The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, July 26, 1912, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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vnni' num AMn iiddmia tnntNKtruBUu
iuim, umu niiu iinumin i
Will Be Parent Vessel For All
Kinds of Air Graft.
Idea Is Plan of Cnptnin Chambers, In
Charge of Navy's Aorial Fleet.
Some Officers Advocate Separate
Hydroplanes For Each Battleship.
Tlie United States navy, acconluiK to
plnn9 of Cniitnlu "VVuslilugtou 1. Cham
bers, In charge of the unvy's nerlul
fleets, will have a "hangar ship," a
kind of parent raft for the aeroplanes,
balloons and kites which the sea forces
will use.
Captain Ohamlwrs has tiled a report
with the secretary of tho navy that
such n hangar ship is necessary at
once, partly to test the real etllcIoii-y
of aircraft In cooperation with nmnl
vessels nnd also Ihtuuso there Is no
room aboard battleships or scout cruis
ers for such air craft.
The first hnngar ship. It Is promised,
shall Ik; of size, cruising radius and
speed sulllclcnt to enable It to main
tain Its proper place with either a bat
tleship fleet or n fast scout cruiser
squadron. The Idea Is that aeroplanes
may 1k used far In advnnce of the
actual fighting units, In which case
they should, It Is said, be carried on a
vessel attached to tho scouts, rather
than the real fighters. On this nc
count great speed will bo necessary
for the hangar ship.
For a Cloar Upper Deck.
It Is proposed also that the hangar
ship will bo of tho oil burning type,
with turbine engines, so that tho num
ber nnd she of the smokestacks may
be materially lessened. Instead of
having any projections above Its top
most deck. It is planned to havo this
deck clear of all obstruction.
The hanger strap Is to be equipped
with a set of extra long booms, so
that hydroplanes may lo swung over
board and started from the water and
picked up again on their return. This.
It Is estimated, will require a sixty or
seventy foot boom.
Ilereafter all naval aeroplanes of the
hydroplane type arts to lie equipped
with special devices nnd slings where
by they may bo lifted from and to the
deck of the hnrnmr ship. These slings
will, it Is said, bo made of cable pass
ing through eyebolts fastened In tho
proper places In the flying machines.
Other Plans Are Advooated.
Captain Chambers' plana for a sepa
rate ship for aeroplane use are not ac
cepted unanimously In tho navy. Many
of the older line olllcers believe that
the neroplane Is or should lx a part of
a battleship's equipment.
The navy Is now considering wheth
er it should devote Its attention exclu
sively to hydroplanes or purchase both
the water landing and ground landing
types. At the present tlmo tho typo
best liked in the navy la tho Wright
hydroplane, capablo of carrying two
men for long distances at forty to fifty
miles an hour.
Captain Chambers said recently ho
believed the hydroplane typo so equip
ped that It might land on and start
from tho ground us well as water, was
the best, because congress was not like
ly to provide money enough to buy a
great many machines of different kinds.
If Captain Chambers' plans for a
hangar ship are approved the navy de
partment will present estimates to con
gress in the nest naval bill.
f 1 William Pitt Kellogg Tells of
Each Can Boast Five, and All Ohio's Presidents, Except Mc- j BIOOIHllNftOll GPilVWliOn
Rayner Insists on "The Star Spangled
Banner;" Heyburn, "My Country."
After several mouths of failure to
reach tho desired harmony Senator
Rayner of Muryland and Senator Hey
burn of Idaho are still unable to settle
their dispute over tho national anthem.
"Tlw Star Spangled Banner" is the na
tion's anthem, according to tho Mary
lander. This U disputed by the west
erner, but he does not namo any par
ticular song as hla choice, merely pick
ing the "field." Ileyburn favors "My
Country'. Tls of Thee" as the national
song, it is said.
The dispute, which has boen fought
out privately between tho two senators
in the senate cloukrooms off and on
since last winter, was provoked by
Ilayner's championing of a bill to per
letuate and preserve old Kort Henry,
which repulsed tho British fleet In
1812. Senator llnjners resolution re
cited that there tho national anthem,
"The Star Spangled IJannor," was born.
