PAGE TWO THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3i, 1912. DAMAGE CLAIMS AGAINST MEXICO Government Asked fo Make Good For Rebel Depredations, $2Q,000,OOOGOLD THE EXTENT Revolutionists Plundered Foreigners and Their Own Countrymen Alike, and American Interests Are Among the Heaviest Sufferers. Claims for damages aggregating nn rnormous siuu, estimated at not kvs than $20,000,000 (coldl. will be submit ted to the government as a result of tho depredation committed uimn for eign property Interests by revolution ists In different parts f Mexico. Tho rewilutinnlsts In the Mutes of Chihuahua. Mereln. Guerrero nnd Sinaloa 11 vo exclusively off of tho coun try. They got thi'lr horses, saddles, foodstuffs and snpplle from the ranches and towns. They get money from, every available Hotiree, holding up hanks, stores and Individuals. Thousands hold receipts for horses, cattle, arms and ammunition, supplies and money taken by rebels. While the heaviest sniTerers are the rail roads, there are thousands of mining, manufacturing and other industrial concerns and individuals that have claims ranging from $1,000 to ?100,000 that will bo presented to tho govern ruent for payment. For several weeks the Chihuahua di vision of the National Hallways of Mexico was in the hands of the rebels. The trains were operated by rebel crews and the freight and passenger receipts went to maintain General Pas cual Orozco's army. While the Mexi can government owns tho majority of tho stock, approximately -10 per cent is held by Americans and European It is stated that the minority Iwklers will Insist upon the governnwnt making good. This, It is expected, will mean over $3,000,000 gold Railroad a Sufferer. Tlie Southern Pacific railroad of Mcx ico. a new lino not yet completed down the Pacific const, has also suffered heavy losses at the hands of rebels in the state of Sinaloa and the territory of Topic. The claim which this com pany will submit will probably be not less than $2,000,000 gold. Tho Mexico Northwestern railroad, owned by British interests, was for several months practically paralyzed and many of Its bridges were destroyed and tho tracks torn up. The same In terests also own large industrial plants along tho line of the road, and their claim will aggregate alwut $1,500,000 gold, it is said. The American Smelting and Refining company, which has had to pay heavy tribute to the rebels, will demand more than $500,000 gold, according to esti mates. Two Men Ask $5,000,000. Other foreign mine owners in tho re public claim damaget aggregatiug'prob ably more than $1,500,000. In the state of Chihuahua, whoro tho vast estates of Louis Terrazas and his son-in-law, Enrique Creel, have been ravaged by rebels, tlie amount of dam ages asked for by these two men alone will be upward of $5,000,000. Tho Banco Minero of Chlbunhua was made to donate $200,000 poW to the Orozco cause. The Banco Nacional gave up $150,000; tlie Banco do Bonora, $100,000, and individuals, $200,000. The Intercontinental Itubber compa ny of Torreon, which is owned by the Kockefeller-Aldrich Interests, will ask for approximately $500,000 gold. Other Industrial concerns of that section will claim $500,000. Hundreds of smaller individual suf ferers will demand an aggregate of not less than $5,000,000. ENDOWS TWAIN LIBRARY. Andrew Carnegie Makes the Author's Memorial Self Supporting. The public library founded by tins late Samuel L. Clemens (Murk Twain) in Bedding, Conn., wlieru lie siwnt tho latter years of his life, has boon en dowed by Andre- Carnegie with a fund sufficient to support it The li brary Is to be known as the Mark Twain Memorial library. When Mr. Clemens moved to Bed ding he placed several tlwunnnd vol. nines from his own library in a small vacant chapel and opened It to the i public. Just before his death ho erect- I ed a building for the library as a me- I morial to his daughter Jean. After the ! author's death Mrs. Gabrllowitseh. an. other