THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1912. PAGE THREE .. Five Nominees Will Make j The Race For President! t Democratic, Republican, Pro I gressive, Socialist and Pro I hibitionist Candidates. Dy JAMES A. EDCERTON. THERE will bo flvo candidates for president before tlve voter this year, a full hand Wood row Wilson, Democrat; Wil liam Howard Taft, Itoirobllcau; Theo floro ltooievolt, Progressive; Eugene Victor Debs, Socialist, nnd Eugene Wilder Chnllu, Prohibition. Most of UwRC aro old friends, ns Governor Wilson is tho only ot of tho number Uiat lias not bocn n nominee for presi dent before. Itoosevelt ran ns tho lie publican cnudidatc In 1004, Taft as the Republican candidate In VXti, Gitalin as tbe Inhibition candidate In UK)S nnd Dctw as the Socialist candidate In 1000, 10O1 and 1003. Running for pres ident gots to bo a habit with some men. Thesa flvo candidates give tlw voter a wide rnnpo of cholee, varying all the way from the water wagon to the band wagon. Of course there may le a dlllcreitoe of opinion as to which candidate Is driving the ltand wagon, but this is ns it should Ik?, for if we knew to a certainty the contort would Uncle Sam's Full Hand, t Which One of the Five Will Take the Trick? scales at nearly twice as much ns his Democratic opponent or ho docs, that Is, if the scales don't break. in this age of divorces and complex marifeU relations It may tw worth while to noto that nil of these candi dates for our highest otllco are happily married and nre men of clean lives, showing that whatever wo as n peo ple practice, wtr Ideals are still right, and we cIxhwo ns our representatives men wlto live up to tltoto Ideals. At Home on the Stump. All five of Ukmo candidates aro nat urally onVctlvo campaigners. If wo had orators nowadays, which merci fully we have not, soino of them might even le clawed under that bond. Yet they are better speakers titan tlto old school conventional typo of orator who used elocutionary arts, twisted the ea gle's tail and talked for effect Those leaders of today speak directly and simply, telling whnt they mean In the language understood by tltc average man. Nearlr everybody lfas beard one or more of these candidates, not a few the Uvea of these men or nt lonst ot pome of them by heart. To glvo a biography of President Taft or Colonel Roosevelt for example, would be like praising tlve nun or eulogizing tho Al mighty. Painting the lily, gliding re fined gold or cnrrylng coals to Newcas tle would not be a marker to such a performance. Wilson, Chnlln nnd Debs aro not so woll known, perhaps, but encyclopedias nre in common use and time and fqutco arc precious. It is enough to say of Mr. Challn that ho has boon prominent In the Good Tempters, having Ucn head of the or der In two states and a prominent na tional ofllclal, Uiat he is n practicing lawyer, that lie was suteriutondeut of the Washlngtonlnu home in Clilcngo. candidate for congros, for attorney gen eral of two states nnd govenior of Wis consin on the Prohibition ticket, nuthor of "Mviw of tho Presidents." "tJnooln, the Man of Sorrow," "Wnshlngton ns a Statesman" and other liooks, and a man who says he was never sick a day and can turn handsprings and do the same nthletic stunts at fifty-nine thnt he did no n loy. Debs Once In Jail. As for Debs, he started as a locomo tive fireman, -was salesman for a whole sale grocery house, city clerk of Terre Hants, member of the Indiana legis lature, Fecretary-trcaaurer of the Brotltcrltood of Locomotive Firemen, president of tltc American Railway unkm. in which capacity ho conducted tlte famous Chicago strlko nnd was put In Jull for his pains, helped organize the Socialist party and Is leading it now for tlie fourth consecutive time. G rover Cleveland was originally christened Stephen Grover, amputating FROG IN HER STOMACH FOR NEARLY A YEAR. Nos. 1, 2 and 3 copyright 1312, by American Press Association. 1, ROOSEVELT; 2, TAFT; 3, WILSON; No. 0 copyright by Bundy. 4, CHAFITT; 5, DEBS. It Clawed, Crawled nnd Even Croaked, Washington Woman Asserts, A live frog that .-"-awled and clawed nnd croaked lived for nearly a year iu the stomach of Mrs. L. V. King of Wushlugtou. After reducing the woman to n liv ing .skeleton the frog was finally ex tricated by physicians with a largo pump. The frog Is now preserved In alco hol. It measures all told about seven Inches. As n tadpole It was swallowed by Mrs. King In well water last August. Weeks passed lioforo the woman real ized there was some living creature in her stomach. She consulted doctors, but they laughed at her. Last spring the frog, now reaching to Its full growth, began to climb Into her throat and nearly suffocated her, mid several times she fainted with pain. Two months ago, Mrs. King declares, the frog began to croak. She distinct ly heard it many times, nnd her rela tives bear her out. She went to a hos pital, nnd the frog was pumped out of Its hiding place. The frog lived ten minutes In a tub of water, it croaked nnd sang Just like any "regular frog." Then It died According to physicians, tills is the lirst time on record that any creature of tlie proportions of this frog lias ever lived In n human stomach for the pe riod of eleven months. Clean Sweep. "Why does tho woman tako