PAGE EIGHT THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1912. BURNED Vessel at Wharf Consumed by Petroleum Blaze. CAPTAIN SHOWS BRAVERY. Upon Seeing Situation Skipper Orden Crow to Man tho Boats and Keop Away From Burning Boat Lou May Exceed $400,000 Threo Aro Slightly Hurt. Philadelphia. .July 2.V Flames which nturted In tho oil plant of tho Union Petroleum company. Delaware river nt Marcus Hook, jumped through the yards, ncro a wharf, and pausing only long enough to practically con sume tho steamship Trlnldndiiin. an chored there, swept on across the wa ter until the lire was ac tually raging fifty feet from the shore. The eonllanratIon practically de stroyed the big plant, reduced the Trlhldadliin to a hulk and consumed hundreds of thousands of gallon of oils. The total loss, ns estimated liy those concenied, Is placed as In excess of $400,000. Three men, employees of the oil com pany. were slightly burned In the lilnze The captain and crew of the Ttinldn dlan got awny unhurt, but not befoie the skipper had to leap Into the river from tlie bridge of his craft Tho action of the skipper. Captain A. H. Edmunds, was as brave n bit of work ns any told in tales of the sea. He was awakened by the shouts of his men and sprang to the dock, not taking time to dress. He found the wharf a mass of flames and tho side of his vessel blackened with smoke. lie acted promptly. Knowing that thousands of gallons of petroleum lay In the six partly filled tanks In the hold of the vessel, he ordered his men to Immediately man the boats. The crew of thirty-nine, under the first trad second officers,, sprang into the three lifeboats, while the ropes were loosened and the boats slipped downward on the davits. In the captain's boat a boatswain took tho rudder. "Swing off!" ordered the sklpier from tho bridge. "Keep away!" The men in the bonts saw him come up with a pair of trousers swung over his arm, and at the same Instant the llames roared from the wharf tn a long tongue across the deck bdow him. The sklper grasped the trousers in bis teeth and leaped. He struct the water and swam for ids boat When the crew pulled him In he was minus the trousers. When he reached shore the skipper said that there had been a hundred pounds, or $500 in American money, in the pockets of the trousers and Uiat was why he wanted to save them. WOMAN BUENED, MAY DIE. Clothes Catch Fire While She Is Iron ing, and Death May Result. Philadelphia, July 25. Mary Koden baclicr, fifty years old, of this city Is at the point of death In Mount Slnal hospital us the result of being burned while Ironing at hur home. The woman was Ironing in the kitch en, having the Ironing board supported by a chair and table. Taking a hot Iron from tho stove, she proceeded to clean It with wax. The substance melted und falling to the cloth set it on fire. Almost In nu instant the woman's clothes were a mass of llnines. Uose Child, eleven years old, hearing the woman's cries, rushed downstairs and shouted for help. Three men found tho woinnn on the lloor senseless, her clothes still burn ing. They had the woman romoved to the hu.spltal. They went back Into the house und with a few buckets of water succeeded In extinguishing the fire. WOMEN IN AUTO HOLDUP. Highwayman Compels Them to Dis gorge Purses and Speed Off. Scranton, I'a.. July 25. A highway man, mnsked and flourishing a big re volver, held up and robbed Mrs. M. J. Martin and two women friends while they were aulolng ou the Elmhurst boulevard, Just outside the city limits. He compelled the women to throw their purses to him, and then bado the chauffeur go ahead at top speed. Only a few dollars and some trinkets of no value to a highwayman compos ed the booty. The names of tho women with Mrs. Martin were not divulged. Mrs. Martin Ls the wife of the attor ney for Judge