daughter, donated the larger part of his remaining library to tho collec tion. The library up to tho present time has been supported by voluntary con tributions. CUTS NEW TEETH AT 89. Full Sets In Upper and Lower Jaws Coming Out Nicely. Jonathan II. Cole of South Plain Held, N. J., celebrated his eighty-ninth birthday recently with unusual glee be cause, ho Informed his friends, ho is cutting now teeth. Twenty years ago bo procured a set of false tooth and had no trouble until threo weeks ago, when he suffered severe pains. A dentist removed tho false teeth and began treatment, but discovered that the pain was duo to the cutting of full sets of lower and uouer teeth. A $2,000 TEMPTATION By M. QUAD Copyright, 19li', by Asmx:la4od crnry l'rcea. Lit- It was wild of the town of Tompkins villo that it contained more honest truthful men than any other town of its size In tlie stoic. Among otlier In cldcnts related to ptwo the claim it was told that n merchant wlio lwd boon paid 3 cents too much by a customer living twenty-Hve miles nwny hired n man to drive the distance nnd Nick to hand over tlie lxniirfes. Ap.atn. n grocer who lmd warranted a pound of coffee to lie Mocha found out that it was only Bio nnd salved Ids conscience by returning tho money and a pound of ten liosides. The stranger who dropped quietly Into Tompkliisvlllo one day ami regis tered at the tavern ns Henry Bench was nlxiut forty years old. no had a pleasant way with him, but a physiog nomist would have wild that lie was n cynic. The day after his arrival lw called at the office of the Weekly Bo conlor and took tlie l-onth away from the editor by making his ensh oVrwn price for a full page advert Hieirt. The thing was nnirccedcnted It wus too tremendous to bo trwnllouvd under Ave minutes. There wasn't n great deal to that od. when it appeared. It was headed "Two Thousand Dollars I'or Some One," and it asked ioople to call on Mr. Bench and give up certain information and twir away tho money. You enn wnper that they began calling without delay. To nil, and It tool: days to get to tlw lat one, the advertiser exv'.nined: -seven years nge l Dad to pass through thH town .n my way to Lulls Iwro. I was d-lrlng a horse aid Img' gy, and just in front of yoar town hull one of Uie hind wheels of the vehicle l)egan to wabble. The nut hod worked off the axle, and tlie wheel wis about to roll away ami cause en Occident, in which I might have lout my Ufe. At the critical moment a man stowed mo and pointed to the wheel. "I was in dire hntHo to reoch the bed side of my dying mother, and I dair"t rcuiemlier that I even thanked tlio good man. I ran back, found the nut in tlie dust and, dapping it ou the axle, I sped away. I was in time to see my dear mother breathe hoc bust. Tlwn I had to go to South AfrJcn and Anstra 11a on business nod hfrvtrtxoi back only a few days. I have felt ofl along that tlie man who notified mo of my wb- bllug wliecl ought to be rewarded, nod I am here to do it. I wunt to find him and hand him $2,000.' Tho first man to hear too story win that same grocer wl had acted so Miuare about tho coffee. Efe was fat nnd excitable, and when the story had been told lie was brooch mg like a wind broken horse. "Seven years ago, was it?" he ashed. "Seven to a day." "Let's see? Let's see! All, yes, I remember. Seven years ago today o I was passing the town ban a man came along In a buggy. Whatever made mo look at the hind wheel! I can't say, but I noticed thttf "What time hi tho day wis tufa" interrupted Mr. Beach. "What timo? I7m Let's see! My watch had run down the night Iwtforo, but I think it wire about 10 o'clock." "Then it was twine other man. I passed through liere nt4 o'clock in tlw afternoon V Mr. Kennedy, tlio undertaker, came next lie listened with bated breath to the story as told tbe-tweur wid then replied: "It is curious how a few words will recall a forgotten incUient to you. Sev en years ago today I was