Now, Heyburn did not question that
"The Star Spangled Banner" was evok
ed at Kort Henry 1 but ho denied thut
it was ever officially chosen as the na
tlonal anthem.
t Are Represented In Pres
t ent Campaign.
HEX Virginia's delegation
shifted Its voted to Woodrow
Wilson at the Baltimore con
vention a touch of pentlmont
as well as politics played Its phare In
bringing alwut tho move. Even though
WcKHlrow Wilson is governor of Now
Jorsey ho was born In Virginia, and
tho Virginians could ivt enduro the
Idou of their beloved state being out
of tho running In this presidential cam
paign when their old rivals, Ohio and
New York, are both represented with
candidates. With Wilson tho Vir
ginians seo a lighting chance to hum
bio their hated rivals Ohio, which Is
responsible for William Taft, and New
York, which Is tho home of Colonel
Virginia, New York and Ohio have
ench gazed more or loss fondly and
proudly upon five pons sitting In tho
White House as tho nation's chief ex
ecutive. Which of the three rival
states Is to forgo ahoad jumI point to a
sixth favorite son writing messages to
congress? Tliat is tho question to be
answered next November. Meanwhile
you will hear much from each corner
of tho triangle of president giving
Listen to the Virginian's proud boost:
"Three hundred and five years ago, be
fore my ancestors or your ancestors on
the other side of the Atlantic know of
tho regions that wero some day to be
called New York and Ohio, they knew
of Virginia, the fcilrwt of all lands in
the now world. From the day sho
gave birth to Pocahontas to the day
when Woodrow Wilson was presented
to tho rest of tho world by Virginia
yes, oven till today, when future presi
dents are lyltttj In her cradlos her
progeny lifts been world famous. What
other state can prceont such a brilliant
array of men who havo guided tlw na
tion's affairs? First among them
stands Goorgo Washington, the Fa
ther of His Country. Hail Virginia
not given him to her neighbors New
1 York and Ohio might not bo in exist
ence today. Washington had two
I terras, and the country also gave two
1 terms to Thomas Jefferswn, Jamcn
j Madison and James Mouroo to each
of thom, mark you niul well did they
guide tho ship of state. Virginia's fifth
president was John Tyler, who boo
' ceeded to tho presidency upon tho
death of Harrison. In tho early days
of the country Virginia was looked
upon aa tho mother state, and who can
say that eho did not supply good pres
idents? Alas, my friend, tho struggle
over slavery changed tho situation, and
no longer was Virginia called upon to
provide the nation's chief executives.
That she has Just na good mon as tlioso
who havo been tho husbands of tho
first ladles of tho land Is proved by tho
Democratic nominee."
Of the five presidents who cast votes
for themselves In New York two went
to the White House through assassina
tion and one by tlw natural death of
tlie president in oMco. Chester A. Ar
thur of New York filled tho unexpired
term of Garfield, and Itoosovolt had
his "first terra" as a result of tho as
sassination of McKlnley. As vice pres
ident Millard Fillmore of Now York
was called to tlw White Houso when
President Zachary Taylor died In of
fice. Martin Van Huron was tho first
Now York citizen to bo elected to tho
presidency. In 1830 ho dooatod Wil
liam H. Hai-rhson of Ohio, Hugh L.
White of Tennessee, Daniel Webster
Olympic Marathon Winner Is a Trans
vaal Polioeman.
IL IC. MeArthur, who won tlvo twen-ty-flve
mile Marathon race, tlw classic
of tho Olympic games at Stockholm, la
a tall Transvaal policeman. Hlfl time
was 2 hours and 80 minutes.
MeArthur ran smoothly all the way
and showed no signs of fatltmo. When
lie took command ho soon opened up a
big gap on his OMKmciita. When the
stadium was reached lie was far In
front As ho reochod tlw stadium tlw
entire aaeemblago nroao and choerod
him to tlw end of tho Journey, which
was 000 lap on tho etadhim track.