tho namo of tho man sho marries?" "Well, sho takes everything else, so sho might nB well tako that, too." ASK ANY HORSE . Eureka Harness Oil ' Sold ft j daalorm avcrywhar-a Tke Atlantic Refining Company JOSEPH N. WELCH Fire Insurance The OLDEST Fire Insurance Agency in Wayne County. Offlcc: Second lloor Masonic Build ing, over C. C. Jadwln's drug storo, Honcsdale. PREFERS HOME TO POLITICS. Mrs. Hamilton's Five Children Make Her Refuse Assembly Nomination. "My advice to woman," said Mrs. A, L. Hamilton, wife of a former as sistant superintendent of schools In Pasadena, Cat, "is to keep out of pol ities until their babies are grown up. Women should t'ike nn Interest in vot ing nnd affairs of state, but let that interest bo passive until the little ones at home are able to care for them selves." Mrs. Hamilton, who was formerly prosldent of the state mothers' con gress find at present is head or the southern district of the organization. refused tlie prohibition nomination for the assembly, declaring her duty was first to her children and her homo and not to the state. She is the mother of five children, and if she were elected to tho assembly would be absent from homo for many months of the year. This fact decided her to refuse the nomination. "I will neglect my homo for nothing on earth," salu Mrs. Hamilton. "As one of the leaders in tlie mothers' con gress, I could not consistently sacrifice my homo duties for a political position." loso Interest and no one could place beta. Nobody gets excited over a horse race that Is a dead suro thing. When a man gots into tho election booth alone with his God and a stub pencil he can bo thankful that lie has a list of such able citizens to pick from. Of course four of them will not bo elected, but dout tell nny of them beforehand that bo la to bo ono of tho rejected, for lie would not believe It There Is something about running for president that makes every nominee harbor tho secret notion that ho la tho people's chosen nnd anointed. All Physically Fit. In tho matter of ago the candidates nro well bunched, all of them In the fifties. Itoosevelt is fifty-three. Taft fifty-four, Wilson fifty-five,' Debs flfty- ty-slx and Chafln fifty-nine. Physical ly, tliey are all In tlw pink ol condi tion, ns befits men with Buch a foot race ahead. Of tho flvo three aro col lege men, Taft Itoosevelt and Wilson, nnd tlireo aro writers of books, Itooec velt, Wilson nnd Chnlln. Strangely enough, these tlireo aro writers of his tory. In tlie matter of pastimes, Taft and Wilson play golf, Itoosevelt plays tennis and several other things, Cha fin is sotnetlrlng of an athlete, and Debs well, Debs' pastimes aro run ning for president and making Social ist speeches. Tlrreo of the candidates llvo in the ftiito in which each was bonv-Taft in Ohio, Debs In Indiana and Itoosevelt in New "York. Wllsoc was born In Vir ginia, practiced larw in Geongia and now hails from Now Jersey, while Chnlln vms born in Wisconsin, hailed from Illinois whcn4 ran for president four yoars ago and now lives In Arizona. Dobs Is the tallest of tho five, meas uring about six foot Tho others aro of mcdUun height, Wilson being about five foot eleven. All aro of good wclcht, although Mr. Taft tips tho havo heard all of them, for thoy have been campaigning or locturlng for the past twelve or fiftoon yoars, and some of them longer. Chafln is a Chautau qua lecturer, Debs was a labor advo cate before ho took up socialism, Wil son has boon gpenMng before college societlos aitd learned and civic bodies for many yoars, while ItoowovcH and Taft havo mode enough whirlwind tours of tlie oonntry to give a largo part of tho populacu a chance to poo and hoar tltom in action. Ono of the refreshing things about those 1012 can didates Is tliat they aro all eimplo and frank. Tltero is Mttlo of tho old polit ical trick of concealing tlioaghts, bal ancing statements and befogging tho Issues, Tito American people will not stand for Uiat sort of thing now. They would rather a speaker should mako breaks tlian lack In candor and directness. Tho public wants straight from tlte shoulder utterance without poses or trimmings. Practical Idealists. Putting asldo partisan bias and look ing at these candidates simply as men, they are u gratifying exhibit of Ameri canism. Democratic institutions nro a distinct success when they produce such lenders. Clean morally, mentally and physically, ready to glvo utterance to. .the faith tltnt Is in tfiem and to fight for their principles, idealists and yet practical men of affairs, these candi dates rellcct credit on our national character and aro of the best typo of American gentlemen. Tito most grati fying thlny ubout them is that'they nre typical, not geniuses removed from tho crowd, but expressing the average man at Ida lxKrt. The genius hus his plat, but not in exocutivo position. The need there is for common sense, hon esty, public spirit and level beaded. well balanced character. This is not a biographical sketch. the Stephen with his own hand. In llko manner Woodrow Wilson was nainod Thomas Woodrow, but shed the Thomas as excess baggage- By the was, have yoo-overobeerred that most of tiic presidents of tho United States bow had but ono fropt namoS Fact: Dssw your own lnfercitae, Ae