fltandlng hi front of the town hoO when a Mr. JohnHrm asked me 1 I hod hoard that old Mrs. Ilarvey wn isfclt and ttfte to die. That makes mo n of'tbe dabe." "Of course." "Mr. Johnson bad passed on when I saw a man in a buggy corning at n fast clip. As ho was about to pass me I saw that one of the "hind wbocfe) was wabbling." "And you licld up your hood nod called out?" wild Mr. Beach. "I must havo dono bo." "It looks as if the $2,000 was yours, but a question or two. At what hour in the day was that?" "Lemme thlnfc n minute. What Itour? What lwur? Well, sir, ns near as I can put It, It was about half pant 3 In tlie afternoon. Yes, I atn sure it wrm." "But I was driving through your town at 0 o'clock in tlw morning, bo It couldn't have been you. There must have been two of us with wabbly hind wheels." Tho undertaker meekly retired, but it was afterward said that lie went home and kicked his dog and Jowed htn wife. That investigation lasted about two weeks, and it used up almost wry man in tlie town. Even a minister nnd elders and deacons called. None of them enmo right out nnd nfflrinod tlwt ho saw the wabbly wliecl, bat all con tended that It was very likely they were passing tho town Iran at tlio lrxir named. If they were pootftti nnd If they saw the wheel, why, of course, they called tho driver's attention to it Among tho applicants for tho reward were ten women. Each one of them was euro of tho wheel nod tho wabblo until Mr. Bench gave tho hour as 11 o'clock at night When bo hnd ciooed up his cueo ho wont bocfc to tho editor, who had not been on tho epot when tho wheel wabbled, nnd paid hhn $30 for a full pago nd. This tiro ft-rood: "TompinkHvillo has a poptiteUbn of 1.4S0. Tbero are- 632 liars- fthd dfehos. est men and women, anwng- them." And thon he paid' hi? Mil and mor ed on. GOVERNMENT'S PLANT DOCTORS Their Practice Largest In World, but They Get No Fees. SPEND $300,000 EACH YEAR, Physicians nnd Nurses at TWrtyfivo Field Stations Throughout Country, In Addition to tha Big Pathological Laboratory In Washington. There nre about fifty associated phy siclati8, with headquarters in Wnshlng ton, who, while having In one sense tlio largest practice in tho world, get no foes from tholr patients. Tho physl clans are tlw plant doctors employed by the government to guard against and eradicate tlw ravages of disease uuong plants within tho Iwrders of tho United States, in addition to tlw big patlwioglcal laboratory In Washing ton, the govornmcn.. maintains thirty- live field stations or plant Ivnspltals scattered through the country, each with Its physician in charge and a eoiTH of nurses. Tlie bureau of plant industry of tlie department of agriculture, under which this work fa condiKted, spends S500,- 000 a year in protecting tho health of our plants. It Is estimated that tills activity results in a saving of flO.OoO. 000 a year In the fields and forests. Tlw annual losses in tlw whole coun try from plant disease amount to up ward of half a billion dollars a year. l'innt ulseuties U'conw epidemic from time to timo and sweep through a country, causing terrible mortality among certain growing tilings and Boraetimee completely destroying great agricultural Industries. Before IS 70 Ceylon coffee was known for Its excel lence throughout tho world. Coffee plantntions formed the principal busi ness of tho island. But a pestilence struck the coffee plants nnd wiped them out In fifteen years, causing n loss of $75,000,000. Not a pound of coffee Ikis since leen grown on Cey lon. Sometlnws the plant pestilences are tlw direct cause of tho loss of thousands of human lives, as in tho great Irish famine, which was directly due to a disease which swept the po tato fields and destroyed the tubers. Epidemic of 1885. In 1SS5 an epidemic of wheat rust caused damage of $1,873,000 m tlie state of Illinois. The California vitw flteeoflo wrought $10,000,000 worth of destruction In 1S02. Throughout tho Untied States