It. W. Archbald In tho Impeachment proceedings in tho United States senate. At pretJent he ls In a hospital. An nuto loaded wltli iollce went to tho sceuo soon after tho rob bery took plnco and scoured the woods for the highwnyman, but without avail. PARALYTIC BURNED TO DEATH Grand Army Veteran Alone When House Catches Firs. Bending, Pa, July 25. William It. Reeser, a civil war veteran and u para lytic, living by hltneclf near Lclubuch's tavern, a few mi leu distant from Hood ing, lwt Ida life when his homo burned to the ground. The boufio occupies a londy spot, and tho flro was not discovered until tho Imlldlng was practically In ashea. WANTS TO 21 GOVERNOR. James W. Wads ort'i. Jr., Is an Avowed Candidate r sr Nomination. 1. 1 r2 i 4 f TmM if". Vi ' t3WftS&i L Jnmcs V. Wndsworth, Jr., hns foim nlly announced that ho wants the Repub lican nomination for governor nf Nov York slate. He was formerly tpeaker of the nssembh anil ls known to have the backing of William Humes, Jr. BRYAN TO TRAIL ROOSEVELT. Campaign Assignment Congenial For tho "Peerless One." Se;i Girt, N. ,J.. July 25. The ques tion ns to what Is to become of Wil liam J. Bryan in the Democratic na tional campaign was seemingly an swered hero wln'ii close political ad visers of Coventor Wilson let it lie known that Colonel Bryan's assign ment will be to worry and harass the third party's candidate and to follow him Into every debatable state. The assignment of Hryan to take care of Colonel Roosevelt is regarded here as one In which the Nebrnsknn will take great joy. It is known that Bryan bus regarded Roosevelt as a trespasser upon Democratic preserves, and the Wilson forces expect him to make n brave showing as a defender of his party's right to carry out In of fice the things which Uryan ndvocated long before Colonel Roosevelt decided thnt he, too, would take them up. T. R. IS IN TRAINING. Getting In Shape For Convention and Tour of States. Oyster Bay, N. Y., July 25. Fine weather and tho absence of vlsltore enabled Colonel Roosevelt to put In most of a day outdoors with rowing, riding and tennis. Ills purposo Is to be In tho pink of condition for tho con vention, now near nt hand, and for the ordeal of travel which -will follow It close and take him through practically every state In the Union. The colonel, however, managed to get In some real work on his speech, which Is to be delivered at the conven tion. It ls all but finished. Its prin cipal plank, however, and the ono which ls awaited with the greatest In terest, ls being brought up to date In reference to the recommended legisla tion affecting corporations which tho Stanley committee gave out He ex pects to demolish each of the Demo cratic proposals In his address. Fivo Aces, Then Fivo Shot. Hammond, Ind., July 25. Four aces In hand, of which two were alike, and ono In tho sleeve of a member of a road house poker party near here re sulted In five men being wounded by bullets. Market Reports. New York, July 25. BUTTER firm; receipts, 22,184 pack ages; creamery, extras, lb., 27a2TVic.; firsts, 26a26c.; seconds, loaSHc.; thirds. 23a 24Vic. ; state dairy, tubs, llnest, 20a; good to prime, 24a2Sa; common to fair, 2114a 23c.; process, extras, 25c; firsts, 23aiKc.; seconds, 22a22Hc; factory, current make, firsts, 22a23c; seconds, 21a21c; thirds, lSVin'JOc. ; packing stock, current make. No. 2, 20c.; No. 3, 13al9ic. CHEESE Steady; receipts, 3,315 boxes; stato, wholo milk, new, specials, white, lb., 15V4nlSVtc; colored, lDMo.; uvorago fan cy, white, 15c.; colored, lEalSHa; under grades, 12al4V4a; daisies, 13al6a; state ektma, new, specials, white, lKol2Hc.; colored, 12V4ai:;-ic.; fair to choice, tiailH-c.; undorgradis, 3VioSa EGOS Irregular; receipts, 25,003 cases; fresh gathered, extras, doe., 23a24c; extra firsts, 20a22c; firsts. ISHalJVic. ; beconds, 