When Iw had finished n crowd of his
supporters rushed up to him, crowned
him with u floral wreath and carried
him off tlw field.
Kinley, Were Elected For $
n t-
une lerm uniy.
State Aid For Those Who Needlt Up
to Colorado Voters.
A bill to subsidize motherhood by
tho 6tato will bo presented to tho
Voters in November nndcr tho Colora
do initiative and referendum law.
Tho petition provides for regular
cash payments to widowed or needy
mothers with children to support It
Is backed by Ben B. Llndsey, tho
Juvcnllo court Judge; Goorgo Creel,
magazine writer nnd commissioner of
pollco in Denver's reform administra
tion; leading clubwomen and charlta
bio and social betterment organizations.
Refuses Flequeet of Directors of Com
pany to Give Up Aeroptanlng.
In spite of tho wishes of his million
nlro friends on tho directorate of tho
Wright company, OrvlMo Wright will
contlnoo to fly wtwnovor ho wished.
Cornelius Vanderbilt, Thoodoro P.
8 bonis, Andrew Froodinan, August
Belmont and other directors of tlw
Wright company bollovod It won hi bo
better for aeronautical science If Or
vfflo Wright would p lodge himself not
to fly any more and made tho roqaest
Mr. Wright Is president of tho com
pany. Abolishing Seoond Class pares.
An Increased Inclination is shown by
British railways to abolish second uIum
Ifcroa, lea-ring only first and third.
of Massachusetts and William B. Mag
num of North Carolina. But In 1S-I0
Harrison defeated him when he ran
for a second term, and Taylor did the
same thing eight years later, when Van
Buren had again secured the nomina
tion. Whon Cleveland wns elected to
his first term In ISS-l ho was governor
of the state of New York, but so close
was the contest lxtwpen 1 1 1 111 nnd
lilalno that the Maine man almost suc
ceeded In keeping hlin out of the pres
idency nnd In the governorship.
Except In the case of William Mc
Klnley. tho men whom Ohio furnished
for the presidency wero elected to ono
term only. William II. ltarrlsmi was
the first Ohio man to go to the White
llouso nnd Rutherford B. Hayes tho
second, who defeated Samuel J. Tilden
of New York n..or a memorable bat
tle. .Initios A. Garfield left his Ohio
home In I SSI as president, and ho nev
er returned to It as n private citizen,
for an assassin cut short his career.
The next president from Ohio, William
McKlnley, met dentil In public olllcc,
as had GnrflcM.
Only seven other states besides
Ohio, New York and Virginia have
been represented in tho White nouse.
Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Louisi
ana and Indiana each have one "first
citizen" to point to. Tho political bat- ;
tic of ISoO gave Pennsylvania her only '
president, James Buchanan, who was 1
a Democrat Franklin Pierce of Now j
Hampshire was selected In 1S5-1 as a
"dark horse," nnd ho was successful
In tho election, defeating Genoral 1
Scott. Zachary Taylor Is Louisiana's j
only president, and Benjamin Harrl- j
son remains tho one president whom ,
Indiana can boa-t of, but not as a 1
product of nooslor politics. President j
Harrison hud little faith In the ways I
of the iwllticlaus, who had boon largo- j
ly responsible for his defeat of Cleve- I
land, and when Senator Quay called j
upon him shortly after his innugura- 1
tkn with the expectation of receiving j
Harrison's generous thanks for the 1
success that had attended Quay's ef
forts ho was considerably taken aback
when tho president congratulated him
that Providence had been with them
throughout the campaign and carried
them safely through.
For her presidents M.isnchusetts has
to go back many years and pick out
a father and son, John Adams nnd
John Qulncy Adams. When the latter
ran for office In 1S2S ho defeated two
southerners, nenry Clay of Kentucky
and Andrew Jackson of Tennessee.