tlw wheat rust pesti lence damaged the crop to tlw tnno of $87,000,000 in 1S0S. A blight' swept over the potato fields In New York in 190-1, causing a toes of 10,000,000. In some respects a few plant dis eases have points of similarity with human nls. The sugar beet, for in stance, suffers from a sort of malaria, the germ of which Is injected into It by the bite ol on insect. A round, fnnglld epot on tho leaves of tlio beet is the Bign o another disease which causes the loaves to curl up and die and greatly diminishes the precious sugar in the boot Itself. While these diseases havo not spread sufficiently to cKorclso any serious injury to the crop, they nnd twenty o there which afflict tho Bugar beet In minor degrees arc being particularly studied by tho pwnt uoctopt. Not only is the boot's saccharin con tent productive of sugar worth 870,- 000,000 in tlw United States each year, but tlw beet Is a wonderful soli con server and In rotation with other crops hoe become tho foundation of modern sclentliVo agriculture in Europe. An other reason why particular attention la being given to tho task of rendering tho sugar boot immune to tho attacks o disease la that, whUo tho culture of this crop has expanded very rapidly wtthtn tho loot ten years, lis cultiva tion la BtHl comparatively n new indus try ha tho United States, nnd only a small proportion of tho area adapted to its growth la now devoted to It Cheetnut Bork Oioeaaes. Ouo.ouplaanld0inCL tho-c heat- nut bark discaeo, Is now sweeping tlw eastern part of tho country and threat ens to eliminate this epoclea of tree completely from American forests. It bos dono lOOXXMXX) dainngo thus far. and tho clwstnut Is already a thlug of the past within a radius of ilfty or more miles ubout tlw metropolis. Tho disease Is caused by ratnuto fungus. Tho only method of controlling tlw spread is by segregation destroying infected trees throughout tho territory Involved nnd creating an Immune area. By applying principles of eugenics to build up a hardier race tlw plant doc tor occasionally chocks tlw ravages of disease. This plan was tried success fully when a pestilence Bwopt through tho sea Island cotton in South Care Una fifteen years ago. In an acre of cotton four or Ore stalks would bo found standing among tho stricken plants. From these stalks needs would ho selected and tried out on tlw In fected land tho following year, and again tho hooitlnost stalks would bo kept for brooding purposes. By tlw cod of frro years a strain was found that could resist tho dlsoaao. But wlwn a similar watermelon disown attacked tho melon fields a few yoars later this method could not avail. Tho pesti lence was too eovere. Tho most striking of ail tho recent discoveries by tho plant doctors havo been made In connection with coses of cancer, which Is a very common disease In plants. VTicn father learns tlint Willlo smokes He wears a lioavy fro mi And lays ivshlo all quips ami lotos And calls poor Willlo iVjwn. But when bo drinks with other men Ho spins n. merry yarn About tho clays ot childhood wlicn Ho smoked behind tho barn. Mllwaukeo B"ntlnd. Prejudged. A Jury trial in a wentern town had pno along for more than an hour when tlio trial Judge discovered tlint the panel was shy a Juror. "What does this mean?" ho roared. "There are only eleven Jurors In tlw box. Whoro is tlw twdfthr "Please, your honor," answered ono of tiw eleven, "he Iws gono nwny from hero on some other business, but ho ns loft his verdict with mo."