17al8c.; dirties, lOalGa; checks, 7ul3c, state, Pennsylvania und nearby, hennery whites, fancy large, 2S&2SC. ; fair to good, 21a27c.; hennery browns, Ila25c.; gathered brown and mixed colon), 20a!4c POTATOES Easy; No. 1, bul., J2.tOa3.25; culls, Jlal.W; sweets, southern, yellow, bbL, (ISOal; red, bbl., R.75a3.0, yams, bbL, fLWaXtO. DRESSED POULTRY Fresh killed, firm; chickens, dry picked, Philadelphia broilers, 30u31a; XHinnsylvanla broilers, 27 a2Sc. ; western broilers, UaZlc; fowls, dry packed, western boxes, lial7c; bbls., Iced, HHalGc. ; old roosters, llallMiO.; spring ducks, nearby, 18al&Hc.i squabs, white, dozen, ll.50aS.t0; dark. 1.25; frozen tur keys, No. 1, 21a23a; No. 2, llalGa; chick ens, roastera, milk fed, 0u24c; corn fed, 19a20c.; fowls, 4 and 6 lbs. each, lCa!7c. Live Stock Markets, Pittsburgh, July 25. CATTLE Supply light, market steady; choice, t$.75a9.25; prime, fS.2GaS.tE; good, rj.T5u8.15; tidy, 7.aT.ffi; talr, tSa7; com mon to good fat bulls, tia&76; do. cows. (SaCtO; heifers, tCaT.50; fresh cows and springers, (2Sa55. SHEEP AND LAMDS Bupjly light, market steady; prima wothera, i4.75a&; good mixod, lt.25ai.e0; ah", 23X0&4; year lings, 3o5; spring lamba, HCOaT.2S; veal ouhvs, flCOalO; lioovy and thin calves, (Gal HOGS Receipts, IS douMo docks; ncr Itet higher; prime heavy, (5J8; heavy mixed. lS.40oS.tS; medium atxl hoary York era. tSXl&8.60; llgtrt Vorkora, JS.KgS.70; jAso, t8.4DoS.S0; rough, flar.; stags, &2S sS.50. em w PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. L. II. Fuller, of Scranton, who has been visiting at tho An drew Thompson home, expects to re turn there Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Courtney of Gouldshoro, have boon entertaining .Miss Anna Ologglor nnd brother, John, of Tobyhanna. i Paul Frederic was attending to business In Scranton on Thursday. -Miss .Mndolino O'Conncll ls spend ing tho week at hake Como. Miss Gussio Crockenborg, of Haw ley, returned home Wednesday af ter sovoral days' visit with Frank Mnng and family at Fortenla. Mr. and Mrs. Win. T. Moore, who have goon spending sovoral weeks with friends in Boston and Foxboro, Mass.. are expected to arrive homo to-day. Mr. and Mrs. Loring R. Galo spent Wednesday at Forest Lake ns guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wes ton. They expect to leave for their home In RpvtJndiile-on-thc-IImlson on Friday. Miss Elsie Deltz and brother, Robert, of Carbondalo, who have been spending a few weeks with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Sporer, at Cherry Ridge, re turned to their home on Sunday. Harold Sporer, who had been visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sporer, for three weeks, at Cherry Ridge, returned to his home in Scranton Sunday, accom panied by his uncle, George Sporer. Mrs. L. D. Spragle and son, Ken neth, and Mrs. J. D. Weston snent tho week at Forest Lake in the Wes ton cottage and will return Frldnv. Mrs. Spragle nnd son will spend a few weeks as guests of Mrs. W. W. Weston. Mrs. Henry W. Rohhoin returned homo on Tuesday evening, from Now York City, where she has been visit ing. She was accomnanled home hv her daughter, Maude Rehholn, who will remain here until the middle nf September. won.i) nuv Tom. i.iiinoKs. .AIotorKts Will Ask Legislators t( Open Delaware Spans. A campaign Is now being waged to combine motorists In Pennsylvania in a petition to the Legislature of that state for an appropriation suf ficient to co-operate with tho State of New Jersey in the purchase of all toll bridges over the Delaware river. New Jersey has already made an appropriation, not to exceed $500, 000, for the purchase of its share of these bridges, and It is now neces sary to get a similar appropriation from Pennsylvania to make the. plan effective. Pressure will be brought to bear at the next session of the