But Jackson came back four years
later and defeated John Q., who was
seeking re-election. Whon Jackson ran
for a second term In 1S.12 and got it
his opponents wero Henry Clny, John
Floyd of Virginia and William Wirt
of Maryland. Tennessee had two oth
er presidents besides Jackson. One
wns James K. Polk, who also defeat
ed Clay, and the other was Andrew
Johnson, whoso administration of his
powers as chief executives after suc
ceeding Lincoln In office, reflected no
credit on himself or his state. Lincoln
was ono of tlw two presidents claim
ed by Illinois, and Grant U the other.
Both wero elected to two terms, and
Grant earnestly sought a third term.
When tho Republicans nominated
Grant In 180.3 ho was not n Repub
lican nnd never had been. He had
never voted n Republican ticket, nor
did he cast n Republican ballot until
ho had been eight years a Republican
A Moro Powerful Woapon Than That
Now In Use. j
Somo authontlc details regarding tho !
new rifle which is shortly to be Issued j
to tho BritLsh regular troops nre now
available. Its caliber will be some- I
what smaller than tliat of the present j
weapon, being .173 aa against .203. It
will, however, haw a much stronger
breech action, nnd tills will enable a 1
heavier charge to bo llrod, while It will
havo a considerably longer range. Tho
muzzle velocity likewise will be con
siderably greater, together with a Hat
ter trajectory. Tho riflo is to bo somo
throo and a hnlf Inches longer than tho
short rlflo now hi nwe, and slnco tho
bayonet is not to bo shortened this ts
claimed to lw a decided advantage to
tho troops when it comos to fighting
at closo Quarters.
Tlw brooch action of tlw rlflo now
issued lias always been under Bomo
suspicion nnd Is regarded as weaker
thnn thoso used by continental armies.
The now pointed bullet will bo nsod in
tho weapon. It is intended that in tho
first placo tills riflo shall bo issued to
tho British troops in India, and then
will como the turn of thu troops at
homo and in South Afrlcn, whllo ulti
mately tho Indian natlvo army will re
ceive it There is no intention at tho
moment oi issuing it to tho territorial
Ban on Absinth Oct. 1,
Tho importation of absinth into tho
United States and its sale in interstate
commorco wero prohibited after Oct 1
next by a pure food doclslon signed' by
Secretary Wilson. "It is generally rec
ognized," says the decision, "that this
beverage is datujeiuu 10 nuilth."
Appointed Louisiana Collector by Lin
coln on tho Day Deforo the President
Was Assassinated Has AHendod
Many National Conventions.
William Pitt Kellogg, formerly gov
ernor of Louisiana and Abraham Lin
coln's old friend, related recently some
of the incidents of the so called Ulootn
ington convention of 1&1C, in which
tho Republican party was lwrn. lie
Is one of tho few survivors of the L'l'U
delegates from Illinois who attended
that convention. Some say there are
only two of these delegates besides
Mr. Kellogg living.
Abraham Lincoln was one of tho
delegates. It was at this assembly
that he llrst gained prominence as a
public speaker. It was there that he
delivered wha: has come to be known
as his "lost speech" lost because there
were no stenographers to take It down
nnd because the newspaper reporters
wero so entranced by the flow of
words that they neglected to take
The Bloomlngton convention, It will
le recalled, developed from a gather
ing of Illinois- editors at Decatur on
Feb. 22, lS.-)0. This meeting of ed
itors, who wero opposed to slavery,
had been called for tho purpose of
agreeing on a line of policy to be pur
sued In the campaign the following
year. Of this group of editors Paul
Selby, now of Chicago and who nt
that tlmo edited the Jacksonville Jour
nal, la the only survivor. Abraham
Lincoln was a guest and assisted in
preparing the resolutions which rec
ommended the state convention in
Building Still Stands.
This convention of lS.i(5 wns not
known as Republican, but as "antl
Nobraskan." Its origin wns founded
chiefly upon the Knnsas-Nebrnska bill,
which repealed the Missouri compro
mise and thereby removed the restric
tion against the Introduction of slav
ery Into the territory north of the par
allel of 3(1 degrees and 30 minutes.