-Llp-pincott's Magazine. A Point of Law, Tho bont beKan to roll and pitch. Tho JudRO clung to tho rail. Ho didn't llko tho bounding wavco; His solemn fnoo grow palo. Dut happily a riovor thought Cnmo to his lesal brain. Ho overruled the motion And felt nil right again. Mte. Persuasive. "Will tlw Indies move up front, please?" said tho couductor on a car crowded with matinee girls. There was little resnoiuie. so ho spoke again. "Move forward, please, ladies: tlie motormnn Is a great deal liettcr look ing man than I am." Smiling, tlw ladles moved un. Bos ton Transcript Daisy's Diagnosis. "Would j-ou think mo too bold If 1 threw you a klosr Said smart AKc to pert little Daisy. "Oh. no; not a bit ot UP" countered the miss. "Just simply and sinfully bizy." Canadian Courier. Unworthy. A woman lately wroto an editor of tlw personal columns and said: "I havo lost threo husbands and now have an offer of a fourth. Shall I ac cept hlm? Tho reply cnmo: "If you havo lost threo husbands I should say you are too careless to bo trusted with a fourth." Harper's Magazine. Impatience. 'Some of tho problems of human ex istence are becoming more and more complex." Tee," replied tlw admiring parent I can hardly wait for my daughter's graduation essay to let us know what to do about them." Washington Star. Among the Higher Ups. Our domestic was called Mary Ann. She cnmo from tho County Cavnn. To lesson her toll She lit fires with oil. Now we miss her and also tuej:an. NOTICE The use of water for sprinkling lawns, gardens, streets, etc., is hereby prohibited EXCEPT between the hours of 6 & 8 a. m. and 6 & 8 p. m. 1 Honesdale Its Xnturc, "1 know a little sure thing war ranted to throw all comers." "Whoro?" "On the pavement that pleco of bannnn pool." Another Consignment of HORSES from South Dakota HEAVY DRAUGHT AND DRIVING HORSES All horses will bo SOLD AS REPRESENTED M. LEE BRAMAN Allen House Stable. Church t. NOTICE OF INCOIU'OBATION. In ilto Incorporation of tho Meth odist Episcopal Parsonago Associa tion of Equinunk, Pa., in tho Court of Common Pleas of Wayne county. Notice is hereby given that an appli cation will bo mado to tho said Court, or a law Judge thereof on the 12th day of August A. D. 1012, at 2 o'clock p. m. under tho Act of As sembly of the Commonwealth of Ponnyelvania, entitled an act to pro vide for tho incorporation and regu lation of certain corporations ap 1871 AllSOIiUTE The Leading Financial County Honesdale, Pa. Capital Stock $200,000.00 Surplus and Profits 350,000.00 Total Capital 550,000.00 Resources 3,050,000.00 We are pleased to announce to our CUSTOMERS and FRIENDS that by the increase of our CAPITAL STOCK to $200,000.00 we have the largest CAPITALIZATION of any Bank in this SECTION. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED OFFICERS: W. B. HOLMES, President II. S. SAUMON, Cashier A. T. SEARLE. Vice-President W. J. WARD, Asst. Cashier. DIRECTORS: W. B. HOLMES A. T. SEARLE H. J. CONGER T. iB. CLARK C. J. SMITH F. P. KIMBLE W. F. SUYDAM H. S. SALMON E. W. GAIMELL J. W. FARLEY July 15, 1012. TO WATER CON Consolidated proved tho 20th day of April A. D. 1874, and tlio supplements thereto for a charter of an intended corpora tion to bo callod tho iMothodlst Epis copal Parsonago Association of Equinunk, Pa. Tho charactor and object of which is to socuro and maintain a parsonago for tho uso of the Minister of tho Methodist Epis clpal Chargo of Equinunk, Wayno County, Pennsylvania, and for thoso purposes to havo, possess and onjoy nil tho rights, benoflts and privileges afforded by said acts and Its supple ments. Tho proposed charter is now on fllo in tho Prothonotary's ofllco of said Court. M. E. SIMONS, Solicitor Honesdale, Pa., July 1G, 1012. 58col 3. mnra 8 .. WHEN FHERE IS ILLNESS in your fnmily you of course call a reliable physician. Don't stop at that; nave his prescriptions put up nt a reliable pharmacy, even if it is a little farther from your homo than some other store. You can find no more reliable Htoro than ourB. It would be im possible for more care to be taken in the selection of drugs, etc., or in the compounding. Prescrip tions brought hero, either night or day, will bo promptly and accurately compounded by a competent registered pharmacist and the prices will be most rea sonable. O. T. CHAMBERS, PHARMACIST, Opp. D. & II. Station. Honesdale. Pa. SECUmTl 1011 Institution of Wayne County Savings Bank, Water Go, SUMERS