Pennsylvania Legislature to pass the appropriation bill. This move will lit in nicely with the plan of New Jersey to complete next year a fine new highway along the banks of tho Delaware, from Trenton to the Delaware Water Gap and from there to Port Jervis, on the Jersey-New York state line, thus providing a magnificent boulevard 112 miles long through the pict uresque Delaware Valley. Tho present Inferior road up the historic valley runs from Trenton to Stockton, N. J., along tho Jersey bank, but there the tourist has to cross to Pennsylvania to reach Eas ton. From Easton to the Gap there are roads on both sides of the river, but if any crossing ls done tho tour ist llnda himself paying money to toll bridges. Prom the Wator Gap to Port Jervla tho beauties of the Kittatinny and Shawangunk moun tains are at present lost, as there is no road on tho Jersey side. WEST PRESTON. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hubbard, of Thompson, aro spending .a week with their daughter, Mrs. O. M. Wallace. Win. Ogden, who has been 111 a few days, is better at this writing. Edison Barrett, of Susquehanna, was a recent caller at C. I). Corey's. Thomas Glover, of South Thomp son, and daughter, Mrs. Anna Dlx, and children spent Sunday at G. W. Ogden's. Several from this way spent Fri day evening with Mrs. George Hhono of Poyntelle, it hoing her birthday. Willis Ogdon has recently placed a now hay carrier In his barn. Mrs. Manly Wallace and mother attended tho funeral of tholr cousin at "Pleasant Mount Saturday. Mrs. T. M. Haro and mother visit ed Mrs. Delia Wall Monday. Cattle buyers woro through this way ono day laBt wook and purchased several head from farmers In this vicinity. (Misa Cora Starbalrd is helping Mrs. G. M. Wallace a few days this week. Herbert Leo recently purchased a now horse rako and ls now busy hay ing on his farm in this place. WILLIAM 0. SCHLEEFLLN. y Ho Is Financing Detective Burns ( J In Rosenthal Murder Mystery TYLER HILL. (Special to Tho Citizen.) ! Tyler Hill, July 24. Hew K, D. Mlnch preached here Sunday evening. Ednn and Ulca Spccht returned i to New York Sunday after a two weeKs stay with relatives. Jas. Lloyd, a veteran of tho Civil war, passed his Slst birthday last week. Joseph Johnston, now of Lako Huntington, N. Y., reports that tho boarding season Is not as good as usual. Tho lawn social hold nt tho homo of Mrs. Dow Tyler Saturday evening was a brilliant affair. Tho lawn was artistically decornted with Japaneso and Chinese lanterns, making a very pleasing sight. An excellent musi cal and literary entertainment was enjoyed by about 100 persons. The proceeds, amounting to $2G, wore added to tho llethodist church Sun day school, under whose auspices tho social was given. This Sunday school Is In a flourishing condition and is under tho superintendency of Clark Jackson, who is an ardent worker In whatever ho undertakes, whether It is in tho Sunday school, legislature, or on tho farm. Ilev. K. I). Mlnch. pastor of tho Baptist church, Is a very busy man. Outside of his clerglcal duties ho finds time to do considerable outside work. Mr. Mlnch has been working arduously upon thp parsonago he and and his interesting family are now occupying and now has it in first class shane. He proposes raising the foundation under his barn four feet, besides filling in tho driveway several feet. C. M. Pethlck, whoso barn was struck by lightning and burned dur ing a thunderstorm on July 14, will not rebuild until next spring. Clarence I). Fortnam motored to Honesdale Saturday to witness a base ball game. Several boarders from New York city and other places are welcome visitors here. The Brown House, located at Lau rel Lake, is closed. Mr. Drown had preparations made to reopen the property, when Mrs. Brown was taken suddenly ill and passed away. This place, including beautiful Laurel Lake, aro for sale. