Lorimer fraud and the Chi
cago fraud was wholesale. Mr.
Lorimer himself was not accused
oy the Senate of direct participa
tion in the corruption. He was
ousted because he was the bene
ficiary of a corrupt transaction.
The American people aro no more
bound to recognize a nomination
procured as Mr. Taft's nomination
was procured for him than the
American Senate was obliged to
accept tho fraud-vitiated work of
the Illinois Legislature.
Intimately and well every Roose
velt organ which Iterates this He
knows it for what It is. Anyone
conversant with the facts, who makes
the assertion that the management
of the recent convontlon In Chicago
was less just and fair than that of
other Republican national conven
tions In our time, is guilty of delib
erate falsehood.
Tho method of procedure was pre
cisely the same as that of the con
ventions which nominated Theodore
Roosevelt for President and Vice
President, and which nominated
William Howard Taft for President
at Roosevelt's command In 1908.
If the 1912 convention was
Iniquitous, tho 1908 convention was
doubly so, for In 1908 the manage
ment was personally controlled by a
man who now says that tho methods
he used were such as to make him
"a fit subject for the penitentiary."
In tho hearing of contests by tho
national committee tho Taft mem
bers did more than waB required of
them to assure Roosevelt delegates
a "squaro deal." Sessions were pro
longed beyond all reason to permit a
full hearing of cases which were set
tled ipreemptorlly under tho Rooso-
velt management four years before.
The evidence in nearly every case
was so clearly in favor of tho Taft
delegates that Roosevelt merabors
of tho committee voted with tho
Taft members.
To assert that "an overwhelming
majority of the voters of tho Repub
lican party had proclaimed their
preference for Roosevelt at tho pri
maries" Is absurd, In view of tho
fact that only a limited number of
States have presidential primaries as
yet, and In many of these tho system
Is so unsatisfactory that tho results
could not bo accepted as genuine.
Mr. Roosevelt himself says that in
New York, where his campaign ex
penses averaged ?4 a vote, tho pri
mary was "a wicked farce," and that
in North Dakota, where ho was com
pletely snowed under by La Follotte,
the votes of Democrats beat him.
Wherever the primaries went
against Roosevelt, the primaries
were rotten. Wherever he won or
broke even, they constituted an over
whelming demand on the part of tho
whole American people for the nomi
nation of Roosevelt.
We repeat that no Republican has
occasion to blush for the Chicago
convention of 1912, except for tho
lamentable part played in It by that
distinguished ex-Republican, Theo
dore Roosevelt. Harrlsburg Tele
The Lawrence homestead at Beth
any was destroyed by fire on Sunday
afternoon at 1 o'clock, entailing a
severe loss to the occupants, Mr. and
Mrs. Lee Paynter.
The tenants went to church and
when they came home they started a
new fire In the range. About 1
o'clock the family noticed smoke and
flames coming out of the second
story window. The Are had too
great a start to extinguish it, so Mr.
and Mrs. Paynter, by the aid of
many willing workers succeeded in
removing a large quantity of heavy
furniture. Mrs. Paynter lost many
pieces of jewelry, among which was
her engagement ring, which she
prized very highly. All of the kitch
en utensils were lost. Mr. Paynter
carried no Insurance upon tho con
tents. A strong west wind was
blowing, which fanned tho flames
and set fire to the barn. It stood
upon the opposite side of tho road
and was on ilro over 50 times, but
each time the blaze was put out by
a well-formed bucket brigade.
From -10 minutes after the house
caught fire it was completely de
stroyed. The house was the property of Al
len Lawrence, of Scranton. It had
recently been repainted and papered
and placed in first-class condition.
Hni'tiunn Bracey.
The following account is taken
from tho Dally Globe of Shelby, O.,
Wednesday, July 24:
Last evening at S o'clock, Father
Crehan, pastor of the Catholic
church, olllciated at the marriage
ceremony of Miss Kathryn M. Bra
cey, formerly of Honesdale, and
Boyd E. Hartman, tho formal wit
nesses being Harry Martin and Miss
Eva Sutter. The marriage ceremony
was performed in the Catholic
church, according to Its ritual, a
special dispensation in this case be
ing granted by the bishop, of Clove
land. Ordinarily the church does not
permit any marriage ceremony to be
performed after 1'2 o'clock noon.