Anti-slavery Democrats and anti-slavery
Whigs both were attracted to this
so called antl-Nebraskan convention. It
wasn't until a year or two later that
the name Republican began to be sub
stituted for "anti-Nebraskan."
"The convention of 1S."0." said Mr.
Kellogg, "was held In Maors hall, a
two story building that Is standing to
this day. The ground floor was occu
pied by two stores, and we delegates
marched up a little narrow stairway
at the rear to a room on tho second
floor. Tho call was for 220 delegates,
but the Interest was so Intense that al
most twice that number appeared.
"I was chairman of the Fulton coun
ty delegation, nnd Mr. Lincoln was
chairman of the Sangamon county del
egation." Mr. Kellogg recalled tliat it was in
this "lost speech" that Lincoln deliv
ered the famous epigram, "You can fool
all of tho people somo of the time and
some of the people all of tho time, but
you can't fool all of tho people all of
the time."
Mr. Kellogg was an alternate to the
national convention held in Fhlladel
phla in 1S5S, which nominated Fre
mont. Ho has attended every Itopub
Hcnn national convention since then
up until 1S0C. Ho is eighty-two years
old and Ls still active physically and
How He Went to Louisiana.
An Interesting story has been told of
how Mr. Kellogg came to go from the
north down Into Loulslnna in the re
construction days. When Mr. Lincoln
was elected the second tlmo Mr. Kel
logg was chief Justice of Nebraska. He
had gone on to Washington to see
President Lincoln inaugurated the sec
ond time, nnd Lincoln called him to
tho White House nnd told him ho had
decided to mako him collector in Lou
isiana. "That," said Mr. Kellogg, "was on
Thursday, the day Iwfore Mr. Lincoln
wns assassinated. Mr. Lincoln Insist
ed I should start for New Orleans on
Saturday and ordered that the com
mission should bo mndo out nt once."
Mr. Kellogg called at tho White
House on Friday morning nud obtained
his commission nnd received the well
wishes of President Lincoln, no had
bought two tickets for Ford's theater
that alght, intending to go to tho per
formnnco with Richard Yates of 1111
nols, father of tho present Yates of
hliat namo and then a United States
senator. Mr. Kellogg, however, got
mixed up with somo of his friends who
Insisted on celebrating his appoint
ment to the coljcctorship. Tho result
was ho missed "tho show, but Senator
Yntes went.
"Lnto in the evening," said Mr. Kel
logg, "I wns in my room. No. 12, nt tho
old National hotel, when Yates rushed
in as palo ns death nnd cried, 'My God.
tho president lias boon shot!'
"Tho next day wo stood in tho drlzzlo
with tho other sorrowing tliousnnds
nnd saw tho president's body bomo
from tho houso in Tenth street whero
ho had died. Tho next two days as I
trainpcd tho Btreots with my freshly
signed commission in my pocket were
among the saddest I havo experienced."
Tho Kind Yon Havo Ahvnys Bought, nnd -which lias been
in use for over 30 years, has borno tho sljrntitnro of
nnd lins been mndo nndcr hla per-
yW-fa. sonnl HiipcrvLsIon slnco its infancy.
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All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd "Just-as-good" aro but
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Infants nnd Children Experience ngnlnst Experiment.
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Castorla is n harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
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510 Snruco Street.
In Effect Jimo 15, 1012.
H 30
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7 07
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2 15
2 19
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2 40
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3 03
3 07
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3 15
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7 10
8 00
H 60
9 00
9 01
9 17
9 23
9 29
9 31
9 37
9 42
9 41
9 4S,
9 62
10 00
... Albany ....
Illncunmton .
Cnrbondale ....
.Lincoln Avenue.,
, Whites
Qulisley ,
, Farview
, Ciinaun
... Lake Lodoro ...
... Wayniart
, Steene
.... Kortenla
.... Honesdale ....
2 00
12 40
4 09
9 35
8 45
8 05
7 51
7 50
7 S9i
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7 25
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7 17
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12 68
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5 21
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