to Wll saafe-ourocr, ho -was tho eoa af n mm inter, was educated ot Prtnooton and Jotoa Hopkins, was processor of political-ooooomy In two or throo colleges, president of Princeton, governor of Now Jerney where lie licked the bosses in Ida own party, wrote several books on history and iKtlltlcal economy nnd Is Just nlxxit now tho most observed man In tills republic. Taft and Roosevelt Then there are Taft and Itoosevelt, mow familiarly known as Bin and Teddy, whose careers, as before re marked, everybody knows forward and backward. Tho colonel lias Ixxrn n cowboy, po lloo commissioner, civil service reform er. rough rider, mighty hunter, histo riun, fniHiul naturalist, founder of now ixirty, contributing editor and orlg Ii tutor of, tlw Ananias club. Mj. Tuft has held appointive offices nl mot continuously since Ito left law school, among otltere being county prooocutor, stato judge, federal Judge, Internal rovemio collector, governor, Bocrotnry of war, far traveler, pacifica to of Wands, poiteo advocate nud nvm ulio could do some rather hard figbttug when driven luto a corner. Which ono of these llvo will lie tho itoxt iwosidenjt of tlte United States? WoX, dear voter, that is for you to nay, novo is the list, and it is u pro My fair lift ot that 'Jiko your pkk. wouldn't tell you which ono will bo afctctod If I knew, which I do not,-al thouati I may be vain enough 'to think 1 do. In the languago of tho classics, That is not needed. Most peoplo know Jear roter, it is up to you, 4 f f f 4- 4- -T f 1 , -f -f -f i -ff -f -f Keystone Stores END TO ALL FIGHT PICTURES. Taft Will Sign Bill Forbidding Inter state Traffic In Films. Prizefight moving pictures became n thing of tho past m the United States when the bouse passed the senate bill prohibiting the transportation of sncli moving picture films between the vari ous states and territories or from for eign countries. Heavy fines for violation of the pro posed law are fixed by tho bill. The president, said to be in complete sym pathy with tbe legislation, is expected to affix his signature to the measure. Southern members of congress were especially interested in the proposed law because of the race feeling stirred up by tho exhibition or the Jetrnes Johnson moving pictures in their sec tion of tbe country. Senator Simmons of North Carolina and Itepresentntive Sims of Tennessee pressed tho bill In the senate nnd House. f r -r 4 f -r-r 4- 4-4-4-4-4-4- 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-44-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4- 4-4; 4-4-44-4-4-4-4-44-44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4444444444444-444 44 4444444444444444 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4444-444-44444444444444444 People who demand a maximum of beauty i and value will find here at very low prices a rare opportunity To Secure Real Bargains In Ladies' Wash Ratine and Linen Suits One Piece Dresses In White, Figured Lawns, Pique and Linen. Kimonas, House Dresses, Wrappers, Stylish and Cool for Hot Days. Dust and Traveling Coats of Fine Wool and Linen. Children's Summer Dresses for Dress, Traveling and play wear. Very cheap In price and stylish in cut. GOV. WILSON'S APPLE TREE. H Will Replace the One Under Which Lee Surrendered to Grant. Tbe famous old apple tree near Ap pomattox Court House, Va., under which Leo surrendered to Grant, long slnoe carried awny piece by piece by souvenir hunters, is to lie replaced by a tree planted by Governor woourow Wilson. Colonol George A. Armes, U. S. A., owner of the Appomattox farm, made a visit to Governor Wilson with the news that the Democratic presidential nomlnoe hns nccejited nn invitation to visit tlie historical place to plant the new tree within tho next few weeks. It Is expected that tlie trip to Vir ginia will lie made with a party in cluding a number of senators and rep resentativefl and that n visit will bo paid to Montlcello, Jefferson's home. POSTOFFICE CHECKS CRIME. 1,003 ArreMed For Filching $120,000,000 From People. Slnoe Postmaster General Hitchcock instituted the policy of putting in Jitll men wJto use tho malls to defraud tho totol number of arrests up to tho close of Inst fiscal year, Juno 30, was 1.0C3, and tho amount of money filched by these criminals from tho American peo. plo is conservatively estimated at more than Slijaooo.uw. Tho number of Indictments secured was 1tTT. Dour hundred and eighty- two pcrsojw have been convicted, and C74 ;uvh h nwmtmg trial. Destruction of Wild Animals. Tho groatost destruction of wiUT-nni mol tn tho history of Siberia was caused kwt yohr by tlte requirements of fnshlon. Tho returns for the fur taado. S-L0O0.00O, exceeded those of 1010 by 8500,000. Stop Read Do You want Electric Lights in your home, boarding house or hotel,? If so we will put them in. Let me know how many and I willtell you what it will cost. Electricity beats them all, It's the Dean Home Electric Lighting Plant Our storo in the Gramhs Building, is lighted by It. Let us show it to you. Reo the Fifth, Ford and Brush AUTOMOBILES John Deere Sulky Plows, Success Manure Spreader, Hoosier Grain Drills, Dain Vertical Lift Mower, Ireland Wood Saw, Kant Klog Hand Sprayers, The Famous "New Way" Air Cooled Engine, L W. GAMMELL Honesdale, Pa.