The altar was beautifully deco
rated for tho ceremony, and a few
intimate friends of the people were
They were accompanied as far as
Toledo by Miss Eva Sutter and Harry
Martin of Washington, D. C.
The brido and groom will pro
ceed to Canada and will also go to
Youngstown for a visit before re
turning to Shelby."
Mr. Hartman is employed in the
store of Wilson & Klrkpatrlck as
clerk. The bride until about two
years ago was a resident of Hones
dale having lived at tho home of her
cousin, James Bracey on Erie street,
and previous to that resided in Car
bondale, and her many friends both
In Honesdale and Carbondalo wish
them much happiness In their wed
ded life.
Wallace Smith.
On Thursday afternoon, July 25,
Harold Wallace and Miss Gcrtrudo
Smith, both of Dunmore, wero
united in marriage at camp, 'by
Rev. Spear, who Is camping at Boyds
Mills. They wero attended by tho
groom's brother and Miss Shaffer.
Tho camp was beautifully decorated
with greens, etc., for tho occasion,
and luncheon was served after tho
ceremony In camp style. Tho happy
couple then left on an extended wed
ding trip, after which they will make
their homo In Dunmore.
John Ryan, of Canaan, was
brought to Honesdalo Monday morn
ing by Constablo II. L. Slnquotte on
a warrant issued by Ryan's daugh
ter. Ryan took tho plodgo some
few weeks ago, but during tho past
week ho became ugly and began
abusing his "wife, who was HI In bed.
Ryan Is charged with pulling Mrs.
Ryan out of bed whllo very sick.
Ho Is also held for destroying prop
erty and making llfo dangerous for
his family.
Ryan was placed In tho county Jail
to await his appearance at court.
Passed Away Suddenly of Heart
Trouble Caused by Murder in
Neighborhood Was 78
Years Old,
Mrs. Ann M. Rix, wife of tho late
James B. Keen, died suddenly at her
homo In Keen on Monday. Mrs.
Keen's death Is attributed directly to
shock caused by tho murder which
was committed by Hubbard tho first
of tho week.
Mrs. Keen wns about tho house at
tending to her household duties as
usual on Monday morning. Sho was
taken violently ill and died in her
son Charles' arms at about 3.30
Tho murder which had been com
mitted a short distance from her
home, wns the chief talk of conver
sation in that country village. The
shock was too great for Mrs. Keen
and according to a statement made
by her physician, he states that
death was due to heaTt trouble
superinduced by tho shock of tho
Mrs. Keen was born In Canaan
township on the old Rix homestead
November 1, 1834, and was a
daughter of George and Clarissa
(Whitmore) Rix. Tho deceased was
married to James B. Keen 'March G,
1855, and eight children blessed
their home, four of whom survive,
namely, Mrs. William C. Norrls, of
Willmantic, Ct.; James, of Way
mart; Charles and Miss Nora Keen
at homo. Mr. Keen, the father,
died less than a year ago. Mrs.
Keen and her family were well
known and their hosts of friends
will miss tho kind faco that made
everyone so welcome In their pleas
ant home.
On Charge of Burning a Bnrn for
Georgo Mnckley on Mny 23 Last
Held for Grand Jury on 9500
Ben White made another call at
tho county Jail on Friday evening
and this time It looks as though Ben
had come to stay awhile. Ho was
arrested on information sworn to
by George Mackley of Fortenia and
tho caso came up before 'Squire R.
A. Smith on Saturday morning. The
charge was tho burning of a barn
on the Mackley farm on May 25 last
and threats to burn other properties
in tho neighborhood. Ben was
brought In and tho charge was read
to him. 'Ho pleaded "Not Guilty."