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Dlttrich, of Honesdale, are occupying their bungalow, located on the east shore of Laurel Lake. " Camp as You Like It" is now entertaining Mr. Dittrich's niece, Mrs. Ernest Softly, her husband and little son, Kenneth, all of Scranton. Mr. Dlttrich has proved himself to be an adept with the rod and hook since coming here. A few days ago he caught a fine 4 pound black bass. It was sent to Honesdale and graced the table of Hon. and Mrs. F. P. Kimble at that place. A. D. Stone, of Scranton, of the firm of Underwood & Stone, dealers In bonds, also holds a good record in landing that gamy fin. One day recently Mr. Stone caught a fine 4v pound bass. He has also made a number of other good catches. He and his son Gregory are spending tho summer at the Jackson house. Sunday's excellent rain did hun dreds of dollars' worth of good to the farmers. Potatoes and corn were growing slowly and tho former had commenced to curl up their leaves. LEGAL BLANKo tor sale at The Citizen office: Land Contracts, Leases, Judgment Notes, Warrantee Deeds, Bonds, Transcripts, Sum mons, Attachments, Subpoenas, La bor Claim Deeds, Commitments, Ex ecutions, Collector's and Constables' Bonds. REMODELING Wo will contiiino our big REMODELING SALE for 15 clays more. This is on account of the largo stock of goods wo have on hnud at this season of the year. 'Hi tiro iimtiir to mir Ktnn Spring and Summer Clothing for Huts, Underwear, Shirts, Collars. Trunks, Dress Suit Cases, Hand Hags, No reservation. You can be sure we will treat you right Hocauso wo count on you to come buck and buy from us again. "Once a customer, always a customer," applies pnrtlcidurly to tho reputation wo linvo gained for ourselves during liO years in business here. If you nro not n customer como lit and get acquainted with our low prices. BREGSTEIN BROTHERS Main St., Honesdale, Pa. MILANVILLE. (MHflal to The Citizen.) Mllanvillo, July 25. Hoikwell Brlgham ls recovering from ly poisoning. Dr. C. D. Skinner and daughter, Martha, returned to Coznovla tho lirst of the weok. Miss Florence Warren, of Lacka waxen, is In town overy Friday to at tend to her music class. E. H. Cleveland, of New York, ls boarding at Volnoy Skinner's. Mrs. II. Malcomo Page Is very 111 at the present writing. Four physi cians consulted on Sunday and as yet are undecided as to tho real trouble. Mr. and M rs. Theodore Waford re turned to tholr homo In Philadel phia tho last of tho weok. Mrs. T. G. Wilson and son Donald of New York city, are boarding at Tho Lawrence. This Is Mrs. Wil son's second year at Mllauvllle. Miss Thesfia Kilbaln, of New York, city, is enjoying a few days In town as the guest of Mrs. Florenco Brown. Miss Alma Hclss, of Hawley, spent tho week-end with Miss Bessie Skin no r. Mr. Worst, of Kutherford, N. J., is at tho Uock Glen House. Mrs. Helen Skinner has returned from Lestershlre, N. Y., and was ac companied by her daughter, Mrs. John Pulls and sons, Gordon and Glendon. Mrs. Florenco Brown and Miss Kllbain called on Narrowsburg friends on Monday. Messrs. Dorin and Jenkins, ever popular and welcome, were guests at Vo'.noy Skinner's on Saturday last. Kingsley McCullough is the guest of his uncle, Dr. C. N. Knapp, at Port Jervis. J. J. McCullough returned from Brooklyn on Monday evening accom panied by his daughter, Miss Gladys, who has been ill. Miss McCollough has been on duty as nurse in the Brighton Beach Park Hospital for Babies. Z. Earle, paymaster on the Erie, was a recent guest at the Lawrence. .Mrs. D. H. Beach entertained Mrs. Florenco Brown and tho Misses Kll bain, Heiss and Mabol and Bessie Skinner at tea on Sunday 'ast. Mrs. Orville Kays is helping care for her sister, Mrs. Page, who has been ill for three weeks. Miss Alfast, of Blnghamton. is