George Mackley was tho first wit
ness. He stated that he lived on tho
Harding farm near Fortenia and
near tho home of Ben White. Ho
stated that on tho night of the Are
tho moon was shining and no one of
his family had been to tho barn since
early that morning. Tho barn was
situated about a quarter of a mile
back of tho house and was not on a
public highway. He charged White
with burning the barn because tho
latter had told him many times
previous to the loss that ho would
burn it. Mackley testified that White
said to him, "You had ono flro and
you'll have another and this tlmo
you'll bo in it." This was after the
barn burned.
Mr. Ludwlg sworn: Ho testified
that he lived about three quarters of
a mllo from Mackley's place. Ho
had talked to Ben Whlto on Tuesday
last when Ben camo over to his
place. Ho told him about being in a
hospital and then asked If Mackley
had said anything about tho last
trouble to him. Mr. Ludwig told
Den about tho tlmo ho stolo some
chickens. Ben said, "Never mind
nbout tho chickens, I'll fix you and
Mackley for this. I made It warm
for him and I'll make It warm for
you." Mr. Ludwlg stated that "hlS
wlfo and brother wero In hearing of
tho conversation.
District Attorney Simons asked
Ben if ho had any remarks to mako
but cautioned him that anything ho
said would be used against him.
Ben merely made a few remarks
about his innocence and mistreat
ment and said that ho didn't know
of tho lire until the next day.
'Squire Smith held White to an
swer to tho charges bof ore tho next
grand Jury under ?500 bond.
purposo to build tho entlro height
of tho dam at tho start, but mako It
high enough to flood tho recent
wooded territory, which has been
cloared during tho spring and sum
mer. By securing cheap power from
tho Paupack Powor company it will
have a tendency to open tho field
here for tho reception and location
of several new Industries, which will
follow. With the prospecta of
Honesdalo being so bright why,
then, do somo merchants condemn
tho agency which will bring or
causo to bo brought about this much
looked-for prosperity? Good times
are not afar off, but if tho individual
can see only as through dark
glosses, what will It matter to him
If ho had an oil woll on his property?
Don't bo a pessimist all your life.
Come over on tho optimistic side and
enjoy life with tho majority of your
brother merchants. Work for the
trolley road.
Stomach Distress
Gas and Souracsa Vanish.
What's tho uso or always feeling
misorablo Just becauBo your ntomacU
Isn't behaving Itself.
Don't you know mat scores of
thousands of people have changed
bad stomachs into perfect working
ones by tho slmplo mothod of swal
lowing ono or two little MI-O-NA
stomach tablets after each meal?
MI-OjNA Is compounded from tho
formula of what Is probably tho best
proscription for Indigestion and up
set stomach ever written, and G. W.
Poll, tho druggist, guarantees It.
It rolloves distress In fivo minutes,
but better still, It removes tho causo
of misery in a fow days.
Largo box 50 cents at G. W.
Pell's and druggists overywhoro.
Trolley Road Coming, Now Indus
tries Sighted Paupack Power
Conipnny Will Mean Much to
Northeastern Pennsylvania.
Why knock tho proposed trolley
road? The business man who says
It will never amount to anything,
claiming It will not pay and tho like
will bo tho first to welcome the
clang of the bell on tho car, because
It will bring him business. There
is not a store, market or place of any
kind that is doing business in Hones
dale. but what will be benefited when
the trolley road is In operation, and
it Is sure coming.
'Why should tho merchant worry
about the proposed road not paying?
Let the traction company look after
that end of affairs. There is no rea
son why it would not pay and pay
good dividends. At the start it
would be a novelty and almost every
body would want to take pleasure
rides to tho destination of the road.
If the proposed road goes to Hawley
there will, without a doubt, be a
large amount of traffic between
these places. Smaller towns always
become feeders for larger places.
Tho same holds good In trading as
is now tho case with the people of
tho villages and hamlets in Wayne
county coming to Honesdalo to shop
and do their banking.
What Honesdalo and Wayno coun
ty needs Is development of natural
resources. This is coming. The
trolley road, we have been authenti
cally Informed, will bo operated.
Tho generating of electricity at Haw
ley will furnish power that will
drive the wheels of the cars of tho
Wayno County Traction Railway be
fore another year rolls around.
Work on tho construction of the
large dam at Wllsonville, on the
Paupack river, it is said, will be
commenced shortly. It is not the
Paupack, July 29.
Edwin Killam, aged sixty-nine
years, wns taken with a stroko Sun
day, July 21. He was taken with a
second stroke Monday morning and
died Monday noon. Tho funeral was
held Thursday, Rev. Treat officiating.
Interment was made in tho Paupack
cemetery. Tho deceased Is survived
by a wife and one daughter, Mrs.
Leonard Simons, who have tho sym
pathy of tho entire community.
Mark Edgar and sons, Warman
and Robert, returned to Scranton
Sunday after spending a few days
with Mr. Edgar's aunt, Miss E. B.
Miss Mable Pellett is spending
a few days with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. A. Pellett.
Mrs. B. F. Killam has been on the
sick list but is slowly Improving.
Miss Frances Killam Is camping
with a party of friends at Falrview
Miss Fannie Bennett will sail for
India Aug. 3, instead of Aug. 13, as
stated recently.
Has Cured Worst Cases and You Can
Prove it for Omly 25 Cents.
Yes, try Zemo. That's all you
need do to get rid of the worst
case of eczema. You take no chance,
it is no experiment. Zemo is posi
tively guaranteed to stop itching,
rash, raw, bleeding eczema, make a
pimpled faco smooth and clean.
Zemo Is a wonder and the minute
I applied It sinks in, vanishes, leaves
I no evidence, doesn't stick, no grease,
jusl a pure, clean, wonueriui liquid
and it cures. This Is guaranteed
Zemo Is put up by tho E. W. Rose
Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo., and
sold by all druggists at $1 for the
largo bottle and at 25 cents for tho
liberal size trial bottle. Try one 25
cent bottle and be convinced. Sold
in Honesdalo by A. M. Leine.
Menner & Co. for one month will
close out at half price their remain
ing stock of black silk jackets and
long coats. Clell
.Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Keen re
turned Monday from a visit with
Monte Keen at Clarks Summit.
Morris Brown, of Poyntello,
brother of Mrs. C. K. Schoonover of
this place, recently suffered serious
injuries from a fall In his homo
town. Among tho injuries received
was a fractured arm. Ho went to
Scarnton to havo tho fracture re
duced. Cleveland Rogors spent Sunday
with Mrs. Rogers in Honesdalo.
Bruco Geer and Miss Emma
Stanton, both of Waymart, wero
Sunday callers in Honesdale.
Young men, did it ever occur to
you that money saved is money
earned? Save now. If you havo not
already commenced, to .buy your
own home. Tho real estate agents
of Honesdalo havo a number of good
properties listed at nominal prices.
Every man ought to possess a small
property. It will be better for him
and bettor for his family. Invest
your money In a home then you
will have something to show for it.
J. B. Robinson
- Real Estate
Real Estate Bought and Sold.
OFFICE: Jadwm Building.
Grand Opening Display, Thursday
On and after the above date Honesdale will ho treated at last
to a real, live up-to-date shoe store.
There are two kinds of shoe retailers: The old-fashioned, and
the now. Wo wish to bo Included among the latter class, and
our aim will bo to make our store the most up-to-date, tho most
convenient and best shoe store in Honesdale.
Old-fashioned shoo retailing methods mean waste. Shoe
retailing under modern "scientific management" means saving
not only to tho retailer but to you, tho purchaser, as well. Our
energies will bo concentrated on the following famous makes.
Each lino will be a complete unit, and our stock will consist of
tho most varied assortment of all tho smartest styles, fabrics
and leathers. Our motto will bo quick sales at a small profit.
Fresh goods you will always And on our shelves.
Wo are going to carry at tho outset the following leaders:
FOR MEN: Tho well known Walk-Over Make.
FOR 'WOMEN: Tho famous "Queen Quality" Shoe.
Tho "Boston Favorito" Shoe.
For Misses & Children: The Celebrated Merrlara Shoe.
Walk-Over Shoes
for Men