visiting her sister, Mrs. G. B. Lass ley. The severe electric storm of last week made things lively at John Skinner's hotel at Cochecton Falls. The lightning entered the chimney and came down in tho bar room, then over to the sitting room direct ly behind tho piano, thence to the opposite wall where a mirror hung and was demolished. STEENE. (Special to Tho Citizen.) Steene, July 24. Mrs. William Jenkins and daugh ter, of Moosic, is visiting a few days with Mr. and Mrs. John Jenkins at Steene. William Wright, of Carbondale, was a caller In this section Saturday. Saturday morning Warren Buck land discovered that Jack Frost had visited his garden during the night and laid low twenty-four hills of his favorlto hubbard squash. The first day's fishing for Mr. Buckland resulted In his capturing a largo mud turtle weighing nearly 50 pounds. Ho is doting on turtle soup for Christmas. Tho funeral of the late Mrs. John Clift was largely attended from her late home Saturday afternoon. In terment was made in tho Prompton cemetery. We are sorry to learn that Con- Continued for 15 Days Remember the Place ductor William Wright, who waa caught In a wrock on tho Jefferson division of tho D. & H. about four months ago, Is still In a bad condi tion as his splno was injured. Stephen Bates, who has beon qulto ill for tho past two weeks, is glowly Improving. Norman Aronld caught a black bass at Kcons Lako Saturday that tipped tho scales at 3 pounds. lAtrs. Frank Chapman la much Im proved from her recent lllnes3. William Carr, of Prompton, has tho finest garden in this section. Mr. Carr Is an old gardener and under stands tho business. 9100 HE WAR I), 5100. Tho readers oC this paper will be pleased to learn that thcro ls at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all Its stages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is tho only posi tive cure now known to tho medi cal fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dlscaso, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of the Bystem, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up tho consti tution and assisting nature in doing Its work. Tho proprietors have so much faith In its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It fails to cure Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills ror con stipation. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION". In Ite Incorporation of the Meth odist Episcopal Parsonago Associa tion of Equinunk, Pa., in tho Court of Common Pleas of Wayno county. Notice is hereby given that an appli cation will be made to the said Court, or a law Judge thereof on the 12th day of August A. D. 1912, at 2 o'clock p. m. under the Act of As sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennyslvanla, entitled an act to pro vide for the incorporation and regu lation of certain corporations ap proved the 2Uth day of April A. D. 18V4, and the supplements thereto for a charter of an intended corpora tion to be called the 'Methodist Epis copal Parsonage Association of Equinunk, Pa. The character and object of which is to secure and maintain a parsonage for the use of the Minister of the Methodist Epls cipal Charge of Equinunk, Wayne County, Pennsylvania, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges afforded by said acts and Its supple ments. The proposed charter is now on file in the Prothonotary's office of said Court. .M. . SIMONS, Solicitor. Honesdale, Pa., July 1G, 1912. 58eoi 3. A DMINrSTR'ATORS NOTICE. Estate James Van Valkonborg, late of Scott. All persons Indebted to said estate aro notified to mako Immediate pay ment to tho undersigned, and those having claims against tho said es tate aro notified to present them duly attested for settlement. R. W. RAYMOND, Adm'r. Shorman, Pa., July 1, 1912. Men and Boys in fact everything imaginable.